The Smithy

Published on Oct 30, 2008


The Smithy 10

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

It seems to me that much of the conventional language of sex relates to conquest and surrender. A lover lays siege to his beloved and after a long battle the beloved surrenders and is conquered. The conquered one looses her virginity and is no longer pure. This language is entirely inappropriate for the men at the Chateau of DeLaval. Here all were available and receptive. One needed only to ask and it was granted. The only stress was waiting for the next sexual interlude. For the life of me I can find no virtue in virginity without pleasure.

In the conservatory hidden servants several times a day turned on sprinklers on the glass ceiling and showered the room in warm water. This gentle rain washed away the semen and other fluids that drooled from the genitals of the assembled men. I was embarrassed when Ali and Abdul's seed drooled from my ass. This bothered no one. Indeed, the Duke himself came up to me, had me bend over and rimmed my ass, collecting the remains of his friends' orgasms. It seems he regarded these remains as a delicacy.

Since Pierre, Edgar and I were new to the group we were much sought after. Edgar had been afraid he was too old for the group, but that wasn't the case. He and his genitals were in constant demand. I didn't know if this was because the group was egalitarian in its principles, or simply interested in novelty. What ever it was, the result was pleasurable.

While I enjoyed many men that afternoon, Abdul, Emile and Stavros stayed near me and kept an eye on me. We didn't have a conventional dinner. Food appeared at intervals. This was in bite sized pieces called hors d'oeuvres. I wasn't sure I had ever heard of such things, but they seemed to be the rage here. Meat was served on skewer's. It was quite delicious and exotic.

Professor Schmidt came up to me. "There are two more days of this, We must retire to the bedrooms and rest. You will be exhausted otherwise. I was a bit tired and went to bed. He joined me shortly. I discovered he wasn't entirely sincere about needing rest. His generously scaled organ had no problem penetrating my ass. One arm played with the hair on my chest while his cock caressed my rectum. I was entirely passive. He did all the work. I dosed off several times to be woken by his orgasms. I had only to enjoy and accept the fruits of his balls.

I fell asleep with his cock in my ass and woke the next morning with his cock in place. When I woke I slipped out of the bed, put on my robe and went to the pool to bathe. The conservatory was empty except for servants cleaning and some gardeners. One of these was a huge man with a shock of white hair and matching bushy beard. He was directing two healthy lads installing new ornamental plantings on the edge of the pool. As was the case elsewhere, all were nude.

I went over to him, "The plants are lovely."

"Yes," he replied I a deep bass voice. "The Duke likes to have everything at it's prime." The gardener spoke in refined, educated French, unlike most of the servants.

"With the artificial rain from the sprinklers, it should ease your task," I said. "Is there an elevated tank to maintain water pressure?" I'm afraid my interests in hydraulics comes to the fore even when talking with a naked gardener.

"Several of the the turrets and towers of the Chateau hold tanks," he replied. "They look as if they were pure examples of the architect's fancy, but they are most useful for me. I take it you are M. Fairbairn?"

"Yes, I am. How did you know?"

"Emile, the strong man, mentioned you. We are friends, close friends, I am Louis LeFarge, former professor of Botany at the Sorbonne."

When he said he was a friend of Emile, my member began to get firm. As often happens, my cock betrayed my feelings. Louis was a handsome man, with a barrel chest and strong arms. His hair was white on his head, salt and pepper on his chest and pitch black at his bush. His balls seemed to disappear in the pubic forest, but his cock peaked out. Peaked is the wrong word. It didn't appear to be long, but it was wide. His head was at least the size of an English penny. It was three quarters exposed and his slit was wide.

"Emile said you were a handsome man," Louis said. "Let me show you another part of our water works." We walked onto the temple side of the garden and then under a waterfall. This water was heated and served as a shower bath. He embraced me under the water and we kissed. To the rear of the waterfall, concealed from view, was a grotto room. There was a bed, covered in furs. We got on it and I nursed on his member and he explored mine. His manhood was massive and hard, but surprisingly tender. I had to stretch my mouth wide to take even the knob, but every movement my tongue made against his cock head caused a reaction. He shivered, twitched and moaned, but most of all he oozed the sweet nectar of his balls.

