The Sins of the Father

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Oct 19, 2018



The Sins of the Father

Joe Lombard returned from spring break and reoccupied his dorm room at Florida State University in Tallahassee. In just a few short weeks his freshman year would be behind him. The speed with which the year had gone by amazed him. He once believed that the concept of accelerated, speeded-up time was reserved for the elderly.

His roommate, Paul Briggs, had not yet returned, but he expected him any minute. Joe couldn't wait to see him. Although they could both afford it, neither of them had gone to some resort for spring break. They both preferred to go home and save the money.

Joe missed Paul terribly during the short hiatus, and he wondered how he would manage being separated all summer. Joe had a little secret. He was gay and lusted after Paul, but he would never come on to his roommate and risk destroying their friendship. Joe thought that Paul was the handsomest man in the world. Whenever he saw Paul naked in the shower, or when getting ready for bed, he had to hold onto something to keep from enveloping Paul in his arms.

The two young men had already leased a furnished one bedroom apartment, with twin beds, for the following academic year. The lease ran from August 1st to July 31st. School would resume in late August, but they could return any time after the first of August. Before renting an apartment together, Joe considered coming out to Paul, but in the end, he decided to keep his secret and to struggle with restraint.

Joe just barely finished hanging his clothes in his closet, when Paul came bounding in. The two students embraced each other in a bear hug. They both jutted out their asses so that their packages would not make contact by accident.

As Paul put his clothes away, he asked, "Have you eaten dinner yet? I'm starving."

"I'm hungry too," Joe said, "but let's not eat in the cafeteria. After the great meals I had at home, I don't think my stomach could tolerate institutional crap. Let's treat ourselves to a good meal in town."

"Sometimes you get great ideas," Paul complimented his friend. "I'm impressed."

After they ordered their dinners, Paul asked, "So, what did you do during the break, Joe?"

"I tried to get a summer job, but I wasn't too successful. I sure don't want to laze around all summer. I don't know what I'm going to do. How about you, Paul?"

Paul laughed. "I've got a ready-made job every summer. My dad's the general manager of a posh country club in Jupiter. I've waited tables, done pool and golf course maintenance, and even assisted in the office. I'm all set."

"Lucky you," Joe said with a smile. He didn't want Paul to think that he was being facetious.

"Hey, you're not the only one with great ideas. Here's one of mine. Even though it's slower in the summer than the winter, my dad is always short-handed. I'll call him and ask if he could use you. I'm sure he can, and you could stay with us rent free."

"Do you have a bedroom for me?" Joe asked. He needed some relief from his sexual tension and reckoned he would get it in the summer, but if he stayed with Paul, all that tension would be magnified.

"Our house has two bedrooms and a den, but not to worry, my bedroom has twin beds. You'll bunk in with me. It'll be just like it's been all year, and will be next year. The best thing is that we won't be separated all summer."

Joe really wanted the job, but he steeled himself for a whole summer of unrequited lust. He made himself a vow. When they graduated, he would tell Paul the truth. They would either have a friendship for life, or Paul would reject him. He needed to risk it.

Paul's father, Micah, cut a dashing figure. At any given time of the day, he could have been photographed for a spread in Gentlemen's Quarterly. He was tall, 6'3". He had jet black hair, with an occasional gray strand. His skin was like alabaster, without a blemish on it. His eyes were a deep, sensual brown. His chin was strong and manly. Since the time he graduated from college with a degree in hospitality management, he had no trouble getting good jobs. His handsome, good looks opened many doors. Since most of the interviewers were women, he had an extra advantage.

There was no doubt where Paul got his stunning good looks. His mother, Connie, was nice looking, but nothing special. She was always comely and well-groomed, and she was very well-liked by the staff and members of the country club. She, Micah, and Paul made a beautiful family. On the surface, it seemed like they had it all, but every family has its little secrets.

Micah found out, when he reached puberty, that he was different from his friends. All they ever talked about was pussy, pussy, pussy, and getting laid. Micah was all for that, but he realized that boys attracted him also. All he needed to be happy was to insert his penis into a vagina or an ass hole. He really didn't care which.

He and Connie had never really fallen deeply in love. They liked each other and enjoyed each other's company, but that's as far as it went. Neither was avid for sex together. Because of his good looks, Micah had no trouble bedding staff members or club members. It made no difference if it was a male or a female. As long as he had a receptacle for his penis, he was satisfied.

Since their sex life was a sometime thing, Connie gave into satisfying male club members who flirted with her. She and Micah were aware of their infidelities and accepted it as their way of life. The one thing Connie did not know about was Micah's bi-sexual orientation, and that he slept with men. As far as she was concerned, he was 100% heterosexual. Micah was not of a mind to tell her otherwise.

