The Sleeping Bag

By Kevin Michael

Published on Jun 10, 2003



PART ONE "That was really dumb to leave your sleeping bag. It was right there by the door!" David ranted. "I know," Aaron replied." I got distracted while we were loading the car." "It's gonna get cold tonight up in these mountains." "Yeah. At least I remembered the pup tent." The two high school boys were on a scout camping trip. David was ready to graduate and Aaron was a year younger. Both of the boys never failed to turn heads with their broad shoulders and slender teen waists. Even the boys envied their tans as they had had all summer to spend their long days in the hot and humid Ohio sunshine. They had a lot in common and had been friends since elementary school. However, puberty was a quiet time for the boys, each never wanting to admit any gay tendencies to the other. "So what are we gonna do?" David asked. "I'll just sleep in my coat," Aaron responded. "Oh, c'mon. You'll freeze!" Silence ... "We can both share my sleeping bag, but just for tonight." "Thanks Dave."

PART TWO That night, wearing only T-shirts and gym shorts, the boys scrunched and squirmed into position in David's sleeping bag and soon realized that they were big and it was small. Although the boys weren't fat, they were tall and their broad shoulders weren't allowing much space to get comfortable. "Here, lets sleep on our sides," David suggested. But that wasn't much better. Still shy about being so close, they faced away from each other and their knees couldn't bend much. Finally David had had enough and squirmed over onto his other side so that he was now facing Aaron and Aaron was facing away from him. They had ended up playing spoons!

For lack of a better position, David had wrapped his top arm around Aaron's body and was using his other arm as a pillow.

The troop had all showered that evening, so all the boys were clean, but they had had a few hours to build up a slight natural body scent. Aaron's hair was constantly tickling David's nose. There was no way David could sleep under these conditions and his horniness got the best of him. He moved his head forward and savored the natural body scent of Aaron's neck. Without realizing it, David's pelvis had rocked forward and his growing erection was now lightly pressing into Aaron's tight butt. David thought Aaron was asleep, but Aaron couldn't sleep either. As Aaron felt David's warm breath ebb and flow across the back of his neck, his erection grew hard as well.

It wasn't long before Aaron felt David's fingertips ease under this T-shirt and touch his stomach. The sensation of David's fingertips gliding all around his abdomen and in and out of this belly button was almost too much for Aaron, not that he was ticklish, for he was, but this was totally new and fascinating experience for the younger boy all together. As Aaron continued pretending to sleep, David's fingers worked their way up the younger boy's front to his chest where David spent a lot of time playing with Aaron's nipples, feeling them grow harder and harder. David didn't think Aaron was asleep anymore. Instinct took over and David's pelvis began rocking back and forth pressing his now rock-hard erection into David's tailbone. By now David was smothering Aaron's neck and shoulders with slobbery sucking kisses. Aaron lifted an arm and David slipped off the younger boy's T-shirt. While gripping Aaron's bare chest, David's mouth and tongue worked their way down Aaron's arm and around to his armpit. It was mealtime for David and Aaron submissively assumed his role as entree. Rolling over onto his back and stretching his arms out beyond his head, the younger boy allowed david to feast all over his chest and stomach, again spending much time sucking both nipples, licking all up and down Aaron's sides and even his hairless armpits. With one hand David tightly interlocked his fingers with one of Aaron's hands and with his other hand he pushed his and Aaron's gym shorts down just a bit to allow their erections to pop out. With his tongue, he passionately kissed the younger boy on the lips as his tongue danced with Aaron's. Aaron's other hand was now working it's way up under David's T-shirt caressing his smooth back with David lifting up momentarily allowing Aaron to slip it off.

Although once again assuming a passive role and returning his arms to their stretched out positions beyond his head, Aaron had nonetheless joined David in rhythmically grinding his erection into the other boy's erection and soon both boys were squirting milk all over each other's stomachs. It was getting mighty hot in that sleeping bag and their sweat-covered torsos embraced for the rest of the night. Now, arm in arm, the two boys finally fell into the most blissful sleep they had ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

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