The Smart Kid

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Jul 31, 2023


The Smart Kid-Part 9



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This series of stories will involve sexual acts between teen males and will involve bondage and many other things. If this is not your thing, please go elsewhere.

After Mr. Mitchell heard me use the word, Master, his entire body froze and the silence in the stall was almost maddening, the only movement was my erection bouncing up and down. Finally, I heard him take in a deep breath,

"Did you say, your Master?"

"Yes Sir."

His hands gently caressed my chest and abdomen,

"Well, you're master is certainly very lucky."

He again pinched my nipples, harder this time, as I groaned,

"So, your master left you here like this and you are not allowed to cum, anything else you are not allowed to do?"

"Yes Sir, no one is to touch my hole."

"Now that is a shame, I bet it's just as tight as the rest of your body."

The way he was looking at me made me a bit uneasy, something that increased as he said,

"The number of times I lay in bed at night, jerking off to the thought of having you just as you are now, although I always imagined giving you a blow job too, but since that is not allowed, you can give me one."

I had figured this was coming, but still was surprised when he pulled off his suit jacket, hung it up, and then slid his pants and underwear down to the floor. His cock was larger than my own and fatter too and very erect. Unlike me, he was cut and his balls were huge, then I heard,

"This cock is not going to suck itself, get to work."

Other than Jared, I had never had a cock in my mouth and this one was much larger than Jared's. Staying on my knees I maneuvered myself closer until my face was almost touching his cock and ran my tongue up his shaft, hearing him take in a deep breath as I did. Running my tongue over the head he groaned and since I knew he was enjoying it I kept it up, running circles around it as it became more slick with his pre cum I noticed he tasted much different than Jared, more musky. With my hands cuffed behind me it was difficult to keep his erection in one place as it throbbed and pulsed, then he said,

"Take it in your mouth."

I did as he said, the head slipping inside easily and as it did I felt it harden even more as he grabbed my head on both sides and forced it down as a couple inches of his shaft slid into me. I tried to back off, not used to this I was having trouble breathing,

"Breath through your nose and relax your throat, you're doing great."

As the head of his cock started to touch the back of my throat I gagged and he relaxed his hands allowing me to get used to it, then as he pushed my head down again the same thing happened. He paused and said,

"This is your first cock isn't it?"

With his cock in my mouth I could only mumble,


"Relax your throat and let it happen."

As he forced my head down I gagged again, his hands left the sides of my head and I felt them on my nipples, caressing them, then suddenly he pinched them hard enough that my mouth opened wider, and at the same time he thrust his hips up and his shaft slid down my throat. I started gagging again, but he held my head in place until I calmed down now aware that my face was buried in his pubic hair and his entire cock was down my throat. It took a while but I got used to it, then he relaxed his hips and most of his cock slipped out but he thrust up again driving it back inside of my throat, groaning loudly as he did. Each time he thrust his hips up it felt like his erection swelled even more, then he made an odd noise and as he thrusts his hips I felt something deep inside of me and tasted his cum as it spurt after spurt of it shot out, the volume made me again but he held my head firmly in place until his erection calmed down, then he relaxed his hips and slid his cock out and said,

"Lick it clean."

I did as he said, lapping every inch of his cock with my tongue until he said,

"Good boy."

As I watched him get dressed he said,

"It's going to be very interesting to have you in my class again in the fall Evan, very interesting indeed."

Once dressed he fondled every inch of my body again, pausing to pinch my nipples several times, then,

"I should get back to work."

After he opened the stall door he grinned at me and said,

"I'll just leave this open then."

He did, he left the door wide open and walked away. I was now naked, very erect, hands cuffed behind me with some of his cum on my face and no way to cover up or getaway. When I heard the door to the changing room open my body froze and it seemed like I wasn't breathing, footsteps approached but stopped and entered another stall, then a few more people entered, luckily taking other stalls. A few minutes later footsteps approached and it soon became apparent they were heading to my stall, hoping it was Jared I was instead humiliated to hear,

"Evan, is that you?"

I had been looking at the ground, hoping anyone coming by would not recognize me but the voice sounded familiar and I looked up just enough to see Eric, a boy from my school, the same age as me but in the grade behind me. I saw the confusion on his face and hoped he would just close the door but he recovered and caught on quickly,

"Who did this to you, who left you like this?"