The minute Joe entered the house with Paul, Micah's libido went into overdrive. He had to exercise as much restraint where Joe was concerned, as Joe had to exercise where Paul was concerned. In spite of wanting Joe badly, Micah kept telling himself that he was his son's best friend and roommate, and he better behave himself. In order to keep Joe far away from him, Micah assigned him to Juan Garcia, head of maintenance.

Juan kept Joe plenty busy at the pool and on the golf course. He ate his meals with the staff, and that included Paul. They always sat together, and everyone knew they were good friends.

One of the waitresses was hot for both handsome men. Emily flirted shamelessly with them, hoping for a threesome. Paul seemed to be oblivious to her obvious come-ons, and Joe just ignored her. Joe was almost tempted to tell Paul not to hesitate if he wanted to get laid, but he decided not to. Paul might wonder why he didn't want to get laid by Emily.

At home, the situation was quite different. Nobody flirted with anyone, but the air was so full of sexual tension, you could have lit a light bulb with it. Kudos to Joe and Micah. They never let on how much they were wired up.

One hot and humid evening in early July, the telephone rang shrilly. Micah answered it, mumbled something that sounded like, "Hi, Mom," and handed the phone to Connie. "It's your mom," he said.

Connie grimaced. She had never gotten along with her parents. They were very stern and had all kinds of silly rules she had to obey. Her older brother escaped on his eighteenth birthday. She had no idea where he was. When Micah asked her to marry him she was barely seventeen, but she said yes just to get out of her parents' house.

"Yes, Mom," Connie grunted. She listened intently as her mother explained the reason for the call. Ordinarily, they never called each other.

"Daddy had a bad fall," Mrs. Finnegan began. "He broke his leg, and I can't get an aide in until after the July 4th holiday. Could you please come and help me out. It'll just be for one night."

Connie's parents lived in Miami. It was about a two-hour drive from Jupiter. She could not say no to her mother and agreed that she would drive out first thing in the morning.

"I'm not going to be alone in that house with those vultures," she announced. "Micah, you're coming with me."

"Are you kidding. It's a holiday weekend. I've got a million events planned at the club. No, I can't go. Take Paul."

Paul shuddered. "Shit, Dad, don't you need me?

"I can get along for a couple of days. If need be, I can hire a temp."

"Please come with me, Paul," Connie pleaded. "Maybe they won't be so miserable with their grandson in the house."

What could Paul do? He had to agree to go.

Micah began to sweat profusely when he realized that he and Joe would be alone in the house tomorrow night. At work the next day, he wondered if he should make a move on Joe. He knew it was terribly wrong, but he also knew that he would.

Micah and Joe had dinner at the club. Connie usually had dinner ready for her men, but not this evening. When they got home, Joe said that he felt grimy from work, and was going to take a shower.

"I'll meet you in the den in a short while," he told Micah.

Joe was enjoying the shower, and why not? He kept soaping his cock and playing with it. He was fully erect, and he knew he was going to cum. Suddenly, he stopped his activity and stood frozen in the shower. Micah had come into the stall. He took the soap from Joe and started to lather him.

Joe was stunned and mute, but not stunned enough not to notice that Micah was a bigger version of Paul. His cock was uncut, erect and near nine inches. Joe began to salivate, and he found his tongue.

"Micah, what are you doing?" he asked.

"You know damned well what I'm doing. I'm beginning to make love to you. I've wanted to since you arrived. Please don't say no. My gaydar told me you were gay as soon as we met."

"I am gay, and I know this is all wrong, but I want it as much as you do."

"Then let's get out of this shower, and head for the Jacuzzi in the backyard. It'll be more fun and it's big enough so that we can fuck each other in it."

They dried off and ran naked to the very private backyard. Micah filled the Jacuzzi, and they jumped in. He sat on the side of the pool, and Joe knew what he wanted. His cock was out of the water, and Joe went down on him. When Micah was about to blow, he pulled away from Joe. Micah then went down on Joe. Joe also stopped him before he came.

"I want you to fuck me," Joe said. "Sit down in the water and I'll straddle you. I did it once in a whirlpool tub with a buddy, and we didn't need any lube."

Micah's cock was well above average. When he entered Joe, the young man was in great pain. The pain passed quickly, and the two men began to bob up and down in the water. Joe's ass was so tight, Micah didn't think he would last very long. Joe was receiving a full massage of his prostate thanks to Micah's prick. They announced together that they were cumming, and they did have simultaneous orgasms.

The two men shrieked at top decibels when they came, but they heard two other shrieks. They looked out of the Jacuzzi to see Connie and Paul standing there with their jaws hanging open.

From the moment she walked into her parent's home, Connie regretted it. Her dad had a small ankle cast that he could walk on. He didn't look bad at all. Her mother started barking orders, and Connie found herself going shopping, and cooking not just tonight's dinner, but several nights' dinners. Her mother pointed out her utility closet and told Connie to clean the house, especially the guest room where she and Paul would be staying.

