The Southern Comfort Lodge

Published on Dec 2, 2022


The Southern Comfort Lodge

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Skeeter Malloy and Bubba Redmond were sort of friends at school. I was in the college bound classes in school. They were in the waiting to reach sixteen years old so they could drop out class. We met when I was was walking home from school and I saw two guys harassing a girl. She was crying and scared. I yelled, "What's going on!" I have a deep voice and I hoped I would scare them away. It didn't work.

They came after me. The girl ran away, but they were a lot bigger than me. Things were not good.

Suddenly, Skeeter and Bubba came running, bellowing "What the fuck is going on here?" The guys harassing the girl were big. Bubba and Skeeter were real big. I had seen them around and thought they were scary. There was a fight, a very short fight. The police arrived.

They were going to arrest everyone. When I gave them my name, Robert Milford Jr., the cop asked if I was Judge Milford's son. I said yes. I was his youngest son. I vouched for Bubba and Skeeter. Bubba said that when he saw two big guys going after a small guy, he figured they would even things up some. There had been a short, bloody fight.

By then the girl came back with her grandfather and my father arrived followed by my mother a minute later. Things straightened out quickly. My Dad is not a big man, but he is a judge. The girl's grand father wanted to kill the boys. My father calmed him down. Mom talked with the girl and calmed her down.

The police took the two trouble makers to jail. Dad went back to his courtroom, and I went home with Mom, Bubba, and Skeeter. Their clothes were blood covered, and she said she would clean it off. Mom was on the school board and she knew they had what was called a "difficult situation" at home. That meant they had shit for family.

Bubba and Skeeter were two years older than me. I was thirteen, they were fifteen. I was just beginning puberty; they were almost full grown men. I was surprised that Mom liked them. She thought they were good kids in a bad situation. They had one year left in school. Somehow, she eventually got them to stay in school and reassigned them to good teachers.

Bubba got a part time job in truck repair shop. Skeeter got into a truck driver school. Both did well. I ran into them once and a while, but I was in the college preparation program and was taking classes and the local college.

I got into a major university and had a double major in English and History. I also got a teaching certificate. When I graduated, Mom was having some health problems, so I moved back to home so I could help as needed. I had my own apartment a mile from the house. Dad told me that Mom didn't believe her health problems were so serious, so moving home might scare her. I taught in a new school that replaced my old high school.

I was greatly relieved to discover that I loved teaching. I was assigned good classes and replaced a teacher who was well beyond his prime. I had a small apartment near the school.

I joined a gym near my apartment. The Men's Exercise Place was basic gym and not expensive, but it had a pool, showers and a sauna. The previous owner had gone bankrupt and the new owners got the building cheep. It was built as a men's gym, but since it was on a small site, that didn't allow it to be expanded to become a trendy health club. There was no room for women's lockers and showers.

I had some gay friends at college but since I had returned home I had become a non practicing gay man. One of the reasons I selected the place was I thought I might meet some gay men.

I taught English as a second language to Spanish speakers on Tuesday and Thursday night, so Monday and Thursday were my swimming nights. Monday was the slowest day of the week at the pool, so I almost had the pool to myself. Three other guys were swimming. There were eight lanes so we were not crowded. I was the last one out of the pool at nine. When I went to the showers, I was surprised to find Skeeter and Bubba had been swimming with me. Skeeter was next to the other swimmer in the corner. Bubba came over to me.

"How is your mother doing. I heard you mother has hit a rough patch?" he asked.

"She is doing okay. Mom thinks that sickness is a weakness, so she ignores her health problems. How are you guys doing?"

"I'm the head mechanic at the truck stop. It's a good job and pays well," he said. "Skeeter is the scheduler at the ACME trucking company. He's happy there. How is it teaching at the High School?"

"I'm enjoying it. It does seem odd to be home and teaching. It's hard to get the students attention." I said. I glanced to the side and saw Skeeter sucking the other man.

Bubba noticed. "Sometimes we let off a little steam after a long day," he said. "Is that a problem for you?"

"No, it isn't a problem for me," I replied. I paused a little. "I have been known to let off some steam once and a while."

Bubba looked at me and smiled. "The night guy here is open minded as long as everything is friendly," he said.

I glanced down at Bubba's cock. It was what a pal of mine at college called "a keeper."

"There is enough hot water here to get rid of the grease. It's one thing to be a grease monkey, but it's another to smell like one," Bubba said.

"I could get closer and smell it. I could give it the taste test too," I said.

"I have a hair trigger," Bubba whispered.

"This is your lucky day," I said. "I haven't had desert yet." I dropped to my knees and tried to swallow Bubba's cock. It was large, but after a minute of sucking I was tasting his precum. Fifteen minutes later we were at Bubba and Skeeter place, the Southern Comfort Lodge.

During the prohibition era the Southern Comfort Lodge had been a road house with tourist cabins. The town had a police chief who strictly enforced prohibition. The Southern Comfort Lodge was two miles in the county. The County Sheriff's bother ran the biggest moonshine operation in the state.

