The Society Boys

By Dave

Published on Apr 16, 2021


The Society Boys By Connor Matthews

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Chapter 179

My mind was so preoccupied preparing to tell Blake about John that I had almost lost focus on everything else, so I was surprised when Darcy phoned me. "I did it!"

"Did what?"

"I told Blake I was gay," he said sounding very positive and excited.

"Awesome buddy. How'd it go?"

"Fine. He said that it was cool."

"Cool? That's it? He didn't take you to slam town for the next couple hours?"

"Slam town? You mean sex? No. He just said it was cool."

"That doesn't sound like Blake. Maybe he was just trying to respect the moment. I'm sure the next time you're over, he'll suggest fooling around."

"Or maybe he doesn't like me like that. At least he is still my friend. When can we go to your island? That was the deal, right? I tell him, and you take me out on your boat and spend a naked weekend."

"That was the deal. We'll plan a time when we're both free, if you still want to that is."

"I want! This will be epic. I'm free this weekend."

"All right, let's go out early Saturday and come back Sunday. I think a weekend running around outside without clothes would really help you overcome any shyness."

"What should I bring?"

"Most of the things we'll already have with us. Just a change of clothes. Swim shorts and a t-shirt for the boat. I recommend a hoodie too. If the wind picks up on the water, you might appreciate it. Don't forget your toothbrush." I could already picture the weekend in my mind. He's not going to need clothes. I'll be happy to keep him warm. This therapy stuff is going to be lit, I think.

I figured I should go out to the garage to check on some of the things we'd need. While most of it was already on the island or on the boat, a few things were in the garage. I was digging through containers when Blake strolled in.

"Where you goin'?" He asked. "Finally planning to run away from home?"

"Don't tempt me. No, I was just talking to Darcy. Never seen a boy that excited about a trip before. I promised I'd take him to Bare Island for a weekend."

"Darcy? Why?"

"I made him a deal."

"What kinda deal?" He asked suspiciously.

"That if he told you he was gay, that I'd let him spend the weekend at Bare Island to get comfortable being himself. I was surprised that you didn't take him to bed the second he told you. You're losing your touch kid!"

"Uhhhh, Dad...He didn't tell me he was gay. If he had, of course I'd have had sex with him. He's a pretty cool guy."

"Oh shit. He didn't tell you? He said he did. Damn. Uhhhh...Blake, please do me a favour and forget I told you. Let him do it. Shit."

"You knew and kept it a secret? How come? He's MY friend." Blake said getting upset.

"It's one of those doctor/patient things. I promised him I wouldn't out him to anyone, and that he could do it on his own. He was comfortable talking to me, and I was getting practice being a psychologist."

Blake stared me up and down. "I get it, but you coulda told me. I wouldn't have said anything to anyone."

"I know you wouldn't, but that's not how the doctor/patient thing works. The only one that can reveal what we talk about is the patient, never the doctor. Not even if the police ask."

"So if I ever needed a shrink and I chose you, you couldn't say anything to anyone. Not even yourself?"

"Well, of course I'd know. You'd be the one telling me," I laughed.

"Yeah, but you'd be my shrink, not my Dad. Shrinky you couldn't tell Dad you to get me into trouble, right?"

"If you wanted to talk in private like that, I think we could work something out, but since when don't you tell me everything anyway?"

"I do, I was just wondering. I mean you never know. I might do something that you'd totally try to ground me for, but if I told you as your patient, you couldn't. Like what if I admitted to murdering someone. As my Dad, you'd be pissed off, right. As my doctor shrink, you'd have to keep it to yourself and just listen to why I did it."

"Well...technically if you say you're going to kill or harm someone, including yourself, I would be required by law to reveal it. Almost all other things are confidential though."

"What if I said I was gonna rob a bank?"

"Are you gonna rob a bank?" I asked trying not to smile.

"I can't tell you that because you're my Dad right now," he said looking at me with that grin of his that said he knew exactly what he was doing.

"If you told me you were planning on robbing a bank, I wouldn't have to reveal it, unless you said you were going to use violence in the process. My job would be to find out why you wanted to rob it, and attempt to steer you to another solution that didn't require a crime to be committed."

"I've got one. What if, just before the end of a session, I told my shrink that I didn't have the money to pay his bill and that I wasn't going to. Would he be able to call the police to charge me with that since I'm in the session when I told him in confidence?"

"I have no idea," I laughed. "Something tells me that if you're in therapy with someone, they'll need therapy afterwards."

"Cool. Now back to Darcy. You're gonna take him to Bare Island because he told you he was gay? Is that so you can have sex with him?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I laughed.

"Yep. I really would. Can I go too?"

"I'll have to ask him if it was okay. I only agreed to take him to the island so he could work on his self-confidence." I lied. I intended to have sex with the boy on every inch of Bare Island, but that might not be a good reveal for right now.

"He's getting more confidence around here. I guess your therapy sessions are working `cause he always swam with shorts on before. Now he's been okay naked the last couple times. Maybe I should go with you guys, and show him how fun it is to run around without clothes," he teased.

"Or I could have sex with him, and you could sit and take notes to learn a few things."

"Oh please. You're the one who takes notes...shrink!" He giggled. "Have you already had sex with him? I see the way you look at him, and he talks about you a lot. And I mean A LOT!"

"I couldn't tell you that...and for the record, I look at all cute boys the same way. Even you." I leaned over and tickle hugged him as he squealed and tried to get away. "I'll talk to Darcy to see if he's okay with you going. Remember, please don't say that I told you he was gay. Let me tell him that I let it slip out."

"Okay. But if you don't take him to the island after that, let's just you and me go anyway, okay?"


He took off and I leaned against the cupboards and inhaled deeply. Technically I hadn't broken any confidences since he'd told me that he'd revealed his secret to Blake. I still felt bad that I'd outed him to the one person he was scared to tell.

The next day, I decided to pick Darcy up from school without letting him know. As soon as he saw the car, he lit up and raced over to get in the passenger seat. "I didn't know you were picking me up today. This is awesome!" He gushed with a big smile on his face. He was like a puppy seeing his owner come home after a long day at work. If he licks me...

"Thought I'd surprise you," I said as we drove off. I parked a distance away from the school and turned to look at him.

"How come we stopped? Aren't we going back to your place?"

"Maybe, but you might not want to after I talk to you. I think we both screwed up."

"Huh, why? About what?"

"You said that you told Blake that you were gay, right?"

He swallowed hard and looked down. "Yeah." You could see from his body language that he was guilty already.

"You didn't, did you?"

"No. I couldn't. I was scared that he wouldn't want to hang out with me as much anymore. I know I lied. I'm sorry. I'm trying to get more confident. I promise."

"I know you are, and so far you're doing much better, but unfortunately by misleading me, it caused a problem."

"Sorry. I just really wanted to spend a whole weekend with you. It would be epic. What problem did it cause?"

"Well, Blake asked why I was making plans to go to the island. I told him I was taking you."

"Oh. Guess he's wondering why?"

"Yes, but that isn't the real issue though. Because you told me that you'd revealed your secret to him, when he asked why I'd be taking you to the island since you were his friend, I told him that it was as a reward for telling him you were gay. Imagine how sick I felt when he revealed that you never actually told him anything."

"Oh shit. You told him I was gay? You promised you'd never say anything," he said looking panicked.

"And I never would have, but you clearly said that you had told him, so it was no longer something protected by our confidentiality. I never said anything else to him. Not about how you feel about him, or sex, or anything. Just what you said you'd told him. Darcy, if you don't tell me all the facts, then sometimes these things could happen. I'm sorry. If I'd known you hadn't really told him, it would still be just between you and me."

I saw tears form in his eyes. "He knows? Does he hate me? Now he thinks I'm a liar too." He turned to grab for the door handle.

"Darcy. Remember what I told you?"

"What?" He asked wiping his eyes as he lost control of his emotions.

"That if there was one person you could come out to and trust, it'd be Blake. He'd never hate you or think you were a liar. If anyone understands gay guys, it's Blake. He lives with plenty. Know what he said?"

"That he never wanted to see me again?"

I laughed. "No. He looked at me like I was insane and said that he didn't understand why you wouldn't want to tell him. He said, and I quote, that you are super cute."

"No he didn't," he replied wiping the tears now running down his cheek.

"I guess you hate me now huh? So, our trip to the island is off?"

"No. And I'd never hate you. But now you have a decision to make."

"What kind of decision?"

"It should be easy. Now that Blake knows, tell him for real. I instructed him to forget I'd let it slip out and for him to wait until you were ready to tell him yourself, but the cat is already out of the bag. He was actually disappointed that you'd told me and not him, but once he got over that, his first comments were to ask if he could go with us to show you how fun the island is."

"I'm still kinda scared to tell him in person though. Now he knows I'm a liar too. No one really likes me and if I lost Blake as a friend, I don't think I'd even be able to go back to karate."

"Trust me, Blake will be an even better friend once you tell him face to face. I absolutely guarantee it. Plus, you've been doing so well with your shyness. Everyone at the house likes you. They all think you're a great guy."

"It's because you guys are all older, or I'm in your house, so they wouldn't be mean to me or anything. If this was at school, it'd be different. No one likes me there. Blake is really my only friend, so if I lost him, I'd probably never get another friend again and it'd be because I was gay."

"First, I think that would be incorrect. You saw how fast the guys at the Academy liked you. Spend a weekend there, and you'd have so many friends you wouldn't have enough time for all of them. Second, you just need to continue building confidence at school. I still think that standing up to the bullies one time would make all the difference. If they try to attack you, fight back. Just once. That's all it will take. Let others hear you warn them, and then no matter what, it's self defence. Well within the acceptable parameters of karate."

"I guess that's true," he said as he stopped sniffing and wiped his nose on his sleeve. "What do I do about Blake?"

"I'll help you with that. When's the next time you'll see him?"

"Tonight at karate, then tomorrow for our usual practice at your house. What if he says something, now that he knows?"

"He won't. That alone should prove how good a friend he is. I'll drive you home right now, but trust me, things are going to get better for you."

"Thanks Justin. Sorry for lying to you."

"Under the circumstances, I can forgive you. Just don't do it again, okay? Always tell me the truth so I can be there for you."


I drove him home and then headed back to the house where I went to talk to Blake. "You have karate tonight?"

"Yeah. Sensei is impressed with how much I'm improving. I figure I'll be a ninja by the time I'm 16."

"Good. I'll keep my eyes out for that."

"Wouldn't help. I'll be a ninja. You'll never see me," he joked.

"Listen. Make sure you don't treat Darcy any differently okay? Act as if I hadn't told you his secret."

"Sure. It's gonna cost you though."

"It is huh? What's the price?"

"Take me to Bare Island with you?"

"I'm working on it. Just don't make it awkward for him okay? He may still tell you on his own."

"I don't know why he cares. I mean this whole house is so gay, rainbows look at us and shake their heads in disbelief. Do you think he's maybe scared that if he tells everyone that he's gonna get gang banged?"

"No. I doubt that's his first thought," I laughed. "He's more scare that you'll see him differently and reject him as a friend after that. Losing you as someone to hang out with is his biggest fear."

"That's stupid. I like Darcy. He's a cool guy to hang with. Anyway, he's my karate tutor too."

I gave him a hug as a thank you, and he told me to stop being weird. Some days he's in a mood to have sex with all of us, and whines when he can't have it. Other days he doesn't even want us to hug him. Teenagers are confusing. Good thing I was never like that... I was always your basic normal.

Once Blake returned from karate, I asked how it went.

"Fine. Darcy stayed away from me more than usual as we trained, but he still talked to me about karate. Nothing else though except to confirm we were still on for tomorrow's training. He was more quiet than usual, which for Darcy is extra super quiet."

"He just needs time to process how to tell you. I'm sure in the karate dojo wasn't the ideal setting."

"That's true. You don't wanna be rolling around on the floor with someone and then whisper in their ear that you're gay. Could get awkward."

"Or you could end up rolling around longer," I teased.

"Shut up!"

The next day Darcy arrived on schedule for his training with Blake and they ran off downstairs. They usually practiced for an hour, so towards the end of the time, I grabbed some water and headed down to the playroom. They were in the middle of the mat and I walked in just as Blake flipped Darcy over his shoulder and slammed him to the ground. Darcy stood back up and they bowed to each other. I would have bowed as well, but I was carrying bottles of water.

"How's the practicing going, guys?" I asked as I stepped on the mat to hand them the water.

"DAD!!" Blake yelled quickly.


"You're disrespecting the mat. You can't walk on it with shoes on."

Since when is that a rule? I quickly backed up though as I didn't want to have a mat mad at me by disrespecting it. I walk on it all the time with shoes on. Mat has some `tude! "Sorry. Didn't know the rules," I replied stepping back to wait for them to come to me for the water.

"Great. Thanks, Dad," Blake said as they took the bottles and drank. "Darcy thinks I'm almost ready for my blue belt test."

"Nice. I guess all this practicing pays off. You guys look like you've been working hard. You've built up quite a sweat," I said.

"Yeah, it's gets pretty warm. That's why we have to wash these a lot. I should probably get another gi soon. I could have one for matches and the other for practice," Blake replied unfastening the jacket at the side to let it fall open. He took a drink of water as Darcy copied him.

"Probably a good idea. You could just wear the pants, or do like they do in MMA, and just wear your underwear when you train."

"You're supposed to wear the gi, Dad. It's required. I think they'd frown if everyone ran around in their underwear."

"It would show off how toned you guys are. Looks like it's good exercise."

"It is. Normally we've even been doing weights after our practices too. That also helps," Darcy admitted.

"You don't notice a lot when you workout, but when I see a picture of myself from a year ago, I notice the difference," Blake nodded.

"I can't believe Blake is two years younger than me and he's so much bigger," Darcy commented looking at Blake.

"Yeah, but penis size isn't everything," Blake giggled as he grabbed his crotch to brag like all guys over the age of 10.

"Don't worry. Once day you'll get a growth spurt and shoot up," I smiled. "I'm guessing karate is good for the legs too, especially the thighs with all that jumping and kicking."

"It is. Check these puppies out," Blake said as he undid his pants and let them fall to his ankles. He stepped out of them to remain in just his tight black underwear. He flexed and squeezed his thigh. "Check it out, Dad."

I took a squeeze and he was rock solid. I guess I hadn't been paying that much attention before. I was actually surprised. I don't remember mine being that firm.

"I could crack walnuts, Dad."

"True, but that's not a good use of your head, Blake. Plus, with it being empty like it is, you may crack your skull before the walnuts."

"Bite me!" he said flipping me off. Darcy just laughed. "Oh, Dad. It's good you're down here. Darcy asked me earlier if he could talk to you when we were done karate."

"Of course. Are you done now or are you still practicing?"

"No, we're done."

"Did you want to go somewhere and talk alone, Darcy?" I asked.

"We can talk in here if we can go sit down. I'd like Blake to be here too, if that's okay," he said obviously nervous. Considering the subject, it might be making him more nervous that Blake was down to his underwear.

"Sure, come sit. Blake, you might want to put pants on. No one needs to see you showing off the leg muscles."

He got the message and pulled his pants back on and tied them. He remained shirtless while Darcy kept his jacket on, but open so they could cool down. The three of us sat together.

"Ummm, so should I start?" Darcy asked.

"Whenever you're comfortable, sure," I said.

"I ummm...wanted to say something, but I'm kinda nervous because I've never said this before, and it's pretty tough to admit."

