The Sky Is Blue

By eric leung

Published on Mar 12, 2023


Chapter 5: Impossible to Forget ===============================

I was surrounded by darkness and the feeling was so horrible. I wanted to scream but no sound came out from my mouth. Then I heard a noise, an eerie noise that sounded like it came from hell. I covered my ears but I could still hear it.

"Tin! Tin! Tin! Are you ok? Tin! Answer me!" someone was yelling.

I opened my eyes and realised it was just a nightmare. I tried to focus my eyes but couldn't see clearly. Then I felt someone handing me my glasses.

"Thanks," I said as I put them on.

"No problem," he replied. Wow! It was Edward.

"What happened? Where am I?" I asked.

"You are at home." Ed smiled to me.

"Why you are here?" I asked.

"Well, you left your wallet in my room so I came over to give it back. You are so careless," he replied.

"Thanks, Ed."

"Are you ok, Tin? You were yelling when I arrived here."

"Yeah. I am fine, I've just had a nightmare." I tried to stand up but a wave of dizziness hit me. Ed quickly moved to steady me when he saw that I couldn't stand up by myself.

"Are you really ok?" he asked as he pressed me against him.

"Yeah, I am fine."

Not convinced, he put his hand on my forehead. "Gee...your head is so hot. You have a fever." Despite my protests, he carried me to the sofa and laid me down, then sat down beside me looking concerned.

"How did you get in?" I asked.

"Why do you ask so much questions? Just relax and try to get some rest. I'll get you some water," he said.

I smiled to him as he walked away, heading for my kitchen. Soon he was back with a glass of water. I drank the water slowly while he just stared at me. I could still see concern in his eyes.

As I gave him back the empty glass, I said, "Thanks, Ed, but you still haven't answered my question."

He smiled. "Okay, not about to let that go, are you? Well, I remember you were a careless kid in the past and your parents used to worry that you'd lose your key, so they always put a spare key inside the flower pot beside the front door. You didn't answer the door after I pounded on it for quite a while. Then I heard yelling and I was getting worried so I looked there and, guess what, some things haven't changed at all!"

I smiled. He still remembered where I put my spare key. He took the glass back to kitchen. When he was back, I told him, "I am fine now, Ed, don't worry about me. It's very late, so you better head back home or Andy will worry about you."

"I just called home from your kitchen and told Andy that you are sick so I am going to stay here tonight and take care of you."

"You don't need to..." I tried to protest.

"Yeah, I don't need to but I want to, ok?"


"No but or do you hate me so much that you don't want me to stay?" he asked.

"No! You know that!"

"Just kidding," he smiled again. I loved to see people's smiles, especially Ed's. He looked so sexy when he smiled. I tried to get up from the sofa but Ed stopped me.

"You need to get some rest. What do you want? I can do it for you."

"I want to go to the washroom. Can you help me pee?"

He looked so shocked that I started to laugh. "Just a joke, sorry. Seriously, I need to do my painting. It is due tomorrow."

"You have a fever, I think the painting can wait. You need to get a good sleep right now."

"Yeah, the painting can wait but I can't. I'm feeling inspired now and I want to finish my painting while the feeling is strong. I'd like to channel my inspiration and let my feelings flow into my painting."

With Ed's help, I got up and sat down on the chair and started to paint. He stood beside me and asked me what I was painting so I explained. He appeared to understand what I'd said.

"Tin, am I disturbing you?" Ed asked.

"No. I enjoy your company."

He pulled a chair beside mine and sat down. "Can I chat with you when you are painting?"


"When I walked into this house, the first thing I saw was you lying on the floor. You seemed to be in great pain. I tried to wake you up but you kept pushing me away. I was so worried. It's...I don't know how to say this, just...just I...I..."

"Ed, you can tell me anything you want." I smiled to him.

"Tin, you are not happy, are you? I know something is really bothering you. I am your friend and can sense the sadness in you. Don't deny it, I know you well because we were childhood friends and grew up together. Please let me share your pain. I know it's not my business but I want to. I really care about you..."

I put down my paintbrush and placed my hand on his mouth. "I understand what you mean."

Then we fell silent. I picked up my paintbrush and started painting again. "I love my mother..." I started but couldn't continue.

We were silent again. Ed wanted to say something but held back. He knew I needed some time to think about what to tell him.

"When my dad decided to marry again, I felt so empty, so lonely. My step-mom is a very nice lady. I don't hate her and I don't hate my dad either. It's just...just that I thought my dad will love my mom forever. I never expected him to forget her. I still remember the pain she suffered before she died. How can Dad...forget her? Ed, I miss her..."

Then I started to cry. I felt a pain so deep within my heart that I had to let it out lest it choked me. Ed suddenly hugged me from the back and tried to console me.

"Tin, you are not lonely, you have me. You can trust me, I am your friend. Your dad marrying again didn't mean he forgot about your mom. It's impossible to forget someone you truly love and I believe your dad still loves her. I know you love your mom and she will always be in your heart, and in mine too. You see, she was very nice to us when we were kids and I'll never forget that."

"I know you're just trying to offer me some comfort, Ed. Thanks, anyway."

"No! I really care about you, Tin!" He hugged me harder and whispered in my ear, "I love you, Tin," then turned me towards him and kissed me.


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Next: Chapter 6

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