The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Aug 24, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else




By Bastian Ward

The day after Ted flew out of Australia, Stieg went to the house that formerly belonged to Tomas, and that Ted had stolen from him. Now the house; and all of its contents belonged to Stieg, well actually it now belonged to the Masters, and the 'farm'. It was Stieg's job to inventory the contents and to get an evaluation on the property, while he was there Matt rang the front door bell.

"Oh, Hi Stieg," he said when Stieg answered the door, "I thought Ted was back, and was going to ask why he hadn't let us know he was back."

"Oh, haven't you heard?"

"No. Heard what?"

"There was an accident Ted was involved in overseas?"

"Is he Ok?"

Um, I'm sorry I don't know how to tell you this mate? but he was killed in the accident, and I'm here trying to find if he'd left a will. Otherwise, I inherit everything, as Ted gave me Power of Attorney, and named me as his sole beneficiary before he left."

"Oh, I didn't know. Poor Ted. I wonder if any of the other guys know."

"That was the other thing I was looking for; I don't know if he had an address book or something. I know he took his phone with him, so I don't have any contact details for anyone?"

"Oh, do you want a hand to look?"

Stieg cast an eye over the young man standing in front of him, and although he was no Tomas, he still was easy on the eye. He decided to invite the guy in, even though he'd found Teds' will earlier, leaving everything to the guys, which Stieg'd destroyed. He reasoned with himself, that if he one of the guys helped him to 'look', then they couldn't accuse him of foul play then could they.

Matt asked Stieg if he'd looked in Ted's office. Stieg lied and said that he'd just got there a little while ago and hadn't really looked anywhere. So Matt showed Stieg where the office was and both men looked through all the drawers and files, but after half an hour of fruitless searching. Mat suggested they try his workroom in the dungeon, and he led the way downstairs. Stieg was really 'surprised' when he saw the dungeon.

"Wow," said Stieg as he gave a low whistle, "I didn't know he had all this set-up down here. What did he use it for?"

"He put it in because this was where we were going to keep all of our slaves before we sold them?"

"But you guys sell us your slaves?"

"Well," said Matt as he looked at the floor and started to rub the back of his neck, "Um Ted thought we could make more money if we sold the slaves ourselves?'

"Really, so he planned to stiff us?"

"Well, Ted'd inherited all this money when Tomas died," Ted looked a bit down at the mentioning of Tomas' name.

"You really liked Tomas didn't you?"

"I loved him," blurted out Matt before he realised what he'd said.

Stieg fixed him with a steely stare, and growled at him to strip. Matt looked taken back, and just stared at Stieg. This time when he'd repeated the order, he backhanded Matt across the face. Without giving it another thought, Matt stripped on the spot.

"Good boy," said Stieg as he cast a critical eye over him, "yes," he said as he stood closer to Matt. He reached out and ran a hand over his torso, while Matt wasn't fat, he didn't workout either. He looked at Matt's small dick and balls, and just stopped himself from laughing out loud. He told Matt to bend over and shoved a finger up his arse, at which Matt let out a yell. Stieg slapped his arse hard enough to leave an imprint, and letting Matt know he was expected to remain silent, he went on probing his arse. When he'd finished he pulled his finger out and told Matt to stand up and open his mouth. When Mat had complied, Stieg shoved the finger he'd just had up Matt's butt into his open mouth. Matt made to spit it out, but looked Stieg in the eye and thought better of it. Stieg smiled to himself while he finished exploring his mouth, and told him to suck his finger clean.

Stieg looked down, while Mat was sucking his finger, and wasn't surprised to see that Matt had an erection, and while it looked bigger erect, it still wasn't as big as an average sized cock. Stieg wondered if that was why he'd hunted for guys, because he couldn't pleasure a woman enough to satisfy her. Stieg pulled his finger out of Matt's mouth and asked him if he wanted to be a slave?

"Um, no, sir. Please don't make me a slave sir?"

"Fuck off, then, if you ever come back here again you'd better have a guiche and all the medical certificates you got for your first slave. Get it..?"

"Yes, sir," said Matt in a small voice.

"Fuck'n get out of here!"

With that Matt scooped up his clothes and fled the dungeon, and Stieg wondered if he'd remember to get dressed before he left the house. Laughing to himself he closed up the house and went to find an Estate Agent to sell the house for them.