"Take your time," I encouraged.

"Blake, I know your Dad is a psychologist, or at least training to be one, and I've kinda been talking to him since you had that big Amazon party."

"Sorry about that," Blake chuckled. "I know how tough that is to admit. Not about going to a shrink. That's cool, but admitting that you think my Dad is one."

"Blake. Shut up!" I said shaking me head. Darcy just gave a small smile.

"He's actually pretty good. He's helped me deal with lots of stuff that I wasn't handling really well. I was really depressed when I was over here that day and I was...well, I was pretty sure I was gonna give up before he found me."

"Give up? Like karate?" Blake asked looking at him seriously.

Darcy shook his head. "No. Give up living..." he said pausing to let it sink in. He hadn't even told me that as directly as that. I'd suspected it from the moment I saw him, but I didn't try to drag it out of him as we'd worked past it."

Blake just looked at me with that stare of shock and fear in his eyes. This wasn't what he'd been expecting to hear. "How do you feel now?" Blake asked carefully.

"Better. I still have days that are worse than others, but Justin has been helping me deal with it. I hope you're not mad that I talked to him behind your back."

"No way. Justin is awesome to talk to. I talk to him all the time. Mostly he tells me to shut up as I talk too much, but I still do it `cause he listens pretty well. Like just yesterday..."

"Blake...shut up!" I joked. "Let Darcy talk, please."

"Right. See... Sorry," he said looking at his friend and going back to serious again.

"Like when we were talking, I told him some of the same stuff I've told you like how I get picked on at school because I'm smaller than most guys my age. That's why I take karate so I can defend myself if it gets really bad."

"Yeah. You're awesome at it."

"Thanks. I also told him that I really don't have any friends, except maybe for you."

Blake stayed silent as he listened intently.

"I also told him some other stuff about me that I'd never told anyone and I was kinda scared to tell you in case you didn't want to be friends any more. Justin said I shouldn't worry about it though. I did, but I guess I screwed up and lied to him, so now I think you know anyway."

"Dude, friends can tell each other anything, or they're not really friends, and you're totally a friend," Blake said to him, and I was impressed at how mature that sounded.

He took a deep breath and let it out. Then a sip of water, before pausing and staring at both of us. "This is way more difficult than it looks on TV," he said taking another deep breath. "I've only ever said it out loud to one other person before, and that was Justin as a psychologist." He wiped his hands on his pants and Blake looked at me, almost feeling as nervous for him.

"It's cool," Blake said offering support. "Take your time."

"I'm gay," he blurted out, then let out all his air as if he were deflating. He instantly took another drink of water. Blake was quiet for a second, but I covertly nudged him to say something.

"That's awesome! Dude. That proves we're wicked friends. No one has ever come out to me like that before," he gushed excitedly. I'm pretty sure others have come out to him before, or maybe they were already out and just told him once they met. Technically, he was right that no one had come out to him like this before. Sitting, and officially announcing he was gay.

"Please don't tell anyone. Especially not at my school. They'd really pick on me then."

"I'd never say anything, but dude, we should go into your school holding hands, and if anyone came up to say stupid shit about it, we'd kick their asses and show them they can't mess with the karate twins."

"Karate twins?" I smirked.

"I haven't come up with a cool name yet. I'm not a Ninja yet. That's when you make up a super cool Ninja name."

"Sorry, I didn't know there were rules about it."

"Do you still want to be my friend now that you know?" Darcy asked quietly.

"Are you kidding? This just makes us better friends," Blake beamed excitedly.

"Sorry, I told your Dad before you. I just thought since he had to keep it a secret, that he'd be a good person to talk to."

"He is, but now we don't have to keep secrets, right?"

"Right. I promise I won't, anymore."

"Cool. So, did you and Justin have sex?"


"What? He JUST said we didn't have to keep secrets anymore. You really gotta listen better if you're gonna shrink people, Justin."

"Maybe don't be as intrusive. Let people work things out at their own speed," I suggested.

Blake frowned as he looked at me, then turned back to Darcy. "Did Justin know you were gay when we first met Layne, and I took him upstairs to my bedroom?"


"Oh shit. Sorry. I wouldn't have been that rude if I'd known."

"You wouldn't have done it with him if you'd known I was gay? Because you wouldn't have wanted me there?"

"No! If I'd known, you could come joined us. That would have been epic. We coulda watched him drool all over us when he saw how toned we were while we showered. Then we could both have fucked his brains out, instead of me leaving you alone with Justin. I know how boring that must have been."

Darcy gave a small grin. "No. He's cool to spend time with. We talk about lots of things. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you. I really thought you'd hate me, like everyone else would if they knew."

"God. No way! I'm not sure if I'm gay or straight, but I like sex with both boys and girls, and I don't think I wanna choose yet. It's just fun to be a kid and do whatever you want with people you like. Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," Darcy said visibly relaxing now that Blake was so accepting. Like I'm sure he knew he would be, but when a lot is at stake, your brain really only focuses on the things that could go wrong.

"If I'm the first person you've told you're gay, except for mini-shrink? Have you had sex with anyone yet?"

"Mini-shrink?" I asked.

"Deal with it," Blake said, waving me off as he kept looking at Darcy.

"Ummm..." he stuttered looking at me. Fortunately, I was sitting beside Blake who was in the middle between us. I was able to give him a small nod. "Not a lot, but I tried some stuff."

"Did you do it with a girl and a guy, and that's how you knew?"

"No. I've only tried it with one guy, and that's after I already figured I liked boys more than girls."

Blake frowned slightly. "Didn't the guy you had sex with figure out you were gay, or was it like a sleepover party where you did dare type stuff? I've done lots of stuff like that."

Darcy took another sip of water, and you could see his nerves returning as he was being pushed some place he wasn't comfortable going.

"Blake, how about you leave details like that alone for now? Let Darcy tell you whatever he wants you to know in his own time. I think he's done enough for today."

He suddenly bounced around in his seat to stare at me, and then snapped around to look at Darcy. "Oh shit! I just figured it out. You did do it with Justin! He's the one you had sex with isn't it? That's why you're going to Bare Island on the weekend."

"Blake!" I warned.

"Dude! Am I right? Did you just do blowjobs or did he bone you as well?"

"I'm not sure I'm allowed to say," he replied looking at me for confirmation.

"You're allowed to say," I reassured him. "The confidentiality thing only applies to the psychologist. If you want to tell Blake things, you're free to do so."

"So, I was right?" Blake grinned.

"Ummm...Justin showed me some things that I wasn't sure about. I guess it helped me understand if I was really gay or not. It could have just been that I wanted some real friends, and was confused about my feelings."

"You did stuff with Justin and you still wanted to be gay? Normally that gets people running into the arms of the opposite sex. If you really want to know what it's like to have good sex with a guy, then can I please go to the island with you guys?"

"Blake! Dial it down," I warned, ignoring the fact he'd insulted my abilities.

"Dialed!" He replied. "I can totally help you find some guys if you want. I won't say nothing to no one about you, I promise, but I can at least point out guys that you might like."

"What part of this is you dialing it down, exactly?" I asked.

"You guys never answered me. Would I be able to go with you to the island now that I know? It'll be epic fun. We take the boat out to get there, and I'm sure you can drive it a bit. On the island we have a wicked cool cabin, and tons of places to explore. There's a rope swing into the swimming hole, and we can barbeque, and even go tubing and fishing, although Justin screams like a little girl when we catch a fish and have to club it. At night we can make a fire either outside if it's warm enough, or in the fireplace in the cabin, and make s'mores. Tons of my friends have been out there. You'll love it. Best part is we don't wear clothes at all."

"Justin told me something about it. I'm not sure about being naked outside as I've never done it, but I'm kinda interested in seeing if I could actually do it. Ummm...I'm not sure that I'll be able to keep my penis from getting hard sometimes. I'd be super embarrassed if that happened in front of you, until I learn to control it."

"Dude! That's the whole fun of it. First time I went running around naked, my penis was so hard that when I slammed into trees, I drilled a hole right through them. We're both boys. Boners are what we do. You've already seen mine a few times. I don't care about that stuff. By the end of the weekend, you won't care either. We can have sword fights with them, and then give each other blowjobs to get them back down."

"Again...dialing..." I said shaking my head. "Is there anything else you wanted to say Darcy?"

"Just that I'm sorry I lied to you, Justin, and that I never told you earlier Blake. My house isn't like this at all. If my Dad even thought for a second I was gay, or even LOOKED at a boy for too long, he'd probably beat me to death. I've never had friends before, so I didn't want to risk losing you by saying something that might make you not like me."

"I think I understand, but dude...I live in a house full of gay guys. If anyone would understand, it'd be me. They all want sex with me so bad, that that's why I had to take karate. To fight them all off."

"Oh brother. Ego much?" I said pushing him on the shoulder. He just laughed.

"Nah. I'm just joking. I know lots of guys at school that I think are probably gay. Just like there must be tons at your school. They don't come out for the same reason. They figure guys will pick on them, or hate them. I'm pretty open at my school about the fact I like guys as much as girls. I figure that way if anyone is gay, they might see how I get treated and be okay with coming out. If you ever wanted to come out, you'd be a pretty cool role model."

"Thanks Blake, but I could never do that. If someone told my parents, I'd be dead, and until I get bigger, I'd be a super target for the bullies. They're tough enough to deal with now," he replied.

"You're almost a black belt. Kick their asses. I'm telling you that's all they'd need. Some guy smaller than they are, who's also gay. Fuck, you'd rule that school. Just be super chill about who you are. Not only that, but once people see how confident you are being gay, you'll be getting all sorts of guys asking for sex. I get so many requests in a day I almost need a couple clones to help out."

"Always go at your own speed, Darcy," I reassured him. "Even if it's only something between the three of us for now. You took a pretty major step in owning your life today, and I'm proud of you."

"Thanks Justin."

"I'm proud of you too. Thanks for telling me, and you can totally trust me," Blake grinned as he leaned over to give Darcy a hug. "You wanna go upstairs to the gym and finish working out?"

"And on that note, I'll leave you guys to it," I said as I stood up. Darcy quickly jumped up and came over to give me a hug and a thanks.

I was up in the kitchen when Darcy strolled up a while later. "Blake said I should come up and ask if it he can go to the island with us, since we never really answered him."

"He's persistent. I'll give him that. How do you feel about the idea?" I asked as he sat at the island.

"I dunno. I kinda think it'd be lots of fun with him there, but I was also looking forward to it being just you and me," he replied honestly.

"Did you and Blake talk about anything else while you were working out?"

"No. Well kinda. He wanted to know what you and I had done together. I didn't tell him. I just said you told me about the differences between being with a guy and a girl."

"Just for the record. I'm fine if you want to tell him. Blake has seen me having sex with lots of people and isn't shocked by anyone I do, anymore than I'm not shocked by anyone he does. We talk openly."

"Okay. If he asks again, I'll maybe let him know some stuff that I learned. Should I tell him about Kyle, or the trip to the Academy?"

"Totally up to you. None of that is a secret, except if you want it to be. I'm sure I already know the answer to this, but now that Blake knows, would you want sex with him?"

He looked down and blushed. "Yeah. I think Blake is awesome. I'm sure he'd think I was terrible at sex though since he's had so much more experience than me. I'm older so he'd probably expect me to know more than I do. That's why I thought a whole weekend with you would be good. We could do it lots more, and then if he wanted to fool around at some point, I wouldn't look so stupid."

"Darcy, he already knows you haven't had a lot of experience. You revealed that downstairs. I have a feeling he'll eagerly offer to teach you himself. Trust me, he's taught more than one of his friends a few things."

"Are you sure he'd want to do that with me?"

"Blake's probably already planned out a whole scenario in his head about your first time together," I laughed. "I don't know if he'd be boyfriend material for you, but if it's just sex you want, he's the guy I'd choose it I were you."

"Would you and me still be able to do something while Blake was there?"

"I doubt anyone would get left out when we're at the island. I'll be honest. I think it would be hot watching you two together. I can already visualize that big dick of his sliding into your cute little ass, while you lean over to suck my cock at the same time. Then you switch it up and fuck Blake while I eat your ass."

"Wow. That sounds so hot, but I dunno if I'd be that confident, especially outside." He said looking like he was about to hyperventilate, or cum in his pants...both of those looks are about the same on a teenager. "So I should invite him?"

"I can't make that decision for you, but I will say it'd be better with him there than without him. THAT, I can promise."

"Thanks Justin," he said as he ran back downstairs.

"What do I get myself into?" I said to myself.

It wasn't long before Blake was asking me to drive Darcy home. We dropped him off with both boys now having move to excitement about the weekend.

"So Darcy said I can go, right?" Blake said once he left.

"It's fine by me. It was his choice."

"Cool. This shit is gonna be lit! So you had sex with him, huh? I knew you did!"

"No you didn't. You thought he was straight."

"Yeah, but I still figured you would have at least given him a blowjob. That's kinda your thing, even with straight boys. Look at Kurt and Patrick, not to mention every other guy who gets naked in our house."

"You had no idea," I smiled.

"What else did you do with him? Did you take his virginity?" He asked bluntly.

"Nice try. I'm not giving up information like that. If you want to know, then ask him."

"It's okay. He already told me. How was his ass? It's so cute. I'll bet it was really tight wasn't it? Did you totally cum in him?"

"Not falling for that again, Blake. If he wants you to know about his sex life, he'll tell you."

"Oh come on. I'd tell you what we did together."

"Whether I wanted to know or not," I replied with a smirk.

"Dad. Think about it logically. In a couple days, we're gonna go to the island and be naked around each other. At some point we're all gonna be horny, and shit's gonna get real. I'll totally know then whether you guys did it before. It's pure science, Dad."

"Science, huh?"

"Yeah. Biology science. Here's how I figure it. Guaranteed you've sucked his dick. Then I'm pretty sure he would have sucked yours. It's huge, so he probably didn't do so good. Then you wanted to make him feel better so you let him fuck you. After that you couldn't help but eat his ass, it's so cute. I'm not 100% sure if you would have fucked him because the size difference might not work, but I'll bet you at least tried. How'd I do?"

"I'd say your imagination is at full strength. I'm not telling you what we did or didn't do, if anything. For all you know we just talked about being gay and straight to see which he thought about the most."

"Did he talk about me?"

"Again, I'm not revealing anything we discussed, Blake. That's just a fact that you'll have to live with."

"What about if I were a patient and I wanted to talk about Darcy, and I was all neurotic wondering about how he felt about me. You'd have to tell me something then."

"No. I'd tell you the same thing I'm telling you now. Ask him."

"What if we were all in a session together. Would you be able to tell me what he told you while he was in front of me talking to you?"

"Blake, I've come to the conclusion you're the reason people need therapists. If you want to know something, ask him directly. If I'm in the room or not, it doesn't matter. It would be up to him to reveal what he wanted."

"What if he asked about me? Like what if he asked if I thought he was hot. What would you tell him?"

"What would you want me to tell him?"

"That I think he's super cute, and I wanna see how big his penis is when it's hard."

"Then that's your answer. You just gave me permission to tell him that if he ever asked. That's how it works."

No wonder you have to go to school for so long. This shit is confusing. Bottom line. Am I gonna get laid this weekend?"

"Does doing it with your own hand count?"


"Then I can say with absolute definity that you'll have to wait and see."

"You suck!"

"That's one of my specialties on my profile page," I laughed.

