The Society Boys

By Dave

Published on Apr 1, 2013


The Society Boys By Connor Matthews

Chapter 118

In the morning we all had a shower together and Blake handed us the shampoo to do his hair. I think he liked the attention and wasn't quite ready to grow up. He was on the cusp between kid and teenager. Some days he was mature and others he was just a kid. We had breakfast with everyone and once they were gone, we cleaned up the dishes and Blake spent the next few hours with his tutor. After lunch, we had planned to go to the Scout shop to get him everything he needed.

"Grab keys to the car you think we should take and I'll just get my wallet," I said figuring he could pick out his favorite ride. I ran upstairs and by the time I got back he was out in the driveway. Well, more accurately he was in his Forerunner and had the engine going. I opened the door to get behind the wheel and laughed out loud. He had pulled the seat all the way up and was belted in behind the wheel.

"I wanted to use my car, if that's okay Dad," he smiled.

"Sure, but don't you think I should drive?"

"No, it's okay. It's my car so I should probably drive," he beamed.

"Do you know how to drive?"

"Sure. Just press the right pedal to go and the big pedal to stop. Oh, and D is for drive to go forward. R is to go backward. P is when you park the car and I'm not sure what N, 2 and 1 are for yet."

"Well, you don't have a license, so you can't drive on the street, but why don't you drive to the gate for now and I'll teach you how to drive up a back road one day soon."

"Really?" He said lighting up, probably figuring I'd make him move aside. I jumped in the passenger seat next to him and gave him the first directions.

"Put your right foot on the brake and put the car in D." He looked at me to make sure I wasn't just punking him, then he smiled and slid forward in his seat to reach the brake properly and moved the stick into drive. He looked back to me to wait for more instructions.

"Once you release the brake, the car will move. Just like your go kart, steer where you want to go and when you're ready to go a little faster press the gas pedal very lightly. If you go to fast, press the brake. Don't slam it, just press it." He nodded and let his foot off and the car began to move. He stared straight ahead forgetting to blink as he steered towards the center of the driveway. "Just go around the circle first before we head for the gate," I told him to let him have more driving time. He tried the gas and when the car lurched forward he hit the brakes. Thank god we were wearing seatbelts or we might have launched out of the windshield. I may sue him for whiplash. He tried it a few more times until he got the feel of the brake. After going around in a couple of circles, he steered down the driveway to the gate. I was ready to jump over and hit the brake before he drove into it, but he stopped in plenty of time to allow the gate to open in front of us. He looked at me as if seeking permission to hit the main road. Sure, that would be a good idea. I'd lose my parent of the year award if we drove right out into a bus.

"Just put the car back in P for park and we can switch spots," I told him. He did as he was told and I got out to come around. He just slid over and as we headed for the Scout shop, I noticed he watched everything I was doing. I guess I was going to teach him how to drive 4 years before he could get a license. Some may think that is wrong, but in an emergency, it wouldn't hurt for him to know. We could be out hunting and I get shot by someone who thinks I'm a big orange pumpkin. He could take the wheel and race to a hospital and save my life. Then he could drive himself home while they were removing the bullet and giving me plastic surgery to hide the wound. Once we got to the Scout shop, Blake was excited as he looked around at all the things they had for sale, but first things first. We got him a shirt which he immediately tried on. I suggested he go to the change room, but he just removed his shirt and put the Scout one on to check himself in the mirror.

"It fits good," he smiled as he looked at me.

"It fits well," I corrected.

"Duh! I just said that." He said rolling his eyes, missing the correction completely. Then we found a pair of pants in his size, and before he just stripped in the middle of the shop, I sent him to the change room while I found a pair of shorts to match the tan cargo pants. He came out looking like a real Scout. He found a belt and fastened it around himself and looked in the mirror again. "Do I like a Scout now?"


"Should we buy some badges to put on it? I know how to do a bunch of stuff so I could get those badges."

"I think you have to earn them in a Scout meeting," I smiled.

"Oh, okay. What else should we get?" He asked as we looked around. We found a T-shirt, baseball cap, jacket, neckerchief slide for the neckerchief he would get at his initiation ceremony and a Scout handbook and a fieldbook. I'm surprised they were using books instead of an app. I'd look it up when I got home. Then we picked up all his camping equipment from a compass, hiking boots, wool socks, awesome sleeping bag, pocket first aid kit, whistle, and a Swiss army knife that I think had everything available in Switzerland in it. It was almost as heavy as Blake. He went and tried on the uniform shorts to make sure they fit before we headed to the counter to pay for everything.

"Can I wear the uniform home?" He asked.

"Sure. Might as well be proud of being a Scout."

"Is that everything for you?" The guy behind the counter smiled widely.

"Is there anything else you think we need?"

"Does he have a proper backpack that fits his size?" He suggested.

"Probably not one that is good for long hikes or anything," I admitted.

"You're sure lucky that you have a big brother to buy all this stuff for you," the guys said smiling at Blake, who giggled.

"He's my Dad."

The guy looked at me and then at Blake. "Sorry. You just didn't look old enough to have a son his age. No offense."

"None taken and technically I'm not old enough. Long story, but I'm actually older than I look. I'm 20."

"And I'm 12," Blake chirped up. The guy smiled and didn't ask anything further. He took us to the backpacks and we tried a few on Blake for size and adjusted them to fit him. He walked around the shop testing it and agreed that we had the right one. He wore it to the counter so it could be added to the pile of stuff.

"Just put everything in my backpack and I'll carry it home," he said as he turned around so the guy could put everything inside. Once it was full, I clipped it shut and paid for everything. Being a Scout was an expensive proposition, but the smile on Blake's face was worth a hundred times that amount. He put the baseball cap on and we headed back to the car looking like he'd just stepped out of the scout catalogue. We put his stuff in the back and went home. Once we got to the property and were back inside the gate, I looked at Blake.

"You want to drive it back up the driveway?" He lit up like a Christmas tree. I got out and went to the passenger side as he slid over again and adjusted the seat. He remembered what I told him and we drove, basically crawled up the driveway as he steered to the front door. I suggested he go around a bit more to get used to it, which we did, before he finally pulled up and put it in park. We got his backpack out of the rear of the vehicle and he fastened it back on and clipped the waistband around himself. Instead of going in the house like I thought he would, he walked to the side.

"Where ya goin?" I asked.

"Hiking. I gotta get used to the backpack if we're going camping and hiking and stuff. I won't go far, Dad."

I smiled and let him take off as I put the car out of the way. It still didn't smell perfect so we were leaving it outside for now until Kurt worked on it a bit more. Once I was in the house, I looked in the back yard only expecting to see Blake, but he wasn't in sight. I asked ADAM to move the rear fence camera to look at the beach and I laughed as I saw him climbing down the hill. I wandered out to the back fence and looked over as he made it to the bottom and started along the beach. I guess he was going on his hike. Part of me wanted to run after him, but he probably needed some freedom and trust to be a normal 12 year old. Plus he was so excited about having his new stuff, why stifle that. I remember getting a new pair of runners when I was about 10 and putting them on and running around the block, convinced that the shoes were making me go faster.

He was gone about a half hour before he returned with the same smile on his face. "Thanks for all the new stuff Dad, I can't wait to go to a Scout meeting again. You know what we should do? We should practice dancing for tomorrow. I know how to do most stuff but I should probably know how to slow dance in case I have to do that." He dumped his backpack and took off his Scout uniform leaving him in his underwear.

