The Southern Comfort Lodge

Published on Dec 11, 2022


Southern Comfort Lodge 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Coach Jones was needy and alone. I am not prone to fall in love, but I am always willing to help a friend in need. He was a handsome muscular man. In the real world he was a catch for a woman or a man. He was in shock. He liked admiration and his trips to the sauna had been ego enhancers. While I knew he had been in love with her, I wondered if his visits to the Sauna were do to her lack of attention to him. As I thought about him, my cock, unexpectedly, made a show of interest in him.

He noticed. "That is real nice," he said.

"I was wondering if a little meaningless fun would cheer you up?" I said. He didn't say no, so I dropped to my knees and sucked his entire uncut cock into my mouth. Coach may not have known he was interested, but his cock displayed an impressive reaction to my mouth.

"I don't know about this," he whispered.

"Don't worry," I said. "This is meaningless gratuitous sex. I just fun for me and for you. I hope." I said as I I caressed his cock head with my tongue.

"It feels great. I'm afraid it might go too far," he said."

"Going too far is fine with me," I replied.

I have heard that sometimes high stress dampens a man's sexual drive. I am not sure, but I had a sense that a four-alarm orgasm was exactly what Coach needed. He began to squirt. It was spectacular for him and for me. I gently caressed his cock head after the orgasm, trying to gently coax a few more drips of sperm from his balls. I realized it was exactly what I wanted too. We broke apart.

Rusty came over to Coach and they talked. Bubba and Skeeter came over to me.

"It looked like you were helping Coach," Bubba said. "He's a good guy."

"Everyone here seems to be a nice guy," I said.

"We are nice guys too. We discovered that there are nice guys and there are nice and horny nice guys. It's beautiful when you can share cum with a pal," Bubba said. "You're a good guy. We're hoping that someday you will want to share your special sauce with us."

There was a knock on the door. Bubba answered the door. It was Bubba's nephew, Little Bubba. I guessed he was in his early twenties. He was as muscular as Bubba, but without the weight. He was solid but not beefy. He stripped and joined us.

"Little Bubba had an unexpected meeting with a pal of mine in the woods behind the rest stop." Bubba explained. "My pals told me about it, and I decided Little Bubba needed to move a few steps up the social ladder. He still has his training wheels on."

Little Bubba was uneasy but he knew Coach. He has been on the football team. I recalled that several years earlier, the quarterback was injured and some one called LB took his place and made the winning touchdown.

Coach went over to him and said, "Welcome to the club!" Little Bubba had never seen the coach naked before, and he liked what he saw. Little Bubba was a forest ranger now. Of course we were a friendly group, and Little Bubba relaxed some.

Coach, Little Bubba and I were the only ones in the group who were not full service. Rusty, Desmond, and a man I had seen in the sauna, Gregory, were willing to join Bubba and Skeeter to guide Little Bubba to get into the swing of things. I didn't realized that Coach and I were also candidates for sexual training.

I also didn't know I would be a willing candidate. Eventually I realized that my brain was unequal to the mini-brain in my cock. The taste of Coach's cum was still in my mouth, and I was semi erect. At that time I didn't really know that my prostate had needs.

I was talking with Gregory. He was a manager the supermarket. He was pleasant, affable, and friendly. He was beefy, heavy set, very hairy and had a stubby, thick cock.

Gregory was not male model type, but he was pleasant. During a lull in the conversation he bent over and began to suck my cock. He was a gentle and easy going sucker. It was nice, but at some point it became much more than nice. I later found out Gregory made a connection to my sexual emotions. When I was real excited, he turned me over to Bubba.

"I was sort of hoping you would like to take a cock up your ass," Bubba said.

"Your cock is awfully big. I don't see how it would fit. I don't know if I'm ready for that," I said. Looking back that was not a definite no. I was more of a request to talk me into it.

"I don't fuck a guy anymore," Bubba said. "I like to ease into a guy's tight ass and then massage his prostate as I push deeper. Eventually I deposit my load as deep in you as possible. You don't need to do anything except shoot off when you can't hold back anymore."

"Some times I double team a guy with Skeeter. He sucks you as I fuck you," Bubba continued. "It's beautiful when I fill you and he drains you at the same time. Some guys tell me they feel like a new man. They feel more masculine with a cock in their ass. My sperm in their ass inspires a spectacular orgasm."

I glanced around the room. Little Bubba was on his back as Rusty worshiped his cock. Coach was taking Gregory's cock. It turned out that Gregory was a committed fan of the football team.

