The Slow Destruction of Jonathan

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on Feb 25, 2023


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Jonathan got the laundry washed and dried. It took him a few minutes to figure out how to use the machines. The no iron shirt that he was planning to wear tomorrow looked like shit, so he had to figure out how to use the iron and ironing board. This was a concept that was foreign to him, but fortunately he figured it out. He finished the rest of the chores and was exhausted and spent. Not only did Jonathan look like hell, he smelled like a farm animal. Fortunately, Alex was in a good mood and allowed Jonathan to take a long, hot shower before bed. It would also give Jonathan a short opportunity to remove the leather collar from around his neck that was so humiliating.

Meanwhile, there was trouble in the Master Bedroom. Alex had a strong sex drive and was desperately in need of some pussy tonight. He had been looking forward to exploring the inside of Julie's cunt all day. Now that bedtime was here, and there were clean fresh linens, Alex was ready to run like a bull. The only problem was that Julie was not about to give herself up tonight. She feigned a headache and went to sleep in the guest room. Alex was pissed beyond belief. So, he settled for second best. He went down to the basement and shook Jonathan who had already fallen into a deep sleep. "Get up bitch, it's your lucky night. You get to sleep upstairs tonight". Jonathan was so tired he could hardly make it up the stairs. Every muscle in his body had been worked over and ached with pain. Both men were naked at this point and Alex was behind Jonathan literally pushing his bare ass up the stairs. Jonathan sat down on the plush bed and couldn't believe how comfortable it felt. Alex had other plans though. He barked, "Start with the feet bitch, I want a massage". Jonathan was almost out of it but managed to pull himself to the foot of the bed and picked up Alex's hairy leg and began to work it with the palms of his hands, "Ahh that felt good." He rubbed and rubbed till Alex was satisfied. Alex then took his foot and shoved it in Jonathan's mouth. Jonathan then proceeded to suck his toes and lick his foot all around. When Alex was satisfied, he switched and put the other foot in Jonathan's mouth. Next Jonathan started working his way up Alex's thighs and crotch. Alex rolled over and forced Jonathan to rim his asshole. He wasn't satisfied until Jonathan has used his tongue to clean out the inside. By now Alex was convinced that Jonathan was deserving of his cock. He rolled over and fed it to him. Jonathan went to work like a tired hungry dog. He slurped and slurped till he got it nice and rock hard, at which point Alex flipped him over and gently slipped his cock into Jonathan's hungry hole. Alex was trying to be nice to Jonathan after the hard day he had experienced, but unfortunately, he got upset when he discovered that his hole had been stretched out of shape. He no longer had his tight virgin hole. He was more like a stretched-out street whore. He was still able to unload his spunk inside of Jonathan, even though it came running out the sides as fast as it went in. What a night. Both naked men were now exhausted and spent. They curled up together in a spooning position, and immediately went into a deep sleep with Alex's cock still impaling Jonathan.

Alex was the first to wake in the morning. It took him a few minutes to get his bearings especially when he realized that he had slept with his arms wrapped around Jonathan and his cock inside of him. Jonathan's warm smooth body was very caressable. It sure was a good feeling, but Alex would shake it off, he was not gay.

He shook Jonathan to wake him up. Jonathan was still stiff and groggy, and really enjoyed getting a good night's sleep in what was rightfully his own bed. Alex said, "Come on bitch, time for your morning blow". Alex had unbelievable stamina and was sporting some rock-hard morning wood. Jonathan jumped on his cock and sucked him dry in no time even though he was still worn out from last night. He was getting better and better at cock sucking. Alex took notice that his performance was improving with experience.

Alex had Jonathan go through the closet to pick out his outfit for the day. Jonathan lustfully looked at all the designer suits and clothes that were formerly his. He stroked some of the fabrics and held them close. He picked out a suit with coordinating shirt and tie, silk boxers, tee shirt, belt, imported over the calf socks and a smoking hot pair of Tom Ford black dress boots. He really was missing his wardrobe which he had skillfully collected and painstakingly maintained over the years. He cringed every time Alex took off one of his $3,000 suits and tossed it on the floor.

Alex told Jonathan that he did not like the feel of the stubble on his head and body from last night. If this was going to work, Jonathan would have to keep his head and his entire body completely shaved on a regular basis, eyebrows too! His whole body was to be kept completely smooth. Alex was still extremely jealous of Jonathan's good looks and was doing everything he could to change it. He made it very clear that if he found one hair that Jonathan would be put out of the house. Jonathan was secretly happy that his hair was starting to grow back, and now he would have to completely shave it all off. He would be totally bald and with no eyebrows he would look like a freak. He knew that this would not be a good look for him and once again had been beaten down. He knew that his co-workers would lose what little respect remaining that they had for him. He wasn't sure how much more he could take. Alex handed him a bar of soap, a can of shaving cream, a razor, and a towel and told him to get down to the basement and get to work on himself. Jonathan missed his shampoos (even though he didn't have hair anymore), scrubs, moisturizers, and cologne that he had collected in the upstairs bathroom. He did not even have access to deodorant. He carefully shaved around the piercings and tat - they were still sore. He gently shaved around his gaping asshole that was also still sore. He shaved his arms and legs and did the best he could with his back. He put the shaving cream on his face and cleared the manly stubble. As a last resort, he put the shaving cream on each eyebrow and little by little, wiped them away. Jonathan could not believe what he had just done.