The Southern Comfort Lodge was a restaurant-dance hall that included tourists cabins. Most of the cabins were rented by the hour. Mary Belle Dixie rented the cabins, and her nieces ministered to lonely men. The restaurant-dance hall burned to the ground a month after the repeal of prohibition.

Mary Bell died in 1940 and the tourist cabins disintegrated. Only Mary Belle's house remained. It was a substantial rustic cabin made of stone boulders. It was too expensive to demolish. Bubba bought it at a sheriff's sale. Bubba and Skeeter repaired it and now while it was still rustic, it was livable.

The four of us stripped and went at it. The fourth man was the guy from the pool, Desmond. He was the night manager of the Men's Exercise Place. I had only had sex one-on-one at college, so this was new to me. I was uneasy about group play, but the combination of good attitude and hard cocks made for a good time. While I was semi-virginal, they were friendly and had very good attitude.

We all liked sex, but I was the only one to not fully admit that. By the time I went home that night I knew a lot more. At first I was shocked that men could treat sex as a part of life. I thought of sex as being like a bolt of lightning. It was dramatic, exciting and rare. Skeeter and Bubba enjoyed it but it was customary rather than rare. It was natural. When Bubba sucked me we shared the experience. I shot off and he sucked up my cum. I seemed that he enjoyed taking my cum as much as I enjoyed shooting off.

When I got home I had a lot to think about. I actually fell asleep and woke up with the alarm clock. I had a full day of classes, and a night class.

I went swimming again on Wednesday. The pool was more crowded, but Bubba and Skeeter were there. I noticed they got along with a lot of the men.

Desmond mentioned that I might enjoy the Sauna after my swim. I said I would give it a try. The sauna was quite large. I guessed it could hold twenty men. It also connected to a four man shower. There were six men in the room when I entered. Two men were lying on the marble benches, but two of the other men scooted over to make room for me. All of the men were sitting on their towels so their genitals were exposed.

Five minutes later most of the men were stroking their cocks. An older man next to me, Fred, told me most of the guys were old friends. "Some men might say we are too friendly. Some think were are too intimate," he added as he stroked his semi-erect cock.

"There is nothing wrong with friends being friendly," I said, "I'm Bob. I am new here." Two men in the back of the room were talking. "Those men know how to enjoy themselves."

It looks to me that no underage guys are in attendance," I said. Fred laughed. I played with my cock a little and Fred bent over and delicately licked my knob. Another older man walked by and stopped to watch.

"You are a friendly group," I remarked.

"We all go the extra mile to make a man feel welcome," the man said.

"Let me introduce you to the Chairman of the Sauna Committee, Rusty Nail," Fred said. It turned out that the Chairman was self appointed, and Rusty Nail's real name was Russell Nelson. He was a retired Electrical Contractor.

I introduced myself. Both men knew my parents. They asked how they were doing. I told them they were doing pretty well.

"Robert, I don't know if you are out or not, but what happens at the Men's Exercise Place stays at the Exercise Place," Rusty said. "We even allow strait men to join in."

Two men in the back of the sauna laughed. "We are the token straight guys," one of them said. I recognized the voice. It was one of the Coaches from High School. It was getting too hot so I left the sauna and took a shower to cool down.

When I got home I wasn't sure about the group of men in the sauna. It seemed that might be a step too far. The next day at school I was discussing the American Revolution. When covering Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death" speech, one of my students told me that if he had been living in those times, he would been sort of into independence.

Another student asked if following Pearl Harbor, what would have happened if the United States has sort of declared war on Japan and Germany. I mentioned that the British Prime minster, Chamberlain, was sort of opposed to Hitler, and that didn't work out well. "If you are picking out a restaurant with a friend, and you want one place and your friends wants another, it is fine to compromise. If you are making a choice between a friendly country and an unfriendly country, giving the unfriendly country half of the friendly company is a bad choice."

That weekend I told my parents I was gay. They already knew. Dad said that after the event with the girl and the thugs he knew I would become a good man. That was all he would asked for in a son. I suspected that since my two brothers had produced five grandchildren there was no need to produce more.

A day later I had a visit from Coach Jones, one of the men from the Sauna. He had a star member on his football team that was having academic problems. "I think Tom is smart enough, but I don't know what is wrong," he explained. I said I would talk to him and see if I could help.

I talked to the school nurse. She tested Tom and she said he was farsighted, and needed glasses. His family was what the nurse described as problematic. The student thought that if he wore glasses he would be kicked off the team.

"Well I can take care of that!" Jones replied, "I can't believe something that simple was the problem." He the dropped his voice. "It was nice to see you at the gym he other day. When I was younger every one wanted me. That's not so much now," he said. "I guess you could say I'm a flirt. I like to be admired. I get that at the Sauna. I want the admiring glances, the sex is for my wife. Does that sound crazy?"