Bubba had my legs on his shoulders as his knob nudged my hole. He was well lubricated. "The first time Uncle Joe did me it was okay. The first time I did him, it was a lot more than okay," Bubba explained. "He later told me that he didn't know my cock and my cum were the only things lacking in his life."

"Was that true, or just a line?" I asked.

"Uncle Joe smiled and said, "When the sex is good enough it doesn't make any difference. That seems to be true for me." Bubba explained. "The excitement fades after the orgasm. I used to think that was sad, but it's okay now. I'm not sure your body could take continuous orgasms."

Bubba pushed real deep into me. When he shot off I felt him shooting and I shot off. A few minutes later I returned to life on earth and all was good, very good.

"Do you want me to pull all the way out?" Bubba asked.

"Can you take it slow?" I asked. That was fine for Bubba.

When his cock vacated my ass, I saw that Gregory was shooting in Coach. I rolled over and was able to get Coach's cock into my mouth just before Coach began to ejaculate. It was beautiful. I took every drop from his balls as Gregory drained his balls in Coach's ass.

The party broke up around five. By then everyone was drained and happy. That night as a fixed dinner for myself I realized that I was gay. Of course I knew that before, but I now realized it wasn't just a little quirk in my personality.

When I went to school the next day, I also realized I wasn't the television or movie gay guy. I was a normal man with a family, friends and a good job that I loved. I was a man who was gay, not a gay man who had a job. It was a part of me. It wasn't all of me.

I went to the gym and ran into Little Bubba. He asked if we could talk privately. I said sure. Since I live a few blocks away, he came over to my apartment. He was worried about potentially having sex with Bubba.

"Bubba is my favorite Uncle and a good guy. He's a good guy and I'm not sure I want to get involved with him sexually," Little Bubba said. "I looked up to him as a kid. I dreamed about him, but I had no idea he was hung. It's impressive, but huge. Did he rip you in two?"

I smiled. "Well it is big. It was filling, but it was fine for me." I said. "I think he's careful and he knows how to get into a man's ass without ripping him apart. Did you enjoy Rusty?"

"It was better than I expected." Little Bubba said. "Once I shot off, it was great. Bubba is bigger. I sort of want to do more, but I'm not sure. Do you think I would getting fucked?" he asked.

"Well, I did, but there doesn't seem to be any hard and fast rules about who likes what," I said.

Little Bubba was silent, and then said, "I was wondering if you could do me. Your cock looked like it would be a good fit."

"I'm not at all experienced," I said. "I was thinking we are equally inexperienced," Little Bubba said. "I'm horny as hell."

"I hate to say this, but once I'm out of school, I am pretty much horny too." I replied. A few minutes later we were in my bedroom naked and erect. Little Bubba was an ordinary guy. He had a good tan and a hairy chest. I dropped to my knees and sampled his cock. Seconds later he was rock hard and his cock was larger than I thought.

We moved to the bed and sixty-nined. That was good. He must have showered just before he came to see me. The slight smell of soap seemed to enhance the taste of his plentiful precum. Little Bubba was an energetic cock sucker. We took a break. We were both getting close to shooting.

"Did you like it when Bubba shot off in you?" Little Bubba asked.

"It was good," I said. "I was a bit afraid his cock wouldn't fit my ass. He told me that he knew how to open an ass. It seemed to me that having a man shove his cock in my ass was unlikely to be a good experience. Bubba knew what he was doing. He told me man sex was a shared experience. He only enjoyed it if his playmate enjoyed it. Some men are as responsive as a log. Some men are collectors. They want to win the race to see who can fuck the most men."

"He told me the first guy he fucked loved it in the ass. The second guy didn't like it at all. Bubba said that this may sound stupid, but his cock could feel the difference. His cock knew when he hit a good spot. He could tell what was good and what was bad. The most exciting thing was when he felt his partner shooting off as he was rear loading him. That was beautiful."

"Do you think we could do that?" Little Bubba asked.

"We can try," I replied. I suspected that Little Bubba was more into it than he pretended. A little later I realized he was more into me, than he let on. When we got into it, I discovered I was more into Little Bubba than I suspected.

He was a forest ranger. While that is not a high pressure job, there is a percentage of hunters who think they are macho men and rules are not meant for real men. Killing out of season animals and ripping up the habitats with a 4-by-4 vehicle are their right. Rangers had confrontations.

Little Bubba was a macho, very masculine man much like his cousin, Bubba. I suspected he hadn't know you could be macho and gay. Gay men ranged from being muscle men and wrestlers to florists and hairdressers, cops and drag queens. You don't need to be a "type" to be gay.

