The Sound of the Rain

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Nov 16, 2008




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



There's only one sound more annoying than lying in bed listening to the rain fall on the roof and know that the outside world will be soggy and muddy and dripping all over the place. And that's lying in bed listening to the rain fall on the roof, etc. and that roof being the roof of your vacation cabin in the mountains! So much for a weekend spent fishing and enjoying the great outdoors! I just hoped the rain would let up sooner than the weatherman on the radio was predicting, which was that this was the first of a series of three storms that planned to basically fuck up my entire week's vacation.

Sure, it was mid-November, but the winter had been so mild so far, I figured, why not take advantage of the cheap rent on mountain cabins this time of year, and good weather to enjoy it in, and just get away from it all? Well, I had my answer to why not! Because the weather this time of year now totally sucked!

Another blinding flash of white-hot light of lightning, followed by a loud clap of thunder, a booming sound that went on and on, louder than the sound of the rain.

Hey, that was someone at my door! Who the hell knocks on the door of a mountain cabin late at night!

Must be a branch or something that blew against the door and was now being blown up against it.

The hammering sound came again. Shit, that was going to keep me awake. I'd have to climb out of a warm bed and get the branch out of the way. Just hope the rain wasn't falling as hard as it sounded like it was.

Damn! I threw back the covers, shivering in the cold air that hit my arms, chest and legs. I was only wearing a pair of boxers. Should I get dressed for this? Hell, no, just run out, toss the branch and get back under those covers. I shivered as I lit the Coleman lantern, my only source of light after dark thinking to myself, hell, as much hair as my body has on it, you'd think it'd help keep me warm, but it doesn't, not one bit. Walking to the door, I crossed my arms across my chest, hands cupping my breasts. Muscles can help keep other muscles warm, at least. Of course, that kept my pecs and biceps warm while leaving my triceps taking the brunt of it. And the triceps are the thinnest muscles on anyone's arms, even me who has been working out and trying to develop their bulk for the last half-dozen years. Having a broad chest is something of a liability in trying to cover oneself with one's arms, and my carefully crafted slender waist felt downright drafty! But it would all be over as soon as I opened the door and threw that lousy, stinking, sonofabitching branch right over the hill to....

Oh, my God! That hadn't been a branch at my door! It was a young guy, and he was soaked. The wind was whipping at his blue-and-white-striped t-shirt and soaking dark-blue blue jeans and the rain was being blown against my bare legs like so many icy knives.

"P-p-p-please, may I c-c-c-c-c-come in?" he stuttered, his teeth chattering just like you see in those dumb TV shows.

"Sure, sure, get in here!" I said and stepped back to let the guy in. He went immediately over to the fire, which was now only a pile of orange embers. Held out his hands and shivered.

"Man, man, what happened to you?"

"Car went into a brook. Thought it was just a puddle, looked like just a puddle, honest, but the water went up over the fenders. Barely got out through the window and splashed out. Don't know if my car is even still there, it may have washed downstream!" He shivered again, hard and put his hands back over the embers. Further down.

"You'd better get dry." I said sympathetically. "You are soaked and it's not very warm in here anyhow."

"Got a towel?" He asked. "And a blanket."

"A towel, yeah." I said. "But no blankets other than are on my bed."

The man eyed the bed. "Can you spare one of them?"

"Uh...yeah." I was actually thinking that the two I had weren't warm enough as it was. Shit, and I hadn't brought in any more wood for the fire. I had planned to dress and dart out and build one in the morning. Hell, I had planned everything for a warm weekend, remember? I didn't have that much to cope with the 20-degree drop in temperature we'd had since last night! Much less share it with a stranded stranger.

The guy was struggling out of his clothing. Right, a towel. At least I had two towels, I could let him use one to dry off. I went over to fetch it, had to search through my bags to find them (I hadn't unpacked much so far) and turned back to the guy.

He was wearing only his briefs, and they were sagging from the heavy weight of water they were holding. His arms were around himself and he was shuddering. He let go of himself and picked up the poker, poked at the embers, which promptly sorted themselves apart and turned from dark orange to gray.

