The Society Boys

By Dave

Published on Dec 22, 2014


The Society Boys By Connor Matthews

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Chapter 148

I inched my way to the door as the car pulled up and she got out and came to meet me. I was preparing myself for the worst and had my phone handy in case I needed to call our lawyer and Colin and the rest of the force available to protect Blake.

"Jason or Justin?" She asked as she approached. "I'm sorry but I can never tell you apart."

"Don't worry, neither can we," I joked nervously. "That's why I write my name on my underwear."

"Sorry to come over at this hour, but I have something important I wanted to talk to you all about and figured it should be in person," I gulped and invited her in.

"Everyone's just downstairs with the kids. I'll call them." But before I could do anything, James rushed past us and ran downstairs at full tilt.

"James!! I told you to wait in the car," Colleen yelled as she ran after him and I ran after both of them. As we headed down the stairs I was about to say something, but it was too late. Everyone was in the pool area, and as James entered, the twins were on the deck and saw him immediately. They ran up to hug him tightly getting him all wet. Jason and Colin were on a lounge chair with Alex and Kyle in the pool. Blake saw James and climbed out to run over to him as well.

"Come on James, help me drown Uncle Alex and Kyle," he said casually. Everyone was naked and I tried to smile to myself, as Colleen obviously hadn't been expecting it, and was trying to find a place to look that didn't have a naked guy in her line of sight. I figured that was now the nail in the coffin for us.

Jason looked over and rapidly went straight for a towel across the deck, but it was already too late, she had seen everything. "Awkward," he said as he wrapped a towel around himself and threw one to Colin. "Sorry about that, we weren't expecting company."

"No problem. I shouldn't have run down after James," she admitted trying her best to be professional and ignore the fact that everyone was showing off their best birthday suit. James had already undressed down to his underwear and jumped in the pool without waiting for permission. "I came over to speak to Alex and Jason if you have a moment."

What? Did she say she came to talk to Jason and Alex? Not me and Colin with an arrest warrant, or custody order, or whatever they do with kids they're kidnapping. Jason took a towel over to Alex, and Colleen turned away as he got out of the water. As if it mattered now. She'd pretty much seen everyone else, and of course if she'd seen Jason, she'd seen me too. It was a little embarrassing that Jason had pool penis. The least he could have done is fluff it up to make us look better. He's so inconsiderate sometimes. Now she's gonna think I have a small dick and how can that be good for my rep? Jason and Alex dressed, as did Colin. Kyle volunteered to look after the kids as we all went upstairs.

"I don't want to take up much of your time, and I'll get right to the point," she said as we sat in the living room. "I could have waited until morning, but thought you'd want to hear. We've been given the green light to place James with you. Looks like whatever legal trouble you had is behind you and has been removed from the system, so your status as foster parents has been restored."

"That's great news," Jason said. "James will be thrilled to be back with his brothers. When can he move in?"

"Right now if you want him. We told him of the change and asked if he'd like to live here. He didn't hesitate to say yes. If you need time to make preparations, I can bring him back in a day or two if you'd prefer."

"No, we're ready for him. The room is set up awaiting his eventual arrival," Jason said excitedly. I felt a huge wave of relief wash over me. "I do have one question though. He seems pretty opinionated about the fact we're gay. Will that be a problem if he decides to act out against us? We have to make sure the rest of the family is safe with him around."

"We can offer the services of a child psychologist if you think he needs it, but from past experiences, I find that children his age and younger haven't developed their true beliefs yet. If you just treat him normally like everyone else, he should come around. I won't say it'll be easy, but if I were you, I'd just show him that you love him like he was your own. You all did really well with Blake, and the twins seem happy. I'm sure James will come around once he realizes that he's safe and has a good home."

"Thanks," Jason said.

Colin was the pragmatic one (`pragmatic' was next on my word of the day app). "Who are you placing him with Jason and Alex, or Justin and myself?"

"That's the other good news. Because of the circumstances and the twins being your real sons, we can place James with Jason and Alex directly. We have done a quick background check on both of you and found no reason why you can't be his guardians. After a standard amount of time to ensure no other living relatives, you will be allowed to adopt him if you want."

Jason hugged Alex and replied. "We'd definitely want, and thank you. It'll be good for the twins to have their brother back with them."

"Does he know?" Alex asked.

"Yes, but I told him that we were just coming over for a short visit tonight. He has no idea that he can stay once you agreed."

At that moment, Blake came running into the living room excitedly, naked, wet and dripping water. "Is it true?" He said excitedly. "James is gonna live with us?"

"Yes, and go wrap a towel around yourself. We have company and you're getting water everywhere," I told him.

"Sweet!" he said jumping up and down. Probably not the best thing to do when you're naked in front of everyone as things flop around when you do that. "When is he coming to stay? I'm gonna go call Cory. We have another brother." He was jumping around like a crazy man.

"Blake! Towel! Now! And call Cory in the morning, not tonight." I said. He stuck out his tongue at me and ran back downstairs, leaving his wet footprints behind. "Sorry about him. What was that you were saying about how we did a good job with him?"

"No problem. I have a kid brother that was just like him when he was younger so it brings back memories. Should we let James know?"

"I'll go down first to make sure everyone is decent," Colin said.

"A little late for that," Jason grinned and glared at me. Colleen smiled as well. It wasn't my fault they all got caught with their dicks out. I'm just thankful nothing else was going on down there, but it never would with the twins around. We try not to do anything when Blake is around either, but he just keeps popping up like an unwanted zit; as if he knows we're having sex. We talked for a couple minutes until Colin returned giving us the all clear. When we got back to the pool level everyone was out of the water wrapped in towels sitting on the lounge chairs. The twins were almost smothering their brother with questions and telling him all the things they had done. He must have been used to it as he was talking back to both of them, easily carrying on two conversations at once.

"Trevor, Travis," Colleen began. "How would you like your big brother to live with you again?"

They both nodded and cheered excitedly as they turned to look at her.

"Well, good news. He's all yours. James, if you want to move in with your brothers, and have Jason and Alex as your fathers, you can stay immediately."

The whole place seemed to erupt in yelling and jumping around. The twins were excited, James was excited. Blake, who is always excited, was even more animated.

"So, does that mean you want to stay?" Colleen asked when we could get their attention again.

"Yes. I want to stay," he said formally as he looked directly at her.

"Will you behave for Jason and Alex?"

"I'm 7. I always behave," he said. "and I'll make sure everyone else behaves."

I tried not to laugh. I'd heard that from Blake and we know it changes as they get more comfortable.

"Do you want to stay tonight and we can bring all your things over in the morning, or would you like to go back to the group home, and come back and start fresh tomorrow," she asked unnecessarily, as we were all sure of the answer.

"I'm staying," he said as he sat down beside his brothers who climbed all over him.

"Then it's settled. This is your new home. Jason, Alex, I'll come by in the morning with the paperwork and his things. If you need anything, you know how to reach me and we'll go over the fostering rules tomorrow. For now, I'll leave you alone."

"Thank you so much," Jason said as he and Alex shook her hand. "Sorry about the whole naked thing."

"Don't be. Nothing wrong with it. I'm the one who should apologize for rushing down without warning. I'll see you tomorrow morning at 9am."

"Perfect, we'll be expecting you and have clothes on," Jason smiled.

He and Alex walked her to the door after she said goodbye to James and the twins.

I looked at Colin and smiled. "Are you ready for this?"

"As ready as it gets. Just means we'll get their house built even faster now."

It took about 15 seconds for James to take control and tell his brothers to go get clothes on as it was their bedtime. "I'm here to protect you again," he said as his brothers hugged him. It was so great to see them with him. Blake was also exuberant, and didn't seem to notice James shutting him out at the moment. I hoped that would change once James settled in, but Blake was just too excited to have another he called them. The fact they were cousins was totally lost on him.

Jason and Alex took their boys up to the room, and as Blake went to follow, I grabbed him by the arm gently. "Let them have time by themselves, Blake. It's James' first night back with his brothers."

"I know. I was going to make him feel welcome. We could all sleep in the same room and get to know each other," he said sweetly.

"Not tonight buddy. Your Uncles need time with their sons for a bit," I said.

Kyle came over to Blake and put his arm around him. "Sleep in my room tonight if you want. We'll have `dude' time."

"Cool! Later Dads. Me and Kyle are gonna go have some dude time!" He parroted as they both headed downstairs to play foosball. I went back upstairs with Colin as I still had homework to do. He lay on the couch with his legs over mine as I talked about some of the behavioral disorder things I was learning.

"Doesn't it bother you that you have all those disorders?" He laughed.

"So I understand them better...and I DO NOT have behavioral disorders," I said emphatically as I reached up for his crotch and rubbed his package through the underwear. "You want our own `dude time'?"

He laughed. "I'm pretty sure that disorder is in chapter 4. Never let it be said that you're not a romantic though."

"I know, right!" I wondered if that was a yes or no to dude time.

In the morning, everything was almost was normal as we sat for breakfast with our latest addition to the family. I noticed that James and the twins were in pyjamas, and the twins were obviously really happy to have their big brother back. Blake was once again sticking close to Kyle and it never ceased to amaze me at just how attached they were becoming, despite the odd flare up between them. Just like real brothers. Blake was even dressing like Kyle and loved being given a ride to school on the motorcycle. That could get complicated if he tried to match what he was wearing to both Kyle and the bike. This morning both of them were just in their boxer briefs. Our newly enlarged family was getting along on their first morning and James had been civil to everyone so far.

As I strolled into class later, I decided to focus on learning for once and put anything sexual out of my mind. Nate came and sat next to me grinning from ear to ear. He handed his phone over. "Press play." I hit the button and smiled as I saw him having sex with the two girls.

"They came through with their promise huh? Every straight boys dream," I said congratulating him as I patted him on the shoulder. So much for putting sex out of my head. What did that last, 13 seconds?

"Yeah, all weekend long dude. All weekend long. I was gonna show you yesterday, but you were a no-show. Were you sick or something?"

"Nah, we stayed an extra day in Whistler," I said as I kept watching the video.

"My dick is so sore, I almost have to wrap it in cotton just so it doesn't rub against my underwear. I may never be able to use it again, but it was AWESOME!!!"

"Does that mean I'm out?" I said faking a pout.

"I promise to we'll still hang out and I'll even let you give me head once in a while," he smiled casually.

"You'll let me huh? I'll think about it. I'm pretty picky about who I blow," I said looking back at the video as if I wasn't interested in him. "Did you tape the whole thing?"

"A lot of it. Pretty much used up all my memory card. But dude it was epic. I can't even tell you how much we did. It was a full on three-way with everyone doing everyone. Girl on girl, girls on boy, boy on girls, girls finger in boy...not as much fun, showers, ice cream and don't even ask me what those kinky chicks did with the radishes. I may never think of one the same again."

"Wish I'd been there," I grinned. I've never seen a radish used any way other than in a salad.

"Yeah, you'd have had fun dude. Those chicks must have been on something as they never stopped. Every time one of them took a break the other continued the action. It would have been nice to have someone to tag out with for a few minutes."

"Dude, if I'd been there, it would have been two chicks and one homo doing you all weekend. You'd probably be dead now."

"Oh right, I forgot. I was gonna invite my friend down from upstairs, but I quickly realized I didn't want to," he laughed as he took back his phone.

"Hey, I was still watching that," I complained with a smile. "I want to see more of you in action. Straight boy gone wild."

"Later. Plus I think you've seen enough of me in action. Christ before I met you I was a normal straight boy. Now look at me."

"I know! You're way more interesting now," I chuckled as I tried to get the phone back to see him fucking. I was going to have to make a pit stop between classes now to relieve the pressure.

"What are you and the guys doing later?"

"No plans why? Thought maybe we could all go catch a movie or something."

"Sure, sounds like a plan. Which one?"

"I want to see the New Hunger Games."

"We're in."

We made plans at lunch to meet downtown at 8:30, and since everyone was going, we agreed we should get there early so we could all sit together. When I got home, I was shocked to see how much work had already been done on the property next door. Big machines were on the lot and the foundation was already being poured. I guess when Colin gets his mind set on something, he just gets to it. Usually I get an idea, see a cute boy and forget what my idea was. Then I get another idea, get horny and forget again. Colin seems to be able to do a dozen things at once and still have time to be horny with me. He was so amazing. No wonder he was super rich. Every time I see all the things he can do, I realize I should probably step up my game so that I don't lose him. I feel like a kid around him sometimes. I gotta take the bull by the balls...or is it horns? Life by the balls, bull by the horns...right, got it!

At dinner, I mentioned that a group of us were going to the movies and J.P. and Ryan said they would go, since their only plans were to hang out with us anyway tonight. Jason and Alex were going to stay home with the boys since they were still bonding with James, plus it wasn't a movie appropriate for the younger kids. A film in which you offer up kids to be killed isn't really appropriate for anyone. I still don't understand the appeal of this. Offer up the old people. Older than 30, not Blake's definition of old.

"Can I go to the movie after Scouts?" Blake asked. I thought it might be a bit late for him since it was a school night, but we agreed regardless. The rest of the guys headed to the theatre when it was time, and I picked Blake up in the `Batmobile' as he continued to refer to it. It seemed as if all of the Scouts were gathered around the car and short of running them all over, it looked like it was going to take a while to get away.

"Dudes we have to jet. I'm going to the Hunger Games. You can come over to the house another day and see all the cars." We blasted out of there as if we were rocket powered. All we needed was the flames out of the back and we'd be the total package. "Can I have the whole Troop over one day, Dad? They can go swimming and maybe even campout like we did before."

"Sounds like it would be fun. Sure, but why not wait until the new house is done and we have the bigger pool. Colin liked your idea of making it salt water, so we're going to do that when we build it."

"Sweet. Then I can show them all the cars. Will the underground car parking be done by then?"

"I think so. Colin was going to have it all done at once." He sat back with a huge grin on his face. He looked so cute with his uniform, blonde hair and hoop earring. Now all we have to do is keep him from growing up too fast. We got to the theatre with plenty of time to spare. Those who didn't know each other were introduced and several made the comments about J.P. and I looking so much alike. They also told Blake how hot he looked in his uniform and he explained some of his badges. They also commented on his earring which he proudly showed off.

"I was going to get a tattoo, but I have to wait until I'm older. Colin said I could get one on my penis that says stand back.' Then when I get an erection you'd see the rest of it which says stand back, we have no idea how big this thing gets.' They all laughed with him which might have been a mistake as no doubt he believed himself to be the centre of attention. The girls also commented about his curly hair and told him how adorable he was. He started up with his jokes and puns, and pretty much kept everyone entertained until it was time to go into the theatre. Blake could get a job as the pre-show. Kyle sat between his two boyfriends, which I think pissed Blake off a little, but he sat next to Linda who was paying lots of attention to him. The three straight boys, Nate, Kent and Rory sat together and I was beside Rory with Colin next to me. I don't think there was any planned order, but we basically took up a whole row and had bought so much junk food that you could have fed a small country. A lot of it was being passed along the row and back, especially things like the Twizzlers. Blake was enjoying being treated like one of the gang and was definitely the youngest one in the theatre. Part way through the movie, I decided to have some fun, so I snuck my hand over to Rory's lap and let my finger touch the side of his crotch where I thought his penis was. He shot me a quick look and then almost as fast, looked over to Kent and Nate in case they'd seen what I was doing. You can tell within a few seconds how things will go when you do that. Either they remove your hand quickly to let you know in no uncertain terms that they're not interested, in which case you don't pursue it, or they look around to see who else might be watching, but leave your hand. Rory did the latter. I smiled as he strategically held the big bucket of popcorn over his lap. Not on his lap, but over it to hide my actions from his friend on the other side. In my mind I now had the green light to strip him naked and fuck his brains out, but first things first. I moved my hand more firmly over his crotch and rubbed it so he could truly feel my hand. He was so focused on what I was doing, he almost jumped out of his skin when Kent reached over and took popcorn from the bucket. I just stared straight ahead at the movie. Once I felt his bulge harden, I smiled to myself and moved my fingers to pop the button on his jeans. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him look at me quickly, probably debating on whether to stop me or not. I just ignored him and went on watching the show. I was going to lower his zipper and go inside, but he was wearing button fly jeans which was even better as there would be no zipper noise. I slowly popped one at a time until they were fully open. I sat up in my chair a little to get a better position. My heart was beating hard as a result of the forbidden excitement that was taking place. I slid my hand inside to cup his package through his underwear, and he was rock hard and throbbing. I smiled to myself. This wasn't going to take long. I just hope he had remembered the napkins. Neither of us were acknowledging what was going on, but I could feel Rory's nervousness as I rubbed his cock and squeezed the tip. His balls felt so amazing bound in his underwear, like a nice smooth orange. I moved my hand to the waistband and wiggled my fingers under it. He moved the popcorn bucket in tighter so that Kent on the other side wouldn't be able to see anything. I pulled his cock free and pushed my hand the rest of the way in so that I was cupping his balls. His cock was riding the length of my palm up to my wrist. I just gently rubbed him and played with his cock. We weren't in a hurry and I wanted him to be crazy horny by the time I took him over the edge. His balls needed a good shaving and I made a note to myself to travel with a grooming kit. I'd add it to my emergency sex kit, which so far is a bottle of lube and a pocket pack of tissues. I could feel him leaking precum all over my arm so I used that to help jerk him off. The more I lubed him up, the more he leaked. We were going to need hip waders if he kept this up. I took a firm hold of his cock and stroked the full length of him slowly so that we didn't attract attention. It really was surprising how fast he reacted. The boy mustn't get laid at all. He tapped my forearm rapidly as I jerked him off and I smiled to myself. This was the international warning sign that he's about to cum. He rapidly tapped my arm again. I let go of his cock and switched to my other hand. It would be a little more obvious if anyone was watching us, but the last thing we needed was him jettisoning his jizz up over his head and all over his shirt. I aimed the tip of his cock into my cupped palm and gave him a few more rapid strokes. He gripped the seat and tried not to make a sound as he unloaded a massive wad of cum. I couldn't even take it all and some spilled onto his bare hip. Once he was done I let go and he quickly put his cock away. I, meanwhile, had a handful of warm cum to deal with. I grabbed a piece of popcorn from the bucket over Rory's lap, dipped it in the cum and ate it, then animatedly licked my lips. I knew the straight boy was watching so it made it that much more entertaining. If I ever start a gay movie theatre, this will definitely be one of the available flavours for the popcorn. I took another piece and dipped it again and offered it to Rory. He scrunched up his nose and mouth and shook his head in disgust. I shrugged and ate that as well. Then I reached for the napkins and wiped the rest of the cum off my hand. My job here was done and I went back to watching the movie.

Colin leaned over and whispered right into my ear. "I'm surprised you didn't just get on your knees and have him fuck you."

"Oh, you saw that huh?" I grinned as I returned the whisper to his ear. "I didn't think he'd go for a full on fuck in the aisle, or do you know something that I don't?"

"Another straight boy falls to the power of the Justin charm."

I grinned. "You're next. You want it to sit on my lap on kneel on the floor?"

"I think we can do better than that when we get home," he grinned and put his hand on my crotch, which was also rock hard. I thought I might be getting a handjob, but instead he just moved his hand to take hold of mine for the rest of the movie. I didn't know if he was being romantic or just trying to prevent me from jerking anyone else off. Once the show was over, a few of the guys including Rory, headed for the bathroom, while the rest of us waited. Blake had gone to pee with them and was talking nonstop to Nate about each part of the movie he liked. When they came out, he was still talking to him. Knowing Blake, he'd talked the whole time they were taking a leak.

Linda and Robyn volunteered to take Nate home and I was pretty sure I saw the front of his jeans expand significantly. I'll be looking forward to the play by play in the morning...or maybe it's a blow by blow.

J.P. and Ryan invited Tripp, Dickson and Kyle back to the penthouse, leaving Colin and I to take Blake home, while the straight boys headed off on their own. Rory had avoided looking at me the whole time. I'm guessing that's in case I gave anything away that might embarrass him, or perhaps it would just get him horny again and he'd want to fuck. I know he wants me. Straight, gay, bi, chicks, they all do; I'm just that fabulous. Blake continued talking about the movie and I added duct tape to my list of things I should always carry. He was so wound up that we'd be lucky if we could get him to sleep anytime soon. I was thinking of pumping marijuana into his room through the air vents.

"Okay Blake, bed!" I said as it was well after midnight and he had school tomorrow. We headed upstairs and he followed us to our room. "Nice try. Your bed."

"That's no fun. We can tell ghost stories and stuff like we're at Scout camp."

"Or you can go to bed and sleep so you wake up for school in the morning."

"I might need a personal day," he smiled.

"You had a personal day on Monday. That's your limit. Remember if you don't end up on the nice list Santa won't bring you any presents."

"Oh, as if that'll work. I keep telling you I'm almost a teenager, not 4. I know you guys make the list, and I'm always on the super cute list."