"Okay, but first, let's take everything up to your room and hang up the uniform. Then we should probably wear something other than underwear if we're gonna slow dance."

"Right, in case I get a boner right? Girls don't like that do they?"

"No, probably not. So tight underwear is best."

"See, this is all good knowledge," he grinned as we took all the new things up to his room. He turned the backpack upside down and dumped it all over his floor. Sure, why not make it look like a typical boy room? He grabbed a t-shirt and pants. "Is this okay for dancing?"

"For today, yep. Looks good," I smiled. He dressed and we headed downstairs to the great room. I had ADAM start with One Direction's `Kiss You' and we both danced around to it, just to get all warmed up. Blake was having fun gyrating all over the house flailing around like a wind puppet. He seemed to have gained extra hair and arms and he bounced around. For twelve he wasn't bad. Then I had ADAM slow it down and showed him how to slow dance together. He hugged me more than danced with me, but it was fun as we went through where he should hold his hands that didn't include my ass. I also showed him the right distance to be apart so he wasn't grinding against his partner. Once we had it down, I showed him how to go up and ask someone to dance.

"When you see someone you want to dance with, don't be shy or beat around the bush. Just go up and say `yo bitch wanna dance with the Blakemeister and get you some of dis?"

He giggled. "No you don't. Come one Dad, how do I get a girl to dance with me?"

"Just be yourself buddy. Go up and simply ask a girl if she'd like to dance. She can only answer one of two ways, yes or no. Trust me they're just as nervous as you are, so make the first move. Other guys will be jealous that you get to dance with a girl, and the girls will think you are great for asking instead of just standing around with your friends. That's how you become popular. Be outgoing.

"Is that how you became popular at school?" He asked looking at me with those big blinking green eyes.

"Definitely!" Of course what he didn't need to know was that most of my popularity came from being a twin, blonde and super killer hot. (I added the last part, mainly because it's true). Blake smiled and we danced to another couple songs and I showed him some cool moves for when the song picked up speed. I'll bet we spent an hour dancing to various songs before Kyle, Aaron and Jordan returned home from school. I was excited to see Troy with them as well.

"What you guys up to?" Jordan asked.

"I'm learning to dance for Cory's school dance tomorrow?"

"Are you gonna be Cory's date?" Jordan asked grinning.

"Yep, he asked me if I wanted to go with him so I could see his school."

"They're just going as friends, not dates," I said giving them a playful dirty look.

"Blake, had Justin been showing you how to dance?" Kyle asked grinning at me.

"Yeah, I learned slow dances and fast ones," he beamed.

"Okay, I think we should help out too. God knows what Justin taught you," Kyle teased. We put on more music and the guys each showed Blake some moves until he was mimicking all of us. He actually picked things up very quickly. I danced with Troy during one slow dance and it was nice to have my brother back, although we had to get him home.

"So I decided what I'm gonna do when I graduate," Troy said suddenly.

"Yeah, you're gonna love this one," Kyle said sarcastically.

"I'm joining the military."

I stopped dancing and stared at him. "Which military?"


"We have a military? Don't we just rent the American one or tell them to help us? I mean the last time we did anything notable with the army was when we burnt the White House down in the war of 1812, and even then we had the British leading the way, while we followed along. Our planes are so old that we can't get parts, we bought used submarines and haven't been able to fix them yet. We borrowed equipment from the Americans when we went to Afghanistan. Dude, I applaud your willingness to defend the country, but how about if you become a police officer, or a politician, or something safer like a pillow tester?"

"Nah, I think it'd be fun to travel the world and be a peacekeeper and carry an automatic weapon and dress in camouflage."

"Wow, I didn't see that coming. How about becoming an ambassador or diplomat or something? You could always be posted to a country that allows guns."

"I think it would be fun to be in the military. Hanging out with the guys, defending the country."

"It's your life, but dude, I'd be so unhappy if you got shot or something. What would happen if you stood on a landmine and blew your balls off? That would be like the worst of the worst."

"I'm just thinking about it. I wouldn't mind being a cop though. That would be cool, but I'd want to be a Mountie, not a city cop. I'd get a cool red uniform and a horse."

"You do realize that they don't all get horses right?" Kyle laughed.

"Sure they do. They're the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. What would they mount if they don't get a horse?" We all stopped and looked at him as if he had forgotten who we were."

"Seriously?" Aaron laughed. "You do know that their motto is that a `Mountie always gets his man.' You do the math."

We laughed and danced some more and were still having fun when everyone else came home. Of course they all wanted to help teach Blake moves and Colin danced with me when we got to romantic songs. I watched Kyle dance with his two boyfriends during a slow song while Colin and I took Blake by the hand and danced with him too. At one song, Blake went over to Kyle who was sitting on the couch.

"Excuse me, Kyle. Would you like to dance?" He asked politely. I almost broke my face from grinning so big. Kyle put his hand up and told Blake what to do and take him to the dance floor. It was so cute watching him learn. We did remind him that while he could dance with boys, he might want to stick with asking girls at this dance.

"How come?"

"Yeah, how come?" Colin grinned as he sat and stared intently at me.

"There's nothing wrong with asking a boy, but most won't dance with another boy at a school dance. Usually when you become an adult you get more comfortable dancing with a boy," I explained badly.

"How come?"

It's one of those things that you understand when you get older, but basically some kids can be mean if they see you acting differently than the majority. So until people get to know you for who you are, you don't want them to be mean to you for thinking you're different. Once they find out how cool you are, you could dance with boys and lots of other things, but get to know people first."

"Okay, but if we're all in a group like we are here is that okay?"

"Yep, that's totally cool. Just try to avoid asking a boy to dance for your first dance."

"What if another boy asks me?"

Colin and Jason were trying hard not to kill themselves laughing. Now I know how Jason felt having to answer all these questions from Cory. They were leaving it to me to handle with Blake. So not fair!

"If it were me, and I wanted to dance with the boy, I'd say to everyone `let's go dance' guys." That way no boy is singled out and it looks like you're trying to impress the girls."

"Cool. So do you guys wanna go dance?" He giggled and we all got up to join him with another song. He was ready and ran up to his room to pick out something to wear for tomorrow. Alex and I made dinner together. I supervised and he cooked.

The next day I grinned when I saw Blake come down dressed in a colorful shirt and his black dress pants and runners that matched his shirt. He was wearing the rings on a chain around his neck that we had put together from the things from his parents. He wore his Dad's large watch and his hair was combed perfectly. He even smelled awesome.

"What are you wearing to make you smell so nice?" I asked.

"Kyle gave me some of his perfume stuff."

"It's cologne when guys wear it, bud. Girls call it perfume. Boys call it cologne."

"I'm wearing Kyle's cologne," he corrected. He was wearing a Hilfiger shirt and Armani pants. He looked so cute and he had even picked out a black leather jacket to wear over top of it all. Shit, he'll be beating people off with a stick.

"The car is here," Colin said.

"The car?" I asked.

"Sure, he can't go to his first school dance with us in just any old car. I arranged the limo."

Blake's face lit up with a big smile. "Are we gonna pick up Cory too?"

"Cory, Ricky and Bobby, so you can arrive as a group," Colin smiled as we took him to the car. Once inside we told him that we wouldn't let anyone know we were in the car so they would look like they were arriving without an adult. Blake grinned again. We stopped by Cory's and the boys jumped around as they saw the stretch limo. They piled in and started looking through all the cupboards for stuff. The driver pulled up at the school and got out to open the door for the boys. Needless to say, they were immediately the hit of the school.

