The Slow Destruction of Jonathan

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on Mar 3, 2023


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Jonathan arrived at the office and parked the beat-up truck in the back. He could not be seen driving this hunk of junk. He would enter the building through the loading dock; at least he would be on time. As he headed towards his office, he passed Jose the maintenance man, who took one look at him with shaved head, dried cum on his face and the way he was dressed and laughed out loud. Jonathan slipped into the bathroom and cleaned and straightened himself.

Before he reached his office, he was confronted by Julie who demanded to see him in the conference room immediately. They entered the room and she closed the door. Seated at the table were the two lawyers who handled their personal business affairs. The lead attorney was about Jonathan's age and very good looking with a full head of deep brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was dressed in an expensive black suit and amazing black dress boots. Jonathan always admired the way he dressed. He was also Jonathan's racquetball partner at the club. His name was Marshall Kahn. The junior attorney was a little younger. He had short blonde hair and was impeccably dressed in a tan suit, with cordovan tasseled loafers. He also ran in the same circle as Jonathan and Marshall. His name was Anthony Hamish.

The two attorneys took one look at Jonathan and could not believe their eyes. Shaved head and body, earring, thrift store clothes, sneakers, sockless and no belt. He didn't even have his eyebrows anymore. They thought he looked like Mr. Clean. His formerly picture perfect smooth skin had a reddish and hard complexion. He was battered, bruised, and scared from all the abuse. He looked rough and beaten. He was no longer the Golden Boy of the community. He used to be so upbeat and outgoing, now he was quiet and dejected. Jonathan was so embarrassed by his appearance that he would not look anyone in the eye anymore. Not a good trait for a salesman.

They told Jonathan to take a seat. They were looking at their former best friend and realized that they had nothing in common anymore. It was sad and pathetic. Marshall started the conversation by saying that Julie had called the meeting to discuss some personal business affairs that needed to be resolved considering their upcoming divorce.

First up the investment property that they jointly owned on the west side. The title to the property was being transferred to a shell company that was set up by Julie in consideration of $750,000. Unfortunately, there was a mortgage on the property for $825,000 leaving a deficit of $75,000. The mortgage company was calling in the note. This was a shame since the property was worth two million dollars.

Next up was the issue of their two cars. Julie's car would be transferred to her, free and clear. The loan had $50,000 worth of payments remaining and would need to be paid off to transfer the title. Jonathan's car was relatively new and had $65,000 worth of payments remaining. Since Jonathan was not going to be able to afford the upkeep on the car, it would be donated to charity (which was really Alex). The balance of the note would have to be paid off.

Jonathan was in a daze. His head was spinning from the numbers. He found himself lustfully staring at Marshall's Cartier watch. He had always admired Marshall's sense of style. He admiringly looked at Marshall's tie and reminisced about better times.

Anthony cleared his throat and said that there was also the matter of their Country Club. They still owned $22,000 on their initiation fee and the $2,000 monthly fee would have to be paid though the end of the year. The club was preparing legal proceedings against Jonathan to collect their $38,000.

The lawyers asked Jonathan for a list of his assets, and he could not come up with any. They said that they would file for bankruptcy on his behalf to stop the legal proceedings. The court would garnish 85% of his salary to satisfy debts. Miller Industrial was demanding that he repay his last bonus payment of $25,000 because of breach of contract. Remarkably, he would be required to pay Julie $2,000 a month for spousal support and upkeep of the house. After taxes, he would have very little money on which to live. He could also be facing some jail time if the courts found him guilty of financial fraud. He would be homeless and on the street. Jonathan could not believe what he was hearing.

Jonathan just looked at Julie and cried, "Why are you doing this to me? I love you. I have always loved you." Julie looked at him disdainfully and said, "You took the best years of my life from me. I will never get them back".

Marshall said that there was also the matter of the attorney's bill. He assured Jonathan that since they had been friends for a long time, that he would be receiving the discounted family and friends rate of $200/per hour for services. He asked Jonathan how he intended to pay the bill? Jonathan just dropped his head in stunned silence.