In the morning Tomas was woken by something moving in and out of his mouth, and without thing he closed his lips over whatever it was to form a seal, and as he returned to full consciousness he started to suck the cock in earnest. He felt the cock pump its load of cum down his willing throat, when the spasms had subsided; Tomas sucked the last remaining cum from out of the cock in his mouth. When he had finished, Rashid pulled his cock out of Tomas' mouth, and kissed Tomas good morning, and thanked him for the blow job. Rashid was still kneeling on the bed, and Tomas pulled him down on top of himself and rolled them over so he was now lying on top of Rashid. He leaned down and kissed Rashid passionately and deep again, sucking Rashid's tongue deep into his mouth. When he broke the kiss of, he raised his head enough so that he could kiss both of Rashid's closed eyes, then making his slow way down, he kissed and licked Rashid's jaw and chin.

Having reached the neck of Rashid's dishdasha and t-shirt, he reached down and grabbed the fabric that was bunch around Rashid's midriff, and worked it the rest of the way up his torso, and up and over his head. Having removed that barrier, he continued to kiss and lick his way down Rashid's chest, and finding that Rashid's paps were already rock hard he nibbled them for a bit anyway, then continued on his way down over his abs. Until he arrived at Rashid's groin, but ignoring it completely he grabbed the band of his underpants, and dragged them off his body in one fell swoop.

Now that Rashid was totally naked, Tomas flipped him over onto his stomach, and trailing his nails very lightly up Rashid's legs until he reached the globes of his small arse. Tomas moved his nails in small swirling motions all over his arse, as he got closer to the cleft between them. Tomas reached out and cracked his arse wide open, and fell hungrily onto Rashid's waiting hole, and he drilled his tongue as deeply into his hole as he possibly could.

After a few minutes of this, Tomas could feel Rashid's hand trying to grab his hair, but he eluded the groping hand. Tomas removed his tongue from his arse, and flipped Rashid over and stared knowingly at his very erect cock.

Ignoring Rashid's cock, licked and sucked both his balls into his very willing mouth, and gave them a very good tongue bath, and only when they were slick with his saliva did he give them up. He sniffed Rashid's cock from the root to the tip, when he got to the very tip he very gently lapped lightly at the tip of Rashid's cock, until he could sense his balls were coming closer to his abdomen. He straddled Rashid and guided his cock into his waiting hole, and very slowly milked it for him.

As Tomas felt Rashid's cock buck inside him, he let his own cock shoot his cum all over Rashid's abdomen, so to Rashid it seemed as though his cock was shooting cum up Tomas' arse and out Tomas' cock and all over himself. When Tomas had finished cumming, he lay down on top of Rashid and kissed him; with Rashid's softening cock still buried deep inside him. As Tomas felt Rashid's cock slide out of his arse, he lay beside Rashid on the bed and spooned him, until Rashid said he had to go.

After Rashid'd had a wash and got dressed and left, Tomas got up, had breakfast, and bathed and got on with his day, at least it didn't seem so aimless now that he had the gym equipment to amuse himself with, so he'd decided to spend an hour working out; and then go for a run and do a few laps. He'd just got started when he heard a cough behind him, and spun around and found one of the guards standing in the doorway, Tomas had a mental flashback to the last time he found a guard in his rooms unannounced.

"I am Wasim,' the guard said, "and I am here to make a program for you to follow on the gym equipment. I am responsible for the fitness of all the guards, and Rashid told me to help you with a workout routine."

Tomas just looked at him, "Oh," was all he could think of to say. So Wasim spent two hours with Tomas getting him to show him what he could do, and Wasim worked up a six week program for him to follow. Wasim measured and weighed Tomas so he could chart Tomas' progress as well. Wasim explained to Tomas that Rashid did not want him to build up his muscle mass any more than it was now, so they were going to be working on maintenance and getting some extra definition.

Wasim gave Tomas a loincloth to wear while he was working out, as Wasim didn't want him to injure himself using any of the equipment. So Wasim showed him how to put on the loincloth, as it was just a strip of cloth and Tomas had to learn how to tie it himself. Wasim told him that Rashid had ordered that two guards had to be posted outside the door to Tomas' suite of rooms, and had made Wasim responsible for Tomas' safety from now on. So he could ask one of the guards to summon a servant to assist him in tying his loincloth, if he couldn't do it.

