The Slow Destruction of Jonathan

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on Apr 1, 2023


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The weekend had past, and it was Monday. Alex and Jonathan were sitting in their cubicles at work. Neither were focused. Alex had lost the bulk of his paycheck on Saturday and had almost two weeks to go before the next one. He needed some cash for cigarettes and beer. He couldn't even think about work right now. Jonathan was day dreaming about his previous life as a successful business executive.

Alex came up with what he thought was a brilliant idea. He leaned over to Jonathan and said, "What do you say we go out for drinks tonight at happy hour? We need some fun". Jonathan got excited. What a great idea. It been a long time since he had a drink and even longer time since he had been to a bar. Alex said that they would even swing by the house and let Jonathan change his clothes. He could wear one of his fine suits or anything he wanted! Now Jonathan was excited.

After work, they went home, and Jonathan took a long hot shower. Afterwards he bolted upstairs and headed for his former closet; he knew exactly what he was going to wear. He picked out a navy-blue suit with a crisp white shirt and a majestic red tie, silk over the calf socks and a pair of black tasseled loafers. He topped off the look with a pair of sterling silver cuff links and a Tag Heuer watch from his earlier days. (Alex was wearing the good stuff). They hopped back in the beat-up Chevy pick-up, their only mode of transportation these days, and headed out. Jonathan had been trained not to ask questions. Imagine his surprise when he looked up and they were turning into the gated driveway of Jonathan and Julies exclusive country club. "Oh no", was all he could muster to say. Alex pulled the pick-up right up to the front door, got out and tossed the keys to the valet. He hollered for Jonathan to, "Come On"! He walked through the lobby like he owned the place, waving to people he didn't even know. He headed towards the Mens Sports bar, a dark paneled room that would be crowded this time of the day with jovial happy hour patrons. Jonathan struggled to keep up. He hoped that Alex would go down to the far end of the bar where it was empty but that was not the case.

Alex strolled right to two older gentlemen sitting at the bar, who were into their second martinis, and having a private conversation. He said, "Hello gents." They looked at him quizzically and then looked at the man with him, and they both gasped at the same time. Damn if it wasn't Jonathan Goodwin. They had heard the stories and rumors about him but didn't know how much of it was true. But here he was in the flesh, with the audacity to show his face, and boy did his face look like hell. And what's up with that earring and bald head? Was he even still a member here?

They struggled for conversation. The first one said that he was sorry to hear about Jonathan's state of affairs. The second one wanted to know how Julie was holding up. Poor thing. They knew that his father in law, ole man Miller, was tough, but the treatment that Jonathan was receiving was ruthless. They offered to buy Jonathan and Alex a drink, and they both quickly accepted.

Alex started, "So as you can imagine funds for my friend here are a little tight. He's too proud to ask for any assistance, but it's quite possible that we could arrange to do some business together." They looked at Alex like he was crazy, and Alex continued, "As you know Jon here is a snappy dresser. Only top of the line, designer clothes in perfect condition." The two men looked at Jonathan and then looked at Alex and noticed they were both snappily dressed. They nodded their heads in approval. "So, let's say that maybe one of you is in the market, say, for a nice pair of shoes", as he pointed down to the shoes that Jonathan was wearing. "You could probably get a good deal, and my friend here could use the cash." One of the men said hell yeah, sounds like a plan. Alex continued, "So let's open the bidding at $50." The man on the left immediately recognized the brand of shoes and asked Jonathan, "are those Church's Kinglsley"? Jonathan sheepishly replied that yes indeed, they were. I'll give you $250. The man on the right said well hell, they're in like new condition, I'll give you $275. The first man looked down again and said if you throw in the socks, I'll give you $300. Alex quickly replied, "Sold to the man at the bar". The man pulled his money clip out and peeled off $300 and gave it to Alex. Not bad for a pair of shoes that Alex had paid $800. There was awkward silence as the three men looked at Jonathan and were waiting for movement. Jonathan finally slipped off one shoe and then the other. The men were still waiting. He sheepishly bent down and removed one sock and then turned and pulled the other one off, and then stuffed them in his shoes. He picked up the shoes and handed them to the man on the left who promptly put them on the bar next to his martini. The man was proud of himself that he had made such a good deal. He wanted to put them on display. He was so excited that he asked, "What else do you have?"

Alex started again, "Next up we have a pair of silver cuff links. Tell us about them Jon". Jonathan with his head down, quietly said that they were from Cartier. The man on the right said, "Well how much did you pay for them"? Jonathan quietly replied that they were sterling silver and he paid $500. The man on the right said' "Well I don't really care for them, but I'll give you $100. The man on the left said that he could have them, he wasn't interested. Alex out loud said, "SOLD". The man pulled a crisp one hundred dollar bill out of his pocket, handed it to Alex, and once again they were all looking at Jonathan. Jonathan did not care for this game at all. He was not sure how far they could take it. The man on the left was having a blast and hollered to the bartender for another round of drinks. Jonathan removed one cuff link, then the other, and together he handed them to the man on the right who promptly put them in his coat pocket.

Jonathan was nervously standing at the bar in his bare feet. The bar was crowded enough that no one noticed. A couple of people quizzically looked at the shoes on the bar and wondered where they came from. The man on the left was excited and said, "come on let's go again. Let's do the watch."

