The Spanish gardener

By moc.aidemnigriv@ohivan

Published on Jun 19, 2019



This is my sixth story on Nifty. The first, "Taxi driver seduces a youngster" (31/05/17) was based on my first experience of sex with a man in the early 1970s. The following three stories on Nifty – "Sailing Adventures" (26/06/17), "Manager and the trainee" (18/11/18) and "Ted and his cousins" (17/12/18) – were also based on my teenage adventures. I have one more story to write from that era. I then had a long period in which I had only one gay experience in the late 1980s before my `turning point', on which the Nifty story "The prison officer and his ex-cons" (06/05/19 in the authoritarian section) is based. This current story is based on an experience from the mid-2000s and is another instalment in my conversion to 100% gay sex.

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The Spanish gardener

It was 4pm on the first day of our holiday in sunny Spain. My wife had had too much sun and had gone indoors to sleep it off while I continued to sunbathe in the nude by the pool. A voice surprised me. A heavily tanned man in his late 50s had let himself into our villa. Startled I sat up and grabbed my shorts. `No worries, senor, me gardener.' And pointing at the shed at the end of the garden – which was large – he headed off. I continued to sunbathe but before long became conscious of movement down by the shed and looked up to see what it was. The gardener, now in just his shorts, was busy hosing the plants down by the shed. He motioned to me several times to come down, so somewhat reluctantly I slipped my shorts on and walked down to him.

Yes?' I said when I reached him. Here' he said, and turning the hose off entered the shed. I followed him in. Only inches from me he turned and said You like cock?' No way!' Was my stern response – and indeed it was my intention not to like cock having stuck to sex with women since the last time I'd been lured into homo sex having spent the day on a nudist beach three years previously. Yes, you like cock, senor.' And with that he pushed his shorts down to reveal a very tanned, shaved, cock which was well on the way to a full hard on. I just stood there staring, and before I knew what was happening he grabbed my right hand, clasped it around his cock and started wanking. Nooo!' I blurted, weakly trying to remove my hand while at the same time I could feel my own cock stiffening and my nipples beginning to tingle. Leaving my hand wanking his cock he reached forward and yanked down my shorts. `You like cock, mester?' he says pointing at my hardening cock. I reluctantly nodded, yes.

He reached forward and tweaked and pinched my nipples as I went down on my knees and tried my hardest to get as much of his cock as deeply down my throat as I could while I wanked myself off. `Cocksucker.' I heard him say several times, before his thrusting into my throat increased almost to gagging point and he emptied his load into my mouth, saving the last spurt or two for my face, with me unloading my cum onto the dusty floor.

After recovering a bit and putting our shorts on he said to me in his badly broken English that he – Diego - wanted to fuck me and that he knew I wanted it so when could we meet. Half my brain was shrieking NO WAY', but the bit that my homo lust controlled was winning. My wife sleeps in until 9am and as I'm usually awake for 7am I often go for an early morning walk.' So, we arranged to meet a few minutes away down the lane outside the villa early next morning. That decision haunted me all night and at several points I was confident that my good half had won, but when I woke with a hardon at 6am I knew resistance was futile.

Diego was waiting in a tatty old van a short walk down the road. He smiled and smacked my thigh as I got into his van. Only short distance.' He said. Sure enough, three or four minutes later we pulled up at what looked like an old factory building, and opening the padlocked gates Diego drove in and parked out of sight at the back of the buildings. You come.' He said, heading towards a door. Once inside he stopped and immediately pulled me to him by my tee shirt. `Kiss!' he said, and a split second later his mouth was on mine and our tongues were meshed together. My cock was hard and as he pulled me closer I could feel it pushing against his stiff cock.

Pushing me away slightly he yanked his shorts down and stepped out of them. I followed his lead. He bent down and picking up his shorts he turned and headed toward some stairs to the next floor. I watched his tanned arse in front of me and thought how good it would be if he'd let me tongue his bum-hole once the sex between us started. At the top of the stairs he again stopped and pulling me toward him put our stiff cocks together and spitting on his hand started slowly wanking. His cock was a good two inches longer than my six incher and thicker too. You will like to be fucked by this?' He said looking down at our cocks.' Yes.' I replied. He stopped wanking and grabbing my hand led me toward some windows on the other side of the building. The glass had long gone but the view over open countryside was beautiful. I lent on the window sill and before I realised what was happening I felt a kiss on my right buttock. Diego was kneeling behind me on what looked like an old chair cushion and was clearly working his way to tonguing my hole. I spread my legs in anticipation and didn't have to wait long. Christ he had a strong tongue, I thought as I felt it entering my hole.

I moaned softly but Diego was in a hurry it seemed. He stood up and lent into my ear: Cock now.' was all he said. I heard him spit on his hand and then his cock was pushing against my hole. I spread my legs wider and pushed back. I knew it would be tight given I hadn't been fucked for several years. I yelped as the head pushed through my sphincter. Diego eased off and I relaxed. Go again.' I said. Now'. Diego started to push again and I reciprocated. Argghh! Fuck! Fuck!' I gasped as it slid all the way in. We stood motionless skin to skin. Jesus, that feels fucking big.' I said, turning my head to look over my shoulder at Diego. He looked at me blankly, but lent in and we snogged. At the same time, he reached round and started to tweak my nipples. Fuck, Diego, that's fucking hot.' I said, as I felt him start to thrust into me.

