The Smart Kid

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Apr 6, 2023


The Smart Kid-Part 4

Jared's Perspective

Once he was cleaned up I led Evan downstairs and at the door told him,

"I'll see you tomorrow, same time. Make sure you shower every time before you come here. You did well today, but remember I'm in charge and it will not always be so pleasurable for you."

I watched him bend down and pull on his shoes and as he walked away I knew his ass was just as perfect as the rest of him. I congratulated myself on how lucky I was to have such a perfect specimen and how fate had played a hand, with so many coincidences bringing us together, there was no other way of describing it. With Evan gone I went back to my room and cleaned up, putting my sheets in the wash and making a mental note to have him do this from now on, then logged onto my favorite website, a site that allowed me to chat with other Doms, one where I had learned so much. A man I chatted with frequently was online and after intial greetings, he asked,

"How did it go today?"

I walked him through step by step and loved his compliments, then he added,

"You should start filming these sessions."

We were exchanging messages so he could not hear how loudly I laughed as I typed back,

"Way ahead of you."

"Any chance of letting me see it?"

I had anticipated this and there was no way I was going to share images or film of me or Evan,

"Sorry, can't do it."

His reply came quickly,

"No problem, if he is half as hot as you say, I wouldn't share either. What do you have planned for tomorrow?"

"I'm going to start him each day with lessons, he needs to learn the 2 subjects he's failed, then on to playtime. From now on I will undress him, then some menial chores to get him used to the fact that not everything will be sexual. I'm tempted to have him face down on my bed, but worried it may be too soon."

The reply came fast,

"It is too soon, if he really is a virgin, even the thought of anal play could scare him off, take it slow."

"Agreed. I was thinking also of a milking or edging session, would be good to know his stamina, and how much he can take."

"I'd go for the edging first, explore how far he will go with his begging."

"Both have their benefits, I'll decide tomorrow."

"Remember, even though he's agreed to this he could change his mind, take it slow and make him need you."

"Thanks for the chat."

The morning came fast and before I knew it the doorbell rang and I was watching Evan pull off his shoes, again loving that he was not wearing socks. For the next hour, I took him through some more easy equations, again making him feel good that he was advancing. Stepping behind him I pulled his t-shirt off and ran my hands over his shoulders, then,

"Evan, what time do you usually work out?"

"Whenever I get the chance, no set time."

"What time does the gym open?"

"6 am."

Perfect I thought to myself,

"What is a usual workout for you?"

"I swim laps and then do 2 or sometimes 3 days a week of either the machines or free weights, concentrating on a different area so I'm not working my entire body each day."

"How long does a workout take you?"

"It varies, depending on what I'm doing that day, if it's just swimming I do 50 laps in about 35-40 minutes, about the same for when I weight train?"

"Perfect, I want you to listen to me very carefully. I like your body the way it is, it's perfect, you are lean and muscular, I do not want you to increase the weight you use and try to bulk up."

His face reddened slightly,


"Okay is not good enough, promise me."

He hesitated and I wondered if I had pushed too far, then,

"I really think it's perfect?"

I did but instead of restating I just nodded my head, then,

"From now on I want you to put your work out just before you get here,k if you have to get up early, do it, understand?"

He nodded,

"Yes, I understand."

"Good, now stand up."

When he did I grabbed the waistband of his shorts and slid them down and off, then did the same with his underwear, his semi-hard cock coming into view.

"Now, come with me."

He started to move towards the bed but turned as I headed for the door and started down the stairs, following me but pausing halfway down.

"It's just us here Evan."

He was nervous and I loved every second of it as he finally started following me again. By the time we walked into the messy kitchen, his cock was fully hard and bouncing up and down with every step.

"My Parents want me to clean this before they get home, but I want you to clean it."

Evan had not thought of this, being used as a servant and it looked like he was going to say something, but instead after being shown where the cleaners were he went to work and for the next 45 minutes turned our kitchen cleaner than it had ever been before. He seemed proud of himself and he should, the job he did was amazing,

"Great job Evan."

I loved that his cock had remained hard almost the entire time and that while I watched I had the first real, glimpses of his tight ass, something I would explore in the future once he was more accustomed to what he was going through.

"Head upstairs and lay down on my bed, on your back, I'll be right there."

When I got upstairs he was as I had told him to be, his cock now fully erect and leaking pre cum, this time as I bound him to the bed there was no anxiety on his face. Grabbing a bottle of lube I sat on the bed next to him, running my hands over his chest and abs, then I lubed up his cock and started a very slow, steady stroking motion, slipping his foreskin all the way back and then pushed it over his shiny cock head each time. Within a couple of minutes, he was groaning and as I massaged his balls his eyes closed and he took in a deep breath. I had read about this a lot, from multiple sources and experts about how to keep a guy on the edge for hours, and although I did not intend to go that long with Evan today, I fully intended on making him last. I slowed my stroking even more, now just focusing on the shaft and not retracting his foreskin, easing up on the friction enough to keep him close but not enough to push him over the edge. I could read his face easily, he wanted to cum now so I increased my stroking slightly and brought him to the edge, and then let go of his shaft, as I did it slapped back down and bounced off his abdomen. His eyes opened,

"Why did you stop?"

In time he would learn to never question me about anything, but today was not that time,

"Evan, I decide when and if you shoot your load, understand?"

There was a long pause, then,

"Yes, I understand."

