The Social Experiment

By Chad Slave

Published on Feb 25, 2020


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This is a Gay, Authoritarian story about how two straight best friends that decide to take part in a social experiment on how far people will go for money. This is total fiction and is for entertainment only.

Please send me feedback about my story at The story will be continued and there will be a lot more characters coming into play in future story parts.

The Social Experiment Chapter 7

So now that I got his dick all lubed up, I put each of my legs on both sides of him and straddled him and I reached around and took ahold of his dick and put it to the opening of my ass. Zac just moaned and said.

"Oh yeah sexy that's it put that dick inside you. Ride that cock like you mean it."

I then started to sit down on his dick and felt the head go in. here I was putting another guys dick into my ass on my own. I then felt Zac put his hands on my hips and push me all the way down on his dick. I let out a loud yelp and Zac smiled and said.

"Oh yeah that's it, feel that dick inside you, and you say your not gay, looks to me that you're my whore riding my dick like a cock crazed faggot. Now ride that dick, move those hips and go up and down on me my sexy whore."

I did as he said, and I moved up and down and moved my hips side to side on him. It hurt like hell and I was starting to tear up not only from the pain but the thought of me riding a dick like a chick would. Zac just pushed his head back into his pillow moaning and enjoying me riding his dick.

He then grabbed me by my hips once again and held me down on his dick as I felt his dick start to throb up inside me as he yelled out that he was Cumming. He started to buck his hips up and push as far as he could inside me as he yelled out.

"That's it whore, take that cum up inside that pussy of yours. Milk that dick. Oh yeah take that dick like the bitch you are."

He came up inside me what seamed like forever. When he was finally done, I went to get up when I felt Zac put his hands on my hips again and push me back down on him as he said.

"No, you're not cunt, you stay sitting right there with my dick inside your pussy. You stay right where you are and look at me as you sit there."

I sat down on his crotch area with his dick up inside me all the way and I looked down at his face as I sat there. He has the biggest smile on his face and then he grabbed me by my neck and pulled himself up and started to make out with me once again. He put his tongue into my mouth and this time while he made out with me, I had his dick up inside me.

He made out with me what must have been at least 30 minutes when I then felt his dick starting to get hard again and he laid back down and said.

"Time for round two babe start riding that dick again."

I couldn't believe what was happing. His dick never even left my ass when I started to ride him once again. But this time he wasn't going to cum as fast because he had already come up inside me once. I rode his dick for at least a hour when I figured I needed to pick up the pace to make him cum so this would end.

I then started to think of how I liked it when a girl rode me, and I tried to do the same for him so he would finish, and I could end this. I moved my hips side to side and hopped up and down on his dick and pushed into him. I then heard Zac say.

"Damn that feels good, and you say your not gay, look at you ride that dick like a pro. You want that dick don't you bitch? Finally, you're coming around and knowing you're a faggot. Holly fuck yeah."

Hearing him talk to me like that made feel so low. I kept trying my hardest to make him cum and he just wouldn't. it lasted like this for another 30 minutes before he came up inside me again. When he came inside me for the second time I just stayed where I was because I knew if he wanted me off him, he would tell me. And I was right he then sat up and grabbed me and made me lay down on top of him as his dick stayed inside me.

Zac then told me to stay where I was all night long as he fell asleep with his dick still inside me. I felt his dick go soft as he slept but I could still feel him inside me, and I couldn't sleep all night long. I would prefer the cage to this. About a few hours later I felt him get hard again, but he was still fast asleep. He moaned and I could feel him Cumming in me again. This time I knew he was having a wet dream because he never woke up and he was Cumming inside me for the third time this night.

I then seen him starting to wake up in the morning with a big smile on his face as he said.

"Good morning sexy, I can wake up like this every morning of my life."

He then had me finally get off his dick and then told me to suck his dick clean. I did as order and felt him getting hard again. He then pushed my head all the way down on him but this time he didn't want a blow job, he started to piss, I then heard him say.

"That's a good bitch drink my morning piss, just think if you lived with me you could have my piss every morning for breakfast."

