The Smart Kid

By Daniel1989a .

Published on May 6, 2023


The Smart Kid-Part 6



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This series of stories will involve sexual acts between teen males and will involve bondage and many other things. If this is not your thing, please go elsewhere.

Evans Perspective

Luckily for my knees, Jared's room was carpeted as a moment later he said firmly,

"Suck my cock."

I hesitated as I had never done this before, I estimated his erection was under 5 inches long and not nearly as thick as mine. Slowly my right hand cupped his almost hairless balls and for the first time, I discovered what another set felt like. After massaging them for a minute I leaned my face forward and while massaging his balls my tongue licked the head of his cock. He took in a breath, encouraged I did it again, and then let my tongue run in circles around the shiny head. As I slipped the head into my mouth he groaned so I reached up with my other hand and started caressing his abdomen until he said,

"Just my cock and balls for now, slave."

My mouth stopped moving for a moment as I was referred to as a slave for the first time, then,

"Keep going slave, don't make me punish you."

His voice was firm enough that I knew he meant it si pushed my face forward and slid half of his cock into my mouth, noticing the taste, salty, and as I was savoring it he thrust his hips forward and drove the rest of his cock into my mouth. It was just long enough that it slid part way down my throat and I gagged slightly but instead of easing up he grabbed my hair on both sides of my head and held it firm so I couldn't pull back,

"Relax your throat slave, get used to it, learn to love it."

It didn't take long for me to get my throat to work, luckily for me, his cock wasn't as big as I imagined a bigger cock would be much more difficult to get used to. His hand let go of my hair and I pulled my face backward until his cock almost slipped out and then forward until it hit my throat again, not gagging this time. Repeating this several times I felt his balls start to draw up na heard his breathing increase, moments later his cock swelled a bit and I felt his cum shoot down my throat, this time again making me gag slightly but I recovered and noticed that he tasted similar to me but slightly muskier as spurt after spurt of his cum shot down my throat.

"You will be tasting that a lot slave."

Looking up at him for the first time I said,

"Yes, Master."

For the first time, he looked unsure of himself but then he grinned and said,

"I'm still a hard slave."

In fact, he looked even harder than before, I changed my technique a bit spending much more time licking his cock head until minutes later he shot another load down my throat. This time he didn't have to say anything as I noticed he was still erect I sucked him again, amazed that the quantity of cum he shot down my throat seemed the same as the first time. Over the next hour I swallowed another 4 loads of his cum until finally, my jaw and knees aching he said,

"That's enough slave, go lay face down on my bed."

It took a moment for me to stand, but once on the bed, I relaxed until I felt a cuff attached to my right wrist, then the left. I expected to feel a cuff going on my ankle but instead, Jared pushed a pillow under my hips, then he spread my legs wide and cuffed my ankles. Standing beside the bed I looked at him and he must have seen the anxiety and fear on my face but he didn't say anything, instead, he pushed another pillow under my hips, my ass now raised well off the bed. The idea that he was going to fuck me, scared me a sensation that increased as he climbed on the bed and positioned himself between my legs. My entire body flinched when his hands caressed my ass cheeks, spreading them even wider, one of his hands let go and then I felt the fingers of that hand rubbing something up and down my crack, something very slippery that had to be lube. Even if I had wanted to get away I was bound too tight to even try, then his fingertip traced over my hole, and again my body flickered but at the same time, I moaned as the pleasure hit me.

"My slave has a very sensitive hole, excellent."

His fingers ran up and down my crack, paying special attention to my hole, each time I groaned and began raising my ass even higher, then everything stopped.

"This, as well as the rest of your body belongs to me, slave. After today we are going to have some special rules for you at the gym, but if you ever let anyone touch you like that again without permission, this is what you will experience."

I felt his weight move on the bed then I heard a swishing sound just before pain on my right ass cheek, followed quickly by even more on my left asscheek. I quickly identified that he must be using a strap because it was landing over the entire cheek from top to almost the bottom, but before I could react it landed 2 more times on each cheek.

"Slave, that was 3 on each of your butt cheeks, imagine 25 or 50 on each. Nobody touches you unless I give permission, do you understand?"

