The Special Boys of Wellsley

By rob roberts

Published on Jul 11, 2013


This is fictional story of gay erotica. The usual rules apply. If you have comments or suggestions, please send to

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Chapter 9

The boys went back to the Master's quarters with Scotty right behind. When they arrived, Master was just returning from his business meeting. He smiled at the boys and they smiled back. Shane thought that was kind of Master and he and his lover wanted to please him. They had accepted their new life with him, after all, what choice did they have but it gave them a good feeling to know he seemed to like them all. Shane thought about his life before and decided that at this place was much warmer and he was with his love all the time, it wasn't so bad. He didn't mind sucking cock and getting fucked. It was his destiny and all his training back in Wellsely made him very prepared for all this. He was happy and never thought of what life could be like if he had grown up somewhere else. Master had them follow him inside and they dropped to their knees in anticipation of his any need. He looked them over and said he was proud of how well they seemed to work together. Shane was also grateful that unlike some of the slave boys, neither of them was beaten. He did hope that things would go easier for their pet, Scotty and that maybe he would soon stop eating shit and piss so much. Looking briefly at Scotty and seeing his very ravaged hole that must have hurt him so, Shane just put his hand on his head and petted him hoping he would realize the boys love for Scotty.

Master spoke and said that later, they might go back to the fight center or the pony barn. Both were close together. "I know you boys enjoyed that show. It is so popular with our guests. I wanted to have you boys trained for more than you are doing now. When we go, I am going to show you some things I might do to you two.." Matt and Shane were both a little afraid. "Your magnificent cocks need to be a bigger part of your show. I am going to begin having you milked daily. The guests enjoy seeing that and Having my own boys milked with the others will be a nice addition. I also want to do more with our pet here. Starting today, I want you both to fuck him. I know you were never allowed to fuck before, but it is good training for you. Take him out to the patio, Shane, I want you to lay down and have the dog lay on top of you. He knows when he does that, he is to always sit with your cock in him. Then Matt, I want you to get on top and the other two and put your dick in the dog too. Yes, it will hurt, but I want his hole stretched so wide open that it will never close. I may even have you start to fist him every day."

"Shane and Matt looked at one another in horror, and then they looked at poor Scotty. The boys knew that he trusted Matt and Shane but he looked in horror at the two 14 inch long seven inch wide dicks and knew it would hurt him a lot to have both in him at once. His smaller butt had already been abused so much. They hated to double fuck him. Master just smiled as he told the three to go to the patio and to lie on his chaise lounge. Both boys got up and went outdoors leading Scotty by his leash. The man then went and said he would like to see this now. Shane laid down and Scotty climbed up on him. His body was getting better developed and from the exercise they all got, he was quite a handsome boy like his adopted brothers. "This will make a nice show in our lounge." Master spoke with confidence. Scotty placed his smaller butt over Shane's dick and began to slide down the long pole. "Very nice, boys. Now, Matt, ram your dick up its cunt." He said forcefully. Matt looked at Shane with some concern. Shane's fat dick was already filling the boys hole. "Master, may I use some lubrication to ease it in him/" Matt asked. "of course not. Slave boys don't get lubed. It is for the pleasure of the guests only. You know that!" Master said. Matt placed his huge ringed cock beside Shane's and began to push in. Scotty let out a moan and then a whimper. He knew he was supposed to take this monster up his ass. It wasn't that he didn't want to. He just have never had so much dick up his cunt. Matt tried to push in and Scotty shifted some trying to accommodate it but it was just too big and Scotty then let out a little scream as Matt tried again. He tried for several minutes with Master looking on. "Come on boy, shove it in. It may bleed but I want his hole so wide open when he jogs along beside us. Matt tried again and pushed hard making it hurt some for both Matt and Scotty. Shane could see the pain in Scotty as he tried to repress his agony but couldn't. Finally Shane spoke up.

"Master, I can't do this. P{lease beat me until I bleed but I can't hurt Scotty anymore. Matt is doing his best but I can't watch and do this. Please beat me but don't make Matt do this to our puppy!"

