The Sovereign State of Happiness

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jun 22, 2005




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



The day was overcast and threatening rain...threaten, hell, it was downright looming!...when I got to the boat dock. I had to ask directions to the pier where James had his boat. I'm a landlubber, the boats all looked pretty much alike to me. James would disagree, he had "Summer's Happiness, a beautiful forty-eight foot Shannon raised-salon yacht, yadda-yadda-yadda." "Summer's Happiness" was his baby. Given he had paid something like $200,000.00 for it, I can see why he was ready to take a certain umbrage at my calling it simply "his boat." He had rigged it so that he could sail it all by himself, and according to him, there was nothing stopping him from taking this summer off and sailing completely around the world with it.

We weren't going that far, ourselves, just down to Florida, the reason he had managed to talk me into taking a ride with him. The trip would take us "a few days or so" and I had to be reassured that should the winds fail, the motor would carry us most of the distance without need for refueling. We would never be unable to make it to land, even if we had to get there with the sails furled.

But James planned to sail us the entire way. "The winds are dependable." he'd said. I hadn't seen any argue.

The amount of wind now wasn't my problem, it was that the there was too darned much of it! You think of sailing to down the coast to Palm Beach, and you think of sun and blue sky and gentle breezes. Not heavy clouds, rain and the ocean getting choppier. That makes you think sea sickness instead of suntanning!

But I was committed and so I got on board, feeling the board swaying under my feet as I made it on board.

James was in the wheelhouse, of course (I learned a lot of these terms later, he was in the topmost part of the yacht, where he had the big steering wheel and controls), running the engine and getting us ready to leave the dock. His sails were all furled, I understood that he had powered winches that would let him deploy and roll them up without him and me running lines and tying knots and what-all. I'd been promised a leisurely cruise...and ample time to work on my tan before I hit Palm Beach!

"Hey, Todd!" James called. "Welcome aboard!" He grinned at me with his blond hair so carelessly in place, his patrician square jaw absurdly clean-shaven, his clothes fitting him in a way that declared that this was their proper lot in life, and that anyone else that dared to wear them were only a poor substitute. A model has to pose so carefully, be lighted so delicately, to get that look, but for James, it was simply himself without any artifice. Born to his position in life. Me, I was just faking it as I went along, hoping one day the clothes would fit.

"Thanks." I said, struggling with my duffel bag. It had been his idea, bringing hard suitcases didn't seem part of being an "old salt."

"You get the guest cabin." James said, indicating a set of steps out of the wheelhouse downwards and forwards. "That's the door at the end of the companionway."

That sounded promising, since I'd gotten aboard a boat about the size of a medium trailer house! The hallway was eerily similar, too narrow, a bit more than two feet wide, wide enough to walk down but not much more. There was a desk at the foot of the stairs, and a door opposite it, then the hall had cabinets on the left and, then the door at the end. I opened it and saw two more doors, shower at left and toilet at right, and beyond that... "What the hell?" I said. I was looking at the head of the bed, I would have to crawl over my pillows to get into the bed, and the foot of the bed was the point of the prow! Cabinets on either side, my bed was "V" shaped!

I wondered and went back, looked at James' cabin. A proper square room and a big bed! It looked like a luxury motel room. My room looked like some sort of demented prison cell!

I went back up, with a bit of difficulty, as James was in the process of moving the yacht out of the berth, he had started the engine revving up as soon as I'd gotten on board. I got back up to the wheelhouse and he said, without looking at me. "You find everything?"

"Yeah, what there is." I said.

He knew what I meant. "Long as you don't kick around a lot, you'll be fine." he said.

"How come you get the big bed?" I asked him.

He grinned, but still didn't look at me, he was in a touchy situation, the yacht was barely moving and for good reason, he had to get us out of the berth and down a row of other yachts and such (again, my knowledge of boats is sketchy, I guess some of them weren't yachts, but ask someone else the definition!). "Only the one decent bed on board, and it's in the owner's cabin. I'm the owner." He said. "I get the bed."

"What about the rest of the boat?" I asked.

"Thataway." he gestured with a thumb over his shoulder, quickly. "Kitchen, pantry and lounge down through there." And of course," directly behind himself now, the door by which I'd entered, "there's the sundeck."

"Sundeck." I groused. It was misting a rain. "What are we going to do with a sundeck?"

