The Slow Destruction of Jonathan

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on May 13, 2023


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After spending a couple of boring days in the office, Julie not giving him any sex, and Jonathan working at the convenience store, Alex decided that he had cabin fever and needed to get out. So instead of heading home from the office on Thursday, Alex with Jonathan in tow, headed towards one of his old hangouts, the Shade Tree Bar and Grill. This used to be Alex's favorite hangout. The beer was cold, the prices were cheap, and the women were easy. This was one dark and dirty bar with 2 pool tables in the back. The only difference this time was that Alex, in his new position, was a little over dressed. Even Jonathan in his neat khaki pants, red tee shirt, jeans jacket, and brown boots could be considered overdressed.

Alex made Jonathan sit on a stack of beer boxes and wait for him. He had no money for drinks, and Alex wasn't going to spend any money on him, so he just sat there and patiently waited. Alex was a hustler at heart and had used his charm to hustle two guys out of $40 when a stranger placed his quarter on the table denoting that he wanted to challenge the winner.

This was one rough looking dude. He was about 5'8", 220 lbs., long stringy hair and beard, dirty worn sweat shirt with the sleeves cut off, and jeans that were split at the bottoms to expose a pair of Laredo cowboy boots. He introduced himself as "Ace". He saw the way that Alex was dressed in a gray stripped suit, lavender dress shirt and a pair of Jonathan's Mezlan black calfskin plain toe boots and immediately thought that this guy was out of place in here and would be an easy mark.

So, Ace challenged Alex to a game of pool for $50. Alex declined saying he didn't have that kind of cash, so Ace told him that he would play for his boots. Alex said hell no and pointed to the boots that Jonathan was wearing and said that he would bet those. Ace looked at the boots admiringly and agreed to the wager. Alex was able to quickly shut him down and take his fifty dollars. Ace was pissed and demanded a rematch. He offered to make it interesting and showed Alex an 8 ball of coke, that he would bet for the $50 and Jonathan's boots. Alex thought this was one stupid ass loser, and quickly agreed. It was a close match, but the beer and time on the table took its toll, and Alex was defeated. Ace walked over to where Jonathan was sitting daydreaming, and gruffly grabbed his right leg and pulled the boot off. He threw the leg down, and repeated the process on the left leg. Jonathan was in shock and looked at Alex, who nodded that it was ok. He could have the boots. Ace collected his cash and the boots and turned towards the door when Alex called for one more game. He really, really wanted that coke. He said that he would put his now barefooted "friend" up for the coke. Ace had been watching how Jonathan had been patiently sitting on the beer boxes waiting for Alex, and figured out that Jonathan was Alex's bitch. Alex said that he could have him for two hours, if he won. Ace beamed a toothless smile, and said' "you're on"! The game was neck and neck, they were both fighters, and neither was prepared to lose. It came down to the wire, and finally Alex was defeated. Ace went over to Jonathan, grabbed his arm, and pulled him towards the door, "Clock's running. Let's go", and out the door they went. Jonathan looked back at Alex with those beautiful eyes and couldn't believe what was happening. Jonathan was marched across the parking lot in his bare feet to Ace's motorcycle. Ace threw the boots in the saddlebag, made Jonathan get on the back, and off they went into the night.

Meanwhile, inside the bar, Alex had focused on a hot blonde standing at the bar. She was wearing black leather jeans, black halter top, and small black boots. Finally, Alex thought, he could get some pussy. It had been a long time since Julie had put out, and Alex needed to bust a nut. She looked at Alex, checked him out top to bottom, and smiled. She wasn't used to seeing a well-groomed, handsome man in a finely tailored suit in this place. She gave Alex a welcoming smile. Alex did not notice the girl's boyfriend on the other side of the bar giving her the thumbs up. There was some small conversation and she called to the bartender for two more beers. Alex did not see her drop the pill in his beer. They were face to face talking, when she suggested that maybe they could go someplace quieter to talk. She rubbed Alex's crotch, which triggered an immediate response, and told him to follow her out the door. She took him behind the building and into the woods, where they couldn't be seen. They passionately started kissing and fondling. She took her jacket off and dropped it. Alex couldn't believe his luck. This hot piece of ass was all over him. Then his head started spinning, he blacked out, and she lowered him to the ground. He had passed out, and was stretched out before her.

Her boyfriend came out of the darkness and congratulated her on a job well done. The boyfriend went to work turning each of Alex's pockets inside out looking for cash and valuables. There was none. How could someone be dressed like this and have nothing of value in their pockets? The girl took notice of the boots Alex was wearing and wanted them for her boyfriend. She went to work, first removing one, then the other. The guy was pissed and did not want their efforts wasted so he told his girlfriend they would take the suit. They rolled him over and he pulled the jacket off. She unbuckled his pants, went down, and grabbed both legs and yanked them off. He unbuttoned the dress shirt and removed it. They looked at the expensive underwear and socks and continued until Alex was laying there completely naked. They had cleaned him out. At least it would not be a totally wasted effort. They took their loot and left.