"Have fun Blake," I said as he got out.

"I will. Thanks Dad. See you later."

We watched out the window as the boys ran into the school. It looked pretty much like every other elementary school dance. Boys arrived with boys and girls arrived with girls. No one seemed to have thought to invite a date. Colin and I had the driver drop us off at the theatre. He would return to the school to pick the boys up and make sure they got home, which would make them feel like rock stars. I wanted to see the Star Trek movie again, but Colin wanted to see either Fast and Furious 6 or the Hangover 3. I voted for Fast and Furious. I mean any movie that has the possibility of seeing Paul Walker, I'm there. If he gets naked, I'll go back daily.

It was a typical Fast and Furious movie and what I can say for sure, so I don't spoil it for anyone is that it's... Fast...and ummm Furious. We took a cab home and arrived only moments before Blake, but it wouldn't have mattered as there were lots of people home.

"So how was the dance?"

"It was excellent. I took your advice and asked lots of girls to dance. I think I danced with everyone."

"That's my boy!" I laughed.

"Oh and you have to go to the school tomorrow with Cory's Mom. We got into trouble for dancing together."

"Why, what happened?"

"I dunno. Cory and me were dancing next to a couple girls and then a slow song came on. The two girls danced together, so Cory and I danced together. The teacher rushed up and broke us apart and said that it was inappropriate. Cory said it wasn't and that he could dance with whoever he wanted to. I agreed with him and we were told we had to see the principal tomorrow and that we couldn't dance together anymore. Are we in trouble?"

"No, of course not. They probably just didn't like Cory standing up for himself and arguing with a teacher. If you had been in trouble, they would have made you leave the dance."

"Cool. It was so much fun, Dads. They played so much good music, I didn't want it to end. Cory called the guys from One Direction when their song came on, but he only got Harry's voicemail so he told him what we were doing. He used my phone so I hope that's okay."

"No problem, that's what it's for buddy. Glad you had fun. Did you have food too, or are you hungry."

"Dude, I'm 12. I'm always hungry, but they did have food and juice and stuff. Can I have some chicken fingers and ice cream?"

"Sure, would you like the chicken fingers in the ice cream or the ice cream on top of the chicken."

"No silly, chicken fingers first and then ice cream for dessert."

"Okay, you go get changed and I'll start the oven for you."

He raced upstairs and was back down almost before I made it to the kitchen. I was willing to bet that his clothes were on the floor since he was now just in his underwear. He sat and talked to me about all the girls and music and how he'd made a bunch of new friends that all wanted to ride in the limo. I was happy that we'd let him go as it seemed to have had a positive effect. Once he ate and we hung out with everyone for a couple hours, he went up to get ready for bed. I followed him up a short while later to find him sitting naked on his bed looking through his phone.

"Whatcha lookin' at?"

"All the pictures of the dance and some of the girls," he smiled. I didn't ask to see them as I figured it would just be another hour of him delaying going to bed.

"Nice. Time for bed now buddy." He turned and scampered under the covers. I sat beside him and ran my fingers through his hair. "I'm glad you had fun tonight."

"Thanks for letting me go Dad. Can we go hunting next?"

"We'll see. get some sleep and try not to stay up all night, okay?"

"Okay. Goodnight Dad."

"Goodnight," I said as I kissed him on the forehead.

I was proud of how tonight went. I taught my son to dance, gave him good advice and did it properly. I was turning into a parent. Woohoo! Now I have to go have some Justin time. Troy was still at the house, hanging out with Kyle. Jordan and Aaron had gone home a few hours ago.

"Are you spending the night, bro?" I asked hopefully.

"Is it okay if I stay?" He asked.

"You don't have to ask. This will always be your home as much as Mom and Dad's. Your room is still your room."

"Thanks. Would you like to hang out with me tonight?"

"You mean down here or in your room?"

"I mean sleep with me. I've been a shithead and I'm sorry. I miss you guys a lot. It's fun having my own space at the other house, but I wouldn't mind staying here too."

"You can stay wherever you want buddy. Just make sure that you let Mom and Dad know if you're not coming home, or they might worry."

"I already did. Plus they have my cell phone if they need me."

We all played pool for a bit before calling it a night. I followed Troy up to his room.

"It's cool that you didn't change my room and throw all the stuff out that I didn't take with me. I wouldn't have blamed you if you did."

I stood in front of Troy and looked him right in the eyes. "Troy, you're my brother and like all brothers, we're gonna fight sometimes. I'm sorry that you thought I let you down and got you hurt. I felt like shit that you hated me and would have done anything to change that. I love you. We'll always be brothers and no matter what I'm here for you. If we fight, we fight, but I'll never stop being your brother and you can count on me for whatever you need."

I saw a tear in his eye and he hugged me. "I love you Justin. I'll never be a douche again."

"That's okay I can be a big enough douche for both of us. I need a shower first or you'll end up sleeping next to a stinky person." I took off my shirt and pants and walked into the bathroom in my underwear. I wasn't sure if Troy was testing me to see if I'd go back to old Justin and try to have sex with him, or if he had invited me to bed to have sex. I would let him make the first move. I stepped into the shower after using the bidet quickly to make sure my ass was fresh...just in case I was going to get laid. My son was a Boy Scout now, so I should `be prepared' too. I had got the shower to the right temperature and got in to let the water flow over me. I could stay in a shower for hours as I enjoy the feeling of the water as it runs over your body and relaxes all your muscles. As I soaped up my hair Troy strolled into the bathroom and joined me. I didn't say anything but felt my whole body tingle as he took over washing my hair. No mistaking this...I was going to get laid. Of course someone could just smile at me from across a convention of monks and I'd think I was getting laid, so what do I know. He massaged my scalp to the point where I really got into it. I put my hand on his hips to steady myself and he moved against me so that our bodies were pressed together. We hugged and then Troy slid his hand down my back to rub my ass and then slipped around to take hold of my cock and balls.

"Are you sure?" I asked carefully just to let him know I wasn't expecting him to do this if he didn't want to.

"Shut up," he grinned and then leaned in to whisper in my ear. "I want you to fuck me tonight." I felt my cock twitch with excitement and acknowledge that it was about to go caving inside Troy's ass. I reached for his dick which was almost hard. With my other hand, I put it on the back of his head and pulled his lips to mine. We almost drowned under the water as we kissed for so long. When we finally broke apart, our lips were red and our tongues were rubbed raw. Not really, but it felt like that. I was about to suggest that we go to the bedroom, when Troy dropped to his knees and took my cock in his mouth. Or we could stay in the shower for a while longer... He swallowed my dick down his throat and hummed when he buried his nose against my stomach. His hands fondled my balls and then pushed through to play with my ass. I felt his finger at the entrance to my ass and I inched my feet apart to give him better access. He wasted no time in inserting a digit into me to find my prostate.

"Dude, if you keep going at this pace, you're gonna get a stomach full of cum before we even get started," I warned. He just glanced up at me and smiled with a mouth full of cock. Who was I to stop him? His other hand came up and rubbed my stomach and reached up to play with my little titties. Man tits! Why do men have nipples? What purpose do they serve? God knows I sucked on enough of them and nothing happens like they do when you're a baby on your mother's tits. That being said, imagine how confused a baby would be if he's being held by his shirtless dad. He's sees a nipple and goes for it only to find out the fountain is dry. I'll bet if we go back and check, we'd find that the ones who did that are gay and those who didn't are straight, That's probably where homosexuality begins. A baby seeing nipples on a man and becoming confused. There I've solved the gay issue, but now I want to suck on Troy's nipples. So to all Dad's out there, make sure you hold your baby while shirtless...just saying. I can see it now. The baby on one nipple, me on the other. What was I going on about again? Right, I'm having sex with Troy...

