The Society Boys

By Dave

Published on Apr 13, 2021


The Society Boys By Connor Matthews

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As a public service announcement, please remember masturbation may lead to impaired vision and hairy palms. (Mother tell us this, so we know it's true). Glasses and hair removal cream are highly recommended beyond this point.

Chapter 178

We got another call from Colleen a week later asking to see us. It sounded urgent, so of course we blasted over there. As we sat in her outer office waiting, I felt as nervous as when I got called to the principal's office. As my parent's say; I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. What the hell does that mean exactly? Why are people dropping shoes? Like the British saying, it's driving me round the bend. That's another one I don't get, if the road bends, you gotta drive around it...duh! If not, you end up in someone's living room. Who comes up with these sayings? Oh well, we were here now. In for a penny, in for a pound.

"Thanks for waiting," Colleen said as she welcomed us and we went into her office. "I wanted to keep you up to date on where we are. We did a second follow-up visit with Charles, Vanessa and Jimmy, or John, if you'd prefer. We did reveal to John that his real brother lived nearby and was named Blake. That seemed to spark a bit of light as he asked a few questions like how old he was and where he lived. We only revealed that Blake had just turned 14, but that the last time he'd seen him, Blake was the same age he is now. I mean it sounds like a four-year difference with birthdays falling where they do, but it's been roughly three and a half years. We showed him Blake's picture of when he was 10 to see if that would help, but he didn't recognize him, although he hung onto the picture like it was a prized possession. I thought of letting him see a current picture, but we'll wait to see how he responds to the first one. Blake is very different than he was at 10."

"That's the truth. Any chance we could get that Blake back?" I laughed trying to ease some of the seriousness of our conversation.

"What's the next step?" Colin asked taking hold of my hand.

"Next, I think you should meet with Charles and Vanessa, without John or Blake for the moment. Get to know each other and create a plan."

"Let us know and we'll be there," Colin told her.

"There is one other thing that you should be aware of. They expressed concern that you were a same sex couple. They're very religious and it appears to be a conflict as to what might constitute a proper upbringing for John."

"Will that be a problem with us getting John reunited with Blake?"

"No. Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is prohibited, and you've proven yourselves as good parents for Blake. Not to mention your brother and his partner with their kids. We have no concerns."

"We should probably meet somewhere neutral, so there's no chance of running into the kids by accident," I said quickly. That's the last thing I'd need. "It may make responding to their concerns easier."

"Good idea. We can meet in one of our conference rooms."

"Where does it go from there?"

"After that meeting, I think it would be prudent to let Blake know about John. That in itself may be traumatic and need a bit of time for reflection. Then I say we get the boys together as quickly after that as we can. Start with a day visit to see how it goes. Then ease them into it. Blake will know John, but it's John who we have to be cautious with. If his memories rushes back too fast, we could bring the trauma of the actual tragedy to the forefront and create a whole new set of concerns."

"Wouldn't that be showing some progress, though?" I asked professionally. "At least he'd be acknowledging what happened, and allow us to move him forward, rather than stagnating where he is with no memory of it, perhaps reappearing one day when we think he's recovered."

"I don't disagree with that. Better he deals with it while he's younger, than older, but too many things at once could be overwhelming. None of us know how this will go, but we certainly want him to remember his brother. That would be a positive step in the healing process. Blake has adapted, so he could help John get through it as they'll have a bond. Both pre and post tragedy."

"Any idea when you'd like to set up the meeting?" Colin asked.

"I understand they are going to be away for several days, so it could be a couple of weeks yet. I'll arrange something and let you know. What is your time like?"

"You tell us when, and we'll make time," Colin replied quickly. I had to wholeheartedly agree. This took priority over everything else. Wow, I really am maturing.

We left and headed out to the car. "God, this is gonna be brutal," I said quietly as we sat there. "It hasn't even started and I'm beginning to freak out. I'm really worried about how it'll affect Blake. He's come so far, and now we're going to turn his life upside down."

"True, but moving in stages like this is probably best. Once Blake knows, the cat will be out of the bag and there'll be no stopping it from moving forward; we just follow Colleen's lead for now."

"I'm sorry to put you through this," I said leaning over to hug him. "But thanks for being so supportive. I love you."

"Love you too," he replied. "And you're not putting me through anything. We're going through it together."

As I sat back, I suddenly began to chuckle and then laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked amused as he started the car.

"Just wondering why we're keeping cats in bags...why not dogs? Do dogs not like being in bags? I'm just curious."

"Sometimes you're very strange," he laughed with me.

All these sayings. I wonder if they're using the same cat that that Schrodinger guy used, and did the box he was in belong to Pandora? Was the cat in the bag while in the box, and did they swing him around in the box before they put him in, thereby coming up with the saying `not enough room to swing a cat?' Because that would actually make sense. These and many more questions MUST be answered before we tell Blake about John. I have a headache.

A few days later, with my headache gone, and just a tightness in my chest while we waited for the scenario to play out with Jimmy/John, and the Campbells, I got another text from Darcy asking to hang out as he didn't have school that afternoon. He was a nice distraction and currently a good project for me. I could use him as a final thesis at this rate. I got a boy to avoid killing himself, come out, be sexual, make friends, deal with bullies and run around confident in his own skin. Seems like that's text book shrinking if you ask me.

He said he had the afternoon off and wondered if I could pick him up at his house, so I figured I might as well. What were the other options? Study more psychology from books? Boring! He was waiting for me when I arrived. I moved over to let him drive, which only made the smile on his face even bigger.

"I was going to tell you I was proud of you for how you handled being naked at the house the last time you were over."

"Thanks. It was scary at first, but it got easier the more I did it. I guess it's like you said, huh? You get used to it."

"Now you know why I gave you the three tasks. It's to help you. How're things at school?"

"The same. Bullies, assholes and dickheads."

"Well two out of three isn't a bad thing then. That's a positive," I joked.


"Assholes and dickheads sound fun to play with. Bullies, not so much."

He just gave me a smile as we drove off. "I'm trying to ignore them all, but they get in groups, and it's like they fuel each other to do stupid shit to other kids."

"I'd say get the other kids formed into a group of your own and fight back, but for now, let's just focus on you. Then, once you have some confidence built up, we can work on other things."

"Cool. So, what do you wanna do today?"

"How about we work on task number two?"

"Which is?"

"That you meet some other gay guys and get comfortable around them."

"Haven't I done that one at your house already?"

"A bit, sure, but I was thinking of introducing you to boys around your own age. It would be good for you to meet them and who knows, maybe make some friends as well."

"I can try. But just so you know, people don't really want to be friends with me. I'm not really all that special, or interesting."

"Sure you are. You just haven't met the right people yet. I'll take you over to the academy," I said as I gave him directions on how to get there. I took him the long way so he'd have time to prepare and allow more driving time as well.

Once we were parked at the school, he turned to look at me. "What is this place again?"

"This is the Q Academy. It's a school for gay or bisexual boys. Hopefully you'll like it."

He looked out the window at the school. "This place is huge. I don't even think my school is this big. Only gay or bisexual boys go here? There are that many?"

"Or guys that are gay curious and questioning. The school's not at capacity by any means so classes are smaller and a lot of the classrooms aren't needed yet."

"And their parents let them?" He asked sounding shocked.

"Sure. It gives their kids a safe space to learn and be around other boys who are the same as they are. There is a boarding part of the school for those boys that for whatever reason can't live at home, don't have a home, or chose to live away. Some might have had parents that didn't accept who they were, or perhaps they just lived in another city and boarding made more sense for them. They've actually become quite a family looking after each other, and the academy has a very strict zero tolerance for bullying.

"That'd be nice. My school says it too, but it still happens."

"I think the boys here are more sensitive to it. Some may have had experiences similar to yours so they understand not to do it to others. I'd love to show you around. Who knows maybe you'll find some boys you like and you can play with them; if the opportunity presents itself. Would you be interested in that?"

"Play with them? You mean like have sex with them?"

"Or just let them see you naked so you understand what I've been telling you; that you're a great guy."

"I don't know about that. I can try being naked as long as you're there, but if I can't do it you won't make me will you?"

"Of course not. Remember what I said, it's up to you when you come out to anyone. I just really want you to meet some awesome guys that could be good friends if you let them in. I'm just warning you ahead of time that they're pretty open and outgoing since they build a lot of confidence being around other guys like themselves. When you put a bunch of gay guys in a room, there's a lot of testosterone, so sex is pretty common with no one around to say no."

"I could see that," Darcy grinned. "Okay, I'll check it out. It'd be nice to be in a school where I'm not watching over my shoulder for Neanderthals about to attack. I mean I don't really get picked on for being gay since they don't know that, it's mainly my size."

"Someone might say something to you, but it's not like they'd pick on you for it."

"I dunno. Seems to be a thing everywhere. Especially when everyone thinks I'm 12."

"That's why we get you out of your clothes," I grinned. "Once they see all of you, there's no way anyone makes that mistake. First thing we need to do is to stop by the office and get a visitor's pass."

We headed inside to the office where I got him signed in, and he was given a pass. "You don't need one?" he asked as he clipped the badge to his shirt.

"No, they know me around here," I replied not bothering to tell him that I owned the place. We don't use them when we just visit the dorm, or on the weekend, but when school was in session, it was required to have a pass. We began on the first floor which had the school theatre. They'd recently named it Acronym Creative Thinking Theatre, ACT Theatre for short. They'd had a competition to come up with something other than just school theatre. On the main floor was also the band room, guidance counsellor, school store, first aid room, teacher's lounge, gym and dorm manager's apartment. The cafeteria was also located here and was below the dorm floors. It served as the main dining hall for those who were boarding as well. At the back of the main entrance foyer were large viewing windows out to the school field so it let in a lot of light as soon as you entered the school. The large double staircases were in the center of the foyer going either left or right to the next floor. It was a very impressive main floor for a school. Once we'd explored that, we headed up to the second floor which had the main library & media room, again with large floor to ceiling windows overlooking the sports fields behind the school. The student council was on this floor along with many basic classrooms, and one of the entrances to the dorms. The halls were fairly typical with rows of lockers, more than was currently required, so each boy had his own.

We'd passed a few guys wandering around, and they'd all acknowledged us and said hi. I don't think Darcy was used to that as it took him a few guys before he said hi back. The third floor had larger rooms with industrial arts, home economics kitchen, and health classes, along with a few teacher's offices. By the time we got up to the fourth floor, I'd say that Darcy was reasonably impressed. If it ever stopped being the Q Academy, we could easily sell it to the city as a state-of-the-art high school. The fourth floor was primarily the art room and science labs. I guess if you're gonna blow shit up in science, best to do it on the fourth floor. I dunno if that was their thinking, but it seemed to fit the way I thought about it. We took one of the two elevators down to the basement level which is where the pool, change rooms and club rooms were all located. We looked in the doors of the pool but didn't enter as a class was in session.

"The guys are naked?" He asked surprised.

"Sure. All boys school, so they don't care. Like I've been telling you, the more times you're naked, the less you care or even notice."

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that in public, no matter how many times I did it."

"You day. There's a workout room just off the pool next to the coach's office. The room over there is where the guys can go for a massage. Arden is awesome at it. If you ever want to have a professional massage, let me know and we'll come back."

"I like the massages you give," Darcy grinned.

"I'm sure! But Arden is considerably better." He didn't reply. "Along this hall are the various club rooms. I think currently they have photography, wrestling, and outdoor clubs down here. Some of them just use normal classrooms like French club, geography, nerd, things like that."

"Nerd club?" Darcy grinned.

"Like comic books, superhero stuff," I chuckled. "I dunno what they call it, but I've seen one of the empty classrooms set up like that."

"Nerd club...That's funny. I'm guessing there's no gay/straight alliance here."

"Not one that I know of, but then the whole school is a place where everyone is welcome. The library usually can get some good discussions going on at times. They probably have all the different ethnicities with clubs too. Like maybe the Jewish black transgender left-handed vegans with drug or alcohol addictions club."

"Seems like that might have a limited attendance," Darcy grinned. "Maybe there's a secret club for straight people. They hold it in a closet on the fourth floor?"

"Nice!" I said fist bumping him. "See, you're pretty funny. I'm sure the guys will invite you back all the time with humour like that. I know a class that you'd probably like," I said as the bell went to indicate the next period.

"What's that?"

"Health class. Come on. Let's see if we can go join in."

"Health class is usually the most boring. They're always showing gross pictures of things or talking about your bodies. That makes me the most uncomfortable when they start talking about development."

"You probably won't be bored in this health class. They have a clothing optional rule so that the boys get used to accepting people as they are."

"Wait. Guys get naked in a classroom too?" He asked incredulously.

"Not all of them, but some. Come on. Trust me." We jumped in the elevator to head for the third floor and followed some of the boys into one of the classrooms. I went to speak to the teacher to ask permission to participate.

"You're always welcome to join in, Justin," he said. I already knew that as we owned the place, but it's just considerate to ask. I told him about Darcy's visiting and he just looked over at him standing near the door. "He's 16?"

"Yeah, he's pretty self-conscious about his size and gets picked on a lot at his other school because of it. I wanted him to see that it's not a big deal when he's around boys much more accepting."

"Smart. I think you'll both enjoy today's lesson. Feel free to participate."

I went back to Darcy and told him we could join in. He didn't seem thrilled. What kid would be thrilled about having time off school, only to spend the day in another class? The teacher got everyone seated and then introduced us.

"Boys, we have a couple visitors today. Some of you already know Justin, and our other guest is Darcy. He's your age and here to check the school out. Make them feel welcome. Guys, please feel free to take a seat at the back. As we walked down the row of desks, several of they guys said hi, and one reached out to fist bump us. We returned the bump and sat down. Today, we are going to talk more about spermatozoa. We've already discussed how it is part of the reproductive process, but today we're going to explore it further. Does anyone know how many sperm cells you make in a single day?"

One boy yelled out a million.

"Several million," the teacher corrected. "Testicles produce roughly 1500 sperm cells per second, and in a full cycle which is roughly 60 days, you will have stored up over 8 billion."

"Holy shit! That's like the entire population of the planet in my balls," someone commented, as others laughed.

"True. Of course, not every sperm cell would make it to the egg. Only one is required."

"How many eggs does a women have?" Another boy asked.

"Roughly 300-400,000 when they are your age, gradually losing them until they are no longer able to reproduce."

"Whoa. So if I had 8 billion of my boys attack her three hundred thousand eggs, I could have 300,000 kids. Shit!"

The class laughed.

"Nature takes care of that. It is very rare that more than one sperm will get through the outer shell of an egg to fertilize it during ovulation. Of all her eggs, only about 500 may be ready to be fertilized."

"That's still 500 babies," one boy pointed out. "That's a shitload of diapers."

Everyone laughed again, including Darcy.

"Like I said, nature takes care of it. In a typical ejaculation you would send out several million sperm, and on their trip to the egg many will not survive and just give up."

"Nuh uh! Not my boys. They're all Olympic swimmers," one guy joked.

"Possibly, but if you keep masturbating every hour, you won't have many swimmers to make the trip," the teacher replied, causing a few `burn' type comments from the class.

A boy put his hand up and asked his question, almost simultaneously. "Is it true that sperm dies when it's exposed to the air?"

"No. Not at all. If it is kept warm and moist it can survive a few days. Once it dries, the sperm is dead and cannot be revived."

"Sorry boys, no CPR for you when you're in the sock!" One boy joked.

Another hand went up. "Ummm what happens to sperm if you aren't like putting it in a girl?"

"Many of you may only ever have intercourse with another boy and never with a girl, in which case there is no egg to fertilize. If you are having anal sex, then the semen really goes nowhere except into your anus, and will be released the next time you use the bathroom. If you chose to have oral sex there have been some proven health benefits to sperm."

"Like what?" a boy asked.

"Well semen, which contains the sperm, also has other properties such as vitamin C, protein, vitamin B12, nitrogen, zinc, protein, sugar, calcium chlorine, and many other things."

"Ooohh!" One boy exclaimed as his hand shot into the air. "It that chlorine stuff why cum smells like bleach sometimes?"

"It'll have something to do with it, yes. They say that semen can be good for the skin and hair, and that some spas use it in their treatments."

"Gross!" One boy replied. "They smear some guys jizz on your face?"

"I'm sure it's a small quantity mixed with other properties," the teacher assured him.

"That explains why Chad's face as smooth as a baby's," one guy laughed.

"And why my hair is so shiny," Chad replied, not giving in to the implied insult.

"Is it okay to...ummm...swallow cu...uhhh...semen?"

"Absolutely. It is digested in your stomach just the same as food. Not everyone likes the taste or texture of it. That's a personal choice. Depending on what you have eaten, it may alter the taste somewhat. Very much along the lines of how it affects your sweat or breath. If you eat garlic and onions, sperm may taste stronger or more musky, perhaps even a little bitter. Things like oranges, pineapple or even celery may cut down on that bitterness and make it taste less acidic."

"Hey Reagan. I have some celery and oranges if you want them for lunch," a boy yelled across the classroom.

That caused some laughter, but the teacher got them under control quickly.

"We're going to go upstairs to the science lab to continue this class. You can leave your things here as we'll be back before the bell rings." Everyone stood up and Darcy leaned in to talk quietly to me.

