The Slow Destruction of Jonathan

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on Apr 29, 2023


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Alex showed up at the corner right on schedule at 8pm to pick up Jonathan. He had been out drinking and celebrating his new promotion. Before going out with the boys, he had gone home and changed. He wanted to look his best to impress his new subordinates. In Jonathan's closet he found a beautiful navy-blue Armani Suit, blue striped shirt and multi-colored tie. He put on a pair of Bresciani navy blue over the calf socks. There was a pair of Allen Edmonds "Grayson" loafers, dark chili colored, still in the box and a matching belt hanging nearby. He looked in the dresser and found a tight pair of Tommy John black briefs that emphasized his horny and raging cock. He was on top of the world.

He arrived at the agreed upon meeting spot and couldn't find Jonathan. He began to worry. He parked the car and looked for a prostitute to ask if he/she had seen Jonathan, but there was no one around. He would walk over to Fifth Street and see if Jonathan was there. Alex headed down the dark alley that connected the two streets. He was half way down the alley when this tall skin head type thug stepped out from the shadows. Alex turned to run back up the alley and another one stepped out from behind. He was surrounded on both sides. They grabbed him by the arms and drug him across the alley and back into the darkness. Alex yelled out, "Hey fuckers watch out. These are brand new shoes. I don't want to fuck them up". The smaller of the two men said, "Hey Carlos, homeboy does not want to get his pretty shoes dirty, what do you think?" Carlos spoke up and said, "Then we should help him". Carlos reached down and roughly grabbed Alex's leg and pulled it up. He pulled the shoe off his foot, and like a basketball he tossed it across the alley and into the garbage filled dumpster. He threw his leg down and repeated the process, again tossing the other shoe into the dumpster. Alex was speechless and standing on the cold concrete in his socks. Carlos told Alex that he had fixed the problem, he would not be getting them dirty now.

Carlos looked at the fine clothes that Alex was wearing and asked him if he was in the alley trying to buy some smack. He then started rummaging through Alex's pockets. First, he checked the pants pockets, then the jacket pockets, inside and out. He couldn't find any cash, no watch, no cell phone, no wallet. He was getting very angry and frustrated and yelled at Alex, "What the fuck"? He took Alex's truck keys and tossed them in the dumpster. Carlos ran his dirty hands across the front of Alex's suit. "This is very nice, it looks very good on you". Alex sobered up very quickly. Carlos continued. "Maybe we should see how it looks on me". Alex was scared but managed a "I don't think so". Carlos bent down, reached inside his boot, and pulled out a knife with an 8-inch blade. He held it against Alex's throat. Alex was pushed back against the brick wall, surrounded by the two muggers, and standing in his socked feet. He made the wise decision to start unbuttoning the jacket. He slowly removed it and handed it to Carlos, who grabbed it from him and promptly threw it down on the dirty ground. Carlos just stood there and glared into Alex's eyes. The smaller mugger stood next to him and smiled, exposing the big gap in his front teeth. Alex continued by slowly lowering and then pulling off the Armani pants. He handed them to Carlos who threw them down on the ground. Carlos spoke into Alex's ear and told him not to stop, to keep going. Alex slid the tie off and handed it Carlos who threw it down. He continued with the dress shirt, by unbuttoning it and sliding it off his shoulders. Again, Carlos grabbed it and threw it on the pile. Alex was completely vulnerable, standing in the dark alley in his underwear and socks.

Carlos let out a low whistle, commenting on the impressive bulge of Alex's cock and his firm round ass in the underwear briefs. He grabbed Alex by the ass and rubbed his hand all over. "Ummh, looking good, white boy. It's Christmas time, and I've got a package to open". He was looking Alex straight in the eye when he used both hands to pull Alex's tee shirt up and over his head, tossing it aside. He reached down and roughly pulled the tight black briefs down and off, allowing Alex's cock to pop out in the cool evening air. Alex wouldn't admit it, but he was scared. The thugs could see it in his eyes.

