The Smart Kid

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Mar 26, 2023


The Smart Kid-Part 2

It was an easy night at work and as usual, my parents were asleep by the time I got home so I indulged in my usual late-night hobby of searching out porn and stories on the net. I had a few sites that I visited every day and 2 story sites that I not only visited but posted my own stories to. As I was going through my folder of stories, about to start working on my newest one my laptop blanked out for a minute and then came back on. I waited to make sure it was okay and then typed out half of the story, and like always my stories were about things I wanted to experience or fantasized about, and I had a very active fantasy life. One of the things about me that no one knew was that although I was what most called a jock or an alpha male I actually leaned more towards the submissive side, making all my stories about me being on the receiving end. A few years ago I had started reading bondage stories and now could not get enough, I had posted at least 30 stories of my own about bondage and other fantasies, finding it a great outlet for feelings I could not experience in real life. I had never even told anyone I was gay and that would be hard enough, but bondage and the other things I fantasized about would probably scare people away. Tired and more relaxed now I stripped down, jerked off, then slept well.

The next morning my parents were gone when I woke up as usual, so after using the bathroom and eating I went to turn my computer on and nothing happened, not again I thought. Then I remembered how quickly Jared had fixed it and desperately tried to remember his last name, after going through my parent's phone book I found it, and dialed the number. Jared answered,


"Hey Jared it's Evan, how are you?"

His voice perked up and I could imagine him almost jumping up and down with joy,

"I'm great Evan, what's up?"

"Dude, my laptop failed again, can you come over and fix it?"

Without missing a beat he said,

"I'd love to, but I'm waiting for a delivery."

To say I was disappointed was an understatement, then,

"Why don't you bring it over here and I can work on it."

"is now okay?"

It sounded like he giggled a bit, then,

"Yep, see you soon."

I pulled on a t-shirt, shorts, and shoes and walked the short distance to his house, and rang the bell. Jared answered dressed almost identically to me, except in different colors,

"Come on in Evan."

His house was larger than mine and right inside I saw it was much more lavish as well, I started to follow him, but he stopped and said,

"Can you take your shoes off, my parents rule."

Looking down I saw he was barefoot, so I kicked mine off and since I had not put socks on I followed him barefoot as he gave me a quick tour of his place. Everything was perfect and very expensive, then I followed him upstairs and into his room. His walls were covered with sports athletes and multiple framed awards for computer accomplishments and other things related to school. His room was larger than mine with a king-sized bed, a fridge, an awesome sound system, 2 gaming systems attached to a huge tv, and a computer set up more impressive than anything I had ever seen before.

"Jared this is sick, this is the most awesome room I have ever seen."

"Thanks. Let's see your laptop."

I handed it to him and he went t work immediately, typing away as I strolled around his room, looking at his awards mostly for computer work and a few for swimming and others related to science and school work.

"Okay, so it's the same problem as last time."

Curious I asked,

"What's that?"

"One of the sites you go to is dropping malware on your laptop each time."

I was always careful and now needing to know I asked,

"Which site?"

The smile never left his face, but he hesitated, then he said the name of one of the gay porn sites I visited. It was my turn to hesitate as my face flushed red and I began to stammer,

"How did that get on there, must be a mistake?"

Still smiling he added,

"It says here that you've visited this site hundreds of times."

I started to protest, but then,

"Plus, you have a folder full of videos saved from the site."

My face flushed red as he added,

"Then there is the folder filled with stories you have written and uploaded, your writing style is very interesting."

It felt like my entire body had gone red, my legs felt weak,

"What do you mean, my stories?"

"Evan, it's all right here. If I wanted to I could tell you everything and every site you have ever visited with this laptop. I write stories for that site too and I've enjoyed yours very much, but it seems we both like opposite roles. You like to be tied up and I like being in control."

My face flushed a deeper red and my breathing got heavier as I listened to someone at least 2 years younger than me talk about my most private fantasies.

"You must have made a mistake Jared, maybe you......"

Before I finished he pulled up a video I had watched last night and then showed me the comment I had left, using an email address I used for only porn sites then showed me how many times I had accessed that email from my laptop. The kid was smart that was sure, I thought of arguing further but there was just too much evidence on my laptop so I stood silently, then,

"Are you blackmailing me? Planning on showing other people what you found if I don't do what, pay you?"

He looked disappointed and even a bit angry,

"No Evan, I would never do that, you can take your laptop, I'll delete everything I have from it and you can leave, most importantly, this never happened, your secret is safe with me always."

"Then what do you want?"