"Holy shit. No one would ever talk like this in my school. First, we have to put our hand up and wait to be asked, but we sure as hell wouldn't talk about swallowing cum or taking it in the butt."

"Welcome to a school that talks openly about the things kids really want to know," I said as we followed everyone out.

"Those guys are just gonna walk naked to the other room?" Darcy asked, looking at the few boys that had taken their clothes off earlier.

"Sure," I shrugged as if it were a stupid question. Inside I was smiling as I watched how Darcy processed everything. We arrived at the science lab and the teacher told the guys to get into pairs around a microscope on the counter.

"We've talked about semen and sperm as it relates to fertility and I'm sure you've all seen graphics of what sperm actually looks like, but today, you'll get to see it first hand. Each of you will get a chance to see your own sperm under the microscope. If you take one of the small glass dishes there, you'll be able to masturbate into it. There are tissues on the counter behind you to clean up once you have finished. Once you have your sperm, you can use a glass eyedropper to take some and drop it onto the slide to place under the microscope. If you are not comfortable masturbating around others, feel free to find a private spot to do it."

"Can we help our lab partner if he needs help?" One boy asked getting a small murmur or agreement from others.

"You may, if he agrees to your help. Remember, consent is required for any physical contact. To ensure that your sample is only sperm, please use only your hand, nothing more."

"There goes the blowjob lesson," one guy remarked. "Just so everyone knows ahead of time, I give blanket consent for anything to everyone."

"Slut," one boy coughed, causing others to laugh.

The teacher just smiled. "You can look at both samples of sperm to see if you notice a difference in them, and record your findings."

"Mine will be the ones wearing teeny tiny Olympic gold swimming medals," a boy joked. They all grabbed a dish and one by one penises came out.

Darcy looked stunned. "They're just gonna jerk off into a dish and then look at it?"

"How else would you get to see your own sperm under a microscope."

Reagan, one of the fully naked boys, moved towards us. "You gonna check out your sperm, Darcy?" he asked as he held his penis jerking himself off slowly. "This will be epic cool!"

"Uh, I dunno. I'm not used to doing stuff with others around."

"No bigs. Go do it behind the counter where no one can watch, or I can block others from seeing you if you want."

"Are you doing it, Justin?" Reagan asked looking at me with a smile.

"Of course. I've never actually seen my cum under microscope either. I think it'll be seriously educational."

"OH YEAH!" One guy called out suddenly. "Eight billion little me's in a dish!" Others watched as he pumped his sperm into the dish he was holding in front of himself. "Whew! That was a good one! Almost needed a couple more dishes," he announced as he put the dish on the counter and went to grab tissues. One by one boys began to cum, some getting to orgasm from seeing others do it, while some just focused on the task at hand...literally. I opened my pants and fished my cock out so I could fill my two-litre container. Okay, my little glass dish... Reagan smiled when he saw me and began stroking himself even faster.

"I love your penis, Justin. It's so awesome."

"Thanks, I like yours too. When's the last time you emptied the sperm?"

He grinned. "This morning, so I'm not gonna have eight billion, that's for sure. Maybe just a couple hundred million." He watched me closely as he quickened the pace and his breathing became heavier. It wasn't long before he had his dish in front of him catching his ejaculation. "Not bad," he commented as he squeezed the last bit into the dish, then put it on the counter beside us. He wiped the tip of his dick and licked the finger dry. "Hate to waste any," he grinned.

Darcy wasn't quite as outgoing as others, but to his credit he covertly masturbated. Reagan repositioned himself so he could take peek at Darcy as he did it.

"You've got a great penis too, Darcy," Reagan commented, which I'm sure didn't help Darcy feel any less nervous. "Want me to hold the dish for you when you cum?"

"Uhhh, I'm okay, thanks," he replied. To help him, I handed Reagan my dish and told him to get ready. I'm not sure what he thought my definition of get ready was, but he put the dish in position near the tip of my penis and then cupped my balls to feel them. He grinned at me as I was about to let my swimmers out. The starting pistol went off in my head and I fired a big load into the dish.

Reagan nodded and smiled, not taking his eyes off me as I jettisoned everything I had. I made sure to push the last bit out and Reagan continued to be helpful by putting his hand on my penis and wiping the tip. He repeated what he'd done to himself and licked his fingers clean. "Mmmm, pineapple," he giggled.

I put the dish on the counter and turned my attention to Darcy. "You doing okay?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah. Getting there," he replied sounding unsure.

"Reagan," I said quietly. "Move around so he can see you. I'm sure a visual will help."

"Always makes me cum faster when I can see a naked boy," Reagan agreed as he moved into Darcy's line of sight and slowly played with himself as he watched Darcy masturbate. "Would it help if I cupped your balls too?"

Darcy just shrugged as if he weren't sure exactly how to answer. Reagan took that as a yes and quickly took Darcy's testicles in his hand. Darcy jumped slightly and looked up at the ceiling to avoid direct eye contact. Reagan used his other hand to take the dish from Darcy, which seemed to allow him to concentrate better. It was only seconds until he was warning that he was about to cum. He pushed his penis down to aim at the dish and then pumped out his semen, getting a big grin from Reagan.

"That was fun. Guess we have to do the next part now," Reagan remarked as he took his own dish back to his partner and we all prepared the `cum' slides. One by one the boys got louder and louder as they checked out sperm under the microscope. I have to admit it was an impressive sight. They were definitely alive and wiggling with the round head and the long tails. I had no idea that they really looked like that as you don't think about it when you cum everywhere. All you normally see is just a pool of white. The class was looking at other microscopes to check out their friends cum and make comments about it all. Nothing was derogatory, but like all boys they made stupid comments like which sperm was swimming faster than the other one, and naming some.

"We should put an egg beside the slide and see if we can fool them into thinking it's a girl egg," One boy suggested.

"My boys are gay, so they only swim to other sperm. Put your dish beside my microscope and watch how excited they get at having 500 million others to play with."

"500 million? I thought we had 8 billion," one guy replied.

"It's only 8 billion if you don't whack off for two months. No one is gonna do that," another reasoned. "I busted one out this morning, so I've probably only got 500 million. Reagan probably only has ten."


"No...ten!" the guy laughed.

"I've got more than that. The teacher said we produce 1500 every second, so I got at least... two million which is the twenty minutes before class started."

"What is everyone observing?" The teacher asked as he walked around to check on how they were doing.

"They're moving and look like the pictures you see of them. Round head and long tails, wiggling like tadpoles."

"I'm seeing that I'll never want to swallow cum again," one boy replied. "Those will be in your stomach."

"Yeah, it's kinda cool seeing them like this, but it sure changes how I'll think about a blowjob now," another agreed.

"I think it's cool," one of the other naked boys remarked. "I can already hear my sperm after I've fucked my boyfriend. They'll be in his ass looking around and saying. Guys, we've been tricked. No eggs here. We're in the wrong hole. Let's just fool around together and then head towards the light to get out of here."

Everyone laughed.

"How much protein is in sperm? I heard it's good for you," a boy asked as he looked in his microscope.

"About the same amount as you'd find in the white of an egg," came the reply from the teacher.

"Fuck, no wonder I'm never hungry. It's like I have a dozen eggs everyday," one boy joked.

"You want a sausage to go with your eggs?" another teased.

"Okay, stop there before this goes downhill," the teacher smiled. "Once you've made your observations and seen all you want to see, please rinse your dishes and put them into the sterilizer, and let's clean up and head back to the classroom. It was another few minutes of everyone checking slides of their friends before they began cleaning up. Darcy had checked both mine and his, and accepted Reagan's invitation to look at his as well.

"That was actually really cool," Darcy remarked as he washed his dish out and placed in the unit that would sterilize the dishes. "Thanks for getting me to do that. I never even thought sperm would actually look like that."

"It was pretty amazing, that's for sure. But I agree with that one guy. I'll never think of it the same way again, and I'll be eating way more oranges and pineapple."

Reagan joined us as he washed his dish out. "That was fun. Do you have a boyfriend, Darcy?"

"No, not right now."

"Are you looking for one?"

"Ummm, not really. I mean maybe one day, but I haven't really decided anything yet. My school isn't like this at all. I'd be less popular than I am now if they thought I was gay as well as small."

"You should switch to this school. You'd be super popular. I'd be your boyfriend if you ever decide you want one. Are you a top or a bottom?"

"Uhhhh, I don't really know. I'm just still kinda figuring things out. Which are you?"

"Mostly a bottom, but I top sometimes too. Wanna maybe just exchange numbers and we could hang out sometime. You could fuck me to see if we'd make good friends," he grinned.

Darcy looked at me and then back at Reagan. "Yeah, that'd be cool. The hanging out, I mean. Not sure about sex yet though. I have to be careful if we went out in public."

"I get that. I was in the closet when I was a kid. Then I decided to say fuck it and came out when I was 12. My parents said I was too young to know if I was gay or not, and my friends thought I was just joking around. My best friend didn't believe me at all until I sucked his dick. Then I think he pretty much figured out that I was telling the truth."

"Is he still your friend?"

"Not as close as we were, but he's cool with it. Lots of the other guys weren't as cool, but it's not like they hated me or anything. They just didn't know how to deal. I can be pretty outgoing sometimes."

"I noticed," Darcy smirked. "Can I ask you a question? Have you always been comfortable being naked?"

"I think so. My parents said when I was little, I was always taking my clothes off. I don't do it all the time here, but I'm fine if people see me. Probably makes it easier to date actually. They see what they're getting right away, so they know if they'd like me or not."

"I wish I were that bold," Darcy replied as we finished cleaning up. Then it was back to the classroom for a follow-up about what we'd learned. The boys were pretty good at the review and took it all reasonably serious considering how far off the rails it would go in a regular school. Just before the bell, everyone that had taken their clothes off, got dressed, and Reagan and Darcy swapped phone numbers.

"Justin, would you maybe wanna fuck me sometime?" Reagan asked bluntly.

I nodded and smiled. "Definitely. You have one hot looking little ass."

"Cool. I'll call you," he said with a giant smile on his face. "I just love big cocks, and I can go for hours if you want to."

Darcy and I said our goodbyes and walked down to the second floor so I could take him over to the dorms.

"Dude, I'm really proud of you. You participated in the class and actually talked to someone. You even had a boyfriend offer."

"That probably wasn't real. I think he just talked to me `cause I was a new face. I think he was more interested in you."

"I think it was real. He gave you his number, didn't he? He even held your balls and said you could fuck him. That sounded pretty since to me. I'm thinking at the very least you just got yourself the beginning of a new friendship."

"Strange way to start one though. Him naked, watching me masturbate."

"Maybe that's what he liked about you. Wait until he sees that cute ass of yours. He'll definitely want to be your boyfriend."

"Gay guys sure aren't subtle, are they?"

"I think part of that might have been from the past. We had to hide who we were, and when we did find another gay guy, we had to move fast so no one else might steal him away. Or maybe once we could just be ourselves, it was just better to say what you wanted, rather than beat around the bush."

"It's gonna take getting used to. I can barely handle someone talking to me, since it happens so rarely."

"It's just because you haven't had the right kind of people to talk to. As you saw today, some guys are pretty easy to talk to, and pretty open minded."

"I'll say. I've never seen a whole class whip out their dicks and jerk off before."

"Me neither, kinda. This was actually a pretty good lesson. I was impressed by how everyone just got on with the assignment."

"Did anyone help their friend out? I wasn't really looking," Darcy asked.

"No. I think they all just did themselves...from what I could see anyway. I really am proud of you buddy. Considering where you were not that long ago, this took real balls to join in like you did."

"Literally, it took balls," he commented. "That's where the sperm was."

"Dude, you're gonna be fine in life. We've just got to get you into a better school environment."

"My parents would NEVER let me come to a school like this. I'm not sure I could handle it either, if I'm being honest. It's like a different world."

"It can seem like that, and it's sure not for everyone. I think what you need is a balance. A regular school without bullies. In my heart I know that you're the kind of guy that would have tons of friends once you believe in yourself. It starts with us getting rid of that negative influence of assholes in your life. I could order a hit."

He smirked. "I'm sure I'm not the only one that would appreciate that."

I began formulating the plan in my head. Something about dressing in black and saying I was Batman, as I took care of them in a dark alley, was coming to mind. I may have to work on the logistics. I'm pretty sure I know a few hundred `Q' that would be willing to help out. Let's see how the bullies would like the tables turned.

"These are the main dorms," I said as we proceeded through the double doors into the residence. "As the school enrollment grows, we have another floor of dorms identical to this on the third floor with enough room for another 32 boys. The fourth floor has rental apartments which are currently all occupied. That helps pays for some of the cost of operating the building. They have their own staircase and elevator so they can't gain access directly to the school."

He nodded as he listened. "Everyone is way more friendly here," Darcy noted. "No one even makes eye contact at my school."

"It's how you meet people. One thing about the Academy is that the boys all talk to each other. I mean not everyone gets along, but for the most part they respect each other."

"I wish my folks were more accepting."

"We can always work on them," I smiled as we entered through the main doors to the dorms.

"Good luck with that. If my Dad had a gun, I'm sure he'd kill all gay guys."

"You'd be surprised how people change once they have a child who is gay. It might take them a while, but I like to believe everyone would come around eventually."

"It's because you're an optimist and have never met my step dad," Darcy commented as he looked down the hall. It was pretty quiet today, not like the usual crazy busy place that we visit on weekends. I showed him a couple of rooms without entering, and he commented that they all seemed pretty decent and large compared to what he thought they'd be like. When the dorms were designed there was the option of doing a ton of singles or making them all doubles, but the consensus was that we'd do doubles as the boys might like the experience of sharing. On the third floor we'd made a few singles just in case there was an issue that required it. We arrived in the lounge area to find three boys there. Two were on the couch and one was getting food.

"Hi guys. This is Darcy. Darcy, the guy in the kitchen is Landon. The two on the couch are Peter and Mike. They're roommates here in the dorm. Landon, are you living in the dorm now?"

"No. I'm just getting food and hanging out with the guys. We all have a spare right now.

"We're not roommates anymore though," Peter revealed. "Mike moved in with Asher."

"I thought Asher was with Henry?" I remarked.

"He was, but we did a big swap not that long ago. You know how it goes. You want a change of scenery sometimes."

"That just means he was tired of your worn-out sloppy ass," Landon laughed.

"How would you know what my ass is like? You've never been in there," Peter replied.

"I would, but I forget to bring my board to tie to my ass so I don't fall in," Landon said insulting his friend. "Are you just visiting, Darcy?"

"Huh?" Darcy replied as he listened to the boys.

"Visiting? The badge?"

"Oh, right. Yeah, Justin's showing me around."

"Darcy's in grade 10 at his other school so we thought he could check this place out."

"You're 16?" Peter asked.

"Yeah. I know, I'm super small for my age," Darcy replied quietly looking down embarrassed.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. We're all 16. Who cares how tall you are, try growing up with my name," he said smirking.

"Peter? What's wrong with that?" Darcy asked.

"Nothing, except when your last name is Parker. Try living that down."

"Try sharing a dorm with him. Fucking spiderwebs everywhere. Him stuck to the ceiling staring down at you like he's a drone every night. Getting kicked in the teeth as he flies down the hall to get to class," Mike joked.

"See. Try living with that all the time."

"What's your favorite subject?" Landon asked Darcy.

"Math probably."

"Mine too. Mike's a jock so his thing is sports. The highest he can count is 21 and that's only when he's naked. Peter loves chemistry. Probably working on a new tensile strength web."

"Only so I can use it to seal up your mouth," Peter replied. "You sticking around for a while, Darcy?"

He looked at me, so I responded. "We're just about done with the tour for today. I wanted him to see the school and meet some decent guys."

"Cool. Are you gay?" Mike asked.

Darcy shrugged and then quietly responded. "Not sure," he replied, obviously not ready to tell he was. "Just figuring things out as I go."

"I hear ya. If you do decide to enroll here, make sure you live in the dorms. We have wicked parties and you could totally be my roommate. I'd help you figure out if you're gay or not."

Peter laughed. "Yeah, one night with Mike and you'd never want to be gay. Dude fucks ass like a chick."

"Chicks don't fuck ass," Mike replied.

"Exactly my point," Peter laughed. "If you're here when school is over, we usually have some fun in the showers afterward. You guys should join us. I'm pretty sure everyone would love to meet you."

"And by meet you, he means their meat, your buns," Landon grinned.

"Ummm, I couldn't stay that long," Darcy stammered slightly nervously. "I have karate tonight, so I probably have to get going soon."

"You're in karate? Nice! What level are you?" Mike asked.

"Brown. Going for black right away."

"Sweet. You should totally come over and show us some moves. I was thinking of doing MMA. You could show me some basics. We could use the gym. I'm sure lots of guys would love to learn stuff."

"I'd be into that," Landon added. "We could all hit the showers after training."

Peter shook his head. "One track mind much? He just said he wasn't sure he was gay or not. Like he'd wanna see you naked."

Darcy looked at the three guys all interacting. "You guys all have sex with each other?"

"Not all the time," Peter replied. "Just on weekdays and weekends. I mean Landon's not much good at other sex, but he gives a wicked blowjob."

"Fuck you Spiderman! I'm awesome at sex. Just because you're to skanked out to appreciate it."

"It's like movie central around here," Mike said changing the subject. "We have Spiderman and the Karate Kid!"