After he showered and dried he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror and was shocked. He did not even look like the same person. He did not recognize the person in the mirror. He was no longer a successful business executive, he was a whimpering, pathetic loser. He put on the polyester dress shirt which was so wide at the bottom that it fit him like a potato sack. It was painful when it rubbed up against his new nipple piercing and freshly shaved chest. It was totally unlike the tapered shirts that were in his dresser upstairs. The olive-green suit was not much better. It looked like it was made in the 1980's. It was made from some unrecognizable heavy material. The jacket was too baggy, and the sleeves were too short. The pant legs were so wide that they flapped when he walked, at least they didn't strain against his scrotum piercing and cock cage. Maybe, just maybe Alex would allow him to take it to his tailor to be fitted. But then again, the tailor would just laugh at the crazy thought of doing any work on this worthless garment. How could he show up at work looking like this? As he was tying the emerald green and brown tie . . . it hit him . . . he doesn't have any shoes to wear. He lost his boots in the bar and has nothing else to wear. He ran upstairs pleading with Alex, "Please, please, you must let me wear a pair of shoes from my closet. I promise, I will pick out the oldest and cheapest pair". Alex laughed and replied, "Is that anyway to beg? Have you learned nothing"? Alex was admiring Jonathan's newly shaved head. He rubbed his hands all over Jonathan's bald head. He liked it. He loved the fact that he had shaved off his eyebrows with no push back. He felt it made Jonathan look less attractive. He would get his eyebrow pierced next week and start dressing him like a skin head. Jonathan immediately fell to his knees and said, "Please Master, may I borrow a pair of shoes from your closet"? Alex thought about sending him into the office in his bare feet but even he knew that was over the top. He shot back, "Ok bitch, but I will pick them out for you". Alex went into the closet and came out with a pair of white trainers - Balenciaga Triple S to be exact. Very comfortable, but very casual. A little too casual for a corporate office environment. Jonathan had bought them in London when he was there on business last year.

Jonathan gave Alex a quizzical look, "Those are not appropriate business attire. Those are weekend shoes". Alex shot back "Look fucker, it's these or nothing. Who the fuck do you think you are questioning my decisions?" With that, Alex balled his fist and slugged Jonathan square in the stomach, knocking the air out of him as he fell to the floor. Jonathan cried out, "I'm sorry Master. I did not mean to question your decision," as he coughed and gasped for air. Alex said, "You are worthless. I don't know why I waste my time on you." Jonathan replied, "Master please don't give up on me now. I promise to make it up to you. I am here to serve you. I need you. Please don't give up on me now." Alex had him right where he wanted him - in the palm of his hand.

The white trainers looked silly with the business suit. The fact that he didn't have any socks on didn't help. Jonathan had learned his lesson and quietly laced them up. The fact of the matter was that Alex was so paranoid of Jonathan's appearance, knowledge, and skills, that he had to keep knocking him down at every opportunity.

As they headed towards the garage, Jonathan felt his waist and realized that he was not wearing a belt. He panicked, but there was no way he could mention it to Alex now. He was secretly freaking out because he only had a minimal amount of clothing and could not afford to lose another piece. At least the waist of the pants fit him and sat somewhat firmly around his waist.

When they reached the garage, Alex who was looking hot and sexy in Jonathan's expensive sunglasses, turned to Jonathan, and said, "There is a change of plans today, bitch. I am going to let you drive the truck to work because you cannot afford to be late," and he tossed the keys to Jonathan. "Don't fuck around or I will kick your ass." Jonathan was quite sure that Alex meant it.

He headed down the driveway towards the truck on the street. What a piece of shit. It was a 1973 Chevy Cheyenne that was full of rust. Most of the truck was a mud colored brown except for the passenger side door which had been replaced and was a bright baby blue. Jonathan opened the door and was faced with a sea of beer cans, fast food wrappers and empty cigarette boxes. It smelled of pot, damp socks, and sex. Jonathan decided that it was better than riding the bus, at least he thought it would be better than the bus. He started the truck and took off towards the office. It then hit him that he didn't have a driver's license. Julie had cut it up and thrown it away, thinking that he would never need it again. Jonathan was committed to driving 5 miles under the speed limit. He had never gotten a speeding ticket and he didn't want to get one today.