We stopped our snogging and I lent forward and braced myself on the window sill so that Diego could fuck me harder. I could feel that he was pulling almost right out of me before slamming back in. This must have gone on for 15 minutes or so before he slowed and lent against my back again so that I could turn my head to him. Our tongues met for a short snog before he said that he was near to cumming. I was pretty much too. Pointing at my mouth I said, In my mouth. Cum in my mouth.' He nodded and slowly eased his cock out of my arse. I wiped his cock on my tee shirt. But before I had a chance to kneel and get his cock in my mouth he grabbed my hand and we headed toward and door into another room. On the floor in what seemed to have been an office was a rather dirty looking mattress. We suck cocks here.' He said, laying down on the mattress. I understood what he meant – a 69 – and sure enough in that position we both unloaded pretty massive loads of cum into our mouths, although I made a point of pulling off his cock in time to take a few spurts in my face.

We sat up and snogged so we could share that lovely, salty, sticky taste of cum. I wiped my face with my teeshirt (which was certainly heading straight into the wash when I got back to the villa) and we both put our shorts on. Walking back to the van and now temporarily free of "Satan's" homo lust I said to myself that this was only a one off. But once in the van Diego grabbed my head and snogged me roughly before saying, `You like Diego's cock. More tomorrow.'

It was not a question, and sure enough the next morning at 7am we were back at the old factory. We stripped and kissed roughly. But as Diego rolled his shorts up he took two pieces of thin electrical wire from his pocket and held them up. There were small crocodile clips on one end of the wires. For you', he said, pointing at my nipples. From our action the previous day he'd realised I liked my nipples being pinched and tweaked hard. No way, Diego, they'll leave marks.' He walked toward me with a wicked smile, with a clip, in each hand. No, way! I said weakly pushing him back. He reached out and put a clip on my left nipple. Ouch, Fucking hell! But the pain immediately had a reaction in my cock. The clip to my right nipple followed. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!' But the pain just made my cock harder and me hornier. He pushed me onto my knees and onto his cock. I took it hungrily and the next hour became a blur of sucking and fucking.

As Diego's van pulled up on the third morning I noticed he had a passenger with him. And when I opened the door and got in next to this grey haired, well tanned man in his late 60's (I guessed) Diego introduced him as his uncle Stav and then in his poor English went on to explain that many years ago Stav had had sex with an English man and was keen to try it again. He certainly was in a hurry as his hand was on its way up the leg of my shorts to my cock within a minute of me getting into the van. I smiled at him, and smiling back he simply said Good?' as his hand found my cock. Once inside the old factory and with our shorts off, Stav followed me up the stairs with his hand stroking my arse all the way. So, when we reached the top I stopped and we started to have a good snog, reaching down and wanking each other's cock. We were interrupted by a call from Diego. Come.'. We followed him up to the roof which is where me and him had fucked the day before because it meant we were in the warm early morning sun.

The three of us stood there with our rock-hard cocks. Stav's was not quite as big as Diego's but did have a noticeable bend to the left. Diego spoke to Stav and then said, He needs to fuck you now.' That wasn't difficult to work out', I quipped back. I poured some tanning oil on my hand (I'd been carrying a small bottle in my pocket since the second morning), rubbed it into my bum and put my hands on the top of the low roof wall with my legs spread slightly. Stav's cock was sliding into me within seconds. He grunted as he slowly fucked me. I could feel that his cock really stimulating my prostrate – perhaps because of the bend – and couldn't help moaning. Diego appeared at my side. Good?' he asked. I smiled and nodded yes. At that he held out the clips he used on my nipples the day before. No' I said, but in truth I wanted them, and knowing that he reached over and clipped one to my left nipple. I gasped! The pain was intense but it was what I wanted. He waited a minute and then the clip went onto my right nipple. My cock twitched madly and the feeling of Stav's cock in my bum intensified even more. `Fuck me hard, Stav. Just don't stop fucking me.'

Diego grabbed my chin and forced my head down. I bent over and took his raging hardon deep into my throat. I was now being spit roasted' for only the second or third time in across my various homo experiences I'd had since my teens but that made it all the more intense. I wanked my cock hard and could feel my balls tighten as I got close to cumming but I knew I had to hang on for a while yet as the sex was only getting started. Sure enough, it wasn't long before Diego and Stav swapped places and the face and arse fucking continued at a hectic pace. With my mouth aching I eventually broke free from Stav's cock. Listen you two, this is the last morning I can meet up so I want you both to fill my mouth with your cum so I can remember the taste for weeks to come.' I'm not sure they fully understood what I'd said, but Diego said something and they both came in close and we all started to snog roughly while wanking each other hard and fast. After a few minutes I could feel them both tensing so I dropped to my knees and started sucking hard from one cock to the other. They soon started unloading their cum almost simultaneously, which was a bit of a pity as it meant I only got Diego's load in my mouth with most of Stav's on my face and in my hair. In many ways that didn't matter as it meant I had the hot experience of both of them licking up their cum while I wanked off to a massive orgasm.

We cleaned up as best we could, dressed and I said goodbye to them both as they got into Diego's tatty van and I set off to walk back to the villa thinking that yet another holiday to the Med had turned out far more exciting than I'd anticipated.

If you enjoyed this story and have any comments on this or any of the other stories mentioned above you can email me at

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