I pushed the side of his head. "Just go to bed!" I grinned.

"Okay, good night, Dads."

We both kissed him and he bounced off to his room. No doubt he wouldn't sleep for a while, and we'd basically have to beat him awake in the morning. Colin and I headed to bed and made out. I got an awesome rimming before being fucked hard. By the time we were done, I was definitely spent and ready for sleep.

I think we all felt as tired as Jason and Alex looked when we arrived in the kitchen in the morning. James was dressed ready for school and the twins were half dressed tearing around like they had been put on fast forward. Jason and Alex looked absolutely exhausted. I made a note to contact Malcolm about being a manny for us and helping out around here. Dump the kids on him, and I could go clubbing with Colin and my brothers and friends before I got too old to do any of it. Of course once Blake got old enough to hit the clubs, this would be a lot easier.

I looked around at the guys at the table and frowned. "What's that noise?" I asked out loud. The rest of them went quiet and listened. It was like a low humming noise. Kyle was trying hard not to break out hysterically. I listened closer and moved towards Blake. "Is it coming from you?"

"What?" he asked innocently.

"That buzzing noise."

"Oh. Yeah, it's a toy that Kyle gave me," he said as he ate breakfast without blinking.

"Is it supposed to make that noise?"

"I think so." He leaned over and whispered quietly in my ear. "You put it in your bum and it makes it all tingly."

I think my eyes gave it away as Kyle broke out laughing almost uncontrollably. That in turn caused the twins to start laughing at Kyle's antics, and before long the whole room was laughing, although none of them knew the reason why. I took Blake aside.

"You gotta take that out buddy. It's not something to leave in your butt. It's kinda something that helps you masturbate and then you remove it." God, what am I saying? He shouldn't have a butt plug in the first place. I really would like to find a way to rewind Blake back to the time before sex. But like they say once you let the genie out of the bottle you can't put it back in there. Or in the case of a gay guy, once you let the jizz out of the penis...

"Why not? It's totally fun. You wanna try it?"

"No, I'm good thanks. Just go take it out and turn it off."

"It uses a lot of batteries. It only lasts like 4 hours and then you gotta replace them. You know what's weird Dad? It keeps my penis hard and makes it sperm without me even touching myself."

"Got it. Trust me I know how they work," I assured him.

"Do you use one? Wanna try mine?"

"None of your business, and no I don't want to try yours. Just take it out and turn it off." He unfastened his pants in front of me. "In your bedroom, dude. Not here." He shrugged and ran upstairs vibrating the whole way. I went back in the kitchen and swatted Kyle on the back of the head. "What were you thinking? He'd have worn the damn thing to school."

"Sorry," he said still laughing. "He caught me using it once and wanted to know what it was so I explained it, and told him the proper way to use it and he took off with it. I forgot he had it. I'll be more careful next time. Just think though. If he's happy with that, he'll forget about the real thing. Maybe it's just the diversion he needs."

"I'll look that up in the parenting manual. Give your boy a vibrating toy to prevent him from wanting sex." I wondered if that was in the behavioral disorder chapter or the `what not to do as a responsible parent' section. "Just a good thing we caught it. I can just see that call from the school."

James rounded up the twins and herded them back upstairs to get dressed. I looked over at Jason and Alex. "How's it going over there?" I grinned.

"Let's just say it's nothing that a full day of sleep wouldn't cure. James is pretty much standing between us and the twins. He is making it clear that he's in charge of them and tries to circumvent everything we are doing. He told both of us that we're not his Dad and the twins are his brothers and he'll look after them. It's too bad that his mother messed him up so bad. We're hoping he relaxes and learns to be a kid again. Even bath time is turning into a world war. We put the twins in the bath and he's right there to make sure they are okay and almost pushes us aside when we go to wash them. When he uses the bathroom, he knows he's supposed to leave the door unlocked in case he needs help, but he locks it anyway. He's a tough kid and I hope he calms down soon. Like last night, Trevor came into our room and crawled into bed, followed minutes later by Travis. They had just settled down when James came in and pulled them both back to their room and said they could sleep with him instead. They were unhappy but did as James told them."

"Wow, sounds like a rough start. You need to hit the medicinal garden," I said referring to the pot down the yard.

"Believe me, we're thinking about it," Alex grinned.

Blake bounced back down the stairs with a smile. I looked at him carefully. "Is that toy in your room?"

"Yes. I did what you said."

"Do I need to check to make sure you're not lying to me?" I asked just to keep him honest and on his toes.

"You can if you want, but I promise I don't have it on me."

"Okay, good. It would only cause unwanted problems if you took that to school."

"Uncle Jason, can you tell James to stay out of my room please. He keeps taking my stuff and I have to go and get it back."

"Sure, I'll talk to him. What's he taking?" Jason said.

"Just toys and things like that, but he always takes stuff I'm playing with. If he needs some toys, we should go buy them for him or he could just ask and I could give him some. I have lots."

"He shouldn't take your things without asking," Jason told him. "I'll speak to him. My guess is that he's trying to find a way to bond with you as his brother, and maybe doesn't know how since he's never had an older brother before."

"Yeah, I guess. But he's kinda mean. He told me to leave the twins alone. Do I have to Uncle Jason? I like playing with them."

"No, you don't have to. We're all family and once he learns that, I'm sure he'll be better," Jason assured him as he looked at Colin and I apologetically.

Maybe when their house next door was finished, it would be better. It was moving fast over there. The first walls were already going up. I felt like grabbing a drink and sitting on the deck to watch them build it. Without commercials, this thing could be built faster than an Extreme Makeover House. I was fascinated by the size of the massive hole being dug in the front yard though. They were digging under our yard, and although I couldn't see how far they had gone, it was looking like a complicated procedure as there was a lot of guys coming and going out of the ground. I'm going to have to make a point of going over to have a look.

The next day I arranged for Malcolm to come over for dinner. I figured it would be a good time for him to meet everyone and see our family in action.

"Well that didn't last long," Kyle said as he came in the house after putting his bike away and bringing Blake home.

"What didn't?" I asked, looking at him curiously as I was getting something to drink.

"Tripp & Dickson. We broke up. Dickson wasn't into the three-way thing and Tripp wanted to keep playing around with others. We're still friends, just not boyfriends. Do you think it's me? Why can't I keep a boyfriend?"

"Ummm, maybe try just one at a time for a change. God, Kyle, you're so hot I'll bet once everyone knows your single they'll be lining up."

"I'll be your boyfriend, Kyle," Blake offered.

"Thanks buddy. That's awesome to hear," he said to him and then looked at me. "I dunno. I'm kinda feeling like people don't really want to know me. They just want sex." I air slapped his face back and forth several times.

"Pull yourself together man. You're hysterical. You're not thinking clearly! Sex first, relationships second. Have I taught you nothing young Skywalker?"

"That's easy for you to say. You have the triplet thing going for you, AND you're married."

"You're too young for a mid-life crisis," I scolded with a smirk. "You got tons of time to find someone to settle down with. Do you really want a boyfriend anyway or just play around with everyone?"

"I should look for a boyfriend that's into playing with others when we're together, but maybe not like a boyfriend that wants a three-way relationship this time."

"So exactly the same, only different," I smiled.

"I like playing with others," Blake offered again. "You could play with me and Cory and James and the twins. So I'd be the perfect boyfriend, right?"

"You're the perfect brother, Blake, and once you're older you'll be the perfect boyfriend for someone."

"Let me guess...when I'm 16, right?"

"Right," Kyle said giving a side hug as he pulled Blake against him.

"Okay, but if I'm taken by then, you can only blame yourself," he teased.

"I know, but the good news is that no matter what, you'll be my brother for the rest of our lives."

"Cool. That's epic sic, bro!" He said as he ran off to his room.

"Yep, it's epic sic," I said with a big cheesy grin. "So do you need break up sex? I could use a good fuck right about now if you're up for it."

"Definitely! My room?" He said as he took my hand and we raced upstairs. He took me doggy style and it didn't take much before we were both rewarded for our efforts. I still love quick spontaneous sex sessions. We were up, boned, and back in the kitchen in less than 15 minutes.

Jason and his new family returned from their day out and explained that they had gone and signed the papers with Colleen, gotten all James' stuff, and then gone shopping for things that the boys needed.

"Then we got ice cream," Travis said happily. "I like stwawbewwy and Twevor likes pumpkin."

"Pumpkin ice cream?" I said looking at Jason.

"What can I tell you, he likes pumpkin," he said shrugging his shoulders.

I added that to my behavior disorder notes. Malcolm showed up just before dinner and we introduced him around. Troy and `Marvin' had joined us as well. They had been a rare sighting lately as they became busy with their own lives and planning the trip to California, so it was nice to have everyone together. Blake made a point of telling everyone that Malcolm was the waiter from the hotel and that we had met while out shopping. He stopped short of saying anything else that could be embarrassing. During dinner, Alex and Jason asked Malcolm a lot of questions about his future and how he knew he liked dealing with kids. We all watched his initial interaction with the boys and he seemed genuinely interested in them and they seemed to like him too. The one that took the most interest was James, who after dinner took him by the hand to show him around the house with the twins following. Blake, not wanting to be left out went along as well. The pied piper had his following. I had to admit that James was one person I hadn't expected to be receptive. Strange how it works. He was pretty cold and sometimes almost abusive towards the rest of us, but he seemed to open up to Malcolm. I think it may have helped that Malcolm talked about girls a few times when asked. When they came down from upstairs, everyone was dressed in swim shorts.

"I gave Malcom a pair of your shorts, Dad," Blake explained "and he changed in your room. Hope that's okay?"

"Sure, of course. I take it you're going swimming?"

"No, we're going to go dragon hunting and thought we'd get rid of our clothes in case they got ripped," he said sarcastically. "Justin is `Captain Obvious' of the family," he told Malcolm. I chose to ignore that comment as it seemed rude. I know what you're thinking, that should be obvious...

Since they were going to the pool, we ran and got our shorts as well. I'm not sure why we were wearing clothes to swim, but since the boys had started it, we followed their lead. This could have been because Malcolm was here, or it could have been a James influence, either way we honored the dress code of the day. I found out later from Blake that it was James' idea as he said that they would not swim naked. Not much of a surprise. We watched Malcolm with the boys as we all hung out in the pool area. I showed him the foam area, as well as the steam room and sauna which we hardly used. Normally once anyone hits the foam, they rarely go into the other rooms. I don't even know why we had them. I'd almost forgotten they existed. Malcolm said he loved to use a steam room and then dry off in a nice hot sauna. I added that to my other notes.

"I never go in there," Blake said quickly. "It's way too hot. I almost burnt my back on the wood in the sauna last time. I like the bubble room though. We can go in there anytime." The twins agreed and jumped around as they yelled about bubbles. We turned them on a little so they could play in them. This was a whole new use of this room. It wasn't about getting everyone lubed up for sex, it was just so the kids could pile bubbles on each others heads, make fake beards and hats with them and slide around on the floor. The good news is that it didn't take many bubbles to make them happy, just a small layer on the floor. I think having the foam piled to the ceiling might have been a little scary for them.

Blake quizzed Malcolm on whether or not he'd ever gone swimming without his swimsuit. "You mean skinny dipping?" He asked. "No, I haven't."

"We always skinny dip here, Blake told him. "Except when girls are over. But tonight since you're new and James is new too, we're wearing swimsuits. Wanna try it?"

"Maybe another time," Malcolm told him politely.

"It's okay `cause we're all boys. We aren't shy or anything."

"That's good to hear," Malcolm smiled.

"I'm almost 13 so I've got hair and stuff down in my private area, and everyone says I have a big penis, although I hope I'm still gonna grow lots," Blake said candidly. I don't know how he considered it a private area when more people had seen it than not seen it.

"Okay, Blake. Not an appropriate subject for tonight. We're just having family time right now," I warned him.

"I know, but I just thought I'd tell him so he won't be surprised if he sees us all without our clothes if he comes over again."

"I'm sure he knows that, but thanks for the heads up. I think the twins are ready to head downstairs to the playroom, why don't you join them?"

"Oh, okay. I get it. You want me out of the way so you can have adult time," he said lowering his voice. "I already know everything anyway and I promise I won't get in the way. I'll just stay quiet and watch, okay?"

"Blake, just go downstairs, and no nothing is going to happen up here that you're going to miss."

"Yeah right. I know you guys," he grinned. As he got up out of the water he was already sporting a boner. That kid is worse than me. Just one idea in his head and he's erect. I would get him some medication for that, but I'd worry that Colin and the guys would make me take it as well.

Troy and `Marvin' volunteered to look after the kids downstairs in the playroom. James and Blake vanished through the tunnel slide and the twins stood at the top looking through the hole. They were still a little small to go down by themselves, and the tunnel wasn't really big enough to have them down on a lap or anything, so they went down the stairs. Once they were gone, we got down to business. No, we didn't strip Malcolm and take turns on him, I mean we got down to real business.

"So Malcolm, what do you think?" Jason asked.

"Of what?"

"Of the kids. They're a handful aren't they?"

"Are you kidding? They're great. I've met Blake a few times now and he gets more interesting each time. He seems so much older than his years. I don't remember being like that at 12. The twins are adorable and James is certainly a protective big brother. At least they have tons of things to do around this house. Hell if I were a kid, I'd love growing up here."

"It's only going to get better as well, as we're building another house next door for Jason and Alex and their family. Blake, Colin, Kyle, Troy and me will be on this side. But the houses will connect so it'll be like one giant place for them."

"Wow. As if you need more space."

"The kids are most excited about the waterslide and bowling alley," Alex told him.

"They're not the only ones," Kyle admitted.

"I can imagine," Malcolm smiled.

"So you said you were going to be a teacher and go into early childhood services," I said starting the progression to why we had really called him over.

"Yep, that's the goal," he smiled.

"And you remember what you recommended we needed around here when you saw Blake and me at the mall?"

"What, you mean a Manny?" He smiled.

"Exactly. How would you like to be hired as the boy's Manny?"


"Seriously," I confirmed, with Alex and Jason nodding. "We obviously need someone around here and if it would help you with your education as well, it's a win win for all of us."

"I dunno. That's a huge job. Are you sure I'd be up for it? I mean shouldn't you have someone more experienced?"

"What better way to get experience than to hand you four kids, sometimes five, and say do it. Plus there's all of us around most of the time. It's not like you'd be alone with them for long. Blake and James go to school. So it's just the twins during the day. We just need someone that can handle things when our schedules get crazy."

"So I'd come over when you needed me?" He asked a little unsure.

"We were thinking of something more permanent," Alex interjected. "You could live in the bachelor suite and be part of the family full time."

"Your rent and meals would be taken care of and we'd give you $30,000 a year for a 40 hour week. Additional hours would be paid separately," I told him. Colin and I had agreed that $20,000 seemed low for the challenge of four kids.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in. So how would that affect my school if I was working full time for you guys? Don't get me wrong, I'm overwhelmed that you'd trust me enough with your kids, but my goal is to go and be a teacher."

"A lot of those classes can be done at night, and we could always work around your schedule if you had day classes. Once the twins are in school, you'd have lots of free time. What do you say? Are you interested?" Jason asked.

"You mentioned a bachelor suite?" Is that like a bedroom in the house or something?" He asked cautiously. Rather than explain it, we took him and showed him the suite. It had the access from the main house, along with its own separate entrance. "Holy crap. This is bigger than my apartment. You could rent this out and make a fortune. Why me?" He asked looking at us. "You don't even really know me."

"True, but what we do know about you, we like. You up for giving it a try? If it doesn't work out, nothing lost. But if it does, it'll start you on your way to becoming a teacher," I said turning up the pressure a little.

"I guess. Can I think about it?"

"Of course. It's a big decision," Colin replied. "I don't think any of us would expect less."

He smiled and thanked us. We headed back downstairs and entered the steam room, since he said he liked it. All five of us got comfortable in there. He looked at us with a smile. "So can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot," I answered.

"And don't take this the wrong way, but we kinda had an unusual first meeting. Is part of this so you can do more of that with me?"

Colin looked at me and smiled. We'd already told Jason and Alex about our first time with Malcolm, so it wasn't a surprise for them to hear the question. I figured I was on my own for this answer. "We had fun at the hotel but we're not asking you to join us for sex. We all agree that we need help with the kids and since that's what you're training to do, we thought you might be a good fit. If you want sex, I'm sure we'd all be up for that, but the kids always come first. Around here being naked is pretty normal so you get used to it. If seeing two guys making out worries you at all, then this might not be the house for you, as we're pretty open about it. Although lately we've had to be more discrete as the kids pop up at random." Colin and I immediately looked at the door to the steam room expecting Blake to walk in on cue. He didn't.

"No, I'm open about sex, I just wouldn't want to be expected to do it all the time. I'm bisexual, not gay, so I still want to have the option to be with girls. How would that work if I lived here? Would I be allowed to have friends over?"

I looked at Colin for advice on this one as I was in uncharted territory. Malcolm would be our first live in slave...ummm, employee and I had no experience with it. Colin did, having grown up with staff. "You would be allowed to have friends in your suite but they should not be in the main house without our permission and you should never cross work with your personal time. If you are looking after the children, they would be your only focus. What you do on your own time is up to you. Parties in the suite would not be permitted, nor would any illegal activities that could bring police here. The children should never go into your suite, as that is your own private area to get away from the job. They would be instructed that when you're there, you're unavailable." I was impressed. Colin really did know how this stuff worked. "Of course, all that being said, we're not as formal as when I was growing up. You're part of the family. If you want to eat with us or hang out, you'd be as welcome as anyone. Naked or dressed, sex or no sex, that's up to you. We just make sure that around the kids we keep it age appropriate, and that if you're in the main house, you would be available to the boys."

"That's a lot to take in, but there's nothing there I couldn't handle. I don't do drugs, and if I ever had friends over, it's usually just one or two at a time. I don't like parties at my place as I prefer to go out and have fun. Ummm, if I fool around with you guys again, would you still want that?"

"Of course," I said quickly before Colin screwed it up with some professional answer. "Like we said, around here, we're pretty open, and all of us have had sex with each other. As long as we keep it away from the kids until they're old enough to understand it, and watch out for Blake, he's the most in your face about sex and wanting to test limits and watch whatever he can." I could already feel my penis reacting.

"Okay cool, because I really did like what we did in the hotel. That was the most fun I've had at work, ever. It was like a total forbidden rush."

"We liked it too. If you take those shorts off we'll show you just how much," I grinned.

"One other thing before Justin has you naked and balls deep," Colin added shaking his head. "If you took the job, you'd be given the SUV to use to be able to shuttle the boys around, or run errands. No way we'd want you taking the bus. You have a license don't you?"

"Yeah, of course. Seriously? I'd have a vehicle to use?"

"Yep. If we need it from time to time, we'd make sure to offer you one of the other vehicles, so you always have one available."

"This is a sweet deal. I'm not sure I could live up to the expectations. Would you want anything else from me?"

"Only to look after the boys, cook meals for them, take them places when needed, etc. It's a full time job and you probably wouldn't have much free time when they're around, but we all pitch in, and it probably wouldn't even feel like a job. You'd be helping us out a lot," Colin explained.

"I could even do some housework too if you want. I'm good at cleaning," he offered.

"Thanks. The boys are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and we have a cleaning company and gardener that takes care of everything else. They're here during the day a couple times a week, and we don't even notice them around, but you will if you're home daytime." Colin was right. We were so used to the housekeeping crew and gardeners that I didn't even notice them anymore. When Zane first came around I was all over him, now it was barely a wave or acknowledgement. I think if I paid attention to all the regular guys around here doing work, I wouldn't have time for anything else. I could get laid hourly. I wondered if people with simple lives had this problem. "So does that mean you're taking the job? Colin asked."

"I'll need the night to think about it. It's a huge responsibility, but I'm thinking it sounds like something I'd really enjoy," he admitted cautiously.

I gave him a big grin. "Awesome. I know the boys would love it too. So why don't we see if we can't make it more fun," I said as I reached for the tie on the front of his shorts and pulled it open and pried the Velcro apart. He leaned back and I had my signal to continue. What? You never been to a job interview in a steam room before? This is how they always go!! I dropped to my knees in front of him and pulled his shorts the rest of the way off and exposed him to everyone. They might as well see every feature our potential new employee had to offer. Since he was the only one naked, he must have felt a little vulnerable, especially as I took hold of his cock and got him nice and hard and pulled his foreskin back. He was all natural, including pubes and a treasure trail. It didn't take long for the rest of us to lose our clothes, and we let him watch Jason and Alex 69 with each other before anything else took place. I left the room for a couple minutes and returned with the trimmer and a towel. I got back between his legs and used my body to make sure he couldn't close them. I turned on the trimmer and his focus went right back to me.

"What's that for?" He asked.

