The Social Experiment

By Chad Slave

Published on Jan 25, 2020


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This is a Gay, Authoritarian story about how two straight best friends that decide to take part in a social experiment on how far people will go for money. This is total fiction and is for entertainment only.

Please send me feedback about my story at The story will be continued and there will be a lot more characters coming into play in future story parts.

The Social Experiment Chapter 5

I obeyed Asker as he sat on the couch watching TV, I had my face down on the floor at his feet licking and kissing them. He ordered me to lick between his toes and clean the lint out of them. It was disgusting, he then picked his foot up a little and ordered me to lick the bottom of his feet and the sole of his feet. This went on for at least one hour until Cameron finally woke up. I thought to myself finally he is up, took him long enough.

Cameron came into the room and laughed at the sight of me on the floor licking Asher's feet. Asher then said to Cameron.

"Good morning buddy, I have a few things I think we should do to the fag here today, so he knows his place. What do you say are you up for it?"

Camron replied.

"Sure, whatever helps the fag know where it stands, I am definitely up for it. But first I have to check the mailbox."

He went to the mail and got the list for the day. He looked at me and said.

"This will be later in the day. Asher not to be rude but after we hang for a couple hours you will have to go home. I have a lot to do today."

Asher said he understood, and they went to the other room to get dressed. I was ordered not to move from that spot. So, I stayed exactly where I was even with my face to the floor. When they got back, I was told to get dressed and Cameron tossed me a set of cloths. I did as order and Cameron put the leash on my collar and handed it to Asher.

We then left the house and got into the car. Cameron started to drive, and I had no clue where we were going. We got to a park and I could tell it was busy there. We all got out of the car when Asher looked at me and said.

"What the fuck are you doing standing bitch? Get on all fours so we can take you for a walk."

I then did as I was told, and I was beyond humiliated. They stared to walk and pulled on the leash and I walked behind them on all fours like a dog. People looked at me with discuss and others just laughed and pointed at me. I wanted to die. As we were walking a couple of kids came up to us and asked what was going on.

Asher was fast to reply that I was Cameron's slave and they was taking me for a walk so I could get my exercise. These kids must have only been 13 years old. They thought this was the best thing they ever seen. Then I see Cameron get a smile on his face and he leaned down to me and whispered in my ear.

"You ready to do one of the things on the list today?"

He then looked at these boys and asked them.

"So, boys I have a question for you. My slave here is thirsty from his walk would you guys like to give him something to drink?"

The boys as well as me and Asher was confused on what Cameron was talking about. He then said.

"Why don't you guys piss in a bowl for me so the bitch has something to drink? You can even watch him drink it if you like."

Everyone thought that was funny especially Asher. I then seen Cameron had one of those travel dog's bowl with him and let the boys piss in it. I now felt very low knowing I am about to drink these kids piss from a bowl like a dog in front of them at a park for all to see.

I put my face down to the bowl of piss. I didn't know if I could do it. It smelled bad and I could feel the heat from the warm piss. I then heard Asher yell at me to get to it and I started to lick up the piss like a dog. I was gagging on the taste.

I then hears everyone laugh as I drank these two kids piss. I don't even know these strangers and here I was drinking their took me like 15 minutes to drink it all but I finally finished. I looked up and was told by Cameron.

"Good job bitch, now thank them for giving you something to drink bitch."

I looked up at these kids and said.

"Thank you so much for giving me something to drink Sirs."

They laughed and one of the boys said.

"Any time bitch, if your thirsty again let us know. We will have more piss for you."

After that they walked away, and we finished out walk. We finally got back to the car and I was so happy that was over with. Cameron drove back to the house when Asher told him thanks for the great night that he really needed it. Asher then left and we went into the house. The rest of the day went by with us doing small things. The list was not to bad. I had to clean and make food for Cameron. He made me kiss his ass, and I mean latterly kiss his ass. I had to put my face to his ass and kiss it. Then we heard the doorbell ring. I was ordered to answer it. I was not allowed to have cloths on, so I was still naked. When I opened the door there was Zac the one guy that was a watcher. He smiled and said.

