The Social Experiment

By Chad Slave

Published on Jan 10, 2021


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This is a Gay, Authoritarian story about how two straight best friends that decide to take part in a social experiment on how far people will go for money. This is total fiction and is for entertainment only.

Please send me feedback about my story at The story will be continued.

The Social Experiment Chapter 11

Cameron took me out of the cage and had me take a shower. It felt great once again, but this time when he handed me cloths to wear, he gave me a skintight black latex pair of shorts that only covered my ass and crotch. You could see every inch on my chastity device and the shape of my ass.

I did not have a shirt on and no shoes just the shorts, and of course the chastity and collar around my neck. We walked out of the house and got into the car when Cameron started to drive to campus. We then pulled up to the frat house we were just at earlier in the week to get the cup full of cum that went on my meal.

He took the leash and made me follow him to the door. I could tell there was a party going on and I was now scared about these guys seeing me like this. Cameron must have noticed this and said to me.

"Why are you getting scared slut? It's just a frat party and you're the entertainment, anyways they all have already fucked you a few times, you even begged them last week for more."

I had just realized this is where I was going when I had the blind fold on and the headphones on to where I could hear and now, I am here looking at everyone that fucked me for the first time. It was a very strange feeling because I have never seen any of these guys ever and they are strangers to me, but they have seen me a few times and fucked me, so I was not a stranger to them. Then Cameron started to talk to me and said.

"Now I want you to be a good slut and go around the house and offer sex to everyone, you will do this willingly and ride every dick you can and suck every dick you can. Make them happy, if they want you to get them drinks you will, and if they want you to drink their piss you will. Also, you better beg them for their dicks and thank each and every one of them, be careful every guy you forget to beg or thank you will miss a day of school, so you can only forget four times before you can't go to school anymore. On the other hand, if you are perfect you can go to school all week without worrying about losing any days at all this week no matter what."

I heard him loud and clear and I was going to make sure I did my best to make sure I was perfect. When I got inside the house the guys all talked about my tight pussy and they called my mouth the best cock sucker ever. One guy told me to get the shorts off and I did amazingly fast and went up to him and begged him to let me suck his dick and when I was done sucking him off if he would fuck my pussy.

Everyone laughed their ass off, and I even heard some guys say things like, damn that bitch can't get enough of out dicks, and that I was a true slut, and how much of a cum whore I was. If you would have said to me when I graduated high school that I ever thought I would be here being talk about like this I would have told you it would never happen in a million years and they were crazy. But here I am, and this is acutely happening.

I went to my knees and started to suck off this guy that I just meet but was told I have sucked his dick 3 times already. And with a group of guys around me watching me take a dick in my mouth willingly was very strange.

After I was done sucking him off Cameron came over and whispered in my ear.

"If you get verbal and say out loud how much you like cock and say how much of a slut you are, as long as you thank every guy and beg every guy also, I will make sure you get to go to school all semester without worrying about miss a day, but even if you do get verbal but forget to thank everyone and beg everyone the deal is off."

I took that as a challenge, and I knew I could do it. So, the next guy came over to me and I started to beg him for his dick.

"Pleas Sir may I have your dick inside my pussy Sir?"

The guy laughed and said.

"Hell, yeah slut you can but I want you to ride my dick like the slut you are."

He then sat on the couch and I went over to him and looked down at his dick. He was about 10-inch-long and thick, so I knew I had my work cut out for me. I put my legs on each side of him and with my hands I reached down and took his dick and put it to the opening on my ass and started to sit down on his dick.

I started to sit down slowly when the guy put his hands on my hips and forced me down all the way on his dick. I yelled out a little in pain. I did not really want to move but I knew I had to, so I started to move my body up and down on his dick and I said out loud for everyone to hear.

"Oh yeah fuck my pussy Sir, that feels so good inside me Sir, I am a low life slut that loves dick, I love all dick, I need everyone in this room to fuck me like the whore I am. Oh yeah I love your dick inside me. I'm such a low life faggot that lives to please men like you, I could ride your dick for the rest of my life, you are so sexy, and your dick is so big, I need to be treated like the bitch that I am. Please Sir fuck me as hard as you can. Fuck my pussy Sir, show me what a real man is like."

With that everyone cheered and told me how much of a slut I was. I rode his dick like I wanted it. Everyone was now taking pictures and video of me being such a pathetic slut and I put on a great show for them. After he came inside me, I thanked him and begged for more.

After seeing me like that most of the guys there wanted me to ride them also. Then these two guys came over to me and told me to follow them. I did and they pulled down their paints and both laid down on the couch. One guy put his head to one side and the other to the other side.

