The Slow Destruction of Jonathan

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on Jan 15, 2023


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The next morning Alex woke up with his typical morning wood. He ordered Jonathan to jump on his cock and begin servicing it with his mouth. Jonathan refused. He stood up to Alex, telling him that he was not into freaky sex, he was not a homosexual, he was not a cock sucker and that he needed to leave his house immediately. Wrong move. Slowly and skillfully Alex retrieved the belt from the floor and threw Jonathan's naked body over his lap. Jonathan's ass was still sore from the night before and this brutal whipping was making it worse. Alex yelled out, "Mutha fucker, you will learn how to follow instructions". After 50 whips, Alex asked Jonathan if he had changed his mind and he replied, "fuck you". Alex gave him another 100 thrashings and Jonathan began to whimper. About this time Julie stepped forward with her iPad and began scrolling through the skillfully edited pictures from last night. "You used to think you were the king of this house, but there is a new Sherriff in town. I'm sure that my father would be very upset with you if he were to see any of these pictures. Imagine what your golfing buddies would think if they got a hold of them. Your parents would dis-own you. Your sister and her husband would be very upset. The neighbors would not have anything to do with you. Our friends at the club would blackball you".

Jonathan dropped his head in total defeat. His eyes fell back into his head as he realized there was no way out. His whole world was now upside down. He reluctantly came back to Alex and kneeled before him. He knew that he was screwed in more ways than one. He took Alex's cock in his mouth and serviced it like the good little cock sucker he had become. Just as Alex's cock began throbbing he pulled out. He spun Jonathan around and plunged the now throbbing cock into his ass. It didn't take long before Alex was able to dump a bucketful of his man juice inside of Jonathan. He simply had to point to his cock and Jonathan knew that it was his new responsibility to clean it up.

Alex got up and got dressed in his jeans, tee shirt and black harness boots, while Jonathan just sat on the floor in disbelief. Alex ordered Jonathan to crawl towards him. "The least thing a little bitch like you can do is to show their respect to a great man like me. You will clean and worship my boots like the little worthless cunt that you are". Jonathan looked around for a towel or rag to clean the boots. Alex slapped him hard upside the head and said "With your tongue, stupid. You ignorant little cunt, do I have to tell you everything"? Jonathan immediately went to work on the boots. He slurped up the dirt and filth from the tops, sides and bottoms of the boots. He had dirt smeared across his face. When he was finished he looked up and Julie was standing there. "You are a poor excuse for man, a lousy lover and a pathetic loser." Jonathan was crushed. He loved Julie. He worshipped the ground she walked on and now she was disgusted with him. Alex walked over to Julie and kissed her on the lips. "Bye babe. See you later". It was the look of love, or at least lust. Once again, tears came to Jonathan's eyes as he came to realize how far he had fallen.

Jonathan got up and took a long hot shower. He scrubbed the dried spunk from his chest, face and ass. He brushed his teeth twice to get rid of the taste. As always, he took his time to shave and groom. He was very proud of his appearance. It came from his earlier years at the military academy. When he was satisfied that he was finished he came out of the bathroom to get dressed in one of his nicely fitted suits, starched shirt and expensive tie. Julie had already left for work.

Jonathan always got to work early to get a jump start on the day (and ahead of everyone else) and today was no exception. Imagine his surprise when he entered the offices and rounded the corner to his private office. The door was open. He walked in and the lights were on. And there to his surprise, sitting in his chair with those black harness boots propped up on the desk, was Alex. No this can't be happening thought Jonathan. "Come in and close the door" said Alex.