"Damn I still can't get over how sexy you look."

He then put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me to him and he started to kiss me. He pushed his tongue in my mouth and I tried to pull away. I had no desire to kiss him like this or any other guy like that when Zac then said.

"You will have to get over pulling away when I kiss you, just a heads up I will be kissing you a lot so get use to it you sexy son of a bitch."

He then told me to lead the way into the living room and as I was walking, I felt him grab my ass and tell me how mice my ass looked. Once in the living room Zac started to talk to Cameron.

"Hey, I'm here to check up on you two and see how things are going."

Cameron said thing were great and told him about how I got fucked by him and Asher both last nights. Zac then told him he knew he watched us on cam last night and it turned him on. Zac then said.

"So, Cameron would you mind if I had sex with your slave? I kept thinking how I wanted to be inside that pussy."

Cameron agreed and Zac took me by my had and had me follow him into the guest room. Once in there he told me to sit on the bed as he gets undressed. I did as he said and watched him take his cloths off. Now I was looking at Zac naked body when he came over to the bed and told me to stand up. I did as order and he once again grabbed me by the back of my neck gently and pulled me close to him and started to kiss me once again.

He then took my hands and put my hands on his bare ass and told me to hold my hands there as he pushed our bodies next to each other's and he held my body tight against his as he kissed and made out with me.

I hatted this even more than just being used hard with no emotion. Zac made me feel so intimate and very uncomfortable. Now if I was gay this probably would be great. But I didn't want guys and I had no emotion or feelings like this towards and guy.

He then let me go and he went over to the bed and laid down on his back and told me to come over. When I did, he told me to sit up on him and ride his dick. I thought was he serous? He wanted me to fuck him willingly.

Yeah, I know I didn't have a choice and I would have to do this but truthfully, I prefer to be forced down and fucked like Asher did to me than be intimate like this. At least I could think that I am being used and not pretending to be in love.

I then straddled Zac and sat down, and he laughed. I looked at him laughing and wondered why when Zac then said.

"You might want to grab the lube and lube up my dick for me before you put my dick inside you."

I then got up and grabbed the lube and squirted some on his dick. I then got back up when Zac laughed again and said.

"Your just to cute. Now before you just jump on my dick you need to rub the lube all over my dick. Put some in your hand and start moving it up and down on my shaft to cover it all."

He just laid there with his hands behind his head smiling as he watched me. I couldn't believe I was about to jerk this guy off using lube before he fucked me. I did as I was told, and I felt so uncomfortable with myself. I poured lube on my hand and started to move my hand up and down his shaft as he moaned and said.

"Oh yeah baby that's it. That feels so good, keep that up you sexy bitch."

After I was done, I got back up on him and straddled him and sat down when he then told me to put his dick inside me. I had to grab his dick and put it to my hole, and I started to sit down. I felt the head of his dick go in and I had to stop. It hurt like hell when it went in. Zac smiled and told me to keep going.

Once the head of his dick was inside me all I had to do was sit down. I slowly sat down trying to take all 10 inches of him but after about 4 inches I had to stop. I looked down with tears in my eyes and then Zac put his hands on my hips and he lifted his crotch up and pushed all the way in and when he put his body back down on the bed he held me there so he was still all the way inside me. I was screaming and crying when I heard Zac say.

"Its ok sexy, just sit there to get use to it before you start riding my dick. I have no problem looking at that sexy body of yours as long as you want to stay seated on me."

I knew with that I was not going to get any relief until he fucked me. I then started to move up and down riding him like some girl. The strange thing is I started to get use to the pain and the pain got smaller as I rode this guys dick.

Zac moaned and then he put his hand on each side of me and pulled his body up to mine and started to kiss and make out with me while his dick was inside me. I hatted every second of this intimate experience. Zac then started to go faster and pulled his head next to mine and whispered in my ear.