He looked over to the bed, and then to me. "Here's the towel." I said and he took it and scrubbed at his hair, his face, his shoulders. His skin was pale and his arms covered with goose-bumps. When he started on his legs, I offered, "Better skin out of those briefs, too, or you'll end up with chapped balls." I hesitated. "And you don't want to wear them in the bed anyhow."

"Sure." the guy promptly stripped out of those dripping briefs and went for the bed. His ass were a pair of oblong, nearly rectangular globes. From this angle, I didn't see his crotch or even his balls, but hell, wet and cold as he was, they'd probably crawled up into his abdomen and decided to stay there until they felt safe to come out.

He got into the bed and under the covers, and I said, "Leave room for me. I'm not sleeping on the floor myself."

"Sure." the guy said, "Thanks. I may decide to live after all."

"Bad, was it?" I said as I looked at him.

"I had to walk nearly three miles." the guy said. "I knew your cabin was here, I passed it on the road going down the mountain. It was all I could think of, coming here. If you hadn't let me in, I don't know what I would have done."

"This is turning into a crappy vacation for me, too." I agreed.

"Yeah." the guy said. "And thanks again for letting me stay here."

"I'd better fetch in some wood for the fire tomorrow morning." I said. "Give it a chance to dry out before I try to light it. I was never a Boy Scout."

"I was." the guy yawned. "Sorry."

"I'll go get the wood." I said.

And I braved that storm wearing only my boxers and my coat which I pulled over my shoulders. One trip, the woodpile was some fifty feet away from the front door. Making that trip was misery incarnate. How this guy walked three miles in this was a tribute to the human survival instinct.

When I got back in, the guy was sound asleep, the sleep that said he was totally wiped out and wouldn't wake up for anything less than an atomic blast. Suited me. I was soaking wet and more than ready to get under those covers myself. My boxers were soaking wet, as was my coat. I got out of the coat, looked at my bags. Shit, I couldn't remember which one held my clean shorts. To hell with it! Shivering, I stripped out of them and shivered harder, padded over to the bed and climbed in. The combination of covers and the heat of the other guy's body made it warm, warmer than I'd expected. Been outside longer than I'd thought. I settled in and with my arm barely touching the other guy's back, I lay and listened to the pounding of the rain. Sounded like it was coming down harder than ever now.

I don't know how long I slept, I know it was still dark when I woke again. I had turned in my sleep and was lying up against the guy, my chest against his back, spoon-fashion. He shifted again and I realized that this had awakened me. My cock, which was hard courtesy of a half-remembered dream, was pushing against his buttocks.

I started to shift away when his upper leg shifted, raised upwards. His upper arm slipped down to between his legs, reached out and caught my now-rigid shaft and pulled it in between his legs, his leg closed down over it again. Shit! But he didn't move again and I decided he had just made the best of a bad situation. The position was now more comfortable for both of us. And he was nice and warm, and those two covers we had weren't nearly enough to be warm without his body heat. I left us as we were and went back to sleep. Dropping off to sleep, I felt him working his hips back and forth now and then, but the sensation, while more than the shift of a person asleep, was something less than passion. More like a physical way of saying "thank you."

When I awoke again, I was in the same position, but alone in the bed. Opening my eyes, I looked to see my bed partner at the fireplace. Using the wood I had brought the night before to start the fire. He moved with easy grace, and the body that had seemed so timid and pitiable the night before was now sleek and smooth. His now-dry hair was a light brown, his face which had been scrunched in misery was now smooth, clean...handsome, the body which had been shriveled in the rain was now a harmony of masculine, muscled beauty. Nude, he moved like this state of dishabille was the normal state of all mankind. Starting the fire, he turned back and saw me awake in the bed. "We'll give that a half hour or so to build up and warm the place, then I'll fix us breakfast." he said.

"Sure." I said as he came back to the bed.

He got it, turning his back to me and he snuggled up against me again. "Did I tell you my name last night?"