I had no other choice, there was a good chance that Jared knew him, my eyes were on the ground,

"My Master."

At that point I looked up enough to see he was checking out the mirror, now seeing the cuffs and my obviously spanked ass he stepped forward hesitantly, probably waiting for me to say something but when I didn't he stepped right in and closed the door.

"You have a Master?"

I nodded my head.

I could hear him sniffing, then leaning down towards my face he asked,

"Is that cum on your face?"

My entire body flushed red as I said,


There was a long pause, then,

"If I dropped my pants would you suck me?"

"My Master told me to obey as long as no one allows me to cum or touches my hole."

Eric took in a deep breath then chuckled, a moment later his pants hit the floor quickly followed by his boxers, as I looked up I saw his cock was hard, not as big as Mr. Mitchell's, but close, then,

"Suck my cock, Evan."

Eric stepped closer and groaned as my tongue made contact with the head of his cock, I repeated what I had done earlier, circling it before taking it into my mouth. Unlike Mr. Mitchell, Eric didn't touch me at all, and with my throat a little more experienced I managed to slide my head forward and take half of his shaft into me and seconds later my face was pushed against his pubes, his cock down my throat.

"Oh fuck! You're good at this."

I moved my head back and forth and noticed that he was getting very excited, his cock swelling, his moans getting louder, then he slipped his hips backward, pulling his cock from my throat. He grasped it in his left hand and started stroking, a monet later spurt after spurt of his cum landed in my hair and all over my face, leaking down onto my body. He pulled his boxers and pants up, smiled, and said,

"Thanks, my girlfriend won't let me do that. Fuck, you're a good cocksucker."

With that he opened the door, not bothering to close it again, and left.

The stall now had a distinct aroma of cum and as Eric's dripped down my face, then y torso my cock pulsed, finally some of his cum landed on it and it drove me wild as my foreskin stretched even tighter. Even with no stimulation I felt myself getting very close to shooting my load and had to concentrate to prevent it, I thought of anything possible to calm myself down and minutes later, although still very hard I was no longer on the verge of ejaculating. I wondered if my day could get any more humiliating, I had just sucked my teacher and a guy from school. Not too long ago nobody had even known I was gay, now several people knew that and that I had a Master and had seen me naked, erect, red-assed with my hands cuffed behind me. Another thing became quite clear to me, my knees were getting sore, I had been on them for what seemed an eternity as I considered how much longer Jared would be I heard the change room door open and footsteps approaching, and seconds later I could see that someone was standing right beside the door to my stall, then,

"Young man, are you still in there?"

I had no choice but to answer,

"Yes, Ma'am."

She took another few steps forward and our eyes met, even though I had seen her when we entered the changing room she did a double take and it occurred to me that she hadn't noticed I was naked yet as she was only staring at my face, then she did a double take and her mouth opened,

"Evan! Is that you? I haven't seen you in year........"

Her words trailed off as her gaze began to take in my position and the lack of clothes I was wearing. Suddenly I knew that I knew her, but couldn't remember who she was, then I saw her eyes take in my erection, and as she gazed into the mirror and saw my red ass and cuffed hands she said,

"Well, you certainly have grown since I used to babysit you."

Recognition streamed into my head, Ms. Steiner, she had babysat me for years and had been a very good friend of my parents, but when they stopped needing a babysitter the relationship seemed to fade. Everything I knew about her flooded into my consciousness, she had never married and although not poor was not well to do, and of all my babysitters, she had been the strictest, always having me in bed while it was still light out.

"Why are you here, like......this?"

I couldn't believe it, the first woman to see me naked and erect was Ms. Steiner, I thought about lying, but instead,

"My Master left me like this Ms. Steiner."

I heard her snicker, then,

"Well, that explains why you've been in here so long."

When I looked up she was looking at the floor just in front of me and the cum and pre cum that was pooled there, she snickered again and said,

"I'll be right back."

When she returned she had a towel and some wet wipes in her hands, she said,

"Stand up and let's get you cleared off."

It took great effort to stand and once done my legs were shaky, my head hung down as she started wiping my face, then my torso with the wet wipes I was more humiliated than ever before. She sat on the bench and started wiping away at my pubes and my humiliation increased as my erection bounced up and down. She looked up at me and said,

"This has already dried, don't move I'll be back."

