The Social Experiment

By Chad Slave

Published on Jan 16, 2020


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This is a Gay, Authoritarian story about how two straight best friends that decide to take part in a social experiment on how far people will go for money. This is total fiction and is for entertainment only.

Please send me feedback about my story at The story will be continued and there will be a lot more characters coming into play in future story parts.

The Social Experiment Chapter 4

I undid the top button on the shirt and started to work my way down slowly unbutton my shirt until my chest and abs was showing, I then slowly took off the shirt while dancing to the music. I moved my hips back and forth and heard Zac tell Adam.

"Damn Adam you were not kidding when you said slut had a great body. look at him move all sexy for us, you know he wants to turn us on."

Hearing that upset me because I was only doing this because I was told to. I was not trying to turn these guys on. I am still straight regardless of what all I have already done. I was doing this for the money. Hearing that still made me feel low knowing I had three guys watching me dance all sexy for them and stripping my cloths and one of the guys being my best friend.

I then undid the button on the shorts and slowly took them down to show the latex skintight underwear I was wearing. The underwear didn't leave anything to imagination. You could see every bit of my body. every crease under my ass and the cage between my legs.

Zac then said.

"Get over here fag and sit on my lap and dance. I want to see you up close."

I then walked over to Zac and put my legs on both sides of him as I grinded my ass on his crotch looking him right in the face. I wanted to die right there and then. Here I was grinding on a guy like this. He then put one hand on my ass and grabbed a handful and squeezed my ass and with the other hand he put it behind my head down by my neck and pulled me into him.

Zac then opened his mouth and pushed his lips to mine and stuck his togue in my mouth and started to kiss and make out with me. I tried to pull away, but Zac had a good hold on my head as I felt his togue go into my mouth and start going around my mouth with my togue touching his.

I then heard Cameron say.

"Holly shit slut your making out with a dude. Look at you are kissing him. Damn I never thought I would see the day my best friend making out with a guy."

Zac made out with me for the next 10 minutes and finally let me go. When he let go of my head he said.

"You need to work on your making out and learn how to kiss better. But your still sexy as hell."

I know I'm good at making out and I know how to kiss I just didn't want to make out with a guy and kiss him. That's why I wasn't good at it. After Zac stopped kissing me, I could get up. Zac and Adam said they had to go and told Cameron to have a good rest of his day. As they left Adam and Zac both slapped my ass and said bye.

Cameron then whispered in my ear.

"I am so sorry for that; I know it is rough on you. Just shake your head when I asked you this question. Are you sure you want to continue with this? I know what's coming up and it can get bad for you."

I shook my head yes, I want to continue and whispered in his ear.

"I can take anything as long as I get to go to school. Please don't worry about me anymore, I need this to be the first to graduate from college in my family. Please I can handle anything they dish out at me."

Cameron looked at me and whispered in my ear.

"Ok just remember that when I do what I have to do to you next."

He then pulled away from be and ordered me into his bedroom. I was to strip everything off and Cameron then said.

"Ok slut get ready I'm going to fuck your ass."

Now hearing that scared me so much and Cameron could see I was scared. My body started to tremble, and I said.

"Please not that, I'm straight and I have never done that before."

Cameron replied.

"I don't want to do this also, but I will for you. You just say the word and I won't, and we can stop this experiment and go home."

I stood their nude for a second thinking, if I don't do this I will not go to college, be a disappointment to my family, and have to try to tell them what I said before was a lie. If I do have sex with Cameron, then I get to stay in school, and at least its my best friend doing this to me so I would be safe.

I then laid down on his bed on my stomach and said.

"Yes, Master whatever you say Master I'm ready."

This must have shocked Cameron because it took him a minute to respond. He then got naked and laid on top of me with his dick touching the crack of my ass. He whispered in my ear.

"I'm sorry for doing this to you, I'm only doing this because you want me to, and you need this. Remember I'm straight and I'm only fucking you because you're my best friend."