"So we can see more of your dick," I smiled. "Trim the pubes and it'll look so much bigger."

"I kinda like it the way it is," he said. I ignored him as all guys say that until they see the difference. Plus if he didn't like it, he could let it grow back. I put the towel down and ran a swipe of the trimmer through his hair. Now we had to finish otherwise he'd just look stupid. I wasn't removing it all, just trimming it down to a manageable amount. Once I finished with the pubes, which never takes long if you don't shave them smooth, I asked the guys to hold his legs up so I could do his ass. Once I was done, I was rock hard and desperately wanted to fuck him, but decided not to. If he took the job there would be plenty of time for that. It's the built in bonus plan we offer. We didn't do anything anal, but Malcolm did enjoy all of us taking turns sucking his dick. Once he came, it was pretty much the end of the interview. I smiled as Malcolm put his hand over his crotch for the walk over to the shower. Still too shy to be out in public nude. That'll wear off fast enough around here.

"The trimmed pubes actually does make my package look bigger," Malcolm admitted.

"I know right! Plus it's much better for sex when hair isn't getting in the way. Even girls will appreciate you being smooth front and back." At least I assume they do. Who knows what girls think? Their brains are wired way differently than boys. We were showering as Blake arrived.

"Finally. It's about time!" he said as he dropped his shorts and joined us. "This wearing clothes to swim really sucks." He went up next to Malcolm and I smiled as he made a point of checking him out. No subtlety with Blake, but Malcolm was still being pretty reserved and tried to hide himself as much as possible. Fortunately Blake just kept quiet as he showered and stared at Malcolm.

We dried off and went upstairs to get dressed, then headed back down to the playroom where everyone else was. Malcolm promised to let us know by tomorrow if he would be interested in the job. I would have sweetened the offer by telling him he could fuck me whenever he wanted, but I think that would be implied from the previous times. He also had a good idea now of how open we were around here. My mind kept picturing him bent over the counter with his pants around his ankles and my dick deep inside him, but I knew that he wasn't there to be my Manny, he was there for the kids. I'll go hire someone for me, although I think that's not so much a Manny in my case as it would be a rentboy. By the time Malcolm left, it felt as if he were already part of the family and the kids seemed to really like him. I had watched James carefully and there was no doubt he was forming a fast bond with him. That might be the only downside for Jason and Alex. If James used Malcolm to avoid getting to know his new Dads, it might continue to fuel his abusive behaviour towards us. Good thing I was taking psychology so I could notice these things and correct them. We would just have to work harder at proving to James that this was a good house, much like we did with Blake, only use the lessons we learned there and apply them better. Last thing we'd need when James grows up is another sex crazed teenager. One is about all we can handle.

"What job is he gonna do Dad?" Blake asked Colin when he heard we were considering hiring him.

"He's considering being the Manny for all you kids," Colin answered honestly.

"Really? I dunno if I approve."

"Why not?" He asked.

"Well first, I don't know what a manny is," he admitted.

"It's like a live in person to look after you kids when we need help," he clarified.

"Yeah, we're good. We don't need one of those. I'm almost 13 so I can look after myself. Plus he didn't swim naked which means he's kinda stuck up, like James. We already have one of those, and that's more than enough. Second he has a job as a waiter in a hotel so doesn't need to work here. Third I thought Uncle's Jason and Alex were moving, so that means he'd only be here for me, and if you remember point one, I don't need a babysitter. So I can't sign off on the idea. We'll just stay the way we are if that's cool."

"All good points however Uncle Jason and Alex will have their own house but it'll be attached to this one, so they'll technically still live here. Malcolm wouldn't be so much here to look after you as he would the twins and James who are still too young to be left alone. I know you can look after yourself. You've proved that, but sometimes we just need extra help so we can have a little more free time to go places with you. As for swimming without your clothes, nothing will change. If that's what you want to do, then do it."

"Cory too?"

"Cory too," he agreed.

"Is he gonna raise the other kids to be shy like he is or will they still be able to run around naked?"

"I tell you what. Why don't you let Jason and Alex decide how they want to raise their kids, and you just worry about you."

"Okay, I can live with that. As long as my friends can still come over and do what we've always done. Is he gonna be allowed in my room?"

"I'm sure he'll respect your privacy and knock if he wants to come in."

"He better as I need my private time," Blake said. I smiled as I was pretty sure what his private time entailed. I walked in on it a few times.

"You'll like having him around. I'm sure. But he hasn't decided yet anyway."

Blake ran off to see where the kids were. I was pretty happy about the idea of having Malcolm around, so hopefully he'd join us. Our very own male Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins with benefits. I just wonder what kinky things we could do with the spoon full of sugar. Is that even PC anymore? A spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down? Sure, they'd be taking their ADHD pills, but be fat with zits.

The next day I got home after an average day at class. I hadn't heard from Malcolm, but maybe he'd called one of the other guys. It wasn't until after dinner that Jason got the call and he said he'd like to take the job and see how it goes. We were thrilled and I was kind of excited. We had our first live-in staff. Next up a chef, chauffeur, and a personal masseuse. I wondered if I was now a target for a sexual harassment suit, unless we put it in his job description. I'd have to clarify that with Colin. The twins were given their bath and we heard the small argument from James about who was going to bathe them.

"James, you can join us in the bathroom if you want, or go play in your room, but you're all our sons and we're going to give the twins their bath," Jason said.

"I'm not leaving you alone with them," James replied.

"Great, then come join us. You can jump in with Trevor and Travis if you want, or just stay at the side, but try not to give attitude in front of them."

"I'm not getting naked in front of you, and if you try anything, I'll tell," he said sounding like a little brat.

"The only thing we'll be trying is to get the boys to stay still while we wash them. You're old enough to take your own bath or shower, as long as you don't lock the door in case you get into trouble," Jason said calmly. I'd have lost it on him already. Seven or not, he was quite a pain in the ass.

"There's no way I'd leave the door open, so you could come in and see me naked," James said defiantly.

"Well, you have a choice. Leave it unlocked, or we'll remove the entire door and you won't have any privacy. Your choice," Jason said coming on a little stronger.

"You don't have the right to do that. I'll tell," he said sounding shocked.

"Would you like me to call Colleen for you and let her tell you what we do and don't have the right to do? I know this has been a difficult time, especially being separated from your brothers considering what happened, but we're a family now. I hope that you'll learn to have fun. I'd hate to see you miss out on being a kid before it's too late."

There was no other conversation, so I figured that Jason had won this round. J.P. and Ryan had shown up during bath time, as it was another episode of Blurred Lines and we were going to all watch it together. They were excited and wouldn't stop talking about the upcoming episode. It's amazing they could talk so much and still not tell us what was going to happen. This confidentiality thing sucks. I need to know in advance or I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.

"Dad! COME ON! You're gonna miss the start of the show," Blake said as he jumped down the stairs putting his hands on my back and almost pushing me into the media room with everyone else. Jesus, J.P., Ryan and now Blake. I know we don't want to miss the show, but they all seemed overly animated about it. Maybe tonight was the big reveal of the triplets, and the point at which our whole lives change. Even Colin was being weird about the show. The twins and James were already in bed, so it was just the adults and the adult wannabe. I curled up with Colin, as Blake wedged himself between J.P. and Ryan with his popcorn.

The show began with the usual `previously on Blurred Lines'. Blake was wiggling and squeaking like a hamster.

"Dude, do you need to go to the bathroom or something?" I asked.

"No! Do you?" Shhhh, and watch the show," he said giving me a look and telling me off. He was almost squirming out of his chair. The boy needs Ritalin tonight. I've never seen him this excited about a TV show before. I thought he was going to have a heart attack. The new episode began with the opening credits, and as the names of J.P. and Ryan showed up we all cheered. Then the guest stars were next. I always liked that part as it was fun to see if I recognized anyone. Most of the names this week were names I didn't know, and then we all went silent as the screen flashed up `and introducing Blake Worthington-Masters.'

I turned to look at him as he jumped up off the couch and danced around. "Did you see it? Did you? I'm famous!" He grinned doing his happy dance.

"How? When?" I asked a little shocked. "When did you have time to go and be on the show?"

"A long time ago, but it was a secret. We wanted to surprise you," he grinned looking at me. "Are you surprised?"

"Yeah, definitely. But how? I thought they needed parental permission for kids to be on TV," I said looking at Colin.

"Guilty. The guys approached me about it and I thought it would be fun for him. It's just a small role, but good experience. He acts up around here all the time, so why not get paid for it? He's been dying to tell you, but wanted it to be a secret," he said with a smile.

"Well you definitely got me, and congratulations Blake. Not only on the role, but for keeping a secret. I didn't think you could do it."

"Neither did I," he admitted. "I told all my friends to watch the show and some said they didn't watch it and I had to convince them, without telling them why. I'm gonna be more famous than Justin Bieber."

"Just don't be as big an asshole as Justin," Ryan said as Blake sat back down.

"This Justin, or Bieber?" Blake grinned looking at me. I pointed at my eyes and then at him with a smile. This was his big moment, and it began almost immediately. Blake's character ran down the stairs in the house and into the kitchen where he ran into his TV big brother Marvin'. He pushed Marvin' (Scott) aside to get a bowl.

"Good morning to you too, Duane," Scott said as Duane grabbed the cereal almost out of his hands and poured himself a bowl.

"That's my character's name. Duane," Blake explained unnecessarily. Wendy entered the kitchen and both boys looked at her.

"So did you and Kriss stay out late last night?" Scott asked. "You let him into your pants yet?"

"Bite me, Scott. None of your business," she replied.

"Did you notice they changed your character's name from Josh to Scott?" I asked `Marvin'.

"Yeah in the pilot episode I was Josh, then for some reason they changed it to Scott. They reshot the pilot scenes where anyone called me Josh, but aired the wrong one. All future airings of that episode go out with the real name."

"Does that happen a lot?" I asked.

"Sometimes. Usually after a pilot, if a character doesn't score well with the test audience, they change the character, or the name, or the actor and reshoot scenes for the actual show. Sometimes the actor gets another role before the show gets picked up so they have to change the actor for the rest of the series. It happened to Chord Overstreet. He filmed the unaired pilot of `No Ordinary Family' and then got the role on Glee so they had to recast for episode one. You can search for the unaired pilot and see him in it."

"Huh, I had no idea," I said as I went back to watching the show with the plot now straightened out and the error corrected.

"She let him kiss her in the car and he had hold of her boobs," Duane offered. "It was so gross."

"Shut up ya little narc," Wendy said.

"10 bucks or I'm telling Mom and Dad that you and Kriss are gonna do it," he said holding out his hand. So far Blake's character wasn't really acting much different than the real Blake, just with a different name.

"Dream on. We kissed goodnight. That's it," she said.

"I still don't trust him. You can do better. There's something not right about him. I've see him with another girl and your friend said they saw him kissing a boy at the theatre," said Scott.

"Ewww, he kissed a boy. What is he? A homo? A homo who's hitting on my sister. Way to pick `em Wendy," Duane said curling up his nose and mouth and he ate.

"No, he didn't kiss a boy. The girls are probably just jealous that I have the hottest boy in school and are trying to get me to break up with him."

"Well there's something not right about him," Scott said.

The scene moved to Duane riding his bike to school and screeching to a halt as he looked at something in the distance. The camera panned to see J.P. with another boy going past in a car. Nothing was happening, but you could tell from the way they were interacting that there was something between them. Duane took off in pursuit of the car only to lose him shortly afterward. He resumed his trek to school.

"I coulda caught him, but the director yelled `cut' before I could get there," Blake explained. "They had the whole street blocked off for me so I didn't even have to worry about other cars." We were definitely going to get all the behind the scenes secrets with Blake on set.

The show moved to Scott meeting up with Kriss and quizzing him about his date with Wendy last night. "My little brother said he saw the two of you last night. Sounds like you got a little boob action."

"Not really. Just some over the sweater stuff. Mainly kissing. Are you okay with me going out with her?"

"Yeah, as long as that's the only person you're going out with. I saw you with another girl and her friends saw you with a boy. Are you bisexual or something?"

"No. 100% straight. I'm only going out with Wendy. You can trust me on that."

Scott shrugged as they changed for gym glass and again you saw Scott subtly checking out Kriss as he took off his clothes. "Keep stripping in front of `Marvin' J.P. and you're gonna be getting some brother, sister action before long," Jason teased.

"Yeah, we are kinda hard to resist," J.P. smiled.

"Been there done that," `Marvin' shrugged. "No big deal."

"That's not what your boyfriend says. He squeals every time I bury my bone in him," Jason teased.

Blake giggled. "Bury your bone. That's funny Uncle Jason."

"Thanks Duane." Blake just grinned at being called by his TV name.

They were out on the Lacrosse field with Lucas, Ryan and the other cast members and the coach was riding them hard. I still couldn't keep up with whether they were going to be football players or lacrosse players, but I had to admit they looked hot in a Lacrosse outfit `cause you could see their legs, but in football outfits the tight spandex showed off their asses better. They should all be in diving so we could get them out of the rest of their clothes.

The next scene was the required all skin scene with the guys hitting the showers. A few ass crack shots helped spice things up, and I always watched hard for the occasional accidental penis shot. Blake ruined that too. "They're not really naked ya know." On some shots they're all wearing swim suits and on others where you can just see their bums, they have this sock type of thing over their penises."

"Really?" I asked surprised. I just always assumed they were naked in front of everyone. Way to ruin the fantasy `Duane'. No point in me going to a filming now.

"Yeah and the make-up people even powder your bum if you have to show it off. I wouldn't want make-up on my bum."

"That's okay, they'll never let you be naked on camera anyway. Not until..."

"I know. I know. Not until I'm 16." He said throwing his hands in the air.

18 actually, but why correct him at this point. After class Kriss headed off home as Scott hung out with other friends at the running track as the cheerleaders were practicing. "It's supposed to be summer, but it was bloody cold out. We're all wearing shorts and it was raining," `Marvin' explained.

"Doesn't look like it's raining," I said staring at the TV closely. It looked like a sunny day with the girls on the field.

"The field had a big cover over it and the rest is lighting. Look way in the background and you can see the rain coming down." I stared and he was right. You could see the rain. Cool. Hollywood magic.

The boys watching the cheerleaders were making comments on which one they would want to be with and who was dating who and which one would put out. Duane came screeching up to the bleachers on his bike and raced up to Scott. "Dude, you gotta come with me now." He said out of breath.

"Get lost, brat. I'm busy." Scott replied.

"Trust me, you're not too busy for this. Come on Scott."

"This better be good or you're history," Scott said as he stood up and told the guys he'd catch them later. He took Duane's bike as the younger brother got on the foot pegs on the back wheels, and put his arms on his brother's shoulders. They headed off towards the mall. Duane was leading the way when they got into the mall and stopped on the upper floor. "So what's the big emergency?" Scott asked looking pissed off with his kid brother.

"There!" Duane said pointing to the food court below. J.P.'s character was sitting with two girls. One of whom was right beside him holding his hand, neither of which was Wendy. "See. That's Kriss and he's not with Wendy."

"How did you find him?" Scott asked looking at his brother.

"I have my sources. We're not all as dumb as you," he replied. "So are we gonna bust him or something?"

"Damn right we are. He lied right to my face," Scott said as they raced down the escalator and right up to the guy they assumed was Kriss. "So you still gonna deny that you're not dating other girls?" He said standing right in front of `Kriss'.

"What?" Who are you?" The guy said looking up at Scott.

"Really? That's your come back line Kriss? `Who are you'? Stay away from my sister and me for that matter. You also better watch yourself on the field as I'll be coming for you."

"Whoa, take a pill buddy. I'm not Kriss. I'm Kevin. Kriss is my brother."

"Bullshit. You're Kriss. Dude, I go to school with you. I know what the fuck you look like."

"Seriously, I'm Kevin. Kriss is my brother."

"Are you bi-polar or split personalities or something like that?" If you had a twin how come you never mentioned him before and how come I've never seen you around school. You could have tried a better lie than that. Maybe you could have said these were your cousins or sister or something. Holy crap dude. I've been in the locker room with you. It's not like I don't know what you look like. You even have the same arm tattoo." He said getting more pissed off and pointing at it.

"Yeah. We know who you are and we're gonna tell my sister," Duane said boldly and defiantly. Kevin stood up and Duane moved behind Scott for protection and looked up at him. It was a cute move and we told Blake that.

"I had to do that three times before they said it was right," Blake admitted. "You sure have to do things a lot of times when you're an actor. It's gotta be just perfect or they make you do it again."

"I'll have to remember that when you do dishes or clean your room," I smiled. He just gave me a dirty look.

"Dude, I don't know who you are, but give me your phone and I'll give you our address. Come over in an hour and Kriss can explain it to you himself. Then it'll all make sense. I go to a private school. Kriss wanted to be part of the public system, although I have no idea why as he has to deal with people like you."

"So you think I'm stupid or something? I get over to your house and you pretend to be Kriss or Kevin or whoever else is in your head? You need help buddy. Serious mental help. Maybe stay off the crack, and stay away from my sister. See you tomorrow on the field." He turned and took off with Duane at his side, who kept looking back at Kevin and scowling.

"You sure told him off. You shoulda kicked his ass Scott."

"Trust me, tomorrow it'll be a hell of a lot more than his ass I'll kick. Fucking liar."

"Yeah! Fucking liar."

"Watch the mouth, bro. You're not old enough for that language yet."

"Gimme a break. I'm 12. I know more words than you do," he said as the show went to commercial. I laughed loudly.

"Holy crap Blake. Duane is just like you. That's something you'd say."

"I told you I'm a shit disturber in this."

"Hey watch the mouth bro. You're not old enough for that language yet," I parroted.

"Shut up shithead," Blake said grinning "or I'll come over there and whack you in the nuts."

The guys all laughed. "I think the real Blake is a bigger shit disturber than Duane," Ryan commented.

Back after commercial, the scene was the following day at school. Scott came up behind Kriss and elbowed him into his locker. "What the hell dude?" Kriss said turning to look at his friend.

"Oh, so you're going to pretend you're Kriss today and that we didn't meet at the mall yesterday. You really are a psycho aren't you?"

"No, I'm not going to pretend that you didn't meet Kevin yesterday. He told me that he met you and that I should expect this."

"Still sticking with the twin brother thing huh? Just watch your back on the field today, asshole. I'll gonna knock the shit out of both you and Kevin at the same time. By the time I'm done with you, there won't be enough pieces to have even one of you put back together again, never mind two."

"Look Scott. Kevin really is identical to me. Give me 24 hours to prove it and explain. If you're not satisfied then you can do whatever you want to me. I would never cheat on Wendy and I really like being friends with you. Trust me, please?"

"I'll think about it, but I know you're full of shit. There's no difference between you, even down to the tattoo."

"We're identical, but you can tell us apart. Come over for dinner tonight and I'll prove it and show you how you can figure out who is who."

"Whatever. Psycho," Scott said as he headed off to class. At football practice it was pretty obvious that Scott still didn't believe him, as he was hitting hard and taking out a lot of aggression on his currently former buddy. J.P. explained that that was a hard scene to do as he really did get hit a lot harder than he thought.

"Well if you were listening to the director, you wouldn't have gone left when you should have gone right, or should have stopped instead of running into me as hard. Good thing we were wearing the proper equipment or we'd both have been sore after that," `Marvin' said throwing a pillow at J.P. who threw it back.

Then it was the moment of truth as they left the locker room and headed over to Kriss' place. They had a large house in a nearby neighborhood. "This is your place?" Scott asked as they rode their bikes up to the front door and dropped them on the lawn.

"Yeah, we had a bigger house in our last city, but Dad said things were more expensive here, so we had to settle for this."

"You `settled' for this? It's twice the size of my place," Scott said looking up at the façade of the building. They entered and Kriss dumped his pack at the door, with Scott following suit.

"Hi Mom! I'm home. Brought Scott over," he yelled.

"So are you gonna play the part of Mom as well?" Scott said sarcastically. "Should I wait in the library while you get into drag and bring me a tea?"

"No, he has a real Mom who can do that if you'd like some," said Kriss' mom as she came out of the back room and down the hall. "I'm Louise Griffin and you must be Scott."

"Uh, yeah. Sorry about that. I'm still in football mode."

"The boys told us at dinner that you'd had your first encounter with them. Well, welcome. Make yourself at home. Are you staying for dinner? We have extra tonight as Keith is staying for rehearsal and won't be joining us."

"Uh sure," Scott stammered. "Thanks Mrs. Griffin."

"Please call me Louise. Mrs. Griffin is too formal around here."

Sure. Thank you Louise."

"Yeah, thanks Louise," Kriss snickered.

"You still call me Mom, young man," she smiled and headed back to the kitchen.

"Yeah young man," Scott teased. "Your Mom seems nice. So you didn't become a psycho from her side of the family obviously. Who's Keith? Another one of your split personalities?"