I knew I would never want that. He finally finished as I drank his piss and he got up and told me to get dressed that he was going to take me back to my master. I was so happy he was taking me back to Cameron. Once back I told him everything that has happened, and we went about our day.

So, to jump forward three months now school was about to finally start. The past three months was me being in training as Cameron's slave and being a good boyfriend to Zac. Nothing much to talk about but the same thinks that have been happing since we started this. But with school finally starting things was about to change once again.

Things was about to get more intense than before. Trust me when I say I was going to be pushed to my limits and almost quit. But then again, I didn't, or I wouldn't be telling you this story. The first day of school came and Cameron put me in some nice cloths. But I had my collar on and leash and he walked around campus holding on my leash and making me follow him around. We both took the exact same classes because I had to. So, I would be with Cameron all day long.

Now the past few months I learned to accept that I was a fag during all of this, and I agreed with guys when they said I was a fag. I know I was straight but for the experiments sake I was gay. I have been getting fucked and sucking dick every day for the past three months, so I was now use to it. The only thing is that I have not once got to cum myself since we started this. I needed to cum so much. It was driving me crazy.

I was a 18 year old male, and I wanted to cum every day, but being a slave I never got to cum, not once. Now like I said at the beginning of my story a lot of people from my high school went to college here because it was close but far away enough to move out. So, there was a lot of people I knew or have seen from high school there and they knew me and Cameron also.

They mostly all asked what was up with me in the collar and leash. Cameron told them all that I was his slave and that I begged him to be his slave because I was a fag. Some laughed others asked if they could have a go at me. I was so humiliated. But the one that got me the most was this one guy.

His name was Toby, he was a small thin nerdy guy that me and Cameron use to tease and pick on in school. He was the same age as us 18 years old. He has brown hair that was below his eyes. He is 5' 7' talk and weight no more than 110 pounds. So, he was a small guy. His eye color is brown.

So more of a background on him is that Cameron was the one always teasing him, and I went along with it and teased him because Cameron was. I was not proud of it, but I did it. So, I hear Cameron tell Toby about how I was a fag and everything. I then heard Cameron tell him that he was sorry that he teased him that it was all my idea. Now that was a lie. But I couldn't say anything. By this time, I knew that I only talk when spoken to from my training for being a slave. Then Toby said.

"So, the fag here was the one that wanted to torment me. Well if you don't mind can I get my revenge on him?"

Cameron smiled and said he could and gave him our address and told him to be there tonight. I hatted the fact that Cameron lied and told him that he could have revenge on me from high school. And I knew Toby wouldn't pass up this opportunity.

The rest of the day went by ok. I was learning and that's all that mattered to me. We get back to the house from our first day at school and not even 30 mintuites of being back home the doorbell rang. I was now nude because we were back at the house and when I answered the door there stood Toby ready to get his revenge. He looked at me naked in front of him and said.

"Holly shit look at you fag. You have no shame, do you?"

He then came in and Cameron greeted him. I was then led down to the dungeon. I have not spent much time down here because there was no reason for it. I obeyed very well. Cameron then strapped my arms up on this wooden X and then strapped my legs to the bottom.

He then got this ball gag with a strap around it and put the gag in my mouth and connected it behind my head. He then went between my legs and took my dick out of the chastity, so my dick was free and flopped out. Then they both looked at me there legs apart and arms up in the air, so my body was on display for them both. Toby then said.

"That's a good look for him. So, fag what should I do first? I know."

And with that I seen him walk over and grab a whip. It had tassels all over it with a handle. He then picked his hand up and smacked me as hard as he could across my stomach. I screamed as loud as I could from pain in the ball gag that was in my mouth. Toby smiled and hit me again.

I could tell he was having fun, but I wasn't that was for sure. He hit me like 10 times with this whip on my stomach and chest. I looked down and I was beat red from the whips. Toby then took the whip and swung it up from the ground right between my legs and hit my cock and balls as hard as he could.

Now this was the worst pain I have felt. I screamed so loud I lost my breath. I had tears running down my face and Cameron asked me a question.