I pulled him to his feet and kissed him. We hugged hard with both our erections poking against the other one. "I missed this," I admitted.

"Me too," he said seductively, or perhaps it just sounded seductive under the water that was running off us. It was my turn to go to work on him. I kissed down his neck and took each nipple and licked and sucked on it with my tongue as my hand ran down his body to take hold of his 7 inch dick. I pulled on it a few times as I slowly made my way down his body with my tongue, pausing only momentarily at his belly button. I like belly buttons. You can do shots out of them, store M&M's in there, (one at a time), stick your tongue in them, and they also are great for poking with your finger like the Pillsbury dude.

I got to my knees and wasted no time in licking Troy's penis. I put my lips around the side of the shaft and explored the show thing before kissing the pink tip. I squeezed the head to open his piss slit and ran my tongue inside the opening. He jumped slightly at the sensation. I ran my tongue clockwise around the head before taking him completely into my mouth. I wanted to make sure he never forgot why he liked sex with me. I was going to send him over the edge several times tonight, so that if he ever got mad at me again, the last thing he'd think about stopping would be the sex. I swallowed his cock down to the base and pulled on his ball sack to add tension. He held my head and moaned slightly. I could have stayed there all night, except for the water running over my face preventing me from breathing properly. I pushed my fingers between his legs, like he had done to me and slipped my index finger into his hole. He lifted his foot up and placed it on my thigh. I chuckled to myself as I worked his prostate.

"Shit Justin, I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that. We should stop. I don't wanna cum yet. I want you to fuck me," he panted. I pulled my finger out and slowly stood up.

"Don't worry babe, even if you cum a half dozen times and pass out, it won't stop me from fucking you," I grinned as I turned him around and bent him over. "Maybe I should just fuck you right here, right now." I pressed my hard cock against his hole and pushed against him until I could feel the resistance of his ass. "You ready to get speared?" I said as I leaned in and bit his neck. He nodded without saying a word. I pushed a little harder and then pulled back quickly. "Okay, let's get out of the shower," I said suddenly and turned to leave.

"Bitch! You're such a tease," he complained as he stood back up got right behind me and wrapped his arms around my chest to hold us together. His own erection was pressing against my ass crack now. I almost bent over to let him in.

"No, I'm not. I just thought we should get some sleep as you have school in the morning," I said casually as I threw him a towel. "I wouldn't want to keep you up all night and make you late."

"Bitch, the only way you can avoid me being up all night is to get me to blow a few loads and it starts by fucking," he laughed as we dried off. He took my by the hand and we basically ran to bed. He obviously was wasting no time as he grabbed the lube off the night table, threw it to me and flopped face down on the bed and spread his legs.

"Dude, you're taking up the whole bed. Move over so I can sleep too," I whined with a smile.

"Fuck me and I'll move."

"That's okay, I'll just go sleep with `Marvin'." I said as I looked at the door.

"Get that cock in my ass and let me feel your balls slapping against me."

"These are not the balls you are looking for," I said as I waved my hand across the air.

"Those ARE the balls I'm looking for and your Jedi mind tricks don't work on me," he laughed. I jumped on the bed and flung his legs wider apart so I could bury my face in his ass. He pressed his face into the pillow as I furiously went to work on his ass. I would make my own Fast and Furious movie. I wonder if I could get Paul Walker to star in it. Mmmmmm...Paul Walker...drool! I rapidly poked his hole several times before lubing him up. I coated my cock and pressed it against his hole and entered him. This time I pushed past the resistance and watch as he welcomed me into his sweet cave. The ass lips wrapped around my cock head and kissed it hello and then sucked it into his velvety smooth tunnel. I lay on top of him as I continued to enter him. With my full weight on his back, all 140lbs of me, I slid my hands under his arms and interlocked them behind his head as I pushed the rest of Anaconda Justin into my brother. Once I was fully buried, I kissed his shoulder blades and moved my hips back and forth to begin fucking him. I went slow at first but made sure to use the entire length of my monster dick. I wanted Troy to experience it for a while and just pounding him hard would have meant that both of us would have cum prematurely. It can be a mood killer if you have premature ejaculation. There should be a pill for that. I fucked him with consistent deep strokes enjoying the feel of his tight ass. I felt him using his muscles to clamp around my dick ass I slid in and out.

"God, yeah. That feel so good Justin. Fuck me. Fuck me harder," he cried out after several minutes. I picked up the pace and gave him what he wanted. I moved my hands so they were now on his back between his shoulder blades and I pushed myself up and drilled the hell out of him. We were bouncing on the bed so hard that if anyone was outside they would be able to feel the floor vibrating.

"Damn bro, I forgot how sweet that ass was. You take my dick like a champ. Fuck that's a sweet hole. I'm gonna cum soon. You ready for my load baby?"

"God yeah, fuck me Justin! Fuck me harder," he cried out. I almost cried myself as I realized that Troy was back and that he loved me again. I kept fucking him until I blasted my seed into him. I was filling my brother up with the love juice he needed. I paused for a second at the height of the orgasm and then collapsed on him panting hard as I shoved my dick fully inside and we just lay there.

"Damn, I could lie like this all night," I whispered in his ear as I nibbled on it and slowly moved my hips back and forth as my cock began to deflate. Eventually I pulled out and had him roll onto his back so I could straddle him and sit across his stomach. I leaned down do we could kiss and hug for a while. I reached over for the lube and coated his cock before I positioned it against my ass and moved against it. He entered me quickly as we kept kissing as he went fully into me. Troy moved his hips up and down to fuck me as we stayed fused together. Once I heard his breathing change, I sat upright and bounced up and down on his cock as my hands pressed against his chest. It didn't take much for him to announce he was cumming and shoot his load into me. I smiled at having taken him again and the moment almost seemed too perfect to get off him, so I lay back down and we kissed some more until his cock just naturally popped out of my hole. I lay beside him and he spooned against me, so I wrapped my arms around him and we fell asleep.

In the middle of the night we were still spooned together, and I had a raging boner, as usual. I gently lifted his top leg over mine and inserted myself into him and almost imperceptibly fucked him. I moved slowly as I reached around to take hold of his cock and jerk him off. His dick grew at my touch and shot a nice load moments later, as I continued to fuck him. Troy made no indication as to whether he was awake or not, but the fact he came, proved he was enjoying it. I kept my dick in his ass and put his leg back down and went back to sleep. At least with my dick inside his ass, it would stay nice and warm.

We woke up in the morning and my dick and separated from him. We had a morning sex session where we fucked each other again. He made no reference to the middle of the night fuck, so I didn't bring it up. We'd been together enough times that we knew it was implied that if we wanted sex with the other during the night, that neither of us would object. We showered and kissed again.

"I'm glad things are back to normal," I said as we got dried off and dressed.

"Me too," he smiled. He went down to breakfast and I went to check on Blake. He wasn't his room probably due to the earthquake, tornado and hurricane that looked like it had ripped through there. I knew what we would be doing to today. Getting the bulldozer in to clean up some of this mess. We could probably use the house cleaner, but I remember my parents making us clean our rooms and it taught me what I know today. The biggest rule is that if you have a brother, put all your junk and mess in his room, and your will be clean. The other rule is to play in your sibling's room and your never get messy in the first place. I headed to my room to say good morning to Colin and found Blake and Marvin' in there. Blake was lying almost on top of Marvin' with his head on his chest and arm across him. `Marvin' had his arm over Blake's back. It was just too adorable not to take a picture of. I rubbed Blake's hair and when he opened his eyes, he smiled at me.