I grasped his shaft and pulled his foreskin back and stroked him again, quicker this time right to the edge, and then let go, this time he grunted as his cock bounced off his abdomen. After doing this a few more times I saw that any stimulation to his cock would push him over the edge and I was about to get off the bed and leave him for a while when I noticed his nipples and ran my hands over them. I could see that he enjoyed it and I could also see that he was trying to hide that fact from me, so I gently pinched each of them and then heard him let out a low moan.

"Well Evan, another thing to make a mental note about, you have very sensitive nipples."

Playing with his nipples for several minutes took his attention away from his cock and although it didn't get any softer he was not as close to cumming so I again slowly stroked his shaft, taking my time until I saw him pulling at his cuffs, his eyes closed and I knew he was ready, so again I stopped and let go of his erection. This time he grunted in frustration and when his eyes opened at first he looked annoyed, but that quickly changed to a calmer pleading expression. His cock was throbbing so much at this point that I left it alone for several minutes, letting it calm down, then I grasped it at the base and slipped his foreskin back, and decided to test something. I made a circle with my thumb and index finger and as carefully as I could slid it down and over the super shiny head. Evan tried to pull away but he was bound too tightly, his eyes opened,

"Please, please don't"

"Evcan, you don't play with the head of your penis, do you?"

His face flushed as I again probed him to answer questions that embarrassed him,

"'s too sensitive."

I slid my thumb and forefinger back up over the head as Evan pulled in a deep breath and his back arched slightly,

"Yes I can see that, it's something we are going to work on, would be a shame to miss out on such a pleasurable area of your body."

Although Evan attempted to pull away his erection did not get any softer as I slowly stroked just the head, meaning it was super sensitive but not enough to cause him displeasure. A minute later he was on the edge again, when I looked back even his toes were flexed like he was trying to stand on tip-toe, so I immediately stopped stimulating him. I watched his cock throb and bounce up and down off his abdomen, then,

"Please Jared, please no more, I really need to cum."

"I know you do Evan, but we have a long way to go, remember you belong to me and I decide when you cum, not you."

I watched his expression closely and saw a flash of resistance, then he averted his eyes and I saw submission and loved that his erection began throbbing again, he was getting off on being dominated, now to make him say it,

"Evan, repeat what I just said."

Brief pause, then in a shaky voice,

"I belong to you and you decide when I cum, not me."

It took a moment, but he met my eyes,

"Good boy."

A slight smile formed on his face but left as my fingers again slid up and down the head of his cock bringing him to the edge again. This time when I stopped his erection pulsed and throbbed uncontrollably and I thought I had gone too far, but slowly it calmed down and I knew he was too excited for any more stimulation for a while.

"Evan, you're too excited and I want you to think about what you just said while I do a few things."

The frustration on his face as I got off the bed was priceless, pre cum was leaking out of the head of his cock, and every muscle on his body was tensed,

"Please Jared, no, please, I absolutely belong to you, I'll do anything you say, please, let me cum."

Smiling at him,

"I'll be back, keep thinking about what you just said."

I left Evan for about 20 minutes, then as I walked back into my room I saw that his muscles were still tensed and his cock was just as hard. I ran my hand up and down his shaft and he instantly took in a deep breath, groaning as he did. His eyes were avoiding mine, then,

"Evan, look at me."

He hesitated, but once his eyes met mine,

"Evan, repeat everything you said just before I left the room."

His face flushed red but his cock throbbed in my hand,

"I belong to you, I'll do anything you say, decide when I cum, not me."

His eyes left mine, his erection pulsed harder,

"Good, that kind of submission deserves a reward."

I brought him to the edge of cumming several more times until his head was rolling from side to side and his chest was covered with a thin sheen of sweat. After putting another pillow under his head I did my best to aim the head of his cock at his upraised face and stroked, slowly, as he got close again his toes pointed straight down, his back arched and his cock erupted, the first spurt hit his face right in the center with enough force that it made a splattering sound. The next two hit around the same place, his cum now dripping down his face over his mouth as his cock continued to erupt shooting cum all over his neck, chest, and abdomen. As I let go of his erection he was breathing so hard it sounded like panting combined with moans and groans of pleasure. Watching I saw him stick his tongue out and lick the cum from his lips, something I was going to tell him to do but he obviously enjoyed the taste so I let him have at it, then to dominate him even more I uncuffed his right wrist and once he got used to it being unbound,

"Evan, scoop as much of your cum off your body as you can and then lick your hand clean."

Evan hesitated and I was about to remind him who was in charge when his hand did just as I had instructed and I watched delightedly as he slurped the cum from his hand, obviously enjoying it more with each taste. When he was done his eyes met mine, smiling I said,

"Good job, one thing before I undo the rest of your cuffs."

"What is it Jared, I'll do anything."

I paused long enough to let his anticipation build, then,

"This will be difficult Evan."

Anxiety filled his face as I said,

"I don't want you jerking off anymore........unless I give you permission, do you understand? This is very important, do you understand?"

I saw he was considering this order and I appreciated that he didn't answer too quickly, finally,

"Yes, I understand, no more masturbating unless you give me permission."

I kept my facial expression neutral as I undid the rest of his cuffs, then,

"Go into the washroom and get cleaned up, then get dressed."

Once he was done I walked him downstairs and as he was leaving,

"See you tomorrow at 9:00 and don't forget about getting your workout in first, and make sure you shower."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comments and suggestions are what keep me writing.

Next: Chapter 5

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