The Special Boys of Wellsley

By rob roberts

Published on Jul 9, 2013


This a work of gay erotic fiction. It is not for those under 18 or where illegal to read. This story is entirely fiction and no characters are based on any real persons. If you have comments or suggestions, please send them to The story is the property of the author and may not be copied or reproduced without permission.Please make a contribution to Nifty to keep the site going. Thanks!rob

Ch. 8

This morning, they would go to the Fight Center to see what in many places, is called underground fighting. It is a variation of MMA or mixed martial arts where wrestling and boxing are sometimes combined. The fighters are specially trained to take excessive hitting to their groin and abs. There are few rules in this type of fighting except to not strike the head or face of the opponent. Everything else is fare game. They fight totally naked except for sometimes when they were gloves as in boxing. These boys have low nagging balls the result of device placed on their sacks to make them extend by at least two or more inches. Their low hangers make a great target as do their ringed dicks that are usually large.

They would sometimes get punched or kicked in the groin or stomach as he wanted them to be built up to take rough use. He said he might even have them do some kind of fighting as they saw other slave boys do. The boys were totally naked, of course and it was a no rules kind of fight. The boys had to have lots of stamina as their balls , dick or stomachs were often the targets. Whoever lost the fight, was taken over and then raped by several men including guests. They had to learn to take it. The winner got to go first and then all pissed all over the losing boy who was sometimes carried out of the arena to mend. It was quite brutal and Shane and Matt didn't want to learn to fight like this, but obviously had no say. They did enjoy seeing the hot guys and liked to watch as they trained which the Master enjoyed too.

At the training area, the boys wore balls stretchers and the boys noticed that their piss slits were very big. Shane was bold enough to ask Mater about this and he said they had something called sounders inserted to stretch open the openings. It was painful and they heard lots of boys screaming yet they continued to be trained. Eventually, they accept that their piss slits will be, shall we say, oversized. They will as the result of their training get very used to it. Just the same, the beginnings are painful but these boys know it is part of their training and agree to have it done. One boy's piss slit was big enough to stick a finger in.

Shane felt pain as he saw a trainer slave who wore only a jock strap beating a boys nuts for long periods of time. The boy seemed to take it and groaned loudly as he was punched. His nuts looked sore and in pain. They all sported numerous piercings of course and had their nipples, cocks and ball sacks all pierced. They were magnificent specimens and seemed to be so well disciplined responding immediately to any command or order. They had to endure being raped and pissed on and still come back for more. Master said if they survived the training and the events, they eventually would be rewarded . He didn't say how though.

Matt and Shane didn't really want this for themselves but braced themselves in case the Master ordered it. Shane felt bad for Scotty one day when he was taken on his leash to the training center and given to the boy with the huge piss slit and large ring. The boy was being rewarded and allowed to rape the Master's toy. Poor Scotty cried and screamed as the huge dick was forced into him. He bled some after the ordeal and Matt and Shane had to care for him. Basically, Scotty could now take anything up his pussy as it was ravaged so. For fourteen, he had such a stretched hole and the rings in it must have been totally destroyed.

This morning, the Master wanted to show the Fight Center to all his boys. "You may find yourselves here someday and I wanted you to familiar with it. Like Ry, he will likely come here also. See, he had a lot of fight in him when I got him. He was off the streets of London and a chav or street brawler even at his young age then. Now he more mature and with some training, he can take it. Both boys and little Scotty nodded. What choice did they have?

The pony boy pulled the cart. Scotty rode with master sitting like a dog but he was on Master's lap and had his big dick stuck up inside him. He bounced along and the boys could see he was hard and his dick almost purple with need for release that Master seldom let him have. Scotty and Matt jogged along side the cart their big dicks flailing around as they ran. Master made them sun just ahead of the cart in line with the pony boys so he could see their big balls swinging as they ran. The boys were now used to running this way . At the fight Center, Master stopped the cart. Matt was told to piss in the pony boys mouth to give him some liquid refreshment, as Master called it. Scotty got down as Master slid his fly closed and Shane went to wipe the pony boy' sweat off his body and let him stand under a shade tree. Master had stopped in the bright hot sun and Shane knew they might be there awhile. The pony seemed grateful for both the piss and the shade and looked longingly at both stud boys as a way of expressing his thanks for their kindness. Shane wanted to kiss the pony boy and show him a little love but that was not allowed.

They entered a large barn like building that was the Fight Center. Inside, they observed many totally naked boys who were either training to fight or were being prepped in different ways. Shane and Matt followed the Master with Scotty in tow. Mastr began to explain things about the training center and said they should all pay close attention. "Who knows, someday, you guys might get sent here. What we do here is called underground MMA at your home countries. It happens all the time but is kept secret and only certain people are allowed to witness it. Here, we feature it as our guest love to see it an even place wagers."

