The Slow Destruction of Jonathan

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on May 19, 2023


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Alex, Julie, and Jonathan had settled into a routine. Jonathan dutifully kept his head and body shaved smooth and free of any stubble, just the way Alex liked it. Jonathan meticulously maintained his daytime work uniform even though it was starting to show signs of wear. At his nighttime job, or if he was out running errands in public with Alex, he wore his basketball shorts, worn white tee shirt and flimsy sandals. In public, whenever possible, he was kept shirtless and barefoot. He had no other clothes to his name and was denied basic underwear and socks as an unaffordable luxury. Jonathan's calloused feet were so dirty they didn't look clean even after they were washed. Jonathan used to have a big bright smile that framed his brilliantly perfect white teeth. These days he never smiled, and his teeth were not so white. His eyes were hollow and had a distant look. His once well-tanned and groomed complexion was now pale and wrinkled. He looked at least 10 years older than his 26 years of age. He used to be well spoken, now he never talked unless asked a question. Alex loved it when strangers made comments about Jonathans tats, piercings, or his rough looks in general. It reinforced his successful conquest and takeover of Jonathan's life. Around the house Jonathan was kept naked and collared. Jonathan had been defeated and would openly admit to anyone who asked, that Alex was the boss. Jonathan would service Alex's needs whenever and wherever, no questions asked. Alex was keeping him on a tight schedule and Jonathan had no personal time and very little time for sleep. The only reason Jonathan was allowed a five-minute shower was when Alex wanted him in his bed. Otherwise, Jonathan went without. Jonathan was too exhausted for his mind to wander. This was a very different life for Jonathan. Only 2 months ago he was a successful young business executive and somehow, someway he had allowed himself to be relieved of everything he considered near and dear including his wife. A strange and perverted lifestyle that in the past would have been unimaginable but now it was a daily way of life. It was all about satisfying Alex. Julie for the most part was done with both and focused on herself.

Alex was really enjoying the spoils of Jonathans closet. He did not know how to pair the suits with ties and accessories, but that's why he had Jonathan who was committed to making Alex look good. In fact, the clothes looked better now on Alex than they would on Jonathan who had continued to lose weight. He was gaunt and undernourished. He had little muscle and no fat. Even if he was allowed, the finely tailored shirts, slacks and suits would no longer fit him, they would be at least two sizes too big.

At the office, Alex had drained every bit of knowledge he could out of Jonathan. Alex was the golden boy who could do no wrong thanks to the hard work and experience that Jonathan provided. Alex was well liked by customers and co-workers and leading a charmed and successful life. Jonathan on the other hand had been reduced to janitorial duties, taking orders, and being bullied by the Latinos on the loading dock. He had to do the jobs that they didn't want to do. He was humiliated every day when he had to go through all the offices and empty his former co-workers trash cans. They laughed at him when they saw him running the vacuum in the hallway. He was scrubbing the toilets in the mens room one day when Dean Johnson the head of operations came in and pissed all over the floor, right in front of him. Jonathan cleaned it up and just accepted it as his new way of life.

One routine night Jonathan was at his part time job at the convenience store stocking beer in the cooler. Three young men that were out partying came in to buy some beer. Jonathan stood up to move out of their way and as he turned, came face to face with his younger brother David. David did a double take and flipped out, "Jonathan is that you? What the hell happened? Are you working here?" David was shocked and demanded some answers, "What the fuck are you doing here? What's wrong with you, are you sick?" One of the other guys spoke up and said, "Dude, this is your brother? Holy Shit."

David asked him what happened to his money and Jonathan said he had none. David asked him what happen to his car and he said it was gone. What about his clothes? Jonathan said that they were gone too. What about his wife, Julie? Jonathan, with tears in his eyes, said she divorced him and took the house and everything. She had cleaned him out. David asked why he didn't use the two attorneys Marshall and Anthony to protect his interests. Jonathan said that he did and still lost everything.

One of the other guys spoke up and told David that his older brother looks like a crack head whore. David took a swing at him and told him to shut the fuck up. David said that he and the family had been trying to reach Jonathan to no avail. Jonathan explained that he no longer had a cell phone. David looked Jonathan up and down and asked what he could do to help. Jonathan bowed his head and said there was nothing that he could do. David thought for a minute and then began to remove his trainers. The least he could do was give Jonathan his shoes. Jonathan refused and said no, he didn't want his charity.

The other guy spoke up again and said that he had twenty bucks for the submissive whore. He was not going to give it to him, he would have to earn it. He grabbed Jonathan by the arm and took him outside behind the store. David and the third guy followed. He forced Jonathan to his knees and told him to pull out his dick. Jonathan lowered the zipper on the guys jeans and fished out his cock. He went to work eagerly sucking the throbbing rod, quickly getting the guy off. David could not believe his eyes, "No, no, no way." His older brother was a cock sucking bitch. When Jonathan was finished getting the guy off, the man paid him the $20.

The other guy told Jonathan that he had twenty dollars for him also. He quickly pulled Jonathan's basketball shorts down and bent him over. He forced Jonathan to get his dick hard and wet. When he was ready, he shoved his long rod into Jonathan's eager ass. His dick slid in easily with no problem. The guy quickly worked up a rhythm and rode Jonathan back and forth. After a short while, he unloaded his spunk inside of Jonathan's gut. He wiped his dick on Jonathan's face and then had him lick it clean. He paid the $20.

David was freaking out. His older successful brother was reduced to a cum swallowing slut. He screamed that Jonathan was not his brother anymore. He didn't want anything to do with him. He would tell their father and the family would disown him. He would be written out of the will for sure. Jonathan who had gotten used to his new lifestyle, could not believe that his own brother would treat him like this. He was on his knees looking up at David, when David lowered his zipper and pulled out his cock. Jonathan thought that David was going to give it to him to suck. Instead, he took a step back and pissed all over Jonathans face. It stung when it went into his eyes. It went up his nose and into his mouth. It ran down his face and onto his shirt. When he was done, he told Jonathan to lick his cock off. He then spit in Jonathan's face. Jonathan was shocked that his own younger brother would treat him so viscously. David called him a dirty faggot and told him that they were finished. He wanted nothing to do with him anymore. The three of them turned and walked away. There would be no charity and no help from his older brother. Jonathan was on the ground and covered in his brother's piss. He was devastated.

Next: Chapter 21

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