The Smart Kid

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Jul 27, 2023


The Smart Kid-Part 7

Just before I was going to lie across his lap he stopped me,

"Stand there for a second boy."

My cock was rock hard as I watched him take off his shoes and socks, pushing them into his locker, then he undid and slipped his pants off, folded them, and hung them neatly. My breathing increased and my heart hammered as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and hung it beside his pants, now standing in just his boxers I saw that he was in good shape with a hairy chest and legs. I wondered if he would remove his boxers but he sat down on the bench grabbed my wrist and pulled me over his lap, the coarse hair of his legs feeling strange on my smooth torso. After a bit of adjusting he wedged my left arm between his body and made rendering it useless. He was tall enough that not even my toes could touch the floor, then his left hand pulled my right arm high up behind my back, and without even trying I knew I was in this position until he let me go. His right hand touched my lower back and I flinched, but then relaxed as it caressed my back up to my shoulders and then back down again,

"You keep yourself in great shape and your skin is beautiful."

A few seconds later his hand smacked down hard on my right butt cheek, then the left,

"I just complimented you, boy, don't you have anything to say?"

The pain on my ass cheeks was something I had never experienced before, his hand landed a few more times as I said,

"Thank you, Sir."

"That's better."

For the next couple of minutes, his hand alternated between my butt cheeks, covering every inch with increasingly hard smacks until tears streamed down my face, then to my surprise, he started spanking even harder for almost a minute before stopping. I had been at the point of sobbing out loud and now as I lay across his lap his hand again caressed my back and gently over my burning ass cheeks, then to my surprise down the backs of my thighs. His hand slid back up over the back of my balls and I groaned, instinctively spreading my legs and felt his hand cup my balls, his fingertip sliding over my shaft. At that moment he hesitated and I realized that my cock was still rock hard. His finger slid around my shaft slowly then,

"Stand up boy."

I stood slowly on shaky legs, my erection bouncing up and down and side to side,

"Incredible, you're still hard. Your Master is very lucky."

This time I spoke up,

"Thank you, Sir."

His hand reached out and grasped my shaft gently, sliding up and down it he slowly pushed my foreskin back, causing me to groan loudly. As I did I heard noise and suddenly became aware that there were 3 men watching everything that was happening. I wanted to cover up but with my shaft being held and my foreskin back and being this horny I met their eyes and then looked down. Moments later,

"Put your speedo on boy, timke for you to get into the pool."

It took some work to get my speedo up and cover my erection, but once done I walked to the pool and dove in, instantly loving the feel of the water on my body while at the same time loving the burning sensation on my butt cheeks. The spanking had been humiliating, but at the same time the position he had me in over his lap had felt natural and at the end of the spanking I had wanted to continue to see what it would be like to be sobbing out loud. Knowing now that other men had been watching the entire thing made it even more interesting. Suddenly I felt pain on the top of my head and realized I had been thinking about the spanking so much that I had swum right into the end of the pool. I quickly stood up before I breathed in water, rubbed my head until the pain went away, and then focused on swimming, pushing myself as hard as possible, feeling as I finished that my cock had softened some. I had worked out yesterday and decided to give my muscles a break today, remembering Jared's orders about not getting too big I exited the pool, saw the man from the locker room do the same, and wrapped my towel around me. I felt his arm go around my shoulders, then,

"You're quite the athlete boy, you swim like you were born in the water."

Looking up at him,

"Thank you, Sir."

He removed his arm and as I walked toward the showers he followed and although I couldn't see, I knew his eyes were on my ass. Outside the showers, I saw that there were a few men inside as I hung my towel and then slowly pushed my speedo down and hung it on a hook, stepping inside and under the hot water he followed me and realized I didn't even know his name. Not surprisingly he took the shower right beside me, my cock instantly hardened, then,

"Want some help again?"

I did as Jarded had ordered,

"Yes Sir, but my Master doesn't want anyone touching my hole or allowing me to cum."

His eyes opened wide in disbelief and he took a step backward, then,

"You're not kidding, are you boy?"

I shook my head,

"No Sir."

He eyes me up and down, then stared at my face for a long time trying to decide if this was an elaborate scam, but finally, he stepped right beside me, soaped up his hands, and got down on his knees. He then soaped up and down each of my legs, front and back, then standing again he shampooed my hair and after rinsing it out he soaped his arms and id my back, shoulders, and under my arms, then my arms. Now standing behind me I felt his erection poking into my back as he spent several minutes soaping my butt cheeks, then his hands slid around my waist and up over my abs to my chest at which point I moaned and leaned back into him feeling the strength of his body as his erection slid up my lower back his fingers tweaked each one of my nipples and I groaned even louder. Now with his left arm around my chest, his right hand grasped my shaft and tightly pulled my foreskin back, then his hand slid forward, and with his thumb and for finger in a circle he ran it up and down just the head of my cock. I usually didn't do this much as it was so sensitive but the way he did it made me groan so loudly that my eyes popped open and I saw several men only feet away watching everything, then his voice,

"Gentlemen, this beautiful boy has a Master who has given me permission to use him as long as I font touch his hole or let him cum."

Smiles filled the other men's faces as he again stroked my cock head, then let his hand slip down my entire shaft at which point I called out,

"No please, I'm gonna cum."

The men watching were amazed, shocked, and surprised expressions filled their faces as the man behind me said,

"Good boy, obeying your Master is the most important thing in the world, it should be all that you focus on, obeying and pleasing him. Now, since you're so excited why don't you wash me?"

My cock was so hard and ready to explode that I eagerly soaped up my hands, anything to take my mind off my impending orgasm, and began by washing his legs, admitting the feel of the coarse hair there, then up the backs and over his ass, his lower back, then standing on my toes I managed to get the rest of his back and shoulders. He was too tall and big for me to reach around to get his front so I stepped around soaped my hands and again stood on my toes, washing his chest, arms, and abdomen, and for the first time got a good look at his erection. Unlike mine, he was cut and much larger, as I watched it throbbed, then with soapy hands I grasped it, amazed at how hard it was as it pulsed in my hands. Running my hands up and down the shaft and massaging his balls I heard him groan, then as he had done to me I concentrated on just the head and instantly heard him moan loudly. This was the first time I had done this to an adult man and after a few minutes it became obvious that he could last much longer than me, several minutes later he said,

"On your knees boy."

I hesitated, thinking he wanted me to suck him, scared I stayed standing until he repeated his command, then a moment later as I stroked his shaft he moaned and his cum shot out with great force, hitting me in the forehead, then the middle of my face, chin and the rest on my chest. His cum was hot and thick as it slid down my face and over my mouth without even thinking I stuck my tongue out and licked the cum from my lips. A moment later I felt his hands under my arms and as he pulled me up and hugged me to his chest the strength it took impressed me and the feeling of my body pressed against his hairy chest was something new,

"You did great boy, really great."

Lowering me back down he said,

"As I said before, your master is a lucky guy."

"Thank you, Sir."

The other men in the shower, urged on by what had just happened were stepping closer and closer, but then,

"Relax guys, his Master only gave ME permission, maybe another day."

Still not knowing his name or who he was it occurred to me as the other men started to back up that he had influence and power. Looking down at me he said,

"I can't blame them, you are fucking hot, now, let's get out of here."

After rinsing off I followed him back to the lockers and after dressing he said,

"Look forward to seeing you here more and more."

He turned to walk away, then stopped and looked at me and said,

"Damn your Master is lucky."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comments and suggestions are what keep me writing.

Next: Chapter 8

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