Tomas thanked him for helping him, and with that Wasim left Tomas to follow his new workout program, and as Rashid had told Wasim that he wanted Tomas to have more definition in his chest and back. Wasim gave him a lot of upper body work to do, as well as telling Tomas to follow a particular path he'd laid out through the rooms, courtyards, and gardens. Now every morning after he'd breakfasted, and attended to his morning toilet he would follow the workout routine that had been set by Wasim. With the knowledge that Wasim would be following his progress very thoroughly, knowing that Wasim would be having meetings with Rashid about his progress.

Tomas was feeling very cared for now, and promised himself that he would work very hard in order to please Rashid, particularly as he was going to a lot of trouble for him that he didn't really need to. So now Tomas felt that his mornings will be quite busy, and his days will have a bit of order to them, and he was feeling a bit better within himself now. So while he had his loin cloth on he did a full workout routine that had been set by Wasim, and after going for his run, he went back to the bathroom and had along soak in the bath.

Stieg had been very busy with the house, he'd had an auction house come in and sell all the furniture, and anything else they deemed saleable, and he'd netted his masters a little over a million dollars. All the bondage equipment he'd had shipped to the 'farm', for the masters to use, as Stieg had no use for the bondage gear in Melbourne. The house was on the market and was expected to earn almost three million dollars, and while Stieg had worked very consistently on settling Ted's, formally Tomas', affairs in order, and transferring all the money to the 'farm's bank accounts, it took him the better part of three months to get to this point. He'd all but forgotten about the visit from Matt, and as none of the other guys had been around to the house, or the silo for that matter. He'd just assumed that Matt had delivered the message to them that their services were no longer required, so he was very surprised when one of the guards came into his office and told him that he had a visitor.

So Stieg stopped what he was doing and went downstairs to the foyer of the silo with the guard, and was very surprised to see Matt standing there. "How are you Matt? What can I do for you?"

"I was thinking about our conversation the other day?"

"Look, Matt, the other day I was basically telling you to fuck off in a, not to nicely manner?"

"Yeah, I know but I really miss Tomas, it's such a shame that he died in that accident. And then there's Ted who also died in an accident?"

"Oh, for fuck sake, Matt; neither Tomas, nor Ted died in an accident. Look this is why I told you that you guys weren't really cut out to be slavers?"

"What'd ya mean 'we're' not cut out to be slavers?"

"Because you're standing here, knowing what our procedures are for accepting slaves, and what paperwork we require so that we can tell the world that the slave 'DIED' so no one comes looking for them. Ok! Now do you get it?"

"Do you mean?"

"Fuck! Are you really this dumb? Ted SOLD Tomas into slavery?"


"Because he wanted to be the first person to fuck his arse?"

"Ted did what??"

"He sold Tomas into slavery because he wanted to fuck him; I'm assuming it was because Tomas wouldn't let him do it any other way?"

"No," said Matt, "no he's as straight as a die."

"So, because Ted wanted to take his cherry so badly, he sold him into slavery?"

"So, did he fuck him?"

"No of course not. That was for Tomas' new owner to do with him if he wanted too."

"Hang on. Does that mean that Ted?"

"Yes. Ted was sold into slavery as well," said Stieg with a wicked grin spread all over his face. With that Stieg turned to walk back into the lift.

"Wait," Matt called after him, "can I see Tomas?"

Stieg sighed as he turned back to face Matt, "look Matt, we don't tell anyone who's sold to whom or where. It's not like Tomas is sick in hospital somewhere you can go and visit him, Ok? He is a slave! Get it? He is someone's property now. Look, if you owned a dog, would like the previous owner to just 'drop in' to visit your dog? No you wouldn't. Go home Matt, and try and forget about him." Stieg said as he turned back to the lift.

"But you don't understand. I love Tomas, I always have. He was the only reason I hung out with the other guys, so I could be close to Tomas," said Matt almost in tears.

"Go home, Matt," said Stieg resignedly, "there's nothing you can do to see Tomas now?"

"What about this," said Matt as he dropped his pants to the floor and lifted his genitalia to reveal his guiche, and in his other hand he held an envelope out to Stieg. "What if I gift myself to Tomas' owner?"

"You do realise," said Stieg, "that if I take your paperwork, we can do anything we like to you, and there'd be nothing that you could do about it." Matt nodded. "We could kill you on the spot just for sport," continued Stieg, and again Matt nodded, and Stieg could see that the envelope that Matt was holding out was dead steady.

