The Social Experiment

By Chad Slave

Published on Jan 14, 2021


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This is a Gay, Authoritarian story about how two straight best friends that decide to take part in a social experiment on how far people will go for money. This is total fiction and is for entertainment only.

Please send me feedback about my story at The story will be continued.

The Social Experiment Chapter 12

We finally got back to the house and Colton grabbed my leash and forced me out of the car. I followed him into the house, and I was placed on the floor of the living room in front of them three. I heard Colton and Noland tell Cameron how nice his new house was, and he told them about the swimming pool in the back yard and all the things they can do there. That they were going to have a great summer. Cameron then looked at me and spoke.

"Now slut, Noland and Colton are not Sir to you. They are not just some guy using your pussy, you will call them Master Noland, and Master Colton, they are now your Master just as I am. They own you also. You will show them the exact same respect as you do to me, and you will obey them as you do me. You will never say no, and they can make you do anything they want. They don't need my permission at all."

I just kept looking at Colton and Noland thinking about what kind of summer I was going to have with me being their slave also and having to obey them like I do Cameron. All sudden I heard Cameron yell at me and say.

"Damn slut I know you want my brother's dick but pay attention, now I am going to have to teach my brother's how to be master's with you. So, you better be on your best behavior."

I was then Ordered to give Noland a blow job and I could tell he was much bigger also. He was now about 10 inch long and thicker. These boys really grew. After I was done with that Camron took me to the back yard with the boys and showed them how to lock the chain up to my collar so I couldn't get out and left me there in the back-yard nude to sleep in the doghouse overnight.

The next morning was let off the chain and brought into the house to cook them all breakfast. Now my meals have changed also for breakfast I had to eat dog food once again. For lunch I got the table scraps that Cameron did not eat but now with 3 of them I most likely will get more. And for dinner I would get leftovers from the fringe that will not be getting eaten by anyone. Cameron says this way there is no waist of food and I can get the vitamins needed by humans so I would not get sick.

The stuff from the frig was at least a week old and never heated up and I knew was about to go bad anyways. It was nasty to eat and I always eat every meal from a bowl on the floor like a dog. After breakfast Cameron got on the computer and was chatting with people. I knew when he did this I was being whored out for money.

And I was right. He put me in my slutty outfit. The skintight latex shorts and the skintight latex shirt. He took me to the car, and we went to this run-down motel. We went to the room the guy told him and we walked in and the guy handed Cameron 100 dollars and Cameron handed him the leash and told him he would be back in an hour.

This has been happing ever since we moved into the new house and Cameron did not want to get a job and did not want me to work in a normal job and be away when he wanted to use me. Most of the guys I was whored out to was old horny men and once in a great while I would get someone younger but never my age. I figured guys my age did not have to pay for sex. Well at lease not around here. The good thing is everyone that I am whored out to has to wear a Condon per Cameron's rules.

The bad part in Cameron had me save all the condoms filled with these guys cum to pour on my meals so I would have to eat it. After this guy got done having me blow him and fucking me Cameron came back and picked me up and told me.

"Well your next client is in this motel also, so we don't have far to go. This one is a little different and he paid extra to do something new with you."

We went down the hall and one floor up and got to this guy's room. We went in and he must have been around 30 years old. Much younger than I am used to. Cameron and he started to talk, and he told me what he wanted to do. The guy said.

"Now it's ok to do breathe control with him, right?"

Cameron said yes if I am not hurt. The guy said he is very use to doing this and I will be fine when he is finished. I did not know what breath control was so would be something new to me. The guy explained that not too many people let him, and he must pay for it most of the time and that it turns him on big time.

He handed Cameron 200 dollars and said he would be done in one hour. Cameron left and the guy told me to turn around and put my hands behind my back. I did as he said, and he tied my hands up tight so I could not move them.

He then took off my latex shorts off and pushed me on my back onto the bed. The guy then grabbed some rope and put it behind my neck. He then grabbed each end of the rope and with opposite hands right up to my neck and pushed onto the bed and I could not breathe. The guy then yelled at me saying.

"You want air bitch? You better beg me for fucking air. Beg me bitch."

I did not know how this guy expected me to beg him for air when I could not breathe. I tried and tried but could not get a word out. I started to feel a little dizzy and lightheaded when the guy finally released the rope and I gasped for air. It did not last long when he then pushed back on the rope and started to chock me again. He then said.