"Do you want this to stop bitch?"

I shook my head yes then he said.

"Will you do what ever Toby tells you to do if he stops beating you?"

I shook my head yes once again.

"Will you beg him to use you and when he is done thank him for using you?"

I shook my head yes once again. I didn't care what I had to do just if Toby wouldn't hit me with that whip anymore. Toby laughed and said he has a few ideas and then he walked over to me and spit right in my face. It was a big gob of spit. I felt it hit my forehead and slowly drip down my face. It was so gross. Then Cameron undid the straps holding me there and freed me from that contraption. Toby then put the leash on my collar and forced me to follow him back to the living room where the ball gag was taken out of my mouth.

Toby then stood there in front of me and I knew what I had to do so that I wouldn't get whipped again. So, I went down on my knees and looked up at Toby and said.

"Please Sir with you let me suck your dick for you Sir?"

Toby laughed and said.

"You can do better than that's fag, ask me if you can suck my big monster cock bitch."

Now I didn't know how big he was, but I know there was no way a small guy like him had anything as big as I have already been used by, but I looked back up at Toby and said.

"Please Sir Please may I suck your huge master cock Sir. I need to suck your Big cock Sir Please."

Now doing this for three months now I have become a great actor. I should have enrolled in acting in school because I would ace that class. Being a slave has taught me how to act if I was gay. Then Toby smiled and undid the front of his paints and out feel a huge 12-inch dick that was thick as hell.

I know my eyes got big because I would have never thought a small guy like Toby would have anything that size in his paints. Like I said he weighed about 110 pounds and that dick must have been at least 20 pounds of his weight. I know I'm exaggerating but it was big for such a small guy.

I leaned forward to start to suck him as Toby ordered me to kiss the head of his dick and lick the shaft. I did as order and I could feel him getting hard. He grew the full 12 inches hard as a rock as I kept kissing and licking his dick. Toby then told me to put the head of his dick in my mouth and I did.

Just as I did that, he took both of his hands and put it on the back of my head and slammed his dick in balls deep. I felt his dick slam into my throat, and his balls hit my chin. He held me there as I gagged and couldn't breathe at all. His dick was so thick it filled every inch of my throat and no air could get in.

I could hear Cameron and Toby laughing as I was impaled on Toby's dick. Now what happened to me next was a first for me. I started to get dizzy and felt myself passing out. I finally passed out and was woken back up with Toby having his left and with a fistful of my hair holding my head up and his right hand holding his dick smacking me in the face with it telling me to wake up. When I was finally conscious Toby said.

"Welcome back bitch, you didn't even last one minute on that dick without passing the fuck out. Now stick the head on my dick back in that mouth of your."

While all this was going on, I could hear Cameron laughing his ass off behind me as he watched Toby do this to me. Once I had his dick back in my mouth, I felt Toby do the same thing and slammed his dick back in balls deep into my throat. This time tough he didn't keep it there until I passed out and let me up off him and he started to skull fuck me.

He was so brutal with me and I had tears running down my face as he skull fucked me. This lasted for at lease 30 minutes long when Toby finally pulled his dick out of my mouth. I was confused though because when he pulled out, he still hasn't cum yet. Then I felt him grab me by my hair and pull me to the couch where he pushed me down over the arm of the couch with my ass up in the air as he went right behind me and pushed his dick right into me.

Toby didn't even put any lube on and just shoved right into me balls deep. I screamed so loud and the pain ran up my entire body. he then fucked me hard and said.

"This is what you get you fucking fag for teasing me for years. Now look at you take my dick with only your spit to ease your pain. I don't give a fuck about how you feel bitch like you didn't care how I felt when you messed with me back in school."

I just cried as Toby fucked me brutally like this. Not only from the pain but by what he was saying. It was truly payback for him. Only if he really knew I only messed with him because Cameron did. I know that's not an excuse. But he had no idea that Cameron was the one that messed with him first. And I don't think Toby really cared as long he got to get revenge on one of us.

I then felt his dick throb and start to cum up inside my ass as he said.