Master looked down in surprise. Shane was usually so docile. He had never heard him speak out like this. Shane pushed Matt and Scotty off his cock which was dripping pre cum as always. Scotty was crying form the hurt but also from what he knew might happen. He recalled his parents made him submit when he was younger, to an older man, Scotty's first fucking. He had screamed and cried and his own father had backhanded him across the face. His father kind ofenjoyed having a special boy as a son and enjoyed the idea that he could use him so. Both of Scotty's parents had accepted the special boy idea with great vigor and unlike Shane and Matt's parents, really enjoyed having their son a sex slave. They had raped him in bed and his mother had beat him.

Master looked shocked but let Scotty slide off the huge dong and Matt backed away.

Suddenly, Master got a grin on his face. "I wanted to see how far I might push you to abuse your puppy. I wanted to see if you had what it takes to be a fighter like the boys you saw. They wouldn't care and would dominate someone. They are trained that way and follow orders to a tee."

Shane and Matt looked at Master in shock. What had he just said. "I was thinking I might make you boys into fighters. But I can see what I knew all time I guess. You won't cause hurt even if it comes to you!" I am actually proud of you both for refusing. You realize I must punish you both but see that you share a love for your animal and for one another. Yes, I have seen how you so lovingly wash and clean one another. I will consider your punishment later but for now, join me in my bed. I want some boy pussy!

Shane and Matt and especially, Scotty were relieved. Master had relented but when he took them to his bed he fucked Shane hard and came in his pussy. Keep it all there. Don't lose a drop. Shane said thank you to Master for using his pussy. He had been trained to do this and although he hated calling his rectum a pussy, it was now something he just did without thinking. He had decided as a special boy, if others said he had a pussy instead of an ass, they must be right and he did have a boy pussy. Matt was told he should also fuck Shane. Master wanted to see his boys doing sexy things, he said. Matt had never fucked anyone, Yes he had been fucked often but to do it to another was something he didn't ever have a chance to do although he thought about it a lot. "Master, special boys are never allowed to put their useless cocks in anyone, not even another special boy. I have never done it . Are you sure you want me to do that? Matt was actually thrilled yet scared. "Yes, boy, breed his pussy. I know you want to and I'm giving you the opportunity." Matt looked to Shane who had a slight smile. Scotty was watching too as Master stroked his big cock.

Matt got behind Shane and put the tip of his ringed dick to Shane's pulsing hole. He pushed gently and Shane's pussy gave way to the intrusion. Matt pushed again and his cock went in further. It felt so good to Matt to finally do something he always wanted to do. He didn't want it to hurt Shane but as Shane only moaned a little, he figured he was ok to proceed. This was so good Matt thought and the Master told me to do this. He felt really good. Shane felt pretty good too having Master's cum in him and now with Matt's big dick, he didn't know what to think. Matt pushed a little harder. The only thing that wasn't perfect both Matt and Shane thought, is that they were doing this in front of others. It was surreal!

Shane actually liked having Matt's big dick up his ass. It felt so filling, maybe too filling but it was wonderful. He knew now why he loved his fellow slave and wanted more. Matt groaned with happiness as most of his 14 inch horse cock was massaged by the soft and velvety feel of Shane's pussy. Matt fucked Shane for a long time as Master didn't tell him to stop, He was edging himself as not to cum too soon. Finally, Master said after Matt said he wasn't going to last long, that he could cum. With the ok, he blew a huge load that Shane could feel. The hot sperm shot out of Matt and filled his lover with his cum. Shane was also happy and loved the warm sensation of the sweet cum in his pussy. As Matt pulled out, Shane let out a moan of happiness. He then looked to Master who smiled at him and said he was proud of him for taking such a big dick. "I didn't know if you could do it but I see you can. Maybe we will both fuck you at the same time to see if you can take two big dicks."

Shane wasn't so sure he could do that but he smiled to the Master and said thank you. Matt was so happy he just hugged his lover. "Maybe I should have you do that for a show tonight before I have you back in the gym tomorrow for more training. Shane and Matt both felt frightened about the possibility of having their piss slits enlarged and things stuck in them. "Maybe with the sounds and eventually a piss plug, you won't drip so much!" Master said and laughed. He hugged them both and as usual, stroked their big cocks saying they were like an animals.

Shane was immediately plugged by his Master and continued to feel the cum in his pussy most of the day. Scotty licked away anything that escaped which made Shane feel so good. He loved to be rimmed and no one had done that for him before. He was beginning to like his new home.