"Beg me bitch. If you want to breath, I need to hear it. I gave you a chance and all you did was breath heavy. Next time I want to hear you beg."

I once again was getting lightheaded when he let go and I breath heavy and all I could get out was please, please, please. The guy then got up took his paints off and I could see a huge 11-inch dick hard as a rock right in front of me. He then put his dick up to my ass without a condom and started to push in when I said.

"No stop my Master don't let guys fuck me without condoms."

The guy then took the rope and started to chock me once again and said to me.

"You need to shut the fuck up unless your begging me bitch, your Master already gave me permission to fuck you raw. That's why I paid extra for your sorry ass."

I was starting to get lightheaded once again and he let go of the rope. I was breathing heavy and now crying from the brutality I was getting from this guy. He then put his dick up to my ass without any lube and just spit on the head of his dick and shoved in hard as hell. It hurt so hard I lost my breath from the pain and right as I did, he took the rope and pushed on it once again so I could not catch my breath.

He let go for a little while of the rope and fucked me and I was simply happy I could breathe normally. He then started to go faster, and I could tell he was about to cum when he grabbed the rope and pushed down hard so I couldn't breathe and he came up inside me while I looked up into his face trying to get even one breath of air and listing to him yell and say.

"Holly shit faggot take that cum up that pussy. Yeah, this is turning me on big time watching you struggle to get air as I fill that pussy up with my seed. Oh yeah that is it. Fuck yeah."

He then came up inside me and at this point I was getting dizzy and lightheaded once again when he finally finished Cumming inside me and let go of the rope so I could breathe again. He then laid on top of me breathing heavy from fucking me. He finally got up and got dressed. A few minutes later Cameron was there and came in to see me still nude and tied up. He untied me and told me to get dressed as the guy thanked Cameron for the extra stuff as in breath control and breeding me.

I had a few more guys I had to meet up with for money and it was an exceedingly long day. Once we got back to the house Cameron told the boys that he made about 500 dollars for tomorrow so to get some sleep that it would be a long day. I was feed my dinner and Cameron gave me real food for the good job I have done today. I was also allowed to take a shower and get the sex smell off me.

But I also still had to sleep outside chained up and sleep in the doghouse still. The next morning Noland came out to get me and let me into the house. I cooked them all breakfast and they ate. After they were done eating, they took me to the basement to the dungeon. I was placed on this stainless-steel table and it had straps connected to hold my body down.

One strap went over my waist and was tight on me. And then one on my chest. They then strapped my arms down on the sides of the table one my wrists and then on my elbows. I could not move my arms at all. Then some straps were connected to my ankles and the straps were pulled above my head to have my legs pulled up to my chest.

They then put another strap over the inside of my legs where my ankles are and strapped my legs to my stomach and had my ass hanging just over the edge of the table. My body was now not going to move at all. The only thing I could move was my head to watch what was going on.

I then seen Cameron bring over this machine with a bar connected to a motor and a huge dildo at the end of it. He then put some lube on the dildo and pushed it halfway inside of my ass. He then locked the machine in place so it would not move at all. Then Cameron said to me.

"Well slut we are going to the amusement park. I want to show my two brothers a good day of riding rollercoasters and having fun."

Now I thought to myself I am so upset he did not even want to take me also. Cameron knew that was my favorite thing to do. Hell, I would do what every they said all day long at the park if they took me. Then Cameron continued to talk.

"I am going to turn this fuck machine on, and it will fuck you all day long while we are gone so you have something to do. This is your reward for doing such a great job making the money for us to go to the amusement park. I knew you prefer to stay here and get fucked all day long instead but with that said you better not cum a single drop. I do not give you permission to cum at all."

Cameron then turned on the machine and the dildo went all the way in and hurt like a mother fucker. I started to scream when he put a ball gag in my mouth to keep the noise down and then put a strap over my forehead and forced my head down to where I could not move at all. I then heard Colton and Noland say.

"Damn that slut is really going to get fucked all day long. That bitch is going to be in heaven."

With that Cameron told me that the pain will go away and not to worry I will be feeling pleasure all day long, and they all left, and the lights were turned out in the room. There were no windows in there and it was pitch dark. I could not see a single thing and only could hear the machine going as it fucked me with this huge dildo over and over. I now was laying there crying from the pain and wishing I were going to that park.

