The Smart Kid

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Mar 27, 2023


The Smart Kid-Part 3



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This series of stories will involve sexual acts between teen males and will involve bondage and many other things. If this is not your thing, please go elsewhere.

Jared's Perspective

I had to admit, things were going great so far, a couple of days ago I never thought I would find someone as perfect as Evan to take part in my fantasy of dominating someone older and bigger than me. Running into him on the street on my way home from school was so far the best thing to happen to me. There were 2 kids in my grade that I figured I would be able to talk into being my sub, but Evan was absolutely perfect, taller by several inches, great looking, and with an amazing muscular body. What made it even better was that he didn't go for bulk or the over-muscled look, something I planned on making sure continued. His computer failing could not have happened at a better time and the ease with which he let me work on it surprised me, he never even considered the sites he visited or the stash of porn, probably thinking I would either never find it or bother looking, but when I did my mind reeled to discover that his fantasies were almost identical to mine, just opposite roles. He had never been specific but I knew he probably thought about someone older than him taking my place so I had to make sure to get him hooked before he found someone, or worse, someone found him.

Evan had been very careful to keep his sexuality a secret, but it was bound to come out and when it did he would have guys lining up to take a shot at him, he was that hot. His computer failing the second time had not been a surprise, I had dropped a mini virus onto his laptop to make sure it happened and was not surprised when he called me up desperate to get it fixed. Once I told him about what I had found he put up a fight, although not as much as I thought and I now had him where I wanted him, but keeping him would take work. That he was a virgin was obvious, so taking things slowly and making sure he enjoyed himself was crucial or there was no way I would get past the initial interest he was showing and onto the more involved intense play I had in mind. As I had explained what was on his laptop he was so cute moving his weight between one foot to the other while I sat in my chair explaining how things would work, what made it even better was he had been hard most of the time.

When I told him to take his shirt off, it was a basic test and I wasn't sure he would actually do it, but he did it quickly and it took everything I had to not let my eyes burst wide open. Up close like that I saw that he was ripped, everything about his torso was toned and muscular so it was time to take the next step. When I pulled out the handcuffs I again wasn't sure what he would do, but he listened to me and seconds later I had him cuffed and just to show who was in charge I pushed him forward, his head and torso landing on my bed, his knees on the ground. Looking down at him the impulse to pull his shorts and underwear down had been intense, but I held back, remembering to go slow. Reminding him that I was in control as he struggled forced me to put my knee between his shoulder blades and just for good luck I smacked his ass cheek hard enough that he would feel it but it would not cause any pain, but it had been enough and he settled down. I left him there, wanting him to get used to being bound, reading about it and experiencing it in real life were different and as I stepped beside him it was very obvious that his cock had been very erect in his shorts, again exactly what I wanted to see.

When I released the cuffs and he stood up, although several inches taller he kept his eyes down already showing a bit of submission to me later as I walked him downstairs he agreed to be back this morning. I quickly got ready, showering myself and then getting my room ready, just as I was finishing the doorbell rang. As I checked my watch I saw Evan was right on time. Opening the door I instantly smelled his body wash and shampoo, pleased that he had remembered, I let him in and watched him take his shoes off, happy to see he wasn't wearing socks. Once up in my room, I saw his face was a bit flushed meaning he was probably expecting some kind of sexual activity, but instead,

"Evan, take a seat."

He looked around, then sat at my computer desk and for the next hour I took him through very basic math equations that were more suitable for someone in grade 7, intentionally making it easy so he didn't be discouraged and decide to quit. Finally, I praised him,

"Evan, you're doing great."

The smile that compliments produced on his face was impressive, but it was time to move forward so stepping behind him I grabbed his t-shirt and started pulling it up, wondering if he would resist, most guys from what I've read don't like being undressed they prefer to take their own clothes off, but he raised his arms up and I easily pulled his t-shirt free and tossed it across the room. The urge to run my hands over his muscular shoulders was almost overpowering, but instead,

"Evan, stand up."

He listened well and once standing I took his right wrist and led him towards my bed, he hesitated briefly as he saw the 2 leather cuffs attached to the posts of my bed, but then he moved forward again,

"Lay down, on your back."

Looking at him laying on my bed, my heart raced, but keeping myself in control I quickly attached both of his wrists to the cuffs and then tightened the ropes holding them so his arms were spread as wide as possible and as far above his head as I could. Now I couldn't hold back any longer, I sat on the bed beside him and ran my hand over his right bicep, loving that he flexed it as much as could while I did, obviously wanting to show off for me. I knew it was important to compliment him from time to time and I was not lying when I said,

"Your body is very impressive Evan."

His face flushed a bit red,


I ran my hand up and down his arm and then underneath and Evan immediately tried to pull away and started laughing,

"So Evan, you are quite ticklish under your arms, I'll have to remember that."

I let my hands explore his shoulder and then his chest, watching as he puffed it out as much as possible, then I walked around the bed and did the same to his other side, his muscles feeling so good under my hands that I wanted it to go forever. Instead, I turned my body, now facing the foot of the bed, and ran my hands over his lower chest and then down his upper abdomen, and finally over his very well-developed lower abs. As my hands approached the waistband of his shorts his cock throbbed and pushed at the material, looking back at him now,

"Exactly what I was hoping to see."

