The Slow Destruction of Jonathan

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on Feb 20, 2023


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They hopped in the BMW and off they sped. Jonathan was thankful that Alex did not stop at the bus stop and push him out. Alex was thirsty for beer, and remembered a perfect place that he had heard about from the stories of his biker friends. They got on the interstate and headed to a desolate part of town that Jonathan never knew existed. Alex was able to find the place and pulled into the dark parking lot with a partial chain link fence. There was no sign on the building and only one light bulb out front. Jonathan was worried about leaving the treasured BMW in such a threating environment, even though technically, it wasn't his anymore.

They opened the door and entered the dark establishment. It didn't take long for Jonathan to realize that it was a bar, and the name on the banner behind the bar read, "THE EAGLE". It looked friendly enough. Even though there were only men in the place, they appeared to be laughing and having a good time. Alex walked up to the bartender with Jonathan close behind. "My friend here would like a beer, but doesn't have any money", Alex said as he pointed towards Jonathan. "Let's see his credentials", the bartender replied. Alex stepped aside and pointed toward Jonathan's chest with a look that said," You know what to do". Jonathan started unbuttoning his shirt. As he finished the last button, Alex quickly reached up and was able to pull the shirt and tie right off his back, leaving Jonathan's chest totally exposed for everyone to see. Alex tossed the shirt and tie up in the air and over his shoulder. They were passed around the bar until they disappeared into the darkness. All eyes, including the bartenders, were focused on Jonathan's chest. The weekly gym work outs and racquetball sessions had really paid off. Jonathan was proud of his broad shoulders, thick biceps, washboard abs, and 34-inch waist. He was standing there shivering with embarrassment because of the nipple ring and tattoo, but he still managed to puff out his chest and waited for the admiration. Instead, what he received were jeers, snickering and laughter. They pointed to the two of hearts tattoo and nipple ring and called Jonathan a sissy faggot. Finally, the bartender spoke, "That will get you a cup of water in here". There was laughter all around. Alex was not happy. He pointed to Jonathan's jeans and said, "Ok, give them what they want". Jonathan was not happy, but knew that Alex would not take no for an answer.

Jonathan bent over and struggled to get one of the boots off. He kept it next to him so that he could put it back on in a few minutes when this was over. His foot hit the cold concrete floor and shivers went up his back. He bent over again, and pulled the other boot off, gently placing it on top of the other one, safely by his side.

Jonathan was trying to move as slow as possible, but the crowd around him started chanting, "SHOW IT, SHOW IT", AND Jonathan had no choice but to unbuckle his belt and let his jeans fall to the floor. There was laughter all around when they saw the rings in his balls. The bartender spoke first, "You're nothing but a little man whore. You are not wearing any underwear. You are just asking for trouble in here". In all the chaos, no one realized that Jonathan's only pair of boots had been kicked aside by someone sitting at the bar. The person next to him saw the boots and he kicked them down further. This continued until the boots worked their way down the bar and out of sight.

The bartender said "OK. I'll give you a beer, but you are going to have to earn it first. That's when two burly men stepped up to either side of Jonathan and quickly ushered him towards the mens room. Jonathan could not walk with his jeans around his ankles and was tripping and stumbling. He had no choice but to step out of them. And that was the last he saw of them. Now he was walking through the bar, bare assed naked and scared out of his mind.

One of the men pointed to a spot next to the urinals and Jonathan knew that he wanted him to stand there. He was pushed to his knees and one of the men barked, "Don't Move". One by one the bar patrons lined up. Someone yelled, "Open Wide". He hesitated and a fist out of nowhere jabbed him in the jaw. Jonathan's head was spinning, he was shivering from being naked on the cold nasty bathroom floor, and was in for the shock of his life as a stream of warm piss was headed in his direction. Some of it went in his mouth and the guy got frustrated when Jonathan would not keep his mouth open, so the rest he just soaked Jonathan from head to toe. The next guy stepped up and slugged Jonathan straight in the gut. "Keep It Open, Bitch", were his only words. Jonathan winced in pain, but managed to keep his mouth open and take most of the piss. The final little spirt was aimed across his face and even went up his nose. This went on for an hour or more as word spread through the bar that there was live entertainment in the toilets.

Meanwhile, back at the bar Alex was having the best time ever. There were plenty of beers, bourbon and tequila shots as well as cigars being passed around and Alex didn't have to pay for any of it. All the guys were buying him drinks and patting him on the back. A lot of celebration and excitement. There were high fives everywhere as Alex was the hero of the night. He admitted to himself that he actually liked this place and these gay guys weren't so bad after all.

