The Slow Destruction of Jonathan

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on Mar 25, 2023


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Alex needed to get back to the office. Today was payday and he needed his pay check to stock up on the basics: beer, cigarettes, and weed. Jonathan's paycheck was set up for direct deposit into what used to be his account and was now Julies. That bitch had tight control over his money and wasn't going to share any of it.

Alex was going to need an Ounce because he was completely out. Those two thugs that jumped him took everything he had. He was prepared to pay $250 - $300 for some good shit. He got his check and called his dealer to place the order. The girlfriend answered the phone and said that Junior was unfairly incarcerated at the moment and gave him the number of a good friend that could help.

Big Black listened to Alex trying to sound smooth on the phone. He informed him that he didn't do business in the city, that Alex would have to come out to the county. A meeting was set-up for Saturday afternoon at 2pm. He told Alex to head out Highway 10 and turn right on Cargill Rd. When he saw the clearing turn in and look for Big Black's Burgundy colored Grand Marquis. Alex liked this set-up, this was going to be easier than walking around the streets downtown looking for Junior.

Jonathan had his chores to get done Saturday morning. Alex kept playfully working the butt plug in Jonathan's naked ass and telling him to hustle, they had plans that afternoon. Jonathan was working up a sweat. He was in his usual state, bald, completely shaved, naked and wearing his leather collar. He had gotten used to working like this. He scrubbed the bathrooms, mopped the floors, took the trash out, did two loads of laundry and vacuumed the whole house. He dusted and straightened the furniture to make everything look perfect. He lost it for a minute when he saw the shell of what was left of his former office. Just wires hanging out of the desk and bare walls, and lots of empty spaces where his prized possessions used to be. He was exhausted, but happy he finished everything. He did not want to piss off Julie or Alex and had gotten everything done in record time. He made some lunch for Alex (Julie was out getting her hair and nails done). They each went to their bathrooms to get ready. Alex up to the master suite, and Jonathan down to the basement. Afterwards, Alex explored Jonathan's former closet to see what he could find to wear today.

He came up with a pair of Levi's 510 skinny jeans, Ralph Lauren tight black t shirt, silk boxers, brown Western style belt and thick white boot socks to wear with his beloved brown cowboy boots. His dick got hard when he discovered a Robert Graham black leather biker jacket. He did not know that Jonathan had paid $2,000 for it. He did know that it would be the perfect complement to his outfit. He was one good looking stud when he put on his Adidas baseball cap. He took the $500 from his paycheck and put it in Jonathan's monogrammed money clip and slipped it into his pocket. Something told him not to put any jewelry on since he was meeting a drug dealer that he had never met before. Meanwhile Jonathan didn't have any decisions to make. Alex had given him basketball shorts that were too big and baggy and hard to keep up, a well-worn, white, v neck tee shirt and his black army boots. Not a very stylish look at all. Maybe, if Alex was in a good mood, Jonathan would ask him to buy him a pair of socks today.

They headed out and 30 minutes later they were turning into the clearing. They saw the Grand Marquis, pulled up next to it, and got out of their car. Within seconds, they were surrounded by three of the biggest, toughest looking black dudes they had ever seen, and one black kid about 16 who was trying to act tough. The one that appeared to be in charge motioned for them to follow them down the path and a slight hill. They were soon in a secluded area of the woods, and there was no way they could be seen or heard from the highway.

Finally, Big Black stepped right up into Alex's face and asked him what happened to his "ride". He had noticed the trashed BMW and assumed that these two had been up to no good in the hood where they didn't belong. Alex just replied that they had run into a little trouble. Big Black asked if the two of them were cops. Alex said no. Big Black was still in Alex's face when he asked him what he wanted. Alex was getting a little nervous now and had trouble talking. He wasn't so confident now. Alex replied that Big Black knew what he wanted. Big Black wanted to know how Alex had gotten his number and Alex did not know the name of the girl friend who have given it to him. Big Black replied that he thought that this was a set-up. One of the other dudes was on his phone calling someone and giving them directions. Alex was starting to sweat and Big Black was looking him straight in the eye. Big Black reached over and took the Adidas ball cap from Alex's head and put it on his own.