"Of fuck, that's its baby work that cock, I'm about to cum up inside that sexy ass of yours. Oh, baby here it comes. Oh, I'm Cumming. Oh yeah baby take my cum inside you. Fuck yeah baby your so fucking sexy."

After he was done fucking me, he laid on the bed still holding on to me and making me lay on top of him with his dick still in my ass. He then started to kiss me once again. He then looked at me and said.

"Damn you are on sexy bitch. That was great bay."

He then had me get off him as he got dressed, I felt even lower than before. I think it's because I felt like I was not being forced into it and I just had an intimate moment with a dude. And trust me I'm as straight as can be, so I prefer thinking that I am forced into sex with a guy than being intimate with a guy.

I was happy it was over now, and he got what he wanted. Once we got back into the living room Zac asked Cameron.

"Now I know slut is your slave, and I will never interfere with that at all, you can fuck it or have anyone you wish to fuck it as you like. Have it do anything you want? He is your property. But I must ask you for your permission to let your slave become my boyfriend. I don't care that he is a slave, and he sleeps around. I just want him to be known as my boyfriend."

Cameron smiled and said.

"Hell, yeah he can be your boyfriend, he needs someone in his life that isn't just there to use him for pleasure. Well slut now you have a boyfriend like a true fag. Your first boyfriend, I bet your excited about that."

I thought to myself what the fuck is going on right now. Are they fucking serous? I had to say something.

"Now I agreed to be a slave, I agreed to be your slave Cameron. But I didn't agree to be his boyfriend and live my life as a fag."

Zac laughed and said.

"You silly sexy fag, you don't understand. Having sex with guys no matter how you do it makes you a fag. So, you are living your life as a fag, and if your master orders you to be my boyfriend you will be my boyfriend. You agreed to obey all his orders. If its to much for you then quit and leave the house. Its up to you. So, Cameron it's your choice. You can order your slave to be my boyfriend or not. If you decide not to, I understand, and you guys can continue the experiment. The choice is yours."

Cameron sat there a few minutes thinking about his decision. When he finally said.

"Ok I have come to a decision, I thought about the pros and cons and the pros outweigh the cons. Slut Zac here is your new boyfriend and that's an order. This will be good for you. The way I figure it is if he wasn't your boyfriend, he would still be able to fuck you anyways. Why not have someone in your life that is your other half, and Zac is right no matter how you look at it, being fucked by a dude still makes you a fag no matter what. So yes, Zac slut will be your boyfriend."

Zac got a big smile on his face and said.

"I'm so happy, thanks Cameron for letting me be your slave's boyfriend. I will talk to you later though I have to go home and get some sleep, as for you my sexy boyfriend, I will see you later."

Zac then came over to me and grabbed me and started to make out with me once again. After that he left and now, I wanted to just cry. I felt so low that here I am straight with a boyfriend now. After Zac left, I asked Cameron why he would do this to me. He replied

"I told you why slut, didn't you listen? If you don't like it then fucking quit or shut the fuck up and be Zac's boyfriend. Damn I'm getting tired of your fucking whining. If you don't shut the fuck up, I'm going to quit, and you won't go to school. Now quit or shut the fuck up."

I now had tears in my eyes listing to Cameron talk to me like this and I said.

"Yes, Master I'm sorry Master, thank you for letting me have a boyfriend."

I wanted to die while I was saying that, but I also wanted to go to school. I swallowed my pride and became Zac's boyfriend. Cameron then put me into my cage and locked the cage and went to bed. I didn't sleep well that night. I was really bothered about becoming Zac's boyfriend. And how Cameron talked to me. The next morning when Cameron woke up and went to the door to get the list, he came back in the living room and said.

"They must be running late. There was no list there yet. And about 10 minutes later the doorbell rang, and I was let out of the cage to answer it. I opened the door to see Zac. I thought to myself here we go again. He walked up to me and grabbed my neck and kissed me once again, then said.

"Good morning boyfriend, damn you look even better today, maybe its because your now my boyfriend."

He had a bag with him and had me walk him into the living room. He then asked Cameron.