Back in the bathroom, as the line dwindled down, someone filled the mop buck with cold water from the cleaning sink. Before Jonathan could realize what was happening, someone doused him with 5 gallons of cold water. He struggled to catch his breath. He couldn't breathe and almost passed out. Another slug to the shoulder woke him up. He had been spun around and bent over the sink. He couldn't figure out what was happening, but someone had the mop handle and was ravaging his hole with it. Jonathan put his hand up to tell them NO and received another iron blow to his stomach. His hand quickly fell to his side. A full 10 inches of the handle was being used to stretch and widen Jonathan's trembling hole.

Jonathan was moved into position and the men lined up again like eager school boys. Two by two they worked both his holes. One in front getting blown, while another rode his ass. When he was so tired that he couldn't open his mouth, another blow to the face solved the problem. For another hour and a half, Jonathan entertained the patrons. When they were done with him he collapsed in a heap on the bathroom floor full of piss and cum. His enlarged hole had so much spunk, that it was running down his leg. He crawled his way out of the bathroom when the bartender walked up and said, "Where do you think you are going"? Jonathan was too spent to even try to reply. The bartender continued, "You are going to clean this mess up that you made in here".

Jonathan was handed the mop, bucket, and a gallon of bleach. He was naked, battered and bruised on his face, arms and chest. His eye was swollen. He had to use the mop handle for support as his bare feet kept sticking to the filthy, nasty tiles. He persevered and scrubbed and rinsed the floor. He was forced to clean the urinals and the toilets. He had never cleaned a toilet before in his life. They even made him clean the sink and wipe the mirrors. That bathroom had never been cleaner, and Jonathan could hardly walk.

Jonathan made his way to Alex at the bar who by now was wasted. Alex took one look and said, "Oh shit. Let's go. Grab your stuff and get dressed". Alex stood up to leave and Jonathan was in a panic. "Have you seen my jeans, where's my shirt, my boots, where are my boots"? Each person he asked shook their head no. No one had seen Jonathan's clothes. Jonathan was frantic, and Alex was getting pissed. He was tired, drunk and ready to go. "Come on cock sucker, we've gotta go", yelled Alex. Jonathan admitted defeat and he didn't want to get left alone in the bar, so he headed out the door completely naked. It was almost as if he didn't care anymore.

When they got to the car, Jonathan's eyes popped open wide when he realized what he was looking at. He yelled out, "MY CAR!". His eye popping, heart stopping, prized possession, the beautiful BMW Gran Turismo had been vandalized. Someone had take a can of white spray paint and had gone down the passenger side of the car. The Mediterranean Blue Metallic paint was destroyed. This car had only been hand-washed and detailed up until now. Further inspection revealed that the passenger side-view mirror had been smashed. A tail light had been busted out and there were large indentations in the hood. The whole drivers side had been keyed. Alex got in and started the car. At least it was still able to run. He yelled for Jonathan to get in, "Come on, it's only a car."

They took off, with Jonathan in the passenger seat completely naked. He was so upset about the vandalism, that he didn't think about his state of undress. They only drove about two blocks when Alex pulled into a parking lot. Alex got out, came around and opened the passenger side door. "Come on bitch, let's go". Jonathan reluctantly got out of the car and headed towards the door, walking behind Alex. The pebbles in the parking lot were tearing up his feet. They got inside, and it turned out to be an Adult Bookstore. Jonathan was cowering in the corner when Alex pulled him forward to stand directly in front of the proprietor, who was about 5'2", 200 lbs. with thick glasses. The man asked, "What do we have here"? Alex replied, "My friend here cannot control himself. He is always shooting his load when he shouldn't be, and causing a mess. It's very embarrassing plus he will not need his dick to do any fucking anytime soon." The man replied that he had just what Jonathan needed. The Electro Lockdown Chastity Cage. The man was so nice, that he even volunteered to install it on Jonathan. He made sure to point out the piss slit. He was careful not to get Jonathan too hard; it would complicate the process. When he was finished and closed the lock, he handed the key to Alex, who put it on his ring next to the BMW fob. Alex told the guy that they would need another butt plug to replace the one that got left in the bar. They paid the man and left.