Master liked to parade his boys around the island so others could enjoy them. He didn't mind if others felt them up or played with their bodies. It was a good show. He kept them looking so much alike that some even thought of them as twins!

They got hot watch sex shows in the lounge and some were very explicit. He saw other slave boys who had been given to guest for their pleasure, be made to do all kinds of things as well. Some were treated well others were paddled so their asses were red. Some even have whippings. Like the boys in the gym, the boys had to take whatever their masters gave them and then thank them for it.

In the morning, as promised, Matt and Shane were taken to be milked. It was a popular early morning place for the guests to come and have breakfast or a coffee. Boys were hung up on a kind of shelf, tied arms and their dicks, naturally exposed. Other boys who worked the milking station, were then told to masturbate the hanging boys who were required to fill pails beneath them with their cum. If they didn't produce much, big dildos were shoved up their cunts to massage them even more. Most boys shot large amounts of cum. By the time, Matt and Shane were taken to be hung up, the pails were half full. If a boy was found to produce and exceptional amount, he was sometimes kept their to produce more. Eventually it got painful to be pumped dry and the boys would scream out as they were again forced to produce. The visitors loved to see them suffer. Some of the boys had such huge sacks that Shane and Matt wondered how they walked. "They don't walk much. They are pretty much just fed more and more or the drug that makes them cum that they no longer do anything else." Master said with pride. "They at first, like their role but eventually their cocks are so sore that it hurts them to make cum. Once they start to fail to produce much, they are castrated and sent to the fields. Their days as milk boys are over."

Shane and Matt both produced large supplies of cum. After the pails were filled, a milk boy would remove the pail and send it to be refrigerated or stored for use as coffee cream, salad toppings and other delights the guests enjoyed eating. Shane and Matt didn't want to be milk boys but then Master told them they might get used as breeders. They had no idea what that was about but anything might be better than milk boys. "Before we do that, I want to take you back to the fight arena training center where you will get to see more training. I want to stretch your piss slits and the inside of your cocks. Then when you breed or are put on show, you will be able to shoot out cum and piss like horses."

The poor now drained boys had very sore cocks but well relieved of anything inside.

Master took his boys and the dog boy to the gym where the fights were held and the boys watched. "today, you will see how we sound boys who might be used as fighters. Shane and Matt simply replied yes Master. Secretly, they had kind of enjoyed seeing the fight they witnessed but were fearful as neither one of them were really ever fighters. In their upbringing, special boys were there for pleasure. They had wrestled some in high school as well as participating in other sports but they never really had much opportunity and were told to always be submissive.

Inside, they were shocked to see Shane's two brothers again. They hadn't seen them since the Master had brought them in to witness them having their balls stretched. They were both secured to a kind of rack with their arms stretched open widely and their legs stretched apart so their big sacks hung low. Their cocks were now much bigger too and hung in a half erect position. They did seem more alert and when they saw the Master, the doctor and a trainer in front of them with the other boys behind but watching, they attempted to bow their heads. Shane knew they must have recognized him and Matt but they said nothing.

"I think you may recall these two, boys. They were once your brothers and now I am trying to decide if I want them as ponies or if they will be fighters. Today, you will get to see them experience something all fighters and some ponies get. They will be sounded and I want you to witness it. I may want you boys sounded too as I mentioned before. I love to see my boys have huge piss slits and be able to take all kinds of punishment. Shane felt bad for his brothers but of course wasn't allowed to say anything for fear of what would happen to him.

"Take them down and put them on the tables. Secure them so they are totally exposed." Master spoke to the attendant coaches." The other fighters were now standing with their legs wide apart, their big dicks sticking out and their huge ball bags hanging. They stood at attention with their hands firmly clasped behind their heads. They would get to witness this too. Shane couldn't help but admire the definition of all the fighters who were totally hairless from the neck down.

He again looked at his brothers. Their bodies were now getting to look like the fighters. The twins were secured to the tables with their legs wide apart and the cocks gong to erection as the attendants began to stroke them. Their mouths were filled with ball gags so they couldn't do much or say a thing. They moaned a little as their now larger dicks went to full mast. They still wore collars like the other fighters. They had the look of fear in their eyes but continued to look to Shane and Matt as if to plead for help. Matt and Shane got hard too their much bigger dicks beginning to rise. The twin's dicks were about 9 inches now, much bigger and thicker than when they were at home, but still not as big as Shane and Matt.