We had nice dinner with everyone, and I almost laughed when Blake showed up later in the evening in just his underwear and straddled my lap to face me. Colin was beside me and just gave an amused look. "So, I was thinking about what I need for the weekend. I figure we should take some games along and I think we should use the big blankets instead of sleeping bags, because I'm sure Darcy will wanna sleep with me so we stay warm and stuff. But how much lube should I take? With his ass being that small he probably needs a lot to get into him, doesn't he?"

"That was a cute try. My answer to that is you should always take lube along with you, whether sex is guaranteed or not. You never know what might become available."

"You're really not gonna tell me, are you?"

"Tell you what?" Colin asked curiously.

"Darcy said..."

I coughed and cleared my throat. "I thought you were going to keep the information you learned to yourself."

"Right, the son of a shrink confidentiality thing. I was wanting to know what to pack. I'll go call Darcy to ask what he's taking. That should give me some clues."

"What was that all about?" Colin asked moving closer.

"Blake being Blake. Confidentially between us; Darcy came out to him today and made him promise to keep it a secret. I'd made Darcy a deal that if he told Blake he was gay, I'd take him to Bare Island for a weekend. Blake invited himself along, and he's trying to find out what Darcy knows about sex."

"Why doesn't he just ask Darcy?" Colin reasoned.

"That's what I told him."

"I'm guessing Darcy opened up to you first?"

"Strange way to phrase it, but yes," I grinned. "Why don't you come along as well? We could share Darcy and make Blake watch from the chair we duct tape him to."

"You know as well as I do, that Blake would be out of those restraint in seconds demanding equal time at being shared. I think I'll just let you guys have fun out there. I have a few things to wrap up this weekend anyway. Maybe next weekend we can do something together."

"That'd be cool," I agreed.

The next day, Kyle came up and gave me a hug to start the day. "That was nice," I told him. "We should make morning hugs a thing."

"Agreed. Much faster than the morning blowjobs."

"Wait, hugs would replace blowjobs? I rescind my suggestion," I laughed.

"Hey, Blake said you're taking him and Darcy to Bare Island for the weekend?"

"Yeah. Leaving early Saturday morning, coming back Sunday. Just a one nighter."

"Can I go? Chance is away this weekend and I didn't plan anything."

"I'd have to ask Darcy. This was supposed to be just him and I originally."

"Wanted him to yourself huh? A whole weekend with that hot little ass?"

"Shut up! As if! if that's the only reason. He's got a pretty sweet package too," I kidded.

"Won't taking Blake along kinda kill your plans?"

"It'll change them, that's for sure. Keep it to yourself as Darcy doesn't want anyone to know, but he came out to Blake yesterday. Blake now sees himself as the guy to teach Darcy everything. I guess Darcy is the karate tutor and Blake is the sex tutor."

"I knew he was gay. I called it," Kyle said excitedly. "Now I really wanna go. I wouldn't mind volunteering for some tutoring myself."

"You just want to fuck him again."

"No shit, Sherlock! The ass on that boy...sweet! A whole weekend of it winking at us, begging to be used. Sign me up!"

"I'll ask him. Don't tell anyone else though. Darcy's really shy and any more people and he won't wanna go. He's already freaking out just with the idea of Blake being there. I've already warned Blake to let Darcy move at his own speed, and not jump him the second he sees skin."

"We're still talking about this Blake, right? The boy who screwed every guy in the Amazon rainforest. That Blake? Darcy is either going to be a nypho or a basket case by the time we leave the island."

"Good thing I'm a psychologist then, isn't it?" I grinned.

"I have a feeling your psychology is what got you into this in the first place," Kyle astutely commented.

He wasn't wrong. I called Darcy at lunch time to ask him about Kyle.

"Kyle wants to go?" Darcy asked. " he'd be naked the whole time too?"

"Sure. It's Bare Island. Those are the rules."

"Shit. I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about what we did in the bubbles room. What if I get a boner around him?"

"Buddy. We're gay. You should only be worried if you DON'T get a boner around him. An erection says `hi, I think you're cute.' Have you had time to think about things since you told Blake your secret?"

"Yeah. It's all I've thought about. Sometimes I'm happy that I did it so I don't have to be careful what I say or do around him anymore. Other times I'm freaking out that he might tell someone and my life would be over. Then I've even had dreams both at night and during the day about him and me together, and I almost have an accident. It's been like a rollercoaster in my head."

"That's why I think you need the weekend on the island. By the time it's over the rollercoaster ride should have ended. Right now, it's just all so new to you that you can't process everything."

"What if I screw it all up?"

"I can't give you any absolutes, but I've gotten to know you pretty well since I first met you. I'm confident that you won't screw anything up if you're just yourself. Plus, it's really hard to screw up when we're all running around naked. Trust me."

"I wish I were that confident about me," he said quietly.

"You will be. It takes times to figure out who you are, and you've come a long way in a very short time. You're doing fine. Wanna know something else? When Kyle heard you were going to the island with us, he couldn't wait to ask to go."


"Really! I think he's hoping you'll let him fuck you again."

"He won't say anything to Blake though, will he? I mean I'd die if Blake knew Kyle had done stuff with me in the bubbles."

"He won't say a word. He's as good at keeping things a secret as me," I assured him. Even though in less than 24 hours, I'd managed to tell both Kyle and Colin that Darcy came out as gay, despite saying I'd keep it between us. I'm usually good at secrets, and I'll get much better once I'm a licensed therapist. I pretty much have to be or I could get disbarred, discertified, or dismembered. Whatever they call it for a therapist.

"Okay, he can go," Darcy agreed.

The weekend arrived and we picked Darcy up at his house. I was surprised that his parents weren't there to see him off, but he bounced out of the house with his backpack and jumped in the car.

"I've never been up this early on a weekend," he said after saying good morning to all of us.

Blake was the first to reply in his usual appropriateness. "I'm up way earlier than this most mornings. Then I whack off and I'm back down again."

Darcy blushed slightly. I have a feeling level of openness was going to take some getting used to for him. We arrived at the marina and started to unload the car for the first trip to the boat.

"This is yours? Wow!" Darcy gushed as we climbed on board. "This is better than my entire house. I should live in here."

"We could," Blake offered. "It has everything we need. Plus, we could go swimming off the deck every day and cook meals in the galley. Kyle is usually the captain. He's a pilot so he takes command, even when we're at sea," Blake announced. Another rule I didn't know about. "Don't worry, once we clear the harbour, I'm sure he'll let us drive. It's wicked fun. You know who's the captain because we wear the captain's hat when we're in charge."

"That's how it works!" I laughed. "Always wondered why we had that hat on the bridge."

Blake just rolled his eyes. "Oh, don't get naked right at the start. We have to wait until we get away from shore. Usually we stop for gas before we go. We don't like to take a trip without a full tank. I mean if a huge storm came and blew us off course, we could be blown out to sea and it's nice to have the gas to get back. I learned in Scouts how to navigate by the stars, so even if our navigation system blows out with an EMP pulse or anything, we'd still be able to get back."

"An EMP pulse?" Kyle asked amused. "Wouldn't that fry all the electronics, including the engine?"

Blake shrugged. "Only the electric start button. We could jump start it down in the engine room. I learned how to hot wire on You Tube."

"Okay MacGyver." Good thing he knows so much engines and EMP pulses. No Gilligan's island trip for us in our future. That kind of trip wouldn't work out here anyway. No bamboo to make huts, bicycle generators, or every other survival tool required. I still never understood why they just didn't take the busted ship apart and use that for shelter. And why did the Howell's pack like they were moving?

Blake was already taking control of the trip as he talked to Darcy. "Once we untie and shove off, you and me can blow up the tube so we are ready to use it. We throw it behind the boat and they drag us along. You'll love it. We have water-skis too, but we can do that on the way back if you wanna try it. If we have time, you and me can launch the dingy and go for a spin. It's in the bay at the back of the boat."

"Sure. I've never done any of those before. I mean I've never been on a boat before either, so I'm good with whatever."

"There's lots of cool stuff on the boat. Like today we'll use the flybridge, but if the weather turned shitty, we'd use the battle bridge on the lower level. I'll show you when we get going. I have to stay on the dock to untie us. That's usually my job," Blake informed Darcy. "If the captain is already on board when you get there, you have to ask permission to come aboard. Unless you were already on board, then you don't have to ask."

I had to pay attention as there seemed to be a lot of rules about our boat that I wasn't aware of. Plus, who knew we had a battle bridge? It wouldn't be much of a battle as the only weapon we had on boards was a flare gun and maybe some steak knives. I pay attention to the more important stuff. Like the fact we had six beds and two bathrooms. I also knew it had a satellite phone in case we got stranded somewhere. I've used it from the island a few times if I've really needed to make a call.

"Come on guys, let's get going," Kyle yelled down from the helm. "Blake untie us."

"Ay Ay, Captain!" Blake yelled back and untied the lines before climbing on board. We headed over to the marina gas station first where we took on both water and fuel. I guess we hadn't filled up in a while as it took almost 2000 litres. The whole tank only holds 2500. Fortunately you get discounts when you buy a lot, so it's not like filling up your car, although it's still expensive.

As they filled us up, Blake and Darcy were hard at work inflating the tube. They'd plugged in the air pump and were watching closely to make sure it didn't overinflate. The tube was a good one as it had a back rest so that the rider didn't go flying off when the speed got up too high.

"Can we throw the tube in as we leave the gas station?" Blake yelled to us.

"No. Wait until we're out of the harbour into open water," I told him. Last thing you need is for the tow line to get in the way of another boat."

"We could just keep the tube right up against the boat until we get out there," he counter offered.

" could just wait until we're in open water," I repeated.

"When are we getting naked?" He yelled up.

"Why don't you say that a little louder? The people over on the shore can't hear you," I called back. I should have known better.


I rolled my eyes. "Never. You're going to be locked in the brig for the whole journey."

"When did we get a brig?" he asked with a frown. "It's a good idea though in case anyone tries to mutiny."

"I doubt we'll be having a mutiny."

"It's still early yet," Blake replied shaking his head.

Once we were finished, we untied again and slowly made our way out of False Creek to head for open water. Blake showed Darcy around the boat, and he appeared impressed at all the things we had on board.

"I can't believe you have three bedrooms and two bathrooms. It's the same as my house," he said as the came back to the flybridge where Kyle and I were.

"They're called cabins and the head," Blake explained. "Same as the kitchen is the galley. They name things differently on a boat. "Why do they call the bathroom the head?" he asked looking at us.

"Maybe it's that the bathroom is so small you can only get the head of your dick in to pee," I replied.

"Yeah. Probably in the old days huh, where they didn't have such nice bathrooms and stuff. It was probably just a bucket in a small cupboard. That makes sense. That's probably the same time they came up with that saying that you didn't even have a pot to piss in."

"Probably. History is pretty interesting a lot of the time."

"You even have a dishwasher and stove in the galley," Darcy told us. I guess in case we'd forgotten.

"Yeah, and a satellite TV. You can pick stuff up no matter where you are, but mostly I just hook the laptop or my games to it," Blake said as they sat talking. "Some important stuff to remember on a boat is that left is port, starboard is right. The front is the bow and the rear is the stern. You have to use the right sayings if we need to prepare for a storm or anything. We have flares in the dinghy and in the storage locker at the stern, in case we need to abandon ship and call for the coast guard. I told Colin we should have guns on board in case we ever get attacked by pirates, but I was overruled. You and me would probably be sold as sex slaves, while Kyle and Justin will either be killed or used to row their ship."

"Oh brother!" I said rolling my eyes. "I know you have a great imagination, but that's far fetched even for you. First, I doubt pirates are using old sailing ships that need to be rowed, and selling you as a sex slave? What would they get? 5 bucks and a box of apples?"

"Like you'd know what a pirate would do," Blake retorted. "Don't say I didn't warn you. Okay guys, time to get our clothes off. We're away from the shore. Then we can go tubing."

He stood up and quickly yanked his shirt off.

"Don't forget you'll need a life jacket for tubing. Wouldn't it be better to leave a t-shirt and shorts on so you're more comfortable?" I recommended.

"Oh yeah. I keep forgetting the life jackets. Come on Darcy, let's go change and pick a jacket."

They rushed down the ladder to the main level and grabbed their backpacks for clothes. Blake wasn't worried about stripping on the deck at all, but Darcy was a little more covert. He moved more under cover than right out on the open deck. I'm sure by the time the weekend is over it'll be different.

"Might as well bring us to a stop until we get them out on the water, Kyle," I suggested. "Oh, and scan the horizon for pirates. Just in case." He slowed us to a stop, and we both went down to give them a hand. What part of scan for pirates did he not understand?

"You ever wore a life jacket before, Darcy?" Kyle asked.

"No. Never."

"Just make sure it's nice and snug. Too big and it could come off, and too small it'll be uncomfortable and may not hold your weight. Always fasten the clip between your legs too so it can't be pulled off over your head."

We helped him make sure that he was sized correctly as they picked ones out.

"I have my own," Blake announced as he fastened his. Check these out," he grinned as he held up the tiny jackets for the twins. "These aren't big enough to hold my penis."

"Someone's living a fantasy," I joked.

Blake ignored me. "This is a whistle," he explained as he held it up for Darcy to see. "If you fall in the ocean, just blow it so we know where you are. It's louder than just yelling. Also put your hand in the air so you can be seen better. If there's a shark, nearby, just make sure you aren't bleeding or you're toast."

"Blake. Stop scaring him. There are no sharks in this water. Just whales and dolphins."

"Yeah, KILLER whales," Blake grinned. "Trust me, we'd be better off with sharks."

"Blake. Give it a rest. Whales are not interested in snack foods like the two of you. Anyway, why would they want your pimply little ass when they could have delicious dolphin sushi?"

"Oh my god that's so rude! I do not have pimply ass, ya homo," Blake retorted.

"Darcy, since you've never worn a life jacket before, I suggest you and Blake jump in the water so you can see how they work. Last thing you need to be panicked about is falling off the tube," Kyle recommended. "If that does happen, we'll swing back around to get you. You don't need to swim as the life jacket will keep you above water. If you hit the water hard and are a bit disoriented, don't worry as the jackets are designed to flip you over to keep you face up."

"Yeah, it's pretty cool, Darcy. We can go swimming in them later and you'll see how fun they are. Man overboard!" Blake yelled, and jumped off the back of the boat. Darcy just watched until he bobbed back to the surface.

"Kyle, full speed ahead. We managed to get rid of the dead weight!" I yelled so that Blake could here. I got the finger.

"Okay, Darcy. Ready to try it?" I asked.

"Sure," he replied as he jumped in and quickly bobbed back up.

"See, Life jackets are cool huh?" Blake grinned.

"Yeah. The water is really cold though."

"Only at first. Once we get tubing, it's feels warmer." They both climbed back in the boat and I could almost feel how cold they were from where I was standing. We pushed the tube to the end of the boat and they climbed aboard before we pushed it free of us, having attached the long tow rope to it.

"Kyle, just make sure you go back and forth lots so we can go over the waves," Blake announced. "Darcy, just use the handles to hold on because we totally bounce around a lot. By the time we're done you'll know how a paint feels in one of those shaker things."

"Not sure that's encouraging," I laughed. "Okay guys, I'll be spotting for you. Kyle is driving. If you want to go faster or slower, it's thumbs up or down. When you want to stop it's a fist high in the air."

"Simple. Just go fast. We can handle it," Blake announced.

