The Smartest Man in the World

Published on Jul 16, 2022


The Smartest Man in the World 3

Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. If you are offended by stories about gay men and gay sex, or if you are under age, DO NOT READ IT. It is not a guide to safe sexual techniques. It does not depict real men, or real situations. It does not depict necessary safe sex practices. Fantasy characters can do anything they want, real men can not!

Two weeks later Roger was having another party weekend. This was for a group he called "the Boys." He took me aside to explain "the Boys." As I guessed "the Boys" were wealthy.

"They aren't conventionally handsome," he explained. "They are smart, and some are very smart. They are lacking in many of the social graces. While they are gay, they are not the sort of men who could pick up a guy for casual sex. Some of that is because they are terrified of discovery. They rest are because they aren't babe magnets."

Roger laughed, and added, "I guess in this situation I should use the phrase "stud magnet." They are either too shy, or two afraid of rejection. Most of them are too timid."

"They won't pay for the service?" I asked.

"One or two have had a problem with sadists. One man had the trick tell him there wasn't enough money in the world to get him to suck him off," Roger explained. "The men do not like humiliation. Do you think you could help to entertain them?"

"Do you think they would be interested in me?" I asked.

Roger smiled, "That is not a problem. I assume you have noticed that Willy and Billy are nice guys. The work for me because they don't seem to have a mean bone in their bodies. That, combined with their sex drives are my ideal employees. I think you share the same traits."

At mid-day on Friday I was at the private airstrip picking up four men. Howard, Miller, Rex and Igor were not handsome men. Miller was an inch or two taller than a dwarf. Howard was overweight. Rex was built like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, but lacked the scarecrows good looks. Igor was tall, pale and had an overly pronounced brow ridge. He didn't look exactly like Frankenstein, but he could have been a cousin.

Igor sat next to me in the front seat. He had what I thought was Russian accent. I later found out he was Bulgarian. He was concert pianist, but was best known as an accompanist for opera singers. My knowledge about opera was near zero, but that was better than my knowledge about Bulgaria. I didn't know Bulgaria was a country. When we went by a bunch of cactuses, he asked us to stop. He had never seen a cactus before. He had no idea a cactus could be tall, and was impressed.

Miller was a lexicographer, and Rex was archaeologist. Howard was a computer nerd. I had no idea what a lexicographer did. Back at the house there were two more guests, Talbot and Sean. Talbot was an international banker and Sean was retired. I figured it would be a long weekend.

After lunch the men went to the pool. Sometimes I play a little game of trying to guess what a man looks like naked from the way they look clothed. I only rarely guess right. With this group I didn't guess correctly once.

They were wearing white swimming trunks at the pool. They were semi-transparent when wet. Willy, Billy and I were wearing what seemed like a paint on version of the guests' trunks. Roger entered nude. He didn't have a perfect body, but his cock looked good.

I stood up and took my trunks. I was next to Miller. "Do you give samples?" he asked.

"I sure go!" I replied as I stepped nearer to him. He peeled off his trunks exposing his uncut tool.

"Do I have to take your cum?" he asked.

"That's not required, but I do make front or rear deliveries if you are into that," I replied.

"I can make deliveries too, but I make a mess," Miller replied.

"I have a feeling that what you call a mess; I call a snack," I said. Miller laughed as I bent over to suck him. He was hairy enough to be a bear if he had been taller, but he he was too masculine to appeal to a Paddington fetishist. He had that form of dwarfism with a full sized body, but short extremities. I wasn't one hundred percent positive was an extremity was, but I soon realized Miller's cock was not an extremity. It was full size and in peak operating condition.

Almost immediately I tasted precum. It was rich and plentiful. His cock twitched and his slit drooled. Miller had seemed up tight. Once he was hard, he was appreciative. He asked if he could suck my cock. I suggested we sixty-nined.

He later told me this was the first time he had sixty-nined, and it had been wonderful. He told me that usually he just sucked, and his partner left after he shot off. After I took his load, he asked if we could take a break.

That was fine with me. We broke apart and talked. It turned out that a lexicographer works on dictionaries. He was senior editor for a dictionary of scientific terms. This was the first time he had been to the Castle. He came with Rex, who was one of Roger's old friends. Miller said he rarely left New York and had never been to California. An all expense paid vacation to too much to turn down.

"Rex told me I would really like it here," Miller said and then he added in a whisper, "I had no idea what that meant."

"Are you okay with it?" I asked.

Miller smiled. "I am a lot more than just okay with it."

Igor came over to us and asked, "May I join you?" Miller said that was fine and Igor pulled a chair closer. Since Miller and I were nude, Igor stripped.