"Not to mention Treasure Island," Landon added.

"Huh?" Peter said looking at him as if he'd missed something.

"Me, in Treasure Island. Long Dong Silver," he grinned.

"That's Long JOHN Silver, idiot!" Mike corrected.

"Not in the reboot version where I play the lead," Landon chuckled as he grabbed his crotch.

"Fuck, now there's a miscasting if I ever saw one. I have a bigger dick than you do. You'd be better as the lead in Dumbo!" We all laughed at that one.

"Ummm, do you guys have a bathroom somewhere? I need to take a pee," Darcy asked.

"Sure. I'll show you where it is. I have to go too," Peter said as he jumped up and took Darcy down the hall.

"I'm surprised you guys didn't come back here to have sex between classes," I commented to the two remaining guys. "I've never been here when the place was so quiet."

"Actually, that's exactly why we came back here," Mike confirmed. "Landon owed both of us a blowjob for helping him with his homework, so we thought we'd collect, but then you guys arrived."

"Sorry to crash your fun, but don't let me stop you. I'd be into watching."

"What about your friend?"

"I think it would be good for him to see guys together with no hang-ups about it. I'm sure the look on his face would say it all if you two were naked and going at it when he returned."

"Nice!" Mike said as he pulled off his clothes quickly, with Landon right behind him. It started with Mike lying on the floor in front of the couch so Landon could give him head, but quickly changed to a 69 thing between them. I heard Darcy and Peter returning and pretended I was so focused on the boys that I never even heard them.

"Shit! You guys got started without me? Assholes," Peter said as he quickly threw his clothes aside and got down behind Landon to eat his ass. Darcy plopped down on the couch beside me staring at the live sex show. I turned to look at him.

"You and Peter have any fun together?"

"What? No. I just peed. I don't think he really had to go as he watched me. I guess I looked at his when he said I had a nice penis," he admitted quietly.

"You shoulda gone for it. Peter's a pretty good lay."

"You had sex with him?"

"Sure, I've actually done all three."

"Is there anyone you HAVEN'T had sex with?" He said giving me a little smile.

"Of course. There's a couple guys in a small town just outside Winnipeg that I haven't gotten to yet," I joked. "I'll get to them next summer. Speaking of that, here's your opportunity to join in with a group thing. I'm sure they'd love it."

Darcy shook his head. "I'm okay for now."

"Up to you, but at least you can see how easy it is to get laid." I leaned over to kiss him, and he jumped slightly, pulling away. "Just focus on me," I said quietly as I slowly pushed my hand up under his shirt to rub his chest and tweak his nipples. His whole body trembled as he stared at the guys in front of him. I could feel him trembling slightly. "It's okay to relax. This is one place where you can just be yourself." I leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Are the three guys making you horny?"

He nodded slowly. I smiled as I rand my hand down his chest and grabbed his crotch. He jumped a mile before settling down. He wasn't kidding. He was rock hard and I had a feeling if he hadn't just cum a short while ago, he would have already had a puddle in his underwear.

Peter looked over and saw us interacting with each other and moved away from the other two guys to get between Darcy's legs. He quickly ran his hands up the pants and stared at the bulge I was holding. He lowered his face down so I moved my hand to let him put his mouth around the outline. "Mmmm, that feels nice. How big is it?"

"I guess if you want to know that, you'll have to ask if you can see it," I suggested.

Peter looked up at Darcy. "May I? See it."

Darcy looked at me for guidance, so I nodded. He turned back to look down at Darcy. "Sure, if you want to," he said in a small voice as it cracked.

Peter grinned and went for the belt on the pants and made short work of unbuckling it and getting the pants open. He wasted no time pulling Darcy's underwear down so he could fish out his cock and balls. "Nice. Really fucking nice. You okay if I suck on it for a bit?"

"If you want to, I guess. Sure," Darcy responded as his whole body tensed up at the idea. I just slid my hand back under his shirt and pushed it up to expose his stomach while I fondled his nipples. Peter ran his hands over Darcy's abs as he moaned, then dropped his face onto the exposed erection. I could feel Darcy's nervousness at being the center of attention. He was almost frozen in place. If he didn't know he was gay going into this, he sure would when these guys were done with him.

Here's a life hack for those that are ever wondering if they're gonna be lucky enough to have a gay son. Give them a soother as babies and try to get it away from them. If they happily give it up, there's a 90% chance they're straight. If they scream and shriek like you've been beating them, and don't go quiet again until the soother is put back in their mouth, you've got a gay one. That can be verified with thumb sucking as young kids. If it takes the jaws of life to get that thumb out, chances are he'll be looking for something bigger later on.

"Dude, check it out," Landon said to Mike as they stopped blowing each other. They both moved up beside us so they could watch Peter blow Darcy.

"Take his pants the rest of the way off so he can open his legs more," Mike suggested. They both immediately went for the sides of Darcy's pants and underwear and rapidly pulled them off. Then Landon moved onto the couch beside Darcy, and pulled his shirt off next to leave him completely naked.

Mike pulled Darcy's legs open and moved his hand to cup the balls. "You getting close to shooting? Your balls are super tight, dude."

"Yeah. pretty close," Darcy said with a gasp as Landon leaned in to suck the perky nipples.

My work here was done. Darcy was now being welcomed to the dorms, as only the Academy boys could. If we're still here when the school gets out for the day, this is going to turn into an all-night orgy. Fortunately, when you're dealing with horny teen boys, nothing lasts long. Peter came first, nutting himself all over the floor. Darcy was next to go, unleashing what he had left into Peter's mouth. Landon and Mike cheered them on, but chose not to finish themselves off.

"See, this place is fun, right?" Landon asked as he ran his hand over Darcy's body. Next time we can do it in the shower. It'd be hot if we could all fuck next time. If anyone can help you figured out if you're gay, it's us."

"We should get cleaned up before the next bell," Mike announced as he stood up. He and Landon said goodbye to Darcy, and took off for the bathroom with their clothes in hand.

"That was hot," Peter exclaimed sitting back on his legs as he kept rubbing Darcy's leg gently.

"You should come back on the weekend, Darcy. If you don't wanna do stuff with lots of other guys, you and me could hang out in my room if you want. I know you said you're not sure if you're gay, but if you wanna try fucking, I'd be happy to teach you. No strings attached. Just to help you know what you like and don't like."

"Thanks. I'll have to think about it, but today was fun. That's for sure."

"Hey, even if you're not totally into guys, we're serious about wanting to learn karate if you wanna show us stuff. Weekends are the best as everyone is here. Catch you soon, I hope," he said as he got up and headed off after his friends.

"You want to go take a shower or are you okay?" I asked looking at Darcy as I pulled him against me. He looked stunned. "If you're still horny, I could give you a nice fuck right here on the couch. I'd hate to take you home still in need."

"I don't think I'd wanna do that here in case anyone else came in. Plus, I don't want to be late getting home," he replied.

We got dressed and made our way out, stopping only to return his visitor pass in the office. As soon we were in the car, he turned to look at me before starting it. I spoke first.

"Sorry if I went to far back there. I just thought you'd enjoy trying something new, and those guys obviously liked you."

He stared at me for a second and then leaned over to hug me. "I was nervous enough when you kissed me, and Peter dropped his face onto my lap, but I really thought I was going to have one of my panic attacks when the other two joined in and stripped me. I thought they were all gonna want to fuck me. Do you think I did okay, though?" he asked looking for approval.

"You were great. I mean those guys really like you. Peter couldn't wait to go down on you, and Landon was all over you, so you must have done something right," I grinned. "I'm sure they would have fucked you if you'd asked. I have a feeling Reagan, who you met in health class, might be upset if he learns that you had sex with them and not him."

"Oh, god. I never thought of that. He'll hate me."

"No. He'll just be upset that he wasn't there while it happened. I mean he liked you too."

"I thought I was gonna have a heart attack at first, but once it got going, it was like mind was blown."

"So THAT's where you keep your mind," I teased.

"There was so much happening at once that I couldn't focus."

I grinned at him. "I'm so fucking proud of you for everything you did today. I think I proved a point though, didn't I?"

"What point?" He asked sitting back in the driver's seat.

"That you can have normal friends that aren't like those assholes at your school."

"At least horny gay friends," he smirked.

"Like I said...normal friends."

"Can I ask you something?"

I nodded.

"Did you bring me here to introduce me to all the gay guys because you don't want to be friends any more?"

"Where did that come from? I brought you here to show you that this opinion you have of yourself wasn't real. You made four new friends in a couple hours."

"Yeah, by showing them my dick and having sex."

"That's how gay guys introduce themselves," I joked. I think it was a joke. "But just think. If you made friends that easy taking your clothes off, and being as nervous as you were, think how easy it would be to make other friends by keeping your clothes on. You just have to get over this inferiority complex. You are a wicked awesome guy and as soon as you show people that, you'll have friends coming out of your ass." He looked at me with a stupid smirk. "Okay bad choice of words. You'll have tons of friends cumming IN your ass."

He gave a small snicker.

"Dude, as for us being friends. I'll be your friend for as long as you want me. Although I have a feeling that once you start hanging with guys like the ones at the Academy, you'll forget about me pretty quickly."

"Never. I almost wish I didn't have to go to karate tonight. I'd rather go back to your place and spend the night with you."

I laughed. "Oh sure. NOW you want a dicking...AFTER we've put our clothes on. You're such a cock tease."

"Sorry. I was nervous that someone might come in and catch us. I really do like it when we have sex, but mainly in private...for now."

"Sounds like I've created another sex addict. You and Blake can form a therapy group."

"Will you be our therapist?" Darcy joked.

"Only if you both lie on the couch together," I replied. "That's all that's left now as part of our deal."

"What is?"

"Telling Blake you're gay."

"I might need more time on that one. He's still my only real friend, and I like him too much to risk losing him."

"Like you saw today, lots of people will want to be your friend, and Blake is more accepting than any guy you've ever met. I think it'd be good for you."

"I'll think about it," he said as he drove himself back home. He gave me a quick hug before getting out of the car. That was quite the day out for a kid that only a short while ago was having panic attacks and feeling so lonely he almost wanted to give up.

I got home feeling pretty good at helping my first real therapy patient. I think my goal for my practice should be to get that gay number up from 10% to 15%. That'd be a good target to know that I'm succeeding in helping people. I parked the car and strolled into the house, where I found Blake and Ben in the kitchen together. Blake was shirtless, but wearing sunglasses.

"Hey guys," I said as I joined them. "Trying out a new look?"

"Sort of," Blake replied as Ben just smirked and looked down at the counter.

"Should I ask why you're wearing sunglasses in the house?"

"Probably not," Blake replied.

"How about you remove them?" I said anyway.

He slowly pulled the glasses off to reveal that he was now sporting a black eye. It went well with his short hair, ear and nipple piercings. He was becoming quite the little bad ass.

"What happened?"

"I got sucker punched. Nothing serious. Oh, and I'm in an emoji war, and I'm LOSING!"

I wasn't sure what to deal with first. I hoped the emoji war, which sounded serious, wasn't what got him the black eye. I'm not even sure how you'd do that. "Who sucker punched you, and why?"

"A kid in gym class. The teacher is making all of us take showers after class now, as he said we're too old to be going to class stinking of b.o. When we were in the locker room, one kid said to me that he wasn't going to get naked and shower with a fag looking at his junk. I told him that was up to him, but I didn't even know any fags in our class. That's when he told me he meant me."

"I hope you didn't hit him," I said concerned.

"No, of course not. I don't care what he thinks. I mean everyone else was pretty much already headed for the showers at that point anyway. I just shook my head and said I wouldn't look at his junk even if I were gay."

"Good response. Then what?"

"I told him not to worry, he could use his stink as a better excuse for not getting girls anyway. He asked what I meant by that, so I told him it was better than admitting he had a penis so tiny that it looked like a vagina. That's when he sucker punched me."

"Are you okay?"

"Sure. Of course. Any ideas on how you respond to backpack, comet, and circus tent?"

Oh, we've move to the emoji war. Whatever that is. "Dude. Easy. Boxing glove, pretzel, squirrel." I have no idea, but like it matters.

"Nice!!" He beamed as he put his glasses back on and texted.

"Now back to the guy who hit you. Did you hit him back?"

"Not at first. I figured he has to live with a small penis, but my eye will heal. Then he tried coming at me again, so I had to respond."

"You didn't kill him, right?"

"Nah. Nothing that severe Dad. I wasn't gonna get sucker punched again, so I took his feet out from under him and he went down hard and hit his head on the concrete floor. I think he was a bit stunned as he just lay there. I figured that was enough so I could have a shower without him attacking me."

"He was okay though?"

"I think so. He was awake and stuff. I was gonna yank his gym shorts off and show the guys I wasn't kidding about his tiny dick, but I figured that would be like I was bullying him more than he bullied me, so I didn't do that. One guy suggested we all pee on him while he was down, but that seemed too mean. Plus, my pee smells better than he does anyway. No need to help him more than I need to."

"You didn't just leave him there on the floor, did you?" I asked concerned in case he'd gotten some sort of a concussion that we'd had to deal with, or a brain bleed in his subdural hematoma. I'm pretty sure that's a thing. I watch plenty of medical dramas.

"God no, Dad. Once I finished my shower, he was sitting up pretty mad, but when he saw everyone laughing at him, he just stomped off. But just in case some kid snitches, you should be ready for a call from the principal. I don't think you'd need to worry about that `cause everyone knows that snitches get stitches, but I figured you would want info in case you get a call."

I stood there trying to process what to say. Personally, I thought he handled it really well, but I think this is one of those parent moments where you're supposed to say something profound and encouraging. "Did the kid really have a dick that tiny?"

"I dunno Dad, but it's usually a good thing to say to embarrass a kid. I mean they used to do it to me, until I showed them it was fake news. Now no one says I have a small one, as it only embarrasses them when I show it."

"Did you put ice on your eye after it happened?"

"Yeah, kinda. I got a cold pop from the vending machine and used that. They didn't have bags of ice or frozen peas or anything, so I thought that might be good. I'll use some concealer to hide the eye tomorrow morning. I think J.P. has some in his bathroom."

"Well, I don't disapprove of you defending yourself, but you have to be careful not to over react. I think you probably handled that about right. Walked away the first time, but responded at the second attack."

"Yeah, I made sure he wasn't bleeding or anything and he was up and walking around afterward, so he's probably just gonna have a headache. Can't let a guy like that have bragging rights that he gay hated someone. Not cool."

"Agreed. Just be careful in the future. With your karate knowledge, you could use different methods to avoid hurting someone and still embarrass them sufficiently."

"True. Okay. I'll keep that in mind."

"Do you need a Motrin or anything for the eye?"

"No, I took one when I got home. I'll just keep a cold cloth on it all night and by morning I'll look pretty sic anyway. Not sick like cough fever sick, but sic as in badass cool sic."

"Got it."

He headed up to his room but came down for dinner where he made a point of retelling the story a few times that night. Each time it changed slightly, depending on who he was telling. To Colin it was a more subdued tale, whereas to Troy it seemed much grander in scale. I guess you downplay it for sympathy from a parent, but build it up to sound tough with a brother or peer.

"Oh by the way, your emoji's didn't help. As soon as I texted boxing glove, pretzel, squirrel; he sent back anvil, chainsaw, police car."

"Dude! You got burned bad," Ben said quickly. "What did he send first?"

"Backpack, comet, and circus tent."

"And you replied with boxing glove, pretzel, squirrel?" Troy asked. "Where you still affected from the punch to the head?"

"No. Got bad advice from an old guy," he said glaring at me.

"I'll say. You shoulda gone with flashlight, magnet, and glass of wine."

"Oh shit! That would have hundo p."

"Okay, I'm lost," I said looking at them speaking a language that was harder than Klingon in my opinion. ('ej 'e' QIp Duj'e'). Thankfully Bing has a Klingon to English translator. Not sure if they have Emoji to English though.

"OMG! Dad!! He sends backpack, and you reply with flashlight to look in the backpack. He sent comet, so you send magnet to drag the comet off course. Then the circus tent..."

"I got it. You send glass of wine to get drunk before you go to the circus. Nailed it!!" I said sitting back proudly.

"No, but close. You send wine because EVERYBODY would rather drink wine than go to the circus," Ben said shaking his head as if I were an idiot.

"Yeah, but when I sent boxing glove, pretzel, squirrel, he sent anvil to block the boxing glove, chainsaw to cut the pretzel, and police car to run over the squirrel and get away before anyone saw," Blake said clarifying.

"So send him back a bomb, stick of dynamite and some c4. Blow all his shit up."

"God! You can't do that!! Boy you don't get it at all!" He said shaking his head. Well, that's actually the first thing he's said that I do get. He snapped his fingers and started typing. "Potted flower to put on his anvil, raincloud to rust his chainsaw, and shovel for the road kill. Boo yeah!! Bye Felicia!!"

"That's who you're sending emoji's to? A girl named Felicia?" Colin asked.

The guys laughed and I just kept quiet. I'm guessing we're out of the loop on that one too.

"That last one was tope dude!" Ben said nodding his approval.

"Yeah, totally tope," I said to him. I'm so gonna look up what tope is just so I know I used it right. "I think I'll stick to just regular insults though."

"Good idea, Harold!"

