The Social Experiment

By Chad Slave

Published on Mar 20, 2020


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This is a Gay, Authoritarian story about how two straight best friends that decide to take part in a social experiment on how far people will go for money. This is total fiction and is for entertainment only.

Please send me feedback about my story at The story will be continued.

I have put this chapter out sooner than planned to make an announcement.

I have had some readers concerns about the things happing in my story will never be posable in real life, and I want to let everyone know I agree with that and my story is pure fiction, the story is not meant to be portrayed in real life and is for entertainment only. Please send me feedback on how you feel about the story. As I am a real life live in slave I have chosen this path in my life and can stop at any time I wish, also I want all my readers to know I do not wish this on any person in real life and I am not for real life forced slavery. Please enjoy my story.

The Social Experiment

Chapter 9

During the trip back to the house Colton ordered me to put my face into his crotch and lick his dick though his shorts that he was wearing. I really didn't want to, but I knew I had to. I put my face down between my brother's legs and started to lick his crotch with my tongue on his shorts and I could feel him getting hard though the fabric.

We finally got back to the house and Cameron told Colton to grab my leash and bring me into the house. He then grabbed my leash and told me to follow him. He didn't yank on it or be mean he just told me to follow him. I must be honest it was strange having my little brother walk me to the house holding a leash that conned to a collar around my neck. Once in the house Cameron looked at Colton and said.

"Now why don't you order the slut to strip its cloths off? The slut must stay nude at all times."

I could tell that Colton was getting uncomfortable with it, but he still ordered me to strip. As I took all my clothes off and I was only wearing the collar and chastity around my dick locked up, Colton and Noland got their first look at my nude body. I was so humiliated. Cameron then took the leash and yanked on it hard to order me to follow him.

We went to the living room where Ethan was sitting, and Cameron explained to them who Ethan was and that he was there to teach him how to treat me and to train me to be a proper slave. Ethan then took the leash and made me follow him now.

We started to walk to the dungeon, and I was now getting very scared. Ethan then tied me to a sawhorse with my arms and legs strapped to the bottom and my ass up in the air, he then put a ball gag in my mouth so I could not talk or say anything, and then I heard Ethan say.

"Ok boys the sluts pussy is all yours. You can fuck that pussy all night long if you like."

Noland got excited and I could hear him say things like fuck yeah, and I'm going to tear up that pussy. Colton on the other hand was quiet for a little bit and then I heard him speak.

"Seriously? The fag likes to get fucked also. I don't know about this. I'm straight and I have never fucked anyone before let alone a guy's ass. Yes, the fag gives great head, but the fag is also still my brother and I don't know if I can do that."

I then heard Ethan reply.

"Colton you should think of slut not being your brother anymore. Slut is a slave, it chose to be a slave, Its an object now for use. We need to treat it as that, so it knows its place."

Cameron then said to Colton.

"I know that the slut uses to be your brother, and if you need a big brother to fill that spot, I will be happy to do that. Your already like a little brother to me anyways and wouldn't you prefer a straight big brother to look up to and not some faggot low life slave?"

Hearing them all tell Colton this made me tear up and I wanted so much to just tell him that he would always be my brother no matter what. But there were two problems with that. One was I know I would be beat majorly for talking and Two I couldn't talk with this ball gag in m mouth anyways even if I did have the guts to speak up and tell Colton.

Truth is though I was so scared to say anything because I hatted being beat like that. I then heard Colton say.

"Ok Cameron I guess your right. I would prefer a big brother to be straight to look up to, and I have always thought of you like a brother also growing up. Just never would have thought my own brother would turn out to be like this."

I then felt Noland get behind me and start rubbing his hard dick on my ass and try to push in with no lube. Cameron told him to stop and said.

"Bro you can't just push inside a pussy like that, you need to use lube, so when you fuck a girl make sure you buy a bottle of lube to make it easy on you to push in and makes her comfortable, but with the slut all you have to do is spit on your dick and hand, put a finger inside its pussy and work your spit in there and then you can shove in and fuck that pussy as hard as you want. As long as you get your dick inside the fags pussy then your good."

