The Smithy

Published on Jun 23, 2009


The Smithy 17

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Our arrival in Bombay was unexpectedly triumphal. We Britons are, by our nature, insular and assumed the pirates were a threat to our shipping ignoring their m other victims. Their favorite victims were Arab and Indian vessels. A full report of our victory over the pirates had reached Bombay by wire and we were heroes. Captain Medha was a person of some importance and the company he worked for was large.

Bombay was vast and seemed to be packed solid with every species of human being, from the abysmally poor to the unimaginably rich. As the Cleopatra was unloaded Raj invited us to visit some friends of his. Sir Edmund, M. LaFarge, Jimmy, Murad and I were carried there in rickshaw like contraptions with Raj leading the way. We went out of the city to a walled, fortress like house in a park like setting.

The heavy gate opened as we approached. The front portion of the house seemed to be a business establishment. Passing through a second gate we entered a quite beautiful garden courtyard.

"We must bathe and relax first," Raj said. "We will banquet tonight." He led us to a space that would have done a Roman Emperor credit. The Indian taste for extravagant decoration was very much in evidence. The main room of the bath was a pool, with a Turkish style steam area on one side and a mechanical water fall in the other. All of the attendants were naked and seemed to have a servile desire to please us.

I was uncomfortable about this, but Sir Edmund was unworried. "You have done a great service for the master of this house. This is expected and normal." Shortly there after I realized there was a sexual aspect to their care. This too Sir Edmund regarded as normal.

"Raj knows our tastes. Our hosts would want to please us," he remarked. I knew there was an aspect of ancient Indian religion that included sexual ecstasy as a part of divine worship. I soon found out it was alive and well in his mansion. I hadn't realized it survived.

Raj arranged for us to be tutored in this form of worship. Looking back I might have expected to be asked if I wanted to participate in these rituals. I laughed at myself. Raj didn't need to ask me; he knew the answer.

Most of the attendants were sexually relaxed, but some were semi erect and a a few were most excited. As a group we were impressive group of men from a sexual view point. Our generous endowments were noted with approval by the attendants.

Each of us was assigned a group of three or four men let by a Guru. The men were graded in size with one man almost dwarf like, and the biggest was well over six feet tall. The Guru himself was of average height for an Indian, but his sexual organs were huge. At first each of us was in a separate chamber, but I soon found each of us had our own Guru and all were similarly endowed.

I had a drink that proved to be an emetic. My system cleaned out in a dramatic fashion, this pleased the Guru. I took another drink that seemed to be slightly alcoholic, and later proved to have aphrodisiac properties. Quite frankly I don't need an aphrodisiac to get excited.

I with my attendants joined the other men in the large central pool area We then took a bath in a warm pool.

All of the attendants were with us in the pool. Instead of a wash cloth, they used their tongues. As they licked me their cocks came within range of my mouth. I sucked what I could. Everyone was quite excited by now. I like precum and the men's sweet fluids were both enjoyable and stimulating. This was apparently expected and the Guru was the supervisor and seemed pleased.

After getting out of the pool I got on a table and they continued their ministrations. Every inch of my body was explored by their delicate tongues. The dwarf had small arms. He eased his arm into my ass up to his elbow and cleaned and oiled the interior of my rectum. It was an odd, but stimulating experience. His little fingers massaged my prostate too. Of course I was fully erect and the cleaning men liked this.

The attendants genitals seemed to graded in size. As two of the men licked me and I sucked one, the remaining man slipped his cock into my ass. He didn't actually fuck me. The man just slipped it in, made a few easy thrusts and withdrew. That was true until the Guru entered me. His organ was monumental and I moaned as it penetrated deep into by rectum. There was absolutely no pain or discomfort. As it slipped in deeper the more intense the feelings became. It was pure sexual satisfaction.

When the Guru pulled out, and attendant gave him a carved stone in the shape of a large penis. The Guru oiled it and pushed it in my ass. It was cool and smooth. The Guru left me at this point.

Raj came by and smiled. "You are lucky," he said. "You are one of the elect."

"What do you mean?"

"This is a fitting of sorts. They are selecting men for you to enjoy in this evening. You, Murad and LaFarge alone easily took your Guru's member. You are regarded as one of the elect. It is an auspicious sign. Often none of the initiates can take his cock. The gods of pleasure and fertility smile upon you."

"What is the stone for?" I asked.

"You have been ritually cleaned and opened," Raj replied. "The stone keeps you open for the next event. Bend over, let me see it."

I did. When he saw it he told me mine was rock crystal. I had been selected for the head Gurus' pleasure. "Mine is jade. I am for general use."

"I'm not sure what I am supposed to do?" I whispered.

Raj leaned over me. "All you need to do is feel pleasure," he replied. "They are thinking only of your pleasure. The Guru's are priests of manly pleasure. They believe the flow of man seed feeds the earth. The ultimate pleasure is generated by men, many men, sharing their cocks and their manly juices. You might call it an orgy, for them it is a divine frenzy."