I changed the subject while I was still ahead, and by bedtime Blake was playing the kid card again by asking if he could sleep with us. Something about he might have a concussion and that he should be close so we could check on him. He's such a suck up. If he were seriously injured and died from a concussion in the middle of the night, it'd be better to do that in his own bed, or I'd have nightmares for years thinking about someone dying in my bed. Big yikes!

He had a nice shiner in the morning, but said it didn't hurt. I offered to help him cover it with the concealer, but once he took a look at himself in the mirror, he figured it just made him look hotter. I wasn't sure about that, but then I still miss the long curly blond hair that made him so adorable. If he comes home with cheek scars and dripping blood looking like a zombie just to be even cooler, we're gonna have to have a talk.

Time was marching along quickly, and I didn't have long left at University before I'd be Dr. Masters, Curer of the Crazies.' Nate was pretty sure that wouldn't be a good title for our office door. I dunno. It has a nice ring to it. I headed over to University after dropping Blake at school. It was one of those rare days where having your parent drop you off was okay, despite every other kid at school being dropped off the same way. I guess they accept it if you just slow down and let them jump out, but it's not cool if you tell them you love them and give them a hug and kiss in front of all their friends. I'll save that for when he has a girlfriend or boyfriend around. Maximum embarrassment is best in those situations. That is only topped off with yelling I put some clean underwear in your backpack for after gym class, honey!'

I was in class seated next to Nate as we waited for the class to begin. "Did you get your assignment done?" I asked.

"Yeah. Barely. I'm glad we're pushing through hard this semester but it's a ton of work. I almost don't have time for anything else. I'm eating, breathing and sleeping school. I think I'm so focused on our classes that I may have asked MYSELF how I felt about it one morning when I woke up."

I laughed. "I know how you feel. It's cut down my sex to less than four times a week."

"Poor you," Nate said sarcastically. "I don't even have a sex life right now. Speaking of that, I have a new neighbour that you'd like."

"Oh?" I asked intrigued and quickly focused.

"Down boy. Before you whip your dick out, he's straight."

"Then why tell me about him?"

"Because I think he's someone you'd like to meet. We've been getting to know each other and he's been telling me how to make some extra money. Have you ever watched live cam shows?"

"Fuck yeah! Uhhh, I What's that?" I smirked. "Sure. They get boring after a while though. You see guys on there who obviously aren't into it. They ask for something stupid like 500 tokens to take off their shirt and it takes hours to get them there. If I want to see that, I go to the beach for free. I mean buying 500 tokens costs like 40 bucks in American dollars or something, and the models only get 25 of it. For 25 bucks, they could go get a blowjob somewhere and be done in less than 10 minutes...5 minutes for a straight offense. Seems like the only one making money is the cam site."

"That's what I heard," Nate replied.

"Why? You thinking of becoming a model or something? I mean you hang around naked in your house anyway, you could make some money at it, or if you have five minutes, I've got 25 bucks in one of my pockets..." I teased as I patted my pants.

He laughed. "No. My neighbour was just telling me about it. From the way he talks, I think he's done a few shows. So I figured maybe you'd know stuff that could help him make more."

"I might. Is he cute?"

"From my perspective, he's a good-looking guy. I don't think you'd be unhappy to see one of his shows if he was okay with it. Sounded like he has the same complaint that you said. It takes forever to make like a couple hundred bucks."

"Yeah, unless they're something really unique, straight guys are usually pretty reserved on camera, especially when they know they're playing to 95% guys. They're not as into it as the gay guys who are having fun."

"I can see that. I know I would be if I were doing it."

"Biggest mistake I see some of them make is that they sit there staring at the camera, maybe typing a few replies every now and then, but not doing anything except waiting for tips. Or the one that really pisses me off is that they focus on their phones and ignore the screen, hoping that someone is going to tip just because they're showing their face. If your friend gets naked, that will help him make money faster than those that don't."

"Yeah, he said being naked does speed up the tips he gets."

"Have you watched him on cam?"

Nate laughed. "No. Gross. His biggest complaint is that he gets doing something and has lots of watchers, but hardly anyone tips, then some other cam does like a live sex show, and everyone leaves to go watch it and tip them instead."

"Well, no offense to your new friend, but that's what the guys are there for. The hornier you make them, the more they tip to see action. I watched this one show where the gay guy had two straight friends over and convinced them both to get naked. He sucked them off and had them play with each other. Then he talked them into doing a sex show for everyone. I have no idea if they were real or not, but they did such a good job making people believe what they were selling, that they were getting tips in the thousands. They did a ticket show at the end, and I've never seen so many people sign up for it. Even I had to see if they'd actually do it, so I tipped and watched. The gay guy let the two straight boys fuck him, before he did them, and then they did each other. I think I came like three times. I believed that they'd never had sex together before, which made it even hotter."

"How much did they make?" Nate inquired.

"I dunno for sure. I lost count around 15,000 tips which I think is like $750 US. God knows what they made in small amounts as they progressed, but it took like four hours to get there. It helped that they had a good moderator pushing the guys to tip and direct the action. It allowed the guys to focus on themselves and how they interacted with each other."

"Casey mentioned about moderators. He said they keep the spam and rude guys off their channel and help a lot."

"That's his name? Casey?"


"How old is he?"

"20. He looks a lot younger, so his profile says he's 18. He even got me to become verified with him in case I wanted to sit on screen with him sometimes."

"Now that would be hot. Watching two straight boys stare at a camera while waiting to see if they'd take shirts off next to each other," I said sarcastically. "Have you seen him naked yet?"

"No. He only just told me about it a couple days ago and got me to send in my I.D. for verification."

"Are you thinking of doing a cam show together? I'd pay to watch you fuck each other."

"I dunno. I might be okay being naked on camera, but I sure wouldn't have sex with another guy on it. Me and another straight guy getting naked side by side so other guys could watch us jerk off. Seems creepy."

"Dude, you hang out naked with friends all the time. Do a cam show where you're doing normal things together and just have the camera on. Like workout, or make dinner. Some shit like that. Occasionally bumping into each other or doing something stupid like slapping ass to leave a hand print, or wiping spaghetti sauce on his dick."

"Not sure that would be much of a show with two straight guys."

"It would be if they had a gay guy directing them, convincing you to do things."

"And by gay guy, do you mean you?" He said staring at me trying to be cute about it.

"If you're asking, and you put out...maybe," I said sticking my tongue out slightly.

"You should come over and meet Casey. He's a struggling student, just like me, so I'm sure he'd appreciate hearing how he could make more money doing a show."

"Maybe I could just have him hang out naked with us, toss him a couple hundred before I took his virginity on your coffee table while you watched."

"Are you TRYING to make me puke? I eat on that table," He laughed.

"That's what I'd be doing. So, it's all good?"

"How about you just give him some suggestions for shows from a gay guy's point of view? He might appreciate that."

"As opposed to a couple hours of sex with an expert? He really is straight!" I said licking my lips. "It's actually all about how you get your viewers excited for the upcoming actions. I saw two guys put a menu up that said they would do a private fuck show for 2500 tips. That's like a cost of $200 US to watch them fuck. For that price I'd want to be in the show with them. They got no takers and bitched about no one tipping. They ended up leaving because no one was interested. Bitchy doesn't get viewers. The two straight boys with a gay guy building up the fun for them had thousands of people watching them, all tipping small amounts to clear the board or give suggestions. They made a ton of money."

"See that's what Casey needs. Ideas like that. You should come over after class today and meet him."

"I'd be cool with that. We can do our assignment afterward." Finally, my expertise as a porn viewer and connoisseur of penis, peni?, was paying off. People were asking for my advice. Just another thing to add to my business card. At this rate my business card will be the size of those old phone book things I've heard about. I had trouble concentrating on class as my mind was working out all the ideas for Casey's webcam show. I needed to learn his screen name so I could watch. To make sure I gave him some pointers, of course. Not to perv on him you understand. Why does no one believe me when I say that?

I might have broken a few speed limits, run a few red lights and a couple stop signs to get back to Nate's place, but traffic was light. Well, light for rush hour. Anyway, red lights are just suggestions, it's not like you actually need to sit there for the whole thing. If you've seen one, you've seen them all, I always say. Really the only reason you slow down for them is to check for traffic light cameras.

After setting up our homework on the coffee table, I half expected Nate to get naked, as he always did, and get us something to drink, but he didn't. He texted Casey instead. "He'll be down in a couple minutes," Nate told me as we sat on the couch looking through our assignments for the week. Another paper on how to cure people's brain farts. I'm only learning psychology to be able to use Jedi mind shit on people. `These are not the gender you are looking for...' A knock at the door snapped me out of my thought process and back to reality. Nate jumped up and went to let his new friend in. He wasn't kidding, the guy was totally my type. Except for the whole straight thing, which usually can be cured by medications, or a twenty sixer of vodka.

"Casey, this is Justin. Justin, Casey." Casey was about the same height and build as me, with long straight brown hair that fell partially over his face and came down just over his ears. He had an angular jaw with very smooth facial features. He was definitely a very pretty guy. Maybe femininely handsome is more accurate if he's a straight boy. He had brown eyes, but they seemed to pull you right in as he smiled. I could see him being very popular on cam with the right show. I hadn't seen the rest of him yet, but if his body was half as good as his face, I was ready to tip to get right to the naked part. I was already working up fantasies in my head of what to do with him, and believe me I can fantasize a lot of kinky shit.

"Nice to meet you. You go to Uni with Nate, huh?"

"Yeah, we're both studying to be psychologists and we're planning on setting up a practice together. Come sit on the couch and tell me how you feel about that," I teased.

He laughed. "He's talked about you before. He said you might know something about how to make money doing webcam shows."

"He said that huh?" I grinned looking at Nate. I guess he'd set this up ahead of time and used his own Jedi mind trick to get me involved. Not that I'd need much tricking. "I've watched one or two guys on cam, and being gay, I know what works to get me to tip." I left out the fact that one or two meant one or two hundred.

"Cool. That's what I need to know. Some days I can make a couple hundred, but usually it takes hours and sometimes I don't even make that."

"One of the best things is to make the tip menu, or the game your playing, affordable. Give something of value to keep everyone's interest and interact with comments you receive. It makes the viewer feel connected to you."

"I try, but guys get so bitchy on it. I can't believe how many guys come into the chat room and start demanding to see my cock or to take my clothes off as their first greeting. The worst is when some guys insults you to try and get you to do what he wants. I hate that type."

"Welcome to the world of camming. Ignore those assholes. Usually those are the ones that don't tip anyway, and you don't need them as part of your show. I mean if your tip menu says what it'll take to see you naked, point them to that. If it doesn't, then just remind them that they must tip to make a request. That's what a moderator can do for you. They steer guys back to the show and remind them that tipping gets result, not bitching. The more unique and entertaining you are, the more guys will interact. Have sound and respond by talking rather than always by typing. Let the mods do the typing and directing. They're pretty good at keeping you on track and holding you accountable to do what the guys are tipping for."

"Some days are better than others for tips."

"True. I find that guys that interact with the people in their room do way better. I've seen guys just lying on their bed with a tip menu that says naked @750. Four hours later, they're still dressed. Boring. Who wants to watch a guy just lie there? The other pet peeve is guys that offer something then don't give you value for it. Like take shorts off at 500, and 2 hours later they get there, take them off and you find they have underwear on and you start all over again. Others have more realistic goals. Like show feet 20, lift shirt and show chest 30, flash cock for 50, or get hard for 75. Show butt or have them tip 25 to change underwear on cam. They get a little peek and it gets them excited to see more. Little teasing items towards the main goal are always better. Or play that roll the dice thing, or clear the board, and give them some real prizes. Like jerk off for five minutes, or put a butt plug in for 10 minutes. Things that'll make you seem very sexual to them."

"Yeah, I can see that. I don't have a butt plug though. Not sure I could put something in my butt."

I went to respond, but just got elbowed by Nate as a warning. Do you think he's gotten to know me that well over the past couple years? "That's why you make an Amazon wish list as part of your room. You add things that the guys can buy for you, and when you get something, use it on camera to show your appreciation. The guy who bought it will likely buy you more things. Jock straps, singlet, designer underwear, butt plugs, or even dildos that you think you could handle. I've seen guys get new cameras & microphones for better HD shows. Anything to make your show more fun and interactive."

"What do you like the most?" Casey asked as he sat in the chair opposite Nate and me.

"I like it when the guy on the cam lives next door and comes over to play in person, but that's just me," I teased. "Joking. I like it when two guys are in the room, and one seems nervous or reluctant, but his friend convinces him to do things based on the tips. I was telling Nate I saw two straight boys being directed by a gay guy and they made hundreds of dollars. I've never seen a hotter show and from the money they made, neither had anyone else. They still kept tips going during the show as guys suggested who should do what. I still get hard thinking about it."

"And the guys were straight?"

"They said they were, but you never know for sure. The gay guy joined in with them, making it even wilder as he seemed to really get them going. But the fantasy worked, and they made way more than the guy who lay on his bed waiting for tips to come in while he played a video game on his phone; or the ones who sit at their screen just jerking off below the camera and don't let you see anything. At least you've started out the right way and got naked to build some interest."

"Yeah, that always seems to help, but if I'm naked aren't the guys getting the show for free that way?"

"Yeah, but that's why you do it as a reward for tipping. Don't get naked and stay naked while you jerk off, or tips will end fast. Flash cock or ass could be 30 tokens, but naked for five minutes could be 75. Or get hard for two minutes. Jerk off for five minutes and lick precum for 150. Time limits. Or if you're doing a show with someone, do something to build the excitement. My shirt off 20, strip friend's shirt off 25. Lick his nipple, kiss, touch his cock. Anything to make sure you keep them tipping and move the show forward. Even your goals should be in smaller increments. Don't just put fuck at 10,000. No one will stick around for it, unless you're already at 9,500."

"I think I get it. I'm guessing that a solo show wouldn't get as much money as two guys together though, right?

"Probably not, but also wouldn't have to share with the other guy, so making less isn't bad."

"I never know how much of a goal to set up."

One guy I was talking to said he figures out how much he could get at a job and goes from there. Like if you make $15 an hour and work a part time job for 4 hours after classes, you'd make $60 before taxes, so let's say 50 bucks. On the webcam, you calculate that by multiplying by 20 and boom you'd need 1000 tokens in four hours. Anything more than that would be a bonus over what you could make on a job. On a weekend you may need 2000 tokens to make the same as an 8 hour job. It works out to more than that as they pay in American dollars, but if you don't convert, it ends up as a nice surprise when you get the money."

"That seems simple. I'm sure I could get a thousand tokens. I mean it takes a while, but once I'm naked it helps. Any suggestions on things I should do other than just jerk off? I'm sure that gets boring after they've seen you do it a few times."

"Depends on what your show is like. I figure if you're gonna stay naked, then have your tip menu do something interesting. Like tip for jumping in the shower and soaping up, or cook a meal, or offer a tip option of spraying whipped cream on yourself. Let the guy tipping tell you where to spray it and then wipe it off and lick your finger clean. Write the name of the guy on your body for a tip. Stir your drink with your dick, or push a carrot at your ass and get them to tip to see you take it. Anything that shows you're not a usual cam show."

"You should be my producer," Casey laughed.

"Be careful. I'd have you having sex with Nate by the time it was over," I warned.

"Why me? You're the gay guy," Nate said smiling.

"Yeah but what fun is that for the viewer? Two straight boys fumbling with sex. Hell, I'd pay to see that comedy act."

"I dunno if I could go that far."

"No need to do it on the first show. Build up to it one show at a time. That also gets guys to follow you as you tease them about maybe doing it one day. Set up a Twitter account in your screen name, and have it on your profile. That way you can tweet out when you're going to be live, and they'll log in and launch you onto the first page. Also send out teaser pics. You in new underwear that someone sent you, or a pic of you with shaving cream, getting ready for the show. Or hold up a carrot and a cucumber, and suggest that one of them might be in the show and get them to vote on which one. The more guys interact with you, the better the tips and fan base."

"I'm not sure how far I'd want to go though. I'd be so nervous doing on screen sex. It's tough enough doing it in real life, I'm not sure I could handle the criticism if I did it wrong on camera."

"Maybe say you're gonna let someone blow you at the goal. When you reach it, let it happen. Not like you have to go right for fucking on day one. No one would criticize that."

Nate tried to help with his own suggestions. "Maybe even say you've never had sex of any kind, and that you're trying other things first before you do it. Ask what they'd like to see you do and get them to tip to vote."

"He's not kidding about that. God, you'd break the internet. Tweet it out, build up a fan base, do things to prepare to get guys eager to see you do things they voted for and you'll kill it."

"You're good at this." Casey grinned.

"Only in that I know what I like to see, and what seems to get guys really tipping."

"Do you ever go on camera?" Casey asked.

"No, but I would if I were careful. I have two identical brothers, so if I went online, there'd be no way to tell us apart. One of my brothers is an actor, so it wouldn't be fair. I'd totally do it if I had my face and tattoo hidden."

"You should. You know tons about this stuff, so you'd probably make some good money doing it."

"Justin doesn't need money," Nate laughed. "He'd probably do it for free."

"I would," I laughed. "I'd totally do it to help another guy make money, that's for sure. I'd even volunteer to help him lose his virginity. We may have to practice off camera several times first though," I said licking my lips playfully.