Ace and Jonathan went down the highway a short distance and turned off towards a cabin in the woods. When they got there. Ace grabbed Jonathan by the back of his clean and pressed tee shirt, used both hands, and ripped the shirt right off. Ace slapped Jonathan around, knocking him to the ground a couple of times and soiled his spotless pants. He picked him up, looked him straight in the eye and let loose the biggest nastiest glob of spit that Jonathan had ever seen. It stung when it hit. He asked him who was the boss, Jonathan immediately replied that he was the boss. Ace told him to strip, and Jonathan nervously and quickly complied. He pulled Jonathan's arm behind his back and cuffed it with a pair of handcuffs he pulled out of his back pocket. He yanked the other arm behind and it was cuffed. He blinded him with a dirty bandana. He walked around him and admired Jonathan's long, lean body, then pushed him to his knees, and shoved his cock in his mouth. This was one dirty, stinking cock and Jonathan was repulsed. He sucked the little cock until he felt it throb in his mouth. Ace pulled out and shot the load all over Jonathan's face. He laughed at the pretty boy covered in cum. He fumbled around and found a ball gag which he roughly strapped in Jonathan's mouth. Ace turned towards Jonathan's ass and raped him furiously for the next hour. He was pressed up against Jonathan who was repulsed by the odor of Ace's body. Jonathan cringed as Ace's long hair brushed against his body. Ace continued to slap Jonathan's ass and fucked him furiously. He sucked and chewed on Jonathan's nipples. He produced a piece of rope and tied Jonathan's legs together. Ace laughed at Jonathan and said he would make the perfect little misses. He would take care of Jonathan's every need. Jonathan panicked as he realized that Ace was planning on keeping him longer than the agreed upon 2 hours. He was not going to let him go anytime soon. Ace took big swigs from a bottle of moonshine. He was on top of the world. Jonathan was on the floor with his arms cuffed behind and legs bound. Ace produced a piece of chain he was going to use to lock Jonathan to the nasty bed. Before he could find the lock, the 'shine caught up with him and he passed out in a chair. Jonathan was able to work the rope loose that was bound around his ankles. He rubbed his head against the wall and the bandana fell to the floor. He grabbed Aces keys off the table, scooped up his pants, and ran out the door and towards the highway. He was shirtless and barefoot, and his body was in pain, he was still wearing the handcuffs and ball gag, but he didn't care, he had to get out of there. He ran to the highway to look for help. There was no traffic on the road, so he took a few minutes to unhook the cuffs and remove the gag. He pulled on his pants and started walking back up the highway towards the bar. The gravel was rough on his bare feet. The night air was cool on his exposed chest.

Back in the woods behind the bar, Alex was trying to get on his feet. He looked around to get his bearings and realized that he was completely naked. He was still dizzy when he made his way back up the path. That's where the young bar back, who was emptying empty beer bottles in the dumpster, caught sight of him. He called out to Alex, "You fucking piece of perverted shit. You fags love to do this shit wherever you can. Go get naked somewhere else". Alex assured the boy that he was not a fag, and begged him to find him some clothes. The boy replied, "fuck you. Get the hell out of here". Alex told him that he would do anything if he would just help him. The boy thought for a minute and then decided to find out for himself, if Alex was a fag. He told Alex this would be decided by giving him the homosexual test. Alex wasn't worried because he knew that he would pass this test. The boy told him to get down on his knees and suck his dick. What kind of test was this? Alex hesitated, and the boy turned to leave. Alex told him that he would do it. This was only the second blow job the boy had ever received. The boy said that he was too good of a cock sucker to be straight. Alex pleaded with the boy and insisted that he was indeed straight. The boy told him that he would give him another test then, and bent Alex over the trash can and proceeded to fuck him. This was the kid's first piece of ass, but you would never know it because the kid was so pent up and horny, he was like a young bull. When he was finished, he told Alex that now he knew for sure that he was a fag because his ass was too loose. The kid told Alex he was not fond of sloppy seconds or thirds. Very humiliating coming from an 18-year-old boy.

The boy just laughed at Alex and walked away, calling him a stupid fag. He went back in the bar, leaving the side door open. Alex walked over and looked inside. There next to the bar was a handsome man, better looking than Alex, sitting with his feet propped up and wearing Alex's boots. Alex looked closer and this stud was wearing his suit and lavender dress shirt. Next to the man was the hot blonde that had fucked him up. Alex was going to march in there and demand his clothes back. The only problem was that he was butt naked and there were about 10 guys in the bar that would throw him out on his ass. There was no way that Alex could take them.

Alex looked towards the highway and noticed that Jonathan was gingerly walking up the side of the highway in his bare feet towards the bar. The rocks and gravel were making it hard. He was excited to see Jonathan, mainly because he was wearing a pair of pants, which he quickly demanded, and Jonathan turned over to him. They went over and stood by the truck as Alex tried to come up with a plan. They had no truck keys because they had been in Alex's suit pants.

They soon heard the sounds of a laughing, embracing couple coming out of the bar. They looked, and it was the hot blonde with the guy in Alex's suit, headed out the door and in the other direction. Alex made a quick decision, grabbed a tire iron from the back of the truck, and snuck up behind them. He popped the guy from behind, knocking him out. The hot blonde was screaming, because her boyfriend was in distress. No one from the bar heard her because of the loud music. Alex and Jonathan went to work and had the boyfriend stripped down in record time. They grabbed the clothes and boots, hopped in the truck, and sped off.

She was standing over him crying when a couple of biker dudes came out of the bar. She asked if they could help. They looked at the situation and replied that they could most certainly be of service. One of the bikers picked up her naked boyfriend and put him over his shoulder. He took him back into the bar where he was laid out on the pool table. His wrists and ankles were tied, and he couldn't budge. This was one handsome man, with a big attitude, who had the hottest chic in the bar. None of the other bikers liked him. So, one by one, they ravaged his ass. When they weren't using their dicks, they used a cue stick. More than once, a cue stick rammed his balls. They held his nose till his mouth opened, and then filled it with piss. Pretty boy wasn't looking so pretty, anymore. The girlfriend was so upset that she had to be cajoled by the other bikers at the bar who bought her beers and shots. She soon forgot that her ex-boyfriend was being abused by every man in the bar, including the bartender. It was just another Thursday night at the Shade Tree Bar and Grill.

Next: Chapter 20

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