I then felt Noland spit on my hold and shove a finger inside me. I could tell he didn't know what he was doing because he just pushed his finger in me and didn't work it inside me. It hurt like hell. Then I heard him spit on his dick and he then went behind me and was still having a hard time going inside me when all of sudden I felt his dick push in and he then started to fuck me hard.

I was screaming in the gag in my mouth and crying when Noland started to slow down and was about to pull out of me knowing he was doing something wrong when Ethan said.

"Don't stop buddy fuck that pussy hard, the slut will get use to it after a while. The fags' hole is here for your pleasure and fun, don't worry about the fag. It will be fine."

I then felt Noland start fucking me as hard as he could. There was not that much spit on his dick and he really didn't help open my hole that much with his finger. I then felt his dick start to throb and he started to cum inside me. I couldn't believe this 15-year-old kid was now inside me Cumming. After he was done, I felt Colton go behind me and was about to fuck me now.

I started to cry big time now and shaking my head not as to tell him please don't fuck me. This was my brother and I didn't want to be fucked by him. Ethan seen this and came over and slapped me across the face as hard as he could, and he came down to my face, so I was looking right in his face and he said.

"You stupid cunt, Colton is about to fuck that cock hungry pussy of yours and you shack your head no? Get one thing though that thick head of yours right now. He is no longer your brother, you are an object, an object for all guys to use. If a dick wants inside that pussy, then it will go inside that pussy."

Ethan then spit right in my face and told Colton to use that pussy if he wanted to. I then felt Colton's dick push up to my hole and go inside me and he started to fuck me. I now was getting fucked by my brother and all I could do was lay there and take his dick inside me as I cried.

I could tell Colton was starting to get into it and he started to fuck me harder. Cameron then whispered in my ear what I had to say to my little brother after he was done fucking me, or I was going to stay there tied down and get beat all night long if I didn't say it. I started to cry just thinking about what I had to say. Colton then started to pick up the pace as I felt his dick started to throb inside of me and get ready to cum up inside me for the first time.

After he came inside me and pulled out of me, Cameron took the ball gag out of my mouth and still tied up there just after getting fucked, I looked up at my little brother and said exactly what I was ordered to say by Cameron.

"Thank you, Sir, for fucking my pussy, your dick felt so good inside me. Will you please fuck me again? I need your dick inside me. Please Sir will you say you will fuck me any time you want to Sir?"

I felt so low begging my brother to fuck me again, but everyone else thought it was great that I was begging to be fucked. Colton then came around to my face and stood there with his crotch right at my face and I looked right at his dick when Colton said.

"Yeah faggot I will fuck you with this dick again. You have a nice pussy, and your pussy makes my dick feel good. Too bad I lost a brother in you but at least I gained a brother with Cameron and gained a pussy to fuck with you, so I guess it's a win for everyone. You get to get fucked like you want and I still get a brother with Cameron."

I just wanted to die right there hearing my own brother tell me that I was no longer his brother that all I was to him now was a hole to fuck. Cameron then put the ball gag back in my mouth and everyone left the dungeon and left me tied there in place as they all went upstairs. I was left there all night long. Occasionally someone would come down and fuck me and then go back upstairs. Ethan, Cameron, Noland, and Colton all came down to fuck me throughout the night.

I stayed there crying most of the night thinking about what my life has become as I got fucked over and over by them. I could feel all of their cum dripping out of my ass and roll down my leg. They all came inside me all night long. It must have been about 2am when Colton came down and undid the straps that held me in place so everyone could use me. He grabbed the leash and this time he yanked on it hard to have me follow him.

He took me to the living room where everyone was there about to go to bed. Cameron took the gag out of my mouth and then Colton, my own brother put me in the cage and locked me inside. He never said one word to me. The lights all got turned off and everyone went to bed, and I laid on a metal floor of a cage.

The next morning came and Ethan took me out of the cage after everyone woke up. Cameron then ordered me to cook everyone breakfast. I went into the kitchen and started to cook when I felt Ethan come behind me and he spit on his dick and lubed himself up and shoved his dick inside me. I was shocked because I was not expecting to get fucked when I was in the middle of cooking. I must have not been paying attention cooking because Ethan yelled at me and said.

"Don't stop cooking bitch, if you burn our food you will be punished, you need to learn to do your job even if someone wants to use that pussy of yours. So, pay attention to cooking as I fuck that tight pussy of yours faggot."