"How do you practice losing your virginity?" He said frowning slightly.

"I could show you, but Nate might not like us using his bed unless he was invited," I said trying to sound serious.

"Nate wouldn't like you using his bed...period," Nate said definitively.

"Oh yeah?" I said getting out some money. "Ten bucks. You and me, right now," I said waving a bill at him.

He laughed. "Ten bucks doesn't even allow you to look into my sexy eyes."

"I'll give you ten bucks to NEVER say that again," I laughed. "Okay 20 bucks to get naked. Either of you."

"Are you serious?" Casey asked.

"Yeah, are you serious?" Nate asked. "I'm naked at home all the time."

"True. I guess you should be paying me to endure looking at that."

"Bitch," he laughed.

"Just remember, Casey, it's a show. What you tell the guys, and what the truth is, doesn't have to be real. You might not be able to do anything except be on camera by yourself, but you wouldn't know that until you try different things. I've heard some guys plan a whole show, and do it almost like they're staging a play. They do rehearsals off camera before the live performance. If they find they can't do something, they change it up, or at the very least they don't have a complete freak out on camera when guys have paid to see something happen."

"That actually makes sense. I guess they'd have to give the money back if that happened huh?"

"I don't think it works like that, but you sure wouldn't be very popular on your next broadcast, and reputation is everything on these sites."

"Would you ever have sex on cam?" Casey asked as he paid attention to my ideas.

"If I kept my face & tattoo hidden, definitely," I said pushing up my shirt sleeve to reveal my arm band tattoo. "I guess it would be easy to cover that no problem. Of course, I doubt some newbie would want me to fuck him on camera. I'm pretty big and he'd look like a wimp if he couldn't take me."

"How big is big? If that's not too personal a question," Casey asked.

Nate smiled. "Trust me, he's big."

"You've seen it?"

"We've hung out naked a lot. He has a pool at his place and we suntan in his back yard."

"That would be a good cam show. Swimming and tanning outside," Casey said.

"Come over anytime," I suggested. "Maybe make some videos of yourself and put them up for sale on your Twitter feed, or on the cam site. The only trouble with that is you never get the full value of the tokens paid. It's always better if you can get them to pay you directly. That way you sell a video for 10 or 15 bucks and you get the whole thing, and maybe sell hundreds of them. You should get a friend to run your camera for you during your show. That way he can move it around to get the best shot and you can just focus on talking and acting."

He laughed. "I'm not sure I have the type of friends that would be into that. I block the region from my show so people around here don't see me. I thought maybe I could do a private show or something."

"Those suck. You might make some money letting some guys watch you do something in private that you don't really want to do in front of everyone, but by the time you return to the main show, you've lost most of your viewers who go on to other cams. You spend hours building it up and in seconds you lose them all. Not sure that's the way to go. One thing is to make sure you have the DMCA logo on your screen. That way if anyone posts shit online, you can quickly get it removed."

Yeah, I do that already."

"I still say you and Nate should do a show together," I grinned. "Text me and I'll be there to tip. Oh, wait...I'd be regionally blocked. Fine, I'll come over and sit behind the camera to throw tips at you. If you do a show where you lose your virginity, make sure you give me some notice so I can go to the bank to get money.

"I'm not a virgin," he said defensively, like every boy over 13, regardless of their actual status.

"Nice to know, but I was referring to your on cam, boy on boy virginity. I'll also need popcorn and some tissues. You'd have to ignore me jerking off and throwing twenties at you the whole time though."

"Twenties?" He asked looking surprised.

"Fine, hundreds, but five hundred bucks is my limit. 20's would just make it last longer," I laughed.

Casey just laughed. "Like someone would pay 500 bucks to see that."

"You'd be surprised. It's kind of the forbidden fruit thing that turns a lot of guys on."

"Ummm, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Oh, here we go," Nate said shaking his head.

"What?" Casey frowned. "I was just gonna ask Justin if he'd ever done a straight boy?"

"Many many straight boys. Who knows how to have sex with a guy better than another guy?"

Nate looked at Casey. "It's true what they say, Cops have the best weed, and gay guys give the best blowjobs."

"What about gay cops?" I chuckled. "That might be a fun night out."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want, but have you two done stuff together?" Casey asked slightly confused. Nate looked at me and I gave him a nod to tell if he wanted to.

"I like to hang out naked. Justin wouldn't concentrate on our homework as he kept staring at my dick, so I suggested he should just give me head so we could get back to studying."

"And the rest as they history," I grinned.

"How was it...getting a blowjob from a guy, I mean?" Casey asked.

"Yeah, Nate...How was it? Remember, our friendship is on the line here," I joked.

"It was by far the best blowjob I've ever had!"

"Friendship...still intact."

"From a guy..." he added, then lowered his voice to whisper at Casey. "I mean it wasn't, but you know how sensitive gay guys are. You have to stroke their egos."

"You're gonna stroke my what?" I teased. "How did you know I named him Ego?"

"I've had guys asking where I was located, and suggested they'd love to come over and tip to blow me. I always thought it was the other way around. They pay to get a blowjob."

"I'm sure lots of guys would pay to blow a straight boy. Especially one who's never gotten one before. I mean if you have 9 inches, you might get more interest than if you have 4 inches."

"How much would they pay?" He asked.

"It's seven bucks an inch," I said quickly, trying to look serious.


"No, I'm joking. I have no idea. I think it's all about how badly they want you."

"Ummm, okay."

"How did the guys react on your show when they finally saw you naked?"

"Mostly positive. Most said I looked pretty hot, so I kinda liked that. Made me want to do more for them. Others, mostly guys that weren't tipping, were assholes and said I should do more than show my dick, and kept demanding I do other stuff to be interesting. I didn't enjoy that very much."

"That's usually the way it works. I say ignore, or even block those assholes. Not like they tip, so you're not losing anything. When's your next show? Maybe I could help you set it up."

"I was thinking of going online later tonight for a bit. Even if I only make 20 bucks, it's better than nothing."

"I'm sure we could get you a lot more than that. Hell, you could make 20 bucks just sitting here naked with us. I'd have to give Nate 20 bucks to keep his clothes ON though. No one needs to see that."

Nate just gave me the finger while pretending to ignore me.

"You should go get your laptop and camera and we could set up here while Nate and I are doing homework. I could mod for you and give you some pointers."

"Really? You'd be willing to do that?"

"If you're gonna get naked, Justin would do anything," Nate joked.

"Not sure I'd be able to get naked with you guys in the room. I've only ever done a cam show in my room by myself."

"You don't have to get naked. Maybe just try a show with us around and see how comfortable you are. Do something with a few small prizes like get shirtless or show underwear, or flash butt. I'm sure we can come up with others to make you a little more than 20 bucks," I suggested. "Go grab your stuff and we'll set up. I'll even get verified while you're doing it in case you let me stroll on camera with you."

"Yeah. Good idea. I'll be right back," Casey said as he bolted out of the apartment.

"That was pretty smooth, dude. Getting him to do a show. You're going to convince him to get naked, aren't you?" Nate smiled.

"I already have a raging boner thinking about it."

Nate laughed and then looked at me. He reached over and grabbed my crotch. "Holy crap. You are. I thought you were kidding."

"I never joke about cute boys I plan on fucking. You of all people should know that. I have some ideas for Casey's show, but I have to be age verified for his account to do anything naked on screen. I'm already verified for my own account."

"You've been on here before?" Nate asked.

"Not to model or anything, but I have an account."

While Casey was gone, I gave Nate some of my ideas, and it took some convincing to get him to play along, so hopefully he won't chicken out at the last minute.

Casey returned, and the first thing we did was upload my I.D. and picture to his account to begin the verification process. I made sure to add my own account as a link to speed the process up since they'd already verified me there. Then we set up a `studio' for Casey to broadcast from. I had him sit in a chair in front of the camera with Nate's bed behind him. We made sure we had awesome lighting, and I hooked the TV screen up so he could clearly read the comments as they came in, while I used the laptop out of sight for moderating. Then we set up his apps for rolling the dice for a prize at 25 tokens, and a tip menu that had easy to obtain things to keep guys interested. Finally, we set up his goals.

"Now that's all set up, we should work on some production ideas. If you're okay with it, how about you show me your underwear?" I asked.

"Ummm, isn't that 25 tokens?" Casey laughed.

"Yep, once the show is live. But I've seen straight boy's underwear. It's usually horrific. I have some cool ones in my backpack that you can try. That can be a future menu item. Change underwear on screen. That could be fun for viewers."

" have extra underwear in your backpack?" Nate asked looking at me.

"Sure. You never know when you're gonna be out all night, or need a change," I said as I reached into my pack and got out a couple pair. One assless, and the other nice tight boxer briefs that really show off my ass. "Don't worry. They're clean."

"Wow, those are actually cool," Casey remarked. "I only have normal underwear," he said dropping his pants to show me the baggy grandpa boxers he was wearing, although they at least had a decent pattern and colour to them.

"Like I thought. Horrific," I teased. "If I get verified during your show, I can hand you my underwear and tell you to put them on. You can say that someone bought them for you and you had to show them off. That should get a fun reaction from your viewers as we interact. If I'm not verified, I could throw them to you from off camera, or have Nate bring them to you."

"So now I'm gonna be in the show?" Nate asked looking at me.

"Not to do anything sexual, just to tease his viewers. Have him change his underwear on cam and show off his butt. You could peek around and look at his cock and give the guys a thumbs up or something."

"Why would I want to see his dick?" Nate asked.

" you can describe it to me? Have I taught you nothing?" I joked. It was a joke because I had every intention of seeing it for myself today. I'm curious like that, and not really good at understanding verbal descriptions. I'm more of a visual person. "You should set up your Twitter and Amazon account on your profile, and put a few things on your wish list. That'll get the balls rolling.

"You mean get the `ball' rolling?"

"If that's the way straight boys do it, sure...whatever works for you. Personally, if you get their balls rolling, you'll make more tips. Just saying. Keep your phone close, and I'll text you ideas as we go, depending on what guys are asking for. You just go with it."

Casey worked on it, and I moved went back to Nate on the couch.

"Just remember, whatever you're actually planning, me and him have never even seen each other naked before, right?" Nate warned quietly.

"He's not seen me either, so once he's into his show, we could both get naked and show him our boners. Having his shocked reaction on camera might be funny. Guys are bound to ask what's happening."

"Why don't you skip the show and just go down on him already?" Nate suggested with a grin.

"Hmmm..." I said stroking my chin and then laughed.

"What's so funny?" Casey asked looking up from what he was doing.

"Nothing. Nate's just wondering why we need the show. He said I should just go down on you and tip you directly. Save time and get you an instant reward."

"I said I MIGHT do it one day," Casey replied half smiling.

"Oh, is that just to keep me coming back to moderate your show?"

"Maybe. You know if I can undress with you in the same room, you'd be the only guys in real life that have ever have seen me naked."


"Yeah. I don't undress in front of anyone I know. I wanted to do the cam show as it was a bit of a bucket list thing to see if I could do it, and of course to make money."

"Then, I'll do everything I can to help you be comfortable so we can fly past your goal," I grinned.

"I'm gonna start the show," he announced and I got ready. He went live, and I smiled as I watched the screen. We made a few small adjustments as Casey began talking and tweeting on his new account, which I quickly retweeted on my account to get him some viewers. His numbers began to jump rapidly. He told everyone that he had a new mod and explained that I was there in the room with him as he talked. I said hi and quickly got requests to go on camera. I told them I might but wasn't verified yet. For now I was just helping and moderating. I reminded everyone to follow him. Like most guys online, he didn't use his real name, changing it to Thomas. Personally, I liked Casey better. He made a point to tell everyone that we had just met through his other friend, and that we'd never even seen each other without clothes. That started a whole conversation on its own. I told the guys that I wanted to see Casey without clothes, just as much as they did, but they needed to tip.

I sent a tip of my own to match the menu item that got Casey to take his shirt off for five minutes. He stared over when he saw the tip had come from me. I just shrugged and smiled as the viewers cheered him on. He pulled his shirt off and I wondered if I'd be allowed to just go over and suck on each nipple for a quick taste. I like to know if boys are salty or sweet, depending on what mood I'm in. They were just the right size for my lips. I watched as his numbers climbed and the tips came in. I pushed a few guys to get prizes cleared one at a time. Shirt off permanently, flash pubes, show ass, rubbing his crotch to show the outline as he got hard, and many other things to get guys excited before they got to what they really wanted. Show his cock. Most of the show he did himself just talking and responding to things that guys were asking, while Nate and I did homework. It took a long time to get guys free of their money, but for each tip he got, I matched it to help move things along.

I kept a close eye on the assholes that kept popping up and either banned them, or reminded them that tipping was the way to get to see what they wanted. Prizes were random and had to be worthwhile for guys to keep trying for the prize they hoped for, which was to see him naked and hard. He talked a lot during his show, answering all the questions and interacting with the guys. He was doing a pretty good job of it too, and when several tips came in at once to get multiple prizes, it was one of my jobs to ensure he did them all, and recommend which order might be best.

"Okay Nate. Things have slowed down a bit," I said quietly so we weren't being picked up by the microphone over by Casey. "Time to stroll past behind him. Give me a second to let him know." I texted to let him know what I was doing, and what he should do. He was down to his underwear and rubbing his crotch to show the outline of his junk as per the last prize. He read it and looked over at me. That was our signal that he'd understood. I sent Nate over after making him take off his pants, leaving him in just his underwear and t-shirt.

He walked behind Casey, who jumped and looked shocked as Nate stood behind him to talk. He asked what he was doing. Of course, almost instantly guys wanted to know who it was that was in the room with him. I replied that it was his roommate. Nate pretended to not know what was happening and just asked Casey if he needed the bathroom as he was going for a shower. He did a good job of letting guys see him, and many began asking the expected questions of whether they cammed together or fooled around. Casey reminded them he was straight and just roommates, so they'd seen each other without clothes, but not fooled around. I was texting him the answers he needed to give as fast as I could. I think he was reluctant on some of them, but this was a show to get him money. In real life he hadn't seen Nate naked yet.

The show continued as Nate returned to sit beside me, while viewers thought he was off in the shower. "Okay, I said quietly. "Time to return to the show. Take your shirt off this time. Wrap a towel around your waist. It'll get guys fired up."

As I was talking, I got an email to let us know we'd been approved. "We're verified," I announced to Casey, which obviously was overheard by many of the guy in the room who began asking to see me. I told them I might later, but this was Casey's show. I quickly sent Nate over after he'd removed his shirt, and the reactions were swift from the room. They all wanted to see more of Nate who talked to Casey as if they really were roommates. He asked what they were having for dinner, and suggested pizza. Now I really wanted pizza, so actually ordered some. The two guys ignored the show temporarily, but as the moderator in the room, I was replying to everyone, saying that I'd try to convince Nate to go on camera more and maybe get naked, but no promises. I suggested we might want to try encouraging him by tipping. I hinted that maybe Nate would eat his pizza on screen next to `Thomas'. I gave Nate the name Evan. I was going to go with Rider Longjohnston, but that sound too porn star-ish. I'm Max Bonehard, which is more realistic. The guys kept tipping to see Casey do things, which was nice. He flashed his pubes and some of his shaft a few times which allowed me to check him out. Many of the guys wanted to know if he was cut or uncut, smooth or with pubes, things like that, and he always answered without seeming embarrassed about it. Oh, before anyone asks, he's got untrimmed pubes and is cut, or so he says. I haven't seen the whole cock yet, and don't ask me how big it is, because we haven't got to that part, but in my mind, I'm expecting gigantic things. The only thing about these webcam shows is that you have to wait so long to see the good stuff. I kept texting Casey to encourage him to go further as tips came in. I mean he'd already gotten naked on camera by himself, but was a little nervous with us there.

We finally had him down to his underwear permanently where he wasn't putting clothes on and off all the time, which got a lot more interest. I changed some of the tip items and prizes to reflect that as the show progressed. A lot of the guys forget to do that which makes a prize not worth it. Why win `take shirt off for five minutes' if you're already naked? I added play with nipples, show armpits, suck toes. Things like that. Sexy but not sexual...yet. His chest was perfect toned with small nipples, nice abs and a cute innie belly button. One of the menu items I found surprisingly popular was for him to show his feet. It seemed he got a lot more tips for that than anything, and at first I thought it was because he had pretty big feet, but I quickly realized that when he lifted his foot to the camera, the guys could probably see into the leg of his shorts for the outline of his junk. I didn't say anything as it was getting him tokens, which at the end of the day is the whole point of the show. I might let him know later. Many were commenting about his baggy boxers, so I asked if they'd like to see him in tighter underwear and got a lot of positive responses. I took off my pants so that I was just in my shirt and underwear, grabbed my spare tight boxer briefs, and went beside Casey, telling him to switch them. Casey stood up and turned around to drop his boxers. I was only showing on camera from the neck down, so I had some fun with it. I pointed to Casey's ass and gave it the thumbs up to the camera as he changed. Then I pulled down the front of my shorts to show off my dick and pointed at it, and then at Casey's ass crack, and gave another thumbs up. By the time he'd gotten into my tighter underwear and turned around, I acted as if nothing had happened, although by the comments it was pretty obvious what I'd been doing. Some complimented Casey's ass, others my cock, and even more said I should fuck him while he was bent over. I told Casey to adjust his package to the side and show it off more, and because the guys could hear, they were agreeing. Of course, most said it would be better if he lost the underwear completely. I exited the camera view and guys quickly began asking who that was in the room.