Alex was shoved on to Carlos' dick and forced to bring him to the edge. He was then bent over some shipping crates and fucked merciless. The smaller mugger stepped up and was now fucking Alex in the face, he looked down and told Carlos that he was being too rough on Alex. He was getting his socks dirty. Carlos told the little mugger not to worry and that he could fix that. He lifted Alex's right leg and sliced the sock up the back. It fell off Alex's foot and landed on the ground. He picked up the left foot and did the same. "Problem solved. They will not get dirty now". Alex was receiving the type of treatment that he had been giving to Jonathan. Karma was a bitch. They fucked Alex until Carlos' cock would not respond anymore. Little mugger found some rope and tied Alex's hands behind his back. He then tied his legs together, and then finally pulled his legs up and tied them to his hands. He was naked and hogtied on the dirty concrete. Little mugger picked up the shredded socks and shoved them in Alex's mouth. The ultimate humiliation was when Carlos grabbed his cock and pissed all over Alex's face and then reprimanded him, "The next time you come through this alley, make sure you have some cash. It will save you a lot of problems". And with that, he bent over, scooped up Alex's clothes, and he and the other robber turned and walked into the dark night. Alex struggled for a few minutes, but finally just gave up, admitting defeat.

On the other side of the dark alley, Jonathan was starting to move. He was still coughing up cum and vomit. He was completely out of it, he looked at the strange surroundings, and felt around him. He felt the cold concrete, he felt the side of the dumpster, and he panicked when he realized that he was naked. He came to realize that he was on the ground, in an alley and butt naked. He felt around for his clothes and there was nothing. He pushed himself up and stumbled around in the dark. His bare feet were getting ripped to shreds by the rocks, glass and debris in the alley. He gingerly walked around, trying to avoid any more pain. He wanted to get out of the alley as fast as possible and headed towards the street. In about 25 feet he was looking down and saw something familiar. There was his shirt, and next to it was his shorts. He grabbed them and continued towards the street, in too much of a hurry at his point, to stop and put them on. In another 10 feet he heard the muffled sounds of someone in distress. He was too scared to investigate, he just wanted to get out of that alley. As he walked past the area from where the sound was coming, he could not believe what he was seeing. He was looking at Alex hogtied and butt naked. Alex was glad to see Jonathan, but he was also pissed. Alex quickly untied him and got him to his feet. Alex said to Jonathan, "Fuck you. Give me this shit" and grabbed the ragged shorts and shirt out of Jonathan's hand and quickly pulled them on. Alex remembered that the truck keys had been thrown in the dumpster and screamed at Jonathan to get in there and find them. Jonathan dutifully climbed up the side and into the dumpster to search for the keys. The stench for the rotting food and garbage was unbearable, but Jonathan kept going until he finally found them. No mention was made of his brand-new loafers which also had been thrown in the dumpster.

They made their way towards Alex's pick-up truck which was parked on the street. Alex was wearing the ragged clothing and Jonathan was by his side, still bear assed naked. Alex was screaming at Jonathan telling him that this was all his fault. He fucked up because he was so stupid and ignorant. He told Jonathan that he didn't know how to do anything right, and that's why he needed a master. Never mind that Alex was the mastermind behind putting Jonathan on the street. Alex put his hands in the shorts pocket, felt something, and pulled it out. He counted out $425 in cash! The boys felt so bad about what happened, they slipped in another $100. The money changed Alex's attitude. This was easy money (at least for Alex). He could put that cash towards beer and pussy. It was a great night. It was official that Jonathan was a whore, and Alex was his John. Jonathan reminded Alex that money was to be used for his work clothes, and Alex told him, "We'll see about that". Once again Jonathan had been robbed by Alex. They got back to the house, Alex went upstairs to bed, and Jonathan was sent downstairs to the lonely basement. It had been a long day and they were both tired.

The next day, on their way to work, Alex stopped to buy the uniform pants and Jonathan found a pair of khakis that fit him perfectly. They accentuated his long legs and tight bubble butt. The only difference now was that Jonathan didn't really care how he looked, the clothes were more for a utilitarian purpose. He had given up. Jonathan asked Alex if he could buy a second pair since there was enough money, but Alex replied, "Absolutely not". He would have to wash them every night. He was also able to find a brown belt and brown generic boots. With his red company tee shirt, he would look professional. This was the best he had looked and felt in a long time. He was happy in his simple life. Alex was happy because he spent $75 on everything which gave him a profit of $350. Jonathan had a uniform that he would wear 7 days a week, even on his days off. He would leave the boots at work in his locker, the rest of the time he would be barefoot. It was a very simple life.

Next: Chapter 18

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