Alex said, "Jon would you care to tell us about the watch you are wearing?" The man on the right spoke up and said, "Hell I can tell you what that is. That's a Tag Carrera." The man on the left said, I'll give you five hundred for it". The man on the right said, "That's highway robbery. That's a $5,000 watch." The man on the left said that was his final offer, and Alex yelled out, "SOLD". The man paid Alex and Jonathan hesitated first, then slipped off the watch and handed it over to the man on the left.

The bartender, had recognized what was happening and leaned over the bar and said that he needed a belt but didn't have much money. Alex told him 20 bucks, which the bartender promptly took out of his tip jar. Jonathan slowly unhooked the belt and slid it from his waist and handed it over to the bartender. He felt the fine Italian leather one last time as it disappeared from sight.

Matthew Woltz, a local defense attorney, cocky son of a bitch, and former friend of Jonathan's was standing nearby and noticed that it was indeed Jonathan Goodwin who looked like hell and was sporting an earring and shaved head. His face did not have the smooth complexion and youthful looks that it once had. His blue eyes were sunken. Matthew was pleased with what he saw. He observed as Jonathan had taken his watch off and handed it over to another man, and then watched the belt incident. This peaked his interest, then he noticed the pair of shoes on the bar. He walked over and asked what was going on and gave Jonathan a luke warm hello. The man on the left said they were playing a game, and Matthew quickly put two and two together. Matthew said, "You know Jonathan, I have always liked that tie and I'll give you $25 for it. Knowing that it probably would humiliate Jonathan further, he added, "Hell I'll give you $100 if you throw in the shirt." Matthew was a winner in every aspect of his life. He had to have the upper hand in everything he did. He enjoyed watching Jonathan squirm. He never really liked Jonathan, he considered him too successful and too good looking".

Jonathan said, "NO. Absolutely not. Enough is enough". Alex whispered in Jonathan's ear that he was making him mad. He was not above punching him or spanking him right here at the bar. Jonathan had a look of defeat on his face. The attorney smiled as Jonathan removed his suit jacket and hung it on the back of a bar stool. He then pulled the Neiman Marcus tie from around his neck and handed it over to the attorney who smiled and said, "ONE". Jonathan felt a lot of eyes on him as he started at the top and slowly unbuttoned the custom-made shirt. He got to the bottom and pulled it up and out. He slid it off his shoulders and gave it to the attorney, who promptly replied, "TWO". Jonathan was standing there in his tight white undershirt and suit pants. Mathew, trying to drive a hard bargain and further humiliate Jonathan said,' "don't I get the tee shirt too'? Alex said, "Absolutely not, that will cost you another $20." Matthew quickly pulled another twenty-dollar bill out of his pocket and gave it to Alex. Jonathan had no choice but to pull his tee shirt up and over his head, exposing his bare chest. He meekly handed it to the attorney and then quickly grabbed his suit jacket and put it on. The attorney and former friend said, "It's a pleasure doing business with you boys" and turned and walked away with a smile on his face and his newly acquired bounty. He headed towards the dining room and as soon as he rounded the corner he took the shirt, tee shirt and tie and threw them in the trash. He had accomplished what he wanted to do and didn't need or want the clothing. The guy was a real prick. He left Jonathan standing at the bar in his bare feet, suit jacket and pants. Nothing more, nothing less. Jonathan needed to get out of there fast.

Alex turned to the two guys still sitting at the bar, wished them a good night, thanked them for playing the game, and turned to leave. The guy on the left said, "Hey buddy. What about the suit? Aren't you going to sell it? Jonathan was mortified. He quickly spoke up, "This is a handsewn custom made Canali. There is no way that you could afford this". The guy who was now clearly intoxicated said, "No way. I bought a suit off the rack at Marshalls that looks just like it". The guy on the right said, "I'll give you five hundred dollars for it". That caught Alex's attention who replied, "Hold that thought. We'll be right back". He grabbed Jonathan by the arm and ushered him down the hall and into the mens room. He pushed him into the handicapped stall and said, "give me the suit". Jonathan looked at Alex with those baby blue eyes and knew that he had been defeated. He peeled the jacket off and handed it over. He opened the pants, dropped them and stepped out. He handed them to Alex who said, "I'll be right back." Alex wanted to get back to the guy before he changed his mind. Jonathan was standing in the handicapped stall with nothing but a pair of black silk boxer shorts.

Alex goes running back to the bar and puts the suit in the guy's face. Here you go Mister, five hundred dollars. The guy was flabbergasted. He never thought in a million years that Jonathan would strip and sell the suit off his back. Alex had called his bluff, and it cost the man $500. He paid up and Alex said good night.

Jonathan was still locked in the handicapped stall wearing only a pair of silk boxers. He was nervous and shaking as his bare feet were on the cold ceramic floor. Strangely, his caged cock was trying to get hard and strained against the fabric. It was creating a lot of pain, in more ways than one. A drunk came in from the bar and looked under the stall to see if it was occupied. He saw the smooth legs and bare feet and couldn't believe it. He shook his head and walked out, looking for someone to tell.

Alex hurried back to the bathroom and knocked on the stall door. The door opened and there was Jonathan in all his glory. Alex walked him to the end of the hall and the fire exit door. He told him to go outside and wait. He would pull the truck around to pick him up.

Alex turned and went out the front door to the valet and retrieved the Chevy truck. The young attendants were still laughing. The truck was older than most of them, but Alex didn't care. He pulled around to the side of the building and from out of the bushes popped Jonathan who jumped in and they took off down the highway. Alex was high on life. This was the best idea he had ever had. He made $1500 in one night. More than his salary in one week. He did not care that the shelves in Jonathan's closet were starting to look empty.

Next: Chapter 14

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