"You can, but this is Darcy's first time. Let him get use to it before we hit the warp drive. We'll move the boat ahead until the rope is fully extended and I'll give you a thumbs up when we're ready to start. When you're ready, give us a thumbs up in return."

"Got it. Let's go."

We headed back up to the helm where Kyle slowly moved us away from them until they began to follow as the rope became fully extended. I gave the thumbs up. Blake returned it instantly and looked at Darcy, who nodded and also gave a thumbs up.

"Okay. They're ready," I told Kyle. He gave it a bit of gas and we were off. He started slow to which we quickly got a thumbs up from both boys. I relayed that to Kyle. I was next to him looking back, while he was paying attention to where we were going, and hopefully still scanning the horizon for those pirates. As the speed increased, the boys appeared to enjoy it more, and Kyle glanced back to make sure. Then he began to zig zag back and forth, forcing them across the wake we were leaving. At one point Blake almost flew right out of the tube, which quickly got him to hold on tighter. Darcy had been clamped on since we began, but he appeared to be having just as much fun. After 20 minutes and having picked up quite a speed, we got the signal to stop. Kyle slowed the boat down and I raced back to the lower deck to winch them back in. Just before they got all the way back, Blake stood up and cannonballed into to the water. Darcy laughed and copied him, making it much easier to drag the tube onto the back edge of the boat. They climbed on board and got out of their lifejackets. I grabbed the large towels for them to wrap up in. Blake put his on the seat beside him and got out of his shirt and shorts.

"That's fun, but the water is so cold!" Blake said shivering. "My dick is frozen. Look how small it is."

"Looks the same to me," I teased. Darcy was trying to ignore him as he also undressed and wrapped in the dry towel.

"That so rude! Just for that I may not let you have sex with me when it grows back to full size."

"If that were only true," I laughed as I secured the tube fully back on board.

"My balls are like icicles. Check it out, Darcy," he said reaching for his friend's hand and cupping them around his small tight sack. "I have a dicksicle."

"Jesus, that is cold," Darcy agreed, only holding on for a couple seconds. Blake reached over and felt under Darcy's towel.

"I think they're just as cold as mine," he said as Darcy jumped back.

"Yeah, but your hands might actually be colder," Darcy complained.

"You going out, Justin?"

"Are you kidding. Looking at the two of you, I don't want my dick being a shrunken nub. It looks like you're carrying three M&M's between your legs."

"At least ours get bigger when they warm up," Blake replied, trying a quick burn. "Let's go lie out on the sundeck and watch for whales," Blake suggested to Darcy as they headed for the bow, taking their towels with them. I returned to the flybridge and we watched them both lay out face down.

"I'm pretty sure I can navigate by the stars," Kyle said grinning "but I'm not sure I can navigate with two full moons."

"Isn't that the truth, but seriously, on a scale of one to ten, how badly do you want to fuck that?"

"Which one?" Kyle laughed.

"I'm thinking Darcy. Blake...meh," I laughed.

"I know you don't like to encourage him, but even you have to admit Blake has a pretty sweet ass."

"I'd deny it if asked, but yes he's a sexy kid. That boy has some serious skills and by the time he's 16, I have a feeling he may be having more sex than all of us combined."

"What do you mean by 16? I can't even count how many times he's climbed in with Chance and me. I know Ben, Troy & J.P. are having his company at least as much...and that's just with us. Imagine what he's like with friends. I sure wasn't like that at you remember."

"Me neither. I have to admit, I have trouble seeing him as a little kid anymore. Ever since the Amazon, he's become so much more mature, yet with a hint of the old Blake just under the surface."

"So on that scale of one to's a 17," Kyle laughed as he estimated his attraction. "Not sure what it is, but something about the shape of that ass just makes me wanna bury my head in there, and not come up for air."

"I know, right! I'm the same way. It's funny looking at Blake and Darcy together. Blake is two years younger, yet seems older because he's so much bigger."

"What're the actual plans for this weekend?" Kyle asked.

"I have no idea. It all kind of changed when Blake invited himself. I had planned to spend the weekend with Darcy and work on his self-esteem...and screw him until he couldn't walk. Now, I'm not sure. I guess we just see how it goes."

"I think building his confidence won't be a problem. Blake will take care of that. He has absolutely no filters. As for any sex you were planning, you may have competition."

"Yeah, from both Blake AND you," I laughed.

"Don't worry, Justin. If they won't let us join in, we can give them one hell of a show."

"Isn't that the truth. Shit, you and I haven't had a wild sex night in a while. I wouldn't mind burying my face in your hot little ass and not coming up for air," I said as I slipped my hands down the back of his shorts to give him a squeeze."

"Keep doing that and we might crash into the whales the boys talked about," Kyle said shaking his ass at me. I should fuck him right here.

Blake got up and walked around to climb up the ladder to see us. "We were thinking maybe we could stop and do some diving off the boat for a while. You guys wanna join us?"

"We could do that when we're at the island," I suggested. "If we tie up at the end of the dock, the water is deep enough for you to still dive."

"I suppose. It's more fun in the middle of the ocean though. We might get whales to swim up and check us out."

"Weren't you the one that just warned Darcy about whales?" Kyle asked.

"I'm a fast swimmer. Anyway, I only have to swim faster than any of you guys to be safe."

"Oh, that's nice," I said sarcastically.

"How come you guys are still wearing clothes? You should be naked by now. Nothing hotter than having your balls swing free in the breeze."

"We have the whole weekend for that," I told him.

He looked over the front of the dash and down to Darcy who was lying out face down. " that's what you guys have been doing huh? Checking out our asses?"

"Like we need to check out your ass," Kyle laughed. I've seen that more than I've seen my own penis."

Blake just chuckled. "So whose is better? Mine or Darcy's?"

"Darcy's," I replied quickly. "It's like a triple scoop ice cream that I could lick for days. Yours is more like a juicy peach with a hard pit in the center that you have to hammer away at to crack open."

"You really are a dirty old man, Dad. "I'll bet if I went down and spread Darcy's ass and licked him while we made you watch, you'd nut in your shorts."

Little did he know if he just kept talking about it, I'd be nutting in my shorts, but I chose not to reply to that. "Maybe Darcy's is better because it's not all used up and worn out like a 14-year-old I know."

"Throwing shade doesn't work Dad. I know you think I'm hot."

I pulled him against me and swatted his ass playfully.

"Hey! Watch the merchandise. I'm pretty selective who gets to play with it."

"Since when?" Kyle laughed loudly.

"Since I was just insulted," he smirked. "Can me and Darcy drive now?"

"Sure. The bridge is yours whenever you want it," Kyle nodded.

"Cool. I'll go tell him." He ran off the upper level and raced around to lie next to Darcy. He looked back up at us and grinned, before reaching over to put a hand on Darcy's ass and rub it. The little tease. He said something to him and they both got up and came back to the bridge where Kyle explained the controls to Darcy and let him take over. Blake rummaged around for the Captain's hat and put it on his friend's head. Now that's a look. A completely naked boy wearing only a hat to indicate his new rank.

Kyle and I sat down as the boys took over. Blake showed him how to speed up and slow down and how the steering worked. I've had less jarring rollercoaster rides. They were both staring ahead as Blake suddenly yelled. "There's the island!"

"Good thing they were watching. I was still navigating by the two full moons, so we actually might have missed it," Kyle said licking his lips. He leaned over and whispered to me. "Just for the record, I'm seriously fuckin' horny right now."

"Pace yourself. We have all weekend," I smirked back at him as he adjusted his package. I, as always, was fully in control. Meds help in situations like this.

As we approached, Kyle took over despite Blake's complaint that he could do it. Kyle turned the boat around and backed us in, allowing the bow to be in deeper water so it would be more fun for diving. Blake threw the boat fenders down over the side so we didn't hit the dock, then leapt off the boat as we got closer. He tied up and we had arrived.

"Nice parking," I said patting Kyle on the back.

"Thanks. I'm getting better each time. "I'd like to try doing this with one of those massive cruise ships."

Blake climbed back aboard as Darcy waited for him on the main level. Kyle secured the boat and turned off the engine before we climbed down to meet them.

"So this is your island?" Darcy asked as he looked around.

"Yeah. The whole thing," Blake beamed. "We'll go exploring later. There're some pretty cool spots. Then we can go swimming this afternoon. The rope swing is decent and you can get some wicked air. Okay we're here. Lose the clothes. Rules of the island," he announced. "Colin even put signs up to say that clothing isn't permitted on Bare Island."

"What if someone did?" Darcy asked logically.

"We'd tie them down, cut their clothes off and leave them there until their penis got a super bad sunburn and blistered. They'd never break the rules again."

"Harsh," Kyle laughed. "Guess, I'm stripping." He removed his clothes as the boys watched. I could almost see Darcy's nervousness increase. I stripped next and we stowed the clothes in the lounge area. Last thing we want is to have them blow away in some high wind.

"Okay, let's unpack everything and get it into the cabin. Then we can have lunch," I suggested.

"What are we having?" Blake asked.

"Whatever you catch," Kyle replied quickly.

"Sure Kyle. As if Justin would cook any fish we caught. He's too squeamish."

"How about hot dogs for lunch then, and burgers for dinner?" I laughed, not disagreeing with him one little bit.

"Cool. Let's do the hot dogs over the fire though. Me and Darcy will be responsible for getting it lit."

"A lit fire. That's extra woke!" I nodded.

Blake ignored my humour. I guess it's just too advanced for him. We each grabbed things and headed for the cabin. I unlocked it and we dumped the stuff. I opened the windows to get some fresh air in as it can get a bit stale if it's left for too long.

"Cool cabin!" Darcy said as he looked around.

"Yeah, it's not like one in the real wilderness though," Blake told him. "We have a bathroom with a shower, and up those stairs is a loft to a bedroom that overlooks the whole place. The kitchen area has a stove, but it's not like one that you have to stuff logs in. It runs on propane. We have solar panels on the roof for electricity, so it's not like when we're camping and you don't have nothing. If you wanna real camp experience, we have an outhouse over by the swimming hole. Colin put it in a while ago because some people visit the island when we're not here and he didn't want them pooping everywhere."

"Makes sense," Darcy nodded. "I like the fireplace."

"Yeah me too! We'll probably sleep in front of it tonight. We brought stuff to make s'mores too. Can't go camping without those, right Justin?"

"Of course. While Kyle and I are getting the rest of the stuff off the boat, you and Darcy can start a fire."

"Sure. If you ever wanna come out here and not use the cabin, we have tents as well, and that's always fun. Sometimes it's nice to get away from the old folks," Blake explained as they walked away to prepare their fire.

We only had to make one more trip to the boat to unpack it all. We didn't have that much as we were only here for one night, but it's still amazing how much stuff you actually do pack. I hung the blankets up on the retractable clothesline we'd installed outside. It went from the side of the cabin out to one of the trees to allow us to hang things up, either to dry or to air out. It's nice to have fresher smelling blankets and sleeping bags, even if they were things we'd brought from home. We don't leave a lot in the cabin but there was enough so that if we ever just stopped by, we'd be comfortable. I mean let's face it, if we really wanted luxury, we'd sleep on the boat.

"Fire's ready!" Darcy said as he ran inside. "Blake said I should get the hot dogs."

"There's one right here," I chuckled as I grabbed his penis.

"I'm not putting that on a stick over the fire!" He said quickly.

"Too bad. You bring that hot dog and I'll supply the buns you can slip it in."

"I have fresher buns," Kyle offered. I think I snorted.

I took Darcy over to the kitchen area and found the hot dogs. "You're doing well being naked around everyone. Having fun so far?"

"Definitely. I almost got an erection when we were lying out on the boat deck, but I managed to control it."

"Was that when Blake rubbed your ass?" I grinned.

"You saw that huh? Yeah. I could feel it begin, but fortunately he let go quickly. I'm trying not to look at everyone just in case."

"Darcy, if you get an erection, show it off proudly, brag about it, especially out here with us. Part of the fun is just to be yourself and open up."

"Unless you're in a school locker room," he reasoned.

"Even then. Own it. If you bone up, act like you wanted it to happen. Say things like; damn its hard to control something this big,' and when the guys start teasing you about it, just look at them and reply with yeah, I was just thinking about last night with your sister, or mom.' That'll shut them up. If you let them tease you about it, they keep teasing. You could also say, I was just showing you guys what a real cock looks like, not those tiny finger size ones you have.' My favorite is to stare at them with a puzzled look and say We're boys. If you don't get boners, you should see a doctor.'"

"I hope I can be that confident one day. Right now, I'd be too embarrassed to do any of that," he admitted.

"You'll get there. One step at a time."

"Ummm...I have a question," he said lowering his voice. "Blake's been telling me about how much fun it is to have sex outside, and that he wants to show me some cool places on the island. Do you think that means he wants me to have sex with him?"

"Only do what you're comfortable doing."

"I think I'd be comfortable," he said thoughtfully. "I just don't want him to laugh at me for not knowing as much as he does. Especially since I'm older."

"Darcy, trust me. No one will laugh at you." I lowered my voice and leaned in a bit closer. "You've done great when we've played together, and Kyle can't stop talking about how much he loved fucking you. I told Blake to let you get comfortable and not push you, but knowing him, he'll throw plenty of opportunities at you."

"What should I do?"

"That's up to you, but one thing I can promise is having sex with Blake will definitely not negatively affect your friendship. While you're here, practice being outgoing so you can build up your confidence. Even show off a bit. Tease Blake and see if YOU can embarrass him for once."

He grinned and nodded. "I'll try, but so far it's taking all my focus just being naked around you guys."

"If you start to panic about it, you can always come talk to me. But I'm willing to bet that very shortly you won't even notice you're naked."

He took the hot dogs back outside as I gathered up everything else we'd need, and took it out to the picnic table. We had pop, chips and hot dogs until we couldn't eat anymore. Blake explained to Darcy that we couldn't leave food out, or a shit load of birds would arrive to take it all.

"No bears though, right?" Darcy grinned.

"Just bare people!" He chuckled. "We should put our shoes on so we can go exploring. Mostly we don't need them around the main areas, but if we're gonna go crashing through the woods, we don't want a stick to pierce our foot."

That seemed like reasonably sound advice, and almost made me check to make sure the first aid kit was handy. After we cleaned up from lunch, we put shoes and socks on. I had to smile when I saw Blake shove a small flat bottle of lube into his sock. I've taught him well. Always be prepared...or was that the Boy Scouts that taught him that? I'll take credit anyway.

"We should put suntan lotion on," Kyle reminded us. "Last thing we need is to get burned." He held the bottle out and Blake was the first to take it.

"Turn around Darcy. I'll do your back and then you can do mine. Don't forget to do your junk too. If that area gets burned, you'll be really sorry tomorrow. I know. I forgot the first time I went naked and burned my dick and my balls. I almost couldn't wear pants for a few days."

"You hardly ever wear pants. How was that a problem for you?" Kyle teased, looking at him.

"I had to wear them for school. Do you know how bad a burnt dick feels inside underwear and jeans, especially rubbing against your equally burnt balls? Let me tell's bad!" He rubbed lots of lotion all over Darcy's back and didn't stop there. He did his entire ass, even getting deep into his crack. "Now do me," Blake said handing the bottle to Darcy.

Darcy turned around and blushed as he looked at me. He was fully hard and I could almost see the conflict as he tried not to hide it. "Sorry. I'm not used to someone rubbing my skin when I'm naked."

Blake smiled at him. "I like your penis hard like that, Darcy. It's really nice."