My voice was raised,

"Yes Master, I'm so sorry Master."

His hands began gently massaging my ass cheeks, soothing the pain as he rubbed in some of the lube, then once he had undone my cuffs and had me roll over,

"What did it feel like when you were getting changed and two strange men were so close to you, be honest slave."

"It was anxiety provoking and even a bit scary at first, but with so many other men in the locker room I figured I was not in any real danger, basically it was embarrassing and maybe even a bit exciting Master."

"And how was it in the shower slave?"

"That was different Mster, I was naked and erect from washing myself, the other men were farther away and I didn't hear him until he spoke to me. He had seen me at the lockers, in the pool, and again in the shower, I figured he was stalking me. I'm not sure I even told him to help with my back, but once he did it felt so good that until he got close to my hole and I knew I was going to cum without your permission.....I'm so sorry Master."

"So, the only reason you told him to stop was because I didn't give you permission to cum?"

"Yes, Master."

Jared was quiet for a long time, a grin on his face, then,

"I want you to go back to the gym tomorrow, slave."

"It's not my day.......I mean Yes master."

"You will be there at the same time and if he's there, you will do everything to get the locker right beside him, do you understand slave?"

My heart raced,

"Yes, Master."

"Do you feel you teased him by not telling him to stop?"

It was my turn to be silent, many things had changed, if I hadn't met up with Jared I would never have been naked in the shower that long, and for sure I would not have soaped myself to erection, I would have waited until I got home. Also, I had never let anyone do anything like that before, although I had thought about it bringing me to the conclusion that,

"Yes Master, I think I did."

A wider grin formed on his face,

"Then, instead of facing your locker, you will face him while you strip naked, then you will apologize for today, do you understand slave?"

My heart pounded,

"Yes master, but what if he tries to follow through on his threat?"

"Tries to slave? You are going to suggest to him, that if he still feels that a spanking was earned, he should follow through. If he does, you'll let him, then you'll go for your swim, after, in the shower if he's there and offers to help you'll say yes as long as he doesn't let you cum or touch your hole."

My mouth hung open and I started to speak a few times, but finally,

"Yes, Master."

Jared worked my mouth a few more times and I swallowed two more of his loads before he had me get dressed and walked me downstairs, at the door,

"Be here by 9 am tomorrow."

His hand patted my ass as I walked out the door, then later at home my anxiety level rose to new heights as tomorrow flashed through my mind. I knew I could pull out and just not go, that it was possible, but inside I needed to follow through and please Jared. My sleep was uneasy that night but I was up on time and at the gym before it opened, I thought I was going to get off easily as I did not see the man from yesterday so once the doors opened I rushed down to the locker room and stood in front of the same locker. As I was pulling my shoes off I saw a shadow, looked up into the eyes of the man from yesterday, his eyes glared at me as he stepped into the alcove where the lockers were, at least I wasn't going to have to chase him. There were not as many men here as yesterday but the room was far from empty as he opened his locker I pushed my shoes and socks into mine, then turned to face him like Jared had told me to do. His head turned towards me and before he turned away I pulled my t-shirt off, dropped it on the bench, and then pushed my shorts to the floor and stepped out of them. My heart raced and I felt my cock start to harden as I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my briefs, his eyes on my body he said,

"Are you teasing me again kid?"

I slowly pushed my briefs to the floor, then bent over and collected my clothes, and pushed them into y locker, now facing him naked and semi-hard I said,

"No Sir. I apologize for yesterday."

His eyes were glued to my body but his face showed he wasn't sure or believing what I was saying, then,

"Again Sir, I'm sorry for yesterday, and if you feel that a spanking will make it right my Master wants you to follow through."

His eyes met mine, disbelief on his face he said,

"Your Master?"

"Yes Sir."

His eyes lowered again my cock now almost fully hard, he looked unsure but I watched as he sat on the bench and said,

"Get over my knee."

His expression showed he did not for a second think I would do it, but I stepped forward and obeyed his command.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comments and suggestions are what keep me writing.

Next: Chapter 7

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