"You probably won't understand but I have 3 sisters, all older who are always in charge no matter what. They don't bully me or take advantage or anything but it's frustrating to be the baby of the house all the time. I've thought about having someone to be in charge of for a long time and recently as I've gotten a bit older that person I imagine is always a guy, a well-built guy bigger and older than me, and you fit that bill perfectly."

As he explained, I did understand, however, I was ready to leave when he said,

"If you commit to doing what I say, I promise you will pass your 2 courses and have a lot of fun along the way."

As he sat watching me he pulled up a video of a guy bound spread-eagled to the bed, one that I had watched and fantasized about dozens of times, the implication obvious, he wanted to do that to me. Even though he was looking at me I was having difficulty pulling my eyes away from the video.

"How do I know you can help me pass, I've already tried twice, with tutors."

"Simple, if I can't teach you what you need to know, we'll cheat. You'll be in my class, you sit next to me or close enough and you copy off my papers, if I have to I'll hack into the school computers again and make sure your grade is a passing one."

"And if I leave right now, none of this ever happened?"


"What if I say yes and stay?"

"If you say yes, you will do anything I say, I will own you until you pass those courses."

"I'm not into anything....."

He cut me off,

"Evan, I've read your stories, looked at the videos you like, and even checked out your profiles on various sites, I know exactly what you are and are not into and I will respect your limits. I may try to push them a bit, but I promise I'll never break them."

As he listed off the things I was not into I had to admit, he had really done his research.

"Why did you choose me for this?"

"Because you're one of the hottest guys in school."

Damn, my cock was actually getting hard,

"What if I say ye and then don't do what you say?"

Now the smile left his face momentarily,

"I've seen you around school and read your stories carefully, you seem too honest to do that, am I correct?"

For the first time, I saw the determination on his face and knew he meant it.

"Yes, you are correct."

"So Evan, is it a deal?"

"What if you don't follow through somehow and I fail again?"

As I watched he quickly hacked into the school computers and in minutes was in the part that stored all the grades and even copies of the tests and exams. He did it so fast that even if I wanted to there was no way I could copy it, his fingers moved so fast on the keyboard, they7 were almost a blur. I got an idea,

"Can you change my grades now, make it look like the ones I just got were a mistake?"

A large grin on his face,

"No, they've already been printed off and handed out, it's too late, but I know exactly when they start entering grades and at that time it's easy. But I don't like cheating, that would be a last resort, I want you to learn to pass your classes and have fun along the way."

The expression on his face when he said, fun along the way, was classic and for the first time his face got a bit red, but it faded quickly. Looking at him, I eyed him up and down and saw that he was cute, and looked sincere and I relaxed I had few if any other options.

"Okay, it's a deal."

"To be clear, you are agreeing to do anything I say, correct?"

"yes, correct."

"Good, let's test that. Take your shirt off."

This surprised me, but I spent more time with my shirt off than on anyways, so I pulled it up and dropped it on his bed. He checked me out for a good couple of minutes but he was wearing a long shirt which made it impossible to see if he was getting aroused, however the longer I stood like this the harder I was getting. Opening a drawer on his desk he reached in and came out with a pair of handcuffs and held them up, letting them dangle from side to side, then said,

"Turn around and put your hands behind your back."

This was a huge moment, I could easily grab my laptop and leave, but at the same time, I had never been handcuffed and was desperate to see what it felt like, on top of that even cuffed I figured I could overpower him so I slowly turned around and faced away from him. I heard his chair make a noise as he stood up and a second later he expertly clicked the cuffs to both wrists. I pulled at them and noticed immediately that these were not toys these were real, secure cuffs, then I got a real surprise as I felt his hands on the backs of my shoulders, then he pushed and I went forward, my head and torso landing on his bed.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

I started to awkwardly try to get up, but he pushed one of his knees against my back and that was all it took for him to immobilize me, then,

"I'm in charge here Evan, it's important that you remember that. I'm in control, not you, understand?"

My wrists cuffed and his knee forcing me against his bed had the effect of making my cock go fully hard, then one of his hands smacked my shorts on the right side,

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes Jared I understand."

He removed his knee and left me the way I was for about 10 minutes, then removed the cuffs, and as I stood up, towering at least 4 or 5 inches over him there was no mistaking that he was in fact, in charge.

"Put your shirt back on."

I did it quickly, then,

"I have things to do Evan, be back here tomorrow morning at 9, don't be late, and take a shower before you come."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comments and suggestions are what keep me writing.

Next: Chapter 3

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