"Hi Dad," he whispered.

"Hey buddy, you look comfy."

He smiled and moved off Marvin' who opened his eyes and looked at us. Blake stood and stepped over Marvin' to come to the side of the bed. He hugged me and then jumped up and wrapped his legs around me almost pulling me over.

"I have to pee," he said giggling. I turned and took him to the bathroom before he peed prematurely. That's way worse than prematurely ejaculating. He jumped down and dropped his underwear to use the toilet.

"Hey dad, how come you can't pee easily when your penis is all stiff, like in the morning?" He asked as he stood looking at his morning wood.

"I'm not sure. I think it has something to do with cutting off the urine tube and opening up the semen tube for sex. I think pee kills the sperm so you don't want the two interacting when you have sex. Just push down toward the head of your penis until you can pee."

"Duh, I know that. I just wondered why it worked like that," he said shaking his head as if I were an idiot. He peed and then he was back to normal. I always hated peeing away a good boner, but that's just the way it goes sometimes. Blake turned and jumped in the shower, so I went back out and got into bed between Colin and Marvin'. I duplicated what Blake had done and rested my head on Marvin's' chest. He wrapped his arms around me.

"You got bigger overnight, Blake," he whispered. "You want a quickie before your Dad's wake up?"

"You do know that if you ever did that, I'd cut your nuts off," I laughed.

"Never worry. Even when he's old enough, I'd protect him as if he were my own," he said as he hugged me. I knew he would. Everyone in this house would. I kissed `Marvin' and then wiggled across the bed and began kissing Colin who was now awake.

"Get a room," `Marvin' teased as we made out.

"This is our room. Participate, take pictures or shut up. Your choice," Colin playfully snapped back at him. He didn't need to think twice as he inched over to us and we all began kissing together. We were one big lump of bodies when Blake came back into the bedroom and saw us. He ran over and jumped on us. He must have thought we were wrestling, so we played along and rolled around on the bed for a bit doing our best not to squash Blake under us. We finally stopped and all got off the bed, with Colin and `Marvin' heading for the shower. They were already naked so I figured they might be gone a while since we hadn't taken care of their morning needs yet.

Blake put his underwear back on. "You should go get dressed and have breakfast before your tutor shows up. Then this afternoon we have to go to the school to see Cory's principal. Also today, we are going to clean up your room. It's looking a bit hazardous.

"Awww, I just got stuff how I like it. I know where everything is."

"Yeah me too. It's all in the middle of your floor. If you had a normal size bedroom, we'd be neck deep in stuff."

"You're funny," he laughed as he ran off to his bedroom.

It's true, I am funny...and sexy...and well hung...and a master in bed...and Dad of the year, almost.

We had arranged with Sheila to meet at Cory's school at 1pm and Colin asked if I would like him there, but I didn't think it was necessary. It sounded pretty minor, and while I was there I could talk to him about getting Blake into school in September. He would have passed his tests by then to get him into his appropriate grade and we would be all caught up. I met Sheila at the entrance to the school, with Blake in tow. Cory was waiting in the office when we arrived. The two boys said hi to each other and almost immediately began playing a game on Blake's phone. They had some new game called Amazing Alex. I would have to see if he was as amazing as our Alex. The principal came out to greet us and we all went into his office. I introduced myself and Blake.

"Are you Blake's brother?" He asked.

"No, I'm his Dad. Long story," I replied.

"My family died in a fire and Justin is my new Dad," Blake explained. Guess it was as long a story as I thought.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. I didn't know," the principal said looking at the two of us. "I just assumed you were brothers as you look so much alike. Same blonde hair and green eyes."

"It happens a lot," I admitted. "Plus the age difference isn't big enough for me have normally been a Dad to a 12 year old."

"The reason we are here is to deal with what happened at the school dance last night," he said getting right to the point.

"What did happen?" I asked wanting to make sure I knew and almost half wondering why Blake and I were here.

"It began with the two boys dancing together and then when the teacher broke them up, Cory talked back to him, which is unacceptable."

"Cory, do you have something to say to your principal for talking back to a teacher?" Sheila asked.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't seem right to stop us dancing together, but I'm sorry I talked back."

"I can accept that apology Cory, thank you. But do you know why the teacher broke you apart?"

"No. That's why I said what I said. He just said we couldn't dance together."

"That's correct. Boys just don't dance with other boys. It's not normal," he explained calmly and casually. My head snapped up immediately and stared at him and then at Sheila who was looking at me and trying not to grin. She knew that I was about to go into it full speed, but I was composed and calm. I was the new Justin now.

"I understand that they were dancing with two girls at first and when the slow music started, the girls danced together, so Blake and Cory just danced together. Were the girls broken up too?"

"No. It's much more acceptable for girls than boys."

"So it's a discrimination thing then? I might understand a small part of that thinking if you had one rule for everyone, but it appears that you just single out the boys."

"No, not at all. As you know Mr. Masters, boys can be cruel to one another. If they see that two boys are dancing together they could end up being picked on and subjected to bullying and ridicule. We have a duty to protect the children."

"I agree with that. So you do that by using outdated stereotypes and discrimination, instead of education and tolerance. Interesting way of running a school."

"Mr. Masters, we have to ensure that we do everything we can to help these young people understand how to handle things in life and two boys dancing together at an elementary school sends the wrong message to other students, and creates an atmosphere that could lead to bullying. Blake doesn't go to this school, so he would avoid things like that, but Cory would have to face his peers every day and be teased for dancing with a boy. We aren't looking to punish Cory, we simply wanted to deal with the issue of talking back to a teacher and he's already apologized for that. As far as the school is concerned the issue is dealt with. We just wanted both of you here to explain what had happened."

"I can't speak for Sheila, but I can certainly speak for Blake. Do you allow boys and girls to form relationships in school like they do in the secondary levels? Holding hands in the halls, kissing and things like that?"

"It's rare at their age, but it does happen as they get into the upper grades. We let the children know not to kiss in public, but holding hands is usually acceptable."

"Would you allow two boys to hold hands then?"

"In all honesty, it would fall into the same category as the school dance. They would probably be told to stop."

"Whereas two girls would be allowed," I added.

"Probably," he admitted.

"So you're only homophobic when it comes to males, not females. Do you really think that it's any less appropriate for two boys to like each other than two girls? I'm pretty sure at their age, it's just about being friends and nothing more. Why not educate instead of embracing homophobic ideology?"

"I can see you don't understand children, Mr. Masters. You're a new parent and don't see the cruelty that boys can inflict on one another."

"Well, I'm not a new parent, and while I hear what you are saying, I agree with Justin. It seems you have two policies based on what society thinks it should be like instead of educating acceptance and tolerance. I agree that Cory needed to apologize to the teacher, but now I believe that you and the teacher owe these two boys an apology for breaking them apart. If they want to dance together as friends, who cares? If they get picked on or bullied, it's your job inside this building to educate those bullies as to why that behaviour is wrong, not the other way around. You create intolerance because it's easier."