"I will first fill their boy pussies with dildos to continue to increase their size. See, if they lose a fight, they must be ready to endure either a fisting or a fucking from their opponent. They will be trained so that when any man sticks anything, even a finger in their cunts, they will automatically respond by allowing it to enter them and it will open almost spontaneously." The master watched as the twins were secured. Out of fear mostly, they didn't protest as they had been subjected to so much pain lately, they knew not to resist the doctor or Master. Shane wondered how many times, the Master had been to see the twins training. The twins laid there facing one another but they could see much. Their abs and chests moved up and down reflecting their heavy breathing and anticipation of more agony. Shane thought they looked so beautiful he almost wanted to reach out and touch them. He was sure they must be very sorry for what they had done to him at home and now were paying for dearly.

A cart with a tray was rolled in between the tables with the boys lying on them. A large container of lubrication was sitting there and Master looked over the various sounds. The first one he selected was dipped in the lube and then Master, took the sound and placed it over one of the brother's cocks. The attendant stroked them until both boys were a full erection. The big dildos in them made quite an interesting sight. Master placed the sound at the tip of the boy's dick and began to push it in. The boy was almost screaming but couldn't due to the gag. Master decided it was too large and pulled it back and lubed another slightly smaller one. He began again to insert it and it went in farther. He got it quite a way in, the twin moaning in pain. "Ah, this one is better. We will work it in and out stretching the material inside his cock. Eventually, when done, they will be able to accept even a man's finger up their slits. Then we will put in plugs to prevent leaking which we can remove at will."

The doctor and trainer took the same type of sound and lubed it and put it up the other boys dick eliciting the same response as the first. This went on for about ten minutes or so and then the Master said to try a slightly larger one. Something called a rosebud sound is then inserted as the boys moan and suffer. The rosebud sound seems to show as it goes deeper and deeper in the twin's piss slits. Master smiles at their discomfort and then goes to remove the ball gags in their mouths and allows them to scream. They try to move on the tables but can't due to the tight restraints. Master then stands back and watches as his two possible pony boys or fighters, suffer.

The rosebud sounds are them replaced with still larger sounds with bulges in them. The attendants work the sounds up and down their piss slits. Each time a sound is removed, a large amount of pre cum bubble out of their cock heads.

"They will eventually just accept the sounds as my other fighters do. See, these boys crave fighting and now pain. They know the two go together and accept it. The have something to prove and know that pain is a part of being a fighter. Their strong egos make them always crave more and they accept pain. Eventually, like the others, they will just know that it is something they have to do. Yes, the other boys were all scrappers or grapplers long before now but I saw in your brothers' eyes, the desire to also domineer and to fight. It is their destiny and they all want to domineer but as you can see, have learned respect and would never hurt or try to attack a trainer or me. They are very respectful. Look at the others as they stand by calmly observing and waiting for their chance to wrestle or box with your brothers. They will become the same in time and will be like trained fighting machines. A lot like the ancient Spartans of old days in Greece. That is what I want and that is what they want, everyday to be stronger, more powerful and valiant in their skills. It is something that isn't uncommon to boxers or other sports heroes you may have seen at home or on television. The game is the thing and this is their life!" Master almost was beside himself watching things transpire.

Once all the sounds were tried, the larger one was again inserted and it went in much easier. They will keep getting these lessons until their slits are wide and need to be plugged. I am going to leave them in place as we try another thing with them.

Shane and Matt were watching almost transfixed to the action. The other fighters stood still with hands behind their heads just observing and showing no emotion. They had all experienced this and some were quite willing. By now, it was the norm for them as suffering was part of fighting.

With each fighter ready trainer push a button on the tables holding the twins. Now each table moves, taking the boys with them, into an H position. The twins arms are now straight out and their legs spread open at right angles to their bodies. The twins are bent slightly backward tightening their 6 pack abs.

Soon, two different fighters came into the room.

"Viper, Storm, I want you both to start a practice session by gut punching each of these subjects for the next 30 minutes. You may punch them from the chest to just above their cocks. I want accuracy striking each muscle. Do not use full force. I want you to be accurate." Master instructs each fighter.