Jonathan was about 3 blocks from the office when he saw the blue lights in the rear-view mirror. He hadn't been speeding so he wasn't sure why he was being pulled over. He turned down a side street to get out of traffic and parked. Jonathan looked in the rear-view mirror and sauntering towards the truck was the hottest highway patrolman that he had ever seen. He was 6'2", nice tight uniform, bulging biceps, mirrored sunglasses, and the hottest pair of leather boots that he had ever seen. He found himself licking his lips. Jonathan had to shake his head. He couldn't believe that he was giving this cop a second look. He kept telling himself that he was not gay. His throbbing cock said otherwise.

Instinctively he turned off the ignition, rolled down his window and put his hands on the steering wheel. The officer abruptly asked for his license and registration. The usually confident Jonathan was stuttering again and told the officer that this was not his truck. He had borrowed it, as his BMW was in the shop. The officer looked over the top of his mirrored sunglasses at the inside of the truck and could not help but notice Jonathan's thrift store attire, shaved head and pierced ear. He wasn't buying it. He picked up the residual smell of weed from inside. The officer asked him where he was headed, and Jonathan promptly and proudly replied, that he was going to his job. He was the Executive Vice-President of Sales for Miller Industrial Manufacturing Co. (This was another white lie). The officer definitely wasn't buying this. He asked Jonathan to step out of the truck and dragged him to the other side, forcing Jonathan to throw his hands up against the roof. He brusquely kicked Jonathan's legs apart and began frisking him. When he touched the nipple ring through the dress shirt, Jonathan winced in pain. The officer wanted to explore more and pulled the dress shirt up and out of his pants and pulled it apart to expose Jonathan's chest. He just chuckled to himself. He asked Jonathan if he had any drugs and Jonathan said no. The officer didn't believe him, so he pulled Jonathan's jacket off, searched it and then threw it on the ground. He pulled the tie over Jonathan's head and threw it on the ground. He pulled the shirt off his back, searched it and threw it on the ground. He continued the search turning Jonathan's pockets inside out until his hand brushed against Jonathan's caged and strained cock. As he was asking Jonathan if he had anything stuffed in his underwear, he reached around and unbuttoned his pants in order that he could check the inside. Since there was no belt, the pants accidently and swiftly fell to the ground exposing Jonathan's bare ass, butt plug, chastity device and the scrotum piercings. The officer looked at his naked bottom and the chastity device and proclaimed, "Well I'll be dammed. Shit boy, you some kind of kinky faggot"? Alex turned pale white, he knew he was a target now. He assured the officer that he was no faggot. He told the officer he was happily married (another white lie). The officer wasn't buying it. He asked Jonathan to show him a picture of his wife. Since Jonathan didn't have a wallet or cell phone, he couldn't. The officer said, "I thought so". Alex could not understand why everyone kept assuming he was gay. He was beginning to become unsure of it himself. He told the officer that he had no interests in men. The officer looked at Jonathan's gaping asshole and disagreed. He ran his hand around the smooth and enlarged hole with the butt plug inside. He had never seen anything like it. He used his other hand to rub his cock inside his fitted uniform pants. Jonathan's cock got as hard as it could get in the cage. He continued to feel up and down Jonathan's hairless body. Jonathan kept his head down and could not take his eyes off the officer's amazing boots. His tongue was imagining the taste of the smooth calf skin leather. His cock was drooling, and he didn't know why. The officer could tell Jonathan had boot licking experience. He continued by having Jonathan remove his shoes, he searched them for drugs, then threw them in the pile. He pulled Jonathan's arm behind and cuffed it, He twisted the other arm behind and put on the other cuff. He forced Jonathan to step out of his pants, scooped up the pile of clothes and shoes, and walked him down the alley behind a dumpster. He threw everything in the dumpster. He forced Jonathan to get down on his bare knees which were scraped by the concrete. He slid down his zipper and his monster cock popped out and hit Jonathan in the face. He grabbed Jonathan's ears and pulled him on to his raging cock. It didn't take long for him to shoot a warm stream of cum into Jonathan's mouth. He took his cock and rubbed it across Jonathan's face and then forced him to lick it clean. Jonathan was in shock that a man of the law was treating him this way. He tried to protest, and the officer told him he was doing him a favor letting him suck his cock. Jonathan tried to argue with the officer and told him that he was not that type of person. The officer slapped him hard across the face and told him that he could recognize a faggot when he saw one. He told Jonathan that he knew he was a cocksucker when he first met him. Tears came to Jonathan's eyes as he realized what a total stranger thought of him. About that time a call came through for an officer in distress. "It looks like today is your lucky day, faggot. Watch yourself, I'll be looking for you". With that, he quickly removed the cuffs and took off running towards his patrol car and sped off, leaving Jonathan standing naked in the alley. Jonathan could not believe that a total stranger, a policeman no less, would treat him in his manner. He gathered his composure and climbed up and into the dumpster to get his clothes. Piece by piece, he threw them out into the alley. He climbed out of the dumpster and quickly got dressed. He could not be late for work today.

Next: Chapter 9

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