"That's it you fucking faggot, take that seed up inside that ass. Look at you, your pathetic low life taking a dude cum up inside of you. Damn you're so pathetic."

I was still crying from the pain and the verbal abuse I was taking. When Toby pulled out of my ass and put his dick right in my face to finish Cumming on my face. This guy came buckets full of cum. Not only was my ass filled with his cum, but he covered my face in his cum also.

After that he spit in my face a few more times to add to the cum on my face and pushed me to the ground. Cameron asked Toby if it made him feel better to treat me like he did and of course he said yes and that he would love to use me again.

Toby then told Cameron thanks for letting him use me and came over to me to kick me in the stomach as I was laying on the floor for a final fuck you to me. He then left and Cameron came over to me and said.

"Damn bitch you really took a beating and fucking by Toby, didn't you? You know I care about you, but I just loved watching that so much. And you are a true fag now. I can see that so I'm sure you liked being fucked liked that."

Cameron then told me to go take a shower and when I'm done to come back in the living room. So, I went into the bathroom and got in the shower, the shower felt so good. I started to wash my body and realized the chastity was never put back on me. My dick was still free. I took my hand and started to rub my dick and it didn't take long at all for me to get hard. I knew it would only take a couple minutes to cum since it has been so long since I came last. As I started to jerk myself off, I heard Cameron come in the bathroom and he seen what I was doing. This pissed him off big time and he said.

"What the fuck do you think your doing you stupid fucking cunt? I never gave you permission to touch your dick. I can't give you any slack, can I? I guess trying to be nice was to much for your small brain."

He then left the room and grabbed the chastity and came back. He grabbed me by my hair and ripped me out of the shower and he pulled so hard I slipped on the wet floor and fell to the ground. He then started to kick me between my legs until my dick went soft again. Once I was soft, he put the chastity back on and locked it up once again. He then pushed me back into the shower and told me to finish washing up.

I was now in tears. But the funny thing was I was not in tears from being brutally pulled out of the shower or being kicked between my legs. But I was in tears for the feeling of disappointing Cameron and making him mad. Was I really worried about how Cameron felt? I was the one that was being abused and I didn't even care about that I cared more that I upset Cameron.

I finished up my shower and went out to the living rom where Cameron was sitting on the couch. I then asked permission to speak and he agreed, and I said.

"I am so sorry Master, I should have never touch myself without your permission, I am not crying because of what happened but because I let you down and that made me feel worthless for not obeying you Master."

Cameron smiled and told me that at least that I know what I did wrong and I truly was sorry for it. He also told me that he was happy to hear that what upset me the most was letting him down. I then started to think about why I was feeling this way. I came to the conclusion that it was because I was so use to being his slave now and Cameron was very familiar to me that he is the one person I didn't want to disappoint. He didn't even want to do this in the first place, and he was doing this for me so I could go to college.

The week went by like it did the first day of school except for Toby making fun of me now and messing with me like I did to him back in high school. I hated that he felt he had to do that especially after what he already did to me.

The weekend came and I was so happy that I didn't have to go to school. Now I know I did all this to go to school, but even though I wanted my education I still hated class. And especially now that I am know as a slave at school. Cameron the wanted to talk to me and he said.

"Ok slut I have been thinking and talked to Zac your boyfriend. We both noticed that you are not treating him with the respect that he deserves as your boyfriend, you need to get into it and act like a boyfriend to him. If he grabs you and kisses you then you kiss back. If he holds you close you put your hands on his ass. You need to act right. If you don't, he will tell me, and I will be forced to punish you."

I had a big lump in my throat listing to Cameron tell me this. I disliked Zac and now I would have to act all loving to him and grope him like I would my girlfriend. I then heard Cameron ask me if I understood, and I shook my head yes. I figured I didn't have a choice.

I found out why he was telling me this because the doorbell rang and when I answered it there was Zac. He came in and grabbed me and started to make out with me, I then in turn stuck my tongue in his mouth and started to make out with him back. This lasted for at least 5 minutes. When he was done, he looked at me and said.

"Damn that's what I'm talking about, that was great slut, now let's go in the living room so I can talk to Cameron."

