The Slow Destruction of Jonathan

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on Jan 23, 2023


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Just before lunch time, Jonathan's intercom buzzed and before his secretary could announce the visitor, the door opened, and Alex flew in and closed the door. Jonathan just looked up from his desk in a daze. He had not moved from that chair all morning as he was too humiliated to walk through the office. "Let Betty know that in the future she does not have to announce my arrival. Tell her that we are working on a project together and she will be seeing more of me in your office. We don't want to be disturbed when we are working together". Jonathan could not believe what he was seeing. There was Alex standing before him in HIS clothes, and Jonathan had to admit that he liked the style (since he had bought the clothes) and they looked as good on Alex, if not better. Jonathan called Betty and relayed the message.

Alex stood before Jonathan and cleared his throat. He had that stern, no nonsense look in his eyes. Jonathan suddenly remembered his new position in life, and jumped up out of the chair. He pulled off the shirt and tie, struggled with the boots, and then dropped the jeans. He jumped to attention and stood before Alex completely naked.

Alex sat down in Jonathan's chair and said that they had some business to conduct. Alex was smart enough to know that Jonathan's position of Vice-President gave him access to every area of the company's computer system. "You are going to write a glowing personnel review about me, back date it, and insert it in my file." Jonathan knew that this type of behavior could get both fired if they got caught. He was not the type of person to abuse or violate company policy. Jonathan went to say something, but Alex cut him off. He told him to shut the fuck up and do it. When the review was finished, they signed it, back dated it and scanned it into the HR system. While in there, Alex noticed that he had three disciplinary actions in his file; two for tardiness and one for attitude. He had Jonathan delete them. His mediocre to poor performance history was now rated as above average. Alex said "Good job slut. You're doing just fine." Jonathan could not believe that he just initiated a major violation of corporate policy. He also could not believe that he was sitting at his desk working completely naked, and the street punk standing next to him was wearing his clothes.

Alex said, "Next you will write a recommendation for a generous salary increase. It will be retroactive to the first of this year. The reason that you will state is that a review of employee wages revealed that I have been grossly underpaid." They both knew that the real reason that Alex was underpaid compared to his co-workers was because of his poor attitude.

And finally, you will write a recommendation for transfer and promotion. You will move me to the sales department and I will be the newest asset to your team. With my good work history, you will recommend that I should be the highest paid salesman. Jonathan was astonished. He knew that if word got out, there would be mutiny. Jonathan had assembled the best salesmen in the business and he did not want to alienate them. He then realized that he was completely naked, working in front of Alex, and really had no choice. He did not want to take another beating.

It was time to return to Jonathan's training. Jonathan was hesitant as he stood back and glared at Alex. Alex jumped up and punched him in the face as hard as he could. This was probably going to turn into a shiner. Alex then grabbed him and pulled him across his lap. His face was stinging and soon his ass would be too. He used his hand to give him 50 swats. He did not care if Betty could hear the commotion. Jonathan on the other hand, was trying not to yell out and squeezed his mouth closed to contain the pain. He could not take any more humiliation today. After Alex turned Jonathan's ass beet red, he prepared for the anal assault. Alex was already hard and ready, so it did not take much to push Jonathan against the desk doggie style and aim his cock for the throbbing hole. Alex showed no mercy and shoved it in hard. Just when Jonathan thought the dick was all the way inside of him, Alex pushed again, and felt the full strength and girth of Alex's cock. Alex showed no mercy as he controlled Jonathan's bobbing head by pulling him by his hair. It was usually finely combed and well kept. Now it was tousled and disheveled. Jonathan rode the cock for about 5 minutes until it started throbbing and then exploded inside of him. Once again Jonathan's dripping cock started throbbing on its own, and suddenly exploded with warm jism all over his chest and legs and dripping onto Alex's expensive new shoes that he had taken from Jonathan. Alex was pissed. He screamed that he was going to have to get a chastity device to get Jonathan's cock under control. He pushed Jonathan to the floor and forced him to lick the cum off the shoes. Jonathan could not understand why this was happening. He was not gay, and never had any gay fantasies. But for some reason, he could not control his cock. If you did not know any better, you would think that Jonathan was enjoying his treatment.