"That's it," she screamed. "I'm out of here. C'mon Paul, get back in the car."

They drove off at the speed of light and headed back to Jupiter. They ran into heavy holiday traffic and didn't get home until well past dark. There were no lights on in the house, but Micah's car was in the driveway. They assumed he and Joe were in the house.

Paul heard laughter coming from the backyard. "I think they're in the Jacuzzi," he said.

He expected to find them in swimsuits. He didn't expect his father to be fucking his best friend. Connie ran into the house, but Paul stood frozen in his spot.

"Get us a couple of robes, will you please," Micah asked Paul very softly, and Paul ran to do as his father requested. When they got out of the water and put on the robes, neither Joe nor Micah could look Paul in the eyes.

They found Connie at the kitchen table. She was very calm. Micah motioned for the boys to sit. The four of them sat at the table.

"Connie," Micah began, "it's no secret that neither of us is faithful to the other, but what you don't know is that I consider myself to be bi-sexual. I sleep with either men or women. Lately, I have come to realize that I prefer sex with men, so I think we should divorce. I'll pack a bag and go to a motel tonight until I can make other arrangements."

"I better go with you," Joe said.

"You better not!" Micah almost screamed. Then Micah directed his attention to his son.

"Paul, I hate to say this to you, but you're an idiot not to notice that Joe is gay. That's why I so easily seduced him tonight. Not only is he gay, but he's madly in love with you. He hasn't admitted anything to me, but I know. Don't ask how I know, I just do."

"Jeez," Paul interjected.

Since everyone remained quiet, Micah went on. "Paul, your friendship with Joe is too precious to throw away. I want you to take Joe to your room and talk privately. Decide what you want to do about all this, but one thing I beg you not to do is to stop being friends, best friends."

Both boys had tears in their eyes. Paul took Joe's hand and led him into the bedroom.

"I'll pack now, Connie," Micah said. "I'll be out in less than an hour. Connie remained stone-faced and said nothing. She didn't seem to be terribly upset.

When Paul and Joe entered their room, Paul not only closed the door, he locked it. Joe fell on his bed and started to cry. He didn't just cry, he sobbed. Paul felt so helpless. He didn't know what to do. He sat down on the bed next to Joe and wrapped his arms around him.

"Is it true that you love me?" he whispered in Joe's ear. Joe nodded.

"I love you too, you know," he said, "but not the way you love me. I don't know if I could do any of that stuff."

"If you don't want physical love, I don't mind. All I want is for you to have me in your life. I can't conceive of living without you. I don't mean living in the same house, just living somewhere in your world."

Paul held Joe closer. He whispered in Joe's ear. "When I saw you and my father getting each other off, I got aroused, but I don't think I could do that myself."

"Listen to your father," Joe said. He told us that he preferred gay sex to straight sex. Give it a try, you might like it."

"Not here, not in this house. We'll talk more about it when we get back to school, and in our own apartment; our own private apartment."

"As long as you've agreed to consider it, you've made me very happy.

When Joe said that, Paul did something spontaneously that shocked even him. He kissed Joe on the lips. It felt so good, he did it a second time and a third.

"We'd better go to sleep," he said.

"Will you sleep with me?" Joe asked. "I promise I won't do anything."

"Okay, but I need to pee and wash up."

While he was getting ready for bed, Paul had an epiphany. He realized that nobody in the world would ever love him more than Joe. Even more surprising, he realized that he would never love anybody more than he loved Joe. He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was going to make love to Joe tonight, and he promptly sprung a boner.

After Joe and Paul returned to school and occupied their apartment, some things changed in Paul's mother's house, but a lot changed in his life and Joe's.

Micah and Connie divorced. He found a nice one bedroom apartment near the club and continued to have sex with all the gentlemen who flirted with him. He avoided the ladies. Likewise, Connie continued to have sex with the men who flirted with her. She had no idea, but one of her men was sleeping with Micah also. Micah was not aware of it either.

Connie went back to work. She was a registered nurse. Two years later, she started to see one of the doctors at the hospital, and a year after that, they were married.

Three years after he split from Connie, Micah met a handsome guy in a gay bar. The man went home with him that night. Micah rarely saw a guy more than once, but this man was different, and they began to see a lot of each other. They spent as much time together as they could manage. Eventually, they got a bigger apartment and moved in together. Notwithstanding the fact that they were living together, they gave each other permission to see other men, but they never did.

Things were very different for Joe and Paul in their cozy little apartment with its wasted bed. They first made love in Jupiter. In the beginning, Joe was hesitant and reticent, but by the time they went back to Tallahassee, he was a full participant. He and Joe loved each other more every day, and during their love-making, they each said, at least a thousand times, "I love you."

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