The Smart Kid

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Jul 29, 2023


The Smart Kid-Part 8



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This series of stories will involve sexual acts between teen males and will involve bondage and many other things. If this is not your thing, please go elsewhere.

It took everything I had to make it to Jared's place on time, my ass cheeks burning from the spanking meant not being able to sit on my bicycle seat. After ringing the bell and waiting for what seemed an eternity, Jared opened the door with only minutes to spare,

"Hi Evan, just on time, come in."

Inside the door, I kicked my shoes off and started to walk forward, but stopped when I heard,


The command surprised me, this was new, I opened my mouth but his voice raised,

"Strip! Now!"

I quickly pulled my t-shirt off and almost dropped it on the floor, but seeing his outstretched hand I gave it to him instead. Even though he had seen me naked it felt really odd getting naked here, right by the door, my thumbs shook a bit as they grasped the waistband of my shorts and pushed them down and off, again dropping them into his hand. As I straightened up and began to grasp the waistband of my briefs I heard a female voice from the kitchen area,

"Jared, is that you?"

Jared grinned widely as he said,

"I'd hurry if I was you, slave, that's my sister."

My eyes popped open wide, I knew his sisters, and the idea that one was so close and I was almost naked caused my heart to race. I thought of grabbing the door and running, but as I heard footsteps from the area the voice came from I pushed my briefs down and off and handed them to Jared, now naked and to my horror, fully erect. It was obvious that Jared was enjoying this, watching as I moved my weight from foot to foot as his sister got even closer, my face flushed a deep red. Now looking straight into my eyes,

"Don't ever hesitate again, when I tell you to do something, you do it, understand?"

I nodded my head quickly,

"Yes, Master."

I knew the layout of the house, in a few seconds his sister would walk close enough that she would see me, I breathed a bit easier as Jared said,

"Let's go."

As he started up the stairs I silently willed him to run, but he walked slowly meaning I had to follow his pace. As we were halfway up I saw his sister from the corner of my eye, luckily she was looking toward the door and not the stairs as we made it to the top and into his room. Once the door closed,

"Get on your knees."

I obeyed instantly, my heart still racing, my cock throbbing and bouncing up and down as Jared sat in his chair. He stared at me for several minutes, then,

"Pull your foreskin back and put your hands behind your back."

I obeyed instantly, my cock now throbbing even more, pre cum leaking out of the head.

"From now on, when I say kneel, you will assume this position instantly, if you are not hard, you will stroke to full erection, foreskin stretched back tightly, and your hands behind your back. If you are dressed you will obviously strip naked first, understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good. Now, tell me about the gym, don't leave out any details."

I did as he commanded, then came the questions.

"How did it feel to get naked in front of him, slave?"

"Scary Master."

"Why, you'd been naked in front of him before?"

"Yes Master, but.....not while suggesting a spanking."

"How did it feel when you were across his lap?"

"Awkward and again scary Master, but at the same time I felt like I belonged there."

I was very aware that my erection was now going crazy and so was Jared.

"After the spanking, when you were in the shower, how did it feel to know that other men were watching you and aware of what was happening?"

"Nervous, embarrassed and scared Master, and excited."

Just as I finished speaking there was a knock at Jared's door, then,

"Jared, can I come in?"

When he said okay, it felt like my heart stopped, the door started to open, then he called out,

"I'll be down in a while Sis."

The door continued to open, then it slowly closed again, my head swam and I felt dizzy. Jared grinned,

"It's good you didn't move or try to cover up slave."

I heard footsteps going down the stairs and as Jared stared at me I wondered what was going through his mind, then,

"Stand up slave."

I did as he ordered, keeping my hands behind my back as I stood, my erection bouncing up and down.

"Push your foreskin forward slave."

I did it slowly, groaning in the process, then Jared stood and said,

"let's go."

He opened his bedroom door and stepped out, I hesitated monetarily then resigned myself to my fate and followed him as he slowly walked downstairs. My heart pounded as we got to the bottom step, his sister calling out,

"Jared, are you hungry, want anything?"

Instead of responding to his sister, he said to me,

"Get dressed."

I had never pulled on my clothes faster in my life, relieved that my t-shirt covered my torso just as his sister walked out looking surprised at me.

"Evan, what are you doing here?"

My face flushed red and my legs felt weak as I mumbled out,

"Visiting Mas....ummmmm."

His sister could not see the grin on Jared's face as he said,

"I'm working on his laptop Sis."

"Oh, do you want anything?"

"No thanks Sis, we're going to head to the mall."

Jared pulled his shoes on and grabbed his backpack, then,

"See you later Sis."

Jared hardly spoke on the way to the mall, but once inside said,

"Follow me."

We walked to almost the end of the mall on the second floor where the smaller, nonchain stores were, then paused outside of Mitchell's. My heart had calmed down and I had fully relaxed but anxiety began to flood in again as we entered the store and I saw Mr. Mitchell, my science teacher. He didn't own the store, his family did and almost everyone knew he worked here on weekends and during the summer to earn extra money, something he resented. He noticed me almost instantly and unlike in school, he smiled and called out,

"Hi, Evan."

There were several customers in the store so he didn't stop to chat, instead, I followed Jared around picking out some shorts and t-shirts, then walked back to the changing rooms. Outside a woman counted how many items we had, gave us each a card with that number on it, and opened the door to the changing room. Inside there were several changing stalls, Jared stepped to the last one opened the door, took the clothes I was holding, then pointed inside the stall and said,

"Kneel slave."