After about an hour the pain in my ass did subside but a new pain started. My dick was now trying to get hard and the cage around my dick would not let it and I could feel pain there. A few times I felt like I was going to cum and I had to concentrate and hold it in so I would not cum because I knew if I did, I would get punished. But the pain with my dick getting hard in the chastity helped me not to cum also. Hours went by and I lost all track of time. I did not know if it was still morning or late at night.

I was locked in this room and strapped to this table being fucked by a machine in pitch dark made it hard to know any since of timing. I finally seen the lights come on in the room and there was Cameron and the boys. Cameron turned the machine off to where the dildo was all the way up inside me and not moving now. He examined my chest and could see I never came once. He then said.

"Damn slut you did good. I bet your really thirsty from being in this room for 14 hours being fucked."

I then thought to myself, holly shit I have been in this room for that long being fucked my a machine. Then Cameron took the gag out of my mouth and I begged him.

"Please Master may I get up. I'm in pain from the all-day fucking Master please it hurts so much."

Cameron laughed as Noland climbed onto the table and took his dick out and put his dick down my throat and started to piss. I drank every drop and then was replaced with Colton pissing down my throat. And finally, Cameron pissed down my throat. The Cameron said.

"In the morning slut, we are just to tired to deal with that now. We had a long day."

And with that they left the room and turned the lights out once again. But this time the machine was off, and that dildo was all the way up inside me and I was still strapped down to where I could not move. I did not get any sleep that night I just laid there in pain crying.

It must have been morning now because all three of them came down and started to let me off the table. I was strapped to that table for 24 hours and had a dildo up inside me the whole time. It felt great when Cameron took the dildo out of my ass and I could move my body now. It was hard to move at first because I was stuck like that for so long, but I got to moving when Colton hit my bare ass with a belt and told me to move it that they want their breakfast, and they are hungry.

I went to the kitchen and started to cook them breakfast and had to listen to them talk about the rides and how much fun it was yesterday. It was like putting salt in a wound with me then talking about how much fun it was and knowing they paid for their fun with me being whored out to guys. I then served them breakfast and I was then told to eat my breakfast. I had seen on the floor there was a bowl of dog food once again soaked in piss and another bowl of just piss to drink.

I got on all fours and started to eat my food like a dog once again on the floor. I finished up my breakfast and then took their plates from them eating and did the dishes and was told I had to clean the entire house today.

As I was cleaning, they decided to put a shock collar around my neck, and they went outside and turned-on music and sat in the hot tub relaxing and having fun. They would push the button on the remote of the shock collar to have me come out and get them drinks and whatever else they wanted and when I finished, I would go back and continue to clean the house.

If one of them had to take a piss they would push the button and stand up and make me drink their piss and then sit back down and have me go back to clean. Just so they did not have to get out of the hot tub. They also went swimming and just hung out and had a good time.

Colton then came inside and sat on the couch and looked at me and spoke.

"Come here slut and suck my cock. I need a blow job."

Without saying a word, I went right over to him and got on my knees between his legs and went to pull his dick out when Colton said.

"Now slut don't be in such a rush I know you really want my dick down that fag throat of yours, but I want to hear you beg me for my dick."

Ok I know I am a slave now, and I know this is what my life is now, but I think I will never get use to or want to give my little broth head. I also knew I had to do what he says also. So, I looked up at him from his crotch and said.

"Please Master Colton may I suck your sexy cock? I want a real man to use me the way I deserve to be used. Please let me make you feel good. That is all I live for and all I want out of life. Please Master Colton."

Colton looked down at me with a big smile on his face and spoke.

"I guess if you want it that much you can suck on it for a bit."

I then told him thank you and took his dick out of his shorts and put his dick into my mouth and started to suck his dick. He was not being mean at all. Well except the way he was talking to me. But he started to play with my hair gently. Petting my head and saying.

"Damn slut you suck such a great dick. You really know what you are doing. You really do love sucking dick don't you. I am so glad you are not my brother anymore. It would be a shame to let your cock sucking skills to go to waste. I bet your so much happier being who you really are. A cock sucking low life cum dump whore slut. You finally get to live your truth and I get to benefit by using you the way you want to be used. You know to be truthful Camron is such a better brother to me then you ever could be. He even got a slut like you to suck me dry. You would have never done that for me. I guess things work out the way they are meant to. Right bitch?"

