The Social Workers Chav Master

By Angel Chub

Published on Jul 6, 2020


The Social Worker's Chav Master Part 2

Dear reader sorry this part took so long get the second part out IV bean trying to get it spell checked as I'm very dislexic I now have a writing partner so won't be as long before the next part is out. Feel free to email me and give feedback thank you to those that already have.

This is a work of fiction bast on my own fantasy's all characters and events are fictional.

Hope you enjoy part 2.

I woke up much earlier than I usually do and just sat on my bed thinking hard about what happened yesterday. My first client as a social worker had blackmailed me into being his servant and not only did I do it - I let him I enjoyed it. I mean yes he's attractive, chavvy and powerful, but this was definitely a bad situation I was in. I got dressed this time in less formal clothing - just a t-shirt and jeans and travelled to Connor's house, the whole time thinking I should be tired, whereas reality I was just so excited.

So I walked down the road of council houses towards Connor's house. There were a few times when the guys passing me while I walked gave me a funny look, but I think I'm just being paranoid. When I arrived at the house I looked at the door and took a deep breath. Long gone was my professional headspace. All I could do was get into my submissive servant headspace as I knocked at the door. Connor opened the door and I was shocked to see he was dressed in the same clothing as yesterday, only now he was completely shirtless. I could tell he had a nice body before, but seeing it like this it was phenomenal. The tattoo on his bicep I could now see was a bird wing and he had another of a lion's head on the left side of his perfect six-pack abs. I forced my eyes away from his amazing body to look at his annoyed face. but "get in" was the only greeting I got from him. I bowed my head and walking into the house behind me I heard Connor locking the door and trapping me inside. My heart was racing and my cock was getting ready for a day at full mast. "Turn around and kneel", his voice said from behind me. So I turned to face him and dropped to my knees looking up at him. "Hand over your phone, wallet and keys" he demanded. I emptied my pockets and handed over my belongings to this strong powerful, but also dangerous young man. God knows what he'd do with them. However, I didn't have much time to worry about it as Connor pointed to the kitchen. I didn't need any orders I just got up and bowed my head and ran into the kitchen to make his breakfast.

Just like yesterday I cooked Connor a massive bacon sandwich while listening to the sounds of him working out in the next room, but this time instead of just handing it to him I walked into the living room and kneeled at his feet while he was still lifting and waited with the plate in my hands for him to finish. When he noticed I was there and what I was doing he burst into laughter. "There's a good faggot", he sniggered as he took the plate. As he ate, Connor placed his trainer on my lap and without needing to be asked I removed each shoe and rubbed his damp, sweat-soaked, socked feet, breathing in the smell from a distance. Looking at the second white sock I realised they there the same we was wearing yesterday. The thought of that was so hot that I absent-mindedly rubbed my hand over my rock hard cock. This was a big mistake as Connor noticed this and almost choked on his last mouthful of bacon out of sheer anger. "What the fuck you doing?" , he asked before pulling his foot away from me and then letting it kick back up to hit me hard in the chest. I fell back on the floor and Connor stood over me, shouting "don't you ever start fucking wanking off in front me" as he stared at me. Panicking about what he'd do to me I started to apologise franticly - "I'm so so sorry sir, so sorry" , which just earned me another kick from the fit young man, this time in the ribs. Connor then took a step back. "Stand up now" he barked, with his arms folded. I got up off the floor clutching my ribs, which were properly bruised now, and faced him. " Listen up faggot. This stuff isn't for your sick pervy enjoyment, it's to make my life easier. Have you got that?" he asked and I simply repeated my sincere apologies. " I'm so sorry sir it will never happen again". He said nothing and I suddenly realised I had not answered his question. "I understand sir" I said, almost shaking with fear at this point. There was silence for a moment and the room felt hot, sticky and uncomfortable. "Strip!" , Conner shouted loudly, breaking the embarrassing silence. I didn't know what to do. Why did he want me to strip and what was he going to do to me? More importantly I don't want this perfectly sexy, Adonis-figured figured man to see my gross chubby body. But no wasn't an option so I removed my shoes, jeans and finally my t-shirt. I stood there in front of him in just my socks and underwear while a handsome, fit and powerful chav lad looked at me head to toe judging me. I'd never felt lower in my life. That was until Connor opened his sexy mouth to say "you're just a fat pig boy aren't you", as his gold and diamond earstud glinted in the light. Holding back tears I stammered "yes sir" before he continued. "But I said strip, wanker, so lose the underwear. I wanna see what was so important down there that you had to fuckin' touch it and fiddle with it". `Oh God', oh I thought, as I slowly removed my underwear to gradually reveal my pathetic four inch cock. As if it was possible I could feel any smaller at this moment, it was when Connor looked at my erect cock and burst into hysterical laughter - "Is that fucking it? What the fuck is that fucking thing?" me mocked. When he'd finished laughing he looked at me naked, humiliated and on the verge of tears and in a pretend pitying voice smirked " I'm sorry fag, you're just so pathetic. I mean you're massively fat, gay and have a tiny little dick, but what's worse is that you're actually fucking enjoying this. Your useless shrimp dick is rock hard after rubbing my feet, of all things! What the fuck is wrong with you?" This was too much for me to take and tears started to roll down my face. Connor looked at me disgustedly, sneering "For fuck's sake I'm going in the shower. Get dressed and go and clean the fucking kitchen" he said before walking out of the room with a swagger, shaking his bubble butt at me as he left.