"Boys, would you go wait outside in the office for a minute," I said to them. "Just play your game." Once the boys left, I looked at the principal. "I had them leave because this isn't a conversation they need to hear. I'm sure they have no clue that holding hands or dancing together is wrong. In fact we teach them that it isn't. If they grow up to be straight or gay or asexual, that's their business, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let a school dictate what is and isn't normal. Let's face it, you're just buying into a stereotype that a boy who likes another boy is gay. Truth is, they are just friends, especially at this age, but if you teach them that there are different rules for guys and girls, you're on a slippery slope to a discrimination lawsuit. Teach the bullies, not those who have advanced beyond the stereotype," I said forcefully.

"So you think it's acceptable for two boys to hold hand, kiss and dance together in public?"

"I can tell you that I think it's fine," Sheila interjected quickly. "They may face teasing from others, but we have taught the boys how to handle that. The problem lies with those doing the teasing, not with the likes of Cory and Blake. They were dancing together, as they saw the girls doing. Try explaining to them why one is allowed and the other isn't. Obviously you're homophobic."

"I think we're blowing this out of proportion," the principal said seemingly taken aback by the double assault. "We just wanted Cory to understand that it wasn't appropriate to talk back to a teacher."

"And he gets that and has apologized. On the other hand, it seems that perhaps he had a right to stand up for himself in this case, as we teach him to do; and for that he will not apologize."

"When I was in school, our principal was very tolerant of all lifestyles from goth to gay and he immediately squashed any signs of bullying at the source. It led to a school where we all felt safe to be ourselves. The gay guys never had a problem holding hands or being together, as tolerance was the order of the school. Bullies were dealt with and therefore were in the minority. I suggest you talk to him to find out how he did it. Sounds to me like you have the easier job. If they learn acceptance here, it's bred into them by the time they get to secondary school. You teach intolerance, meaning that everyone has to work twice as hard at the secondary level to reverse that stupidity," I said sitting back.

"I understand what you're saying, but I think our policy has been working fine to protect the children. We'll let this matter drop and let Cory get back to class. I'd like to thank you both for coming in to deal with it," he said as he attempted to end the conversation he hadn't expected to be involved with.

"You may let it drop, but I certainly won't. I have resources beyond your imagination. I also own the Quest Academy which s for gay kids that have found themselves victims of intolerance, so I can assure you, it's in my best interest to stop your homophobic policy. I'll follow up with you in a week to see what changes you've made. If they're not acceptable to protect ALL the children, I'll be back with the school board and the media. Perhaps you should start by talking to my old principal. He'll let you know how he handles things. Thank you for you time this morning. I'll contact you in a week. If you refuse to talk to me, I personally know both the Minister of Education and the School board president. You can Google my name if you doubt my sincerity."

I stood up and shook his hand, as did Sheila. He followed us out of the office where the boys were pressed side by side playing their game. "Okay Cory, back to class," the principal said.

"Awww, can't I stay and play with Blake?"

"No, Blake is going home to clean his room. That will take several bulldozers and about a week to clean up. You'll have more fun in school," I smiled as Blake just gave me one of his looks.

"Are you kidding? Have you seen all the stuff in our room? We could live in there."

"Probably, considering the two tons of candy he still has in the closets," I agreed. I doubted that Blake and Cory would ever get through all that stuff. If they ate nothing else for the rest until they were 18, I'll be the two of them couldn't eat all that candy. They'd be two walking zits. After some complaining the boys said goodbye and we headed out.

"I thought you might respond like that once I heard where he was going with that," Sheila smiled. "I think he means well, he just isn't ready to deal with it.

"He should be. The oldest student here are 13, many will be starting to develop some sort of ideas about relationships. They are leaving the `girls are yucky' phase and starting to blush when a girl looks at them, so no doubt a few boys will be doing that with other boys. He has to learn to deal with it properly."

"I agree. Strange isn't it. If he'd just left the boy alone, they would have had one dance that would have probably gone unnoticed, but because they reacted to it, now they've opened up Pandora's box."

"Who's Pandora?" Blake asked looking up at us.

"She's a lady that makes a big stink about things and once you open the box, you can't get rid of the smell easily."

"Gross. She should probably get rid of the box then," he said as he jumped down the stairs towards the car.

"Out of the mouths of babes," Sheila laughed. We said our goodbyes and headed home, where our mammoth task of cleaning Blake's room began. We got a full 10 minutes into it before I realized that I was putting all the clothes away while Blake was pretending to work on his toys by playing with them. I used to do that with my penis. No comments on the used to thing...

We managed to clean his room enough for it to be acceptable, but not showroom clean. He still had to be able to play in it. He helped me decide on dinner for everyone and we set out to prepare it. Jason got home first and I filled him in on the story. He applauded my restraint, so did Colin when he got home. Kyle suggested we get the Q together and all hold hands outside the school in protest. That might be a bit much for an elementary school protest.

Alex came home smelling like pizza, explaining that they had run a pizza promotion at the Grind'r and it had been busy. Jason began licking Alex everywhere as he tried to eat him.

"You smell good enough to eat," he said as Alex tried to get away from him. Blake giggled as he watched their antics.

After dinner, Troy came over and said he was ready for the initiation thing tonight. "I think I figured out the clue." I googled some of the key words and I'm guessing that we are supposed to meet at the Gassy Jack statue in Gastown which is located at the corner of Water and Carrall streets."

"Sounds easy when you say it like that," I grinned, almost kicking myself for not figuring it out.

"What should I take with me? How long do you think we'll be gone?"

"I have no idea and if I did, I couldn't tell you. If it's not in their clue, just be prepared for anything," I suggested.

"You wanna borrow my Scout backpack. It has lots of stuff to be prepared with. That's the Scout Motto," Blake said smiling excitedly. "Where you gonna go, Uncle Troy?"

"Yeah, where are you going to go, Uncle Troy?" Kyle asked grinning.

"Call me that again and I'll gonna pop a cat in your ass," he laughed.

"Oooo, kinky. I can think of other things that might work better," he replied.

I coughed and glanced at Blake.

"It's okay, Blake knows all about sex don't you buddy," Kyle said putting his arm around him.

"Sure. Most things anyway. I'm a real ladies man."

I almost choked on my drink. "Where did you hear that?"

"Just some guy at the pool. He said that I was a real ladies man and would break a lot of hearts. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but he was smiling so I'm thinking it's good."

"Yep it's a good thing. It means that there will be lots of people who want you as their boyfriend but they won't be able to have you because you'll be taken by someone."

"Someone is going to take me? Where?"

"No, I mean you'll be taken as in, you'll have a girlfriend already."

"Why can't I have more than one girlfriend or boyfriend, like Kyle?"

"You can, but let's worry about that later."

We focused back on Troy and his initiation. All of us figured he would probably be gone all night. I knew from Kelly that the guys wouldn't be arriving at the warehouse until 2am and I wanted to go and see what they would be getting up to. I always liked the initiations as long as it wasn't me being initiated. I took Blake up to bed and lay beside him until we both fell asleep. I figured it wouldn't hurt to have a nap before I went out. My phone alarm vibrated in time to allow me to get over to the warehouse.

Once I got there, about a dozen of the initiation committee were already in their robes and masks awaiting the arrival of the pledges. They all greeted me and I'm sure if we hadn't been expecting the newbies to arrive we could have gotten down to some middle of the night fun. I could already feel my dick tingling at the excitement of what was ahead, even though I had no idea what Kelly had planned this time.