Julie spoke up and said that Jonathan should give the two men a down payment. He just shook his head in disbelief. He had nothing to his name. She got up and locked the conference room door. She told him to stand in front of the two attorneys. She ordered him to take his shirt and tie off, which he removed and put on the table. He kept his head down but did as she ordered. He did not want to anger her. He was too embarrassed to look at his two former friends. Marshall stared at Jonathan's nipple ring. He noticed how smooth Jonathan's chest and arms were. She ordered him to kick the trainers off. They noticed that he was not wearing any socks or a belt. They felt sorry for their former friend. She had him remove his pants, he slid them down and off. Anthony's mouth fell open when he noticed the butt plug, cock cage, tattoo, and scrotum piercings.

She told Jonathan to get down on the floor and he was starring directly at Marshalls boots, which he had been admiring for months. He loved those boots. He was trying to figure out in his mind why he had a sudden attachment for hot mens boots. Anthony kept rubbing Jonathan's bare back side and bottom. He could not believe how silky-smooth Jonathan's skin was. He fingered Jonathan's hole and Jonathan moaned. He astonishingly looked at the cock cage, he had never seen anything like it before. Jonathan could not hold back anymore. He jumped at the opportunity to worship Marshall's boots. He lifted each leg and worked the boot from every direction. His cock was straining against the cage. The pre- cum was oozing from his cock. Marshall could not believe it. His old friend Jonathan was a boot licking faggot. He was enjoying the taste of the boots. Meanwhile, Anthony had worked his way up to three fingers in Jonathan's hole. He was able to do it with no problem since the hole was stretched out of proportion.

The two attorneys were getting very horny. Julie asked Marshall to please stand up. She then ordered Jonathan to strip Marshall. Jonathan could not wait to get his hands on best friend's designer clothes. He pulled his suit jacket off and inhaled the aroma of the fabric. He ran his hands across the expensive tie when he slipped it off. He was tugging on his dress shirt when Marshall had to tell him to take it easy. He got to man handle Marshall's black boots. He slipped each one off and inhaled the inside as he gently set them on the floor. He skillfully un hooked Marshalls belt and removed his pants. He removed Marshall's socks and kissed his feet. He quickly pulled Marshall's boxers off. He repeated the exercise with Anthony, who just stood there and glared at Jonathan during the process. Jonathan was in ecstasy because if he was going to be around naked men, then who better than his two best friends. Marshall and Anthony could not believe that Jonathan was so excited. Everything that Julie had told them about Jonathan was true. He was an embarrassment and poor excuse for a man. He really was a homo. They seized the opportunity to get their rocks off and immediately went to work on him. They slapped him around like a two-bit whore. This was not their friend anymore. They didn't know who this queer was. Marshall forced Jonathan's mouth open and then spit in it. They enjoyed raping his ass and his mouth. Marshall had always admired Jonathan's body from when they worked out together, so he was particularly excited to have the opportunity to fuck him up the ass. He didn't need any lube because Jonathan's hole was stretched wide and open. He used a little spit to get the job done. He gave it to Jonathan hard and furiously. Before Jonathan could catch his breath, Anthony had mounted him and started pounding away. Marshall picked up the boot and shoved it in Jonathan's face. He watched him make love to it. Jonathan ran his hands up and down Anthony's hairy, muscular legs and thighs. He really enjoyed the sensation. His transition to fag was starting to kick in.

Jonathan sucked Marshall off while Anthony was fucking him in the ass. Just as Marshall was ready to explode, he pulled out of Jonathan's mouth and viscously shot his load all over Jonathan's face. He laughed at his accomplishment. Anthony twisted Jonathan's nipple ring until he cried out in pain. They both thought that was funny. Julie just sat there and watched with a disgusting look on her face. Anthony commented to Marshall that he could not believe how loose Jonathan's hole was. He said that he must have been taking it up the ass for a long time to have a gaping hole like that. Anthony asked Jonathan if he had been checking out their dicks in the locker room. Jonathan said, "No hell no. I am not a fag". They both laughed at him. Marshall said, "yeah, not a fag."