"Is that what is planned for tonight?" I asked.

Raj smiled and nodded. "Yes, Sir Edmund volunteered you for the ceremony. He said you would enjoy it. The gurus were worried you might not be responsive enough. You have allayed their fears. They are most pleased. Indeed they want to call in reinforcements. There is an absolute rule that there be no pain. That all of you can take big ones is a joy for them."

"Do they all get to fuck us?"Jimmy asked.

"If you wish. You can fuck any of them if you wish. It is what you Englishmen call a free for all,"Raj answered.

"I'm a Christian," Jimmy protested.

Raj laughed. "Some things are beyond religion. We are all brothers of the cock. We share the same interest; we feel the same pleasures. Sperm isn't Christian or Hindu. It's the procreative seed of men."

We took another dip in the pool to calm down and cool off. We all had similar experiences. Jimmy and Sir Edmund had found pleasure in the largest men who weren't Gurus. LaFarge, Murad and I had found it with the Gurus. We played in the pool and waited for the banquet.

Raj told us more about the Gurus. "They live in a temple-monastery in a holy grove near by. There is a spring in the center of the place that never drys, so it it a holy place. The priests and the monks are always nude and unadorned. They never wear anything, even jewelry or a tattoo. Unlike your monks they do not take a vow of chastity, quite the opposite. Four times a day they must have an orgasms and feed the earth."

Jimmy, who was down to earth said, "It's nice work if you can get it."

Raj smiled and resumed his tale. "Several times a year they have a festival when they have continuous intercourse for a day. Needless to say, the cult is popular. They allow strangers into the temple on these feast days."

"I would imagine the monks would get exhausted and tired of the continual round of pleasure," Sir Edmund remarked.

"Not at all," Raj protested. Then he smiled. "The monks are all horny bastards. They don't get tired or lose their enthusiasm."

"When is the next festival?" I asked.

"Three days ago," Raj answered. "The next one is on the equinox, three months away. There is one nice aspect to their ceremonies. After the big festival there rest period. They initiate new members at the festival. The new monks do all the orgasms for this period while the older men rest and save. This is considered to be the best time of the year to take their seed."

"That is why were are here. This is a particularly auspicious time to exchange of semen." Raj explained. "The Maharajah's and his closest friends will be here."

"Why are we here than?" Jimmy asked.

"Virgins and guests are needed to share the bounty," Raj continued. He laughed. "By the way, you are virgin form a ritual point of view. "You have never shared seed with the Gurus and their votaries before."

"That's a relief," Sir Edmund said. "I would hate to be here under false pretenses."

"Incidentally, during the orgy, the differences in rank and caste do not apply. Only the cock and balls counts for the Gurus," Raj said. "Most of the men were well endowed and all shoot prodigious and multiple loads. Don't worry if the seed eventually drips from your arses. That is a good sign."

The attendants re appeared and removed the stone genitals and re oiled our asses. The party was about to start.

A gong rang and a large door to the side opened. Servants carried in trays of food and then the rest of the guests followed. Another group of servants brought drink and a third brought pillows. All the attendants were nude as were the guests that followed. Curiously the servants vanished only to reappear when more food or drink was needed. They did not play a role in the divine frenzy.

The next group to enter the room was a group of burly men. They were muscular and looked a bit like the strong men in a circus. I could tell they were use to hard work and labor. In the the house the men wore turbans. These men were turban less and their wild and unruly long hair flowed down their backs. They were followed by the Maharajah and his companions. He was some relation to Raj. The Maharajah was an impressive big man. The final group of guests were the Guru's and some monks. As Raj had suggested, most were well endowed and several of the Gurus were monumentally endowed.

The most impressive was a small, heavily bearded Guru. He was small in every respect except for his genitals. He couldn't speak a word of English. He was flanked by two massive attendants. They were muscle men with big black beards. The small man must have been the Abbot.

The guests formed clusters with one of us joined with a working man, a courtier and a Guru. The Maharajah went to Sir Edmund. I later found out the groups were carefully arranged. Jimmy was with the head groom in the Maharajah's stables as well as the best horseman in the Maharajah's court. Murad was with several warriors and a man who I think was the Chief officer of the Maharajah's body guard.

We sat on the pillows and ate and drank. The drink was mildly alcoholic, but, as before, had aphrodisiac properties. I was with the Abbot, his attendants and two other men. One spoke English and was Raj's younger brother, Ravi, and spoke some English. The other man was the named Avinash and was called Avi. He was a big man, very dark skinned and covered in black hair.

He looked oddly familiar. It took me a little while to realize why. He was a dead ringer for Ralph, except for the coloring. Ralph was as light as Avi was dark. The men were like a photographic print and it's negative. I stared at him and he stared back. It was almost as if he was trying to place me. He was puzzled.