He then sat up on his legs and I could feel him put lube on my ass. He then put his finger to my hole and push in. I jumped a little and cried. His finger hurt my ass and I then thought if his small finger hurt how the hell would I take his 11-inch dick inside me.

He then started to jerk himself off with the lube to get hard. Soon he was hard as a rock and put the head of his dick to the opening on my hole and said.

"Ok slut take a deep breath, I'm going to go in."

He then pushed forward, and my ass was so tight from never having anything in there before that it took some pressure to get in., he finally pushed the head of his dick into me and I was now screaming in pain. Cameron didn't pay me any attention as he pushed in more and deeper into me. He finally got all 11 inches into me and I was now screaming and crying from the pain. When I heard Cameron say.

"Damn slut your tight, holy shit this feels good, your ass is gripping my dick good."

He then started to pull out and then right back in. he picked up the pace and now was fucking me. I was still screaming and crying, and I felt Cameron grab a pillow and put it over my head to muffle the screams and crying. He then started to go faster and was now pounding the shit out of my ass. Saying.

"Damn this feels so good, oh fuck yeah, I should have fucked you a long time ago. Your ass is so much tighter than any girl I have ever fucked. I am loving this."

He kept going and holding the pillow on my head and I felt like I was going to die. The pain I felt was horrible. Cameron was fucking me hard now and was only concerned about how he felt. He would slam into me with such great force pushing my body into the mattress and I could feel his balls hit between my legs in my taint. He was balls deep into me. I then heard Cameron yell out.

"Oh yeah I'm going to cum, oh fuck yeah here it comes slut, take my jizz into that pussy bitch. Oh yeah that's it, make that dick cum, fuck yeah you're so tight, oh man I'm Cumming."

With that he started to shoot his cum up inside me. I could feel his warm cum coat the insides of me as he pushed all the way in holding it in there. After he came inside me, he kept his dick in me and laid on top of me. I could feel his dick twitch. He then took the pillow off my head and said.

"I'm just going to lay here for a bit to let the cum finish coming out and I get rested. Damn bitch that felt good, I didn't know you was going to be that tight."

I was laying under him crying while he laid on top of me and Cameron then said.

"Quit your fucking crying bitch, you're the one that wanted this. So, get the fuck over it and deal. I know I'm good with it, in fact I will be fucking you a lot more now that I know how good your ass feels on my dick, and how tight you are."

I tried hard not to cry. But I was now in pain from being fucked for the first time, and I was being degraded by my best friend, even though I was the one that asked for this. I noticed Cameron fucking me just changed his attitude with me.

He then pulled his dick out of me and got up off me and said.

"Well slut I just took your cherry, something you will never forget the day you lost your cherry. And you will remember it was me that took your cherry."

He then ordered me to go to the living room with him, he put me in the cage as he sat on the couch and started to watch TV. I then heard Cameron's cell phone ring and he answered it and walked into the other room where I couldn't hear him. After a while he came back in and continued to watch TV.

About 2 hours had passed and I heard the doorbell ring. Cameron got up to answer the door and when he returned to the room, I seen Asher follow right behind Cameron, Asher is from our high school and a close friend of mine, we were on the football team together. He is 18 years old just like me and Cameron.

Asher is 5'11' tall and weighs 180 pounds. He has blond short hair and blue eyes. Just like myself he very good looking and popular. He is in the same circle of friend that me and Cameron are in. Asher is also a close friend of mine. His girlfriend is best friends with my now ex-girlfriend, and I heard Asher say.

"When my girl called me and said that Jason broke up with his girl saying he was gay and in love with you Cameron I had to try to call him. But he never answered his phone, that's why I called you Cameron. Now I see its true. So, Jason begged you to be your slave Cameron?"

Cameron replied.

"yeah, he did, so I figured what the hell, I was single I could use a slave. I'm still straight but figured why not let a fag serve me."

Asher laughed and said.

"I don't blame you Cameron. I would have done the same, so what all dose he does for you?"