"You don't have to go outside if you don't want to." He said. We were now slowly cruising down the rows of the boats. "The storm is moving away from us, we'll be in sunshine by tomorrow."

"So what do I do?" I groused.

"Want to learn how to sail a yacht?" he asked me.

"Sure." I said. It was better than nothing. "So what do I do?"

"Soon as we get out into the open water." he promised. "I'll show you everything."

"Okay." I said. "How long will that take?"

"Oh...about three or four hours." he said nonchalantly. "Then it'll be clear sailing."

I just sort of gurgled. It was raining harder than before.

"Maybe we should wait until tomorrow." James said. "Make yourself to home. You get to cook the meals, remember?"

Some leisure cruise this was turning out to be!

The next morning was better. The clouds were still heavy and the sun only shone occasionally, but the sky was clear and the weather was better. The yacht didn't bob about that badly at all, actually, which surprised me. Even the waves just sort of raised us gently up and down.

I finished washing the dishes of breakfast and went up. We had dropped anchor during the night, but now we were starting up again.

James was jubilant, singing to himself a happy tune, not enough words in what he sang to let me make out which one it was.

I was feeling better, too. "Ahoy, captain!" I said to him.

"Ahoy, matey!" he shot back at me. "This is the life, isn't it?"

I wouldn't go that far, but didn't want to shoot down his good mood. "It's better than yesterday." I conceded. "Of course, nearly anything would be!" I had gotten a bit seasick yesterday, but the pills were working pretty well, and again, the boat didn't bob about that badly. James said there were some counterweights in the ballast that helped even out the boat's movement from the waves. The waves were still kicking up a lot, but we were making good time according to James.

"Yeah, this is the life for me." James said. "I'd like to get a bigger yacht, but then, I'll be one of those who rent it out for pleasure cruises by the day or the week. Live on board and just sail around wherever the job takes me." These words were spoken in a tone of longing I had never heard from James.

"You don't plan to finish college?" I asked him in some surprise. He and I were both in our second year. My major was cuisine, I was thinking of trying to get into the Sorbonne if I could (fat chance!) but to become a full chef, get a job in a snooty restaurant preparing exotic delicacies, and one day have my own restaurant. Still, I planned to stay in college and finish with a bachelor's degree in business administration, first!

"Well...maybe." James said. And the smile on his face faded away. It was like watching the sun go out! Then he muttered, "It was Mom who wanted me to go to college anyway."

" were going to show me how to steer the boat?" I said.

"Yeah." That brought the sun peeking out of the clouds of his mood! A bit of that and he was shining all over again.

"I can see how you love sailing." I said to him.

"Yeah, it's great!" he said. "You know, you get outside the 12-mile limit, and we're into international waters." He grinned at me and said, "That makes me your leader and you have to do everything I say."

"Whether I want to or not?"

"Especially if you don't want to." he grinned. He looked back at the open waters. "We won't get that far out." he said, longing in his voice. "No need if we're only going to Florida."

"Could we make it to the Bahamas?" I asked.

"Sure." He said. "I could take this baby around the entire world if I wanted to." Then he got business-like again. "Okay, now you need to learn the winches...." And my training went on.

James and I spent the rest of the day talking, and I soon learned more about James and why he had clouded up worse than the skies the day I had arrived on board.

James had problems, more than I had known before and more than I knew then. His problems were his family, a mother that was driving him with alternating expectations and ridicule that emasculated him, his father hiding cruelty under the guise of discipline, anger under the mask of love. He hadn't wanted to be married to James' mother, and he didn't want James and he showed it in a hundred different ways. No matter what he did, he couldn't please them. Why not get aboard a ship and just run away from it all?

On the fourth day, I was working with him to plot our course and I noticed something. "Hey, James."


"We're beyond the twelve-mile limit." It was true, we were just beyond it by about a mile.

"Yeah." James said. "Once we rounded Virginia, we started getting away from the coastline. If it makes you nervous, we can adjust our course to the southwest now, I planned to go south a little further first."

"What, and leave behind your sovereign power over me and this little kingdom of yours?" I gestured to the yacht around us. By now, I had come to appreciate its comforts, there was no good reason we couldn't stay aboard this boat until we felt like getting off...or we ran out of provisions, but James had us stocked with enough for two or three months, easy. "Whatever would your loyal subjects think of you, Your Majesty?" and I gave him a bow.

"The proper term is Captain." James said with mock fury. "And if you don't believe me, I can throw you in the brig."