"Nope, just my other brother. He goes to a performing arts school."

"How many brothers or sisters do you have?"

"Just two brothers. Would have been nice to have a sister though."

"Trust me, it's not as nice as you think. Try to get bathroom time with a girl in the house. Next to impossible and all that feminine crap all over the place. So gross. Duane is a pain in the ass, but at least he's all boy and we don't have to put up with two hours of make-up and clogging up the bathroom."

"You hear that Dad? I'm all boy," Blake said turning around to look at me.

"Duane is all boy," I corrected. "Blake is all annoying."

"You wish," he said turning back to the show. I don't think that was the right response.

The two boys headed upstairs to Kriss' room and Scott checked it out. Typical messy room of a boy with the usual posters and clothes everywhere. "If I knew I was having company I'd have cleaned up, or at least made a path through the room," he said.

"Looks like mine. So psycho. Where's the other personality, or do I have to sit and wait for him to come out. Is there a trigger I use to meet Kevin or something?"

"He'll be home in a few minutes. I texted him and he said he'd be here." He sat on the bed next to Scott and showed him the text.

"Nice realism. Texting your alter ego. That's gotta help fuel the crazy in your head."

Kriss just smiled. "You are gonna owe me such an apology in a few minutes. Wanna play Xbox while we wait?"

Scott shrugged and the boys grabbed the controllers. The scene switched to Wendy and her friends talking about some girl crap and building their plot. Seemed like Wendy was a bit of a slut herself as she would adjust her clothes to be sexier at school and less sexy by the time she got home. She made sure all the boys noticed her and seemed to get them to buy her lots of things. Her clique were the popular girls, so they were building on that. Meanwhile Duane was off with his friends dumpster diving and building a small city in an abandoned lot out of junk they were finding. They appeared to be a mini gang rather than friends, and looked like the type of kids you'd lock your door around when they came near. I could see his character becoming a real bad ass.

Then it was the moment of truth. I checked the time to see if we were going to be left with a cliff hanger, but we still had 20 minutes, so I hoped we would get much more of the story yet. The camera went to a shot of someone running up the stairs and we could only assume it was Keith. The bedroom door opened dramatically and Scott turned to see who was entering. His face dropped as he stared at the new arrival and then back at Kriss. The camera showed Kriss, and then as Scott looked back at Kevin, it showed him as well. It was now obvious that we were dealing with two identical brothers.

"Holy crap. You really do have a twin," Scott said putting down the controller.

"Nice to see you again. Scott, isn't it? Still think I'm a psycho on crack? I'm Kevin." He said introducing himself formally as he sat on the bed with them. So far the camera hadn't shown them both in the same shot, so to us it was obvious that it was J.P. in both roles.

"Uhhh, no. Sorry about that. I just figured that it was bullshit. You know, the usual lie to get out of being caught at something."

"It happens a lot. That's why we thought if we went to different schools it might be different this time. Guess it didn't last long," Kriss explained.

"So why hide it? Why not just say that from the beginning?"

"Because we wanted to our own person. You know how tiring it gets being lumped together with someone instead of individuals?"

"Can't say I do. I'd love to have a twin. But you have the same tattoo. If you want to be individuals, why do that?"

"We thought it would be fun at the time. Didn't realize it would create such drama later on," Kriss explained.

"So how do you tell you apart?" So far I can't see any difference."

"There's one big way, but you can't tell by looking at us," Kevin explained.

"So if you were naked, you'd be identical from head to toe? I find that hard to believe. I could tell you apart, I'm sure," Scott remarked as he sat there turning his head from side to side to check out their features. Kevin stood up and took off his shirt. Then the camera panned to Kriss who stood up and did the same thing. Again, the two boys were not in the same shot, but from the way Scott's eyes were darting back and forth when the camera went to him, it was obvious they were supposed to be standing side by side. He stood up and went to look closer. The camera finally showed the two boys together as Scott walked around them looking closely.

"So was this just J.P., or did one of you join him?" Alex asked.

"No this was me in both roles," J.P. smiled. They're doing it deliberately to make the audience think that there's just one actor. When they get further into it, that's when Jason and Justin will be used to interact in scenes where the trick photography wouldn't work as well. It'll look like they have amazing camera work on the show, until the time comes to show the world that there really are three of us."

"We're all gonna be uber famous," Blake said enthusiastically.

"Just what we need. You with a bigger ego," Colin joked.

"I guess I really can't see any difference," Scott said. "Obviously I'm not gonna ask you to get naked or anything, but are you identical everywhere?"

"Yep," Kriss replied as he put his shirt back on. Epic fail! They should have taken their pants off and shown him everything. We may have to act that one out here in the media room for everyone. It would be the director's cut.

"So how do I tell you apart?" Scott asked sitting on the bed.

"Throw me the baseball," Kriss said. Scott reached over to the night table and threw the ball to Kriss who caught it and threw it back. "Now throw it to Kevin."

I half expected him to be a klutz and miss, but he caught it just like Kriss had, and threw it back. "I don't get it," Scott admitted looking confused. "How does that tell you apart?"

"Do it again and watch closer," Kriss told him. They repeated the throws.

"Still don't get it. What, does one of you throw like a girl or something?"

"Do it again and watch even closer," Kriss said.

He threw the ball one more time and still didn't see anything. "If this is how I'm supposed to tell you apart, I'm thinking name tags would be easier. I'm not seeing anything."

"Okay, then we'll write our names down for you," Kevin said smiling. They grabbed paper from the printer and each wrote their names. Scott watched and then checked the names they had written.

"So one has better handwriting than the other one. Am I gonna have to keep a sample on hand and compare it so I know who is who?"

"You really are a dumb public school jock aren't you?" Kevin said sounding almost pissed off. "Watch again and figure it out so I can get to my homework." The two boys each began to write and Scott watched them.

"Oh shit! I'm so stupid!! I get it. One of you is left handed the other is right handed," he said excited at having figured it out.

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Give the boy a gold star. Now that you know, I'm off to live my own life. By the way, where's your sister. I gotta go bone her before she figures out I'm not Kriss?" Scott's head swiveled fast to look at Kevin. He was about to say something, but Kevin smiled. "Relax, I'm kidding. It's a bro code we have. We never try to trick our friends by pretending to be the other one. Teachers and parents, sure, but never friends or girlfriends."

Kevin left and Scott looked at Kriss. "Dude, I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. It's just I look out for my sister and it seemed like you were just using it as an excuse to play around on her."

"Don't worry about it. I should have told you sooner. We cool?"

"Yeah, we're cool," he said as the guys fist bumped.

Alex looked at J.P. "Did you actually write with both your left and right hands?"

"Yeah. I'm ambidextrous, but mainly left handed," he replied. "They faked the shot for part of it as my right handed writing still sucks."

Then the attention turned to us. "Oh my god!" `Marvin' said. "That's how we tell YOU apart isn't it? Fuck I feel as stupid as Scott. Once of you is left handed and the other right handed, aren't you?"

"Sorry to disappoint, `Marvin', but both Jason and I are right handed," I smiled. "J.P. is the left handed one."

"Why have I never noticed that before?"

"Not something you look for normally, but we have subtle differences like that. I chew on the right side of my mouth, Jason chews on the left side," I explained.

"I noticed," Blake said quickly. Sure he did. Hell, even Alex didn't catch it and he'd known us longer than anyone.

"Now I'm gonna be watching for things like that," `Marvin' smirked. "I'll figure you guys out yet. J.P. is easy when he drops into his normal French accent, but when he's talking like you, it's a lot harder."

We turned back to the show.

"Wanna see the rest of the house?" Kriss asked. They headed out and toured the place, ending back at the bedrooms. He opened a door to show it was Kevin's room. "Just showing Scott around," he explained. Kevin's room was slightly cleaner than Kriss' but not by much. The next room was immaculate and the décor was very different. Pictures of Kesha and Lady Gaga on the walls. The bed was made and the floor was spotless. "This is Keith's room. He's a bit of a neat freak. Maybe obsessive compulsive even." He went over to the closet and opened it to show everything neatly hung in order. Pants with pants, even colors together and very vibrant. "Gotta love the theatre guys," Kriss said grinning. "The dude even folds his underwear." To prove his point he opened the dresser drawer to show all the underwear neatly folded in the drawer. Most of it was designer.

"Wow, my crap is all in a drawer together. Socks, underwear everything. Half the time I have to hunt to find a matching pair of socks," Scott said looking at the layout of the clothes.

"Yeah, he hates it when we borrow his clothes. Check this out," he said as he pulled open a couple more drawers. Socks were neatly folded together and separated by colors. One drawer for white, another for black and a third for multicolors. "He says he does it so that when he needs something for performing, he can find it easier. I think it's cause he's OCD."

"I think it's because he's a giant homo," I said out loud as the guys laughed.

"And you'd know because your stuff looks like that too?" Colin grinned.

"Shut up, beeyatch, or no playtime for you tonight." I guess it's true. The truth does hurt. If we were this many straight boys in the house, our entire place would look like Kriss' room, but since we were all gay, it mainly looked like a cross between Kevin & Keith's rooms. We weren't perfect, but none of us liked a mess for any length of time.

Scott carefully looked around Keith's room and seemed to be paying more attention here than anywhere else in the house. Finally they returned to Kriss' room. The episode returned to Wendy and her girls at the mall teasing boys with their antics. After a dinner scene with Scott and the twins, Scott helped Kriss do dishes, and a long camera shot showed someone else arriving home. You assumed it was Keith as all other family members were accounted for, but they kept the shot long and Keith's back was to the camera. He leaned in to kiss the person with him, and it was obvious that it was a boy on boy kiss.

"That explains the bedroom," Scott said to himself in a low voice.

"What?" Kriss asked as he looked at where Scott was looking, but Keith had already headed upstairs.

"Nothing. Just talking to myself," he said still smirking.

The show ended for the week. We stayed tuned for scenes from the next episode as instructed. It flashed on one of the twins being extra close and friendly with a guy, but stopped short of making it look like it was a gay thing.

"I should go and update my Facebook page to `famous actor'," Blake said as he jumped on Colin and me. "Did you like it?"

"You were awesome buddy. I think you're definitely going to be a hit," I said giving him a big hug squeezing him hard.

"I should probably hire a bodyguard to protect me against crazed fans like you," he joked as I let him go.

He ran off and we talked about the show. "That is getting better. Now all we need is some nudity and the show is a hit," I said licking my lips.

"Probably the most you'll ever get will be ass cheeks and maybe boobs. They rarely show penis," `Marvin' said. "Most guys don't like to show dick on camera as it is usually flaccid and looks small so it doesn't do much for their ego. Plus if the actor is famous, then it is usually in their contract. Lesser known actors who are trying to break into the business will normally be the ones to show frontal."

"I'd be fine with it," Ryan smiled.

"No shit!" J.P. replied. "I think your fans are surprised to see you in a role with clothes on. They're probably waiting for you to get naked each week."

"It'll happen, I'm sure. I've already been asked if I'd consider a scene in the shower and locker room where I'm naked."

"Really? Are they talking frontal or just ass?" J.P. asked.

"They didn't say, but from the conversation, I'm assuming it'll be a little more revealing than others, so maybe a side cock shot or a distance shot where they show penis or something like that. I can't imagine it'll be me in the shower jerking off with a close-up or balls deep in the quarterback."

"Too bad," I snickered. "That would really improve the ratings."

Alex changed the subject. "So tomorrow if any of you are free, I'm sending the pledges on a task in the afternoon. You might want to have fun with them. I'll text you when they're in place."

"Cool. What are they going to be doing?" Colin asked.

"Raising money for charity," Alex smiled. "So take your wallets."

I'd be ready. I wondered who it would be this time and what task lay ahead for them. Whatever it was, I hoped it would be as hot as the pledge in the woods. Alex had been sending pledges all over the place to do tasks all week and some were really inventive like having pledges go door to door to sell something in the name of charity. They idea was to get as many guys to have sex with them as possible. They had two hours to accomplish their goal. He showed me a picture of one of the pledges, who had chosen to wear a tight t-shirt and short shorts. From the number of times the pictures showed him entering a house, it looked like he had a good pitch to get himself invited in. Another task was a free ass and crotch shaving at the local bathhouse, which seemed easy enough for the three pledges, but they were to test the shaved area by blowing or rimming their customer and then ask if their customer would like to see if their visually bigger dick made a difference in how they fucked. From the video, they had a lot of customers take advantage of all their services. I laughed at one task where they had three pledges walking the mall with vibrating butt plugs in their asses turned up high. You could audibly hear the sound as they walked by. Those guys must have been super embarrassed. If they got asked what the noise was, they had to answer honestly and if there was any sign of interest they were to offer to take the guy into the bathroom for some fun. From the look of the video a few asked and then looked shocked when they got the answer, others smiled and probably figure frat prank. Others went off to the bathroom with them. I wonder where Alex got the idea of going out with a butt plug vibrating in your ass...Blake! I smiled as I thought of it.

The next day after lunch I received the text from Alex to tell me where to go. Fortunately it was right next to UBC at wreck beach. It didn't seem warm enough to be naked on the beach, but who am I to judge. The message said to go down trail 7 and head to the oasis. Anyone who's gay in Vancouver knows where that is, so I made my way there as soon as class ended. I even dragged Nate along.

"Dude, there's not going to be anyone down there, it's way too cold," he complained as we made our way down the steep steps towards the bottom. "Plus wouldn't everyone be on the main beach?"

"Probably, but I got a text to come here as it might be fun. Perhaps not your kind of fun, but definitely mine."

"So we're going to find gay guys?" He said shaking his head and smiling.

"Possibly. I have no idea what we're going to find exactly, but since we're down here, want to walk the trail naked?"

"On a sunny day, sure, I'd be totally into that, but today it wouldn't be flattering for our junk. If people are going to see me, they have to see all of me, not half of me hidden up inside because it's cold."

"Chicken shit," I laughed. I couldn't blame him though. It really was too cold to go balls out along the edge of the ocean, especially with the breeze. After a 15 minute walk along the bottom trail, we reached the area called the oasis. It was a mix of sandy beach and wooded trees with trails. One of the great cruising areas in town, especially since everyone walked around naked. I can't tell you how much sex I've seen down here. I could write a book about it. All the Sex I've seen at the Oasis.' I'd have to work on the title. How about Oasis Sex or Mirage?' At first we didn't see anyone, but then I heard some guys in a sheltered part just off the main beach. We went to have a look and there were a dozen guys gathered around four pledges who were kneeling on the ground. They were all naked with their backs to us and the guys standing around were mainly dressed. A couple of guys were having their dicks sucked by the pledges. I recognized some of the guys, but didn't acknowledge them immediately. Nate and I went around to see what the deal was. A sign had been posted that said Help these pledges raise money for charity. Use their holes and donate to a worthy cause. The more you donate, the more you help young people in need (and the charity).' Nate nudged me and I looked at him. He motioned toward one pledge and I smiled. It was Dickson and he was sucking the cock of a large guy in front of him, and being fucked from behind. I don't even think he saw us standing there. As I looked along the line of pledges, they were the four that had been locked into a cock cage. I'm guessing no-one would be using their dicks tonight. A metal donation box was placed in front of the four guys and chained to a tree. The sign said suggested minimum donations $10 blow $20 fuck'

"You need a blowjob?" I asked Nate quietly.

"Not right now. Plus it'd be a bit weird having Dickson do it as we're friends. Don't you think that would be a strain?"

"Hell no. I have sex with all my friends. How do you think they become my friends?" I smiled as I slapped him on the ass. "That's the difference with gay guys. We have sex and then as soon as we cum, we forget it and get on with other things. We don't obsess about it like chicks. Well, chicks and Damian. If you don't want to do it with Dickson, do it with one of the other guys that you don't know."

"I'll pass for now, but dude, go for it. This is totally your thing," he encouraged.

I waited patiently for Dickson to finish what he was doing and almost laughed as he spit the cum out as the guy shot his load. Each pledge had a large bottle of water and lube next to them. I guess they'd need both. I stepped up to Dickson's line of sight dragging Nate with me. "Hey Dickson! I didn't know you were pledging a fraternity. Looks like I came to the right spot."

He looked up and his facial expression was priceless. It was like a kid being caught stealing candy. "Uhhh, yeah. Just a stupid task that we have to do to get in. Didn't think anyone would be down here," he stammered slightly, his face showing the strain of being fucked at the same time.

"Probably wouldn't be, but I think the guys that are down here are texting others to come see what's going on, so it could get busy. I dragged Nate along, but we had no idea what was happening. So are you really giving blowjobs and getting fucked to raise money?"

"Yeah. We have to do it for two hours and can't refuse anyone who donates," he said looking away as if he were embarrassed or something.

"So if I get the straight boy here to fuck you, and pay the donation, you couldn't refuse?"

"Nope. That's the rules," he said quietly.

"I'm good thanks," said Nate. "I'm guessing this is how gay guys pledge fraternities?"

"Only the good fraternities," I said putting my arm around him. The boring ones make you do push ups, clean toilets, make them dinner, things like that." I turned my attention back to Dickson. "I know you don't like me, but I really wanna fuck you. I mean I've always wanted to do that, but you made it clear that you weren't interested."

"Just not interested when I'm already with another guy. Who said I didn't like you?" He asked.

"I overheard you one day. Something about me being a spoiled rich kid. I try not to be, so I'm sorry if I come across like that. I think you're one of the cutest guys I know so I guess I just hit on you a little hard."

"Yeah, you do come act like you're better than everyone else and figure you can just take what you want. Not really a characteristic I go for," he admitted. The guy fucking him came and pulled out. At the rate these guys were having sex, they would be making a lot of money for the charity.

"So if I fuck you, will it change our friendship tomorrow?"

"No. I have to do this for the pledging. If you wanna fuck me, just donate and fuck me," he said bluntly.

Aww, he's so sweet. He sure knows how to make a guy feel special. I get all gooey inside when someone hits on me like that. Meh, what can you do. A fucks a fuck. I dropped $100 in the box, stripped completely and got down behind him. I ran my hand all over the smooth skin of his body until I was finally rubbing his tight ass cheeks. They were as perfect as the rest of him. Well as perfect as the rest of his body anyway, his mind needed some work. He could be my first patient. I could do him pro-boner if he couldn't afford me. That's what they call if it you do it for free. They can't pay, so they put out in lieu of payment. I'd be a pro and I'd have a boner, makes total sense to me. As I rubbed his body, my cock inflated rapidly and I placed it on his back just along the top of his ass crack. That got the attention of a few of the guys around us and one reached down to take a firm feel of my erection. "Nice cock," he said. "When you're done fucking him, I wouldn't mind a ride on that." I just smiled and he took the lube, coated my dick and aimed it at Dickson's ass. I think the whole group wanted to see me bury my bone in him. The guy put his hand on my ass and pushed me forward. I steadied myself by putting a hand on Dickson's back as the tip of my cock entered him. I took my time pushing the tip into his hole and watched closely as it disappeared. I wanted to remember this in case he never let me do it again. As my cock vanished inside, my horny mones increased and I couldn't wait any longer. I slammed the rest of the way in and just fucked the hell out of him as I held onto his hips and pounded for all I was worth. The guy who had been holding my cock was now fascinated with my ass and had lubed a finger and slammed it into me. Once he hit my prostate I was in overdrive. Dickson moaned a few times, so I hoped that was a good sign. These guys must be in serious pain in their cock cages. If they get hard, it would hurt like a bitch. I leaned forward as I slowed my fucking and whispered in his ear.

"You want to suck a straight boy dick while I fuck you?" I whispered. He nodded. I sat back up to continue fucking. "Come on Nate, you might as well get a blowjob. Take your pants off and let Dickson suck you off. I hear he's pretty good and it would complete the friendship circle. You can't turn down a blowjob." In my mind the friendship circle is complete once everyone has done everyone else in our group. Straight or gay. Nate needed a blowjob anyway.

He looked at me with my cock firing in and out of our friend and then knelt down in front of him. "Would you be okay giving me a blowjob?" He asked politely. What is this? A straight Canadian Reality show? Next he'll be apologizing, and saying sorry for making him gag on his dick. Just grab his hair, slam your dick down his throat and fuck. This is one area where Canadians don't have to be polite. Act American and just take what you want. Don't conceal your weapon in your pants, just whip it out and intimidate everyone with it. Stand your ground bitch!

Dickson looked at Nate. "Sure. Let's see it," he replied. Nate unzipped his pants and fished his cock out of the top of his underwear.

"Sorry, it's kinda cold and nervous right now, so it's not that big."

God, more apologizes. "Just give the gay dude your dick and let him get to work on it, Nate. He'll soon bring it to life. Remember what I told you Nate, gay guys suck on straight boy dick like straight boys suck on titties. Whip it out and we'll be on it like a fat kid on a smartie."

"I'll remember that at the mall one day," Nate grinned as he got closer to Dickson and let him take his cock.