"Hey, I'm going out to the club tonight, I would like it if you let me take my new boyfriend with me so I can show him off to my friends. I got him an outfit here I would like him to wear.:

Cameron told him that of course it was ok to take me to the club and show me off. He then told Cameron there was no list today, but he had a couple ideas on what to do to me. He then whispered in Cameron's ear and said something. Cameron got a big shit eating grin on his face and said out loud.

"Fuck yeah, me and slut here did that to some girl when he was straight, and I had the time of my life doing that. Slut can be on the other end of it now and see what it's like."

Now I was wracking my brain big time. Last year we did a lot together with a few girls. There was so much that we did. We even had my girlfriend suck us both off. I was then taken to Cameron's bedroom and pushed on the bed face down. Cameron got behind me and gabbed the lube and started to push his dick inside me while Zac got in front of me and put my face in his crotch to suck him. I now knew what they were going to do.

Cameron went into me and Zac pushed his dick down my throat and they both fucked me at the same time. Zac was skull fucking me and Cameron inside my ass. This was the first time I have ever felt this low. I was gaging and crying at the same time. The pain from Cameron hurt and Zac gagging me with his dick. Then Zac pulled out and walked over to Cameron and whispered in his ear once again and Cameron yell out.

"Hell, yeah I have always wanted to try that."

Cameron pulled out of me and Zac laid on the bed and I was ordered to straddle him and ride his dick again. I did as order and once Zac was all the way inside me it hurt like hell. He then put both arms around me tight and laid back down. I was now laying onto of Zac when Cameron went behind and could see Zac dick inside me. Cameron then got on the bed and put his dick to my ass also.

Holly shit I was going to get double penetrated by them. Cameron pushed his dick up to Zac's in my ass and started to push forward. I then started to yell.

"Please NO don't do this to me please. It will be too much for me."

That's all I got when Cameron pushed his dick inside me at the same time. I lost my breath and couldn't breath from the pain. I then caught my breath and screamed out the loudest scream I have ever done in my life when I heard Cameron say.

"Holly fucking shit, I thought this fag was tight before, but this is beyond tight. I have always wanted to do this."

I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe, I just laid there crying while these two fucked me as at the same time. I then heard Zac yell out he is about to cum, and following that Cameron said the same. They both came inside me at the same time. They both started to say things like.

Oh yeah, and fucking A, and take it you bitch, and everything else you could think of. Once they both came inside me Cameron laid on top of me, so I was between the both with both of their dicks still inside me. I was still crying, and they were laughing telling each other how great that fuck was. Cameron finally got off me, but Zac stayed there hugging me and he told me.

"Don't worry sexy, you will get use to it, in fact you soon will be begging for this."

He then gabbed my head and started to make out with me once again. I could feel his dick getting hard again when he was kissing me, and he started to fuck me again. This time I was still loose from having two monster dicks up inside me at once that I really didn't feel much when he fucked me and came inside me again.

Zac told me to get up and I couldn't even move. I felt like an empty shell. Zac then said.

"I know baby you don't want to get off my dick but I need you to so we can get cleaned up and we can get dressed for our first date and then we can go to the club."

He then rolled me over and pulled out of me. He picked me up in his arms and took me to the shower. Before getting in he asked Cameron to take the chastity off my dick. He did and my dick was now free from being locked up for over a week.

He turned on the shower and took me into the shower with him naked. He washed me and himself as I just stood there quiet. I didn't even say a word I felt so empty. He took me in his arms and started to make out with me again. Finally, he said to me.

"Oh, my sexy, please talk to me, your way to cute to be sad."

I looked up and said.

"I'm sorry Sir, thank you for fucking me Sir."

Zac got a sad look on his face and said.

"I'm not your Sir, I'm your boyfriend, please call me babe."

I looked at Zac and said.

"I'm sorry babe thank you for fucking me."

Zac got a big smile on his face and told me that was much better. We then got done with our shower and I would have to say the shower did help. I started to feel myself coming back to life. I then was dried off by Zac and then he went and got the cloths he brought for me to wear. He didn't get me any underwear and told me I am free balling it today.