Louis had swallowed my cock whole and worshiped my cock with enthusiasm. I was enthralled as his ball ooze heightened my sexual excitement. He suddenly stopped moving and a second later my mouth was filled with his seed. My entire mouth cavity was filled. My tongue was enveloped in his cream. I was shocked both at the amount and its temperature. It was hot, almost steamy. It was as if his balls were boilers, heating his seed for release. I forced my tongue into the wide slit to stop it up. That dammed the seed in his shaft. He shivered as the fluids backed up. That worked for a few seconds, but then my mouth flooded a second time.

After a few more explosive ejaculations Louis calmed down and the ejaculations diminished. For a brief moment I had been afraid. I was going to choke, but once the flow diminished, I wanted to get every drop. His cock head had become acutely sensitive following the orgasm, but I continued to lick it. His slit may well have been more than a half inch wide. I got my tongue deep into his shaft and cleaned up the remaining seed.

While we played Emile had come into the grotto unnoticed. He slipped his cock into my ass. I hadn't expected that, but it was welcome none the less. He pumped my ass as I milked Louis.

"The young man has no need for breakfast, I take it, Louis?"

"None at all."

"I should have warned you, my friend Robert, Louis is an anatomical wonder. Did you take it all?"

I lifted my head away from Louis's crotch long enough to say yes.

"Some men gag, some choke. You are a wonder. Only I have been able to do that," Emile said. He began to pump wildly. He started to moan as he rear loaded me. Louis had a second orgasm, much to my surprise. As man seed spurted into my body I relaxed and enjoyed the sensations. I left the grotto, showered in the waterfall and returned to the pool.

The pool was empty. I jumped in and swam the length. I heard a splash when I got to the other end. It was Abdul. He jumped into the water and came to me. We talked for a short while. It was difficult, since his grasp of French was limited. Eventually I realized he wanted some private sex lessons. He was new to male sex. He liked everything he had done, but he wanted to learn more, privately rather than in front of two dozen men. Abdul was afraid he would lose face.

The day before I had sucked him and he and fucked me, but I wasn't sure his lips had touched a cock. He told me his ass was virgin. Abdul had no desire to stay a virgin, but he wanted to learn without a large audience. "Your Uncle Ali hasn't deflowered you?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No. I would like that, but he is so big. He is afraid he would hurt me." We got out of the pool and went to my room. Schmidt was still asleep, so I went to Pierre and Edgar's room. Pierre was awake and I explained our problem. I sat down and offered my cock to Abdul. He was uneasy, but once he tasted it he grew more enthusiastic. Pierre lubricated his cock and very gently opened Abdul's ass.

Pierre's cock was well scaled, but not exceptional. It was ideal for a young man's first foray into anal sex. Pierre took his time and slowly pushed into the Arab's hole. Abdul shook when Pierre's knob popped through the sphincter. Abdul was tense for a few seconds then relaxed. Pierre did what might be described as an anal massage. Abdul loved it. The deeper Pierre pushed his cock, the more enthusiastically Abdul sucked my cock.

Edgar was awake now. Pierre pulled out and let Edgar take his place. Edgar had a much thicker member and it was harder for Abdul to take at first. Edgar was gentle too, and he worked on stretching Abdul's sphincter. I was next in line. Schmidt was up and too my place in the chair. Abdul liked sucking the professor's member. All of Pierre and Edgar efforts at the young Arab's ass was worth it. My cock slid in deeply without effort. All was well.

That evening I saw Abdul sitting on Ali's cock squirming in pleasure. Both men were in an ecstasy induced trance. The rest of the weekend turned into a sexual fog. While I met and enjoyed many men, Emile, Stavros, Ali, Abdul and the professor were most attentive. M. LaFarge joined us when he could. Professor Schmidt was right about exhaustion. By the time we left I needed to sleep for a full day. My vacation was over and I had to return to England.