"You men seem to be getting along well," Igor remarked. "Did you know each other before?

"My friend has a knack for making friends," Miller said.

"My mom said that life is so short, you should make as many friends as you can," I said. "I agree with that 100%. I kind of expanded that. I tend to be oversexed. I don't put off to tomorrow what I can do today."

"Is that a tasteful way of saying you are a bit slutty?" Igor asked.

"I guess you could say that," I replied.

"Would I offend you if I said, that I'm a lot more than a bit slutty?" He asked.

"Don't worry about me," Miller said. "It takes a long time for me to recharge. I think Igor would enjoy you. If you are in the mood."

"I'm always in the mood," I said. "If you and Igor are friends, I don't want to cause problems."

"We share!" Miller and Igor said together. "For your information, Igor is a top," Miller added.

This may sound tacky, but my ass can be more open than my mind," I said. The men laughed as I dropped to my knees and began to suck Igor's cock.

While all cocks function the same way, there is great variety in the possible arrangement of a cock and two balls. Igor's cock was long, thin and curved up towards his navel. I swiveled around so I could get all of it down my throat. That meant my cock was near his mouth. That didn't bother him at all. He took it all. My tongue had pushed his foreskin back and I alternated caressing his knob with my tongue and taking his shaft deep in my throat.

I could tell he was getting excited. I was surprised when I shot off in his mouth. He began to shoot, so both of us were drinking the others man seed. I was briefly afraid that would be too much for him. For me, too much sperm is just enough.

Igor pulled off, swiveled around and kissed me. My mouth was filled with his sperm and his was filled with mine. Igor was almost frantic trying to get as much sperm into his mouth. I felt the same need, but since he was a guest, I let him feast on the quivering fluids. After a few minutes, we broke apart. The men who had been watching us politely applauded.

There were two ways to consider that incident. It could be two slutty men going at it, or it could be two sexual athletes going for the gold medal in the pairs competition. The men selected the second option. Of course, some thought it was an old guy trading sperm with a young man. That seemed to be an attractive thought for all of the guests.

It was getting late. Marcel and Dominic were making dinner. Those who knew them knew a fine dinner was the next item on the agenda. Marcel did not disappoint. Roger wanted a party in a beautiful house with fine food, interesting conversation, and sexually generous guests and staff. It was a total experience. He told me he always planned for non-sexual interludes. This gave men a chance to rest so their bodies could reload and recharge.

Roger told me that while sex could only be so bad, sex combined with affection and respect was his ideal. "All the guests here like sex. But they also appreciate being with a man who is respectful and friendly. They have no interest with the slam-bang-thank-you ma'am approach to sex."

"I'm not much of a lover," I said.

"You may not have noticed, but you are an enjoyable friend with benefits," Roger said. "Your benefits include being affable, cheerful, and most men think your cock serves sperm fit for the most picky connoisseur."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked.

"I have noticed that each of your cock spurts contains a love token," Roger said. "I watched Igor. He noticed the little bit of love."

It was a hot night, and we stayed near the pool. Marcel and Dominic joined the group around the pool after they cleaned up. Willy and Marcel were with Howard. Talbot and Sean were with Billy and Dominic.

Rex joined Miller, Igor and me. Rex was an outdoor type. He was in good shape, all man but not handsome. His body was well used. His muscles were from hard work. He had a good tan due to the sun, not a bottle.

I was surprised that the evenings couplings were surprisingly intimate. Everyone was naked, semi-erect and excited, but things were relaxed. Most of us had just met, but it was as if sex with men you barely knew was an ordinary, every day activity. As far as I could tell no one said no, or objected to any activity. It seemed that every organ fit in any available opening. It was comfortable, friendly sex between men who barely knew each other.

I had thought the tenseness of first time sex added to the excitement. It seemed that my contact with another man's genitals was all the excitement I needed. Unease and worry added nothing. While I was a young man and my playmates were much older, I was much more sexually experienced, so things balanced out.

Rex told me that years ago he had an affair with a noted professor who was the head of a major expedition. It took him years to be accepted as a scholar, and not a man who sucked his way to the top.

"They didn't know I didn't fuck my way to the top," he said. "It turned out the professor wrote a report that claimed many of my discoveries and my analysis was his. He was using me, not the other way around." He said avoided sex with other archaeologist since then. Since he was a noted field archaeologist and spent a good part of the year on expeditions, that limited his sexual opportunities.

Since I was horny as shit and knew nothing about archaeology I was the perfect sexual playmate for me. He was perfect for Miller and Igor. Rex looked good to them. Had he been drop dead gorgeous, he would have scared them off.