The two fighters stand in front of the twins. They begin by lightly tapping each twins ab muscles. After they have a tie to work each ab muscles and each chest plate they begin to punch faster and harder.

The twins begin by tightening their abs and grunt as the air is forced from their lungs. It goes on and on, minute by minute. The whole room filled with the slap of flesh in flesh. The twins grunt, groan, and beg not to be punched any further. The boys' large heavy ball bags swing and slap against their own thighs as the take each punch. Soon enough the fighters have pummeled the boys abs to mush. Their fists digger deeper as the continue to work over the defined 8 pack abs and the boys heads droop.

30 minutes are up. "We shall give them 30 minutes to recover" commands the master. You two, both your fighters, I want to examine your cocks now that they have had 30 minutes with the new devices in your asses.

Both boys stand in front of master. The master reaches out and grabs Viper's very hard cock. He feels the hardness and the warmth. He pries open the cock hole and out gushes a load of pre cum as he pulls the plug from the boys cock. He repeats the same things with Storm. Both fighters just stand in front of the master with their arms at their sides. The bodies are heaving from the exertions. The master then takes a wider plug from his tray of cock toys, lubes up each one and tells the fighters to put their hands on their tight asses and bend back. The master then grabs Storm's cock, opens the cock hole, and just stuffs in the wider plug until it is deep into the fighters 12 inch cock. He does the same with Viper. Grabbing on cock in each hand he strokes them both to a stone hardness. He rubs his hand over the extended cum tubs on the bottom of both cocks, letting his hand glide over each extended lump in the fighters cock.

"OK, you boys are now going to give both those training boys a good, hard, ball bag punching" says trainer. "First you're to have their weight ball bags swing around and you're to take careful aim to make your next punch count. If you miss we shall count each miss and you will suffer 3 punch to your own ball bags for each miss."

The fighters walk up to the suspended boys, take aim and let go the first ball punch. Each to the suspended boys screams out as their weighted, bloated ball bags are struck and slap right into their own asses. As the ball bag swings back both fighters are accurate enough to strike again and again the boys scream. This goes on for 10 ball bag punches. But Viper has missed once and Strom twice.

"OK you fighters enough" says the master. "Come here and take your own punishments and then you can return to the weight room." They did so without question.

"Trainer would you be so kind as to hold Storm's ball bag on the table so I may deliver his punishment."

Storm's large ball bag is pulled onto the table and his large balls are held against it. The master walks over and delivers 6 hard punches to the trapped balls. Storm just about passes out but holds up and stands up, holding his legs wide so his bruised balls and sway between his thighs.

"Viper, get over here and take yours now."

Viper also walks to the table and again a set of prime fighter balls are on the table. Three times the masters large pounding fist his and smashes the fighter balls into the table. Viper gasps but that is the only sound, other than the twins who are still moaning from the pain that have endured.

Viper walks from the table with his hand behind his head, legs splayed wide.

"The two fighters, return to the weight room and finish your work outs. Then report to trainer to have your dick plugs and ass plugs removed. And remember to clean up any pre cum that leaks out around your plugs. Your plugs will be removed in front of all the boys so they can see the new toys they will all be training in. You may go." The Master then walks over to the suspended boys. He first yanks out the dildo plugs and each of the twins scream as it is roughly pulled from their holes. The master then reaches to each of their swollen cocks and pulls out the dick plugs. Another load of pre cum rushes from the wide open swollen cock holes.

"Let these two recover on these frames for an hour. Then take them to be washed out in the enema room and finally have them workout in the gym so every sees them. I want them to talk about their pain. Tomorrow I will have them tied into the ring corners are allow each fighter have 30 minutes gut punching them and ball punching. I think this will really help the fighters gain better accuracy hitting another boys balls and really help them aim for a proper gut punch. But we shall see."

The twins just look at each other and begin to cry.

The Master then told the trainer and doctor to add more weights to the twins balls." I want them to hang so low and make excellent fighting targets. They will have to be very good to avoid any opponent from getting those bags." Master laughed at the twins expense. They were learning now however and after all the punishment they had taken, we almost excited to go back to their training.

"That might be a good idea Sir. They can suffer a bit while we enjoy the sights of them trying to relieve the pain. I do enjoy seeing a boys abs and chest flex and heave while he tries to avoid the pain .

End of Ch 9

Next: Chapter 10

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