Life at Oxford seem very quiet and staid compared to my Paris adventures. That wasn't a bad thing. I enjoyed a quiet life of study. I was interested in my academic pursuits and as I got deeper into my studies, I became more interested and fascinated. Hydraulics was my obsession and I also became interested in machinery. My father greatly approved of that.

All work with no play is a well known problem, but I had a problem with all play and no work. My father regarded his work as being of benefit to society. He felt if you had a gift for such things, you had to develop it. I was quiet shocked when he told me he was going to remarry. He was nervous when he told me. My father was afraid I wouldn't understand his need for companionship and affection. I understood his needs.

He introduced me to Mme. Willamina Bruckner the next time I was home. Willy, as he called her was a widowed Swiss lady of some accomplishments. She was a painter and illustrator of botanical materials. She began as a conventional lady flower painter, but she had done some illustrations for a learned book for her brother. These had been well received and she became a much sought after artist. I looked through one of the books and saw that she combined technical precision with artistic grace. Her illustration were both informative and beautiful too look at.

When I closed the book, I noted the author's name, M. Louis DeFarge, Sorbonne, Paris. "Is M.LaFarge your bother?" I asked.

"I am his youngest sister," she replied in her French accent. "My parents died when I was 11. Louis raised me and my sisters. He is a wonderful man. I think I share some of his scientific interests."

Willy naturally was nervous at meeting the grown son of her future husband, but after a hour of conversations all was well. She was very different from my mother, but they were obviously well suited for each other. Her husband had died in the shipwreck of the Macedonian five years earlier. She had been able to support herself on her skill as an artist. At first she had struck me as being a bit plain, but as I got to know her I saw she was a handsome woman. I assumed she was in her mid thirties, but I detected no falseness in her affection for my father.

That I was attracted to her bother as my father was attracted to her was a great coincidence. I realized he felt a sexual connection to her. Several years earlier I might have been shocked to think my father was having sexual relations with another woman. Now I felt relieved. I had worried about him being alone in the great house. They were married in Venice. Willy wanted to see the city. My father returned a happy man. Venice had been a revelation to him. He loved it. Willy embellished the house with sketches of the city. A year later she gave birth to twin girls. My father was overjoyed.

My own life was more than satisfactory. My studies fascinated me, and I got a note from Ralph asking if I could visit. Mac, our Scots friend, was planning to visit with several comrades. The visit was to take place over the Christmas break. Ralph thought I would enjoy a visit. I knew I would enjoy it. I had to do some research in London ,so I was able to leave Oxford early and I got to Ralph's cottage a week before Christmas.

Ralph had added a room to his cottage. This gave him a bed room. He thought this was a great luxury. Ralph was cheerful as always and was much interested in my studies. Ralph wasn't an educated man, but he was most interested in science. We played checkers and I lost as usual. I brought him a gift, a chess set. We spent an evening going over the rules, Ralph was fascinated. The next day we played our first game. As a lark I suggested the winner could fuck the looser. We played three games and Ralph spent the rest of the night with his cock in my ass. I took the losses well. When I first met Ralph two years earlier I had been a virgin. The first time Ralph screwed my was the most exciting thing I had ever felt. I was by no means a virgin now, but his cock still worked its magic.

"You are much more open that you use to be," Ralph said, "Have you been practicing?"

"I don't know what to say."

Ralph laughed. "I am no shrinking violet. I'm afraid I don't save myself for our next meeting. We are friends. You can't have too many friends. There is no reason not to enjoy yourself."

"I may have too many friends."

Ralph smiled. "I don't think so. I think sex is like food. You can eat many things, some is just all right, some is tasty, some is delicious. I don't eat only delicious food. It's all good. Some may be better or more exciting than others, but it's still good. You are open! Does it still feel good?"

"As far as I can tell, it feels better," I said. "I think you're going deeper." He gave me a few hard thrusts, and I couldn't talk any more. Actually I couldn't breathe. When I woke the next morning, I remembered sex is magic. The primitive people who worshiped fertility gods and goddesses understood more about life than we moderns.