The kitchen obviously hadn't ever been cleaned since Connor moved in and despite its relatively small size, cleaning it was a big and gross job. Food covered plates where stacked next to the sink; all the surfaces looked sticky, including the floor that had no hint of its original colour and there was paper packaging, pizza boxes and other rubbish everywhere. I looked in every cupboard but there were no cleaning products anywhere so all I could do was make a start on the dishes. I had barely finished the last plate when Connor came down the stairs dripping wet, wearing just a small red towel around his waist. He snapped his fingers and said "kneel" and pointed at the filthy floor in front of him. I did as I was told, kneeling in front of him and probably ruining my jeans in the process. But when but when I did I came eye to eye with his little towel and couldn't help but imagine what might be just a thin piece of material away from me so I looked up to see water dripping of his smooth, muscular body and down on to me. "I need you to go to the shop for me. It ain't far so don't expect you to be gone long" he barked, after dropping my wallet onto the floor in front of me. By the look if it, I'd be the one paying. "What would you like me to buy sir?" I ask, worried this would be something incredibly expensive. "Whatever posh twats like you eat. I think I deserve it," he said with a smug look on his face. I nodded like a useless faggot and picked up my wallet. Before I could get back up though, Connor put his hand on my head to keep me in place, like a doggie, "Oh and remember fag you've got a job, you can afford it, but fuck me off and you won't have one for much longer". I knew very well what was at risk, but it wasn't just my financial situation I was worried about. There's a lot more I could lose if this ended badly. He eventually let me get up and I went to leave as Connor shouted at me "when you get back, go straight off to work. Don't bother me I'll be looking for some work myself". That really worried me. If he actually got a job he really wouldn't need me anymore and I'd be free from serving him, but is that what I really wanted?

I thought about all that as I walked to the small local shop at the end of Connor's estate. On the outside of the shop was a cash machine and a very bad idea came to mind. It was my job to make Connor's life better and I needed more time to do that, I thought to myself, as I put my card into the machine and got out £500. Just enough to buy a few more weeks maybe, purely to help him of course. I then went into the shop and bought him the most expensive steak they had and some stuff to make salad, because he needs to be eating well with all the exercise he does. I then went round getting bin bags, a mop and other cleaning essentials. If serving him is how I need to make his life better and do my job properly that what I'm going to do. I was bending down to pick up some bleach when the can of polish fell out of my basket and rolled across the shop floor till they hit a perfect sexy pair of orange and grey Nike trainers. Automatically I dropped to my knees to pick it up, but the owner of the trainers got to it first and walked over to me. There I was on my knees in front of this stranger. "Here you go mate" he scoffed, passing me the can. He was another tall and muscular chavvy guy. He was a about my age in his early twenties with short, cropped, almost back hair and tanned skin. He was much bigger then Connor in height and in terms of muscular development. Each if his biceps was as almost as big as my head and he was wearing a matching orange and grey Nike tracksuit with the trainers. His face was very handsome but intimating and definitely not one to fuck about with. I took the can and thanked him. The throbbing hardon I'd had all day, that had finally gone during my shopping trip, was now back with vengeance as I stood up. "Never seen you here before. You just moving in?" he said looking, at the cleaning products. Panicked and a bit embarrassed about what I was doing I said " No I'm just a social worker picking up some stuff for a client" which is what I was technically doing. "Wow helpful bugger aren't you", the guy scoffed, patting me hard on the back as he walked away. The way he said it made me think he knew something, but I could just have been paranoid again so I quickly finished up my shopping, paid for everything on my credit card and ran back to Connor's house.