Luckily Little Bubba and I were the right type for each other. We were different people, but we had similar approaches to life. That common approach included sex. Like me, he was emotionally reserved and careful. Like me, that reserve tended to melt away when my mouth enveloped his cock.

He had sucked cocks before, but that was in outdoor places where discovery was a possibility. His visit to the Southern Comfort Lodge was too public for him. In a private home in a warm bedroom, he could relax. One-on-one with no one watching was ideal.

"Would you like to fuck me?" I asked.

"You're okay with that?" he asked "Take your time and let's see how it goes," I said. I had lubricant next to the bed and coated his cock. He was on his back and rock hard, so I straddled him and sat on it. It was a good fit, filling but not too big.

It was really good for Little Bubba. That was not a surprise. The top usually finds a lot to like in a tight ass. A few minutes later I was on my back. My legs were on his shoulders and his cock was in my ass. He was careful at first, but he soon got carried away. I don't think he anticipated the intense sensations he felt when his cock was in my tight ass. He was caught by surprise and I could see how much he enjoyed the new sensations. He was vigorous and was holding nothing back.

He had some control. He stopped suddenly and asked, "Do you want me to shoot off in you?"

"That's why I am here," I replied.

Little Bubba went a little crazy and then had a spectacular orgasm. A little later I wondered if he lost weight he ejaculated so much. He pulled out, closed his eyes and fell asleep. A few minutes later he woke up.

"Do you get to fuck me now?" he asked.

"Not now," I said. "A first fuck is best if your balls are fully loaded. We don't know each other well. I'd rather take a full load from you. Sometimes fucking is better when you know a guy better."

"I didn't know what it would feel like. It was beautiful. I wish it lasted longer. Was it good for you?" he asked. "Do you you ever get tired of it?" he asked. I said it seemed unlikely I would be so weary that I would decide to avoid sex. "Some people do, but I have a feeling there are other problems in a guy's life if he looses interest in sex.

Little Bubba dressed and left. I slept soundly. The next morning the phone rang at eight. Mom had fallen down the stairs and had broken bones. Dad had a heart attack trying to help her. Mrs White, a family friend, came over for an early breakfast before going to teach Sunday School at the church. She found them and called the Rescue Squad. Dad was in bad shape, and my mother had several badly broken bones.

I dressed and raced to the hospital. The hospital administrator and Dr. Milton, our family's doctor were waiting. Dr. Milton was always direct. He told me dad had died in the ambulance. Mom was non-responsive. He was afraid there were internal injuries. "She is fragile and unconscious now. I'm not sure the damage is repairable." Dr. Milton never sugarcoated his advice.

We talked about the options when nurse motioned to Dr. Milton to come over to her. I knew what she was telling him. Mom and died. I called my brother and sister. They arrived that evening. I was worried about making funeral arrangements, but dad had taken care of that. There were detailed instructions taking care of every thing. As a judge Dad was noted for dotting every "i" and crossing every "t". Everything was just right.

Five days later the small graveside funeral was over and we had a good family reunion. I hadn't seen many of my relatives in a while. Both my sister and brother were engaged, so that lightened up the situation. There was a possibility of a new generation. Mom and Dad had said they didn't want a fuss when they died, and it was as they wanted. I was back at work the next week. In the minor bits of good news, my students were good and one of them told me that having a substitute teacher for a week improved my status as a teacher. The substitute teacher was a bit dry. They also had sent sympathy cards. The teacher had told them the difference between expressing sympathy and showing off.

I was back at the Men's Exercise Place and all was well. It was good to be swimming again. It was even better to be back in the sauna. The men were appropriately sympathetic. Rusty Nail came over to me and expressed condolences and said I had been missed.

Rusty then added that he missed me, my cock and had missed tasting my fresh sperm. I mentioned that I had a weeks supply trapped in my balls.

It seemed that was the end of the official mourning period. Coach Jones was there with a friend, Jefferson, the new Junior High coach. Jones mentioned that we all shared some common interests.

Somehow, a few minutes later I was on my back with Coach sucking my cock and Jefferson feeding his cock into my mouth. I had never sucked a Black man before. Jefferson and I shot off at the same time. I had a strange sensation that Jefferson's sperm flowed through my body and into Rusty's mouth. The event was good for Jefferson, Coach and me.

The men in the sauna enjoyed watching. In the next few minutes there was a general redistribution of sperm from over filled balls to cum hungry men in the Sauna. As far as I could tell, not a drop of semen touched the floor.

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