At mid morning I heard the sound of marching feet. I looked out the window and saw Mac and five other kilted men. They were all impressive looking. All were bearded and looked huge, especially in their uniforms. They were a hearty group and they seemed that they were in good spirits. In Ralph they saw a like spirit. I was a gentleman and they were a bit uneasy.

In their uniforms and kilts they looked alike. It was cold and damp outside, but Ralph had built a good fire and the cottage was warm. As the soldiers began to strip off layers of heavy woolen clothes, they began to turn into individuals.

Two of the men had red hair, and massive beards. Duncan and Alistair were striking men. It took me a little while to realize they weren't just similar, they were identical twins. George had pitch black hair and looked the way I would have visualized Blackbeard the pirate. He was both boisterous and cheerful. I had never met a man whose appearance so belied his personality.

The smallest man was Charles. He was the oldest man there, with his brown beard streaked with white. While he was of average height, he appeared to be quite muscular. The youngest of the men was Jamie. He was blond and was perhaps twenty.

Jamie had a golden blond beard, curly and full. It was an older man's beard on the body of young man. I talked to him and realized he was from a very humble background. He had a strong accent that was hard to understand. The army saved him from a life of poverty. He was shy. I think he was afraid of making a mistake. He relaxed greatly as we talked. Mac joined us. Mac knew his family and it seemed that Mac had recruited him as well as several of the other men. As a group they would have been fine examples of Highlanders of olden times.

As the cottage got warmer, the soldiers removed more clothes and they got to be more attractive. Ralph was talking with the twins as he stirred a cauldron of venison stew.

Someone knocked on the door. I answered it and found Angus and Alexander, the father-son masons I had met on my first visit with Ralph, and Robert the dwarf who worked with them. A few moment later there was another knock. This time it was Ram, Big Jack and Earnest.

It had begun to snow outside. There had been scattered flakes when Angus arrived. When Ram came snow was falling at good pace, and the wind picked up. The cottage was cozy and warm. Ralph made introductions. In a short while the soldiers and locals had intermixed.

The new guests soon stripped down to the level of the soldiers. Ralph stripped off his clothes and stirred the cauldron naked. Mac was next and a minute later we were all naked. The soldiers had been puzzled about Robert, but when he was naked he was most popular. Most of the men in the cottage were tall. Robert's mouth was at cock level. Robert wasn't shy and went for Mac's meat. Mac was playful and loved the attention. I noted that men who are as well hung as Mac have no problem getting naked or erect.

Once Mac was sexually involved his soldiers followed suit. Ralph was involved with the twins. George connected with Big Jake and Earnest. Charles mated with Angus and Alexander. I got close to Jamie and Ram joined us. Jamie was young, uneasy and excited. He had a beautiful body, slim and muscular. His beard was curly, but his chest hair was silky. It was concentrated at his tits and in the middle of his chest then flowed like a silken river to his bush. He had a long, white snake at half staff.

I was talking with Jamie when Ram fell to his knees and sucked him. Jamie looked shocked and then relieved. "Have you ever had a Maharajah suck your cock before?" I asked. Jamie shook his head.

"He's good at it, isn't he?" I asked. The young Scot nodded. Ram looked up and winked at me. He stood and I sank to the floor. Jamie's cock was fully erect and oozing. Just the way I like it. His cock was long and thin. It curved downward to he was easy to deep throat.

"You are a handsome man," Ram said to Jamie. "Tell how can I please you."

"This is good."

"Do you like to fuck?" Ram asked. I looked and saw Jamie was fondling Ram's impressive cock.

"Do you?" Jamie asked the massive Indian.

"Oh yes. I like to top and to bottom."

"Could I fuck you?" Jamie asked.

"Yes, that is possible," Ram said, "But I must tell you I only accept the cocks of men who can accept mine. I am a big man. I think it is good rule to only do what one is willing to have done to himself."

"The golden rule?"Jamie said. "I can take big ones," "Mac taught me how." By now Jamie was lmost excited.

Next: Chapter 11

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