"Thanks. It's not as big as yours though?" He said throwing out a negative. I still have work to do.

"I'm only big because it kinda runs in the family. Justin, J.P. and Jason are all like 8½ inches, so I figure mine will get that big, hopefully bigger. How big is yours?"

"Ummm...just under 7...around there?"

"Looks about right. I'm at 8, same as Kyle, but I'm already bigger than Colin, Alex and Chance. They're all 7½. Troy is the about the same as you, and Ben is a bit smaller, but his is fatter, so it feels bigger when he fucks you. Most guys only have like 6 inches."

"Blake. I'm sure we don't need to reveal the penis lengths of the entire world," I warned him.

"I'm not. I'm just telling him what it's like around the house. I mean he comes over lots, so he's gonna see everyone with boners at some point. Better he knows in advance how big they are."

I'm not sure there's any logic in that at all, but I didn't reply. Actually, I didn't have the opportunity to reply as he kept on talking.

"Lots of my other friends are only six, maybe six and a half. Some are even smaller, but they're probably still growing. Then there's guys like Jalen who has 10 inches. He's an anomaly though."

"Blake! Stop."

He giggled as he turned around so Darcy could do his back next.

"I'd agree with Blake, Darcy. You have a great cock, and I love seeing you hard," Kyle encouraged.

"Sorry. Like I said, I have trouble controlling it. Maybe I'll get it figured out after being naked a bit more," he said putting his arm slightly across it to try and give himself a bit of privacy.

"I hope not. It'd be awesome to see it hard the whole time," Kyle reassured him.

"Yeah," Blake said nodding as he stood there. By the time he'd been coated in lotion, he turned around sporting his own boner.

Darcy looked at it, and then over at me. I could see the nervousness building again. I took an over emphasized deep breath as I stared at him, which he copied. The boys took more lotion to cover the rest of their bodies before handing it over to Kyle and I. We did each other's backs, but didn't end up with erections as I guess we're more used to each other.

"Do you wanna masturbate before we go, Darcy, or are you okay walking with boners?" Blake asked bluntly.

"I'll be okay walking," he suggested.

"Cool! If you need help with it, just let me know. Let's go. Follow me!" Blake announced as he marched off through the woods, pointing out things as if none of us had ever been outside before. He stopped at one clearing and even pointed to the sky. It was nice to know it was still where we'd left it. In fairness, he was just pointing out that this was a good place to suntan as it was deep in the trees, but still had this cool open area with lots of sun. He wasn't wrong.

Blake continued to show Darcy every part of the island, pointing out cool hiding spots and interesting places they could climb. I'll never object to naked guys climbing trees. It's what we in the gay world call starfish gazing. At one point, after we'd been exploring for about an hour, Blake surprised me by giving me a hug.

"What was that for?" I asked as I hugged him back.

"For letting me come along."

"You're welcome, but it's Darcy you should be hugging. He's the one that agreed."

"Hey guys! Group hug!" He announced as he pulled everyone together. "Here's to a fun weekend on Bare Island!" We all agreed with him as we hugged, then let go. "Check this out," he said suddenly as he ran off to a large tree. It looked like it had fallen over at some point in its history, then continued to grow upward. He jumped into a curved area and lay out.

"This is my favorite spot on the whole island. Me and Cory found it almost the first time we came out here. It had bark all over it, but some of it was peeling, so we took the rest off. Now it's wicked smooth. It's like a hammock if you lie out like this. You could totally sleep on it."

"It does look comfortable," Darcy agreed.

"Even better than that. It's perfect for sex too," Blake said with a giant smile, switching positions. He leaned back against the upright part of the tree, stretched one leg out along a limb and bent the other slightly out to the opposite side. I could compare the look to putting him on the sling in the adult playroom at home. He was partially upright with his package readily available, and his ass winking as if calling us to play.

"Damn!" Kyle said as he moved between Blake's legs. "You really are at the perfect height for sex."

"Right? I've had tons of fun here," he beamed.

"I can see how much you like it," Kyle nodded as he reached out to take hold of Blake's penis that had now gone rock hard again. "This place is great, Blake. I guess I'll have to remember it whenever I'm out here."

"Just don't tell everyone. This is my secret spot," he said as he wiggled forward to touch his ass to Kyle's penis. "You wanna see how cool it is for sex?"

"If I had lube buddy, I'd already be balls deep," Kyle said leaning forward to kiss each of his nipples in turn. Blake lifted his foot up and pulled the small flat bottle from his sock, showing it to Kyle.

He laughed. "I should have known.'s everywhere you need to be."

"More like `Don't leave home without it,'" Blake chuckled. That humour...'priceless!'

"Oh shit," Darcy said quietly, standing beside me quickly placing his hand over his crotch.

I leaned in and whispered as silently as I could into his ear, while pulling his hand away. "Just let it happen. Go over and join in. It's time."

He looked at me and swallowed nervously. I put a hand on his back so we could move closer to watch Kyle finger lube into Blake in preparation for his fuck. Darcy stared, with his hand still poised ready to cover himself as his cock moved to fully erect at the thought of sex about to happen in front of him.

"See, it's perfect for everything. When the guy is fucking you, you can still do other stuff too," Blake said giving his tutorial on his new play area. "You can even slap your own erection against the guys stomach, or he can jerk you off. It's perfect. Even if I stood up and bent over, there's part of it that you can lie against while you're being boned."

"Now I know why you disappear into the woods for so long every time you come out here," I said shaking my head. "And here's me thinking you were some crazy explorer. Now I know!"

He chuckled. "Like I said. Me and Cory found this place the first time we came out here and I've just kept improving it. I'd had tons of sex and naps out here. Mostly sex though. It's my favorite place."

"I can see how much it excites you," I pointed out.

Blake just grinned and reached over to grab Darcy's erection. "Darcy's excited too. It's fun out here isn't it?"

"Uhhh...yeah. I feel like I should be looking around in case people are watching though," he said nervously.

"People ARE watching. Kyle and Justin!" Blake smirked as he stroked his friend's cock for the first time. As Kyle placed Blake's legs on his shoulder, I inched a slightly hesitant Darcy towards Blake's head. As we all watched Kyle enter Blake, Blake leaned over to suck Darcy's dick into his mouth, slurping on it as if it might be his last cock ever. Darcy was frozen in place. Mainly because I was behind him preventing him from backing up. Yeah, I know. I said for him to do things at his own pace, but it's only a blowjob. It's not like he was in a BDSM gang bang. It didn't take Kyle long before he fully inside Blake enjoying him.

Blake stopped sucking Darcy. "See this is why I like being naked outside," he grinned. "When we get horny, we can just do something about it. You wanna fuck me when Kyle's finished, Darcy? It'd be fun, ya think?"

"That sounds like an invitation you can't refuse," I said encouragingly as Darcy looked at me.

"Maybe later if that's okay?" He said quickly.

"That's cool," Blake grinned as he resumed sucking Darcy's cock while fisting his own and getting fucked. He was a one man show.

"Ohhhh, I needed this," Blake said licking his lips as he paused again. "Fuck me harder, Kyle. You can hold my penis if you want too."

Kyle just shook his head and reached down to take Blake's erection away from him and slowly jerked him off. He used his other hand to hold Blake's thigh for leverage as he increased the intensity of his fuck.

"Ummm...I'm getting close to cumming," Darcy said nervously as he looked around at us, almost in a bit of a panic. Blake pushed his hand between Darcy's legs and held him by the ass to pull him closer so he could take the whole cock more easily.

I could see Darcy tensing up, so I leaned against him and put my head over his shoulder. "Yeah, let him taste you, buddy. Flood his throat with your sweet nectar!" As I talked dirty to him, I reached around to gently tweak his nipples.

Blake grabbed his cock away from Kyle and began to jerk himself off furiously. He pulled back from Darcy for a second to coach Kyle. "Oh god, yeah! Fuck me harder. Oh shit. Jesus, I needed this. Fuck me Kyle!!" He almost screamed as he wiggled his ass and jerked off with such speed the Flash would be jealous. He pulled Darcy forward fast to slam the cock deeper down his throat. I wasn't sure who was going to cum first. Kyle had begun rubbing Blake's chest as he almost cracked bones while fucking him. Virtual smoke was coming off Blake's dick and ass and Darcy was holding onto the tree, obviously trying to stop himself from collapsing.

Suddenly Darcy cried out, making it obvious that he was ejaculating into Blake's mouth, and I could see Blake's throat working overtime to swallow it all. I held Darcy for support and watched the best I could. I didn't get to see the money shot from him, but I have a feeling it was a good one from the way Blake backed up suddenly and coughed. Then he cried out and shot his own load all over himself, creating an almost tsunami effect on his chest.

"You close Kyle?" Blake asked staring at him, before looking at Darcy. "Just so you know, older guys take longer because sex isn't as fun for them as guys our age."

"That's not accurate," I corrected. "We take longer because we have self control and like to enjoy what we're doing."

Kyle grunted and slammed hard into Blake, holding himself there. "Whooo, fuck yeah. That's the first of many loads to come this weekend."

"To cum...this weekend," Blake laughed. "Funny. You wanna try the tree next, Darcy?" Blake asked as he put his feet down and jumped up.

"Ummmm...I'm not sure I could do more sex stuff. I just had an orgasm and I usually get tired after that," he reasoned cautiously.

"Yeah, me too, but we recover fast most of the time. You should just lie on it to see how it feels. Maybe you'd wanna come back later and do more stuff when you see how it feels."

"Uhhhh, sure. I'll try it," he said as they changed places. He was barely in position before Blake moved up against Darcy and showed him how to place his legs properly, positioning him as if he were about to get fucked.

"Do you like it, Darcy?"

"Feels strange. Like everyone could see right up my ass," he said quickly.

"That's because they can," Blake replied as he dropped to his knees between Darcy's legs. "You got a really nice hole, right here," he said as he rubbed it "is so pink and small."

Darcy shivered at the touch.

"Is it sensitive?" Blake asked looking up at his friend.

"I think so. Not used to have someone touching there."

"Are you okay with it, Darcy?" I asked to remind Blake he was dealing with a relative newbie. Being naked outside when sex was in the air can sometimes shut off your brain. Okay, not sometimes...a lot of times.

"I'm okay. It just feels really strange lying out naked on a tree."

"Yeah, but super cool, right?" Blake asked as he moved his face into Darcy's ass and gave it a lick. Darcy jumped like he'd been electrocuted. I mean he'd been rimmed before. I know...I'm the one who rimmed him, but I'm guessing having his friend do it was a bit of a surprise. "That tastes really nice," Blake gushed as he stuck his tongue out, grabbed Darcy's ass cheeks and buried his face deep into him again, this time probing his hole as if he were drilling for oil. Darcy grabbed hold of the tree as he experienced a full deep rimming. His cock quickly re-inflated and he looked at me. I moved closer and ran my fingers through his hair as I smiled at him and raised my eyebrows a few times at him.

"Mmmmm...that was hot. You wanna taste him, Kyle?" Blake offered as he looked back.

"Hell yeah. That ass looks way to hot not to eat," Kyle said quickly dropping to his knees as Blake moved aside. I noticed he didn't get completely out of the way as he watched Kyle take over the rimming. He reached up to feel Darcy's cock and balls.

"I think you're doing it good, Kyle. Darcy's totally hard again," Blake said standing up to check his friend's erection. He pulled it upright and licked his lips. "Justin, you haven't done nothing yet. You wanna suck him off?"

"I'll play later. I'm gonna wait until the three of you are worn out and half asleep and then I'm going to use you when you don't have the energy to resist."

"Who's resisting?" Blake said staring at me. "We're literally offering it. Did you already cum today, Justin? Is that why you're not horny right now? God, I hope I never get so old that I can only do it once a day. That would be the worst!"

"No, I didn't cum today...and I'm not old!" I said defending myself. "I'm simply pacing myself."

"I could cum ten times and still be horny. That's why I get so much sex. Everyone wants my boner. Justin only gets paleontologists to have sex with his."

"Huh?" I said wondering how that made sense.

"Paleontologists only look for old bones."

"Technically they look for fossils," I replied to show how smart I was.

"I rest my case, fossil!" Blake giggled as he leaned in to sucked Darcy again. Both boys seemed amused by that. I'm 23. Holy shit. I AM NOT a fossil. Now Colin on the other hand...oh my god, don't tell him I said that. He's 28 already. Two more years and he's not gonna be doing much of anything sex related, so we don't want to remind him of that. I've already ordered one of those recliner rocking chairs for his birthday, and we can get Cialis delivered to the house...I think we can get it delivered. Maybe we have to go pick it up at the pharmacy. That would be the worst. They always say what you're getting and ask if you have taken it before and talk about the side effects. Warning, this may cause erections. If they last more than four hours, call your doctor.' Fuck that. If my erection last more than four hours, I'm calling a general meeting of the Q' and going all night.

Kyle seemed to be lost inside Darcy's ass and Blake was slurping so hard on Darcy's cock it sounded like he was drowning it. I leaned in and kissed Darcy. "Having fun?"

He nodded as he grinned at me.

"Good," I replied as I leaned in and quietly whispered in his ear. "I'm so gonna fuck you later. Maybe in front of everyone."

He swallowed hard and stared at me grinning as I stood back up. He nodded and looked like he wanted it right now. I would make him wait until he'd really gotten the hang of all this. "Uhhh, I'm gonna cum again, Blake," Darcy warned.

Blake stood up and grabbed Darcy's cock and fisted it rapidly. Darcy's breathing became shallow just before he thrust his hips up and shot a small load of cum all over his stomach. Blake just grinned and rubbed is fingers in it.

"I think he liked your rimming, Kyle. He just came," Blake announced as if this were a sporting event.

Kyle stopped and looked up. He stood up to show he also had been enjoying himself. He lay his erection on Darcy's balls as he moved forward. "Damn that's hot. Such a sweet sensitive ass. I hope we're all gonna fuck each other stupid tonight.

Blake looked at me and grinned and was just about to speak.

"Not one word," I warned playfully.

"What?" He said with that cheeky look on his face.

"I know you're about to say something insulting about the `stupid' comment."

"I was not...okay, I was, but if you already know it, then I guess I've made my point without saying anything. "Looks like you have extra suntan lotion now, Darcy. Cumtan lotion," he joked rubbing the mess all over Darcy's body.

"What's the SPF on cum?" I asked.

"Not sure. Probably none, but the protein level is high. That much I know," he laughed.

Darcy sat upright and put his feet down before standing up. "That was fun," he admitted.

"Wait until we have a party out here one weekend with every horny guy we can find. Last orgy party I had I bet I fucked a hundred times, and that wasn't even outside, which makes you even hornier."

"Is announcing that you're a huge slut really a good idea, Blake?"

"Not if you're a girl, but a boy's reputation depends on it."

"Make sure you put that on your resume," Kyle joked.

"Come on. We can go to the beach and wash up," Blake suggested as he headed off again. We'd experienced the sex tree and now it was back to exploring. A short while later, he stopped and crouched down holding a fist above his head. I'm guessing we're now Navy Seals on some mission. "Our other beach is just through there," Blake whispered to Darcy.

"Why are we whispering?" I asked.

"In case anyone is there. If we're quiet, we can sneak up on them. This is where most of the trespassers hang out," he informed us.

"How do you know that?" I asked, standing behind him.