I told them it was me and they asked questions about us. I reminded them that I'd only just met Casey today through his roommate', and while he was straight and I was gay, I'd only seen as much of Casey as they had. I suggested that some of them probably had seen more if they watched his previous shows. They asked Casey if he would ever play with me on camera, and to my surprise, he said he might if there was enough incentive to do it. I asked how much incentive and tipped him one token, asking if that was enough. He laughed and said no, so I tipped one more token several times until the whole screen was yellow. Now?' I asked. Others got in on the game, and he laughed saying that he'd never done anything with anyone, so he'd need to work up to it. I suggested that when the pizza arrived that all three of us would be on camera together if there was enough interest in seeing it. Guys quickly responded, but I reminded them that interest in the form of tipping worked better.

The pizza arrived and I handed it over to Casey so everyone could see. They wanted to know if it was the pizza guy that had given it to him. I assured them it was and he was cute. Hey, it's about building a fantasy, right? I had Nate go into the camera view with plates and give one to Casey. I told the guys that if they wanted Nate to stay on screen that they needed to convince him. I managed to get 50 tokens for that, but I figured we could do better. I moved in front of the camera behind Nate and put my hands on his sides and ran my hand into the edge of his underwear. He slapped my hand away as Casey watched and laughed. He grabbed some pizza as I pulled Nate just off screen.

"Watch Casey's face," I whispered as I quickly dropped to my knees in front of Nate and yanked his underwear down before he figured out what I was doing. I took a firm grip of his balls and pulled on them before reaching up to stroke his cock next. He tried to pull back, which I knew he would. That's why I grabbed hold of his balls first. He wasn't about to leave without those. I glanced over to Casey, who was frozen as he stared at us, almost forgetting that he was on camera. I guess others picked up on his reaction as the comments wanted to know what he was looking at. I played with Nate until he was good and hard and beginning to drip pre-cum, then pulled his underwear back up before we headed back in front of the camera, still keeping our faces hidden. I grabbed a piece of pizza and then showed the guys the outline of Nate's erection inside his shorts. That got them going.

I said that if we got another 100 tokens that I'd strip him and make him stay that way while we ate. Needless to say, we got tipped almost instantly to reach that target. I pushed Nate's shorts down and he stepped out of them. I suggested that for another hundred each, both Casey and I would also get naked for them. We got tipped in a few short bursts to get the additional two hundred. Do you know how hard it was not to grab Casey's dick once I had him naked beside me? Now we had three headless guys on camera, all with pizza. I reached over to take hold of Nate's junk, but he slapped my hand away like a straight boy would. Casey sat down as if trying to distance himself from what was happening, but I moved up behind him and put my cock near the side of his face and ask if he wanted extra sausage for his pizza. He moved to the side to get away from me. Seems rude considering I intend to fuck him later. Many asked me to show my face, but I wasn't going to do that without a mask. Where's my `Q' mask when I need it? All it takes is one suggestion and the guys get behind it quickly and start begging. They suggested he suck me off to try it since I was offering, and asked how much he'd want to do it. Casey asked if that's something guys really wanted to see from a show? I think he was genuinely asking, and when he got so many responses we couldn't read them, I think he had his answer. One guy offered 100 tokens if I would put pizza sauce on my dick and have Casey lick it off. Casey replied that he wasn't ready to do that. This was when Casey told them that this was the first time he'd hung out naked with a couple of guys like this. Many asked him how he liked it, and he replied that it was actually making him nervous, but he was mostly having fun. I turned around and suggested he could just lick sauce off my ass cheek instead for a hundred. It sounded like he wasn't ready to do that either, but reluctantly agreed if he got tips. He got tips! I turned around and put pizza sauce on my ass cheek, which by the way was still hot. Note to pizza sauce before putting on ass next time. While I was waiting for Casey to lean over to lick it off, I stroked my cock out of sight of the camera, and by the time he was done, and I turned around, I was semi hard, which seemed to be appreciated by the viewers. Maybe not so much by Casey who moved slightly to give me more space.

"Chicken shit," I laughed out loud. I was asked if I would lick them next, but said I didn't want to show my face which got a reciprocal `chicken shit' and lol's from those in the room. Fair enough. I reached over to grab Nate's cock and fondle his balls, but he slapped my hand away again.

"I think my show's been hijacked," Casey laughed as he partially watched us on the monitor, but not unhappy as tips came in. With the amount we'd received, he'd reached his final goal, and others asked what he was going to do next. Nate and I left the screen, got back into our shorts and t-shirt, and I went back to modding. I sent out the goal gif and a few others. I texted Casey that maybe now he should get hard and start to jerk off since he'd reached his final goal. He just looked over at me and swallowed nervously. There were a lot of suggestions from the viewers as to what he should do, not the least of which was us all fucking, which was to be expected. I replied that I was totally up for that, especially with two straight boys. Casey reminded them he was a virgin, which I gave a thumbs up to and a few cutesy gifs to prove that was even hotter. I found an exploding cherry which seemed appropriate. One guy said he'd tip 1000 tokens to see Casey get fucked. Other's agreed. Of course, anyone can talk about tipping that big but would they really do it?

The chat room watched as Casey got naked and began to slowly jerk off for them. As his cock grew, I moved from watching the screen to watching him in person. My own cock was straining to get out of my underwear, while Nate focused back on our homework. I reached over to feel his crotch and he was limp. How could he not be hard with a naked guy jerking off just a few feet from us? I pushed my hand into his underwear and he just turned to look at me.

"Anything I can help you find?" He smirked.

"No, I know it's in there somewhere. You got a magnifying glass handy?"

"Bitch," he said as he let me feel him up. I wanted to go down on him, but I didn't want to miss anything with Casey, now that he was fully naked and had stood up to let the guys see his cock better. He was about 7 inches with average girth. Comments were coming in fast about how hot they thought he was, and he turned a couple times to show off his smooth ass and pulled his cheeks apart to show his hole. I'm sure every guy watching was thinking about fucking him now. All I could think was fuck off, pervs. He's mine.' He was relaxing in his chair jerking off letting guys see him from different angles, which was pretty hot. I whispered fuck, he's cute' to Nate at one point. He just laughed.

"Come with me," I said to Nate as I pulled him off the couch, and took him over to stand behind the camera in full view of Casey. I stripped Nate's shorts off again and then took my own off as we stood behind the camera. Casey's eyes went wide and he must have been getting a lot of comments about what was happening.

"Uhhh...nothing. They're both standing in front of me watching. It's making me nervous as fuck," Casey stammered as he jerked off faster. I don't know if it was exciting him, or if he just wanted all of this to end quicker, but he groaned loudly as he stretched his legs out in front of him and shot his load all over his chest and stomach. I raced back to the computer to give the exploding cannon and fireworks gifs synonymous with cumming. Others sent out the cheer gifs and `we're not worthy' ones. It was a great response to his finale. I raced back in front of the camera and ran my fingers through the mess on his chest.

"I'm just getting some dipping sauce for my pizza, don't mind me," I said as I left the screen, allowing Casey to clean himself up with some of the nearby paper towel. I had made a point not to touch Casey's dick, but I really wanted to. He talked to them for a few more minutes before getting dressed and saying goodbye and to remind everyone that he now had a Twitter account where he'd send out notices about future shows. I added the link to that and to his wish list and thanked everyone for watching. He signed off and we shut things down, covering the camera just for safety. You never know who can hack in without your knowledge.

"Dude! That was awesome!" I said congratulating him as he came over to sit with us and grab more pizza. "After a show like that, I never want to see you with clothes on again."

"Thanks. I was really nervous with you guys here, but not having to do the moderating was much easier."

"Exactly. That's why guys have them. How much do you normally make in a show?"

"I dunno. It varies wildly, but it normally takes a hell of a lot longer to reach goals."

"Wanna know how you did?"

"Sure!" He grinned. I turned the screen to let him see his balance and his mouth fell open. "3200 tokens?" Seriously?"

"Seriously. Plus look at your Amazon wish list. It's empty. Everything you put on there has been bought for you. You'll have to come up with more things. Wireless headphones, better microphone or lighting, more underwear. As soon as you changed into my shorts, every underwear item you had on the list sold. I'm telling you, the sexier you are, the more tips you get."

"3200 is like how much money?"

I did the math for him. "About $210 bucks in U.S. dollars, so about $275 Canadian for what two and a half hours work? Not bad dude. Not bad at all."

"I guess I could have made more if I'd done something with you guys huh?"

"It's your show. Only do what you're comfortable with. I can see why guys like watching you though. You're seriously fucking hot. I wanted to throw money at you myself."

"I'm not stopping you," Casey grinned.

"True, but it's better value if I just give you real cash in person."

"Oh? And what do I have to do for that?" He smirked as he ate his pizza.

"Well for starters, lick that sauce off my dick. That's easily worth 100 tokens, or five bucks.

"It sounds like so much more when it's 100 tokens," Casey grinned. "If I'd gotten 250 tokens, it would have been like $12.50, right?"

"Right. Just divide by 20. Of course, you may have had to share that with Nate, if we could have convinced him to join in," I teased. So $6.25. Still better than five bucks."

"Oh yeah, that's true. Would you have licked sauce off his ass, Nate?" He asked.

"Probably. I have beer to wash the taste away," Nate replied, holding up the bottle.

"Rude. I have a great tasting ass."

"How would you know? You don't lick your own ass," Nate remarked.

"Or do I..." I grinned.

"I'd pay you 100 tokens to see that," Nate challenged.

"Dude if I were that flexible, I'd suck my own dick first, and I'd never get anything else done all day. You're gonna be popular if you keep doing these shows," I told Casey. "I can mod for you from home if I can't come over."

"Are you able to do that with the regional block?" He asked.

"I'd have to use a proxy server that makes it look like I'm somewhere other than B.C. Simple to override."

"Shit, people can do that?"

"Sure. If they really want to see who's broadcasting from their area. They just login from another country IP, and they can watch. I'm not sure a lot of people do that. I don't usually, but to be a moderator, I'd have to. It'd be more fun in person though. Next time, I'll cover my tattoo and bring a mask so I can be more interactive if you want. Were you okay having Nate and I on your camera with you?"

"Like I said on cam, I've never hung out with two naked guys like that before, but I guess it worked to get the tips, huh?"

"Hey, what about me? You got me naked on camera and I never got tipped, or asked," Nate complained.

"Oh please. Like you care about being naked. I'm pretty sure this is the longest you've been home with anything on in the whole time I've known you," I replied. "I should have sucked your dick on camera and watched Casey get tons of tips."

"Oh sure. You suck my dick and Casey rakes in the cash. What am I? I whore for you two to pimp out?"

"Well, if the blowjob fits," I laughed.

Casey just watched us with interest. "Would you guys have really done that on camera?"

"I guess you'll have to wait until I have a mask to find out. I'm sure every one of your two thousand plus viewers were drooling over the idea of doing you. Get them in person and charge 25 bucks a blowjob. You'd be able to retire by the end of the month. 2000 x 25 is $50,000 bucks."

"Sure, I'll just cum 2000 times. No problem," he laughed.

"Well, obviously not all at once. Do 20 a day over 100 days."

"You think I can cum 20 times a day?" He laughed.

"Ummm...yes? Or can't straight boys do that?" I asked smirking.

"How about twice a day? Once in the morning and once at night. 50 bucks a day," he counteroffered laughing.

"Not as profitable, but that's still over 18 grand a year. Build up your show to eventually get fucked, and guys will empty their bank accounts to see you lose your virginity."

"No they wouldn't."

"Trust me. They would. I've shown more than my share of boys how to enjoy their prostate and trust me, if it were on camera, guys would pay tons to watch."

"Does it hurt?"

"Not for the guy doing the fucking," I laughed. "It can if you're nervous or tensed up. That's why I recommend you don't really lose your virginity on camera, just pretend it's your first time. You should see if you can deal with it first before letting thousands of guys see it happen."

"I definitely could use the money, but I'm not sure I'd be able to do that. Maybe jerking off with someone would be okay. That should be the next step. Maybe one of those pink things you see the guys using would be okay too. Those seem like they go into your butt pretty easily."

"True. For some future shows, when you get all those things from Amazon, you can show them off online. Put an item on the tip menu that has you change underwear on screen. Do 20 to change facing away, or 25 to change facing the camera. Then do it slowly and seductively. You'll get guys tipping in a regular stream to see you. Always make the tipping amounts affordable for the task. I mean you wouldn't have it at a hundred to see you cum, as you can only do that once a show...apparently," I said with a little teasing. "Make the one-time things a big goal, and little things the menu items like we did today. Teasing items should be quick and cheap."

"I like the app where you clear the board, but it takes so long to finish sometimes that I sometime wonder if it'll ever finish."

"Yeah. That one can be slow. I think it goes faster if two guys are in a show together and prizes are more sexual. You can usually use the same prize twice with each guy doing the opposite thing."


"Like if the show was with you and me, one prize would be Max sucks Thomas' dick for two minutes. The other prize would be Thomas sucks Max's dick for two minutes."

"Oh, I see. I guess that type of show would really get tips huh?"

"It would, especially if they knew you were new to playing with a guy. I could see you doing a few shows in a row with a gay guy, and when the tips start to slow down from the novelty wearing off, you could change the show to bring a straight friend over who you `convinced' to play with you and try it out. Two straight boys always get more reactions, as long as you both act like straight boys. You can't have the guy doing an expert job of sucking your cock. For now, just keep doing what you're doing, but eventually things will slow down when guys have seen you a number of times, or something more interesting comes along."

"Yeah. I've had that a lot. One minute I have a thousand people watching, next minute it's 300 because everyone went to watch another channel."

"That's why you have to keep it fresh. That idea we had earlier of going out in my backyard and swimming or tanning would be fun. Add the trampoline or basketball to it, and you'd make a killing. We'll just have to pick a time when no one else is home, because if they show up on camera, you could get banned pretty fast."

"Good point. They were pretty clear about that in the rules. I'm not even sure you can go outside to do a show."

"Not in public, but a private yard is acceptable. You also can't sleep, be drunk or stoned. I can already see a wicked show with the three of us in the back yard. We'd work up tips to get us naked, then do activities in the nude and get hard while we do them. If you're into trying sexual things, then it gets even hotter after that."

"There's still a lot to learn, but at least I'm making some money. That's cool. I should go though. I still have my own homework to do, and I know you guys have to study."

"I'll help you take things up if you want," I offered as we went and grabbed his stuff. He didn't really need help, but I offered anyway. Once we got back in his apartment, I had a chance to look around and I suggested a couple ways to set things up so that he had a different view each time, which would also keep it looking fresh for shows. I reminded him that the thing that was really important was lots and lots of light so he could be seen, and if he had things that had been purchased for him, he should have them in the background so that viewers could see the items that they bought.

"Thanks for the ideas. I really appreciate you helping me out today. I made more money than any of my other shows."

"You're welcome. Hell, I should be thanking you for letting me see you do the show. I was so hard watching you."

"Yeah, right. I'm not that special," he grinned.

"I'm sure the 2000 guys watching you disagreed. Half of them probably came at the same time you did. Some probably came as soon as you let them see you naked."

He laughed. "Good thing I can't see them. It was tough enough just being there with you and Nate seeing me. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be on stage in front of thousands."

"I'm sure your next show will have plenty of questions about us, and they'll try to get you to bring us back again."

"Would you?"

"Sure. I had fun, and I'm sure Nate did, but you'd have to ask him to know for sure."

"Cool. Well, thanks again for helping me today, it was awesome. And thanks for giving me tips like you did. I appreciated it."

"I enjoyed it. The only thing I hate is that the web cam company keeps so much of what we spent to tip with, but it's fun to get guys to do things. I think the problem is that you get horny watching and your brain says keep tipping I wanna see more, so you do without thinking."

"Colin, can I ask you something really personal?"

"Of course. One thing you'll learn about me pretty quick is that I'm not afraid of personal questions."

"Did you think that I look good enough on camera for guys to stay interested?"

"Is that a straight boy way of asking if I think you're cute?" I said giving him a playful smile.

"I guess. Sure."

"Yes, you're way cute and guys will always login to see you get naked. As to whether they stay interested will depend on how willing you are to keep the show fresh and unique. Be friendly, personable and willing to show then your body, and you'll do fine."

"Any other suggestions?" he asked.

"Just try different things. If it were me doing your show, I'd shave my pubes and pits on camera. Do a shower show where you get all soapy everywhere and tease them with it. Get hard and jerk off as you shower. Be sexy and you'll do fine."

"What about sex?"

"Sure. Your place or mine?" I laughed. "I'd build up to sex on camera, but if you could do it, you'd make a ton more money."

"My friends and I have talked about stuff like that before."

"Having sex together?" I asked frowning slightly. If that's the case, I'll have to meet his progressive thinking straight friends.

"No. About whether they'd ever do anything with a guy."

"And the result?"

"Almost all of them said that they'd probably let a gay guy blow them for a price. Some said a million dollars, others said they'd be happy to get head for 20 bucks."

"Sounds pretty typical. What would you be willing to do if the price were right?"