I kept cooking as Ethan fucked me. I then felt him pull out and he came in a cup. Then Cameron did the same and came in the same cup. Once Noland started to fuck me, I knew what they were doing. They were saving they're cum in the cup for me to eat. And then Colton got behind me and fucked me. It was hard as hell to cook while they fucked me, especially the bacon. I was nude and the bacon grease was hitting my nude body and it hurt.

Once I finished breakfast for them and they all came inside the cum, Ethan put two bowls on the floor, one he filled with dry dog food and Noland came over and pissed on the dry dog food. I looked and could see the dog food was absorbing his piss and getting soft. The other bowl Colton pissed in it and then when he was finished Colton took the cup of cum and poured it inside the bowl of his piss. Then I heard Cameron tell me to enjoy my breakfast.

I had to eat dry dog food that was covered in Noland's piss to soften it up, and to drink I had Colton's piss mixed with all four of their cum from fucking me. I knew I could not get any lower than this now. At least that's what I thought at that time.

They all ate their wonderful breakfast that I wished I could eat as I chocked down this nasty dog food, piss, and cum mixture of my breakfast. To add this was the first time I ever had to drink my brothers own piss. He sat at the table eating and looking down at me on the floor as I was on all fours drinking his piss. It was humiliating.

After breakfast was over and they all cleaned off their plates and I cleaned my bowls and ate all the dog food and drank all the piss, and cum. I had to do the dished then. As I was doing the dishes, I felt Colton go behind me and shove his dick in me for the third time and he fucked me as I did dishes. I never thought my own brother would treat me like this. But again, Cameron and Ethan convinced him that I was no longer his brother, that I was just an object for him to use.

After he came up inside me once again and I finished the dishes I was lead into the living room where Cameron ordered me to sit on the floor next to my brother and hold his leg like I hold his and be Colton's slave. I did as order and they all started to talk about what to do for the day.

Cameron explained to them that I had a boyfriend and his name is Zac, and that he had plans with me today. This was the first time I was getting excited to see Zac, I wanted to go with him so much, I didn't care what I had to do, at least my brother and Cameron's brother would not be there using me.

A couple hours later Zac showed up and I was excited. Zac came over to me and started to make out with me in front of everyone, but I didn't care, I was leaving this house. Zac then told me.

"Slut you will be in for a long night tonight. We are going to a party and everyone wants to use you. The only thing is I have to blind fold you and put on the noise canceling headphones on you once again because everyone wants to stay unknown., But this time you wont have the gag in your mouth because it will be in use also."

I didn't care I was getting out of here. Zac then put the blindfold on me, and I couldn't see anything. And then the headphones on me and I couldn't hear anything. He then hand cuffed my hands behind my back and i stood there for a while. I thought to myself he must be talking to Ethan and Cameron about how long we were going to be out and what he had planned for me.

I then felt him tug on the leash and I followed him. This time Zac put me in the trunk of the car. I could tell because how I was put in there, even though I couldn't see or hear anything. I felt the car start to move and knew we was driving away. We finally stopped and I could tell the trunk lid was opened when Zac pulled one of the headphones off and told me.

"Now slut I know you wont be able to hear or see, but you can feel so once someone gets done fucking that pussy or fucking that face of yours I want to hear you thank them for fucking you, and I want you to thank everyone, and you better beg for more even if you have a dick down your throat, if you don't tonight when you go home Ethan said you will be tied uu and your brother and his friend get to beat you all night long, got it?"

I said yes and Zac put the headphone back on my ear. I was then led into a house, this time I was not tied down on any chair or anything I just laid my stomach on a coffee table and felt the first guy go into my ass. And right after that some guy put his dick in my mouth.

They both fucked me from both ends. I could tell the guy that was fucking my ass just came inside me and he pulled out, so I said.

"Thank you, Sir, for fucking my pussy, may I have another dick inside my pussy please."

I said it the best that I could with some other guy still fucking my mouth. I then felt some other guy go behind me and start to fuck me when the guy in front of me started to cum down my throat and he pulled out and this time I could talk better, and I said.

"Thank you, Sir, for fucking my mouth, may I have another dick inside my mouth please."