They then put their dicks together and said.

"OK slut let us see what your made of, sit on both of our cocks at the same time and ride them. We want to double penetrate you."

I looked down and they were both very hung both around 9 inches and thick. I have heard of this but never done it, I was now scared. I moved into place and started to sit down one dick went in first and the other guy kept pushing until his dick went in also. I started to sit down but the pain was too much. I was screaming and when I started to get up off the dicks, they both grabbed me and slammed me down on them. I then started to yell out.

"Please let me up, it hurts way too much, please pull out of me."

Then I heard someone say.

"Don't let that bitch up, it will get use to it, make that bitch ride both dicks at the same time."

And that is what happened. I was screaming and crying when some other guy stepped on the couch and shoved his dick down my throat, and I heard him say.

"I need to shut this cunt up. This bitch can suck me so it will be quiet."

The guy that shoved his dick in my mouth was also big and I started to gag and chock on him. I was now in pure hell. I was being forced up and down with two dicks inside me and another down my throat, then I felt two more guys get on the couch and they each grabbed my hands and put their dicks in my hands telling me to jerk them off.

Everyone was yelling out how great it was and videotaping me with their phones and taking pictures of me. Then the guy face fucking me started to cum down my throat. And the two inside my ass was now Cumming, the guy then pulled out of my mouth and when I started to thank him for his dick, I jerked the two guys off and they're cum was hitting me in the face.

I then was told to get off their dicks and I said.

"Thank you everyone for using me like the whore I am, please can I do it again Sir's"

Everyone laughed and of course this lasted all night long me riding dicks and being a huge slut. I then heard some guy say he had to piss so I yelled out real fast.

"Please Sir may I drink your piss for you Sir I am so thirsty Sir."

Of course, he had no problem having me drink his piss. At the end of the night, I was filled and covered in cum by all these guys. I was then told to get on my knees in front of them all and Cameron then asked each one a question.

He asked if I begged him for his dick and if I thanked him for is dick. I knew I begged each one of them and I thanked each one of them. Cameron asked the first guy and he said.

"No, the slut didn't beg or thank me."

I thought to myself what a fucking liar. Then the next guy said No also, now I was getting confused. There were 15 guys there that used me, and everyone said I did not beg them or thank them. I then had to say something in my defense.

"They are fucking lying Master and you know it, you even heard me beg and thank them."

I looked up at Cameron and seen he was now extremely pissed off. Cameron then back handed me as hard as he could and said.

"You stupid fucking cunt. Your right I did hear you beg and thank, but I know you are not calling these straight alpha males liars. They have no reason to lie bitch, but you do. I said you must beg and thank everyone every time, and you must have not done that. So now I will have to think of a punishment for your outburst you pathetic cunt."

Now I was not only upset but I was mad. I did all of that for nothing. I then felt every guy there grab me and I was tied up to where I could not move. One of the guys put a pair of dirty underwear into my mouth and grabbed a role of duct tape and wrapped it around my head to keep the underwear in my mouth.

I then seen them all grab belts and form a line. They all then took turns beating my body with belts. I was screaming and crying and now wishing it would all just stop. I was in so much pain I could not even move even if I were not tied up. The guys then thanked Cameron for a great night, and I was picked up and placed in the trunk of the car.

Once back at the house Cameron picked me up still tied up and put me over his shoulder to take me into the house. I still had the underwear taped in my mouth and could not talk. Cameron put me on the floor in front of the couch. `He then put his feet on top of me as a foot stool and started to talk.

"I am extremely disappointed in you slut. Not only for not doing your job and begging and thanking everyone, but I thought you would know better than to burst out talking and calling them liars. Well now I am sad to say not only will you not be going back to school ever again and you will be dropping out, you now have a decision to make. You can stay here and sign a legal contract of ownership of your body to me, or you can leave this house with no car, no family, no friends and no cloths. Oh, and trust me everyone we know back home will see the videos of you tonight telling everyone how much of a cum dump whore you are. I have already sent it to your entire family. So, I am going to take that underwear out of your mouth, and you can tell me what you want to do."

Cameron took the underwear and tape off me and I was now crying big time. I knew I was now stuck no matter what. There was no way I could live being homeless and also with no clothes at all. I looked up at Cameron with a very defeated look in my face and I said.

"Please Master may I please sign the contract to sign ownership of my body to you Master."