"I dunno. I've thought about it a lot since I went on camera and saw how guys talk about things. Seems like they love seeing my ass as much as my cock."

"That's because they're fantasizing about fucking you. The smoother it is, the hornier you'll make them."

"So back to the shaving thing?" Casey said with a smirk.

"Exactly. You might need help shaving your ass though. Not as easy as it sounds."

"I could do it over a mirror," he smiled, nodding slightly.

"True. Much easier if you ask a friend to help."

"I can see it now. I'll show up at a friend's house with a razor and shaving cream and ask him to shave my ass. That wouldn't end well."

I laughed. "Just ask the right friend. I'd be more than happy to help."

"That would be another first. Having my ass shaved."

"We should stop talking about this before I get too horny to function. Being as sexy as you are is going to make me say something I'm liable to regret, or worse, make you feel uncomfortable."

"I wouldn't mind. I don't think. I'm trying to get more comfortable with the things guys say online so that I can respond better. Like what would you say if I were gay?"

"Casey, if you were gay, we'd already have been in bed for the past two hours and fucked each other stupid. Talking wouldn't have even been a factor."


"Sorry. I guess that was over the top. Told you I was horny. I should get back to Nate before he thinks we're doing it. You know how jealous straight boys are when they think others are getting laid and they're not. I'll make it up to him and offer a blowjob. It was nice meeting you Casey."

"Yeah. I had a ton of fun. Thanks for helping me. Can I text you to do more modding when I have another show?"

"I'd love to help. If you ever want to talk about ideas, I'm sure we could get together and plan a few setups for you."

"Cool. Thanks. Are you really gonna give Nate a blowjob?"

"You'll have to tip to find out," I laughed jokingly. "But anytime you want one, just ask and tell me the menu price for that."

I rushed back to Nate's apartment before Casey could respond. Always leave them wanting more. That's why you should never go balls deep on the first fuck. Leave them wanting more... Who am I kidding? Fuck `em deep before you learn their name. They'll come back.

"You want to do him, don't you?" Nate asked bluntly as I sat down and got back to my books.

"Yes. Yes I do!"

"Is that what took you so long to get back? Negotiating terms?" He teased.

"We were talking about ways he could set up different looks for studios in his apartment to keep each show fresh." I reached over to grab his crotch. "But speaking of wanting someone and negotiating."

"I know we fool around, but you do know I'm still straight, right?"

"What is straight, really? It's just eight letters of the alphabet strung together at random to indicate that you're not as sexual as other guys."

"I get laid plenty."

"Yeah? Out of the last ten times you did something sexual, how many were with me?"

"Not the point."

"Exactly the point. Come on, how many were with me?"

"Seven," he replied quietly.

"I rest my case. Does that include today?"

"We didn't have sex today," he pointed out.

"Not yet, but we're going to. I'm going to blow you until you're crazy horny. Then I'll stop and listen to you whine about how you were just about to cum. I'll tell you that if you want to cum, I want to get fucked, and we'll go to your bed where I'll lie face down and spread my legs. As usual, you'll bitch like a typical straight boy, while at the same time you're lubing me up and entering my tight hole. You'll be quiet for fifteen seconds, then you'll get vocal and pound me hard for the next ten seconds, until you cum. It's all over in five most straight boys."

"You think that'll happen huh?"

"That's how it usually happens, although five minutes is giving you a little extra time for us to get to the bed and lube up," I laughed. "Just like Casey's show, we have a play by play, and we follow it."

"Back to Casey, huh?"

"Hey he's cute and willing to get naked in front of thousands of guys. What's not to like?"

"I figured you'd like him. Even I think he's good looking."

"Awesome. Then once I've taken him, I'll let you have a turn," I grinned.

"Still straight. Do I need to pull up the definition on Google again for you?"

"You mean you wouldn't screw a guy on camera for a few tips?" I said smiling.

"If I ended up doing that, it'd be because you got me stoned or drunk or something."

"Damn, you really do know me. I guess this psychology shit really does work if we pay attention."

"Am I wrong?"

"I already have the show all planned out in my head. Now I just need Casey."

"And that'll take what? A month, a week?"

"I was thinking like in 3...2...1..." I said as I pointed to the door and looked. Nothing happened. "Maybe a week then." I let go of Nate's crotch and turned my attention back to our homework.

"Ummm...excuse me!" He said staring at me. "You gonna take care of that since you're the one who got it excited?"

"No, I'm good. You're straight, remember," I teased.

"Are you sure?" He said grabbing himself.

"If it'll stop your whining...fine," I grinned as I spun off the couch and got between his legs. We wasted no time getting his pants down so I could take care of his erection and remind him why gay guys are just better. At one point he ran his hands through my hair and thrust upward. I knew he was close and reached under him to grab an ass cheek. I used the other hand to work him to climax. One thing about Nate is that he may complain that he's straight, but slide one finger into his ass crack to touch his pucker, and he's pumping gallons down your throat. He's not a fan of getting fucked, but he loves a finger, or a good long rimming. Google definition of `long' for a straight boy is 15 seconds (or 5 inches that they claim is 7). I sat back next to him and we finished our homework without talking about it.

I got a text from Casey a couple days later asking if I could mod for him, so I fired up my computer and did it from home while I worked on other things. He wasn't quite as good as when we were in the room with him, but he kept the guys reasonably entertained for a couple hours. Many of them asked where Nate and I were, and he simply replied that his roommate was out and I was at home doing the modding. There were plenty of requests for all of us to join in his show again. I asked how many would like to see him get head at some point, and I think that might have overloaded the screen with responses. Casey laughed as he talked to them, saying he wasn't sure about that, but many tried like hell to convince him. He didn't commit to anything and simply replied, "Right now, I'm just having fun doing this show as it is." To his credit he did tease them that he might try it with a guy eventually.

Others supported him and told him only to do what he wanted since it was his show. Others said he should do something sexual and they'd tip big. You hear that all the time until they do it, and then the loud mouth viewers don't actually tip. No wonder you get the tips in advance. Once it was over, and Casey signed off, he texted me a thank you and said he'd earned almost 1300 tokens, which was still better than he normally did. I gave him some ideas about other things he could do that might help get him tips and he said he'd think about some of it. He better think fast. I want him spread eagle, ass up on my bed by the end of the week.

CoIin and I got a call from Colleen one night to let us know she'd arranged a meeting with the Campbells if we were free. She'd set it up for next week. This was progressing, although I kinda wished it was as simple as when we'd gotten Blake. One day he wasn't here, the next day he was. Now we're stuck with him. Just kidding, he's a good kid...mostly. Speaking of that, he came home one night and plopped himself down beside me.

"So, you remember that Scout camping trip I was gonna go on?" He said before he'd said hi, or how was your day, or who'd you screw today? The usual politeness when greeting someone. Do I remember the Scout trip, I dunno. "Sure," I replied anyway.

"Well, I'm not going now."

"How come?"

"Cory's mad at me, so I've been disinvited."

"Is it disinvited or uninvited?" I asked trying to be smug about it.

"Whatever. I'm not allowed to go."

"What happened?"

"How would I know? One minute everything's fine. The next he's all pissed at me. All I did was compliment his new girlfriend's boobs. I said they looked nice and I'd totally motorboat her.

"She seemed to like the compliment, but Cory got all defensive and said it was inappropriate. It's not like I actually tried them. God. I even told her Cory was good in bed and that she should give him a ride to try him out. I even volunteered to give them some tips. Cory asked me to leave so he could finish his date. Seemed rude, but I left. I know he is still figuring girls out, but sensitive much?"

"You were trying to help by offering to have sex with them? Might not be the best way to approach it."

"I coulda got naked and showed her what she was missing, but I didn't want to embarrass Cory. She's his girlfriend so he should get to do her first. I don't mind going second. I figure they could kapoodle until they were done."

"Kapoodle? Don't you mean kanoodle?"

"Nope. It's kapoodle. Like doing it doggy style," he said sincerely.

Kapoodling...THAT I have to remember. "You do know that not everyone wants to share their partners, right? Most straight people prefer monogamous relationships. You need to respect that, as much as you'd expect them to accept how you want to live."

"I don't think they were ready to have sex yet anyway. I was part way home and Cory texted me to say that I ruined it for him and that she'd gone home. I'm gonna wait until he calms down and talk to him. It would have been fun to go camping with the Scouts. Oh well. Shit happens. Just thought I'd tell you I'd be home this weekend in case you and Colin had plans for some big party or something. I'll be home, but you could still have your party. I don't mind coming to it."

"That's big of you," I said shaking my head. "Maybe it's time for the talk."

"What talk? The sex talk? Dad! I think you're WAY too late for that. Unless you want to know something... then I'm happy to talk and fill you in," he said patting me on the back.

"I mean the respecting boundaries talk. The talk about where some people may want privacy when they're being intimate together. Or the talk about how a girl may not want to know about all the other people her boyfriend has had sex with."

"God, Dad! I'm not a snitch, but I get what you're saying. Next time I walk in on someone together, even if they're having sex, I'll just sit quiet and wait until they're done. I suppose I could just masturbate while they had sex. One of them would see and invite me to join when they were ready."

"Or leave the room and wait elsewhere until they are finished," I offered as an alternative.

"That doesn't sound as much fun. Around here when I see any of you guys having sex, I usually just take off my clothes and wait until you take a break, then join in. I guess guys are more cool with stuff like that though. Why do you think girls are such prudes?"

"It's not really being a prude to want privacy for an intimate moment, Blake. Girls enjoy the romance of sex, and it's not as romantic with a third person in it."

"Yeah, I guess so. Boys just wanna get laid. Girls wanna get all mushy about it. Thanks for the talk Dad. I like your advice," he said hugging me before running off upstairs.

If he likes my advice so much, how come he never listens to it?

The meeting with social services and the Campbells came around faster than I expected, and before I knew it we were sitting in the conference room at Colleen's office being introduced to Charles and Vanessa Campbell. The room wasn't a typical boring conference room. It had soft oversize chairs, an electric fireplace that was on, and some snacks and drinks. I guess they do that for family meetings to make it seem less office like, although we did have a table between us. That was probably to protect warring parties from killing each other, like in divorce or child custody battles where things might get heated. I knew more about the Campbells than they realized, having learned it from Layne and Steve, but they seemed pretty nice as we all sat down to talk after shaking hands. That impression didn't last.

"Do you have any other children?" Vanessa asked us, which seemed a stupid question since we were there to put John back with his brother.

"Apart from Blake, no. My brother lives next door with his three kids though, so they're over to play a lot," I answered so they knew we at least had some experience.

"How old are they?"

"Twins age five and a nine-year-old," Colin replied. "What about you?"

"We have a son 16, and of course Jimmy. How old is Blake?"

"14," Colin answered. "Although he likes to believe he's 16 as well. I can't imagine what he'll be like when he's actually 16."

"They act like they're 20," Charles said with a bit of a smile. "Jimmy has been good for Layne. Having a little brother has taught him responsibility, and Jimmy is growing up with a solid role model."

"Beneficial for both of them, it sounds like. I know Blake was devastated when he lost his family and it's taken him a long time to come to terms with it. We've tried to keep him focused and busy so he knows he's just as loved now as he was then," Colin added.

"We understand how it must have been, and we understand from Colleen that he isn't aware of his little brother being with us."

"No, he's not. We wanted to do this properly as it's going to be traumatic for both boys no doubt. Blake is going to have to work through the fact that for the three and a half years he thought his brother had died, he was actually alive, and Jimmy, has been so affected that he's lost his memory. Hopefully putting them back together will allow them to become a family again."

Charles grabbed Vanessa's hand on the table and looked at us. "We've been thinking about that and wonder if it might not be in Jimmy's best interest, emotionally, to have him to remain where he is, and allow the memories to come back naturally. He's built a very strong bond with Layne who cares about him like a real brother. We believe it would be more traumatic to pull him away at this point. He also needs a family that can provide him with proper core values to ensure he grows up right. Blake sounds like he's adapted to his new life. Does it make sense to traumatize all of them unnecessarily?"

"No, but the definition of unnecessarily is what's at the center of this whole situation," I replied. "Is it fair to either boy to live their lives believing that the other one doesn't exist? They're both young, so putting them back together may trigger John's memory, allowing him to get back those first seven years, despite the tragedy. Not only that, but the boys are siblings. Their parents would have wanted them to be together."

"We understand your concern, but we believe this was God's plan. Both boys have started new lives with different families. Perhaps one day when they've matured, we could reunite them and explain that this may have been the way their lives were intended to unfold," Vanessa said, trying to sound sweet and nurturing. All I could think about was throwing up at her stupidity. She can't be serious.

"Of course, the same could be said about it being God's plan that we found out that John was still alive, and brought us to you," I reasoned. "Either scenario is open to interpretation if we look at it from the hypothetical." Two can play this dumb game. My thoughts and prayers are with her, and my foot up her ass should help too.

"I think what we'd like to accomplish today is to decide how best to put the boys back together," Colleen said, interjecting. "I know Justin and Colin have one opinion of how that should look, while Charles and Vanessa have another view. Perhaps we could start with those ideas." Yeah, let's toss out the ideas and let this God guy pick the one he likes. I hope they have Timbits and latte's. It could be a long wait. Haven't the God people been waiting over two thousand years for Jesus to come back? Talk about patience. I don't even like to wait five minutes for Skytrain...and at least I have a destination in mind once I do get on board.

"Vanessa, Charles. How about we hear your proposal first."

"We believe that Jimmy should stay with us. We'd adopt him and make him part of our family to give him the love he needs to become a well-adjusted young man. We originally thought it might be best to keep the brothers apart for now, until we see some sign of memories returning. But after some praying and reflection, we agree that it might be beneficial that they spend time together, so that if and when Jimmy's memory returns, he will be ready to handle it. Perhaps Blake could come over for visits with Jimmy, and even Layne, in a supervised setting to ensure that there are no traumatic or unwanted influences in Jimmy's life as he adjusts to having his biological brother around. It might be good for all three boys in the long run," Charles explained.

All I wanted to do was leap over the table and twist their heads off. I knew that beneath all that caring and sweetness lay homophobes, but I was trying to remain professional and pretend I knew nothing about them. All my University training for psychology was being put to the test. If I fail this meeting, I fail at being a shrink. I might succeed at being a serial killer though. That's still on my bucket list, along with assassin sniper.

"We were thinking along similar lines," Colin said sounding as calm as always. How does he do that? I guess in business you learn to negotiate a lot better than in my world. "Except pretty much the opposite way around. Blake and his brother should never have been separated in the first place. They need to be reunited as siblings. A tragedy split them apart, and if it hadn't been for some very negligent investigation by the fire and police services, the boys would never have remained apart. I think we owe it to both of them to right a wrong. We understand that you've become very attached to John, or Jimmy, but the right thing to do is put the brothers back as a family. Justin is already a blood relative to Blake as his cousin by birth, and it only makes sense that a biological family stay together. We agree that your son should not be left out, and we think it would be great if the three boys got along as brothers, and friends, as they all grow up. Our suggestion is that while John is still young, we adopt him to be back with his biological brother. While still allowing him to visit you and Layne regularly so that he has continuity through an extended family. It may be difficult at first, but it really is the only right thing to do in the long run."

"It sounds like we are all trying to find what's best for John at this point and that's a great place to start. On the one hand, if John had his full memories, it would be less of an issue as he we would talk to him about what he wanted, but since he doesn't, we can't ask him to weigh in on this. It will be up to all of us, and ultimately the Ministry to decide what is best for John. Certainly neither option is ideal after such a long period of time."

"May we say something?" Charles interjected.

"Please. That's what we're here for," Colleen said yielding to him.

"We'll be honest," Charles Campbell said looking at both Colin and I bluntly. "With our beliefs, and certainly no disrespect to you gentlemen, we're not comfortable letting Jimmy live in a house where there is a same sex couple. We're sorry, but we're religious people and while we understand your lifestyle, we wouldn't subject anyone we know to it, and therefore in good conscious couldn't allow Jimmy to live with you."

As long as he's not being disrespectful, then I can accept that. That was sarcasm.

Colin quickly grabbed my arm as I went into attack mode and was about to spew venom over their homophobic bullshit. Religion...again! FUCK!! That's what they should outlaw. Imagine how great this world would be without that bullshit throughout history. We need a mulligan on believing in an invisible supreme being with a hate complex. FUCK FUCK FUCK... I'm gonna beat these people to death and claim it was gay Jesus that made me do it in the name of some insane religion I made up too. The Church of Fabulous!

Colin was a little calmer than the voice in my head. See, we're good like this. "Well, and no disrespect back to you, there are many religions in the world. Many enlightened ones accept all people equally, while a few still cling to antiquated, out of date beliefs, that only certain people are welcome. We wouldn't want to see John grow up in an environment that teaches him a lack of tolerance for others in the world. He should, as we all should, accept everyone for their uniqueness."

`Boom, bitch! Take that!' I thought in my head and hoped I hadn't actually spit it at them out loud. Colin was still gripping my wrist firmly. I don't know if it was to hold me back or keep himself calm. I'm guessing it was so I wouldn't reach for the fire poker and spear both of them. That might marginally affect our chances of having Jimmy live with us.