Cameron then said

"Well as of right now not much. It's all still new, he sucked my dick, and let me tell you he is getting good at that, I also just fucked him for the first time today and he has such a tight hole. It felt great. I have never fucked a hole that tight before and the fact that I got to go all the way in. I have never done that before, girls only let me go in halfway. It was great. He also did a strip show and made out with this guy that goes to college here."

Asher said

"No fucking way, the captain of the football team and most popular guy in school did all that?"

Cameron said

"I'm not kidding if you want you can watch him do it for that guy the next time."

Asher said he wanted a me to give him a strip show, but without the making out. I was listening to them talk from the floor in the cage. And yes, I was still nude in the cage so Asher could see my naked body. I now was so humiliated by someone else from back home seen me like this. Cameron didn't even explain to him why this was all going on. He just acted as if I was gay and I did want this. Not that I chose to do this to get school paid for. But then again would it really matter why I was doing this. I still agreed to be a slave. And the fact that I knew Cameron couldn't tell him the truth because it would end the experiment and I wouldn't get to go to school. If I wanted the truth out and wanted it to stop, I would have to be the one to say something and I was not going to do that. My education was too important to me.

Asher then asked Cameron.

"So, I have a few questions, is he really as good at giving blowjobs as you say he is?"

Cameron replied.

"Yeah he is, at first he was bad at it, but he has been learning and he is not too bad at it now."

Asher asked.

"So, if I was to want him to suck my dick do you think he would do it? I could use some head right now."

Cameron replied

"Yes, he will all I have to do is order him to and he will go between your legs and suck you off with no problem. You want him to give you some head now?"

Asher said quickly that he would love to get a blowjob from me, and Cameron came over to the cage and took me out and told me to suck Asher's dick for him. Asher went over to the couch and pulled his paints down and out flopped out a big dick once again.

I thought to myself, what the hell. Was everyone hung and I was the only one with a normal sized dick. I went between his legs and started to lick his dick to get it hard. It didn't take long and I noticed Asher was about 10 inches hard. I then put my mouth around the head of his dick and started to suck. I heard Asher say.

"Damn he really is a fag, look at him sucking my dick. I would have never thought he was a fag in a million years."

I then got about halfway down, and his dick hit the back of my throat and I started to gag once again. I knew I couldn't get it down all the way but at least Asher didn't force it in like Adam and Cameron did. Then I heard Cameron ask Asher

"Asher do you mind if I do something for you that I think you will love?"

Asher said sure. Then Cameron came over and put both hands on the back of my head and pushed down as hard as he could and my face slammed into Asher's crotch, my nose pressed up on his pubes and his balls hitting my chin. His dick was now down my throat and I heard Asher say.

"Hell yeah, that's great, no one has ever got my dick down that far. Fuck man wish I knew you was a fag a long time ago. This is fucking great. Even that fag back at school when he would blow me, he couldn't even get but halfway down, damn this fag here is talented."

Asher then put his hands on the back of my head and held me down on his dick not letting me up and he started to grind his hips and move his dick inside my throat. I thought I was going to die right there from lack of air. My face started to turn blue and my eyes was watering. Asher finally let go and I pulled off and started to breath heavy trying to get as much air in me as posable when Asher then said.

"You good now fag? You get air? Now get back on it and do your job fag."

He then pushed me all the way down once again and started to grind again. I then heard Asher say.

"Oh, fuck man I'm about to cum in his throat, here it comes fag, swallow my cum bitch."

Asher then started to cum like crazy, he came so much I thought I was going to drown on cum. I could see my obituary now. He was just a great cock sucker and died by drowning on cum. Thank goodness I didn't drown, and I was ok but that's what it seemed like what was going to happen. I could hear Asher moan and yell out how good it felt. When he was finished, he let me off his dick and I gasped for air once again. Cameron took me back to my cage and then he asked Asher about who it was at school that was a fag that sucked him. Asher then said.