Cameron told me yes and went to bed, he left me right there on the floor still tied up and not able to move. The next morning Cameron woke up and untied me and told me to go make him breakfast I did not say a word but did as he said. While I was making breakfast there was a knock on the door. I went to answer it and there was Nick the guy that ran the experiment with a briefcase. I was told to sit at the dining room table with him and Cameron and he pulled out some papers. He then said.

"Ok boys here is the thing, I am a lawyer and by law there is no such thing as an ownership of slaves. It is no legal. But there are loopholes. Jason you can sign a legal binding contract that says you will do whatever Cameron says for a period of time if he takes care of you as payment, like an employment contract. This contract will be binding, and I can put in whatever you guys wish me to as expectations. So, let us say you want to do a lifetime contract of employment. Then there will be a penalty to break the contract. So, let us get to this."

I never thought I could be in a binding contract that the only way out of it is for me to have to pay Cameron. We went over the numbers and the more I thought about it the more I was scared. Cameron said he wanted a life term contract, and he could sell the contract to anyone for profit. When I was asked, I just said ok. I did not know what else to say. Then there was the job descriptions, I had to clean the house and keep up with it, I had to cook all meals, I had to do everything for him so he would never have to lift a finger ever. Then on a side note it said I had to do all and any sexual and non-sexual duties with no limits for him, and anyone he feels I should server sexually and non-sexually.

Then came to the part where if the contract is broken. In Cameron section it said he may terminate the contract at any time he feels with no penalty. That means he can set me free from the contract at any time he feels.

Then my part said that if I break the contract, I will owe Cameron one million to terminate the contract. They both knew I would never be able to pay that no matter what. But at this point what choice do I have. We all signed all documents of the contract and now I was legally bound to Cameron. Then Nick had me sign a power of attorney documents. He did explain it but really i was not paying to much attention. I just kept signing my name.

Then Nick said he had more things for Cameron but wanted me to sit in to hear what is going on. Nick started to talk.

"Ok Cameron here is the thing. With the experiment over now and we got all the data we need you will get to move into a new place. It is just as nice as here but with no cameras. We will still pay for it until you leave college. I want to get the other house ready for a new experiment. I will have everything in here moved to your new place including the dungeon stuff and we added a few new things in the dungeon for you to have fun with. Everything is yours to keep. We want you to be successful with your new owned slave. Now the money we were going to pay for slut to go to college still needs paid by law, and with you both sighing power of attorney of slut over to you, we will have to pay you the money."

Oh, shit I did not know I signed over, power of attorney, I had to say something. So, I did.

"Wait a minute I was not told about that."

Nick laughed and said.

"I have the entire conversation recorded here listen."

He then rewound it and I heard nick ask me if I was willing to sigh over, power of attorney to Cameron and you heard my voice say yes. I was so out of it that I did not realize I was asked that, and I said yes. I did not realize also until this point that I would have gotten that money for not going to school. Damn I wish I were smarter, yes, I just called myself dumb. Then they kept talking and Nick said.

"Ok, where was I? oh yeah you will get the money for sluts' college, it was 50 thousand a year times that by four so we will give you 200,000 total, and on top of that since we are not paying for your school we will add another 200,000 for your time for a total of 400,000. But we cannot pay you until you graduate college or 4 years has passed. We will pay for your living expenses but not for your food or recreation expenses so you may want to look into a job or slut getting a job, but if you want my opinion just sell sluts body to make money, you can make much more that way. I know there is a lot of guys that will pay good for slut to ride their dicks."

"So now that we got that all out of the way let me tell both of you what the experiment is. This is the 7th year we have run this experiment and I started it when I was going to college here as a project for school. See I come from a very wealthy family and I used the money to start this. Now I make money by being a Layer and I use my inheritance to keep this project going."

Me and Cameron just listened to every word he said because we both wanted to know about all of this. He then continued.

"Out of the 7 times 3 of them was successful. The 4 that was not they guys just left school and went on with their lives. What was different about your case is we never had two best friends do this together, they were always strangers. Out of the 3 that was successful one stayed in town. You know them by the way. Adam is the master and Zac slut's ex-boyfriend is the slave. And now I paid Adam for employment with me."

I thought to myself holly shit. They were pulling strings the entire time. I was amazed by what I was hearing and hoping Cameron would look at it as an experiment now and just set me free. Then Nick said.

"The other one has moved to the master's hometown where he kept his slave. And the last successful experiment is you guys. So, Cameron what is your plan with slut? You know it is one of the hottest slaves so far that we have had here?"

Cameron was fast to say.

"My plan is to keep my slave for the rest of my life and make my life easier."

Nick smiled and said.