All of a sudden, Alex felt a tugging on his pants leg. He looked down and Little dude was on the ground pulling on his boot trying to get it off. He balled up his toes, shook his leg and told him to get the fuck off him. He was not about to let this kid put his dirty hands on his cherished Lucchese boots. That's when he heard the .45 behind him being cocked and pointed directly at his head. A voice behind him told him to let it go. He uncurled his toes and the boy easily slid the boot right off his foot. The gun was still pointed at his head when Alex felt the other boot being removed. One by one, the boy chucked the boots down the ravine and into the creek. At the same time the third man reached behind Alex, grabbed his leather jacket and with a little effort was able to pull it down and off his back. Alex could not believe that Little dude was now working on his belt buckle. This kid wouldn't stop. Big Black was sneering in his face and Alex did not dare look down, but he knew exactly what was happening. Little dude was finally able to get the belt open and unhooked Alex's pants. They were skinny jeans so Little dude had to work them to the ground. When they were around Alex's ankles, Little dude pulled one leg off forcing Alex to hop around while he was pulling on it. He was able to regain his stance, and Little dude got the other leg off and pulled the pants completely off. Little dude tossed the jeans to Big Black who went through the pockets and found the money clip with the $500. He stuffed it in his pocket. Little Dude then passed Big Black the biker jacket and he went through the pockets looking for valuables. He was not happy when he didn't find anything. Big Black screamed, "That's all you got bro? No phone, no wallet, no credit cards?"

In the meantime, Jonathan was frozen in place as he watched the proceedings. Little dude had come over and was rifling through his pockets. Jonathan just stood there as his pockets were turned inside out. Little dude couldn't believe it and assumed that his money must be in his boot. He got down on the ground and went to work removing and checking each boot for cash. This whitey wasn't even wearing socks. Finally, in exasperation, Little dude said. "This one ain't got shit".

Alex was pulled over to a stump in the clearing, where Big Black had a piece of rope waiting. He tied Alex's wrist together and pushed him over the stump where the rope was secured around a smaller tree. His legs were kicked apart, and he was in a very vulnerable position. Alex heard a blade being popped open when one of the other men yelled out: PARTY TIME. He felt the back of the cold hard steel blade as it went up the middle of his back shredding the fabric of the tee shirt. The tee shirt was cut away from his body. It didn't take much effort for the blade to shred the silk boxers. Little dude was on the ground removing both heavy white socks. Alex was butt naked and bent over a tree stump in the woods. Even he could figure out what was going to happen next.

Big Black stood in front of Alex, pulled his head up, pinched his nose and when his mouth opened, he shoved a 10-inch beer can sized cock in his mouth. There was a reason they called him Big Black. Alex had never had a dick in his mouth before and this was not the way to start. In the meantime, one of the other big dudes had his cock out and was jacking it to plump it up. He reached over and spit a big luggie into Alex's hole to loosen him up and then followed by shoving his monster cock up his ass. He was half way in, took a deep breath and then shoved it all the way home. Alex screamed out in pain. Big Black yelled out to Alex if he scraped his dick with his teeth, that he would slit his throat. These two black men savaged Alex on both ends until one exploded in his ass, and the other in his mouth. They rotated positions. The third man got on Alex's throat and Big Black moved to his ass. He bet the third man 20 bucks that he could cum again within 5 minutes, and he did.

Little dude was standing next to Jonathan and checking him out from top to bottom. He noticed his shaved head, the earring, the white tee shirt, the pierced nipple and the black combat boots by his side. Finally, he spoke, "Yo, Vanilla Ice. I guess you don't like the brothers. You some kind of skin head?" Jonathan quickly denied it and shook his head no. "Then you must be some kind of homo-sexual". Alex violently shook his head no. He was not a faggot. Little dude said that they would find out soon enough. He then looked Jonathan in the eye and said that they could do this the hard way or the easy way. Jonathan looked over at the big black man who was stroking the .45 and realized that there really wasn't going to be a discussion. He pulled the white tee shirt up over his head and threw it on the ground. He pushed the shorts down to his ankles. Little dude burst out laughing, "Bitch ain't got no drawers on, either". Soon, Jonathan was receiving the same physical abuse as Alex. Little dude really got off on twisting Jonathan's nipple piercing making him scream in pain. Little Dude, didn't get a whole of action, but he knew how to have fun. He was enjoying this more than the other three. All four men just kept switching positions and the torture was relentless.