"You know that nerdy guy that's in our class that gets on everyone's nerves. That's who. I heard he was a fag and I asked him one day and told him that he could suck me off any time he wanted to. He was quick to say yes to my meat."

They both laughed and Cameron said.

"Well you won't have to settle for an ugly nerdy guy that can't go balls deep anymore when we have a good-looking jock that knows how to take dick right."

Asher laughed and agreed. Cameron then offered Asher to stay the night and told him he has a guest room for him to use. Asher said he would love to and they went out back to get into the hot tub. I was still in the living room in the cage. I knew I would have to get use to being in a cage.

I then seen Cameron come into the house wet from being in the hot tub, Asher was still outside, I could see him getting them drinks from the frig when Cameron walked over to me and said.

"By the way slut you finished your list today when I fucked you, Asher coming here was not on the list, so you did that as a bonus. I was going to let you out of that cage and relax until I got the call from Asher, but I figured once he asked me about you, I would just have him over to show him."

He then let me out of the cage and told me.

"Ok slut me and my friend are going to relax in the hot tub. Your job is to serve us drinks and wait on us as we relax. When we say we want something you will say yes sir and fetch it for us."

He then went back outside to Asher and I thought about what was just said and what happened. I just gave a guy a blowjob when it was not required of me to, and the fact that I could be the one in the hot tub with Cameron right now and not Asher if he would have never called him and never came over.

I then walked outside, and I should mention I was still nude. All I was wearing was a collar around my neck and a cage on my dick so It couldn't be touched. The rest of my body was there for all to see. I was ordered to sit on my knees by the hot tube until they needed something. I sat there listing to them talk about our high school and what everyone was doing after graduation.

Truthfully, I was just happy I was not the topic of their conversation. I really didn't want to hear how much of a faggot I am now.

I know if I was to see some guy doing the things, I have been doing for the last two weeks I would say the same as everyone is saying about me now. I couldn't blame Asher or Cameron. He is just doing what I begged him to do so I can go to school.

I was told a few times to get them drinks or a snack and I did as I was ordered to do. I then Heard Cameron start to talk to Asher about me once again.

"Yeah the fag has such a tight pussy. I have never had my dick in something so tight before in my life. It felt so great. Slut I want you to stand up and show my friend here that pussy of yours."

I then stood up and faced away from them so he could look at my naked ass. When I then heard Cameron order me to reach down and grab my ankles so Asher could get a good look at my hole. I did as order and was extremely embarrassed. The Asher said.

"Damn Cameron your right, look at that hole. I bet it's the tightest hole at out school. Mind if I get a go at that pussy tonight?"

Cameron told him that he could, and I was now starting to shake. I knew I could stop this, but I kept repeating in my mind, think about how proud everyone will be when you will be the first in the family to graduate from college. I then heard them get out of the hot tub and I was ordered to go to the guest room and lay on the bed on my stomach and wait for Asher.

I did as order and once in the room I laid there thinking about how I was about to get fucked once again but now by someone else I went to school with. About 15 minutes later I heard Asher walk in the door and shut it behind him and he said.

"Now fag don't get any ideas, I'm straight unlike you and I'm only fucking your pussy to get off, I want to see how tight that pussy of yours really is. I don't want your faggot ass falling in love with me or anything like that. You're just a hole for me to use right now."

Listing to his little speech made me tear up thinking he really thinks I'm a fag and he was worried about me falling in love with him because he was going to fuck me. I didn't want this at all, in fact he wanted to fuck me more than I wanted to be fucked by him. He then climbed on top of me and put his rock-hard dick to the entrance of my ass. He took some lube and squirted some on his dick and the opening of my ass. He then pushed forward, and I felt the head of his dick push into my ass.

I hurt like hell, but I held in any scream or noise when he did that. He then just shoved all 10 inches into me at once and I screamed out as loud as I could in pain. He laid on top of me keeping it inside me as I was crying and screaming in pain and I heard Asher say.

"Damn Cameron wasn't joking when he said you was a tight bitch, fuck your pussy is the tightest thing I have ever fucked."