Zac then sat of the couch and told me to sit next to him. When I did, he took my hand and placed it on his crotch, and I knew he wanted me to rub him and as I did, he started to get hard in his paints. I really didn't want to do this, but I also didn't want to be punished. As I was doing this I looked over at Cameron and he had a big smile on his face, and I knew I was making him happy and that made me feel good.

I didn't fully understand at the time why it made me feel good to see Cameron happy like that, but I would figure it out in time. Then Zac said.

"Why don't you go into the kitchen and cook us dinner like the good bitch you are, I'm hungry for steak and baked potato what do you think Cameron?"

Cameron agreed and I was ordered to only make 2 steaks and two baked potatoes. I knew I was only cooking for them two and had no idea what I would get for dinner. I then went into the kitchen and started to cook. The baked potatoes would take so much longer so I turned on the oven and wrapped them in foil and put them into the oven. I had to wait 30 minutes before I could start the steaks and Zac knew this and once I placed them in the oven I was ordered to go back in there and I seen Cameron and Zac sitting next to each other and was told.

"Slut we want you to go on the floor in front of us and give both of us a hand job at the same time, we will tell you when we are about to cum and you need to put that glass there to catch every drop of our cum."

I then went on the floor in front of them and took their dicks out and started to give them hand jobs. This lasted almost 30 minutes when Zac came first, and I collected his cum in the cup and then I finished Cameron off and collected his cum in the same glass. Making sure to get every drop.

Cameron took the glass from me and ordered me to go wash my hands before going back in the kitchen to finish their dinners. I did as order and went and started to cook their steaks. I then set up two place settings at the table and finished dinner for them. I plated up their meals, put butter on the potatoes and sour cream like they said they wanted and added some cheese on top. The meal looks so good my mouth was watering, but I knew that wasn't my dinner. I then told them dinner was ready and once in the dinning room they told me how good it looked.

Zac then grabbed a bowl and pulled his dick out and pissed in the bowl and set it on the floor. After that he took a can of dog food and opened it up and put that in another bowl, after that he took the glass of cum and poured their cum all over the top of the dog food and placed that on the floor next to the bowl of his piss. Zac then said.

"Ok slut there is your dinner, I don't want to see you use your hands at all, you are to put your face into the bowls and eat the food and drink the piss like a dog. And I want to see your bowls clean, you need to eat and drink every bit before your allowed to move from that spot."

Cameron then laughed and told me to enjoy the meal that Zac got for me. I then put my face to the food first. I put my face in there and took a bit of the dog food covered in cum and it was the worst thing I have ever tasted in my life.

I started to gag on it but I still managed to swallow the food. I looked up at them and seen Cameron smile and he told me he was proud of me and to keep going. In a strange way it made me feel good once again to hear Cameron say he was proud of me.

I then watched them eat the great dinner I cooked for them as they enjoyed every bite and chatted like longtime friends as I ate the most gross thing I have ever ate and only had Zac's piss to wash down the taste.

I decided that I would just go as fast as I could and eat the dog food down so I wouldn't have to be there all night and when I got that all done I drank Zac's piss as fast as I could also. It was nasty but I got it all down and even finished before they were done with there dinner. I then heard Zac say.

"Damn slut you must have loved that meal I got for you, your done eating before us. Maybe I should have brought more for you to eat. Maybe next time."

That was the worst thing I could hear that there might be another time I would have to eat dog food again. After they finished eating, I was ordered to go brush my teeth and make my mouth clean. I was so happy to do that and get all the taste out of my mouth. Then Zac said he was leaving and said goodbye to Cameron then came over to me and grabbed me and started to make out with me. He put his hands on my ass, so I did the same and put my hands on his ass like I was told to and Zac loved every second of it.

He finally left and Cameron took me to my cage and locked me in there for the night and told me to get sleep that I was going to have a very busy day tomorrow. Now I wondered what he had planned and was worried a little.

To be continued......

Thank you for reading my story, I hope everyone has enjoyed it.

More to come soon.

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Next: Chapter 8

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