She returned quickly with her purse and after rummaging through it she pulled out a pair of small scissors, her intention obvious I said,

"No, please don't."

When her eyes met mine there was an angry expression,

"What happened to the Ma'am, young man?"

Before I could reply she pushed my body to the side, then yanked down on my shoulders until I was across her lap, with out another word her hand landed hard on my right butt cheek, then my left. My ass was still burning from my first spanking and it soon became clear that she had done this before, after a few minutes tears flowed from my eyes, down my cheeks, and onto the floor as I began sobbing and called out,

"I'm sorry Ma'am, please stop."

She kept going for another 30 seconds and then let me cry it out over her lap, her hand gently caressing my back. After guiding me to a standing position again she said,

"I should have done that while I babysat you, boys need to be kept in line. Now, let's get back to it."

To my utter embarrassment, my cock was still rock hard as she took the scissors, twirled a bunch of my pubes together, and snipped them away. I didn't have a ton of pubic hair and it only took her a couple of minutes to trim it all right down to the skin, even the few hairs on my balls.

"Now, that looks much better doesn't it?"

I glanced at the mirror, shocked as I said,

"Yes, Ma'am."

It had to be over, but instead, she ran her hand over my right leg and said,

"Hmm, this won't do, I'll be right back."

This time she was gone for several minutes and when she returned she had a tube of something in her hand, a razor, and more wet wipes. She ran the wet wipes under my arms awkwardly as they were cuffed, then opened the tube and smeared a strong-smelling cream under each one, then repeated the process on my arms, legs, and even over and inside my butt cheeks. Moments later the cream started to tingle, then the sensation got more intense until she started wiping it away. First my underarms and as she wiped I saw it was removing my hair, next my arms and legs, and finally my but cheeks and then inside my butt cheeks. She seemed delighted with herself as she said,

"Now, you are smooth as a baby's bottom."

I hesitated to look in the mirror but finally couldn't resist, what I saw horrified me, she was correct I was perfectly smooth without a hair or stubble anywhere, except around the base of my still-hard cock. She had missed it, but then,

"Just one more place to go."

My entire body flushed red as she smoothed the cream onto my balls, up and down my shaft, and all around the base, minutes later when she wiped it away I was perfectly smooth everywhere from the head down. As she was admiring her handy work the changing room door opened and footsteps approached, seconds later instead of Jared, Mr. Mitchell stood in the open doorway of the stall I was in, a huge grin on his face.

"Great job Ms. Steiner, perfect, I love smooth boys and it seems Evan likes it too."

Both of them were staring at my erection which was going wild.

"How about I apply the finishing lotion, don't want that beautiful skin to get any kind of reaction to the cream?"

Ms. Steiner grinned, looked me over, and left the stall and the room as Mr. Mitcvhell sat down on the bench, a bottle of lotion in his hand.

"Step in front of me Evan."

As I did he had me turn around and started applying the lotion slowly to every inch of my back, shoulders, the backs of my legs, and finally my butt cheeks, taking much more time than was needed. He pinched my right butt cheek, causing me to yelp, then,

"She's a very effective spanker, your ass is a perfect shade of deep red."

One of his hands grabbed my left cheek spreading it as his right hand smeared lotion down the inside and over my crack, everywhere except over my hole I hated to admit it, but at that moment I wanted his fingers inside of me. Releasing my ass cheek,

"Whoever gets to sink into you first is the luckiest person alive, that is a very sweet ass."

Turning me to face him he spent a long time smearing the lotion into every part of my body, groaning and moaning several times as he did, finally his hand cupped my balls and massaged them while his other smeared lotion up and down my shaft, seconds later I called out,

"No please, I' 'm going to cum."

He stopped instantly, waited for several minutes, and brought me to the edge again and again and again until I blurted out,

"Please, no more I'll do anything, I can't take it."

When he stopped there was a stream of pre cum leaking out of my cock, my nipples were erect and my erection was standing straight up. Smiling he stood, reached into his back pocket and before I knew what was happening, took a series of pictures of me, even turning me around to get my backside. He then patted my asscheeks and as he stepped away said,

"These pictures and the video I took of you while you were giving me head will keep me company on lonely nights Evan. Until we meet again."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please keep the comments and suggestions coming.

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