"Some of the boys are bred here. We find little boys who seem to have a nature to dominate. The are encouraged and then sent here for training when they get to be ten or so. Others are kidnapped or willingly volunteer to come with their coaches. It is usually for a period of time but many don't return. Former boxers or MMA fighters are kept until they can't do this anymore and then the good ones get to be coaches, the others, well shall we say, they find other things to do such as being work slaves or pony boys. They are trained to take any kind of punishment and spend days learning how to take punches to the abs. They have to train hard and they train all day, everyday. Once they are accepted in the program, and they all want to be as there is some prestige in it. They sign over their lives to a coach. The bred boys don't sign anything they just are put in training as they no nothing different."

"They live together and are encouraged to dominate one another even in off times but they are also taught a great deal of respect. They are fed a very special mostly protein diet. Yes, some of it is slave chow that has been modified a bit to meet their needs. When they begin, they are welcomed to the fold by being gang raped. They never wear clothes except some light duty gloves. The only rules are they must not punch or strike their opponent in the head or face. Everything else is fair game . Like you, they are all pierced with rings in their cock heads and some get more piercings depending on what the coach says they should look like. They have no say in it. They start as young as fifteen or 16 but are in their prime around 18-20 when most of their battles are held."

They are taught to be tough. They must be able to take hard and brutal punches to their guts and balls and any other part of their anatomy. As I said, they are gang raped and enjoy being fisted which they learn at an early age,. Anal beads or dildos are worn by them for long periods of times. Notice their piss slits. See how big and wide and angry they look? That happens because they are sounded. That means they get steel rods shoved up their dicks to open them wide. The goal is to make them so big, they can take a man's finger up their piss slits, something that sometimes happens during a fight. They get to be proud of how much punishment they can take and also revel in how much they can give. See, there are few rules as I said. Notice the power in their feet and toes. Everything gets used in a battle. They fight until one or the other finally submits to defeat. The time is not important. Some get carried out after. That is a tough day as they will get more punishment later from their coach for losing. The goal is to win every match.

"See those two?" he pointed to a Latino boy or maybe 18 and a white boy of about the same age. "Notice they have virtually no fat on them. They spar and train all day long. They are fed the meal you guys get with added vitamins and stamina building. They also get lots of fresh fruit, something you boys don't get much of but maybe I will have you get some too." He chuckled as he said it causing fear in the boys. They must learn to submit to any master. Masters will routinely piss in their mouths and make them eat crap and piss, especially if they are not working hard enough. The boys who come here voluntarily sometimes want to leave when they see that but that isn't allowed. See, once here, they are owned by us. They are told that going in but sometimes don't realize what all that entails. You boys have been prepared for that all along as have our bred boys but the others, well, just let me say it is a tough learning experience but they eventually learn it."

"Their master sounds them and shoves anal bead up their asses. They are wide open holes by the time they are ready and they are very proud of their bodies. Beautiful, don't you think?"

Shane and Matt nodded as Scotty settled down with Shane's now bigger than ever cock up his ass.

"We are going to watch a fight with the Latino boy and that white boy. Pretty evenly matched I would say. They both weigh about 160 pounds or tough, muscle and determination.

A referee lead the two boys out to a mat on the floor. He held their arms up and then blew a whistle to begin fighting. What Shane, Matt and the master saw was a combination of wrestling and boxing using feet and fists to strike to the opponent. There was really no time limit and they just continued to grapple and wrestle. There were plenty of grabs at the others cock and balls and lots of squeezing. They seemed to take almost unphased until finally, the Latino boy had the white guy on the mat and just pummeled his abs and kneed his nuts. The white boy struggled to regain but eventually submitted. The Latino had a choke hold on him and he just couldn't get him off. Master had told them that the fight was over when one or the other submitted.

Once that was done, the master blew a whistle and the Latino boy was allowed to stand in victory. He received lots of applause. The white boy had to continue to lay there defeated. The look on his face showed he was going to get brutalized. The Latino boy gave a little smile of victory. Then, the ref said he had his ten minutes of victory. Master explained he could do as he pleased to the defeated kid for ten minutes. The Latino grabbed the white boys big nuts and squeezed them hard. The white kid fought off trying to show pain but it was evident. The Latino then began to punch his nuts about ten times. The white kid had to just suck up and take it although he moaned throughout.Then, The Latino boy had the ref, spread the white kids legs exposing his open hole and he just plunged in full force to rape the kid. Again, the white boy just took it and although in pain, could not protect himself. With a roar, the Latino came in him which was evident by the large mass of cum that poured out of his hole. They had both been denied sex for at least a week in preparation for this. "their holes are pretty well stretched and open whenever anything is put near or in them. This is something they learn to accept and take. In some places, Masters train their boys with the beads and other large dildos. Once they agree to be fighters and are agreeing to be trained by their Master, anything goes. When they first attend fights to observe, they are welcomed to the pack by being gang raped. They must just submit to that and getting collared and pierced wherever the Master decides. When they attend the fights as newbees, they are always well greased as they know many of the masters and the senior fighters will finger them and check them out. "

Then, the ultimate humiliation. The ref put a mouth spreader in the white boy's mouth forcing it to stay open. Then the Latino boy squatted over the white boys face. The white boy knew he had to lick the victor's wide open hole . He was rewarded with a big turd that fell in his mouth and on his face. It was loose due to his diet and smeared on him. He did nothing but looked totally humiliated. Then, the Latino got up and aimed his horse cock at the boy and pissed on him including his mouth.