"You mean the one with the V-shaped bed?" I asked him.

"You got a problem with the bed?" He asked me.

"Only that there's no room for my feet." I pointed out. "I spend every night kicking the walls a dozen or so times." I was exaggerating, but only somewhat, there were pads on the walls at the narrow part, so that kicking it was only annoying, not injurious.

"So what should I do about it?" James asked. "You can rig out the settee in the lounge, or on one of the chairs on the sundeck."

"I'd rather move into the owner's cabin." I said. "Nice, big, comfortable bed in there."

A palpable silence of about ten seconds and then, in a low voice, James said, "There's enough room in it for two."

I looked at James, a bit surprised by this. "Uh...."

"Hey, forget I said that." James said a bit sharply. "I was just making a joke."

"Okay." I said.

Another stretch of silence.

"You know why I don't just take off in Summer's Happiness and sail right around the world?" he asked me.

Given what he'd said so far, it was a reasonable question for me to have. "Why not?" I agreed.

"Because while it's possible to sail Summer's Happiness alone, it's no fun being all alone." he said. "While I'm on board Summer's Happiness, I'm king of my own little world...but who wants to live in a world all by himself? I got enough of that while I was living at home."

Then he turned away and went back to the wheel. He had a thing on it that would hold it on course for him, turn it to keep it on a particular compass heading, though he couldn't completely walk off and forget about it, it let him do things like eat meals and go to the bathroom and talk with me. He took the wheel and flipped off the "cruise control" and held the wheel savagely.

I walked over and behind and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, James?" I said to him.


"That offer still open? If so...I'd like very much to move into your cabin with you."

And I flipped the cruise control back on with my free hand.

When I kissed the side of his neck, he let out a breath, not just a sigh, it was all the tension he'd held back in his life for ages, it all just blew out in that breath. With the loss of the tension, he let his head loll back onto my shoulder, and I kissed his ear, kissed his cheek, he turned his head and I kissed his lips as my hands slid down to wrap around his waist, I was nearly having to hold him up, he was nearly falling down!

I had my mouth fully on his now, I was kissing him completely, his tongue and mine met and matched and wrapped around each other, not fighting at all, but dancing together as an old married couple dances a slow dance, together, knowing each other, comfortable with each other.

With that kiss came a return of his strength, he firmed his resolve and he rose erect and he turned and now he was holding me and that kiss of his was the king sitting on his throne, crown in place, scepter in hand, confirming his place and his right and his sovereignty.

And in that sovereignty, his rightful realm, I let myself be his subject, his social inferior, he was deigning to include me and that was honor enough for me, I was permitted to humbly run my hands over his chest, feel the strength that had been formed in the fires of his life, his will to be his own person, this same will had burnt itself into this body, turning it into the perfection that I had marveled at when I had boarded the boat, and now I could raise up his t-shirt and kiss that line of hair that ran down the midline of his abdomen, dig my tongue-tip into the dent of his navel that was a mere slit, up to taste the marvelous nectar of his nipple ringed in more of that delectable blond hair of his, and he gave a single, imperious thrust to his hips and his manhood kissed my stomach through his pants, and I imagined I could feel the sweaty touch of salty eagerness there as well, though that was my fancy alone, and I could not contain myself; I dropped to my knees and subjugated myself to his need.

The buttons of his chinos were easily undone, I could see the hard outline of his masculine column beckoning to me, and when they were open, and the cotton white of his briefs yanked away, I had it then, I had it, I had it!

I didn't just take him into my mouth, I rammed it into myself, not caring how it was yet dry and unlubricated, I only wanted to get him inside of me, and when I pulled back, James moaned again, and this time the moan was not a release of his tension, but the building of a new and better sort of tension.

I laved his pud with my saliva as I worked my mouth back and forth, his cock was alive within my mouth as a pulsing, pounding probe of male pulchritude, I only wanted to keep it within me forever, love this hard tube of manflesh that I mauled with my saliva-melted lips into tormented tumescence.

"God, Todd!" James breathed. "Jesus, man, you are so hot! God, man, yes, God, yes!"

There was such a surfeit of sultry solicitude in his voice that it hissed to me like the snake in the tree of the Garden of Eden, tantalizing me and urging me on, take it, take this apple of Adam and delight in it, for this is all of the good you could ever want, and evil only exists by comparing it to this ecstasy of desire.