Jonathan was sweaty, exhausted, and defeated. He stared at the floor. His ass and face were throbbing from the pain, and he was dozing in and out of it, when he felt Alex reach down and pull his arm up. He then realized that Alex had unclasped his Rolex watch and was sliding it down and off his wrist. This was a $13,000 steel and yellow gold watch that Jonathan had received at last years holiday party as a bonus for setting new sales records. All he could do was look down as Alex put the watch on his wrist where it fit perfectly right next to the gold cuff links. There was nothing that Jonathan could do to stop him. Alex then raised his other arm and removed the $5,000 yellow gold bracelet from Tiffany's which his wife had given him as an anniversary present several years ago. The bracelet came off easily, and Alex threw his arm down. He even took Jonathan's Academy class ring, and his $2,500 gold wedding band. Finally, he forced Jonathan's exhausted head forward and reached behind his neck. He unclasped and removed the gold necklace. This was no ordinary gold chain. It was an 18K gold, small fluted necklace from David Yurman which had set Jonathan back about $5,000. Alex smiled as he clasped it around his neck. It felt good. Alex had no appreciation for fine jewelry, but there was no way that he was going to let this little pussy boy look better than him. Jonathan could not even open his mouth. He did not say a word as he was stripped of his expensive jewelry. His head fell in disgrace. He did not have enough strength to defend himself. Meanwhile, Alex looked in the mirror and admired his new look. He had no idea of the true value of the jewelry, he just knew that he looked better than Jonathan. That was all that mattered. It was a good day.

Alex noticed the top desk drawer was slightly ajar and there was Jonathan's cell phone, car keys and wallet. He picked up the cell phone and barked, "What's the code"? Jonathan did not dare challenge him. He put his head down and said, "0927" - his birthday. Alex entered the code and the phone popped alive. He would soon change the thumbprint to his own. He now had access to Jonathan's private email, business email, and text accounts as well as banking and other personal information. He put the phone inside his suit jacket. He then picked up Jonathan's wallet and removed all the cash - about $200. He looked around and found Jonathan's Platinum American Express Card which he slid into his pocket. He then threw the wallet on the floor. He picked up Jonathan's keys and put them in his pocket. As he headed for the door, he picked up Jonathan's $2800 Buffalo Horned Rimmed Cartier Sunglasses off the desk. He put them on and looked in the mirror again. He liked what he saw and smiled. This was so easy, it was like taking candy from a kid.

He told Jonathan to get back to work. It was time for lunch and he was going out. Once again, he walked out the door, leaving it wide open. Jonathan, still gasping for breath, ran over and closed the door and proceeded to get dressed in the ragged clothes. He really didn't want to put the black harness boots back on his bare feet, but he didn't have a choice; that was all he had to wear. He looked in the mirror and couldn't believe what he saw - he looked like a cheap punk, not a successful executive. As he was finishing getting dressed he happened to glance out the window and saw his prized BMW headed out of the company parking lot with Alex at the wheel and Julie by his side. Jonathan had never been lower in life. He couldn't believe that he was letting this guy from the back office control his life. Little by little, he was allowing this stranger to take everything from him that was near and dear. First his wife, then his clothes, his jewelry, his cash and credit cards and even his car - it was unbelievable, and Jonathan was determined to find a way to put a stop to this.

It was lunch time and Jonathan was starving. He had no car to go out to lunch. He had no cash and no way of even getting a bag of chips from the company vending machines. He just sat at his desk thinking about his current predicament while his stomach grumbled. He had to come up with a plan, but it was hard to focus on an empty stomach. His secretary was at lunch, so he went out to her desk and rummaged through the drawers looking for cookies or crackers. He found nothing. He decided it would be a good time to go the bathroom since a lot of employees were at lunch. He headed down the hall towards the bathrooms when he came face to face with Jose and his co-worker, Andres. They immediately turned around and followed Jonathan into the bathroom. When inside, they each grabbed an arm and drug Jonathan into the oversized handicapped stall. Jonathan was still so weak from the earlier abuse that he could not defend himself. Jose and Andres knew a faggot when they saw one, and they were going to have some fun. They pulled his tie over his head and threw it on the floor. They pulled his shirt off his back, popping a couple of buttons in the process, and threw it on the floor. Andres reached around and unbuttoned Jonathan's jeans, and both men pulled the jeans to the floor. Once again, Jonathan was almost naked. This time he had his boots on and his jeans around his ankles. The two Latinos went to work abusing Jonathan in every imaginable way. Jonathan was forced to slurp on Andres' cock while Jose pumped him in the ass. They switched positions, twice. They loved being able to fuck the big shot executive. When they finished and were headed out the door, Jonathan heard Jose tell Andres, "See, I told you he was a pole smoker".

Jonathan sat down on the floor, next to the toilet and tried to regain his composure. He could not believe that these people who used to look up to him and respect him, were now abusing him and treating him like trash off the street. It did not help that Jonathan now looked like street trash. He finally got the strength to get up, get dressed and slowly and painfully made his way back to his office.

Next: Chapter 4

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