This lasted for hours. I would thank everyone for using me and I would beg for more dick to be inside me. This one guy then put his dick in my mouth and started to piss. I then started to drink his piss as fast as I could and when he was done, and he pulled out I said.

"Thank you, Sir, for pissing in my mouth, may I have more piss please, I love drinking piss."

A few more guys piss in my mouth and then fucked my face and fucked my ass. I'm sure all these guys were having fun. Now I did say all this stuff, but I really was trying not to get beat and I was trying to make my so-called boyfriend Zac and my master Cameron happy. The night finally stopped, and I must have taken at least 10 guys in my ass and more in my mouth as they fucked me, and I must have drunk at least 8 of their piss.

I was then led back out to the car and put in the trunk. Once we got back to the house I was led into the house and the headphones was taken off and the blind fold was taken off. I then heard Cameron ask.

"So how did the night go? Did you guys have fun?"

Then I heard Colton and Noland both say.

"hell, yeah the slut was begging for dick and even thanking them for their dicks, it also begged to drink their piss and said how much it loved drinking piss. That fag was in heaven you could tell. Damn I didn't know who much of a fag it really was until tonight when I seen it beg like that and thank strangers for dick and piss."

I then realized they was there watching me take dick and even beg for it. I was now beyond humiliated. My little brother watched me get fucked and suck of guys I never seen or heard. And he watched as I even begged for it. I started to cry when Colton looked at me and said.

"Don't cry bitch, I'm sure you will get more dick inside you very soon. Damn your pathetic, at first, I was thinking you was just gay, but damn bitch your not only gay but you're a cock hungry slut that can't get enough. I'm so glad your no longer considered my brother."

I just hung my head down in shame and I really couldn't say anything to defend myself because he heard me beg and thank those guys for using me. I was then led back into the cage for the night by Colton. Once locked he looked down at me and spit on me and told me that I was an embarrassment to the family.

I cried most of the night and didn't get any sleep. The next morning, I was let out of the cage and I felt defeated. There was no reason for me to care about what people thought of me anymore. When I got out of the cage I looked up at Colton and said.

"Sir may I suck your morning wood this morning?"

Colton laughed and said.

"Sure, slut but first I have to piss."

I then opened my mouth and put it on his dick as he pissed down my throat. After he finished, I said.

"Thank you, sir, for your piss, it was delicious. May I please suck your dick off now Sir?"

He smiled and told me I could. I then started to suck off my brother's dick and eat his cum, I did the same for Noland. I drank his piss and sucked him off also. I then started breakfast for them and watched as they got mine ready. Dry dog food covered in piss and a bowl of piss to drink, the only change this time was there was no cum in the bowl of piss.

I did as I was told and obeyed every word and thanked then and begged for more. After breakfast I was told to get dressed in normal cloths as we drove them back home. After we dropped Noland off at his parents' house, we went to ours.

Nothing big happened Colton didn't tell them anything that happened he just said he had fun. I thought to myself I'm sure he did. Cameron then told my parents that I had a boyfriend and he took video of me at a party and they should watch it. But make sure Colton left first.

We then all sat in the living room and Cameron showed them a video of me being blindfolded with the headphones on begging and thanking guys for their dicks. In the video you never seen Colton or Noland once as if they were not there.

Cameron then told them that he made sure the boys was not around it at all and he took care of them. My parents told Cameron thank you for watching out for them and then he looked at me and said.

"You know your our son, but god damn it this is to much, you can live your life as you want but don't bring that shit around here, we accepted you being gay, hell we even accepted you wanting to be Cameron's slave, but this is just to much, you are not welcome here anymore and we want nothing to do with your perverted life. Don't come back here and just forget us."

Cameron then started to talk.

"If you don't mind since Colton is my brothers best friend and I think of Colton as a little brother myself, would you mind if he still visits me if I send slut here to his boyfriends house and I promise to keep him away from slut."

My mother then started to talk, and she said.

"I think that would be a great idea, no need to punish Colton for this, he didn't do anything wrong, just as long as you make sure he is not there when he visits."

I could not do anything, and I knew it. The video looked like I was loving it, I was even thanking guys and begging for it. I even begged to drink piss. I knew from this point on I no longer had a family life that I was now disowned by my family. Cameron then took me to the car and told me to stay there as he went in to talk to Colton.