Jonathan's heart sank. It was one thing to be humiliated at home, but surely, he would not be humiliated at work. He would soon find out. He walked in, closed and even locked the door for some reason. Alex spoke, "There is going to be a new protocol at work. When I am in your office, you will immediately strip naked for me and stand at attention, ready for service. Jonathan just stood there in disbelief. He could not believe what he had just heard. "What are you waiting for, bitch?" Jonathan just stood there in silence. Alex stood up and began to remove his belt, he had the look of hell's fury in his eyes. Jonathan came out of his trance and said, "ok, ok". He was truly afraid of Alex. He slowly removed his jacket, folded it and put it on the desk. He pulled his tie over his head. He unbuttoned his freshly starched shirt and folded it. He slipped off his Alden tan colored calfskin loafers. He slid his pants down and put them on the pile. Finally, in defeat, he removed his tee shirt, silk boxers and socks. He stood before Alex completely naked. Back straight, chin up, legs apart. Alex still sitting in Jonathan's chair just smiled and motioned for him to come around the desk. Since you like these boots so much, I have a treat for you today. Go ahead and pay your respect, boy. Jonathan knew exactly what to do. He went to work on the boots with his tongue, for the second time today, until he got them to the point where they never looked better. He was satisfied that his work was done, but Alex had other plans. "Pull the boot off. Put your nose in there and enjoy the smell of a real man. You have probably never smelled anything like that." He was right. Jonathan had never smelled anything like that and was almost repulsed at the odor coming from the boot. Alex took his left foot with its well-worn sock and pushed it towards Jonathan's mouth. Jonathan began to suck on his toes. He licked the foot and inhaled the odor. He thought he was done when Alex told him to remove the sock. He was ordered to clean his foot from the tip of his toes to his ankle. He licked the cheese from between Alex's toes. When Alex was satisfied with the job, he had Jonathan move to the other foot. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Alex said, "I know you want something bigger in your mouth, don't you?" Jonathan, with his beautiful blue eyes, just glared at him. Alex was so incensed that he immediately stood up and cracked Jonathan as hard as he could upside of his head. Jonathan was seeing stars. Alex continued' "When I ask you a question, you will reply with a yes Sir or a no Sir. You will show your respect by always referring to me as Sir. In private you will refer to me as Master. Do you understand"? Jonathan with his still stinging head immediately said, "Sir, yes Sir".

Alex stood up and removed his tie. It looked like it had come from a thrift store. He removed his worn shirt which had seen better days. He was not wearing a tee shirt. He unbuckled his thick black belt and dropped his slim Wrangler jeans to the floor and stepped out. He was not wearing any underwear. Jonathan noticed that Alex did not take much pride in his appearance and did not care about the clothes that he wore. He just had the bare basics to get by on the job. He bought his clothes at Walmart and it showed. Jonathan paid more for one pair of shoes than Alex paid for his entire wardrobe. Jonathan could not help but notice Alex's body. What the clothes lacked, the body made up for.

Once again Alex ravaged Jonathan's mouth. This was so intense that Jonathan's mouth was sore from the workout. His whole body could feel the different pain from the brutal abuse. Jonathan's naked body absorbed the heat and the power coming from Alex's naked body. This time Alex exploded in Jonathan's mouth and pulled out at the same time. There was enough cum to get it in his hair, on his face and chest and even some on his legs and feet. Once again, Jonathan was forced to lick Alex's cock clean. Jonathan just sat on the floor, covered in cum, and totally dejected.

By the time he opened his eyes, Jonathan realized that Alex had walked around the desk and was putting on Jonathan's fine silk boxers. Things were blurry for Jonathan when Alex bent over and pulled on the fine Italian socks and then his tee shirt. When Alex picked up the starched white dress shirt and began putting it on with the $500 Versace gold cuff links, the stark reality hit Jonathan. Alex was going to take Jonathan's clothes. Alex picked up the expensive suit pants and put them on. Finally, the tie and then the jacket. These clothes didn't mean much to Alex, but he was smart enough to know that they made a fashion statement. They had the air of a successful executive on the move, and Alex was definitely ready to move up the ladder. These clothes would help him get noticed around the office. Alex looked in the mirror and adjusted himself. Since Alex and Jonathan was very close in stature, the clothes fit him perfectly. Finally, Jonathan opened his mouth. "You can't do this to me. I can't wear those rags. I will be humiliated in front of the whole office." "That's not my problem"' replied Alex. He then bent over and picked up his socks, turned and walked out the door, leaving it wide open. This left Jonathan with the bare basics to wear. He had Alex's worn shirt and tie, a pair of jeans and a pair of boots - no socks, underwear or tee shirt. He was a successful Vice-President for Christ Sake and could not been seen like this. He tried to regain his composure, jumped up and immediately closed the door. He cleaned himself up as best he could, and got dressed. He looked in the mirror and could not believe what he saw. His usually combed hair was disheveled and covered in cum. He was totally dejected. He struggled as he practiced walking around his office in the harness boots with no socks that scraped his ankles. He did not want to leave the sanctuary of his office.

About the time Jonathan felt like he was as clean and ready for the work day as he could get, his secretary called and said she had some messages for him. He told her to come in, and she almost dropped the papers when she entered. She had never seen her boss look so unkempt and unprofessional. She asked him if he was feeling ok. He just shrugged it off. She could not wait to get back to her desk and call all the other secretaries to share the gossip. Soon, it would be all over the office.

Meanwhile, as Alex made his way back to the receiving office, heads were turning as he strutted in his new wardrobe. Alex was an Alpha man and the new clothes only helped to bolster his new image. Several managers that never knew that Alex had even existed before, started to take notice. One of his co-workers even commented on the expensive cuff links and said the dark-haired guy in the front office had a pair just like them. Alex just smiled as he thought to himself, "Used to have a pair like that".

Next: Chapter 3

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