"Don't test me. You'd lose!" I grinned as we spit roast Dickson. Interesting how enthusiastic Dickson was about sucking Nate off, and cold to the idea of me fucking him. I guess he really didn't like me. Not that it's going to stop me from what I was doing, but it would have been nice to know he was enjoying it. I would have loved to reach around and take hold of his cock to get him off and let him know just how good I can get at this, but having his entire package locked in that plastic cage meant I couldn't even fondle his I played with his nipples instead. Nate had his eyes closed and was probably thinking of the two girls, but he was at least hard and seemed to be enjoying it. He still had his pants on with only his cock out, so others around him weren't getting much of a show. I wanted him to get more aggressive and grab Dickson by the hair and really fuck him, but he just knelt there letting pledge boy do all the work. Seemed a little boring if you asked me. You really gotta train straight boys more than gay guys. I think they're so worried about liking it that they hold back. I watched a couple other guys getting bj's or fucking pledges beside me and most of them were old guys who didn't take long to cum. I'm guessing it's not often that four hot twinks let themselves be used so easily. I thought one guy was going to have a heart attack as he grunted and shook and collapsed onto the back of the pledge he was fucking. He was panting so hard it sounded like he was hyperventilating. I always wondered how often old people do it. Is it still like three times a day like young guys or was it once a week, once a month or like an annual thing? Do they even still jerk off? God, I don't want to get old. Imagine being like 40 and not having sex every day. Might as well be straight at that point.

I rubbed my hands all over Dickson's back and into his hair as I kept fucking and then grabbed his shoulders to give him one hell of a pounding before I unleashed the white lava into his Volcano. I know...lava comes out of a volcano, it doesn't go back into it, but just go with me on this. Once I pull out, it'll erupt out of him like he was Mount Vesuvius. I finished giving him my money's worth and removed my cock from his hot ass. I held his cheeks apart to watch the cum gush out and wished I'd thought to video it. It was a perfect red rosebud dripping with cum. He'd even shaved himself nice and smooth. What more could you ask for? I scurried around beside Nate to watch him being sucked off and rubbed my hands on his ass over his jeans. He opened his eyes quickly to see who was playing with him and gave me a small smile and relaxed when he saw it was me. I fingered down his back and inside his underwear to slide along his crack. I put his hands on Dickson's head so he would get the idea to participate, and then went behind him and lowered his jeans and underwear down to his knees to at least let others see his ass. I ran my finger down his crack and pulled his cheeks apart. It appeared it was helping as he began to fuck Dickson face with a few small movements. I reached between his legs and took hold of his balls to encourage him further while I rubbed his back under his shirt. I leaned forward so I was close to his ear. "Hurry up and blow your load dude, or I'll have to fuck you to help you along," I whispered as I ran the tip of my cock up and down his crack. His ass tightened immediately and I grinned to myself.

"That's definitely not going to help, bro. You can rim me if you really want to do something. I like that feeling," he offered. I was surprised that he was going to let me do that with him in public. I figured that was something he'd only agree to in private, not out here on a public beach, but who am I turn down the golden pucker. I pulled his cheeks apart and got on all fours and licked along the length of his ass, before pushing my tongue into him. God, I wanted to fuck him so bad that my cock was hard again. I guess someone noticed as I felt a cold hand take hold of it and try to milk me like a cow. I slapped it away without looking to see who was groping me this time. A minute of me rimming Nate was all it took before he was warning Dickson that he was cumming. The pledge took the load like a good boy and swallowed it all. Too much straight boy cum isn't good for you though. It thins out the gay cum and confuses your stomach. It's like having a diet Coke. You still get the drink, but the additive just isn't as good for you as the real thing. Nate put his cock away and redressed quickly.

"Thanks Dickson. That was good. Sorry about cumming in your mouth though," he smiled. Dickson told him that he loved it. These two should go get married. He didn't say he loved my cum in his ass. Such a hypocrite, if that's the right term. I was back to horny from rimming Nate so I figured another fuck wouldn't hurt. I went over to one of the other pledges and put a hand on his ass cheek, poured some lube right into his hole and then shoved my cock inside so hard that the guy fell forward onto the sand. I repositioned myself so that I was laying on top and fucked the hell out of him as I put my hands under his arms and wrapped them around the back of his head. I think this is a wrestling move or something. Note to self...sign up for wrestling. I pounded him hard and was getting quite an audience. I hoped someone would throw roses when I was done. One guy knelt down beside me and rubbed my back and fingered my crack, which felt nice this time. I watched as Dickson had two more admirers spit roast him. He was the most popular of the group and I almost wanted to go again while I had the opportunity, but I'd wait until he was out of his cock cage so I could play properly and maybe he'd enjoy it more. I kept fucking the guy I was in and didn't need to cum, but figured since I was putting on a show, I might as well make it look like I was reaching a climax, so I grunted, groaned and shook, announcing my load as I slowed down and collapsed on the pledge. I pulled out, wiped my cock on his ass cheeks and got back into my clothes. Nate and I said goodbye to Dickson and headed back up the trail to the campus.

"So do you think Dickson is gonna be pissed that we had sex with him?" Nate asked.

"Nah, we're gay guys. He's probably already forgotten it. It's just sex dude. Guys see sex as a way to get off, unlike girls who see it as something romantic. If we want romance, we sleep together, make out, cuddle, shit like that. For gay guys, fucking and getting a blowjob is like two straight people going out to dinner. Once you're done and satisfied, you get on with the rest of your day."

"I still can't believe you get me into these things. I just got blown and rimmed on a beach in front of other guys."

"Yeah, and you blew your load and you're moving on with your day. That's the way it's done, straight boy and you love it," I said as I slapped his back and we climbed the hill. I was thrilled that I finally got to fuck Dickson, although he could have been more enthusiastic about it. Maybe when he thinks of all the guys that did him today, he'll realize that he kinda does like me. He better, so I can go back inside him again. Maybe he'll get withdrawal symptoms now that he doesn't have boyfriends. I could take him to the Justin school of horny and give him my advanced lessons.

"We'll have to come down to Wreck in the summer and hang out for the day," Nate suggested.

"Main beach or gay side?"

"What do you think?" he smiled.

"Right, gay side it is then," I teased.

"Main beach!" He laughed. "Or I can see you having me in a 10 way orgy."

"So, you're confusing me. You want the gay beach or not? A 10 way orgy sounds like a perfect day on the beach to me."

"Sure if nine of them are girls," Nate said as we continued up the steep slope.

"You're no fun, but I don't mind the main beach. We'll bring everyone. Make a day of it. Or we could take everyone out to our island and spend the day there."

"Your own island?"

"Yeah we call it Bare Island and not as in b-e-a-r."

"No surprise there." He laughed. "Sounds like fun."

I was already picturing the day with everyone out on the island running around naked for a family picnic. With all the renovations out there, we'd have to make sure we used it a lot more, or maybe rent it out to groups that wanted to use it. It would be a popular place. As we were heading up the trail, Kyle was heading down the trail.

"Did I miss it? I got stuck in class. What's going on?" He asked as we stopped to talk.

I told him and he shrugged and said he'd give it a miss. I think he was still a little pissed about being dumped by Dickson and Tripp. Personally I'd have taken it as an opportunity to show Dickson what he was missing and rub it in his face; after I'd rubbed it in his ass.

When Kyle and I got home, Jason and Alex let us know that Malcolm was going to join us after Christmas to allow him time to pack his stuff and move. They also said they had decided to build a bachelor suite on the new house for him so he could stay closer to the boys and not have to come through our house each time. Seemed like a sensible decision, so we still had our suite available, which would please Blake. I still think he figured it would be his when he `moved out' of the house. I watched the progress over at the new house every day, and it amazed me how much got done. No wonder Colin was so rich if all his projects went like this. We had all gone over to take a look one day at the site and Blake thought it was fun to wear a hard hat and act like the boss. He really emulated Colin in how he walked around the site looking at things and showing interest. I could see him taking over the business one day, even though I still didn't know exactly all the things that Colin was into. He was in construction and real estate for sure, as well as owning the Q, but other than that, I wasn't up to speed on all of it. As we stood on the construction site I looked at the giant hole being carved out under our property. I was now like a giant warehouse with steel girders holding everything up as they dug deeper and further. I wondered if we were building an underground garage or a shopping mall. I could see some of the structure beginning and I supposed it wouldn't take much to build a concrete box to put the cars in.

"This is where the elevator will bring the cars down and then the ventilation shafts will be towards the front of the yard. On the ground level, it'll look like two works of art, but it'll be designed to vent exhaust so we don't asphyxiate ourselves," Colin explained to me and Blake.

"Yeah, we can't fixate ourselves when we drive around underground, right Dad?" Blake said thoughtfully as he tried to participate in the conversation. "Will there be an emergency escape in case the elevator breaks?"

"Good question," Colin answered. "The whole house has emergency power which is enough to run the lift if we need to. It's hydraulic, so if it malfunctions, it'll have a manual override so we can move it by hand if we need to. But even if we can't get the cars out, most of the ones we use every day will be on the upper level anyway. This garage will be for the show cars and to do maintenance."

"Yeah, that's what I figured," Blake said as we went to look at the house next. From the outside, it looked almost as big as our place and we could see where the pool and bowling alley and things were taking shape. I loved the idea of the pool coming almost into the house under the overhang. Similar to what Colin's house in California was like. No doubt it's where he got the idea.

It was a busy week running around and buying all the Christmas presents and getting things we needed. Colin and I figured out everything we thought the others would like and wanted to make it special, especially for Blake, and we had the perfect gifts for him. Not one of them was a vibrating anything... With the kids it's easy, even Jason and Alex were easy. I know what you're thinking...I'm easy too, but we're talking about Christmas gifts now, you perverts. Did you know if you're under 14, you're not a pervert, you're a pre-vert. Just add that to your Wikipedia page. I had absolutely no idea what to buy Colin for Christmas. Each time I had to buy him a gift it was like killer stressful. I had one idea that I had been working on this time, but in years to come we might just buy each other clothes and take trips to exotic place. Spending time together would be our greatest gifts to each other. Blake's big gift was going to be hard to hide, as was the surprise we all had for the new kids, but we did a lot of it while they were at school, or out for the day at various activities. In the middle of the great room there was now a giant box completely wrapped up and secured from prying eyes. It could have been a car it was so big. Of course once the boys got home, they all raced to check it out and see who it was for, but we had deliberately not put a tag on it, so we could keep them guessing. They also saw the large tarp wrapping at the bottom of the yard which took up a whole corner. It was hiding something else, but we forbid them from going down to find out what it was. I think their animation level went way up as they saw all the presents beginning to pile up. So much for not spoiling them on their first Christmas with us. Of course Blake kept covertly moving all the presents for him into one area beside the tree so he knew where his stuff was. The twins just thought the Christmas paper was the prettiest' and shiniest'. At one point they were wearing bows on their chests as they pretended to be Christmas packages, which led to Blake and James wrapping them up in paper, with only their heads showing. Trust Blake to be getting into bondage already. They pushed the kids under the tree and took pictures and then ran off to get Jason and Alex, who thought that Travis and Trevor were the best Christmas gift they could get. They unwrapped them and played with their new `toys' for the next hour. So cute. I want one. Oh wait, I have Blake. I forgot that they grow up into teenagers...never mind. I wish you could just stop them growing at the age where they're the most fun. I think 3 or 4 is good. Once they learn to read, it's much harder to fool them.

Jason and Alex decided to take all the kids out for ice cream, which made them even more excited. Colin and I went to the door with them and I nudged my husband as we watched the twins put their shoes on. They put their own shoes on, but as usual they got them wrong. They had chosen the exact same shoes, but Travis was wearing the two left shoes and Trevor was wearing the corresponding right shoes. Alex just quietly flipped them around so they were correct. He looked up at me and shrugged with a smile. I was impressed at how well James and Blake were getting along and I'd noticed that since James' arrival Blake seemed to have toned down all sex antics. Maybe with James not allowing nudity or having everyone on their toes about being gay, he had had an effect on Blake. We'll see if it continues. Once they were gone I turned to Colin and gave him a big hug and kiss.

"What was that for?" he smiled.

"Just `cause I love you," I said holding him tight.

"So in other words, you're horny and want to make out before they get home," he teased.

"I didn't say that. I just like it when we have time to ourselves."

He smirked and pulled my shirt off over my head and tweaked my nipples. I gasped and almost collapsed against him. "Yeah, that's what I thought," he snickered as my pants were unfastened and before you knew it, we were naked and he had me on the stairs taking me doggy style. I decided to have more fun with it and began to slowly inch up the stairs one by one with him following as he continued to fuck.

"This is new," Colin laughed as he rubbed my back. "Tandem stair climbing. Where are we going?"

"Upstairs," I said redundantly.

"I figured that," he replied. As we got to the top step, he pushed my flat onto the landing and pounded the bejesus out of me. We both heard the front door and turned to see Kyle and a boy racing up the stairs.

"Those are my roommates Justin and Colin. This is Spencer", he said introducing the black haired emo boy that looked like he was barely 16.

"Topher," he corrected, not sure where to look.

"Topher," Kyle corrected shrugging. "Come on emo. Let's see what's under those clothes. You can play with these guys later. I've got a new bottle of `Fuck Water' lube I want to try out." He took his boy by the hand and dragged him off to his room.

"Looks like Kyle has been out shopping for himself for Christmas," Colin laughed. "That's the good thing about the mall at this time of year. Lots of boys just wandering around."

Then what are we doing here? I almost said out loud, but figured that might be a bit insensitive since I was making out with my partner. But seriously, we should go shopping in case we missed something that we needed for Christmas. Colin unleashed his load into me and pulled out. I quickly rolled onto my back and put my legs over his shoulders as I shuffled back up the landing. He got on top of me and returned inside as we kissed. He kept slowly fucking and I ran my hand down his back and rubbed his ass. We were really enjoying ourselves on the carpet. We had a whole massive house to play in, including a well set-up playroom and we were doing it on the stairs. It's like buying a kid a great toy and he plays with the box it came in.

Colin and I both laughed simultaneously as we heard Kyle's boy grunt as he was obviously being penetrated. He was a screamer and from the sound of him, he was enjoying it, or being murdered. We decided to stay naked for a bit and wandered down to play pool. I had almost beaten Colin, which is the same as saying I lost, when Kyle and Toby, Gopher, what's his face emo boy, came to join us. They were both wearing Andrew Christian matching underwear. How cute. I have to admit, Andrew Christian was fast becoming my favorite underwear, well that, and Petit-Q, but those were more for show than to be practical. With AC undies, they were designed to make your package look bigger, while being practical and sexy. "You guys want a game?" Colin asked as he sank the eight ball, ending my reign of terror on the table. And just for the record my reign of terror meant I'd sank two balls in a row. I think he deliberately lets me get close to winning instead of slaughtering me right off the break, which is nice of him. Ensures he gets after pool sex. Yes! It's a thing!

"Sure," Kyle said. "Winners fuck the losers."

Emo boy looked at Kyle with a sideways glance. "You guys always like this around here?"

"Yeah pretty much. We just go with whatever," Kyle said trying to sound cool.

"I'm up for it," I admitted. Kyle looked between my legs.

"Not yet you're not, but you will be."

"Me and Colin against you and emo," I suggested.

"Topher," emo said. I almost said `bless you', but refrained. We racked and let our guest break. I think it's quite possible that having Colin and I naked was distracting Gopher from his game as he seemed to be way more interested in our balls than the ones on the table. There were several sighting of erections in his shorts especially when one of us bent over to take a shot. Colin and I beat Kyle and emo, so we won the prize. I think it's more accurate to say that Colin beat Kyle and his new boy, while I was the eye candy to help with distracting the other team. Colin walked up to Kyle and turned him around to put his hands on the table. He smiled as he placed his hands on Kyle's side and slid them down taking the underwear with him. As he got on his knees and removed the small fabric, he buried his face into the smooth shaved hole. I guessed Colin was taking Kyle to boner town and leaving newbie to me.

"Guess you're mine," I smiled as I had him move next to Kyle against the edge of the table. "Have you had lots of experience being fucked?"

"No, not really Kyle was my first time," he admitted causing Kyle to turn and look at him.

"Really? Why didn't you say something?" Kyle asked looking over at Tofu as he shoved his ass out to give Colin better access to his sweet hole.

"Because I really wanted to do it and didn't want you to think I didn't know what I was doing," he said sheepishly, almost blushing.

"Well, you took it like a pro. If that was your first fuck, then you're a natural."

"Thanks. Yeah, I really liked it. It hurt a lot at first, but it got better as you got going," he told him.

"It must have. You just about fired a hole through my wall you came so hard," Kyle smiled.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I hadn't cum in four days so there was kinda lots built up."

Kyle looked back at us and explained. "He shot his load over his head onto the wall, and had about four massive spurts before the next few landed on his face and finally his chest. You shoulda been there. Fireworks don't go off with that much force."

"Nice," I admitted. Colin couldn't reply as he had his mouth full with Kyle's cock and balls that he had pulled between his legs. "Wait here, I'll go grab the lube." I raced to the bathroom as we didn't have any lube handy next to the pool table. I should build a little hidden lube shelf under it, in case of spontaneous sex like this. I got back and Gomer had his hands inside his underwear stroking his dick as he watched Colin rimming Kyle. It was time for me to see the rest of the boy. I got on my knees and turned him to face the pool table so that he and Kyle were side by side. I slowly lowered his underwear and kinda realized why Christmas is so much fun as you unwrap presents. You don't know what you're going to get and the excitement is almost overwhelming. It's my favorite part, when you get to lower the shorts to get to the reward. I got an extra surprise with this boy when I saw the tattoo on his ass.

"Nice!" I said appreciatively as I got his underwear completely off and threw them aside. "Check this out, Colin." He had a shark coming out of the water with jaws open on one cheek and a tattoo of a chunk missing out of his ass on the other cheek. Looked very realistic and in full color. "That must have taken a while to do." Lucky tattoo artist I was thinking to myself.

"They did it in three sessions. Hurt like a bitch though, but it's worth it. Of course I have to take my pants down for anyone to see it. Usually I'm wearing a jock strap so it's a lot more visible."

"Well, you should show that off way more. Of course it makes me scared to put my dick up to it now. I wouldn't want the shark to bite it off. I'm surprised they did that tattoo though. Don't you have to be 18 to get tattoos?"

"Nah, you can get parent's permission when you're 16, but I'm old enough anyway. Why? How old do you think I am?"

"16," I answered honestly.

He smiled. "Thanks, I think, but I'm 19."

"Wow, you're sure don't look it."

"I know. I get I.D.'d everywhere. Even going to movies sometimes."

I pulled his ass cheeks apart and there wasn't a hair to be seen. "Nice job shaving," I complimented.

"Laser hair removal. Figured if I was spending all that money on a tat, I didn't want to have to worry about shaving hair around it later on."

"This one's a keeper Kyle," I said as I licked the length of his crack keeping one eye on the shark as I went in. It's a really bizarre feeling having your face up to his ass with that type of graphic image on both sides. I felt like Jacques Cousteau on an underwater sex adventure. I have to admit it was way freaky, to the point where I had to close my eyes so the shark would stop looking at me. My dick wasn't faring that much better as I think it was staying limp in protest of not wanting to become shark bait. Weird how such a thing can affect your sex drive. I guess if he were a straight boy, this would be a perfect tattoo to keep the gays out. I decided to try a different approach and turned him around and went to play with his cock. He was uncut and semi limp. About average size and if there had been any wild tattoo on that, there is no way I could do anything with him, but fortunately if was ink free. Which is good, because I'm beginning to think I might be squid juice intolerant. I sucked him off until he was nice and hard and while not overly long, he was thick. I lay him on his back and put his legs over my shoulders. I positioned him closer to Kyle so the two of them could kiss, and watched as Colin stood up from playing with Kyle. "You ready for some synchronized fucking?" I asked looking at my husband. He smiled and put out his hand for the lube.

We took turns slicking up the holes of our prizes and when we were ready, we began to slowly enter both of them. I watched Colin and he watched me so that we could be in sync together. My boy didn't even miss a beat as I popped in past his sphincter. If it hurt, he never let on and grabbed his cock to jerk himself off as I went deeper and deeper. He didn't make any comment or sound until I was almost all the way in. Then he finally gasped and told me how big I was. I told him just to relax and take the last little bit, which he did. Kyle's not kidding, this boy is a natural. His ass was so tight that my dick was tingling with excitement as it pushed through his inner ring. Colin and I syncro-fucked our partners and kept watching for signs that the other might cum. Colin finally nodded at me and we picked up speed and hammered them harder. Emo dude shot his load all over himself which fortunately didn't blast over his head and onto the table. Colin and I both groaned at the same time and shot our loads into the boys. A perfect ending with very little splash at the end, guaranteeing us an almost perfect score for our first ever syncro fucking competition. We went downstairs and washed quickly before running back to the main level to get something to drink. I guess while we were in the shower, the family had arrived back and no one was more surprised than Tofu. His hand shot to cover his crotch as soon as he saw the four kids.