At one-point Alex thought he heard someone working nearby. Maybe the sounds of a tow truck helping a stranded motorist. There were the faint sounds of the tools hitting the ground, an air jack, and quick simple conversation. If he could just get away and run up the hill, he could holler for some help. But the opportunity never came. These four guys just wouldn't stop.

Finally, Big Black was out of breath. He looked over at Jonathan and said I'll bet this guy gives you a hard time, as he looked towards Alex. Jonathan said no. Big Black said the he didn't believe him. That he was sure whitey had an attitude and was always running his mouth. He was that kind of guy. Alex said no, that they were friends and acquaintances at work. Big Black knew something was up because he replied, "This is one hell of a friendship", and told Jonathan that he would have his chance to get even. Two of the men picked up Jonathan by his aching body and put him in position. Even though his body was spent, his cock was hard and ready to go. They sat him in front of Alex, put the gun to his head, and forced him to fuck him. Jonathan tried to hold it, but it did not take long for him to explode inside Alex's ass. His whole body shook as he unloaded his built-up spunk. God that felt good. Alex was not so macho now and couldn't fight back as his little bitch dropped the big load in his ass.

The four black men got dressed as the two white men laid on the ground. They used Jonathan and Alex's clothes to clean their dicks and brush the dirt off. Alex made a move to try to get up and Big Black kicked him hard in the back and sent him smashing back down. He told Alex not to bother to get up. That they could find their way out and thanks for the party. Little dude walked by the black leather biker jacket on the ground, picked it up and said, "This shit is mine", and walked off with it.

They finally heard the Mercury drive off. They got up, and in a daze searched for their clothes. Even in this condition, Jonathan could not help but to admire Alex's body. He was beaten and battered, but he looked good. Jonathan tried to apologize to Alex for being forced to fuck him, but Alex did not want to talk about it. In fact, it would never be mentioned again. Jonathan had to keep reminding himself that he was not gay. He was a pussy man all the way.

They were dressed when Alex screamed at Jonathan to climb down the ravine and get his boots. The boots were lying in the mud and full of water. Jonathan went down and quickly got them. When he came back up, he was ready to hand them to Alex, but he stopped. He took off his tee shirt and cleaned the muck and the mud as best he could from the boots. He even tried to dry them out. He offered to switch boots with him, he would take his boots off and let Alex wear them. Alex flatly refused saying there was no way that Jonathan was going to put his stinking feet in his boots. Alex would be just fine. Jonathan handed the wet Luccheses to Alex who promptly put them on. Jonathan took one look at Alex, who was shirtless, and handed him the filthy tee shirt. Now, Jonathan would head home with his chest bare. Even in this condition, Jonathan was thinking of Alex.

They were exhausted, and neither talked, as they headed up the hill and back to their car. All of a sudden, the most shocking image ever, appeared before them. There was Jonathan's BMW 640i Gran Turismo propped up by tree stumps and cinder blocks. All four-custom v-spoke wheels had been removed from the car. The hood was missing, and the battery had been cut out. The trunk was open, and the contents removed, some spread around on the ground. It was mainly Jonathan's sports gear, workout clothes, etc. All four doors were gone. The drivers and passengers seat had been removed. The steering wheel was gone. There was a big hole in the roof where the sunroof used to be. The dashboard had been popped and the airbags and electronics had been removed. They just looked at each other in dis-belief. Jonathan's beautiful car, the one that he had worked so hard to pay for, was destroyed.

They made their way to the highway and tried to hitch a ride. The two of them had been beaten and bruised, their clothes were filthy, Alex's boots were soaking wet and Jonathan was shirtless. No one was going to stop to pick them up. Finally, a trucker stopped who was going the other way, and offered to let them use his cell phone. They called Julie to come get them and she was not happy. They told her parts of the story, not the whole story, and she bitched at the two of them all the way home. She knew that it was Alex who had gotten them in that predicament, so he received the brunt of the conversation.

The following week she was even more furious with the two of them when she found out that insurance would not cover the car. It appears the car was now in Julie's name, but the insurance had never been changed and was still in Jonathan's name. It was an excuse that the insurance company could use to deny the $70,000 claim.

Next: Chapter 13

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