Headed down the road, they both could hear Jonathan's stomach rumbling. He hadn't eaten all day and was starving, especially after all the abuse that he had received tonight. Alex said, "You hungry, bitch? We can fix that." There was a McDonald's ahead, and Alex turned into the parking lot. Jonathan was excited. Finally, some hot food, even if it was McDonalds. Jonathan could not remember the last time that he had been inside of a fast food restaurant. It may have been when he was in school. But he was too hungry to be picky about what he was going to eat. The smile on his face was quickly wiped away when Jonathan looked out the window. "Oh no, No, oh no, don't do this, please don't do this, I'm begging you". Alex was in the drive through lane and Jonathan was freaking out. He looked around for something to cover himself up, but there was nothing in the car that he could use. Alex ordered the first thing on the menu, two Number ones - he didn't really care what Jonathan wanted, and pulled up to the window. There was a little pimply faced, 16-year-old white boy working the window. The boy was looking down at the register and the counter as he assembled the items. But when he looked up and saw Jonathan sitting in the passenger seat he screamed out. "Holy Shit. What the fuck? Jonathan turned beet red. Alex said that he had found him like that and didn't elaborate. Jonathan wanted to open the door and run. The kid called out to his co-worker, "Hey Joe, come here and look at the faggot!" Another young boy around the same age came running over to the window, and they both started pointed and laughing. The second boy said, "Hey fag, what's that on your dick. And look at that bar in your titty. What are those rings in your balls"? They continued to laugh, point and high five each other. A real live naked fag in the drive through was the most exciting thing that they had seen all night; and they were used to seeing a lot of crazy stuff. They threw the bags of food in the car, and Alex and Jonathan took off.

They got back home, parked in the garage, and then walked into the kitchen where Julie was sitting. She looked up from her laptop and couldn't believe what she was looking at. She saw Jonathan standing there butt naked. He had no hair - his most valuable asset had been buzzed off. He still had the bruises on his face, arms, and chest, where he had been beaten in the bathroom. His eye was still swollen. He had a big round slave/pirate earring in his right ear. His left nipple was pierced with a miniature bar bell and he had a big plastic chastity device on his dick. His arm was tattooed. His balls had been pierced. Since his body had been shaved, he looked like a little boy standing before her. His enlarged asshole was leaking cum from around the plug, and he smelled like piss and spit. He was out of breath from his exhausting night. He could not deal with this anymore but somehow managed to put the leather collar around his neck before he got beat again.

Jonathan tried to start the conversation, "I can't take this anymore. I'm going to leave. Please let me leave. I will go anywhere to get away from here and don't worry, I won't tell anyone about the abuse. I just need to get out of here. I will go the Mexico if I have to".

Julie responded, "You dumb ass. Look at yourself. You're butt naked. You have no money, no credit cards, no ID. Where the fuck are you going to go? Mexico? You couldn't make it to the county line. You're lucky that we don't put you out on the street where you belong. Out of the goodness of our hearts, we have put a roof over your head and food in your stomach. I can't believe how unfucking grateful and disrespectful you are. If you want to leave - then go. The door is open. Just remember that you're not coming back, ever. When they find you, and they will, at best you will be put out on the street to live with the homeless; at worst you will be declared insane and committed to a home. Your family will dis-own you and forget that you ever existed. Remember, we have the pictures to prove that you were begging to suck cock and get fucked by another man. Everyone will look at you and know that you had a secret desire to become a street whore. Now make a decision. Walk out that door or get the fuck back down in the basement where you belong."

Jonathan's eyes swelled up with tears. He had never cried in his whole adult life and now he was crying all the time. He thought about that and it made it feel worse. Maybe Julie was right. Where would he go? Could he just walk out the door? What about clothes? Surely, they would give him a pair of pants. How far could he get without shoes? Where was that Metro Bus card? It must have been in his jeans pocket. His body was in so much pain, he couldn't think straight. His head was spinning.

Alex spoke up, "Well bitch what's your decision? Jonathan stuttered (and he had never stuttered before in his life), "I, I, well, I, umh, think that I should umh stay here. Alex continued, "then get your shit together, fucker. Get your bag of clothes down stairs and get them washed and ironed and ready for work tomorrow. Do I have to tell you everything? Don't forget the dishes in the sink need to be washed, the linens in the Master Bedroom need to be changed, and the trash needs to be taken out. Jonathan lowered his head in defeat. He would be up for 2 more hours doing his chores.

Next: Chapter 8

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