He took out a pair of jeans that was very tight on me. The jeans were all black, he then pulled out a shirt that was also skintight, it was a shinny silver color. Nothing I would ever wear in my life. But then again here I was wearing it. Zac then had me sit on the toilet as he did my hair. I got up and looked in the mirror and thought I looked so gay. But then gain I'm sure that was the point in my outfit and look. We went to the living room where Cameron was, and he said.

"Aw look at you fag, you look like a true faggot now for your date, ok you love birds have fun on your date and have fun at the club."

With that Zac put the leash on my collar and we walked out the door. At least I no longer had the cage on my dick. I got into Zac's car in the passenger seat and Zac got in and started to drive, he told me that we were going to go out for dinner first. I got excited about that because I have not had a full meal that was hot like this ever since I became a slave.

Ok I thought being a boyfriend would be worth it if I could at least get a good meal from it. Zac told me to rub his crotch with my hand as he drove. I did as he said and he started to get hard again, I then had to take his dick out and give him a hand job as he drove.

He then got close to Cumming and handed me a small plastic zip lock bag and he came inside it. He then told me he would save that for later for me. We got to the restaurant and went in. it was a nice place. We were seated and handed menus. When Zac told the waiter that I didn't need one that he would order for me.

He ordered for himself a steak with baked potatoes and vegetables. For me he ordered a salad and a glass of water. I was very disappointed with that. When the water came, he grabbed my glass and drank my water and took my glass and told me he would be back with some more to drink. When he came back, he placed a glass full of his piss in front of me to drink and said.

"I know you love me so much that you prefer to drink my piss and not just some boring water."

First off, I didn't love him at all, secondly here I was with a glass full of his hot piss while he had a glass of ice-cold soda. The food finally came and when my salad was placed in front of me Zac pulled out the zip lock bag of his cum and poured it all over my salad. And let me tell you he came a lot so my salad was covered in his cum. He looked at me and told me to eat up and drink up.

I ate my salad and could taste cum in ever bite, and then took a drink of his piss. I know that no one in there knew what I was eating and drinking but it was humiliating for me to know what I was doing right in front of everyone there.

When I finished my salad, Zac ordered me to lick my bowl clean and not to leave once drop of his cum in there. And I drank all his piss also. The bill came and Zac paid and tipped the waiter. We left and got back in the car. Zac then said.

"Its still to early to go to the club. What do you say we go see a movie my love?"

I ignored that he called me his love and shook my head yes. At least I could watch something. I haven't watched TV or anything for over a week. We got to the theater and sat down and talked a little. He mainly just kept telling me how sexy I was and how he wanted to fuck me all the time. The lights went down and the movie was starting when Zac whispered in my ear.

"Get down on the floor and suck my dick during the move babe."

He then put his hand on the back of my head and pushed me to the floor between his legs. He then pulled his dick out of his paints and pushed my face to his crotch. I put his dick in my mouth and started to suck on him. He didn't force me down on him so I wouldn't gag on him and people could hear.

I had to suck him during the entire movie. I never got to watch any of it. And he must have came at least 3 times. I was so worried that someone would see me sucking on him and I felt humiliated beyond belief. The lights started to turn on and he zipped up and told me it's time to go.

So, during this date he already came 4 times. We got into the car and then drove to the club. Once there he took my leash and had me follow him into the club. We were there early still so the place only had a few people there. Zac took me over to this one guy that was his friend and introduced me as his boyfriend.

"Hey, I want you to meet my new boyfriend, his name is Slut."

The guy said how sexy I was and asked how we meet and why my name was slut, he explained the entire story and when finished he asked Zac.

"So, since slut here is a slave would you mind if we had a little fun with him, I'm sure everyone at the cub tonight will appreciate it."

Zac replied.

"Of course, we can. What do you have in mind?

I knew this was now going to be a long night for me.

To be continued......

Thank you for reading my story, I hope everyone has enjoyed it.

More to come soon.

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Next: Chapter 6

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