"Shhh! Get down," he said as we all crouched with him. "A few times I've been here there have been people on this beach. This is the one they see first, so they don't go around to the other side. Plus, I think this gets more sun. They tie their boats up to the trees and suntan here. Last time some chick was here with here with two little kids."

"And you did what? Asked them to leave because they were trespassing?" Kyle inquired.

"No way dude. I watched. She was teaching them stuff, like letting them check out her body. I guess they'd never seen boobs or a vagina before. They both had little tiny boners, like the size of my pinky finger, but she had wicked nice hooters."

"And then what? Kyle asked.

"I went and introduced myself. Told them I owned the island but they were welcome to stay if they wanted."

"Did they freak out? Darcy asked.

"I think I surprised them at first, but they were pretty cool. I suntanned with them for a bit before they said they had to leave."

"How old were the kids?" I asked.

"Dunno. Like eight or nine, around there. There was one time where it was a bunch of teenagers all drinking and partying. I didn't go join in that time because they all looked pretty drunk. I only saw one guy screwing a girl against a tree back in the bushes, but that's about it. The coast looks clear today though," he said as he stood up and we proceeded to the beach, where we all hit the water to wash up. I didn't need it as much as they did, but I joined in anyway. We hadn't brought towels, so after wiping the excess water off, we just let ourselves air dry.

"Let's go back to the cabin to get our towels and go swimming," he suggested next. It was becoming pretty obvious who was in charge on this trip.

We returned to the cabin, this time following a different route, which was probably a good thing as we avoided the sex tree, which could have slowed us down by another half hour, or more. We grabbed the towels, water bottles, snacks and the suntan lotion. We left the shoes this time as the trail to the swimming hole was better than the thick of the woods. Once we got there, Darcy was once again impressed.

"Nice area," he nodded smiling.

"Told you, you'd like it," Blake said as we laid our towels out. "The rope swing is over there and if you need to use it, the outhouse is just behind the tree line over there. You don't wanna put it too close to the water."

"Makes sense," Darcy agreed.

"Okay, everyone has to get in a circle," Blake announced.

"Why?" Kyle inquired.

"It's our game. We all get hard and then we swing out and drop into the water and see who gets soft the fastest."

"You want us to drop into the water with an erection?" Kyle asked. "You really area sadistic little dude, aren't you?"

He laughed. "Chicken?"

"Not at all. I'll just make a bigger splash that way."

We all followed Blake's lead and got into the circle to get ourselves hard. As soon as we were, it was off to the rope swing. Note to self. Don't drop into cold water with a boner. Talk about shock factor. I have no idea who went soft first because by the time we swam back to the shore, none of us had boners.

The swimming was good, but once we'd had enough, we lay out in the sun to dry off. Blake quickly straddled Darcy's ass to rub suntan lotion on his back. I sat watching as he slid down his legs so he could work some into his ass cheeks. His eyes never left Darcy's ass as he massaged the lotion in. Without warning, he pulled the cheeks apart and dropped his face between them, licking the full length of Darcy's crack.

"Ohhhhh," Darcy moaned as he felt the wet tongue work him over. That only seemed to encourage Blake further as he began really probing at his hole. Darcy couldn't help but lift his ass up slightly to get more of it. Kyle had now turned to watch and was smiling. He nodded his head in approval.

Blake stopped and got off Darcy, telling him to turn over. Darcy flipped onto his back holding a hand over his obvious erection. Blake wasn't about to let it stay that way as he pulled the hand off and went down on him. He inched around and lay out so the boys were in a 69 position. I just looked at Darcy and nodded at him. He got the message and reached up to take hold of Blake before pulling the head of the big cock into his mouth.

"Looks like your work here is done," Kyle said quietly as he shuffled up against me and intertwined our legs.

"My work has only just begun," I smiled as we started to kiss. It wasn't long before Kyle had shuffled down to suck me off. Being the considerate guy I am, I let him. It wasn't long before the boys stopped and Blake asked Darcy to put suntan lotion on his back and lay face down.

They were both rock hard and when Darcy straddled Blake, his penis went right along the length of the ass crack. He rubbed lotion all over Blake's back and shoulders, seemingly moving more than he needed to, rubbing his cock up and down the warm crevice. I looked over at him and tried to indicate he should just push his penis into Blake's ass, but he shook his head and moved to lie beside him. I guess he still has some confidence issues. We lay out tanning for a bit until we returned to the water for a little more swimming to cool off. Once we'd had enough of that, we returned to the cabin.

"Dad, can me and Darcy take the dingy out," Blake asked.

"I suppose, but you should probably ask Kyle is he wants to be taken out," I said with a straight face.

Kyle rolled his eyes, and then smiled. "Good one."

"I don't get it," Blake said looking at us as he waited for an answer to his question.

"A dingy. Someone who's crazy," I explained.

" someone who makes a joke like that," Blake remarked standing there. "So can we take the boat out? We just wanna go around the island in it."

"Sure. Just make sure you have your lifejackets on," I agreed.

"Thanks. I'll grab our stuff and meet you at the boat," he said running back to the cabin as Kyle, Darcy and I headed to the dock. Kyle opened the rear hatch so we could lower the dingy out of the back.

"Whoa! You have a boat inside your boat? That's so awesome!" Darcy smiled as he watched us unload it.

Blake ran back with his backpack.

"What you got in there?" I asked.

"Just stuff in case of emergencies. Towels, snacks, water, lube."

"Are you expecting an emergency?" I frowned, considering they were just going around the island. What could happen? They tip over and swim to shore and then walk back to the cabin.

"You never know Dad. A hurricane or tornado could swoop down and carry us out to sea where we'd have to wait for the coast guard after we fire off the flares."

I looked up at the sky. "Can't see either of those happening, and I know I don't have to say it, but no playing with the flares. Those are for actual emergencies. They're not fireworks."

"Got it. What if the dingy gets a hole in it and we sink and have to hold onto it until help arrives? Could we use the flares then?"

"No! Swim to 10 feet away."

"What if one of us gets a broken leg or is knocked unconscious?"

"Should we be going out in the dingy?" Darcy asked as he listened to Blake.

"Ignore him Darcy. Blake enjoys testing the limits of rules."

They headed out, leaving Kyle and I to hang out together. We played some frisbee and then tidied up a bit before lying down to get some more sun. The boys returned from the dock and to no real surprise, they were both sporting erections.

"You guys had fun I'm guessing."

"Yeah we were fishing. See our poles," Blake joked as he wiggled his hips.

"THOSE are the poles? I thought they were they bait. They look like worms."

"Ha Ha! What's for dinner?"

"Squid and Octopus sandwiches on a bed of broccoli and asparagus."

"Gross, and yeah right! So hamburgers?"

"Hamburgers," I nodded. "Fun fact. Did you know in America they're called hamberders?"

"Really?" Darcy asked in surprise.

"Ignore him, Darc. Justin just likes to pick on America...a lot."

"I do not. I'm simply pointing out things that you should know. Like here in Canada we have hamburgers and pop for dinner. In America they have hamberders and covfefe."

"Dad. Get a hobby," Blake said shaking his head. Everyone chipped in and helped get dinner ready before we sat down. "How do you like the island?" Blake asked as we ate.

"It's great. At first, I was super nervous about being naked outside, but now it kinda feels normal, if that makes sense."

"Makes total sense," Blake nodded. "Once you go naked, you almost never want clothes again. Unless you get sunburned, then you need clothes. The whole time we were in the Amazon, where it's like as hot as the sun and so humid you felt wet all the time, I was totally naked. The thick trees helped a lot for shade, but it still was so hot your balls sweated constantly, and kept sticking to you like they were super glued. You'd die if you wore clothes. Most of the time you were even too hot for sex."

"But that didn't stop Blake from doing it several times a day," I added.

"Only because you almost sold me to another tribe. That's the whole reason my hair is still short and I got my nipples pierced. That hurt like a mega bitch. They sold my hair to the other chief, then I had to get like a bunch of girls pregnant and be screwed by anyone who wanted me."

"I'm not sure if that sounds terrifying or one hell of an adventure," Darcy admitted.

"It was both. The other chief had like a cock that was like 11 inches long and he wouldn't worry about whether he was hurting you or not. If he wanted you, he took you. One cool thing was that I got to hunt with a spear and blow dart. They even got me stoned and sent me out to do a quest on my own where I got my own spirit animal. It's a hummingbird in case you were wondering. One day, I'd like to set up a society like that on this island."

"You probably good," Darcy nodded. "I'd do it with you."

"Blake would end up as chief and make us all worship him," Kyle joked.

"Duh!" Blake replied. "Otherwise what's the point?"

"So basically like it is now at home?" I remarked.

"No! I'd eliminate all the stupid age rules for stuff. That would be the first thing to go."

"I can see that," I nodded.

"I'm still working out the details. In the Amazon, it was hot even at night. Here, there's a lot of nights it'd be too cold or rainy to run around naked, so maybe we could have a retractable roof canopy or something that we could close when it was cold, and put heaters in the trees. Plus, there's nothing to hunt here. We'd have to bring food in."

"So like the Amazon, only catered?" I smirked.

"Yeah," he grinned. "We'd also keep the bathrooms. I didn't like that pooping in a hole while people watched."

"People watched you poop?" Darcy asked. "Sick.'

"Mostly just the little kids. They'd never seen a guy with blond hair and skin like mine before, so I think anything I did interested them. I wanna go back again sometime. Maybe it could be a whole story of my own."

"Like that trip wasn't?" I asked.

"Nah. It was like it was more your guys trip, and I was just along for the ride. Next time, I'll be in charge and not let myself get sold."

"Dude if you'd been in charge this time, you'd currently be the Prince of the Mulgari's, being boned daily by Chief Massive Pole."

"So, I'd have been Prince Massive Pole?" Blake giggled. "I'd have changed my name though. To Ryder."

"Ryder?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah. Prince Ryder Massive Pole"

"That's a mouthful," I said. He just stopped mid movement and just stared at me, causing all of us to laugh uncontrollably.

Once we'd cleaned up from dinner, the sun had begun to go down so it became cooler fast. We gave in and put shirts on first, then eventually pants, as it was just a little cold to sit around naked anymore. We lit a campfire and played some cards, telling stories about anything that seemed amusing. At one point, Darcy and Blake were cuddled up against each other with a blanket around them, while Kyle and I shared a second blanket. We had moved to making s'mores which is always fun...and messy. I used to like getting the marshmallow to burst into flames, but recently I'd been trying to perfect the idea of making them just go golden brown. Blake had one marshmallow start on fire, and instead of just blowing it out, he shook his stick furiously, causing the marshmallow to fly off the end. We all watched as the gooey fireball flew across the sky, landing on the ground not far from us.

Blake yelped, jumping up to run over and stomp on it. Now remember, this is a marshmallow. It's like getting ten pieces of gum on your shoe all at the same time. He returned to us, having picked up half the pine needles on the ground. He proceeded to scrape the mess off with a stick, then tried to get the mess off the stick. I could see out whole island being covered in marshmallow goo by the time we left. He resolved it by placing his shoe over the flame to burn off the rest of the mess in the tread. We're gonna have to go shopping for new shoes when we get home. He may be 14, but he still thinks mostly like a kid.

Once we'd had enough, we put the fire out and headed into the cabin for the night. We started a new fire in the fireplace to warm the interior. It heated up quick as the cabin was well insulated. There was electric heating from the solar panels if we really needed it, but the fire always seemed more camplike...'campy' if you prefer. Blake and Darcy dragged all the blankets in and lay them out, insisting that we were all going to sleep in front of the fire tonight. What's the point of having a nice comfortable bed in the loft, if we're just going to sleep on the floor? They piled several layers down before Blake insisted it was now warm enough to get undressed again.

I went to make us some hot chocolate, and I have no idea how long I was gone, but it must have been quite some time because when I got back, sex was underway again. I'll give you one guess who started it...and remember...I was in the kitchen.

Blake was getting fucked doggy style by Kyle, happily sucking on Darcy, who was sitting on the couch watching. I put the hot drinks on the closest table and sat down next to Darcy. I put my arm around him gently, and played with his nipples, watching as Blake pulled his shaft upright to deep throat him. Darcy took hold of my cock to slowly stroke me as he soaked in everything happening. Blake's free hand reached over to cup my balls, while his other hand was furiously jerking his own dick. I gently turned Darcy's head and leaned in to kiss him. He almost melted into me and gave no resistance as my tongue slipped into his mouth. We stayed lip locked for what seemed like several minutes, and as soon as we broke apart for air, Blake pulled Kyle out of his ass and scrambled up to sit across Darcy's lap. He didn't even hesitate to grab the erection and slip it into himself and begin to bounce. Darcy just sat there watching until Blake leaned in to kiss him, effectively moving me out of the way. I grabbed Blake's rock hard cock and jerked him off as he rode Darcy. Kyle meanwhile had moved between my legs to suck me off. I guess our night was underway.

Blake suddenly scrambled off Darcy to sit beside him. "That was close. I almost came. I don't want to bust yet."

He leaned in to kiss Darcy for a bit and then slid off the couch to get between Darcy's legs. He lubed both of them up, lifted his friend's legs onto his shoulders and shoved himself inside.

"Unghhhh!" Darcy grunted at the sudden penetration, and I told Blake to take it easy as Darcy was still relatively new to this. Blake leaned in to kiss Darcy as he hammered his ass. He lasted only seconds before he gave a loud moan. Kyle reached between Blake's legs to squeeze his balls to help him along, then held his shaft as he pulled out, showing a nice wet cock.

"Okay, Darcy, you guys have to go now," Blake instructed. "You fuck Justin, then he'll fuck Kyle. Then we're all kinda bonded together." Who was I to argue? I slid onto the floor doggy style and Blake helped Darcy lube up and get behind me. I think he enjoyed pushing his newly sexualized friend inside my ass. Once Darcy was fully in, Blake lay underneath me to happily play as he watched me being fucked. Kyle just sat back grinning as he enjoyed the show.

"You better have your ass lubed up buddy, as I'm not gonna last long once he's done," I smirked at him.

With this still being excitingly new for Darcy, he came fast and pulled out. I quickly flipped onto my back to let Kyle straddle me. He sat down hard as he bounced up and down, fisting his cock. Blake stood up and shoved his cock into Kyle's mouth as he watched us.

"Darcy. Sit on Justin's face and let him eat your ass. He loves that," Blake directed. How does he know what I like? Oh...right... he lives with me. Darcy quickly straddled my head, and I pulled him into position. He tasted of cum and lube as I shoved my tongue into him, but I wasn't complaining. Blake continued to direct his live porn show. "Kyle, you and Darcy should jerk each other off."

I assumed they did it, but I couldn't see anything. There was an eclipse on my face. A lunar one. That's where the full moon blocks out the light. You get the idea. I think at some point Blake must have moved his cock over for Darcy to suck, because he told him to go as far as he could and play with his balls. I shot a huge, powerful load into Kyle's ass grunting extra loud for effect and almost bucking Kyle off me as I slammed into him. I wanted it to be a good show for all those watching live around the world...or in the it were.

By the time we all separated, each of us looked like we'd been well used. We decided that now would be a good time to head for bed, so we cleaned clean up in the bathroom, including taking a pee and brushing our teeth. THEN we had our hot chocolate. Ahhh, camping...when you can do life in an order that makes no sense. We all snuggled together under the covers as we listened to the fire.