"Daddy, we got ice cweam!" Trevor said as he ran up and hugged me. Either he's gotta grow another foot in height, or I gotta wear a jock as he wrapped his arms around me and was eye level with my crotch. I still don't get the whole thing with calling me Daddy. They were just out with Jason. How could he get us confused? I was naked, his Dad was with Alex, probably dressed the same as when they went out. I wonder if they don't get the whole concept of twins, even though they were twins.

And now I have ice cream," I said as I gently pushed him back from me and wiped the dripping mess from my hip.

"We're having vagina for dinner," James said as he held up a bag.

"I think you mean lasagna," Alex corrected.

Everyone broke out laughing especially Blake. "Vagina! Oh my god, that's so funny. You know what a va..."

"Blake!" Colin yelled. "Don't finish that sentence."

I whispered to Kyle and Topher. "If that's what we're having for dinner, I'll have to pass. I just had hot dogs, wieners, sausages and buns." Kyle snickered and Shark Boy still looked uncomfortable standing around naked. We introduced him to everyone ignoring the fact that we weren't wearing clothes. As they headed off to put stuff away and get dinner ready, we headed upstairs to get dressed. Blake followed us.

"Where are you going?" I asked, almost knowing the answer before I asked it.

"To Kyle's room. We're just gonna hang out," he said smiling.

"Kyle has company. You should ask him first," I suggested.

"Can I come hang out with you guys?" Blake asked quickly.

"Sure, we're just gonna get dressed and then go down for dinner though," Kyle replied.

"That's cool. I like your tattoo. Is there really a piece missing on your bum?" he said as he looked at Shark Boy's ass.

"No, it just looks that way with the tattoo," he answered nervously.

"I'm gonna get a tattoo when I'm older," he announced. "I have to wait until I'm 16 to do anything around here, but that gives me lots of time to find a good one." They headed off down the hallway. In one sense this was a new Blake. The old one would have somehow turned the subject to sex and asked to see the new guy's penis, so we were making progress. No doubt he still wanted to see what Topher had to offer, but at least he wasn't saying it out loud any more.

We had our vagina...errr lasagna for dinner and Blake had to ham it up for our guest. He always sat next to anyone new and it was really fun to watch him interact with them. I think he was looking for constant approval from people and this was his way of getting it. When I do that, it's just to get close to them so I can get them into bed. I really hope Blake isn't taking after me, although it might run in my genes, perhaps even all the way into my underwear. During dinner, Troy and `Marvin' reminded us that they were leaving for California on Boxing Day. In my mind it was the beginning of the end and I was pretty miserable. Although they were only going for a few weeks it was going to seem like forever.

"We're heading out as well to be with Colin's parents," I said. "So we can at least all fly down together and then you two can head off and do your own thing."

"Good idea," Troy smiled.

"Yeah, then I can hang out with you guys and see your place `Marvin'. Maybe you can introduce me to some famous people and let them know I'm a TV star too. I might get to be in a movie while I'm there," Blake said nonchalantly.

"How about you let the guys go and have time to themselves for a bit and we'll explore California. Maybe you can learn to surf."

"Sic. But then can we go meet movie stars?" He asked.

"We'll see."

We had decided to give Troy and `Marvin' a going away party that started the best way we know the adult playroom after the kids had gone to bed. J.P. and Ryan had joined us as well.

"I think it's important for you to remember us so we all want to give you something to take on your trip," Jason said smiling. We guided Troy to the sling and put him on his back and removed all his clothes.

"I'm liking where this is heading," Troy grinned as we secured his hands and feet. Then `Marvin' was led over to the bench, stripped and securely tied face down with his knees on the side rails and ass up.

"Guys, tonight we're all going to fuck you so that your asses throb for a few days to remember us, and Troy, each of us will leave something in your ass that you can take with you, and you won't even need to declare it at customs," Alex said smiling. "Marvin' can share it with you later if he wants to get some of it out for himself."

"Nice!" Troy agreed. Marvin' looked just as enthusiastic. By the time we were all naked, erections were everywhere and sex began in earnest. All holes on Marvin' and Troy were filled as we got into it. Both guys got a good hard pounding from each of us. As my cock entered Troy, J.P. and Ryan were on both sides watching closely and I felt a bit nostalgic as I entered him. I remembered the first time I had fucked him and as I watched each inch of my cock disappear inside his tight hole, I realized that I really didn't want Troy to move away. He was my brother and I loved him, plus he had such a sweet hole. Ryan leaned down to watch the last of my cock vanish inside and then he began to suck on Troy's erection and rub my ass. Colin was the most vocal with his friend and continued to abuse him by slapping his ass hard until it was a bright pink and even throat fucked him until Marvin was gagging and choking. He spit on him a few times and called him all sorts of names. It was fun to see them back in action like when we had first met. At one point we had all stopped to watch Colin dominating Marvin' and it looked like a porn shoot with all of us standing around jerking our cocks as we stared.

"Uh hum," Troy said clearing his throat. "Still available over here." We turned our attention back to my brother and one by one we dumped a load into his ass, although it was certainly tempting to want to cum inside `Marvin' as well.

"You two can stay here while we all go upstairs and clean up. We might want to go for round two," Alex said. He was really into the role of the dominant master. We kept the guys tied up and put a blindfold and gag on them so they couldn't talk or play with each other. We all high fived each other and slapped Troy on the stomach and `Marvin' on the ass as we left to go get something to drink and get ready for round two.

As we walked out of the playroom, Blake was sitting outside the door in just his underwear crying. Everyone stopped to ask if he was alright, but he just ignored them. I waved them off and squatted down beside him and put my arm around his shoulder and pulled him next to me. "You okay, Blake?"

"No. I don't want Uncle Troy to leave. What if he likes it in California and never comes back?"

"He's only going on vacation for a few weeks, he'll be back," I promised.

"But I heard you guys talking before and I know it's so he can see if he likes it and move in with Uncle `Marvin'. That means he won't be my Uncle anymore.

I smiled and hugged him tighter. "He'll always be your Uncle, no matter where he lives. I know it'll suck not having him here all the time, but just think when you visit California, you'll always have a place to stay."

"It's not the same. I don't think you should let him move, Dad," Blake said looking up at me with tears running down his cheeks. I reached up and wiped them off his face.

"He's an adult. I can't really stop him. It would be the same when the time comes and you move out, which will happen one day. It'll be exciting for you as you do something that makes you happy, but sad for us to not have you around all the time, but we'll know you're living the life you want and we'll always be here for you. Same as we'll be here for Troy, no matter what he decides to do."

"It still sucks Dad. I hope he hates California and won't move," he said bluntly.

I lowered my voice and whispered to him. "Secretly, I do too buddy. I like having Troy live here, but it's his choice and we have to be happy for him. He'll never disappear from our lives. You feeling a little better now? Ready to go back to bed?"

He nodded. "Can I just have a minute to myself?"

"Sure," I smiled as I kissed the top of his head and stood up. I headed upstairs and found the guys in the shower cleaning up. They asked if Blake was alright, so I explained what was going on. I think all of us felt the way Blake did. None of us were ready for someone to move out yet, but this was a trial basis anyway. He couldn't officially move until after school was over and maybe, like Blake said, he'd hate California. I mean too much sun, blonde surfer boys, year round summer, hundreds of miles of beaches, movie stars, yeah! That could be all so unpleasant. I almost ran up to pack. We finished in the shower and went to the kitchen. Kyle said he'd go see how Troy and `Marvin' were doing.

He was gone only a minute before he quickly came back up. I wondered if our captives had escaped or something. "They okay?" Colin asked.

"Is Blake still down there or did he go to bed?" I added.

"The guys are fine, and no, Blake is still down there. Ummm... he's definitely still there," he replied looking a little guilty of something.

"Is he okay?" Colin asked.

"Yeah, I'd say he's okay," he said being evasive.

"Come on Kyle, what's going on. We know you well enough to know when you're leaving something out," Colin said curiously.

"Blake's just saying goodbye to the guys," he said vaguely.

"Why would that be a big deal?" Alex asked.

"I'd rather not say. Go with me on this. The guys are blindfolded. We're not there to see anything, so is anything really happening? Let's just take our time having a drink and I'm sure Blake will be off to bed soon."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I asked.

"I'm not saying anything, but I highly recommend we don't go downstairs right now, or you'll have to act like parents. Just wait."

"I've got a better idea," Colin said as he put his drink down and headed for the stairs. We all followed. It looked like a naked parade. As we got to the pool level and headed for the next flight of stairs, Colin called out in a loud voice. "I hope you guys are relaxed and ready for round two! Cause here we come boys!" We paused, and then slowly made our way down the stairs until we got to the lower level. Blake was sitting outside the door with his feet up and his arms around them. Each of the guys rubbed Blake's head as they went into the playroom. I stopped in front of him.

"Alright son, let's get you back up to bed. There'll be time in the morning to say goodbye to the guys.

"Okay, Daddy," he said as he stood up. Daddy? Wow he must really be feeling guilty. As soon as he stood up, his erection was obvious in the front of his underwear. I just chose to ignore it. Like Kyle said, if we didn't see it, did anything happen? We'll say no and move on. I got him up to bed and by the time we were there he was basically back under control. He removed his underwear and jumped into bed. I pulled the covers over him and couldn't help check out his body. He was really beginning to get some muscle definition and if he kept going with all the sports he was doing, it wouldn't be long before he was sporting 8 pack abs and good biceps. He had already lost a lot of the pre-puberty body fat and was going to be a well-toned teenager. Plus with his big dick, he was going to have his choice of people to hang out with. I might have to go to the bar on different days once he was old enough, or no one would be looking at me, they'd be looking at Blake. It would be better if he was straight, then gay guys would come over to me to ask who he was, while Blake checked out girls. It would be the best of both worlds. I tucked him in and gave him a kiss goodnight, before returning to the farewell party. By the time we were finished saying goodbye, my dick was so worn out, I doubt it would be getting hard for a few days, which is good because Christmas was here, and I don't imagine there will be a lot of sex over the next couple of days with all the excitement of the kids around us.

One the morning of Christmas Eve, Blake and I went to pick up Ben & Reece from the Academy as there was no way we were going to leave them there for Christmas and not include them. I felt bad that they didn't live with us, but they were so happy living at the school that they had declined my offer a few times. Plus the fact that they were now boyfriends and maybe didn't want to live under `parent' rules and jeopardize what they had. The dorm was almost empty when we arrived with just a couple of boys running around packing up last minute things. If they didn't have family around, most had been invited to join others somewhere which made it feel like they had created a real family for themselves in the Academy. I half expected a semi naked Zane to run and greet us, but he as nowhere to be seen this time. Blake was squirming around and I looked down at him.

"Do you need the bathroom or something?" I asked.

He nodded and took off down the hall at a run. I remember the potty dance, but at 12 he seemed a little old for it. I knocked on the boys' door and Ben opened it to let me in. They were both ready to go and their room was almost spotless.

"I've never seen your room this clean," I smiled.

"Yeah, the prefects said we had to pass inspection before we could leave the rooms for the holidays, so everyone's place looks like this," Reece admitted.

"Seems like a good idea. No point in having rotting food under the bed or stinking socks to come back to. Blake is with me, but he had to run to the bathroom."

"Did you check to make sure no one is having goodbye sex in the showers before he went?" Ben asked with a smirk.

"No, but Blake's pretty much seen everything there is to see like that anyway. I figure if he learns it early and is used to it, he won't be getting into trouble when he's older and hornier. He'll be so used to it, he won't care."

"Is Greg going to come over at Christmas?" Ben asked.

"No," I smiled. "Why do you want him as a Christmas present?"

"Just curious. It was nice to meet him last time and we'd like to be friends. He seemed like he needed some guys around that understood what he's going through."

"That and you want to get back into his pants," Reece teased.

"Duh!" Ben remarked as we heard Blake in the hallway.

"JUSTIN! BEN! REECE! Where the fuck are you guys?" He yelled.

I stuck my head out of the room and yelled down to him. "In here potty mouth." He ran to the room and pushed past me ignoring my comment.

"Hi Bros!" He said warmly as he began looking around their room. "You got any cool stuff you gonna bring with you for Christmas?"

"Just some Xbox games and new tunes. You like `Pumpin Blood' by NONONO?" Reece asked.

Blake grinned and began whistling. The other two encouraged him and kicked their iPod into action as the song played with him whistling to it. It really was impossible not to whistle when the song said and the whole wide world is whistling.' Try it. Listen to the song and see if you don't start whistling. Thank god it wasn't and the whole wide world was farting'... That would be true global warming.

Then they switched to Karmin's `Brokenhearted'. With pop music like this, you could tell they were gay kids. The three boys were dancing around to it. "I've been waiting all day for you to call me baby," Reece sang to Ben. Blake giggled.

"Honest Baby, I'll do anything you want to. Can we finish what we started, don't cha leave me brokenhearted tonight." Ben sang back. And they both said `cheerio' at the same time. Obviously they listened to this song a lot.

"Business on the front, party in the back." They both sang as they wiggled their asses at us. This was going to be a fun Christmas.

"Check out this song," Ben said as he turned on a song that started out `Drop that beat bitch.'

Blake grinned wide. Then the lyrics went on to "My gay best friend, he's on the go...we hit the mall, he helps me pick out shoes..."

"Who's that song by?" I asked.

"Heven," Ben answered. I shazammed it and downloaded it into my phone. I noticed that Blake also hit his Shazam! I could see that going down well at school. I was still dealing the ramifications from the song that went I threw your shit into a bag and pushed it down the stairs. I crashed my car into the bridge. I don't care, I love it...but I'm a 90's bitch.' Apparently these aren't kid friendly songs. People are so uptight. It's a good tune. I don't care, I love it'...

"Okay guys, let's go. It's going to be a busy day," I said to hurry them along.

"The warden has spoken," Blake said standing to attention. "Everyone line up single file and head to the yard."

"Smart ass."

"Cute ass, you mean," he said as he turned and wiggled it at me. I swatted him on it and he tackled me onto the bed. I picked him up threw him over my shoulder and headed out the door with the other boys following. A guy walked past in a towel coming from the bathroom and as he passed Blake yelled `bye' to him.

"Later Blake. Have a good Christmas," the boy said.

"You know him?" I asked somewhat surprised.

"Yeah, he's my new friend. He was masturbating in the shower when I went in, so I got to watch. I showed him my penis after I peed and he said it was nice. I think he was gonna give me a blowjob until he asked how old I was, and then said I was big for my age."

"What's his name?"

"Dunno. Can't remember, but he does it with his left hand."

"Well, as long as you got the important facts," I joked.

"That's Peyton. New kid," Reece explained. Kinda quiet and shy. I'm surprised that you caught him in the shower. He usually keeps to himself."

"Yeah, but I'm Blake. People just stick to me like gravy."

"You mean they gravitate towards you," I said swatting him on the ass again.

"That's what I said, ya big bully!" he replied as he reached down and swatted my ass. "Are you gonna carry me all the way to the car?"

"No, I'll probably just drop you down the stairwell and pick you up at the bottom."

"Ha ha, you can't do that, I'd be dead and then you'd be sorry."

"That's true. It would suck for sure. I mean we spent all that money on Christmas presents, and we'd have to return them if you were dead. Plus we'd have to call Santa and tell him to cross you off the list and then we'd have to clean up that mess in your room. Yeah, it would be too much work. Maybe you should walk," I teased as I put him down.

"See what you're not missing by living not with us," Blake said looking at his brothers. "You got a spare bed I could use in your place?"

"Anytime you want to stay over, just ask," Reece smiled looking at me for confirmation. I was fine with it, but leaving Blake at the Academy for a night might be the exact opposite of what we were trying to do. Less sex exposure, not more. He'd seek out all the 14 year olds and be in the middle of a gang bang before I'd even driven away.

"Or you could invite Ben and Reece to stay at our place anytime you want," I offered.

"Yeah! Like tonight. You guys can stay in my room with me and Cory. We're gonna stay up late with Travis, Trevor and James and wait for Santa. If you want to share a bed, I have a spare one in my room. Cory will sleep in mine and you guys can sleep in the other one."

"Thanks Blake. That'll be fun," Ben accepted. "Ummm, do you actually wait for Santa?"

"No. I'm too old for that, but James and the twins still believe in him, so we're all going to play along and hide out in the living room after the adults go to bed."

I grinned to myself. They'd all be asleep long before that. We got back to the house which was now a flurry of activity. Catering trucks were in the driveway unloading so much food and drink, I thought maybe we were hosting an episode of Master Chef. As things were being set up throughout the house, people began to arrive to hang out and get into the Christmas spirit. We had bottles of Christmas Spirit everywhere. Christmas tequila, Christmas Whiskey, Christmas Vodka, Christmas get the idea. I still haven't been able to find out what part of the egg is the nog, but I'm guessing it's something from the olden days. I still had to go up and don my gay apparel to get into the Christmas mood, but I never know what gay apparel is. Maybe assless underwear and a feather boa; a tight fitting t-shirt and shiny black skinny jeans with designer runners; a cock ring and butt plug? They really have to be specific with these songs. Apart from family, we had invited Brandon and Randy, Cole and Arden, all our friends from University, including Linda and Robyn. Kurt and Patrick also joined us, along with J.P.'s Mom, Mary and of course the day wouldn't be complete without Cory and Sheila. My parents had a function to go to but they would be over all day tomorrow. With the abundance of food spread out everywhere I figured I would double in size by the time we got through Christmas. You'd be able to tell the three of us apart when I was as big as a hippopotamus. Maybe that's what they wrote that song about. `I want a hippopotamus for Christmas.' They were referring to me.

"Can I have everyone's attention please," Blake said standing on a chair as the last of our guests had arrived. "We're gonna do something really cool for Christmas. We invited all the kids from my old group home, which is also James' old group home. They're gonna be here soon for a few hours and join us for dinner. They don't have much stuff so we thought they might like a fun day, so me and my Dad's arranged it."

I was so proud of Blake when he had suggested it. He had the right idea of Christmas. James was a little less enthusiastic about it, but went along reluctantly. When the front gate buzzed announcing their arrival, we all went to the door to watch the Hummer limo pull in and the kids pile out. Mrs. Dalton told the 12 children to behave as they all headed towards the house and gathered around Blake and James. I noticed that James stuck close to Jason and Alex and was keeping one eye on the big guys while being friendly with the younger kids. I was watching John as I still wasn't sure about him. At 16, he was one of the older kids and from what I remember, he was a bit of the house bully, although in the first 15 seconds we hadn't had even one homophobic comments from him. Blake and James took over and showed them around the house where they started upstairs in the bedrooms and ended up in the playroom on the lower level.

John came up to me at one point and stared. I thought we were in for some sort of confrontation, but I was wrong. "Thanks for doing this for the kids. They don't get much of a Christmas, so this is nice. I guess gay guys aren't that bad after all, but I'm still not going to sleep with you or anything."

"Thanks for clearing that up. I was worried that I was going to have to put out and make sure I was wearing clean underwear, instead of just enjoying a nice family day. Glad everyone is having fun. Are you all planning on swimming later?"

"I think so. Mrs. Dalton told us to bring swim suits. Let me guess, you want to watch me change?"

I laughed. "No. I really don't. Just make sure that you let someone know when the little kids are going to the pool so that we have adults around in case they need help. We also have a steam room and sauna if you want to use those, as well as the foam room."

"Foam room?"

"Well, it's a like a room that can fill with bubbles. The kids will enjoy it. Even you might have fun, John," I smiled. "Do you play pool?"

"Yeah, sometimes," he said casually.

"Maybe we can have a game later."

"Whatever," he shrugged. Well at least that was better than some gay slur back from him. He took off and rejoined the other guys. He was actually getting along with Kyle and Troy and talking up a storm with `Marvin'. I suppose even straight boys can get man crushes on celebrities. It wasn't long before the whole lot of them were running off to change to go swimming. Boys to Blake's room and girls to one of the guest rooms. Mrs. Dalton seemed to be enjoying herself as well and was probably able to relax for a bit knowing that someone else was taking care of the kids. She looked like a three egg nogger type of lady. My guess is she didn't get much time to relax. Everyone took turns supervising the pool area with some of them hitting the hot tub or pool with the kids. Cole and Arden commented that they thought this was probably the first time they'd been in our pool with clothes on.

"Well, there's a first for everything buddy. Don't worry, next time you're over, we'll go back to normal. I still need a couples massage."

"Sure anytime you and Colin want to come around, we'll be happy to give you a massage," he offered.

"Not what I meant," I smiled. "I meant I want you two, as a couple, to give me a massage."