I could not have been more surprised, my body wanted to back up but instead, I stepped inside the stall bent down, undid, and kicked off my shoes, my t-shirt, shorts, and briefs followed quickly. The wall of the change stall I was facing had a full-length mirror and I watched as Jared grabbed my clothes and shoes, shoving them into his backpack. I quickly knelt and since I was already mostly hard it only took a few seconds to get fully erect, then after slipping my foreskin back I placed my hands behind my back.

"Face me, slave."

The changing stall was large enough that I easily moved around to face him and watched as he fumbled around in his pack and pulled out something,

"Lean forward slave."

I did until my head almost touched the floor and felt something cold touch my left wrist, as I heard a clicking sound the cold feeling also touched my right wrist and I quickly realized my hands were now cuffed behind my back.

"Straighten your back slave."

Now looking up into his eyes his intention was clear before he even said it,

"I'll be back in a while slave. The cuffs are to make sure you don't try to lock the door. Same rules here as the gym, if anyone finds you, you will do what they say, but, no one touches your hole or allows you to cum, understood slave?"

I tried pleading with my eyes, but instead lowered my head,

"Yes, Master."

I was terrified he would leave the door open but breathed a bit easier when I saw him close it, then as he walked away I saw that without the latch holding it closed it partially opened, not a lot but enough that someone might think it was vacant.

I heard his footsteps as he walked away and out of the changeroom and my mind instantly ran through all the things that could happen. It turned out I didn't have long to wait as minutes later I heard the changeroom door open and footsteps approaching my stall, hoping it was Jared, instead a door beside mine opened and I listened to someone trying on clothes. I kept so quiet that I could hear every sound, including my own breathing and what sounded like my heart beating. A minute later more footsteps approached and minutes after that even more. I hadn't counted the stalls as we entered, but by my calculations, there were only 2 or 3 left. My heart pounded and my cock throbbed as another person entered the change room and took the stall right beside mine. As they started changing my predicament got to me, my foreskin stretched even tighter and a very low moan escaped my lips. The person in the next stall stopped what they were doing for a moment, then continued changing. To my horror, moments later more footsteps approached, and seconds later it was obvious they were heading to my stall, my mind reeled and I thought I would pass out as I saw the door to my stall start to open. Jared had left no instructions for this so I cleared my throat and the door stopped moving as I heard,


Over the next 10 minutes, several people left the changeroom and I relaxed, but quickly people began entering the room again. Minutes later someone started to open my door again and I had to clear my throat louder, this time I heard a female voice say,

"You've been in there a long time young man, are you okay?"

I recognized the voice of the woman who had given us the cards and saw she had the door open almost an inch as I mumbled,

"Yes, Ma'am."

She paused outside the door opening it a bit more, then slowly closed it and said,

"Okay, well hurry up."

As she began walking away she said,

"There's a latch on the door for privacy."

People entered the changeroom and left as my erection throbbed, now leaking pre cum on the floor. I wondered how much longer Jared would be when the changing room door opened again and I heard footsteps, hoping they would stop before getting too close to me, but that didn't happen. Instead, they passed the door beside mine and a second later someone knocked on my door, opening it about 2 inches in the process, then I heard,

"Evan, are you still in there, it's been almost half an hour."

My throat got dry as I recognized Mr. Mitchell's voice, my mind fumbled for words and all that came out was,

"Yes Sir."

The door opened a bit more and probably because I did not say anything or resist in any way, he pushed it all the way open, then stood still staring down at me. His eyes focused on mine, surprised as he wondered why I was on my knees, then as he noticed my naked torso his expression changed. Instead of looking away his eyes scanned my body then a moment later as he noticed my erection his eyes opened wide, and he stepped back, then forward, and then back again. The look on his face was bewilderment and I could see he was looking for a reaction from me and when I gave none he stepped right into the stall and closed the door behind him.

The stall was large, so there was enough room and as his eyes finally left my erection and looked behind me I knew what he was doing, he was staring into the mirror behind me and getting a good look at my backside, now his eyes did a double take. His mouth opened and closed a few times, then he sat on the small bench now even closer to me, put his hand on my shoulder again waiting for my reaction, and getting none he said,

"Of all my students to find naked Evan, I'm so glad it's you, you are by far the hottest."

I couldn't come up with any words, then,

"So, what are you doing on your knees, hands cuffed, naked, and erect in my changeroom?"

Still, no words came.

His hand left my shoulder and caressed my bicep, then the back of his hand slid up my chest and over my nipple as he said,

"I'll be honest with you Evan, I've fantasized about you, but if you don't answer me I'm going to finish spanking that red ass of yours."

I had hoped he hadn't noticed that and now as both of his hands caressed my naked body he said,

"I've dreamed of what it would be like to touch you."

He grasped both of my nipples and pinched them, then again making me moan, then one of his hands slid down my back as the other caressed my abdomen. As his hand reached my butt cheeks he let out a loud breath, his hand exploring every inch of my mounds,

"Damn Evan, this is a sweet ass."

His other hand grasped my shaft and I groaned out loud as he continued caressing my ass cheeks. As he stroked my shaft he forced my foreskin forward then paused and said,

"Uncut, beautiful, I love uncut boys."

He slowly slid it back, stretching it as I let out a loud moan he said,

"Exactly why I love uncut boys, your cock heads are so sensitive, and you're a moaner too, hot. He slid it forward and then pulled it back again and this time I moaned enough that I heard someone from another stall say,

"What was that?"

I had to stop this, I was way too close to cumming.

"No please, I'm not allowed to cum Sir."

Both of his hands stopped moving, then,

"Why not?"

"My Master won't allow it."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comments and suggestions are what keep me writing.

Next: Chapter 9

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