Kyle and I were on the outside edges with Darcy and Blake in the middle between us. Darcy was next to me, and Blake against Kyle. I guess the fresh air, or recent sex, was enough for us and we fell asleep fast. I slept soundly all night, and only woke up when the light started coming in the windows of the cabin. I could almost hear the rooster crowing and wildlife down at the water's edge. Not that there were either, but we did have at least one cock awake. Darcy was cuddled up against me with his nose almost touching mine. He was so nice and warm that even if I needed to pee, I probably wouldn't have wanted to move. I lifted my head to see Kyle spooned behind Blake and from the way they were gently moving, I had no doubt that Blake was being given an eight inch wake up call, but they were sure being quiet about it. Who knew you could shut that boy up?

As I put my head back down, Darcy opened his eyes to look at me, so I gave him a long gentle kiss, while reaching down to take hold of his morning wood. He moaned as he humped my hand. "Turn over," I whispered quietly.

He turned his back to me and was now face to face with Blake, who opened his eyes and smiled. "Good morning," he said softly. Darcy didn't have time to respond before Blake shuffled closer so they could kiss. I rested my hand on Darcy's cute firm ass and began to slowly stroke it.

"Morning, Kyle," I said looking over at him. He lifted his head slightly and smiled.

"Hey. Looks like we are getting an early start," he said.

"Looks like it."

"I have to take a wicked piss, but I really don't want to take my cock out of his ass. Have you ever felt how tight it is first thing in the morning?"

"Can't say I've checked that out," I laughed. "If you have to piss, just go inside him. That ass is big enough to handle it," I joked.

"HEY!" Blake said frowning as he glared at me. "My ass is NOT that big, and don't you dare pee in me. Gross!"

"Sounds like a dare to me," I teased.

"Don't do it Kyle, or you'll never get to fuck me again, I swear!"

"I somehow don't think that's a real threat, Blake," Kyle laughed. "Don't worry, I'm way too hard to piss anyway. I can hold it."

"Whew. That was close. I almost became a urinal."

I tried not to laugh. He was fine being a cum dumpster but not a urinal. Where does this boy get his priorities?

It didn't take long before Blake had Darcy spin around so they could 69. I now had that hot little ass in my sight, so I figured a little face plant into it wouldn't be a bad idea. I had Darcy bend his knee up allowing me to watch Blake suck him off. It gives you such a warm feeling of pride to see your son so good at something. I ran my fingers through Blake's hair which was finally becoming long enough to feel nice again. I pressed my tongue into Darcy's ass and got to work on him.

Kyle suddenly pulled back from Blake and jumped up. "Sorry, can't hold it any longer," he said racing across the cabin to the bathroom.

Darcy sat up and looked across the cabin. "I should go too," he announced causing Blake to back off his erection instantly. He left to head to the bathroom as well.

"You need to go?" I said looking at Blake who wiggled over to be next to me

"Nope, all good for now," he said as I gave him a hug. By the time the other two returned, we figured maybe we should all get up and have breakfast.

The boys spent part of the morning diving off the front of the boat, leaving Kyle and I to clean things up and pack up for the return trip. I noticed the two guys disappeared into the woods for a bit and I had a feeling they may have gone Blake's secret spot, although technically it wasn't as much a secret anymore. They never said anything when they returned, but the fact they were holding hands might have been some indication of what they'd gotten up to.

Once the cabin was locked up and we were back on the boat, Kyle let Darcy take it out as Blake acted as navigator, which basically consisted of saying go right' and we're clear'. Not the most technical of jobs leaving a dock.

"Guess what I am?" Blake said as he jumped in front of me, shortly after we got underway, his erection at full mast and pointing to the sky.

"A towel rack?" I joked as Darcy chuckled a little.

"I'm a homo-probe."

"Homo-probe? I hoping you don't mean homophobe?" I frowned.

"No. Probe. As in, I'm ready to probe homos!"

"Got it. Funny. Now get that thing away from me before I hit it with a hammer and you're a no-mo-probe."

He ran back to the lower level again.

"He does have a nice homo probe on him though," Kyle admitted. "Looks like your plan to help Darcy has worked. He seems a lot more comfortable now."

"Step one does appear to be a success," I admitted, almost more to myself than anyone. "The next part is a little more difficult. Getting him to use that same confidence in school and not let bullies take advantage of him."

"He is smaller than other guys his age, so that may always be a thing he has to deal with," Kyle suggested.

"It may, but he has to be confident enough in himself to not let it bother him, or those kinds of bullying comments could follow him through life. He'll overcome it, I'm sure. He just needed someone to believe in him," I said as we heard a loud grunt from the deck below and almost turned to look at the same time. Blake had Darcy bent over the side rail and was fucking him hard. He had his hands on both hips just pounding away as if he were trying to create enough friction to start a fire. Darcy appeared to be holding on for fear of being fucked overboard.

"Jesus!" Kyle whispered. "I think he's overcoming it. Either that or Blake's been into the Viagra stash again."

"We have a Viagra stash? Why am I the last to know these things?" I said shaking my head.

"Well at least he can't say he's a virgin anymore," Kyle smirked patting me on the back.

"God, I still remember when you were the virgin looking for any action he could get."

"That seems like a lifetime ago."

"Doesn't it though? I almost can't remember the days before sex."

"Why would we want to?" Kyle laughed.

"True. So true."

We left the boys to their fun, and it wasn't long before they were both running up to ask if they could go waterskiing. I had them get dressed and set things up. Blake explained how it all worked and warned Darcy that the first few times he might not get up out of the water, but not to get frustrated. "Just lean back and let the boat pull you out the water. You'll get the hang of it. Just watch me."

Once we'd stopped, he did a flip into the water and grabbed the skiis from the boat to put them on. We moved ahead slowly until the tow line was fully extended and he began to get pulled. He gave the thumbs up and Kyle gunned it. He was up fast and waterskiing behind us. Blake put his hand up to indicate he wanted to go faster, so we increased speed. Blake moved his hands left and right to let us know he was ready to jump the wake. Darcy watched closely from beside me on the upper level.

"I don't think I'd want to jump the waves yet," he said quickly. "How do you stop?"

"Either put your fist in the air and we'd stop, or just let go of the rope and you'll slow down and sink. The life jacket keeps you afloat, and we come around to get you. If you fall, don't panic, we're only seconds away."

As soon as I said it, Blake took a giant jump over one of the waves and crashed hard.

"He's down!" I said to Kyle who turned us around to head back, slowing down as we approached.

"That was awesome!" Blake said as he swam over to us pushing the skis along with him. "Now that was a face plant. Cleared my sinuses right up to my brain. Your turn Darcy," he said grinning. "Jump in the water and I'll help you put the skis on."

Darcy fastened his lifejacket tight and jumped in beside Blake who showed him how to properly fit the skis on, and then how to lean back with the skis up in preparation for launch. He again reminded him not to worry if he didn't get up on the first few attempts. "When you're comfortable you can put a thumb up and we'll go faster. We can't go to slow or you don't stay up. Let go if you've had enough, or just give us a fist," he said explaining the rules.

Darcy nodded and lay back with his skis up as Blake climbed back on board and wrapped in a towel.

"Okay Kyle! He's ready," Blake yelled up. Kyle moved us ahead slowly to tighten the rope.

It took Darcy about three attempts to get up, but Blake was supportive the entire time as he gave him tips. When he eventually did get up, he was grinning from ear to ear. Kyle took it easy for a bit, but soon got the signal to go faster. Blake wanted us to go back and forth so Darcy could jump the wake, but since we weren't getting that signal from the actual skier, we ignored the ski director in the peanut gallery. Darcy finally let go and sank into the water.

"He's down!" Blake yelled as soon as he'd let go, so we circled around to pick him up.

"That was AWESOME!" Darcy grinned as he swam up to the back of the boat. "I can't believe I actually got up finally."

"It gets easier after your first time. Kinda like sex," Blake explained. Darcy dropped the life jacket and wrapped in a towel. It was my turn next and I didn't mind a bit of wake to jump, although I'm not as big a daredevil as Blake, or Alex for that matter. He was always good for doing something daring when we were kids. I think that's how I got into half the things I got into...including the `Q'. I guess that worked out alright though.

I did not too bad skiing as the boys watched, and I managed to jump a few waves without killing myself. I almost lost my balance a couple times but recovered. I finally crashed and lay there floating until I was picked up. I took over the boat as Kyle skied. He was better than all of us as he chose to do slalom waterskiing, which I think impressed everyone. Blake asked to go again to try it and while he was able to get up, he didn't so as well on the jumps, but he was excited at using just one ski. Darcy went back in for a second run and by this time we were getting close to home, so we packed things away, and prepared for arrival.

"Thanks for taking me away this weekend," Darcy said as soon as we were back on the dock with the boat secured.

"It was a pleasure. I hope you had fun," I said giving him a hug.

"I did. Best time ever. Hopefully I can go back again one day."

"We go all the time," Blake announced. "Maybe you and me and go out on our own sometime."

"That'd be fun," he admitted. We drove Darcy home and made sure he was in the house before we headed home.

"That was a good weekend," Kyle admitted. "Darcy's a nice guy. I can't imagine why someone would pick on him. I agree with Blake. The kid should use his karate and kick their asses to get a little respect."

"Don't worry. I'll teach him how," Blake chimed in as he leaned between the seats to talk to us.

"I suggest you let Darcy handle his situation. He's sticking to the rules that the karate is only for self defense in a life-threatening situation, and he doesn't see the bullying as life threatening."

"He's a better guy than me. I'd have learned karate just so I COULD kick their asses," Kyle said.

"I could show you some stuff Kyle. Then you could train with me and Darcy when he comes over."

"I wonder just how much training you'll actually do now that he's had a naked weekend with you."

"Oh we'd still train," Blake nodded as he looked at me. "But the showers after will be more fun now."

We arrived home and quickly put things away where they went in the garage, before heading into the house.

"I really need a shower," I said as we put our backpacks at the door.

"Me too," Blake agreed. "We should all go together so we can help each other wash the suntan lotion off our backs."

We saw Colin and Adrian playing a game of pool in the great room and headed over to them. They were both just in their underwear which is no surprise around here. Both guys have pretty hot bodies in a league of their own. We could open a laundromat with the washboard abs those two have between them.

"Hey guys! How was the weekend?" Colin said coming over to give me a kiss and hugging Blake.

"It was awesome!" Blake said quickly. "Darcy's was super nervous at first about running around naked, but now he's totally cool with it."

"So it went well?" Colin asked.

"Really well. Except for the flaming fireball," I announced.


Blake laughed. "He means my marshmallow. It caught on fire and I shook it to make it stop, but it flew off my stick and landed on the ground. Almost burnt the entire forest to the ground."

"Not quite, but genius here stomped on it and ended up with marshmallow goo all over his shoes. He picked up half the forest on the bottom of them after that."

"Sounds like a good time."

"It was," I agreed as we all made our way to the pool table. "Hey Adrian."

"Hi Justin," he replied.

"Adrian spent the night last night. The other guys joined us and we had a few drinks, got a little stoned," Colin revealed as he took his turn at the table.

"The other guys?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, Ben, Troy, J.P. We had a fun night. I think they all enjoyed the opportunity to get to know Adrian a little better."

"No fair!" Kyle complained. "They all got to bone that cute bubble butt," he said as he gave Adrian's ass a squeeze. The tight boxer trunk briefs he was wearing definitely framed him nicely.

" fair!" Blake exclaimed as well as he leaned his butt against the pool table next to Adrian.

"I think you two had enough boning of cute asses this weekend," I said to them, getting a smile from Colin.

"We could always do more," Blake reasoned. "How big is your penis, Adrian?" He asked suddenly.

"BLAKE!" I said shaking my head. "Ignore him, Adrian. I think Blake is doing a thesis on penis sizes. It's his latest curiosity."

"But you can still tell me if you want," Blake added.

"I'm big enough," Adrian grinned as he bent over to take a shot. Kyle and Blake both shot a look at Adrian's ass as it stuck out.

"Are you gonna be here a while, Adrian?" Blake asked. "We just have to take a shower because we've been outside all weekend, but we could come back and play doubles."

"Yeah, I'll still be here for a bit," Adrian nodded.


We took off upstairs and headed to the shower in my room. Blake was the first one in to get the water up to temperature, followed by Kyle and myself. "I call dibs," Blake said as he shampooed his hair.

"Dibs? On what? Getting your back washed first," I asked as I grabbed the soap

"No. Well, sure, that'd be cool too, but I meant dibs on Adrian. I get to go first."

"You want him as your pool partner?" I inquired, nodding. "Fine by me. Kyle can partner with Colin."

"No. I mean for sex. I don't want to go after you guys. I want to do him first."

Kyle laughed. "Nice try buddy. I squeezed his ass before you, so the rules of acquisition clearly state that the first one to grab it, gets it."

"Oh. I didn't know that. Okay, but I'm second then."

"Maybe Adrian would have something to say about it, ya think?" I said as I washed Blake's back for him.

"He already spent the night over here having sex, so he obviously would be cool with it, Dad," Blake reasoned as I let him rinse off and turned my attention to Kyle. I was sure we had six layers of suntan lotion and dirt on us, and from the look of the water running off us, we might have brought half the island back. Blake washed my back and once we'd determined that we were clean we got out and dried off.

"The hot water felt good," Blake admitted as he wrapped in the towel. "I guess I should go to my room and get some clean clothes though."

"Good idea."

Blake raced off to his room, while Kyle and I grabbed some underwear and t-shirts from my drawers. Blake returned moments later with a t-shirt on and the towel still wrapped around his waist.

"I guess I should leave this in here, huh?" He said as he headed to the bathroom. He returned quickly without the towel and I just shook my head. He had put underwear on, but his assless type, which really helped frame his butt cheeks nicely.

"Pool time!" He grinned.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Kyle smirked as we watched Blake head for the bedroom doors. He lowered his voice a bit before continuing. "I hate to say it, but he's even sexier in those than he is naked."

"The trouble is...he knows it," I replied as we went to follow him.

Blake had stopped and turned around when he realized we weren't right behind him. "You guys comin' or are you drooling over my ass?" He asked standing there impatiently.

"You wish you were that hot!" I grinned as we followed him downstairs.

"Okay, we're all clean again," Blake said as he bounced over to the table. "Whose team am I on?"

"I'll play with you," Adrian said quickly.

"Awesome, but whose team am I on? We can play after. I even wore my easy access underwear."

"Blake. Holy shit. Cut back on the horny pills," I suggested.

"I don't need horny pills Dad. I'm a teenager. You only need those when you get old, like 20."

"I'm 20," Adrian replied.

"See Dad! Adrian knows what I'm talking about."

We quickly partnered up with Colin and me taking on Blake and Adrian for the first game. I think Kyle stood back to watch each of us bend over when it was our shot. I wish I'd thought of that.

"Did you guys have a good party last night?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was pretty decent. Adrian thought J.P. was actually you for half the night," Colin revealed.

"Yeah, I felt kinda stupid when I realized it wasn't," he admitted.

"Don't worry. I make that mistake all the time," Colin told him. I almost laughed. If there was one guy that never made that mistake it was Colin. "It's handy though. When Justin is out for the night, I just get Jason or J.P. to take his place and it's like he's there in bed with me anyway."

Adrian laughed. "Well I have to admit when I woke up this morning, I kinda forgot that I wasn't in bed with you two. I only remembered it was J.P. when you said his name. He's got some mad skills though."

"That he does," Colin agreed.

"Did you let him rim you?" Blake asked with wide eyes. "He can do that for so long your butt gets sore."