"Somehow, when it comes to sex, crazy is normal," I said. "I will follow Rusty's advice, what happens at the Men's Exercise Place stays at the Exercise Place." I was feeling better about the Sauna.

I later found out that the Southern Comfort Lodge functioned as a remote branch of the Exercise Place. It provided a place for more intense sexual activity. The Exercise Place wanted to remain a gym and swimming pool for men. It did not want to be solely a pickup place for gay men.

Desmond told me the exercise eliminated the sightseers and professionals. "I want the Place to be upscale. By that I mean I want stable men with jobs and a real life outside of gay bars," he explained. "I am a full service gay man, but some flirting and some tasteful sucking is okay at the Exercise Place. Sucking is okay as long as someone swallows the cum. I don't want slippery stuff on the floor. Ass fucking is way to messy. That is okay at the Southern Comfort Lodge."

"Is that okay with Bubba and Skeeter?" I asked.

"You may have noticed that they are ever so slightly over sexed," Desmond said. "For men as obsessed with sex as they are, they are selective. I think that is a result of being brought up in the trailer park from hell. They immediately know the difference between a good guy and trailer trash. Sex at the lodge is hot, heavy and good. If you are suspect you are not invited."

"I'm not into anal," I said.

Desmond smiled and said, "I strongly suspect that you just don't know you are into anal yet."

That was not the way I saw it, but his opinion about my sexual interest did not change my patronage at the Exercise Place or visits to the Southern Comfort Lodge.

Fall was turning into winter, and a visit to the Sauna after a swim became a regular event. I wanted to be warm before I walked back to my apartment. I became quite friendly with Fred and Rusty Nail. Apparently the Sauna was busy in the afternoon patronized by older men. The evening crowd was a mixture of younger and older men. The older men liked that.

Fred's friends were mostly retired businessmen and professionals. Rusty's friends had more hands on jobs. There was a house builder, an electrician, a grading contractor and a painter. Some started working for a company, but eventually owned it. A number of them knew my father. Many had to bail out workers who were drunk and disorderly on Mondays after a weekend binge.

Apparently Dad would give the guy jail time. The contractor would plead for leniency. Dad would give in, if the contractor would insure good behavior. The contractor used that to improve good behavior. It was a win-win situation. Dad handled big cases mostly, but he had a knack for the little stuff.

Sex in the sauna was all oral. It was up to but not including the orgasm. Desmond's rule that there was to be no sperm spillage encouraged men to take the load, and swallow. Many of the men were not into swallowing, but it seemed that all of them eventually got a taste for sperm straight from the balls.

That did not include me, until I was sucking Rusty, and he had a surprise orgasm. I had a mouth full of his man seed. That turned out to be an unexpected turn-on for me. He had what I would describe as flood of sperm. Each ejaculation released a gush of sperm. I would swallow it in time for the next flood. I got more turned on with each ejaculation.

I was pleased that he would feed me his own special, sperm sauce. It seemed that Rusty's sperm was flavored by macho. Rusty had opened up and fed me his essence.

When the ejaculations stopped he said, "Sorry about that. The orgasm came without warning."

"It was fucking beautiful. I loved it," I replied.

"It was good for me too," Rusty said. He leaned over and began to suck my cock. I was going to tell him he didn't need to do that, but somehow I postponed that several times until I shot off. Rusty seemed to like my sperm as much as I had liked his. It was beautiful and Rusty knew how to get every drop of sperm from my balls.

On Sunday I ran into Bubba and Skeeter in the pool showers. They asked if I would like to visit the lodge. They were having a few friends over that afternoon. I said that sounded good and asked if coming over at one would be okay. They said that would be fine.

When I arrived, Bubba answered the door and said, "I'm glad you could come, a few guys dropped in. I think you know them."

When I enter the main room, I saw Rusty and two men he introduced as Billy and Jonathan. Jonathan was tall, thin and hairy. Billy and average guy, but beefy. I knew Billy since when he jumped in the pool he almost flooded the place with the splash.

I thought Billy wasn't my type but discovered that as his tongue was trying to start my precum flow from my cock he became my type. When it began to flow he looked up at me. "Are you saving your load for someone else? I know I'm not every ones type."

"If you want it, you can have it," I said. A few minutes later Billy became my type. I was surprised that I was so turned on as a man I hardly knew feasted on my freshly ejaculated sperm. I could feel his excitement and pleasure as he took every drop. He then used my cum as mouthwash before he swallowed.

"That was good," he said. "I hope I got every drop." I kissed him.

Billy was a surprise, but there was another surprise. I was sitting on a couch between sexual episodes when Coach Jones sat next to me. Apparently his love for his wife was not the same as her love for him. She had left and moved in with a high school flame in her home town. She also took her portion of his checking account. He was dazed and shocked. He had no clue when he came home after an away game and found his wife, her clothes, jewelry, and half his bank account gone.

I thought he was looking for sympathy. He wanted human contact. That contact involved my cock and the contents of my balls.

Next: Chapter 2

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