With that, the ref said the 10 minutes were up and he was led off to the sidelines. The white boy's coach then went over looking angry and pissed on his boy. Two of his teammates were then told to drag him to the sidelines. He looked total humiliated. He still had remnants of shit on his face and was covered in sweat and piss. Master said he would likely suffer more punishment later once he somewhat recovered and as he had now lost two battles in a row, might even get sent to the pony farm.

Shane and Matt were in total disbelief at what they saw, but both had raging hard ons. Shane even shot a load up Scotty's ass. It was very sexual and wild. They just hoped that wouldn't be their eventual fate!

When they had time, Matt and Shane and even Scotty, talked about what they had experienced so far. They were enchanted by the fight they saw and actually wanted to see more. Master had given them a little free time while he attended to business and didn't need them. They enjoyed not having to do anything other than to amuse themselves. Scotty shocked them by saying he liked it when he got fucked now and really didn't mind being a piss boy. He offered his mouth for both Matt and Shane to use but they said he didn't need to do that. He almost seemed disappointed and that they might not love him but they assured him he was their best little brother. They talked about what must be happening with Shane's brothers an all actually felt a little bad for them they decided they would ask Master if they could see them again. They kind of enjoyed the pony boys and found them quite sexy. Master had left his cart and his pony boy that morning and took another team as he would need to have a bigger team and wagon for his special guests. The boys decided they wanted to see the pony boy they knew so well and bring him something. They found a few carrots and an apple and they snuck down to the barn to see him. His groomer, a younger boy than they, maybe Scotty's age of 14 now, was sweeping the barn when they got there. He was a horny kid. The boys asked him if he ever fucked the pony and he said yes. He liked doing it as the pony boy was probably 18 or so and he liked that he could do whatever he wanted with him. They got to talking about the pony and the groomer boy, one bred on the island, said they could see him. He was tied up in his stall he said and had a big tail dildo stuck up his ass. The boys thought him beautiful and so strong and manly. Unlike them, he had his pubes and a little other body hair. He couldn't see them come in as his dick was secured to the barn wall. That made his face, face forward and was almost too hard for him to turn. Shane went up to him. He saw that the boy was held tight and asked the groomer to release him. The kid was afraid but said he would if he could fuck Scotty. He liked using his large dick inside animals.

The boys looked at Scotty and he agreed to be the cunt for the kid so the boy unleashed the pony boy. And led Scotty away. The pony boy was so grateful that he could now move a little. Shane smiled at him and asked if he was ok. The pony wasn't able to say much. But grunts and groans as his tongue was still held down. How cruel Shane thought and he got bold enough to ask the groomer boy to take the thing holding his tongue, away . The groomer at first refused but when he offered his own pussy to him as well as Scotty's he relented and took the thing out of the pony boy's mouth. The pony boy was so pleased and happy he wanted to kiss Shane. Shane kissed him first as did Matt. They asked him who he was and after a bit of trying to speak, something he hadn't done in awhile, he said he was Cody. He had been bought by the Master on a trip to Mexico. He said he had spent a number of years as a kind of lover/slave for some black guys but they sold him realizing a big profit. He had run away from home due to abuse when he was about the age of Shane and Matt. He didn't say much as he wasn't real sharp. Perhaps being made a pony and treated constantly like an animal, he had lost much of what he had known. Shane boldly asked him if he was ok. He shook his head and said he hated what he had to do. He pointed to his big nuts and said they hurt him so and he wasn't allowed to get much release. He said he was still grateful for their piss as he didn't get much water and only the meal that was never moistened. It was often dry in his throat. The boys felt bad for him and rubbed his back. His arms were secured to his sides so he couldn't even scratch himself. He said the groomer boy would scratch his itches if he let him rape him and eventually they did just that. The boy offered his hole to Shane for payment and Shane said he wouldn't hurt him. He offered him the fruit and carrots which the boy inhaled saying he never got such things and missed them so. Matt busied himself stroking the boys balls and cock to give him relief. He also gave him real water to drink. The pony was grateful he said he would do anything for them for their kindness. Both boys said that wasn't necessary. The pony boy just mumbled that he had really fucked up his life and would gladly go home to the beatings he got as a kid. Shane and Matt felt so bad for him. Matt and Shane both loved his hairy crotch and balls. And Matt actually buried his face in them. They so wished that they had hair on their bodies like real men, but as special boys, they only got to keep a slight amount of pit hair. That was to show that were beyond puberty at home. All other hair was removed.

The boys eventually had to go and when the stable boy came back dragging Scotty, he said he was a good fuck. Although a slave, the stable boys were given lots of latitude and as they reigned supreme over ponies, got to fuck them and use them . Shane felt it bad that this kid younger than him, was raping and abusing this twenty or so year old stud boy who was just a pony and had no say. The stable boy loved his power and now had actually fucked the master's dog, Scotty. Scotty didn't seem to mind it as the stable boys cock was smaller than many he had up his chute recently. He was kind of happy to have been able to do something for Shane and Matt who he now loved as brothers.

End of Chapter 8

Next: Chapter 9

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