"That's not the true definition of a couple's massage, but as always, I like how you think," Cole grinned.

I had to be careful or I'd start thinking about Arden's big dick and before you know it, I'd be fishing it out of his swim shorts to take a ride on, and I was going to keep this a sex free and family fun day if it killed me, and it just might. John was a pretty good looking guy and knowing how he felt about gay guys I made sure not to get too close to him while he was only in his shorts, but he obviously worked out. He had pretty big muscles and I loved the freckles across his shoulders. He was pretty cute when not throwing attitude. If he'd been anyone else, I would have made a play to see what was he was packing, but this wouldn't be the guy to try that with. I'd just have to accept what I could see. I did notice that he seemed protective of the young girls of the house, but played really rough with the boys. He would give them wedgies as he lifted them up to drop them in the water, try to tackle them, and was generally being the dominant one over all the boys. He even pantsed a few of the younger ones, but only enough to expose their asses. With the girls, he helped them if they weren't good at swimming, or got them a towel if they were out of the water shivering. He really was a tough guy to figure out. I couldn't decide if I liked or disliked him. I tried to think like a straight boy, but every time I went into that mode, I wanted to spit and fart, and with a houseful of people, it may not have been a good look for me, so I just tried to sort him out using my gay brain. Maybe he was trying to toughen the boys up by picking on them and making them stand up for themselves, but all I could see was a bunch of kids that were scared of him. I could see it in James' face each time John got too close, and Blake avoided him as much as possible too, which was unusual for Blake as he normally gravitated towards older guys, unlike his misbelief that older boys chose to stick to him like gravy. John should have been a natural choice for him, so I'm guessing he had made their lives a lot tougher in the house while they were there. John strolled over at one point and asked if he could use the gym equipment in the workout area.

"Sure, make use of anything you want. If you use the bench and barbell, just make sure you have a spotter with you."

"Yeah, thanks," he said as he headed for the gym. Kyle and Troy decided to join in as well. Great, he's corrupted my gays to be straight boy jocks. Ben and Reece also went along, probably as backup. If John wasn't careful, they'd have him down to the other playroom and in restraints. Shit! I ran upstairs to change into shorts so I could jump in the cold water. Thinking of Arden's big sausage and now John being tied up and used wasn't helping me stay under control. The cold water would do the job though. Blake swam up and climbed on my back and threw his arms around my shoulders.

"Having fun Dad?" He asked. "This was a good idea wasn't it?"

"I'm having lots of fun, buddy, and yes, this was a really wonderful idea you had. I'm proud of you for sharing your Christmas with them."

"Everyone is having a good time, even John seems happy and he doesn't like anything. He's even talking to Kyle and Troy and Reece and Ben. Do you think he knows they'," he whispered.

"I don't think it matters, son. As long as they're getting along and respect each other's boundaries, then it isn't an issue."

"It is with John. He doesn't like gay guys. At the group home, if any of the boys looked at him naked, he called them little faggots, and we had to share a bathroom with each other a lot otherwise we'd never get to use it. Most of the time we'd let him go in by himself and we'd wait, but if we were already in there, he'd just come in and take over. So we kinda got used to it and made sure not to look at him or anything. If two of us took a shower at the same time he always called us little queers and tried pushing us together to make out while making nasty comments. None of us like him."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Obviously that's not fair, but maybe he's just having trouble being in a group home and not having family."

Blake moved his head around to look at my face. "Don't you dare!" He warned.

"Don't I dare, what?" I asked confused.

"Don't you dare adopt him. I'd move out if you tried that. I don't want to be bullied everyday again."

I grinned. "Don't worry, I wasn't thinking of adopting him. I agree with you. We don't need someone with that attitude around here. I was just trying to reason why he might be a bully." I stopped short of saying we already had James with a mini version of that attitude.

"Whew! You scared me." He said in his slightly animated fashion. I looked over to the gym where the guys were working out. They looked like they were getting pretty serious about it and helping each other on the different machines. So good to see them all getting along. I spent time in the pool and then ran and got dressed again to hang out with everyone else. Mary and Sheila were enjoying a glass of wine upstairs and talking with others around them. They fit in well with our group, despite being older than the rest of us.

When swim time was over, everyone headed back upstairs to change. I noticed the older boys went with Kyle and Troy, while the younger ones went with Blake and Cory. Funny how that works. The girls all stayed as one group despite age. When they came back down, Kyle came up next to me and grabbed some food off a nearby plate. "So you get a chance to bone John in front of everyone?" I teased.

"Are you kidding? That guy would rather kill gay guys than let them anywhere near his junk. But just for the record, and I know you're dying to find out. He's uncut, average size limp and probably gonna be about 7 inches when hard. He doesn't shave anything and his ass cheeks are smooth, with hair only in the crack."

"Well, thank you for the deets `gay entertainment weekly,' I'm surprised he let you see him naked," I smiled. I really did want to know. Kyle and I both knew that. "He didn't really, but his towel slipped as he was changing and I got to see him. Not because he showed me."

"Did he comment on the fact that all of you are shaved smooth?"

"No, the last thing he's gonna talk about is our packages, but he definitely was checking us out. I'm thinking that boy is gayer than RuPaul at an Ecstasy party."

"Is that a thing? I'd love to see what it would be like at an Ecstasy party," I laughed. "Makes sense about John though. It would explain the bullying and homophobic comments. Typical deflection and denial. Look how many straight boys we know, and they have no problem commenting on things like being shaved. They even ask why or how and are curious. Only closeted gay guys avoid the subject completely in case you think they are checking you out. When he picks on the little kids, he's secretly getting off on it. Looks like I still have some stuff to learn to be a psychologist. I missed all the signals."

"Whoa there Dr. Phil. Don't turn him into a project. It was just a quick observation. I'm pretty sure you don't need more things to work on. You've already got Kurt and Nate in your straight boy conversion program."

I chuckled at that. He wasn't wrong. Last thing I needed was another Damian situation on my hands. I'd be reserved and professional. I'll try a whole new approach. If John sees that gay guys are just like everyone else, then he shouldn't have a problem coming out one day if he wishes to. If he thinks that gay is a bad thing, then he'll continue to be a homophobe and probably live an unhappy life. Yeah, that's my approach, just be nice. I think I could write a book on gay stuff. Dr. Justin's How to come out for dummies.' It'll be a best seller, just a very short book. Realize you're gay. Tell someone. You're out. Live your life with people who accept you.' End of book.

Jason made a quick announcement that we were getting a visitor soon and everyone should gather in the great room. We assembled quickly and Jason picked up his phone to answer it, even though I hadn't heard it ring. "Yes, we are all here! I'm sorry I can barely hear you...No, but if he has a red nose, he might just have a cold. We can call the vet while you're here," he yelled into his phone while putting his hand up to his other ear as if he were having trouble hearing. The kids were glued to him. "In the back yard? Right, no we don't have a real chimney," he laughed. "Okay. We'll be waiting."

"Sorry about that," Jason said looking at all of us. "Our guest is really busy tonight, but said he was making a special stop for a few minutes."

"Who is coming?" Asked one of the little girls.

"Well, if you look out there you'll probably see him arrive." Even I was curious. This wasn't something I had planned. I smiled as I saw a guy in a red suit parachute into the back yard.

The little kids ran to the window excitedly and began shrieking and screaming. "Santa! It's Santa!!" I almost broke into tears. They were jumping up and down and holding hands and going absolutely apeshit. Even the ones who didn't believe in Santa like Blake and Cory were excited. As he landed and got the parachute down, he unbuckled and headed toward the house. I smiled to myself at the continuity error I saw. He landed with no bag full of toys, but as he arrived up the stairs he had a large red sack over his shoulder. I'm guessing you can't parachute while carrying a million toys. The elves must have dropped the toys off ahead of time. He arrived in the house and gave his traditional greeting.

"Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas," he said in a deep voice as he approached. I always feel self-conscious around Santa when he yells out his greeting. I never know if he's calling me names or just saying hello. The kids attacked him like terrorists after an American. He laughed and exclaimed, "I hope you have all been good little boys and girls. I heard you were all going to be here today, so I stopped in to see you before I make my trip to all the other children around the world."

Jason greeted Santa and took him to the big chair we had set up for him. I still had no idea who Santa was for real as all our friends were already here. "Jason, would you help me hand out some toys today as my elves are very busy getting the rest of the toys and presents ready for tonight."

"Sure Santa," he smiled as Santa opened the bag. He pulled out a present and read the label and gave a deep belly laugh. "Daphne this one is for you," he said scanning the room. He was being pretty good at not asking who Daphne was, after all Santa is supposed to know these things. But like any kid, a little girl jumped up and ran up to him. I'm guessing she was Daphne. She climbed on his lap and looked into his eyes with the cutest smile I've ever seen on a kid. "I got your letter Daphne and I understand you've been good all year."

She just nodded almost overwhelmed to be sitting on this bigger than life icon's lap. "This is for you," he said as he handed he the present. She opened it quickly and shrieked when it was the doll she wanted. Santa continued to hand out presents, surprising everyone with how accurate the presents were. He even asked a few of them what they wanted for Christmas, and if they didn't get the answer right the first time, he asked what else they would like until they hit the correct present. It was well done and there were even small presents for the adults. John found himself with portable Bluetooth speakers for his phone and he was thrilled as they were state of the art and designed to give amazing sound. There was only two people left to give presents to. One was Jason who went second to last and then Alex who was last. As Alex unwrapped his present, it looked like it was just a note pad, but as he read it, his head snapped towards Santa and he stared at him. He froze in place and Santa just nodded. Alex threw his arms around him and when he finally let him go, I could see tears in his eyes.

"What did you get?" I asked wondering what could be this emotional.

"Just the best Christmas present ever," he said trying not to cry any harder. "Just the best Christmas present ever." I still wasn't any wiser.

Santa announced that it was time for him to go and deliver presents to boys and girls around the world and asked Jason and Alex to accompany him as he left. Surprisingly he headed upstairs to the second floor, which I suppose to the kids made sense, since that's where the sleigh would be. The kids all ran after him but were stopped at the bottom of the back stairs and waved to Santa as he made his way up the winding staircase. Once he was out of sight, they all ran back to play with the things they had been given. Some of the older boys had received iPads which was a huge hit. Colin came over and whispered in my ear. "The truck has arrived."

I went to find Blake and told him. He was almost ready to burst he was so excited. We jumped into Colin's car and headed for the group home where a large truck was parked outside. Colin opened the front door with the keys he had gotten from Mrs. Dalton and we began unloading. We had bought all the kids bikes and an Xbox game system with tons of games for all age ranges. We'd purchased a couple of printers that would work with the iPads that the older kids had received, and also wrapped a couple new computers up for everyone to use. We bought Mrs. Dalton a new dishwasher and a large washer/dryer as she had complained that the ones she had weren't doing a very good job any more. It had been arranged for the appliances to be installed as well, and we just added a bow to them. It didn't take long to place everything and make sure the tags were on it for each kid. Blake was in charge of checking the names to make sure everyone received a new bike appropriate for their ages. All included a helmet and lock. Once we were done, the house looked great and the kids would be even more excited than before. I almost went to go and check John's room to try and find out more about him, but I didn't invade his privacy, as much as I really wanted to. We headed back to the house to finish our Christmas Eve.

The first surprise was Alex. He was almost glued to a guy, who had his back to us. I went up to see who he was and beamed as I saw his older brother Cody.

"Hey Cody! Merry Christmas," I said giving him a hug. "When did you get here?"

"Let's just say I dropped in for Christmas. Jason insisted that I come back as a surprise for Alex."

"And it was a great surprise," Alex said hugging his brother. Then he whispered, "He was Santa."

"That explains the emotion when you sat on his lap," I nodded. "Great surprise Jason."

"Figured we'd have fun with it and Cody agreed, but damn it was hard to keep it a secret."

"So Alex, you bone Santa yet?"

"Dude he's my brother!" He said looking shocked, but with a smirk.

"So we're having a gang bang later tonight then?" I teased.

"Wouldn't be your house without it," Cody laughed. "Santa has to make sure he empties his sack before the end of the night and give all the good boys a nice wooden toy."

"Sounds like fun, but aren't you like 900 years old or something. Can you still get it up, Santa?"

"Guess you'll have to find out. Of course, you'll have to be asleep like a good boy, or Santa won't cum."

"Something tells me Santa's gonna cum a few times tonight whether I'm asleep or not."

"Really?" James said as he walked up behind us. Christ, first Blake sneaks up when you least expect him, now James. I'm gonna put bells on these kids.

"I mean he'll be in town a few times. He's already been here once, but I think he still comes to drop off a few more loads after midnight." I replied causing a little giggling from the other guys.

"Okay, I'll make sure that Trevor and Travis are asleep so they get lots of stuff. Santa didn't bring us very much last year, but that's because my Mom said we weren't good all year. This year, we've tried to be really good so he'll like us more. I told him that if he wanted to give Trevor and Travis my presents, I'd be okay with that, just as long as they were happy."

The whole area around us went silent and none of us knew what to say. Jason knelt down in front of him. "You've all been good this year. I talked to Santa as he left and he said he was proud of the way you were looking after your brothers, despite the tough time you just had. He thinks you're the most special boy he's ever met. I'm willing to bet he leaves you a lot of things." I almost broke into tears. God, this emotional stuff is way harder teaching virgins about sex. James' face lit up and he wrapped his arms around my brother.

"Thanks Jason. I guess it's not so bad living here," he said before he stepped back and ran off to play with the others. Jason stayed where he was and wiped a tear from his eye. Alex knelt down and gave him another hug.

"He's coming around. We'll just keep being ourselves, and one day he'll be a normal teenager, saying he hates us and sneaking the car out to go on a date."

Jason sniffed and laughed. "Something to look forward to huh!"

"You can borrow Blake for practice if you want," I offered.

"Borrow me for practicing what?" Blake said as he came around the other side of the pool table. Seriously? What are these kids? Ninjas?

"Practicing handling a teenager before their own boys get to be your age," I told him honestly.

"Yeah. I can teach you everything you need to know. If you want me to show them stuff I can. I know how to make arm farts and whistle."

"You also know how to make real farts and spy on people," I added.

"All part of my teenager services," Blake grinned as he fist bumped Jason.

"Wanna trade Blake for Trevor and Travis?" I asked my brothers jokingly.

We went to see how everyone was doing. The kids were playing everywhere and were pretty much the center of attention. They challenged each other on the slide to the ball pit. Although the twins still wouldn't go down, they were happy to watch the older kids hit the pit and each time they did, Trevor and Travis jumped up and down with excitement. It was like having mini cheerleaders on the sidelines. They happily played in the pit and held their own attacking the older boys. It didn't take long for some of the guys to head out to the garage and go explore through the cars. Kurt was happy to be their guide and show them all the features. I think he knew more about the workings of the cars than we did, and happily told them about his job as he looked after them all. It was fun to watch guys drooling and wiping their mouths on the bottom of their shirts as they almost fondled the cars. I can't imagine what it would be like once the underground secret lair was done, or as Colin calls it...the garage, especially when the other cars came up from California. Kurt asked if they could take a few vehicles out on the road for a bit and of course Colin told them to go for it. Those that could drive picked a car and a passenger, and headed out for a short drive. It was another one of our car parades. With the size of the smiles on the faces of some of the younger boys you'd think they'd won the lottery. We made sure to take pictures of everyone in their vehicles so they could have them for their social media sites. I mean nothing brings up your status as a boy like being in a Bugatti or Lamborghini Ankonian. I saw one of the smaller boys give Kurt a hug once they finished their drive, which was just too cute not to take a picture of.

After he ran off to talk about it with his buddies, I went up to Kurt. "Looks like you're going to be his friend for life."

"I know. He was so excited that he almost wouldn't sit still. I think he really likes cars."

"He's a mini you," I smiled. "Maybe we'll have to hire him when he gets older."

"This was an awesome day. Hey, and thanks for the present from Santa," he grinned. He had been given a Petro Canada gas card in a glass box that said `unlimited gas for a year.' We figured he could use it.

"Don't thank us. Thank Santa," I smiled. "He just knows what everyone really wants."

"Well he got that right. Gas is so expensive that sometimes I have to scrounge enough money to get to school."

"I'm surprised. I thought you were making enough working here to pay for everything."

"I do, but a little extra never hurts and now I don't have to think about gas money. But I feel bad because I didn't get you anything."

"You weren't supposed to. We made it clear that no one was to bring presents," Colin said as he held my hand casually.

"But you guys bought everyone presents."

"No we didn't. Santa did. Nothing to do with us," he grinned.

"Right. Santa! Got it. Thanks anyway. This is a great party."

He should show up when we have a real party. Then he'd know fun. So far everyone had kept their clothes on, so it was mediocre at best. All our friends had been over for a night of food and drink, and for once it didn't turn into an orgy. Maybe we were actually growing up...god, the horror! The night went by fast and it was time for Mrs. Dalton to get her kids home as some were well past their bedtime, and no doubt she'd have her hands full tomorrow. We recommended she take everyone in the back door to avoid the living room where all the new gifts were. She smiled and thanked all of us for making this such a special Christmas for the kids. I felt all warm and fuzzy. Kinda like how the Grinch must have felt when Cindy Lou what's her face affected him. Or was it all the Who's down in Whoville? As they left, I turned and gave Blake a big hug and kiss.

"Gross!" He said as he wiped his cheek. "What was that for? I didn't do nothing wrong, why am I being punished?"

"It's `cause I love you and I think you're an amazing kid."

"Cash, Dad! Cash. Kissing, no. Cash yes! Now I have to go scrub myself clean," he said trying to sound all tough, but we both knew he liked it. I mean give the boy the opportunity and he'd be in bed with us doing anything Colin and I did. Our other friends left as well, leaving just those related to us behind. Cory & Sheila said their goodbyes too even though Blake tried his hardest to get them to spend the night, but they promised to return after lunch tomorrow and Sheila agreed that Cory could spend tomorrow night at the house which pleased both boys. We were leaving early on Boxing Day for California, but Jason would be around to take Cory home, so it wasn't a problem. The caterers had returned to begin cleaning up the house and get it ready for tomorrow. While they were doing their job we went to watch a Christmas movie. Since the Grinch was on my mind, we all watched that, and while Blake had seen it before, James, Travis and Trevor were lying side by side on the bean bag chairs wide eyed with excitement. Blake lay with them and handed out popcorn.

"Want some cockporn Daddy?" Travis asked me.

"Not right now sweetie. I usually have cockporn much later at night," I said without cracking a smile. Blake giggled and Colin elbowed me in the ribs. Before the movie was over the three kids were asleep, exhausted from the excitement of the day.

"I guess we should get them up to bed," Jason said as he and Alex stood up to get the kids. He picked up James, while Alex grabbed Trevor. I stepped up to help and lifted Travis. It was like hauling a sack of potatoes around. A sack of potatoes with arms and legs. I don't know how mothers do this all the time. We took them up to the bedroom and lay the boys on the double bed. "Since the twins didn't use the bathroom before they fell asleep, we'll put them in the pull-ups to avoid a wet bed." He and Alex undressed the twins, slid the protective underwear on them and put pyjama bottoms on them. With James, they just removed his shirt and socks and left him in his pants.

"Don't you put him in pyjamas too?" I asked.

"With him being so volatile about things at the moment, it's best if we don't change him. He'll be fine in his clothes for one night. He doesn't let us see him naked, so we'll respect that until he learns to accept us." Alex explained. He placed James in the middle of the bed and then one twin on either side of him. "That's how we usually find them every morning, no matter how we put them to bed." It really was cute to see them like that, but if they were still doing that when they were 16, we'd probably have to buy them a bigger bed.

It was sweet to see Alex and Jason kiss the boys goodnight too. They really were becoming good parents. We'd missed that with Blake but I liked the fact he was more independent and I could have proper conversations with him. The twins couldn't even sort out that I wasn't their Dad, which secretly I liked a lot. Just don't tell anyone. I kinda hope they never figure out who is who.

We returned to the media room and picked out another movie. Blake curled up with Colin and I on the couch while Ben and Reece spooned together on the other couch. All of us were partnered up and it was nice to see everyone cuddled against someone. The way Kyle and Cody were groping each other, I wondered if they were just going to make out in front of us, but regardless it was pretty obvious Kyle was going to be checking out Santa's package later. I finally realize now that when Santa said Ho Ho Ho, it wasn't a greeting, he was describing Kyle. I know if I said that out loud, somehow they would turn it around and make me the ho'. As I looked around the room, it was nice to see how good a family we had. Troy and `Marvin', J.P. and Ryan. Jason and Alex, Kyle, Blake, Ben and Reece, with Mary as our Mom of the group, and Cody. I hoped we would always be able to be around for Christmas like this.