They were each catching their breath when Julie remarked that the three of them used to be best friends, just like the three Musketeers. It would only be right if they all had sex together. Marshall thought that was an excellent idea. He grabbed Anthony and laid him back on the conference room table. He got Jonathan up and into position over Anthony and spit a couple of big loogies into Jonathan's gaping hole which was already dripping with cum. He forced Jonathan to lower himself down onto the two cocks. Holy Shit. Julie couldn't believe that her soon to be ex-husband was getting fucked by two cocks at once. These two studs were pounding Jonathan at the same time. Jonathan not only could handle it, it looked like he was enjoying it. Fortunately, the conference room table was strong enough to take the beating. Anthony shot a hot load up Jonathan's ass, quickly followed by Marshall's load. The three of them were one hot sweaty mess. Marshall pulled out and pulled Jonathan off Anthony. Before Jonathan could catch his breath, Marshall slapped him as hard as he could across the face, "You fucking Pansy. You disgust me. To think we used to be friends." Marshall had caught Jonathan off guard and his face was stinging with pain.

Marshall took a Sharpie and wrote FAG on Jonathan's chest and then took some pictures to show the guys back at the club. They couldn't wait to tell the news. They had to have the pictures, because otherwise no one else would believe them. Marshall said that they would come up with a plan to pimp him out for attorney fees, or maybe they would have him caddy for them at the Club naked. He could give blow jobs between holes. They asked Julie if she was ok with that and she replied that she didn't give a shit what they did with him. Tears came to Jonathan's eyes when he heard her reply.

Julie told Jonathan to clean his ass juice off Marshall's dick. Jonathan did as he was told until the cock was clean and dry. She ordered Jonathan to help Marshall get dressed. He helped him step into his boxers, he put the socks on his feet, he held the dress shirt for him and finally the suit pants. When it came to putting the boots back on his feet, Jonathan kissed each foot and then kissed the boots before putting them back.

He then went over and sucked Anthony's cock clean. When he tried to help dress him, Anthony slugged Jonathan right in the gut and told him to stay away from him, that he had no use for pansies. He told Jonathan that if he ever came near him again, he would fucking kill him.

Jonathan was not ready to admit that he sexually preferred men. He had other girl friends before Julie, and actively enjoyed playing with her pussy and snuggling with her titties at every opportunity. When they went to the beach, he was always checking out the hot chicks. He knew in his heart that he was heterosexual. He was not queer. He was humiliated that he had given blow jobs to his two former best friends and that they both had their dicks in him at the same time while Julie sat there and watched. It didn't get any more degrading than that. If word got out in the business community, he would be ruined. All he had left was his job and he needed to hang on to it. He cleared his throat and asked Marshall and Anthony to please not mention what had just happened in the room to anyone else. He wanted them to please keep his secret. He begged them. Since they were best friends, no one else outside of their circle needed to know. Marshall said that he would be more than happy to keep the secret but how would Jonathan pay for their silence? Marshall wanted to know what was in it for him? Their former friendship meant nothing to him now and Marshall would need an incentive to remain quiet. After all, he witnessed Jonathan doing some seriously kinky stuff and was putting his neck on the line by covering up for him.

Julie spoke up and said, "What about THE car"? Jonathan knew exactly what she was referring and replied, "Oh no. No way. Not my baby". Marshall knew what she was talking about too. Jonathan's baby was a meticulously restored 1968 Chevy SS Camaro 512 V8 convertible. Jonathan had invested close to $80,000 in this car. It was glossy red with black accents. Marshall was with Jonathan when he bought it. He and Jonathan often took it out and rode around. He loved that car as much as Jonathan did. Jonathan kept the car in his garage in pristine condition and secretly, Marshall had always been very jealous.

Marshall feigned thinking about it, and finally said yes, that would work. The car would be enough to buy his silence, and he would not tell anyone what he knew to be true. Jonathan couldn't believe it. Julie said that she just happened to have the title in her pocketbook. She pulled it out and put it in front of Jonathan. She told him that if he wanted Marshall and Anthony to maintain their silence, that he would have to sign the car over. Marshall sat there with a giant smirk on his face. Once again, Jonathan was defeated. His face was still covered in cum. He tried and tried to think of a better solution to the problem but could come up with nothing. He finally signed the title and pushed it over to Marshall. He and Anthony were high fiving and hugging each other. They couldn't believe their good luck. They told Jonathan not to worry, his sordid little secret would be safe with them. Marshall told Julie that they would come by the house this afternoon to pick up the car. They got up from the table, thanked her for her time, completely ignored Jonathan who was still naked, and left the room. Jonathan felt like the wind had been knocked out of his sails. Julie just looked at him and told him to get back to work. He used his shirt to clean his face. He got dressed and drug himself to his office.

Next: Chapter 10

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