"I know that you believe that your way of life is acceptable in our society now that laws protect many minorities, but it is still a sin, and we must stand by what we believe. We could involve the church and stop any proceedings," Charles replied sounding less than friendly now.

"Perhaps we keep religion out of this whole process," Colin suggested. "As John grows up, he can make his own decision as to what he believes or doesn't believe. We think it's fine to introduce someone to religion, the same as it's fine to introduce them to playing a piano, or learning a sport. But to insist that that's the only way to live is very narrow minded. I imagine that we'd have a peaceful world if we allowed everyone to just accept each other as they are without judging. I'm pretty sure that even religion states that only God may judge, lest you be judged yourself, or I am I wrong about that?"

Oh yeah baby. Throw that shit and see it drip all over them.

He continued. "But like I mentioned we should keep religion out of the decision process because for every situation there are two sides, even in that world. We need to focus on how best to transition the boys back together."

"I'd have to agree with that," Colleen said to all of us. "While families may choose to raise their family in whatever religion and beliefs they have, in this case, we are talking about a boy who has been separated from his sibling due to a terrible accident. We must now rectify that to the best of our ability."

"We're sorry, but we have to stand by our decision that we cannot allow a minor child to be placed in a home without a religious following of the bible," Vanessa said bluntly

"That's quite the assumption," I said just as bluntly. I mean she's right. We wouldn't follow anything as contradictory as the bible, any more than we're sure a super power country wouldn't follow a leader who was constantly contradictory, bigoted or racist. "As Colin mentioned, there are many religions. We may just choose to follow one different from yours, but no less right or wrong."

"We would not allow our son to be around the homosexual lifestyle and agenda," Vanessa said firmly, with her original sweetness and charm having dissipated.

"We accept that you can dictate that to your son until he's old enough to make his own decisions, and create his own opinions, but since John is NOT your son, we could equally insist that he not be left in any environment that would teach him hate or intolerance," Colin said back to her.

"She's right Colin," I said looking at him. "Leviticus does say that a man may not lie with another man like he does a woman. I think we should be looking at the complete picture here and be concerned for both Jimmy and Layne, Colleen. It's obvious that they're both in imminent danger."

"I'm not following," Colleen said looking at me with a slight frown.

"As the Campbells mentioned, they are very religious, so it's only natural that they'd be concerned about Jimmy being around us. But in the same chapter of Leviticus, along with Deuteronomy and Exodus, if a child swears, is stubborn or rebellious, or strikes a parent, they are to be put to death. Kids are pretty vocal nowadays, so I'm a little scared for their safety after hearing them mention their beliefs. Obviously religious people wouldn't just cherry pick from the bible. That wouldn't make any sense. Would you please investigate which of the two sides might be the bigger concern? I mean we wouldn't make Jimmy gay. He'd be free to choose when he's older, but obviously there's not a lot of wiggle room if he's rebellious or stubborn, or swears, even."

Vanessa looked at Charles, and he stared at me with...let's say...daggers, in his eyes. Now that's a fuckin' clap back! Sorry, I just swore. I'll go get the stones. Wait, do we require actual stones, or drugs? `Stoned' to death is pretty vague. It could just be an overdose.

"I'll leave the whole not working on the Sabbath thing out for now, because it's too confusing to know whether it goes from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, or is just Saturday, or now Sunday? I'd say to be safe, the boys probably shouldn't do any chores on the weekend. God can be a bit revengeful if you get it wrong. He's a bit of an asshole, and you'd have to stone them to death for it. Look at what the whole village did to that guy just for collecting wood on the Sabbath in Numbers verse 15."

Colin almost broke my hand he was squeezing it so hard, and the Campbells looked like I'd just eaten shellfish in front of them while showing off my tattoos and freshly shaved face, and wearing a cotton/poly blend. It's a thing, look it up. Colleen was trying hard not to react to my response.

All I could really think about was her son, who was being blown, fucked, and spit roast as part of the homosexual lifestyle and agenda, on a regular basis...and loving it! He can't get enough. Christ, even Jimmy can't wait to grow up to get his dick in someone, although in fairness that someone could as easily be a girl as much as a guy. Please let me tell her that Charles' brother is a big old queer bear who likes taking their son to the woods for gang bangs, and he's had Layne pierced and circumcised. Let's see how that fits your fucking agenda!

"I can see that there is a strong value system in play for all of you, but we're here just to meet and decide what is next for the boys. Colin, Justin. We've agreed that so far Blake has not been informed of John." Colleen reiterated, as she took charge of the conference.

"Yes. He's not aware at this point," I replied.

"We have let Jimmy know of his real name and that he has a brother, but that initial information was to see if it may help his memory. Has there been any improvement there?"

"Not from a memory standpoint, but he has been asking questions about what we know, and he seems to really be struggling with the new information," Vanessa replied. "That's why we think we should proceed much slower. Give him time to process."

"It's never a bad idea to allow that, but the situation is complex. Once Blake knows of John, he's going to insist that he be allowed to see him, and at 14, he is certainly old enough to have a say in the matter. We have discussed the general situation with a couple of family court judges and lawyers, and they all agree that while the decision lies with the ministry, to make the wrong decision would set us up for a potential court challenge when Blake is old enough to assume responsibility for his younger sibling. That would make him 18 and John 14."

"That would be a terrible age to uproot Jimmy," Charles admitted.

"On that, we can wholeheartedly agree," I said nodding.

"It would however make Jimmy...John, of an age where he could decide what is best for him. Blake could sue the court, and any of the officials involved in the investigation that caused this in the first place," Colleen said looking at Colin and I. "I know that you have substantial resources if he were to go down that path, but again, we're trying to do what is best for both boys."

"I think taking legal action against the investigators is a given, regardless of how this turns out. Their incompetence is what led to this. The fire tragedy was terrible enough, but to compound it with this egregious error is unforgivable," Colin told her. "If Blake were to petition the court at 18 what would happen?"

"That's an unknown at this juncture. By that time Jimmy would have been with the Campbells seven years and it might seem cruel to remove him. On the other hand, a good lawyer could argue that his placement and adoption should never have happened in the first place, especially considering we know that information today."

"I understood from our past conversations that the adoption was currently on hold," Colin said looking directly at her, but making his point absolutely clear to the Campbells.

"It is while we work out a solution," she admitted.

"Where do we go from here?" Vanessa asked Colleen, still holding her husband's hand as if to prove they were a loving couple desperate to bring John up in a Brady Bunch lifestyle. `Here's the story of an intolerant family, who were bringing up two very lovely boys. One of them a big ole queer, like his uncle. The other one in chains.' In my head this sounds like an appropriate theme song...

Now it was Colleen's turn. After all, technically she was in charge. "While we have several points of disagreement on how to resolve this. I think what is in agreement is that the boys should get to know each other again. I recommend that we let Blake know about Jimmy, and inform him what happened. From what you've told me, he's mature enough to understand. It will no doubt be a shock, but once he's ready and in the right mindset, we'll arrange to have the boys get together, somewhere neutral. See how that goes. Jimmy may quickly remember Blake, or he may not. Blake will be the one with the memories, so maybe talk about ways he can slowly introduce Jimmy to some of the things they did as kids before the accident. If it goes well, we plan a few more meetings. Maybe spend time at each house."

"I wouldn't want that to be unsupervised visits," Charles said bluntly.

"Agreed," I said. "At least the first few times should be with the adults around so that we can be there if one of them is having difficulties." And...if one family...the Campbells...tries brainwashing conversion therapy on someone, I can be there to intervene. Wonder if I can borrow that fire poker? I'll have to watch both Blake and Colin for that conversion stuff. Especially Colin. He's pretty susceptible to brainwashing. I mean he lets me have sex with him all the time when I suggest it.

"I think it's going to take time, and how we proceed forward will ultimately all hinge on whether or not Jimmy remembers and recognizes Blake. He may immediately know who he is and things will be a lot easier for him, or he may not remember, in which case we'd have to take additional time. Are we all in agreement on our next step?"

"We can agree to the visits in a neutral location for the first couple of visits," Charles said as we nodded. "As for anything beyond that, we have to stand by our original objection that child services not allow Jimmy to placed into a homosexual lifestyle. We'd rather see him in a third-party neutral setting than to permit such an upbringing. Nothing personal, you understand."

Nothing personal? Nothing personal? How does it get any more personal than that you homophobic bigot?

Colin laughed...and not a little laugh...he did it loudly. "That felt pretty personal. Please remember, these boys are biological siblings. No matter what happens down the road, they deserve to have a relationship with each other despite our differences. We will want to ensure that THAT is our final objective."

He keeps forgetting to suck it bitches! Can I PLEASE say it out loud now? PLEASE!

"I'd like to thank you all for taking the time meet. Colin and Justin, I think the next step is yours with Blake. Feel free to contact me if you need help from a social worker. Meanwhile, let's just continue as we are until we see how this next step plays out."

"Before we leave, we could throw out one last suggestion for you to consider," Charles said looking at his wife as we all stood up to end the meeting. "Let us adopt Blake as well. Keep all three boys together as brothers with us."

"We wouldn't consider that option at all, but because Blake is 14, we won't hide the idea from him when the time comes." Colin said bluntly. He took my hand, overemphasizing that we were a couple.

"I'll wait for you to tell Blake before we plan a time for the boys to get together. Meanwhile, we should all keep working on the best plan to reunite the boys," Colleen said. The Campbells stood up quickly. There was no pleasant handshake this time. I'm guessing our homosexual lifestyle might leak all over them. I might even consider wiping my `agenda' on their curtains if I go over to their house on a visit. I won't even tell you where I store my agenda when I go's my butt. I keep it in my butt...

Once they left, I turned to Colin. "Were you gripping my arm so I wouldn't kill them?"

"I was using your energy to prevent me from losing it," he said shaking his head.

"You weren't serious about giving Blake the option of being adopted by them, were you?"

"I don't think we should hide any possible options from him, but could you imagine turning him loose on that? I'd be tempted to let him stay there for a bit just to see the fireworks."

"You know...this might be our opportunity to trade Blake in," I joked.

Colleen just smiled. "I recommend treading carefully with the Campbells. They do have very strong beliefs and could stir a few things up to prevent this from moving forward as quickly as we'd like."

"I didn't say anything in front of them as I think things were heated enough, but I want to make it clear to you that we will never allow the Campbells to adopt Jimmy. Even if we have to stay in court until Jimmy is 18 to block it. Could they block us from getting Jimmy back with his brother?"

"Not on the grounds of sexual orientation, but they might try to find leverage to prove that you're unfit parents, or that your lifestyle is not conducive to raising a child. Would there be any aspect of your lifestyle that they could use against you in court to stop us placing John with you?"

"I doubt it," Colin replied quickly. "I mean we all have faults like any family, but being gay isn't one of them."

"There is something you should know in case it flares up at some point. It hadn't seemed important before now, but after this conversation, you probably should be aware of it. Both Layne and his Uncle Steve are gay. That's how I met them originally. Obviously, Charles and Vanessa have no idea as you can imagine, but if it does come to light, Layne could be in for some difficult times. He doesn't want them to know until he's old enough to move out on his own as he figures they'll disown him."

"Well, we'll never reveal that to them, but we'll certainly keep an eye out. Does Jimmy know this?"

"I think he's too young to understand it. They have very different rules between the two houses. Frankly with the boys spending six months a year at each house, I have no idea how they even keep the rules straight. No pun intended."

"Wait. What do you mean they spend six months of the year at each house?" Colin asked surprised.

"Sorry. I thought you were aware of their arrangement. I'm not looking to create problems. I just thought you needed to know that Layne was actually gay and hiding it from his parents."

"I get that, which is fine. He wouldn't be the first...or last boy to do so. What is the reason that they move between houses?"

"I think it's just for convenience. Charles and Vanessa travel a lot apparently, so when they're away, I guess it's easier to have the boys stay with Steve than go with them. Would be too difficult to pull them out of school, I suppose. If I understand correctly, they spend a few weeks or a month at time with their uncle while the Campbells travel."

"I'll have to look into that, but don't worry. I'll do it without revealing where I heard it, or their sexual orientation. But we approved Charles and Vanessa and foster parents, not the uncle. If he wants to have regular custody for extended periods, we'd have to vet him."

"I shouldn't have said anything. Sorry. I know Layne loves staying with his uncle as he has more freedom to be himself there. I wouldn't want anything to affect that."

"We have no jurisdiction to where or how Layne is raised if he's not in danger, which doesn't appear to be the case. We just have to make sure that their uncle has a suitable home for them."

"I'm sure it's fine," I nodded. Meanwhile, we'll make sure we don't have anything dangling out there that might be used against us in court."

"We agree. I recommend that you evaluate every part of your life for the next little while, and if anything could be construed as unacceptable to people as religious as the Campbells, you may want to tone it down or be cautious about how it might be perceived. No doubt they'll hire investigators to prove their case."

In my mind, I have no idea what we could change. I'm pretty sure we're fine. Skinny dipping, naked parties, group orgies, multiple sex partners for everyone. Blake not sure if he likes boys or girls yet and trying them out to see which might be of interest. Letting Blake drive cars at the speedway without a license? Nope, seems pretty normal to me. Maybe they mean the type of food we eat? Time to limit the pop and junk food, and maybe any movie with more than a 14A rating for now. I wonder if a private investigator could see our internet search history. I'm gonna have to clear all those sites that bash politics so that I don't look too controversial, politically. I think the porn sites are fine. Everyone looks at porn, even religious people. This was gonna take some work.

"We'll be sure to let everyone know to be on their best behaviour, right Justin?" He said grinning at me.

"Exactly. We'll hire a chef to ensure that we're serving wholesome meals from now on," I nodded. "Just a quick question. Would skinny dipping be good or bad in the pool?"

"Honestly, we don't care, but the less that the Campbells could use to tarnish your image, the less chance anyone will even hear their case."

"We'll stop by the tarnish cleaner warehouse and buy them out," Colin laughed. Colleen just smiled. I hope they're not referring to me. I'm not tarnished anywhere. I shower daily and use the bidet regularly. I know what you thought I was going to say I polish my knob regularly, but I'm more mature than that now.

She said she'd continue to keep us informed of the progress. We thanked her and left the office.

"There is one option we haven't explored," I said to Colin on the way back to the car.

"Which is?"

"Have Layne tell his parents he's gay. He already said that they'd throw him out. Problem solved. We'd offer to take Layne in so he and Jimmy could stay together as brothers, and WE would have all three boys instead of those assholes. Let them live their lives in the bigot fog."

"You really want that drama?"

"No. It's just fun to think about kicking them in the nuts and watching them crumble as they lose everything due to their Neanderthal opinions. Ohhh..wait!!" I said jumping around in front of him excitedly. "I have it!"

"Well don't give it to me," he grinned. "You know you're a drama queen, right?"

"With a tiara!! I have the complete solution to all of this. You're an American, so you could buy Layne as a slave. He'd be a foreigner, so in one part of the bible they allow that, or I'm pretty sure it even says you can buy foreign children. Either option works. I dunno how much a 16-year-old goes for, but we could make an offer."

"For a guy who doesn't believe in religion, you sure know a lot about it."

"Just the parts they like to ignore when they spout homophobic shit at us. You gotta fight fire with fire. Which actually is pretty stupid because that just gives you a bigger fire. You really should fight fire with water, or foam. Just saying. Not all quotes should be obeyed."

Once back in the car, Colin turned to look at me. "You know what all this means, right?"

"Yeah, all too well. It means that you're gonna have to be careful about how you dress for work from now on. Shit, the other day, you had black shoes and a brown belt. What the hell were you thinking? That would tarnish our image to the point we might never recover."

"Funny. It means we're going to have to tell everyone what is going on and adjust our activities around the house to avoid a scandal."

"I know. What would the society pages say?" I chuckled, trying to downplay this. "It's a good point though. I'll also have to deal with Layne before the boys meet. He's been over to the house several times now, and I found out the other day, that Blake's been over to their house. Fortunately Charles and Vanessa weren't home so they never met him."

"We need to bring that to a stop. If the Campbells find out their real son is hanging out with us, it could create some real controversy," Colin replied.

"Wonder how much controversy it'd cause if they knew their kid was a little power bottom?"

"I'd say it'd be a shit storm, to put it mildly. I'm sure they'd blame us for it, and not only would it affect Blake getting his brother back; people like the Campbells might even try to sue us for corrupting their son."

"We could counter sue for the Uncle corrupting me."

"We'd lose," Colin laughed. "I think the first thing we do is tell everyone else what is going on...without Blake present. Then we'll let Blake know about John. That is NOT going to be a fun conversation. Thank god he's 14 now and not 10. Hopefully the added maturity will help him deal."

"We can only hope," I said honestly, feeling like I might need to hurl. I think I'm having one of Darcy's panic attacks. While we look up how much you're supposed to pay for a foreign slave, I'll see if there's any advice on how to tell your kid about a long-lost brother, who was assumed dead. I am not looking forward to that, but I suppose the sooner we do it the better. I have to debate whether it'll be better to be drunk or stoned when I tell him.

End of Chapter.

Comments, feedback and ideas still welcome at Get announcements about new chapters on Twitter. @outinwest. Watch for new stories and chapters, including the behind the scenes series of the Society boys called Society on the Side. Lots more ahead soon, but right now I need a Valium to prepare to tell Blake about John...

Next: Chapter 179

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