I kept screaming and I even started to beg him and said.

"Please stop it hurts to much. I can't take it please stop. You're too big please."

Asher just laughed and pushed in even harder and said.

"Oh, fag don't worry you will get use to my big straight man meat. I know deep down you don't want this to stop I will just have to fuck your pussy harder now, so you quit crying."

And with that said he started to pound the fuck out of my ass as hard as he could. He was going fast and hard. His dick slammed inside me and less then a sec he pulled out and back inside me all the way. Asher fucked my ass as fast as a jack rabbit on speed. I have never felt pain like this ever before in my life. Then he pushed his dick all the way up inside me and held it there as he said.

"Oh, fuck yeah, take my seed you fucking bitch, holly fuck yeah I'm Cumming inside your pussy you pathetic bitch. Yeah milk that dick dry you faggot. Oh, fuck yeah."

Currently, I am crying my eyes out from the pain and the verbal abuse I am getting from my former high school friend as he fucks me hard. He finally collapses on top of me and says.

"Damn bitch you're on hell of a great fuck, so tight and your pussy just grabbed my dick and wouldn't let go. Who's my bitch? That's right fag you are my bitch."

He then got up off me and put his cloths back on. I stayed laying on the bed in pain and humiliation crying. When Asher finished getting dressed, he grabbed a fistful of my hair and forced me to follow him back into the living room where Cameron was while he held onto my hair making me follow. Once in the room Cameron asked.

"So how was it? Didn't I tell you that his pussy was tight?"

Asker said.

"Fuck yeah that was a very tight pussy, I loved every second of that fucking. Damn the bitch milked my dick good."

Cameron smiled and said he was glad that he had a good time. After about 10 minutes of them talking Asher finally went to bed to sleep and Cameron came over to me as I was still crying, and he asked me.

"Are you ok? You know if you want to stop you can, I hate seeing you like this and i don't know what all happened in there so if you want to talk to me you can I am still your friend first before anything else."

I looked up at Cameron and felt that he was being real with me and he did care about how I felt. I said.

"Thank you for caring about me, yes he was rough with me and it hurt like hell, he degraded me and made me feel low, but if this is what I have to go though to go to college I will, I know you will always be there for me and I can take comfort in knowing no matter what happens I will have you as my friend and I will have my education when all said and done. Its only four years of this and I'm still new to it and I know I will get use to it. So please promise me you won't stop."

Cameron looked at me and said.

"Damn you really want to go to college bad, ok I will not stop, but you have to promise me a few things, one if you ever want to stop you will, two I don't want to hear about how you need to go to college anymore, trust me I know and understand, you don't have to keep saying it, and three no matter how rough I get and what I make you do, just know it's because I have to and after all of this is over I will be your best friend and we can clear everything up with our families. But until then you will have to be my slave and I mean commit to it and don't expect these talks anymore. Just remember how I truly feel. Even if I don't act like it. I may call you names or degrade you but know its for you and if you want to stop and it gets to much for you just say so."

I smiled and agreed to everything he said. Cameron then told me to go to the cage so he can lock me up for the night. I did as he said without even feeling bad about it at all. I knew he must keep the master role. He then turned off the lights and went to bed himself.

The next morning came and Asher was the first to wake up. He came over to the cage and grabbed me by the hair to drag me out and said to me.

"Let me make one thing fucking clear to you fag. I hate faggots, they are only good for one thing and that is to make real men like me and Cameron feel good. Now that I know you're a fag don't ever expect me to treat you with respect like I use to. Now get on that floor and lick my feet clean until your Master wakes up so we can have some real fun with you."

I feared Asher; he was very mean and brutal. And I didn't know how Cameron would react knowing he just told me last night before bed he would get mean with me also if needed be, and I felt deep down this was one of those times he had to be mean to me.

To be continued......

Thank you for reading my story, I hope everyone has enjoyed it.

More to come soon.

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Next: Chapter 5

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