"No." I said, then thought. "No, I don't think so."

"I'm Michael."

"Ken." I gave him mine.

He snuggled in a bit more, his buttocks pushing into my basket. My legs were up a bit too high to make the contact complete, but his body shoved at me gently until he had us in the same position as the night before.

My cock, now with the warmth of his butt against it, began to swell again. "We need to try to get your car out of the brook." I said. I had a fair idea of where he had gone under, a small, shallow brook the road didn't bother putting a bridge over. Easily fordable by any auto...except when it was swollen by the rain that had pelted this place for nearly 24 hours straight now.

"It's a rental." Michael said sleepily. "Forget it. When the rain stops, we'll go see what it looks like. Later." His ass wiggled against my cock and the shaft swelled again. His leg went up and his hand came down and laid my dong back between his legs and he closed upon it again. "Go back to sleep, it's barely dawn."

"Yeah." I said. I still wasn't 100% certain about all this...until his hips moved back and forth, and kept on moving. His thighs were miking at my pud now.

So I began to hunch with him. My cock throbbed with the pleasure of this. "You don't have to do this." I offered.

"I didn't think I had to." Michael sighed and moved faster.

"Mmmm!" I grunted as the pleasure wove through me. "This feels nice."

"Do it faster!" Michael whispered huskily. "Please! I want to feel it moving back and forth, so hot, so damned hot!"

"Yeah, it is." I said. And it was. I mean, think about it. A cabin in the forests up on a mountain, the weather outside cold and raining heavily. A gray dawn gave a dim lighting to the room, broken by the building orange highlights from the fire as it licked at the still-damp wood, making sizzling sounds as the water boiled out and turned into steam. The quilts were covering us, warm, intimate...private. Our movements under the covers were obliterated by their sedentary heaviness, nothing showed, only a sort of whispering sound that was our bodies shifting back and forth beneath them. Everything was warm, as warm as you can get on a cold morning of late autumn when the fire hasn't really heated the room yet. The covers are almost womb-like, you feel protected and secure and safe and almost floating.

And in that sanctuary, the two of us were sharing our passion, our joy. I held Michael as well as I could in that side-by-side position, then my hand slid down to grasp his dong. Michael gasped as I took hold of it, his prong was long and slender in my hand, the glans was seamlessly a part of the shaft, a bulb shape at the top with no flare to disturb the smooth glide of the cockskin as I pumped it back and forth.

Michael moaned, long, low and slow, and my own body felt that moan and it trembled in resonance to that sound, the feel of his thighs upon my pud as I stroked it in and out of their clutch, the warmth of the bed as our bodies moved and frictioned upon the sheets all heavy with the aroma of the night-sweat of two men, the sizzle of the fire that was diminishing as the logs dried out, warmed, caught fire and gave out with heat of their own.

My body was shivering with my desire as Michael's groans rose in volume and tempo, he was close to coming, my body, my heat, the simple feel of my cock between his legs and my hand on his prod, this was all he was needing, to be held and loved and stroked, that was sending him into the realm of passion's agony.

"Uhhh, ohhh, ohhh, ahhh, ahhh, uhhh, uhhh, yeah, uhhh, uhhhh, uhhhh, gahhh, yeah, gahhh, yeah, yeah, oh, oh, yeah, oh, oh, oh!" Michael's voice began to take on an urgency, the hungry sound of a man needing more, more, more!

My own body responded to this and I began to hump at him in a frantic pace, I wanted to join him in this if I could, feel his body spasming in lust as I squirted my own load into the space between his legs, dampening them and soaking his balls with my jizz, pleasure him as I pleasured myself, turn this into an intimate moment of two men's bodies locked in passion.

"Yeah, oh, oh, I'm coming, I'm coming, oh, oh, oh!" Michael moaned. "Oh, oh, oh!"

"Yeah, come on, shoot it, shoot it!" I urged him as I pumped his dong, rammed my own back and forth between his legs, he was wrapped up in me, my arm over him, my body against his, my legs pressing up against his own with bent knees and thrusting buttocks that sent my cock into frantic steaming delight!