Once the movie was over, we told the boys to head up to bed. Even though Ben and Reece were old enough to stay up as late as they wanted, they seemed anxious to get up to bed as well and Blake had insisted they stay in his room. I almost reminded them of the age parameters if they were thinking of fooling around tonight, but decided to trust them. I think they were too excited about Christmas anyway. Once they had disappeared, the rest of us jumped into action and grabbed all the stuff for the stockings and went to the great room to lay them all out for everyone. We had installed hooks above the two fireplaces and hung the stockings by the chimney `with care' with all our names on them. Earlier in the week, the twins had enjoyed being lifted up to hang their stockings where they wanted them. Tonight we would replace their average size stockings with giant 6 foot stockings, identically embroidered with names. Theirs would be in the great room and the adults stockings would be in the living room with extra things placed on the sunken circular couch. As we headed for the great room with the boxes of stuff, Colin stopped suddenly and put his hand up like a Navy Seal to shut us up. He pointed toward the coffee table where the twins and James were hiding under it. They had dragged blankets and pillows down, just like Blake said they would, but had fallen asleep again. We backed up and returned to the soundproof media room. I noticed Blake wasn't with them, so he was probably talking Ben and Reece to death.

"That's sooo cute," Mary said. "I remember those days. Jean Paul used to do the exact same thing every year and never caught me once, although I when he was 9 he almost got me. He'd set up strings all over the living room with bells on them and I almost tripped over them. Fortunately I saw them in time or he really would have caught me.

"I never knew how Santa got into the house since we didn't have a chimney, but I was damn sure going to try and find out. I never did," J.P. admitted.

"I guess we'll have to load up the stockings in here and quietly hang them in the great room," Troy suggested.

"I don't get it. Normally the kids sleep like the dead. You could use a jack hammer in their room and they wouldn't wake up, and today they choose to wake up and drag themselves to another room." Jason laughed. "It makes you hope they never grow out of Santa phase." We sorted out all the toys, candy and other things for the stockings for each of the six boys. For Ben and Reece we had put in useful things that they could use at home like shampoo, soap, toothpaste, new razors, etc. Things like that, as well as new designer underwear, socks, etc. I mean no boy likes getting clothes as a present, so in a stocking it makes more sense. We also dumped about a hundred dollars worth of loonies into their stockings just for fun. For the little ones there were new stuffed animals and things appropriate to their age. I liked the toothpaste that turned your mouth blue to show you what parts you had missed when brushing, so I had one of those for Colin, which I'd put in his stocking later, but each of the younger kids got one, including Blake.

Once we were done sorting it all out, we quietly tiptoed back to the great room and took down the smaller stockings to replace them with the much larger ones. We just hoped that with the weight, the hooks would hold, or it would be one hell of a racket if they fell. We were keeping one eye on the boys and finished as quickly as we could before getting out of there with our mission accomplished. I felt like we should have had some sort of theme music playing and at least been dressed all in black while we did it. Then we headed out to the garage where we'd been hiding all the other presents for the boys, and loaded them up under the main tree. It's really not easy trying to be as quiet as mice when you're hauling tons of wrapped presents. Once we were done, we headed upstairs and said goodnight to everyone. Kyle and Cody almost had each other undressed before they got back to the bedroom and I wondered if they would get any sleep at all. Santa was going to get more than milk and cookies at this house. Well more than cookies, anyway. No doubt he'd be getting milk, or milked.

We were awakened by yelling and screaming and the general excitedness of three little kids who had discovered their first real Christmas waiting in the great room downstairs. I turned over to Colin to find he had been woken up as well.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"6 am," I answered. "Merry Christmas."

He groaned. "I hope someone bought them all watches."

As we tried to focus and get ourselves ready for one long ass day with a huge amount of yelling, noise and food, Blake charged in and flew into bed between us like he was being chased by werewolves. "Dads, time to get up! The kids have found the stuff Santa left." He winked as he said `Santa'.

"It looks like every present on the planet is down there. What did you guys get me?" He beamed as he climbed into bed between us.

"Lots of great stuff. We signed you up for a month of dishwashing lessons; there's 6 can of broccoli; a year's supply of underwear and the best of all, three different muzzles."

"Ha ha, very funny. So what did you really get me?"

"Guess you'll have to be patient and wait," I smiled.

"Really? I've think I've mentioned I'm not really patient, so you should just tell me to avoid any issues and stuff. Should we get going and get rippin'?"

"How about breakfast first, then we can open presents?"

"Okay, I'll have two Cheerios and a shot glass of milk please," he giggled as he jumped on Colin. "I love you guys."

"We love you too." We jumped out of bed to get ready for the fun ahead. Who am I kidding? We groaned and dragged our asses out of bed and headed to the bathroom. We did what needed to be done in the form of the peeing and showering, teeth brushing and ummm... yeah, that's everything. We couldn't do much more as Blake was hanging out with us talking constantly about how much fun today was going to be with the little kids. He seems to forget we consider him one of the little kids.

"Oh crap!" He said suddenly jumping off the counter he was sitting on. "I forgot to wake up Ben and Reece. They're not gonna want to miss anything. They had sex under the covers last night when they thought I was asleep. I wasn't, but I didn't get to see nothing as they were trying to be quiet. I figure I'll wake them up and at least get to see their morning boners. See ya later, Dads." He ran off to disturb the rest of the house. No doubt as soon as he had his brothers up, he would go and wake Kyle and Cody and then move around the house systematically trying to see the rest of the morning boners.

I hugged Colin as the water ran over us to wake us up. I could use another few hours of sleep or some morning sex, but today was going to be all about the kids. "Merry Christmas, baby." I said as I kissed him.

"Merry Christmas to you too," he replied, kissing me back and grabbing under my ass to pull me tight against him. If we could have a few hours like this in the shower, I would consider that a good present. We must have taken too long as Blake ran back in the bathroom with a tired Ben and Reece right behind him in their underwear.

"Are you two still in there? Come on, we're gonna run out of water and we'll miss all the presents," Blake said as he sat back on the counter. Ben and Reece apologized when they realized they were barging in on us, but they didn't leave either. I guess they got used to talking to guys in the shower at the Academy.

"I'm surprised you're ready to go," Colin said to Blake. "We can't get you out of bed on most days." He looked at Ben and Reece. "I'm also surprised that he didn't climb into bed with you and try to make out."

"Nah, I'm not doing that stuff anymore. They both had morning boners, even though they did it last night when they thought I was asleep," Blake explained as he once again forgot to turn on his mouth to brain filter. "I've got other things to do now, like raise the twins and do sports and Scouts and go camping and stuff. Plus did you know if you don't do that sexy stuff all the time, you have more energy, and we kinda need all our energy, especially today."

"Sounds like a mature decision. I'm guessing you're becoming a man after all," Colin told him. I looked at both of them as if they'd gone crazy. If I was reading Blake right, he was retiring from sex for sports, and Colin was encouraging it. Did I wake up in a parallel universe? I mean okay, we were trying to keep Blake a kid for a while and trying to get him to forget sex until he was old enough, but this seemed just a bit radical. It's like going cold turkey from smoking. No way these people are related to me, although I haven't had sex in almost 36 hours. Someone better call the plumber, stat, as these pipes are gonna burst soon!

We got out of the shower and dried off before heading to the bedroom to get dressed. Ben and Reece headed off to get dressed and Blake stuck with us as we headed down to breakfast, where Jason's three boys were looking through all the presents under the tree, and excitedly trying to find the ones for them. Travis and Trevor kept handing packages to their brother and asking if it was for them as he read the labels. We would have to delay them all a bit as my parents were coming over for 9am to be part of the fun.

"Are these really all for us Daddy?" Trevor asked.

"Looks like it. I think you must have been good boys if Santa brought this much stuff," Jason told them.

"I think we should open the stockings first and then the presents after the grandparents arrive," Alex suggested.

I love how traditions keep on going. We used to do the same thing when I was growing up and we were doing it with our kids. Stockings first, and then presents one at a time.

Upon hearing that, the little ones jumped up and down, and ran for their stockings. They couldn't read, but they seemed to know which stocking was for them as they looked up at the correct ones. Jason and Alex lifted the giant stockings down and had the boys sit on the couch as the rest of us watched. The youngest ones were side by side and kept squealing with excitement as each item came out of the stocking, it was like a major present as they showed everyone. There were hot wheels cars, candies, stuffed animals, coloring books, small games and boring crap like kids toothpaste and batteries, as well as some coins and a few gift cards for the older boys. There was so much stuff in each stocking that by the time they had gotten to the bottom of it, half the great room was full, and we hadn't even gotten to the adult stockings or the main presents. Of course a good portion of the great room was taken up with a massive box that could easily hide a sofa. We all knew what it was, but the kids had no idea and until late last night, there wasn't even a tag on it to say who it was for. The other surprise was in the back yard, where a massive canvas was covering a large portion of yard on Jason and Alex's side. It had been difficult keeping the kids off these things but we told them if they peaked we would take the items back.

By the time we had gotten through all the things in the stockings, my parents had arrived with arm loads of gifts. Something tells me we broke the rule of only one gift per person. The kids could easily be opening presents until sometime into the new year. But hey, they grow up fast and it's fun to spoil them when they're little.

"Hi Grandma, Grandpa. Merry Christmas!" Blake said as he ran up to greet them and help with the presents. You'd think he was doing it just to be helpful, but each present he touched he read the label to see if it was for him or not. The kid knows which side the bread is buttered on. We took a break and had breakfast with everyone, although it was like trying to wrestle alligators with A.D.H.D., trying to get the boys to sit still. They had some of their new toys at the table and if I didn't know better, I'd have said they'd been to a sugar factory and inhaled the contents, and then been given coffee to wash it down.

It was finally time to open the presents. It was going to take a while so instead of each person just opening one as the others watched, we agreed that the kids could each get one and open them together, while the adults watched. You've never heard so much ripping, tearing, screaming and shrieking in delight in your life. Each time something was unwrapped it was just what I wanted' or I really needed this', or `can you help me open it?' Each kid had to show each adult what they got, not because we told them to, but because they wanted to show it off. When it got to some of the bigger presents, the twins got electric cars, almost identical except in color. James got a new bike and a ton of Lego that Blake offered to help him build. They could open their own Lego city by the time they were done. Blake got everything from new clothes to games and his big present made everyone stop and almost cry. Only Colin and I knew what was under the massive wrapping in the great room and as we told him it was for him, his eyes almost took over his whole face. Everyone sat back as he began to tear the wrapping off. The other kids helped and as it became obvious what it was, Blake stood back and didn't move. I thought maybe he'd had a stroke or something, or maybe his caffeine sugar rush had worn off. Doctor Justin, we need one scoop of sugar stat! He turned to look at us and had tears in his eyes. Then he ran over and hugged both Colin and I.

"That's all I ever wanted. It's the best present ever, except for having you as my Dads." Now it was my turn to feel the tears. He turned back to look at the baby grand piano in the living room and almost made love to it as he rubbed his hands over it and pulled the bench out to sit at it. He opened the keyboard and tested a few notes. If we buy a drum set and bagpipes, I'm moving into the bachelor suite. Then he surprised all of us by playing a song, and he was incredible. I felt like such a shit for not having gotten him a piano earlier. After our visit to the store a while back where he checked them out, he never mentioned it again, except when he had put it on his list that he gave us when he still wasn't talking. Once he finished we all cheered and clapped and he just sat there looking at the piano as if it were a naked boy with a hardon. Well, that's the look I equate it to. I have to have some base of reference for everyone.

But we weren't done yet. We took the boys out into the yard and down to the back end of Jason and Alex's property where a large tarp was hanging and covering a spacious area. Jason and Alex handed their boys a rope and told them to give it a good hard yank. They gave it their full effort and the tarp dropped, revealing a massive treehouse/play area. It was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. The large tree went up the middle of it and there was a great ladder spiraling around the tree. Not a rope ladder, as the boys would have trouble climbing that, but a spiral staircase. It was all lit up and as the boys explore it, it had all the real items that make it a tree house. There was the wrap-around balcony, lots of windows, the mandatory trap door floor, and emergency escape slide out the back. Inside there was another ladder up to a smaller room that acted like a lookout tower about the main house. It could hold probably two of the kids but they thought this was the most fun feature of all. It had open windows on each side and you could see out to the ocean and all the way back to the house. No way we could sneak up on them now. I might have to commandeer this space for a shag pad for hot boys. Posters of things they liked, large cushions that they could lie on and even a TV had been put in. Just a small 32" one, but enough to make it fun for the boys for when they slept out here or had friends over. It had full power with cool patio type lights and funky lights they could make change colors and dance to music. Under the main tree house, there was a roughly drawn no girlz allowed sign at the bottom of the main stairs. Around the base, there were swings for them to play on as well. With a play area like this, they may never come back inside again. The place was pretty large and if we ever needed money, we could probably rent it out as a spare bedroom. The kids were really excited about it and Jason explained that when they were older, they had designed it so that a zip line could be put it for even more fun.

As the boys explored it, Alex told us that there were all sorts of little hiding places built into the fort so they could stash their secret stuff. "Like porn, huh?" I smiled.

"Or a marble collection, their best video games, a friendship bracelet from their first girlfriend, things like that," Alex corrected without cracking a smile or even acknowledging me. I figure, they'd be hiding condom, lube and porn when they get older and sneaking girls up for `sleepovers'. I should set up a pool as to when everyone thinks the no girls sign will come down.

"Can me and Cory have sleepovers in here? Maybe my Scout Patrol could have a campout in here," Blake said excitedly.

"Well, you'd have to ask James, Travis and Trevor, as this is their present. But I'm sure if you share your stuff, they'll share with you."

"Yeah, cool." Once the boys had thoroughly explored everything, we went back in the house, took a small break before it was the adults turn to open stuff. The kids helped us rip things open and if they didn't like the present, they went on to the next adult.

Ben and Reece made out alright with new clothes, electronics and money to help them survive at the Academy. Both guys also got a Pebble watch to sync to their iPhones, but they seemed happy just to be included as part of the family. I tested them again to see if either, or both, were interested in living with us. They assured me they loved it in the dorms and appreciated my offer, but wanted to stay as roommates.

Alex and Jason opened their present from Colin and me and both rushed over to give us a big hug. I think they were being reserved because the kids were around. "This is way too much. I don't think we can accept it," Alex said as the boys asked what they got.

"Justin and Colin are going to buy all the furniture for our new house," Alex replied.

"You guys just pick out what you want to fill all the rooms and it's our gift to you," Colin said. "You need it to be a home, not a big empty shell."

We got another round of hugs. This is why I like Christmas. Everyone is so friendly and happy and it's just fun to see people's faces when they open gifts. We gave my parents a luxury trip to Hawaii which they really seemed to appreciate, and we threw in the use of the jet as well.

I got the coolest gift of all from Jason, Alex, Ryan, and J.P. They gave me a week long vacation to the Helix Studios in San Diego California with VIP behind the scenes access to how they make porn movies. God, could there be a more perfect gift for me?

"What did you get Dad?" Blake asked as he bounced over to sit beside me.

"A trip to California to see how they make movies," I answered truthfully.

"Cool, can I come?"

Now there's a loaded question. Pun intended. "I have a better idea," Colin said as he handed Blake and I a present. I let Blake open it and he read it and handed it to me.

"We get to go to England!" He said excitedly. "Is that far?"

"Yep, it's definitely far," I told him as I read the gift. We were going to England in February to the finals of the TV show Splash.

"What's Splash?" I asked looking at Colin.

"It's a celebrity diving show. But the best part is that one of the hosts is Tom Daley. You and Blake will have VIP access to meet him."

"Are you fuc...umm kidding me? We get to meet Tom Daley in person?" I think I'm going to faint. I'll have to pack my best lube, sexy underwear, work on my abs and have my hair perfect to meet him. Shit I only have two months to get ready.

"You'll also get to meet the entire celebrity cast, which includes Joey Essex."

"That seriously cute guy from I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here? God he's hilarious. There's no way a guy can be that dumb, but I just love how he tries to learn everything and will do absolutely anything. He's a guy I'd love to meet in person." He's appears so dumb that you could be having sex with him for half an hour before he realized what was happening. That's my type of straight boy. Plus his trademark word was `reem', which is what I'd do to his ass if I could get him naked.

"Blake, Tom Daley is the bronze medal diving champion from the London Olympics. Maybe you'll get a chance to dive with him," Colin told him.

"Wicked cool. I'll Google him later. Thanks Dad. This is gonna be fun."

We took Kyle and Troy out to one of the single garages and gave them a remote to open it. Inside we had a trailer with two jet skis for them. Needless to say they were ecstatic. Ryan and J.P were given financing for their movie, and I got Colin a tanning booth so he could get back his golden California tan that he kept mentioning that he'd lost since moving to Vancouver. I bought him one of the best ones available and it would arrive and be set up in the gym while we were down in California. He'd be a tan god and I'd have to keep him on a short leash or everyone would want a piece of him. More than they do now. I wonder if I can get it set up and use it before we head for California tomorrow morning. I'll be a pale ghost on the beach next to the surfer boys.

There were tons of presents and it took us so long to open all of them that we were all starving by the time we finished. Travis, Trevor and James were overwhelmed by everything and each time they got a present handed to them the squeaked like it was the best thing in the world. So much for keeping it low key for their first Christmas with us. We'd set the bar so high, we'd need the space shuttle to get over it next year. Note to self. Buy Colin a space shuttle next Christmas. There were so many new clothes, toys, candy, and electronic gadgets that we might need to build a third house to hold them all. As I was getting some food ready, I heard what sounded like a motorcycle in the back yard. I strolled onto the deck and saw Colton from next door racing around his yard on a dirt bike. He noticed me and waved with a giant smile on his face. Looks like he got what he wanted for Christmas. I waved back and headed back to the family. The rest of the day was a typical holiday with too much food, great conversation and watching the kids play with all their toys. I was still excited about the two trips I was going on. Every time I thought about heading to San Diego to go to the Helix Studios, my dick got hard and I had to change my thoughts to old fat grannies to get it to go back down. It went up and down so much it thought it was the stock market. At one point while we were playing pool Kyle noticed that I had a boner and reached over to take hold of it. I almost shot my load into my pants.

"Either you really like playing pool or you haven't been laid in a while," he joked.

"Just thinking of you," I said as I grabbed his tight little ass.

"We can always stop for a quickie if you need it," he offered as he leaned over and kissed my cheek. Damn he sure knows how to push all the right buttons.

"I'm trying to have a sex free day," I told him trying to hear myself talk over my heart pounding so hard trying to keep up with all the blood required for my erection.

"And how's that working out for you?" he smiled as he groped me again.

"It was working just fine until you got Justin junior all excited that he might be getting a Christmas present of his own."

"Aww, poor baby," he teased as he turned around and rubbed his ass up and down my crotch. I swear I shot a little cum into my underwear.

"Sleep with one eye open tonight," I grinned. "You never know who might enter your room with another present for your tight little ass."

"Ooooo! For that I'll keep both eyes open. Eight ball side pocket off the bank," he said calling the final shot. He won and we joined the kids who had gone to play in the tree house. They had taken half their toys into it and already begun decorating it in their own fashion. They had even made codes for emergency escape procedures and each time an adult went to head up the stairs to see how they were doing someone yelled five-o' and the next thing we saw was five kids shoot down the slide into the grass. Blake and Cory made sure they were there to catch Travis and Trevor, who squealed with excitement each time they had to evacuate the fort. I still prefer boys over girls when it comes to them being excited. Girls scream, boys just squeal. It's a noticeable difference and much easier on the ears. They were having so much fun that I doubted they would be getting any sleep tonight. Blake asked if they could all spend the night in the fort, but we told them to wait for another time as we had an early day tomorrow. We seriously doubted they would actually get sleep in there. Everyone ended up in Blake's room with Cory and Blake in one bed and the other three in the guest' bed. The adults finally had some alone time as we had a few drinks to unwind from the very active and noisy day. God, all I need is a pipe and a brandy, and I'm my Grandfather. As the night got late Sheila, Mary and my parents headed home, thanking us for a great day. Reece and Ben slept in a guest room, while Kyle went to bed with Cody, and admitted in the morning that they hadn't slept at all. Sometimes the Christmas presents just keep on cumming. By the time we locked up the house, which was as simple as telling ADAM to do it, I was exhausted. It was going to be a long day tomorrow and we needed to get started early to be in California in reasonable time to hang out with the in-laws. I would probably have to take something to get through the day. Maybe we could make pot brownies or something. I quickly looked up to see if California was one of those states that had legalized pot. Turns out it wasn't. Just Colorado and Washington. I guess I'd have to get my pot the old fashioned way while we were down there. I'd have to get it off a street kid or a cop with a good stash. I kissed Colin goodnight and we both fell asleep without doing anything.

End of Chapter. See you in California. We go hunting, but for what is the question? Look out peasants!

Comments still appreciated and suggestions on where you want to see the story go are always welcome.

Next: Chapter 149

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