The first 6 guys arrived and were told to kneel on the big center circle with their heads down. I smiled when I recognized a guy I hadn't seen in a while; my friend Scotty that I met in Amsterdam. That boy had a 7 inch uncut thick dick and enticing brown eyes. I couldn't wait to play with him again. We had lost touch for a while, so it was nice to see that someone had been noticing him. I'd be tapping that later for sure. Each guy was given a bottle of water as they had been walking for the past two hours. The final 4 arrived which included Troy and Reece. I even recognized Chance, Gavin and Tyson from the Q Academy. I figured that with Tyson being such a slut, it could be an interesting night. He'd want to be fucked by all 10 pledges and the dozen in the initiation committee and still look around for more. As the boys took their kneeling positions, Kelly stood in the centre of the circle as the light changed to illuminate him.

"You have been tapped by the Q Society to become members of our worldwide organization. Over the next four weeks, you will receive challenges and tasks to ensure you are worthy of being one of us. You may drop out at anytime, or should you follow through to the end, we will decide by committee if you are the type of person we are looking for. Over the past two hours you were told to find a partner and get to know everything you could about him. We will now find out just how well you accomplished this task. If you fail, there are consequences, if you succeed, there are rewards. As part of the collective your bodies belong to us now and you must not be ashamed to show it off when asked or instructed."

I wondered when we had become a collective. Maybe he thinks we're the Borg. If he says `resistance is futile', I'm calling in Jean Luc Picard and the Enterprise to take care of this. He proceeded to explain some of the organization in dramatic flair. The lighting made it looks so ominous and he had obviously gotten better at theatrics.

"Regardless of whether you think you're a top or bottom, you will experience all forms of sex and your fellow pledges and the initiation committee will watch and participate as required. The benefits of being a Q are huge as you will have access to a network of powerful people on all walks of life around the world. We help each other and are there when needed, but we must ensure that you can be trusted and will do what is required. We begin by finding out what you learned about your fellow pledge. You may stand and break into groups. The partner you picked will go to the left side of the room, the other partner to the right side. Move now."

The pledges scrambled to separate. Troy was on one side with Gavin and Scotty, while Reece, Tyson and Chance were on the other side. I wondered who Troy had picked as a partner.

"Fill in the answers to the questions on the paper you are being handed and no talking. Once you are finished, place the paper face down in front of you."

I was given one of the sheets to look at the questions and grinned. There was no way they would have thought to ask some of this stuff, unless they were members of Mensa and could have predicted this. It had several of the basics like what is your middle name, nick name, where were you born, top, bottom or versatile, cut or uncut, size, tattoos, etc. but then it got into things like how many fillings do you have, what is the biggest dick you have taken up the ass, name of your math teacher, most number of times you came in one day, what is the most expensive thing you've ever broken, when is the last time you came, what is your favorite type of underwear, if you saw an old lady needing immediate help and the cutest boy you'd ever seen getting on a bus waving at you to follow him what would you do. Most of those questions they wouldn't have thought to ask each other. There were many more and it looked like it was designed for them to fail.

Once they were all done, Kelly had them sit in a line facing their partner and read out the first question which was what was their partners middle name. Most got it right. Those that didn't had to remove a shoe. Now I had an idea how this was going to end up. It was strip trivia. My favorite type. It wasn't just removing clothes or it would have been over too fast. Some were made to empty their pockets, others told to do push-ups, or tongue the person's ear next to them. Harmless fun to throw them off guard. No one got the questions right about fillings in their teeth or most expensive thing they ever broke. A couple got it right about math teacher or biggest dick they'd ever taken. When it came to the question of helping the old lady or going after the twink, they all chose the old lady. I scratched out my answer and changed it to old lady. I mean come on...I could have caught up with the twink, gotten off at the next stop and we both would rush back to help the old lady. Once she was good, then I'd take the twink home and congratulate ourselves on our humanitarian efforts with a nice dick to dick celebration. I'm just thoughtful like that. I'd recruit more people to help...yep, that's me. All humanitarian and selfish...selfless, I mean selfless. Is selfless a word? It didn't show up on my spell checker so it must be. Hmmm...

Troy was partnered with Reece, so they were doing pretty well and it looked like those that were friends were doing much better than those who were just getting to know each other, however it didn't take long for a few pledges to end up naked. The first guy to lose his underwear and show everyone how he looked in just his birthday suite was a guy named Dalton. Kelly went up in front of him and told him to stand and put his hands behind his head.

"Obviously Dalton doesn't pay attention to anything around him and is only interested in himself. How old are you?" Kelly asked as he stared right at him.

"19," he said swallowing nervously.

"And when is the last time you were fucked, Dalton?"

"Never, I'm a top."

"Like I said earlier, there would be consequences for losing and rewards for winning. You are the first to lose all your clothes and now you will lose your anal virginity. As president of the Q in Vancouver, I will be the first to fuck you tonight, but it is obvious that since you have no idea about your partner, I probably won't be the last. Pledges, lift Dalton into a horizontal position and spread his legs. Make sure he isn't too high and you can all watch as I take his cherry. The other 9 guys gathered around and lifted Dalton up and turned him so he was lying flat in their arm. His dick pointing to the floor.

"Open his legs wider," Kelly instructed them as he dropped his robe to reveal he was naked underneath. He was still wearing his mask to hide his identity, which we know from TV and movies is all you need to fool even the most ardent investigator. He stroked himself hard and the guys all watched his 7" dick inflate. One of the initiation committee members handed him a bottle of lube which Kelly generously fingered into Dalton's hole causing him to squirm and wiggle slightly as the guys held him. "I will now take his cherry as a consequence for failing to learn anything about his partner over two hours."

Kelly stepped forward in between Dalton's legs and aimed his cock at the virgin hole. The whole room watched as he slowly penetrated the virgin pledge. As his cock popped through the sphincter, Dalton cried out and told him that it hurt.

"Shhhh, we haven't even started yet," Kelly said in response to the entry. He rubbed Dalton's smooth ass cheeks and up along his back as he moved further and further inside the new pledge. With each inch, Dalton complained and tried to get Kelly to slow down or stop, but it only encouraged him further. Once he was all the way in, Kelly began to fuck him slowly, but with long strong strokes. I could see many of the guys now had bulges in their pants from watching the activity in front of them. As he got into it, Kelly looked around the room at the guys. "Chance, you still have the most clothes on, meaning that you deserve a reward. You may get on your knees underneath Dalton and blow him until he shoots his load down your throat." Chance quickly got underneath Dalton and sucked him off, which seemed to stop a lot of Dalton's complaining about being fucked. Kelly picked up the paced and fucked him harder which meant the guys had to hold Dalton in place even more firmly. It wasn't long before Dalton announced he was cumming and we watched as Chance got his reward and gulped it all down. Kelly fired his load inside the pledge and pulled out.

"Not all the consequences will be the same, so those of you who are bottom boys thinking of throwing the rest of the questions, be warned that you may not receive the same consequence, so I strongly suggest you keep trying to win. Put Dalton on the floor face down where he will stay until we have another loser. Dalton, put your arms out to the side and keep your legs spread. It is possible that one or more of the initiation committee may wish to fuck you and you need to be in position."

The next round of questions were things like favorite car or color, and then did they prefer cut or uncut penises. Had they ever had sex with a girl, did they ever text while driving, or had they ever sold their body to get something from someone; money or a favor, etc." It didn't take too many more questions before the more guys were naked. This time it was Tyson that lost.

"Move to the centre of the circle and kneel," he was told, and you could almost see the excitement in his eyes as he hoped he was going to get fucked. I knew better already. Two members came forward in their robes and masks. One was holding a plastic cup as they both stood in front of Tyson. The one member put the cup under the other's robe and you could hear him pissing into it. I already knew how this was going to go as we had been talking about some of the events earlier. He pulled the cup out and handed it to Tyson.