James pulled my mouth off his pud by brute force, his hands on my head. "God, man, let up." He heaved. "I damned near came already. God, you're hot!"

"Want to try out that bed for a fit?" I panted as I looked up into his passion-softened eyes.

His eyes cast about. "How about just over to the bench?" He offered. There was a bench against the back wall of the wheelhouse, a man could lie upon it but his feet would have to remain on the floor for him to do so. Good enough. I rose up and I backed him arrogantly onto the bench, and when he got to there, instead o pushing him down, I instead lifted off his t-shirt and bared his upper half.

Then I did push him down, for his pants had fallen to below his knees, and he said, "Hey, hey, first mate, I meant for us both to get here."

And he scooted down the bench and his hands reach to remove my t-shirt as I had removed his.

In a daze I undressed myself as he kicked off his deck shoes and kicked off the chinos and briefs into a pile of white-on-white. My own clothes took but a moment more than that (I was attired the same as him, if not as perfectly) and he smiled at my leading point of a prick and caught it in his hand and said, "Now, get down here and we'll both have some fun here."

"Aye, aye, Captain." I said and climbed onto the bench, with my knees on either side of his head, and I felt like creaming immediately when the silken caress of his lips fastened up on my dong.

I returned to his pillar of a prong with eagerness, and our movements were a symphony. I at first mourned the loss of the four days that had transpired, and yet, had we done this on our first night, it couldn't have been as good as this, now that I understood him, knew what drove him in his life, and what drove him even here and now.

I nursed his prick with joy while his own mouth slipped up and down upon mine with an adeptness borne not of great experience, but rather of the intense need and satisfaction of that need, the solitary king had found his consort, and that was the completion which his reign had lacked for so long, had kept him in a sort of limbo in his life, unable to move forward, unable to remain where he was, and then I had come aboard and he had offered, and I had accepted, and now we were one.

That gave me a joy I had lacked in my few prior experiences, and that lent wings to my desire and it flew into my brain with a speed and a directness that I hadn't felt save seldom and always alone with my fantasies...but wasn't this the fantasy become reality?

And I felt my climax rising in me with a speed that was welcomed only because James was himself nearing his own orgasm, I could feel this man, the king of my world, rising to his joy and it would have been traitorous for me to linger behind when he was charging in the lead into the fray, ready to sacrifice himself on the altar of lust and thus seal our union forever!

So when he began to groan with the intensity of impeding climax, I felt my own need rising up exponentially, and when his groans took over his body, when he was thrashing beneath me with the power of his lust, my own body was only happy to join in the delight and I matched his ecstasy with my own, and when his orgasm burst out into my mouth and he drenched me with his explosion of hot white jizz, I ejaculated immediately down into his own mouth and felt the added delight of his mouth working as he drank me down eagerly and I hastened to return this favor to him, gulping at the fount of his virility and blessing him with my own.

Done, we were a limp mass of tangled limbs on a too-small base, and were overflowing this little bench only meant for two to sit upon (and that only if they were friendly) and it was easier after a time to roll off of him and sit upon the floor, and from there to reach and kiss his salt-dappled lips with my own.

"That was damned good." James observed.

"It sure was." I agreed. "Is this the way you plan on treating your crew?"

"Only when it's just you and me." James said. And the captain in him knew that he needed to check the course. And the teacher took over. "First Mate?"

"Aye, Captain?" I knew my cue.

"What is our heading?"

I grinned. This was an impromptu test, he knew our heading but hadn't communicated it to me.

I walked over and said, "Uh, it's south by southwest, uh, fourteen degrees?"

"Should be fifteen."

I looked again. "Now it's sixteen. Okay, now it's fifteen."

"The wind's picking up again." James said as he looked outside. "I think that storm or its younger brother may be turning our way again."

"What do you suggest?"

"We can either turn for port and try to beat it in." James said. "Or we can rough it out and get to Florida a day earlier."

I considered that. "Or we could keep our course as present and go to Bermuda instead."

James considered that as if it were a novel idea. "I suppose we could." he said. "We have the power to go anywhere in the world we want, you know."

"And the summer is still young." I agreed.

James could get a bigger yacht. With the bigger yacht to carry passengers, and me as his ship's cook and steward to pamper the passengers while James operated the yacht, and we could make a living out of this life of ours. We would make our own little world here, the two of us, a sovereign state of lovers, happy forever.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail me at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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