As I was blowing him, I had tears coming out listing to him rant about how Cameron is such a good brother to him and how I was this low life cock whore. I kept sucking his dick and could tell he was about to cum as he said.

"Oh yeah that's it cum dump. Drain that cock. Suck up every drop of that cum. Holly shit yeah this feels great. Keep that up slut, you can suck me dry all summer long bitch."

I swallowed every drop of his cum and then he got up and took his dick and smacked me across the face a few times and then put his dick back into his shorts and told me to go finish cleaning as he went back outside to get into the hot tub with the others.

A little time later the doorbell rang and since I was still nude Cameron got out of the hot tub and answered the door. He was not sure who it was, so he did not want me to answer the door naked. Cameron then came in the room with one of the guys from the frat house. He was holding a present and handed it to me and spoke.

"Everyone at the frat house really appreciated slut this year and thought we would get it a gift to say thank you."

I looked at it and the wrapping paper was wrapped for a gift you would get for a bachelorette party. It had penises all over it. Colton and Noland then came in the room and everyone watched me open the gift. I was not happy when I pulled out a jar filled with condoms filled with cum and on the top, it said 100 loads, and a gallon of piss also. Then I heard Cameron say.

"Aww isn't that nice. That is a great gift for slut. Well slut what do you say?"

I looked up at the frat boy and spoke.

"Thank you, Sir for the great gift. I really appreciate it."

Cameron then invited him to stay for a drink and I had to go get him a beer. Then I was told to pour some of that piss I got as a gift into my dog bowl and drink with them. I did as order. I put my face down and it smelled strong from sitting around as they kept pissing in it to fill it up. I was then told to get a snack and chew on one of the condoms for a bit. I put a condom in my mouth and started to chew on it. The end of the condoms was tied up so they each had cum inside of them.

While I sat on the floor chewing the condom it broke and all that cum came out and filled my mouth. I kept chewing and the cum slid down my throat. It was so humiliating. Cameron notched that and said.

"Go ahead slut, you can put that condom in the trash since you finished and het another one. You have plenty of snacks in that jar."

So, I did as he said and got another condom filled with cum and chewed on it until it broke in my mouth and the cum fill my mouth once again. I really disliked this. After a little while the guy left and told Cameron they hoped to see us next school year. Cameron of course said yes for sure.

Noland and Colton were now laughing at me and telling me to chew on more condoms. They made me swallow at least 30 of the loads from those condoms throughout the day. The rest of the day went slow. I would get them drinks and they would have fun outside or playing a video game in the living room.

I would suck their cocks and drink their piss. For lunch I had to order them a pizza and I got to eat the crust for lunch. I had to put all my crust in one of those condoms and soke up the cum before eating it. And then for dinner I had to cook out on the grill. I made them steaks and baked potatoes and corn on the cob. For my dinner I had dog food once again but this time I had to pour the frat house piss on it, and it tasted even worse than fresh piss.

And yes, I am now judging different taste of piss. I knew I was as low as I could get now in my life and this is my life from now on. I have no job, no friends, no family, hell I do not even have any cloths I can call my own.

I was then taken outside by Colton and chained up like a dog when Colton said.

"Damn faggot, I have to be truthful with you, I am so happy you are no longer a part of the family. You would only bring disgrace to the family. You know my mom and dad said to me that no one in the family is ever to mention you again. They even consider you dead. To think about it they are right, Jason my brother did die and now Slut the faggot was born."

He then spit in my face and went inside to go to bed. It hurt so much to hear Colton talk to me like that and tell me how no one in my family wants me around and thinks of me a dead to them. I then went into the doghouse and went to sleep.

The next morning Noland came out to let me in the house. He grabbed me by my hair and put a leash on me this time. He then started to walk to the house. When I went to stand up, he turned around and hit me across my face and said.

"On all fours you stupid faggot. Cameron said you are not allowed to stand up again unless we say so."

I then got on all fours and walked like that to the house. Once in the house Cameron told me.

"Ok fag today is a day of training. I need to teach Noland and Colton how to control you. I hope your ready for a long day."

I was then led down to the basement to the dungeon and I knew that it would be a long day for me. I had no idea what was in store for me, but I knew I would not like it.

Thank you for reading my story, I hope everyone has enjoyed it.

More to come soon.

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Next: Chapter 13

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