"I definitely enjoyed his company," Adrian said looking around at us cautiously.

"You can relax Adrian," Colin told him. "We talk openly around Blake. God knows he won't hesitate to talk openly around us."

"I've noticed," he smiled.

"They used to be more careful what they said," Blake admitted. "But now that I'm all grown up and I'm allowed to have sex with anyone, they talk more adult around me now. "So, are you gay or bisexual, Adrian?"

"You really do ask what you're thinking, don't you?" He grinned. "To answer that, I'm technically pansexual. That means I only have sex in the kitchen around the pots and pans."

Blake stopped and stared at him. "I know what pansexual is," he said shaking his head. "It where you don't have a preference of sex, and are just attracted to the person."


"I even know the difference between pansexual and bisexual."

"You do?" Kyle asked surprised. "That one even confuses me a lot of the time."

"Yeah. Bisexual means that you would have sex with a boy or a girl, but pansexual means you'd do all the other sexes too."

"The other sexes?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yeah. You know. Like transsexual, cisgender, gender fluid, non-binary."

"Got it. I think that's gender identity and not their actual sex."

"Ok Boomer," he replied as he returned his focus to Adrian. "Would you be attracted to a transgender girl? That's one that has a penis and boobs?"

"Blake, even I'd be attracted to that," Kyle laughed. "A boy with a nice big dick AND boobs. Dude! Score!"

"Sure. I'd be fine with that as long as I had something in common with the person other than sex," Adrian answered.

"What about if it were a trans boy? That's one that has had the breasts taken off and has a vagina. Oh, and he has a beard so he looks more like a guy?"

"Sure. Again, it would depend on the type of person they are. I'm not attracted to anyone who is obnoxious, or mean."

"Looks like you're out, Blake," I joked.

"Ha Ha! I'm not mean OR obnoxious...just cute," he said defending himself as he took his shot and sank the ball he'd called. "I think I'm probably a cisgender bisexual more than anything. If I sink this next shot, will you show me your penis?"

"Blake!" Colin said quickly.

"What? It's not like I'm asking him for a kidney. By the way...what blood type are you?" He giggled.

"No idea," Adrian replied. "And as for your other request...if we win the game, I'll take my underwear off."

"Oh, you guys are so going to lose big time," Blake grinned as he chalked his cue...that's not sex talk. He was actually putting chalk on his pool cue. Sometimes I think everyone is way to perverted to function. Chalk your cue...ha! Lube it is more likely.

"What do we get if we win?" Colin asked licking his lips.

"Guess you have to win to find that out," Adrian replied as we watched Blake take his shot and just miss.

"Damn!" he complained. "So close."

The play continued with general conversation until we were down to just the eight ball and one solid left. Adrian was up and their team were the stripes, so they only had to sink the eight ball to win. Adrian looked over at Blake and grinned. "You know if I miss, I wouldn't have to honour our deal."

"That's not fair!"

"Decisions, decisions," he said as he bent over to line up his shot. "Eight ball side pocket." He used his cue to indicate which side pocket. He took his time, looked at Colin and I, then smiled at Blake. I had no idea what he was thinking. He took the shot and it bounced off one rail before dropping into the called pocket.

"YES!" Blake said excitedly. "Nice shot Adrian."

"Thanks. Good game guys," he said to us.

"Yeah. You guys almost beat us. Who goes next? Should we mix it up?"

"Okay," Colin replied. "Justin and Blake against Kyle and Adrian."

"Cool," Blake nodded. "But first I get my reward. Lose the shorts, Adrian." He moved closer to make sure he got the front row view.

"You sure you guys don't mind?" Adrian asked looking at us.

"They don't mind. They lose to me all the time," Blake bragged. Not sure that was exactly correct, but I'll concede we didn't always win either.

"Go for it," Colin encouraged. I noticed Kyle moving to make sure he got his own view. Adrian just gave a small smile and lowered his underwear and stepped out of them, getting a giant smile from Blake who shuffled closer.

"You're uncut huh? That's cool. I like how the tip of your penis pokes out like that," he said giving a commentary on what he was seeing. I had to admit to myself that I liked that look too. Does your skin pull all the way back?" he asked reaching out to take hold of Adrian's penis to check for himself.

"Blake," I warned.

"Now what'd I do?" he asked looking at me but still holding Adrian's penis, now with the skin pulled back to exposed the purple head.

"Maybe asking before you grab someone's penis would be appropriate," I reminded him. You wouldn't think you'd need to tell someone that, but I guess we're pretty liberal around here.

Blake nodded as he stared at the penis he was holding for a second, before looking up at Adrian. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Not usually. Are you done checking it out?"

"Do you want me to get it hard so I can see how big it is? I'll show you mine."

"Blake, everyone's already seen yours. I'm sure it's on billboards by now," Kyle laughed.

"Probably," Blake nodded, then paused. "But only really really big billboards!" He let go of Adrian's penis and watched as the skin slowly moved back over the head. "I wish mine did that. I'd never stop playing with it."

"And that's different than now, how exactly?" Colin asked.

"They're just jealous cause they don't have foreskin either," he said looking at Adrian. "Thanks for letting me see it."

"No problem," he smirked as he jumped back into his shorts. We had just finished racking up for the next game when Troy and J.P. appeared from the suite.

"Hey! You guys are back. How'd the trip go?" J.P. asked.

"Great. Weather was nice. Several full moons were out," Kyle joked.

"Yeah, we had the same weather here," J.P. smirked as he stared at Adrian.

"We heard. We also heard that Adrian thought you were Justin half the night," Kyle teased.

"Only the half that didn't include sex. The half that did, it was pretty obvious considering how much better I am," J.P. replied as he stared at me.

"Sure J.P. If that was the case why was he calling out MY name while you were fucking him?"

"Same reason your husband did. Because they keep hoping that one day you'll be as good."

"Burn!" Blake laughed as J.P. moved up behind Adrian and slipped his hands down the back of his underwear.

"Who's playing who next?" Troy asked.

"It's me and Justin against Kyle and Adrian," Blake piped up quickly.

The guys finished their game and J.P. decided to head out with Adrian. I guess they got along really well last night. Blake flopped down on the couch with Colin and me.

"Thanks for taking me along this weekend. I think Darcy is a lot more comfortable naked now. Think that'll help him with the bullies at his school?"

"I don't know if being naked will, but the confidence from it might."

"That's what I meant," Blake replied. "Think he'll come out at school now?"

"I dunno if he's ready for that. Seeing what it took for him to tell you, makes it highly unlikely he'll be ready to throw the closet doors open just yet."

"But he'll probably be okay with telling everyone around here though?"

"I have no idea what he'll be comfortable telling people. That's up to him. I'm not a mind reader."

"Isn't that like literally your job? Reading minds and telling people what to think?"

"If that was how it worked, I'd have read your mind and realized you needed to be institutionalized from all the crazy in there."

"Do you really think I'm crazy?"

"Of course not. You're as sane as I am."

"Shit. I'm going away for life," he giggled. "If I did need a shrink at some point, would I ask you, or should I get someone else?"

"You know I'm always here to talk about absolutely anything with you, no matter what the subject. But sometimes you may want to have a conversation with someone other than family. You could ask Nate to be your therapist if you really wanted to discuss issues, and weren't comfortable with me."

"I think I'd be comfortable talking to you about most stuff. As long as you don't respond like my Dad, or a mind control doctor."

I put my hands on his forehead and leaned in. "My mind to your mind. My thoughts to your thoughts."

"Not now Dad. I'm still thinking of the weekend. Kinda all sex up there right now. Is that how you do it?"

"No, idiot. That's the Vulcan mind meld."

"Cool. How'd you learn that? Are you part Vulcan?" He asked as I sat back. Colin just laughed.

"He's not Vulcan," Colin replied quickly. They're logical, emotionless, smart and only have sex once every seven years."

"Yeah," Blake giggled. "Not Vulcan."

"Plus..." I added to both of them. "Vulcans aren't any more real than Superman or the Avengers."

"Bite your tongue! Iron Man and Spiderman are SO real!" Blake grinned. "But no more mind melds. From now on we just talk, okay. There may be SOME stuff I don't want you to know. "If I had questions about sex, you'd be okay if I asked you about them?"

"There's stuff YOU don't know about sex?" I smirked.

"Well, I mean I know the regular stuff pretty well, but there's all that kinky stuff that I'm still unsure about."

I gave a little laugh. "You do realize that most guys your age, either haven't had sex yet, or are just starting to figure it out. You're miles ahead of them already."

"Kilometers ahead of them Dad. We're Canadian, remember?" He joked.

"Fine...You're light years ahead. How's that?"

"Better. So when should I learn that kinky stuff?...And DON'T say 16."

"21," Colin replied, grinning. "Just joking. What sort of kinky things were you talking about?"

"Come on. You know all that stuff Dad. Like blindfolds and gags and cages to put your cock in. We have a whole room downstairs that looks like a medieval dungeon with chains and guillotines and the rack. What's all that stuff for? I already know what watersports are, I just don't know how you do it properly."

"First, we don't have a guillotine or a rack. Just so you aren't spreading that around," I laughed. "Sure, that stuff can be fun for roleplaying games, but I think for now you should enjoy the sex you're having. You're already doing a lot of advanced stuff that your friends haven't even thought of."

"Like what?"

"Like this weekend for one. You were outside naked for the entire time and had group sex on a tree."

"Yeah that was fun. Did you like my secret spot?"

"I did. I really liked it. That's the kind of place I like to find too."

"Dad, I was thinking. I know Darcy told you he was gay while you were being his therapist, and that probably led to you two having sex so he could learn, but could I ask you something?"


"From now on if one of my friends wants sex with you, could you invite me too?"

"They might not be comfortable with that."

"I get that, but this weekend, when I saw you put your penis inside Darcy, I was really jealous. I couldn't stop watching, and I sort of wanted to cry a little. I know that's stupid, but that's kinda how I felt."

I pulled him closer. "I'm sorry. I had no idea. I figured you were having lots of fun with Kyle and Darcy, and that it wouldn't matter."

"I was having fun, but when we do group stuff like that, it feels like you don't like me as much as the other guys."

"Blake. I love you more than all of them combined. You do know that, right?"

"Yeah. Of course. I just wish you didn't have two sets of rules. One for all of them and one for me."

"Fair point."

"I'd just want to be included like everyone. Like there was this one point where Kyle was fucking Darcy and I was sucking his dick, but my ass was in the air. You just watched and rubbed Kyle's back. I kinda hoped you'd fuck me. If me and Darcy had been switched around, would you have moved to fuck him in that situation?"

I paused to look at him as he was being very serious and very mature right now. Hard to see him as anything but that. "To be honest. Yes, I probably would have taken him."

"That's kinda what I'm talking about. Maybe when we get into those types of situations, you could close your eyes and pretend I'm someone else?"

"Blake, the problem with having sex with you is that I'd probably like it so much that I'd never want sex with anyone else ever again."

"I hope you're still in school for shrink stuff. That was super cheesy Dad. It's hot being allowed to do whoever you want when we're in that type of situation. Instead, I have to keep thinking that you might freak out if I tried anything. I hate that."

"I guess it is a bit unfair. Okay, since you've proved beyond a doubt that you can handle the maturity of sex, you are free to have it with anyone you want."

"What if I want to go to an old folks home where everyone is over 30 and set up a `bone Blake' booth?"

"And there's goes the maturity thing," I laughed. "The real problem with you Blake, is that you're too sexy for your own good. I know that people are drawn to you because of how outgoing you are, and I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I won't Dad. I mean you and Uncle Jason got lots of attention at my age because you were twins right? You turned out mostly okay."

"Jury's still out on that," Colin interjected, getting a smile from Blake. I ignored both of them.

"Mostly okay?" I said frowning playfully. "Yeah, we definitely got a lot of attention. Then even more so when J.P. arrived."

"Colin got lots of guys because he was rich, right?"

"And smokin' hot too. He has to fight people off more than the Triples J's combined," I said giving Colin a big smile.

"Now you know where I get all my sexy from. It's from all you guys. I'm a kid. I copied my role models."

"I think that was a compliment," Colin nodded.

"It was. I learned all the sex stuff I know from watching you guys."

"You learned half of what you know from hiding in closets spying on us, you mean."

"Seaman tricks," he grinned.

"You mean semantics?" Colin asked. Personally, I like seaman tricks. The thought of them hiding in our closets made me want to go check closets right now.

"Bottom line is, it's better to learn stuff here than out on the street somewhere. Same as drinking or smoking pot, or shooting up heroine. You'd rather I do that here and be safe, than out at a wild party somewhere, right?"

"I think I'm being dragged down a rabbit hole here," I chuckled softly. "First, I hope you're not drinking, smoking, or shooting up anything. At your age doing anything like that impairs your brain development, but if something did happen, I'd want you to know we're always here to help you. Also, while we're being candid and honest with each other, I don't really have a problem having sex with you. You're extremely competent at it," I said patting his shoulder gently. "I just think it's better for you to have a wide range of experiences."

"I think I've proved I do that, but once in a while I'd really just like to cuddle with you guys and if we get horny, we just keep going and don't worry about things."

"We're never going to get anything else done," Colin said shaking his head. "It's bad enough when Justin gets horny."

"Like father, like son," Blake shrugged.

"Alright, from now on, if sex is in the air, we'll just let the chips fall where they fall. How's that?" I said to try and bring this to a close.

"5 second rule on those chips Dad," he said looking into my eyes with that look he gives when he's up to something.


"If we get horny, we have five seconds to start having sex."


"Dad...I'm" he giggled snuggling into me, then stopped. "I'm gonna go do some homework before dinner, then I'm probably gonna go to bed early tonight. Gotta look good for school tomorrow. Thanks again for the weekend. It was tons of fun."

"Any time, buddy," I replied as he took off to head upstairs.

And just like that, the conversation changes," I laughed to Colin.

"Sure. He got what he wanted, and took off before anyone changed their minds. He might be the one doing mind control."

"Isn't that the truth," I agreed. So, how was your weekend?"

"Business as usual. Made a few investments. Got a big project in the works that should be interesting. Gave Adrian more responsibilities and told him to hire his own assistant so I can have more free time."

"What will you do with all that free time? Should I prepare to spend more time on my back?"

Chance laughed. "MORE time? Dude, you could be a model for a mattress store now."

"I was thinking it would give us time to focus on other things as a family. Take some trips. Get involved more with Blake and things he may need us for. We may need extra free time when Jimmy gets here to make sure he feels part of the family."

"I love travelling so we could do tons of that after I graduate. Not long now until I'm super psychologist!"

"So super psycho?" Chance howled with laughter. "I'll get the plaque made for your door."

"Shut up or I'll give you ten hail Justin's as penance."

"First, I think those are hail Mary's, and isn't it just Catholics that do those?" Chance replied.

"It's my new therapy treatment. You might like it."

"What's a hail Justin, then?" Colin asked.

"Wait until tonight and find out," I chuckled as I set the table for dinner. "I had no idea what a hail Justin would look like, but anyone worshipping me, would eventually figure it out. Tongues would be involved for most of it. That, I'm sure of.

End of Chapter. Up next. `The talk!' (Not that one... that ship has sailed, and sunk.) The talk about Jimmy. Wish the boys luck. Comments and suggestions welcome at and be sure to watch for notices of updates to the story on twitter @outinwest. Thanks for sticking with the boys for so long. Hope you'll cum again!

Next: Chapter 180

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