I soon realized that Rex had long repressed sexual needs. Group sex with three men hit the spot with him. I am a nice guy and I don't think I'm dolt, but one of my more charitable teachers mentioned that education barely impinged on my mind. Miller and Igor were men of intellectual and artistic achievements. Rex said it was too bad that taking gifted men's sperm was only recreational and not beneficial otherwise. We all got along well. Their cocks were varied and they were interested in new and varied experiences. They seemed to think I was fragile, and were careful. They were also both imaginative and very horny.

After messing around for an hour, they discovered that when Rex's slightly above average sized cock was in my ass, there was room for a second cock. Miller and Igor had large tools. When I sat on Igor's cock, Rex could work his cock into me and massage Igor's tool. Rex's cock forced Igor's cock into a tight connection with my prostate. I almost passed out it was so good. Miller fed my mouth with his cock so we were all sexually connected.

A little later Rex and Miller changed places. Miller's small legs allowed his cock to go deeper into me. After about ten minutes we had a triple orgasm. We went to the pool and cooled off. I thought that we would be worn out, but a half hour we were back at it. A half hour later we were back at it again. It was more like an oral or anal cock massage. It was mellow and relaxed.

I discovered that mellow and relaxed does not exclude orgasms. Miller was sucking my cock as I nursed Rex's cock. Out of the blue, Miller was lapping up my full fledged orgasm. Seconds later Rex lost it a flooded my mouth with his sperm. It was beautiful.

We went to bed as it was late. Igor shared my bed. Every time he slipped his cock into my ass, I woke up as he was forcefully ejaculating his seed into me. I fell asleep with his cock still in me. When I woke the next morning, Igor was sound asleep and I was feeling great.

I went to the kitchen to help Dominic get breakfast ready. Marcel was occupied with Talbot. That got me some Brownie points with Roger. It seemed that Roger hoped to get a loan from Talbot's bank. Talbot having some quality time with Marcel was more important than breakfast.

Roger gave the men a tour of the Castle and the surrounding desert. I stayed at the Castle with Sean, Talbot's friend. Sean was bald with a Santa type beard. He had a hairy chest which made it look as if the beard was continuous to his navel. The white beard contrasted with his thin, tanned body. He was in good shape for a man his early seventies.

He told me he had outlived most of his buddies. He had been appraiser who specialized in art and antiques, and was still called to do important estates. He had just done a multi-millionaire's estate. He said it was a nightmare. The man had bad taste but knew what he liked. He also liked bargains and didn't like professional advice. Half of the collection was of Indian and Western collectibles. Most of the "art" was looted, stolen or made in Japan. That caused a problem with the heirs, and Sean was brought in to calm things down.

During a lull in the conversation, I leaned over and licked his cock. That was a total success. Apparently, Sean thought he was getting impotent. Having a young guy sucking him took care of that problem. Five minutes after he became erect, precum began to flow. A few minutes later the flow became quite generous.

I looked up and asked, "Do you want me to take your load? You may have noticed I take it in the mouth or ass."

"I haven't fucked a man in years. You would really take it in the ass?" he asked. Two minutes later I was on my back with my legs pulled up and apart. Sean had a six inch cock with a large, flared knob. He was careful, but his precum provided all the lubricant he needed.

I guess you could say that fucking an ass is like riding a bicycle, you never forget. Sean must have been a master top in his prime. His cock was both comfortable and sexually stimulating. It wasn't a challenge, but it knew where all the good spots were.

I later figured out that Sean was the master of the prostate massage. His average cock crowned by an over sized knob did the trick. Sean knew what he was doing, and he seemed to know how much cock head-prostate interaction I could take. He seemed to know when I was close to shooting off. He would then push in deep and release the pressure on the prostate gland. The deep strokes were not as intense as the knob-gland interactions, so I could relax a little.

After about fifteen minutes, I said, "I don't think I can take his much longer. I need to shoot."

Sean rammed my prostate. I shot off as he pushed in deep and ejaculated for what seemed like minutes. I was experienced enough to know that time stands still during orgasms. His ejaculation induced my orgasm. It was beautiful.

We pulled apart when our balls were drained.

"It's been years since I had a joint orgasm," Sean said. "I loved it, but there is a little bit of me that wishes you shot off in my mouth so I could eat your man seed. My partner was uncomfortable eating my seed. He was good about everything else, so it wasn't a problem."

"The day is young," I said. "Maybe we could sixty-nine and trade our load later."

"I would like that," Sean said. "Would that be a chore for you? You don't need to do it unless you want it. Eating a man's sperm is awfully intimate."

"Well, it's not a proposal of marriage, but it's a thousand times more intense and exciting than a cock poked through a glory hole," I said. "I have to want to take a load. I want yours."

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