When I got back to his house I let myself in and walked straight into the kitchen, not wanting to bother Conner while he was in the armchair, looking at his expensive laptop and wearing his headphones, totally ignoring me. I got to work scrubbing the counter, mopping the floor and bagging up all the rubbish until the kitchen was completely. By the time I was done I was filthy and exhausted, but I still wasn't done. It was time to cook Connor's stake. When it was done I plated it up and brought it into him on a tray. I cleared some room on the coffee table and placed the food there, then knelt at Connor's feet, waiting for him to notice me. After a minute he closed his laptop and handed it to be before standing up to inspect his food. "Get in! Steak! Nice one faggot" he said, smiling at me. It made my heart skip knowing I'd made him happy. However when he looked at me closely his smile turned quickly to digust again. "You're a fucking mess" he yelled. And he was right, I was a state. My clothes were dirty, my hair was a mess and I'd worked so hard I was tired and looked it. Meanwhile he looked amazing; he was well rested and his hair was beautifully cropped and styled. He wore a plain and tight black Puma T-shirt that showed his perfect, athletic muscular body underneath, but he was still wearing the same joggers as yesterday and this morning. Did he just not wash his clothes much or did he just not have that many to start with? I think Connor notice my tiredness so he asked "Why don't you have a rest? Sit by my chair and rest your head in the seat a bit, you deserve it" I should have been suspicious of his sudden act of kindness, but I was too exhausted to think about it. "Thank you very much sir" I said before sitting with my back to the bottom of the arm chair and resting my head back on the seat and closing my eyes. Before I could wonder where Connor was going to sit, I found out fast as he sat down directly on my face. I began to struggle and wriggle uncomfortably under his ass, struggling to get air while the laughed to himself and began eating. Finally when my face was directed in his ass crack I gave up and relaxed it to it gasping for air and taking in his smell. Conner definitely wasn't cleaning his clothes or underwear. The smell was awful sweaty and dirty, but my God did I love it. I relaxed enjoying his manly smell and moaned in enjoyment. I expected a bad reaction from Conner, but he just laughed at me yet again. After he finished he got up, releasing me from his ass and handed me his plate and quickly got up and took it into the kitchen to clean it. From the living room Conner shouted "Bring me your wad of cash again you fucker, you've had it too long already". So I finished washing the plate and walked back in with my wallet. He was sitting back in the armchair, the TV was on and he was about to start playing on his Xbox. I handed him my wallet and got back into my position at his side. He opened it and pulled out the money inside. " What the fuck's this fag?" he asked angrily, as he stared at the £500. "It's yours of course sir", I answered quickly, not wanting him to think I was just showing off. He looked at me shocked and then went to count it as I continued " it's my job to help you and I thought this help while you looked for work". His shock was transformed quickly into a wicked smile. " Well thank you, fat faggot, I think you deserve a reward for this. Llie down," he ordered, pointing in front of him. I lay down and he rested his socked feet on my fat stomach and began to play his game. In silence he moved his foot over my face and rubbed his filthy sock over my nose, letting me sniff through the fabric. After a few moments of this he dragged his feet up to his knee and removed his sock them, putting his bare foot on my mouth. "Lick!" he commanded. I did as I was told and slobbered over it from heel to toe. He then moved the other foot to my hard cock and began to rub it under his foot. This went on for nearly an hour. He played with his Xbox, ignoring me while I licked and worshipped his bare foot, while rubbing my throbbing cock with the other foot through my jeans. I was in heaven my heart was racing, the blood that wasn't in my cock was pumping and I was so happy until it all crashed to a stop. I couldn't take it any more and my cock exploded under his foot. Sperm shooting into and through my jeans. Disgusted, he pulled his feet away. "Grab your shit and get the fuck out" he shouted, throwing my phone key and wallet at me as I got up and headed for the door, repeatedly apologising. Now I've done it,. I thought as I gathered my things. My life is over. I've fucked everything up. But before I left Connor angrily shouted "be here at ten tomorrow you fucking freak", before kicking me out and locking the door. I travelled home humiliated, covered in sweat, dirt and my own cum. Not to mention starving from not eating all day, but it was still an amazing day for all the wrong reasons.

To be continued...

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