"I am so happy to hear you say that I think you have one great grade A piece of meat with slut."

Nick said goodbye to Cameron and left and Cameron looked at me and said.

"I hope you realize you better be the best damn slave ever, and you better realize how nice I am to you for not getting rid of you and making you homeless. Now get over here and suck my dick bitch.'

I jumped up and started to suck him like I have never sucked a dick before. He moaned in pleasure and came extremely fast. When he was done, he looked at me still between his legs and said.

"Damn bitch that must have been the best blow job you have ever gave me, keep that up bitch."

I looked up at him and told him thank you for his cock. The rest of the weekend was movers coming in and moving us to the new house. Cameron offered me to blow and most of them accepted. After we moved into the new house, I seen there was a nice size inground swimming pool in the back yard and a six-person hot tub. But I also noticed there was a doghouse with a metal dog chain permanently mounted to the doghouse. I soon found out that the doghouse was where I would be spending a lot of time in. the entire back yard was fenced in and no one could see in the back yard at all.

The rest of the school year went by, I became the best cock sucking slave ever and It was finally summer, and Cameron was out of school. Then I heard Cameron say.

"Damn slut this year really went by fast, well Noland is coming to spend the summer with me, and I told your former family that you moved out and moved in with your boyfriend Zac. Adam said I could use his slave for a decoy as your boyfriend, so if they ever want proof you guys can show them around your place. But really its Adams place. That way Colton can stay the summer here also."

Cameron then walked me to the car nude and put me into the trunk of the car. I was tied up and had a gag in my mouth so I could not make a sound. I stayed there the entire trip back home where Cameron picked up his brother Noland and my former brother Colton. Once at my parents' house I heard my mother talking to Cameron telling him thank you for being so good to Colton and letting him spend the summer with his best friend Noland and keeping him safely away from me. She wanted to open the trunk to put Colton's suitcase in there, but Cameron said that the trunk was full of stuff and there was no room that the boys was going to put their stuff in the back seat.

My mom did not ague and put his suitcase in the back seat and gave my brother a kiss goodbye and told him to have fun this summer. We then drove away and about 30 minutes into the drive back Cameron pulled over and took me out of the trunk. He untied me and took the gag out of my mouth. We were on a back road and there were no cars around. I was ordered to put the boy's suitcases into the trunk and get into the back seat with my brother Colton.

I did as I was ordered to and once in the back seat I looked over at my brother and he has this grin on his face and he said.

"What are you waiting for slut? Get between my legs and start to suck bitch."

I know it has only been a year since they were at the house using me before, but now Colton was 17 years old and Noland 16. They both grown more, I then started to look at Colton's crotch and I wondered if his dick grew also with his body. I cannot believe I was wondering about my own brother's dick and if he got bigger.

If you told me a year ago, I would be staring at my brother's crotch wondering how big his dick has gotten I would say you was crazy. I then pulled Colton's shorts down, he was wearing swimming trunks. And out popped his dick. Yeah, I thought to myself he has gotten much bigger in just one short year. He was huge now.

I then put my lips around his semi hard dick and started to suck. Once he was fully hard, I could tell he was at least 9 inches long now and much thicker. I was having a hard time sucking his dick. Now I know I have been sucking a lot of dick this year and I should be much better at taking big cocks. But the truth is I am still having a hard time sucking dick. I do not think I will ever get used to it fully.

I started to gag on his dick and that just made Colton more into it and he started to yell at me saying.

"Yeah that's it slut, chock on that dick, go all the way down to the base of that dick. Swallow it all you bitch."

I did as he asked, and I chocked big time on my own brothers' dick. I then felt him start to throb and his hands went on top of my head and he pushed my head all the way down as he started to cum like crazy down my throat and he started to moan and telling me to swallow every drop.

Once finished he pulled my head off his dick and pulled his shorts up and just sat there breathing heavy from the release he just had and did not say a word to me.

Cameron then started to tell them how I was now dropped out of school and that I signed a contract to be his slave form now on. How I gave up all rights and wanted to be owned by him perinatally. He also told them that we have moved to a much better house and about the swimming pool and hot tub in the back yard. He also mentioned that I would be chained up in the back yard when no one needed me for anything.

He told them about the dungeon in the basement and all the fun things throughout the house for them to do so that they would never be bored. Not only things to do with me but the video game systems and the park near the house.

You can see that the boys was excited for the summer off fun they was about to have and all I could think was how busy I am going to be and how much I wished I had made better decisions this past year.

Thank you for reading my story, I hope everyone has enjoyed it.

More to come soon.

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Next: Chapter 12

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