"Once again, we have a pledge not interested in knowing about people around him or getting familiar with anyone but himself. Drink the contents of the cup as your punishment." Tyson looked horrified and his face showed the immediate disappointment at not being fucked while everyone watched. He took the cup and placed it up to his lips as the guys who had done the pissing returned to his seat away from the pledges. Tyson took a sip and then the expression on his face changed. He looked at the member who handed it to him and then chugged it down and handed the cup back. Several of the other guys whinged about what he had done, but what they didn't know was that the piss had been switched for warm apple juice under the robe. Tyson knew it after the first sip, but the real test was to see if he would just go along, which he did. In fact he licked his lips as he waited in the kneeling position.

"Like I said pledges. Your punishments will not always be what you expect, so I encourage all of your to participate to win." The next question was `can your partner swallow a cock without gagging?' each pledge answered and when compared to what each person had written about themselves, most got it right and said they could take a cock. "We will see how honest you were in your answers pledges. If you answered incorrectly, you will be punished for lying."

Four members dropped their robes. One was in his underwear, the others were naked, but all had the masks on. Each member stood in front of a pledge and stroked themselves hard. "Open up and let's see if you can handle a cock. All the members were roughly around the same size of 7 inches which was pretty average. After all, you want a contest to be fair. As each cock was pushed into the mouths of the pledges and down their throat, the result of whether they had a gag reflex or not was pretty obvious. Most had lied as expected. Only two handled the cocks easily. I would get to know them later.

"For deception, we will have to hot box you. Stand up pledges remove the remainder of your clothes and lineup behind each other facing the person in front. Leave full arms-length between you. The members will stand at the back of the line in without their robes. One at a time the person in the front of the line, will turn and crawl between the legs of each guy in line, who will swat him hard on the ass. If you try to be gentle with your hits, we will pull you out of line at the end and give you additional punishment, so ensure we hear a good hard crack on the ass as he goes through. Reece was first and with each whack on the ass as he crawled along you could see his ass getting redder and redder. When he got to the end of the line he stood up and waited for the next guy to crawl between his legs. It was a glowing room of red asses when they were done.

"Now you know something about your partner," Kelly said. "Your next task is to go out as a group of 10 and retrieve the following items and return. You may only travel on foot and you have two hours to return. Your group list includes the following. A bag of Skittles, two rubber car tires, a receipt from a store with the current day and time on it, a naked group picture emailed to the address on your list, a tin can with a live insect in it, four condoms each tied off with a full load of cum inside, at least one must have lipstick on your cock, and finally one of you must return fully clothed. This task will be done completely naked. Go now and be back in two hours." Some of the pledges didn't flinch at being told to go out naked, others looked at Kelly like he must be mad, but all of them took off for the door. Two initiation members were dress all in black and followed the pledges at a distance. They would be spying on them as they went through the task.

"Damn I love pledge night," said the guy next to me "makes me so fucking horny watching all these guys going through the tasks."

"I hear you there. I should have kept my underwear on under the robe," I laughed. He looked at my crotch and saw the bulge of my erection.

"Maybe we can help each other out," he suggested.

"Nice. You want me to fuck you or vice versa?"

"I could use a nice cock in me."

"So stand up and turn around," I said as I pulled my robe off to show I was fully naked and sporting almost a full erection. He turned and bent over with his hands on the chair. I pulled up his robe and ran my hands over his cloth covered ass and squeezed. Then I ran my hand up his back to push his robe further up and expose his back. I felt his muscles and then moved my hands down to his underwear and yanked them down to his ankles where he stepped out of them. I ran my finger into his crack and could feel that he was lubed up. Slipping my finger into his hole I smiled as I worked it around inside him.

"Nice to see that you planned ahead."

"Always gotta be ready for sex, buddy," he said as he sighed while my finger probed him and my other fingers rubbed his ball sac. I spit on my other hand and coated my dick to get it slicked up nicely. After pulling my finger out I replaced it with my erection and fucked him while others watched. We had two hours and what are a bunch of horny gay guys going to do for that much time? Sex is just the obvious answer, so we played around for a while as we waited. I lay on one of the floor mats as another guy got on top and fucked me. I loved it when someone just pressed their weight on me and drilled my ass. We finished up about 15 minutes before the two hour deadline and waited for the guys to arrive. Considering they didn't have a watch, they were remarkably accurate in timing it.

Their task had been completed and one of the guys was fully dressed as required. They looked cold and were immediately allowed to get dressed and given some warm soup and sandwiches if they wanted them. Kelly stood in the center of the circle and talked to the pledges.

We have received the four condoms of cum from you. I need the four guys who supplied it to step forward. Reece, Gavin and two others stepped up. You four will be allowed to take a pledge home and use him as your reward for giving up your sperm. Reece pick the pledge you want."

Reece smiled and surprisingly picked Scotty. I would have thought he would have picked Troy, but Gavin chose Troy instead. They all seemed happy about their choices. The night ended with the pledges being told that they would be contacted again and told where and when to meet next. I headed out the back door and raced home so Troy wouldn't know I saw his initiation night. I went to my bedroom and found Kyle in bed with `Marvin' and Colin. They all looked so cute together and I wondered if they'd had a night of fun. I backed out of the room and headed for Blake's room and got into bed with him. He probably wouldn't even know I had left. While he had had plenty of sleep, I had been up all night, so when he woke up full of energy, I was less than enthusiastic about being woken up. In keeping with our house rules, I had stayed in my underwear, since it wasn't my bed. Blake crawled over me to go to the bathroom, instead of slipping out the other side. When he returned, he climbed back over me and lay on top. I opened my eyes to see him staring at me and grinning.

"Hi Dad. What are we going to do today? I was thinking maybe you could teach me to drive more, like on a road or something. Wanna?"

"If the other guys haven't planned anything we can do that. How about if we get a few more hours sleep. Aren't you still tired?"

"I'll just lie here then and wait for you to wake up. Is it okay if I watch cartoons and stuff if I'm quiet?" I smiled and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"It's your room buddy. Do what you want."

He smiled and turned around so he was facing the TV and his feet were basically in my face. I tried to get to sleep but he ended up moving around so much and kicking me several times, so I finally just turned the same direction as him, put my arm around his back and we ended up having another hour before getting up.

"You snore sometimes, Dad." He said subtly.

"And you move all over the bed like a wiggly snake," I said as I reached over to tickle him. He shrieked and began giggling as we rolled around on the bed wrestling. I certainly was awake now and figured we might as well get up and go have breakfast. We hit the shower and padded downstairs in our underwear. Colin and `Marvin' were already there having coffee as we grabbed stuff for breakfast.

"Hi Dad," Blake said. "Justin slept in my bed last night in case you were wondering where he was."

"Thanks buddy. I was wondering. Did you two get lots of sleep?"

"Uh huh. He's hard to wake up though."

Colin laughed and I kissed him good morning. Troy strolled down with Scotty, Gavin and Reece. I guess they decided to have a four-way. I pretended to be surprised and couldn't wait to hear what Troy thought about his night, but knew he wouldn't be able to say anything with the guys around. I would have to wait until later to hear what he had to say.

End of Chapter.

You'll have to wait too... technically this isn't a cliffhanger. Just saying. Feel free to let me know your comments and suggestions. The chapters are coming out a little slower than before as I have a new job (yay me!), but I'm trying to get at least one out per week.

Next: Chapter 119

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