"I'm coming, oh, oh, AH, AHAH, AHAH, AH, AH, AH, AH, GUH-HUHHHHH!" Michael groaned and I felt his cock's shaft pulse as the hot squirts of jizz pelted the sheets over him, I got it on my hand by proxy from the sheets as my hand pulled out on his pud and milked out even more.

It was time, I told my body, now, do it now, now, please, now! My cock was more than ready, it sent me rising waves of ecstasy that I rode like a professional surfer, I closed my eyes and held Michael tightly to me, and my prod poured its load of spunk into the pressure of Michael's legs and coated them with my seed, the stickiness made the further thrusts more joyful than ever. I moaned as the jizz spilled out, the pleasure washed through and over me, leaving me drained, cleaned, renewed and relaxed.

Done, we both breathed heavily for a time, then Michael said to me. "Thanks, Ken. That was good, real good."

"I thought so, too."

Michael turned onto his back, my arms remained where they were, now across his chest. "Sounds like the rain is stopping."

I listened myself, I hadn't been hearing the rain so much, but in sex's pseudo-world, I hadn't noticed. "I guess it is."

Michael sighed. "I guess we had better try to rescue the car." he said. "Let me fix you breakfast and we'll go take a look for it. Wonder if my clothes are dry enough to put back on. I left everything I had in the car."

"Heading back down the mountain?" I asked as he got out of bed.

"Yeah." Michael said. "Maybe. I guess so."

"Is that definite?" I smiled.

"Shit, still wet." Michael said. "If you don't mind looking at my bare butt a bit longer, I'll hang them in front of the fire while I make breakfast. It's getting warm enough in here to be bare, anyhow."

"It is." I agreed. The fire was now roaring away.

While scrambling eggs, Michael said. "I should tell you something."

"What's that?" I was now dressed and sitting at the bare-wood table at a bare-wood chair.

Michael turned around and I saw his cock, still looking lean and pink though flaccid, under the skillet. "I'm married." he said.

"Oh." I blinked at that.

"Look, I'm not trying to make anything out of...what happened here." Michael went on. "My wife and I had a big fight, another big fight, I guess I should say. She told me to get out and never come back. I had a friend who owned the cabin up the mountain and he let me use it a few days. It's like this place, only barer, just walls and a ceiling and an iron stove in the middle. No phone. I was driving back to find a phone and talk with my wife, see if I was welcomed back yet or not. It wasn't like the cabin I was in was any fun at all."

"Well..." I was at a loss as to what to say. Decided on, "Well, I'm ready to give up on this cabin myself. Why don't we get your car out of the brook if we can, I have a winch on the front of my pickup (I'd rented smarter than Michael for this week in the mountains) and we can hook on and pull it up to dry land if we can reach it. After that, you can ride with me down to the rental place or where you left your own car or whatever."

"Thanks." Michael said again. "That's one answer. I guess."

"Uh?" It was only a sound, an inquiry that slipped out of me. I'd expected another thank-you, after all, wouldn't you?

Michael brought over the skillet of eggs and scooped half of the contents into my plate, the other on his own. The bacon and toast had already been made, he turned back and brought the pair of plates that held them, plopped them between us. "I didn't tell you just what my wife and I were always fighting about. I think you can guess, given what we just did."

"Oh." I was being really articulate here, wasn't I? I tried again when something occurred to me. "So you said one answer to my suggestion. What are you thinking?"

"It's going to be a long, rainy week up here, you know."

"Yeah, I know." I agreed.

"Nothing much to do if you can't go outside."


"So maybe I thought, we could get the car out, maybe, rescue my stuff from the back seat if it's still even in there...." Michael trailed off.

"And then?"

"We come back here and I keep you company until the rain stops. That is, if you wouldn't mind some company while you wait?"

I looked across at the handsome, grinning, naked man seated across the table, and heard the sound of the rain starting back up again, as bad as ever. And suddenly, the rest of this mountain-cabin weekend was sounding a lot better!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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