It was time to go a bit further, I climbed on the bed on my knees and grabbed the waistband of his shorts, his facial expression was nervous but also excited as I slowly tugged them down a couple of inches, then moved down the bed I slid them down his legs and off, tossing them across the room. His erection went wild, pushing at his boxer/briefs, and there was an obvious wet spot forming where the head was. I ran my hand down his right leg, spreading it as I did, and quickly attached the cuff that was hidden there and then did the same to the other side. Evan tested the cuffs, his muscles flexing as he did,

"Evan, they are top-of-the-line cuffs."

I ran my hands up and down his legs, always stopping at the elastic of his boxer/briefs, and watched as his cock pushed more and more at the fabric. He had been avoiding my eyes, but then,

"Evan, I know this is one of your favorite positions, you have read and written many storied about it, and the way your erection is reacting, it's just as good in real life."

His face flushed red, the reaction I had hoped for but what surprised me was his cock throbbed even harder as more pre cum stained the material. He had written about humiliation and read quite a few stories about it and now he was experiencing it to a certain degree.

"Evan, is it as good in real life?"

His face flushed redder, then,


Perfect, exactly what I had hoped for.

"Evan, has anyone ever seen your erection, besides you?"

I watched his face and it looked like he was going to say yes, but it flushed even redder as he said,


"Well, it's time to change that."

Opening my desk drawer I pulled out a pair of scissors, climbed on the bed between his legs, and saw the concern on his face, both for the scissors and being naked for the first time in front of someone else. I savored this as I snipped part of the elastic at his right leg opening, then to the left, sat back, and watched his bulge go crazy. His erection was pointing towards his face, so si snipped away the rest of the leg opening elastic, then across the bottom, carefully avoiding his skin, the only thing holding his underwear on now was the waistband. I moved up a bit and snipped halfway through, then,

"Evan, I want you to keep your eyes on mine."

It took him a moment, but as he met mine I snipped the rest of the way through the waistband and his underwear parted and fell to the bed, his erection now free and bouncing up and down. Like the rest of him, it was impressive, I estimated almost 7 inches and a good size around as well, but what thrilled me the most was his foreskin. I had hoped he was uncut as I had read a lot about uncircumcised guys and how much more sensitive the head of their cock was, this became a lot more interesting. Pre cum was leaking out the head and pooling on his lower belly and he was so horny that every muscle on his body was tensed. I knew how important it was to make sure he enjoyed himself, he was not going to become fully submissive this quickly so I had to make sure he not only wanted to come back but needed to.

"You have a big penis Evan, how long is it?"

The deep red his face went proved he had never talked about this before, his lips opened,

"7 inches."

"Nice and how big is around?"

"5 inches."

It looked like his face was as red as possible, now to give him a reward.

"It looks like you are quite excited and need to shoot your load."

His face lit up and his head nodded,

"Yes, please."

"Evan, it's important that you know I am in charge here, so it would be appropriate for you to ask me to allow you to orgasm."

The look on his face showed he knew this was true but had not anticipated it, he paused, then,

"Yes, can you please?"

"Please what?"

He hesitated again, looking at me, then looking away meaning it was time to prove a point, I stood and left the room quickly. I kept myself busy for about 20 minutes then as I stepped back inside my room I saw that his cock was still going crazy, bouncing up and down, a larger pool of pre cum and his foreskin had pulled back revealing almost half of his very shiny cock head. His breathing had increased and his nipples were erect, in other words, he was extremely horny and I knew I could have got him to agree to all kinds of things at that moment, but I wanted long term and there was a process to this, one step at a time. I sat beside him and met his eyes, waiting, then,

"Let me cum, please."

"I think you can do better than that Evfan?"

"Please, I'm begging you, please let me cum."

There it was, his first experience at begging, something he would get much better at as I took more and more control of him. This was awkward for me as I had never touched a cock other than my own and I almost undid one of his hands so he could stroke himself, but I wanted this first one to be memorable for him, to encourage him to go further and further.

"If you want me to do something Evan, you have to ask for it."

His cock throbbed again, he avoided my eyes, then,

"Please stroke me, I'm begging you, please let me cum."

That was good enough for today as I grasped his balls with my right hand he took in a deep breath then I grasped his shaft with my left hand, my fingers barely fitting around it, and felt how hard he was and the pulsing of it. I slowly pulled down and forced his foreskin back, then slid my hand up his shaft and back down and that was all it took, his back arched off my bed and groaned loudly as his cock throbbed harder in my hand cum shot out and landed in his hair, followed by another shot that landed on his face and several more that hit his chin, chest, and abdomen. I continued to stroke, draining him and loving the power of controlling his orgasm, then I slowed and let go of his balls and his shaft. His eyes were still avoiding mine, so,

"Evan, look at me."

As he did the cum on his face ran down and onto my pillow, some drooling onto his lips,

"Was that as good as one of the stories you have read?"

Absent-mindedly and probably without thinking he licked his lips and I made a note to make sure he tasted his cum as well as others as often as possible,

"Much better."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comments and suggestions are what keep me writing. I am going to switch back and forth between Evan's and Jared's perspectives to make things even more interesting.

Next: Chapter 4

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