I sat in the car crying and wishing I would have never done this now. But there was nothing I could do about it but finish school and move on with my life. I knew I was stuck now in this for the long haul. I thought to myself I just had the chance to stop just the other day, Cameron even told me to quit. But I didn't listen. I wanted my schooling so much I was going to do anything and now I have no choice but to. That or drop out of school and be homeless. Cameron came back into the car and told be to get in the front seat he needed to talk to me on the way home. I did as order and we started to go when Cameron then said.

"Ok slut I talked to Colton and he agreed never to talk about what happened so that he can still come over and visit and use your ass. I hope you know not to piss me off anymore. I gave you chance after chance to stop but you never did so I know now you want to be a faggot. I was your best friend, but you wanted to be a cock sucking fag more than my friend. Well now you got your wish. From this point on we are no longer friends, I'm am your Master and you are my slave."

All I could do was say yes Master and do as he say. I now know we would never be friends again, but I could be his slave while in school and at least have him in my life. He then told me to suck his dick on the way back to the house and I did as order. I knew he was starting to enjoy the power he had over me. He came in my mouth and I swallowed his cum. We still didn't get to the house, so Cameron told me to stay down on his dick and keep it in my mouth while he drives. Once we got to the house, I was ordered to get off his dick and we went into the house.

Once in the living room there was Ethan and Zac sitting there talking. Cameron looked at me and without saying a word I knew to strip nude. After that I got down on my knees and waited to be instructed on what to do. Then Ethan started to talk.

"Well Cameron how did it go?"

Cameron told him that I was disowned and was never to step foot in there again. Ethan then said.

"I told you it would work, that is the only way you will be able to truly have ownership of your slave. Trust me now all you have to do is whip it when it don't listen to you and you wont have any more problems with your slave ever again, it looks like you don't need my help anymore so I am going to go back home now, good luck and feel free to call me with any questions you have or anything you need."

Ethan then went into the other room and started to get his stuff together and he left the house than Zac started to talk to me.

"Well slut, I have to say you are one sexy piece of ass, but I'm going to have to break up with you now, I need a boyfriend that isn't such a cock hungry slut. Don't get me wrong you are sexy as hell and I will fuck you all the time, but I need a real boyfriend that wants me and only me, not every dick he comes across."

With that Zac then left. I then realized this was all part of there plan and it was part of the experiment. After everyone left, I looked at Cameron and started to talk.

"You know this was all planned right? They wanted me to be stuck. Please know I still want us to be best friends and just get though all of this."

Cameron looked at me and said.

"Well if it was part of the experiment then it was, you had chance after chance to stop, hell you can walk out those doors right now, you're not a prisoner. But if you want a roof over your head you better never talk to me that way ever again you piece of shit, as of us staying friends, get that thought out of that fag brain of yours right now, if you really wanted to stay friends you would have not got me wrapped up in this with you and force me to make a decision about school. It is now to late for them to replace you because they told me since you wanted to stay, they won't replace you now."

I thought about everything he said, and he was right, I was the one in control up to now, and with my decisions I lost all control now. I had to obey or be homeless and if I leave it messed up Cameron's life. But I didn't care about messing up his life anymore since he didn't care about mine. But I had to stay so I wouldn't lose school. Cameron then told me.

"Just so you know you will be my bitch from now on and you will obey me, you know that video of yours? Well it was sent out to everyone we know and being passed around, so everyone knows how much of a faggot you are. So, don't think you can leave here and move in with another friend because you now have none."

I started to cry and then Cameron said.

"Stop your fucking crying, now as punishment from this point on every time you don't listen to me you will have to stay in your cage locked up and miss a day of school. More you piss me off the more school you miss. It is now up to you to make sure you don't get kicked out of school from missing classes. So tomorrow you will stay in that cage for talking to me when you had no right to. And to add you will miss Tuesday also to make sure you know how serous I am."

Cameron then grabbed a fistful of my hair and forced me into the cage and locked it up. He then turned off the lights and went to bed. I cried myself to sleep knowing this are going to change a lot around here. I was now worried what will happen now that I was stuck and what I would have to do to not make Cameron mad ever again.

To be continued......

Thank you for reading my story, I hope everyone has enjoyed it.

More to come soon.

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Next: Chapter 10

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