Ravi's English was good, but limited. He tried to explain what Avi did without the required vocabulary. After a little work we arrived at Avi's profession. He was a blacksmith. I was stunned. Ravi told Avi I was a scholar.

As this little drama proceeded, we ate, drank and fondled each other's genitals. We were all erect or semi erect. I was the only white man there, and my cock with its pink cock head was of great interests. The Guru play with my cock and balls. I began to ooze precum. He collected some on his finger and tasted it. It passed the taste test with flying colors.

The Guru's cock was almost gross it was so large. He was hairy and hair grew on his shaft almost halfway to the foreskin. His genitals weren't pretty at all; they were pure sex organ. I knew I would be skewered on it before the evening was over and oddly, I knew I would love it.

As the Guru played with my cock I leaned over and licked Avi's member. The second my tongue touched the organ, I lost control and tried to swallow the beautiful organ whole. Had I been more reasonable, I should had taken the Guru's member. The Guru laughed and clapped his hands when I managed to deep throat the smith's cock. The divine frenzy had begun.

Perhaps because of the drink I was physically relaxed, sexually receptive and responsive. I don't know how it was possible to sexually excited and physically relaxed, but that was my situation. Avi moved so I could suck him as he sucked me. It was a perfect fit. If I closed my eyes I was with Ralph again. He had the same hard cock, the same rich brew of manly juices and the same musky smell.

He pulled his legs up do his hole was open. I did the same. Raj's brother came to Avi and eased his member into Avi willing ass. I was below Avi so Ravi's low hanging balls touched my nose. Ravi's member was long and curved when fully erect. I could taste the blacksmith react as Ravi's cock slipped deeper. I felt a finger massaging my hole. A second or two later a blunt headed cock poked at my hole. I shifted my position a little and a thick man probe pushed through my sphincter. I couldn't see who it was. I didn't think it was big enough to be the Guru's monster. I guessed it was one of his assistants.

Raj told me later that typically the Gurus were the second or third cock to penetrate an ass. Their cocks were so large one or two preliminary penetrations were made by this monks to insure the guest was open and willing. The monks were to shoot their seed in the guests hole so the entire chute was lubricated for the Guru's entry.

Ravi pulled out of Avi's ass when he climaxed. He was still shooting as he withdrew and some of his seed drooled from the ass on my face. This excited me. As he withdrew another man took his place. This man was a thickly hung Monk. During the few seconds between the two fuckers I saw Avi's ass quiver in anticipation. I felt the man in my ass jerking violently as he climaxed in my ass. He pulled out and I felt empty. A much larger member took his place. By the time this man's knob was on the dark side of my sphincter, I knew it was the Abbot. Lubricated by the monk's orgasm, the Abbott's cock slid in with out effort or pain. The Abbot and the monk began to chant as they rhythmically pumped and thrust their organs into our quivering holes.

The four of us merged to become a single sexual entity. The boundaries between our bodies seem to vanish as the pulsing cocks began to absorb us. I felt incomplete without the Abbot in my ass and Avi's cock in my mouth. Over the next two or three hours all of us merged. Almost every man there fucked me and I had fucked many of them.

I thought this sense of merger was perhaps a romantic fantasy created in my idyllic Oxford days, but I soon understood that it was common to all of us. Jimmy and Murad, our two least poetic and least imaginative members were feeling the same way. Oddly the feelings weren't romantic at all, it was pure sex, pure physical passion without the emotional or romantic aspect.

That might seem vulgar or superficial, but the Guru's would have disagreed about that. Sex is the most intense physical experience a man can have and there certainly isn't anything superficial about that.

While the men, monks and Guru's were evenhanded, I became a favorite of the Abbott and the five guru's who accompanied him. They saw I was particularly responsive to large cocks. They saw how easily I took the Abbott's cock and wanted share my pleasure. They were all had huge members and the cult requited the fucking be painless. That must have been rare, so I was a prime candidate to give them pleasure.

If you had told me I was going to fucked by twenty or thirty heathen Indians I would have run away in terror. In fact it was pleasurable beyond my wildest imaginings. The Guru's and their votaries had investigated every possible way to give and get pleasure; it was a wondrous experience.

The Abbot shot his load into my ass as Avi flooded my mouth with his seed. The Abbot's ejaculations were forceful in the extreme and I felt his manly seed almost tickling my rectum. An attendant picked me up and carried me to another Guru. He sat me on the Guru's cock. This Guru was older and had a thick white beard and a main of unruly hair. The attendant sucked my cock and balls as the Guru slowly pulsed his organ against my prostate.

As the night proceeded the sex it got messy. My ass filled with man seed and when a new man fucked me, see spurted from my cock and coated the man's organ and pubic hair. When you sucked a cock or rimmed as ass, sperm got on your beards and mustaches. Eventually our sphincters relaxed. When I opened Avi's legs to fuck him his hole open and man seed drooled. When I eased my cock into the orifice, he tightened his sphincter and again I was transported back to Scotland and Ralph.

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