Without another thought Stieg grabbed the envelope out of Matt's hand, and the guard that was still standing in the foyer grabbed Matt and took him downstairs, while Stieg stepped into the other lift and went up to his office.

Tomas had spent the morning doing his new workout routine, and he felt great, well he was a bit sore in places; well Ok he was a lot sore, but he was just glad to have been able to do a proper workout. He realised just how out of condition he really was, and while he was having a bath he told the walls that he could really go for a massage right now, and then looked around expectantly, but no masseur magically appeared. Still he couldn't complain too much he supposed, so he finished soaking in the bath, and towelled himself off and applied his perfume. He walked out to the bedroom, as he was contemplating having a nap; he really was a bit tired after having sex earlier that morning with Rashid, and then doing his first full proper workout. He really felt in the need for a bit of a nap.

As he walked through the doorway, he was kinda surprised, but at the same time, he kinda wasn't surprised to see a masseur waiting for him, complete with folding table. As Tomas was naked anyway, the masseur just motioned at the table and Tomas climbed on top and lay down. The masseur's fingers felt like they were made of iron, and he made sure that he gave Tomas a very thorough deep tissue massage, and by the time he was finished, Tomas thanked him profusely. Tomas went and lay on the bed and had a nap.

He was woken by someone shaking his shoulder, which was very unusual as Tomas thought no one was allowed to see him, let alone touch him. As he still hadn't got over the treatment he had suffered at Baghel's hand, he recoiled from the hand shaking him. He looked up and saw another servant standing by his bed with some clothes draped over his arm, "Rashid sent me to give you these clothes to put on," he said as he bowed. With that he put the clothes on the bed and left the room.

Tomas sat up and looked at the clothes that were on the bed. He found that there was a pair of underpants, a t-shirt, a dishdasha, there was even a massar as well, and puzzled he wondered what he was supposed to do with them. Other than the loincloth that Wasim had given him to wear to do his workouts, he'd spent all his time in the fort naked.

The doors opened again a short time later and another servant entered the room, after spending all this time on his own, he was a bit disconcerted to have so many people just walking into his room. The servant bowed and said, "I'm Dabir. I see that the clothes are here already?" Tomas just sat and looked up at him expectantly, "Rashid is entertaining some visitors tonight and he wants you to entertain them. So he wants you to take particular care with your toilet, and be ready tonight to entertain his guests." With that he bowed again and left the room, so Tomas got up, and attended to his toilet, he made sure that he gave himself a good enema, and then had another long bath, and covered himself with perfume.

He didn't get dressed until the sun went down, and he was surprised just how restrictive he felt they were, and just how scratchy they felt as well, he couldn't understand how much he liked being dressed before.

He ate his evening meal when it was served, and then lounged around on the cushions until someone came to fetch him. Later that evening one of the servants eventually came and took him to the dinner, which was being held in the banquet room on the floor below Tomas'.

Tomas entered the banquet room, and there were sixteen men, with Rashid, scattered around the room all reclining on divans, surrounded by the remains of their meal and had all obviously been drinking. When Rashid noticed him, he clapped his hands twice and the musicians started to play a different piece of music. Rashid made a swirling motion with his hand and as Tomas assumed he was expected to dance, he started to sway his hips slowly in time with the music.

As he swayed his hips, his pendulous cock began to move to of its own accord as well, and as it rubbed against the inside of his dishdasha, all the men present were treated to just a glimpse of the outline of his big cock moving under the material. As the tempo of the music slowly increased, so too did the speed of his hips. The faster he swung his hips the harder his cock pressed against the cloth of his dishdasha, until everyone present was left with no doubt as to the size of his cock.

He slowly started to move his hands and arm, as he swirled his hands in time to the music he moved his hands and arms up his torso, and when his hands reached his shoulders. He moved his arms out until they were at full stretch; he then started to spin on his centre axis, so that he was displaying himself to all the men present. He brought his hands back in and slowly reached up and with infinite slowness he removed his massar, uncovering his head of golden hair to the audible shock of everyone present.

Rashid smiled to himself, because this was the reaction that he was hoping to get from his guests, he was well pleased.

Still swinging his hips and spinning on his centre axis, Tomas moved over to one of the men and handed him his massar. Moving back into the centre of the room, he brought his arms back in, while still moving his hands in time with the music, when his hands reached his torso, he slid his arms down to hips. He changed the direction of his hands and arms, so they were now sliding up and down his body without making contact with the cloth of his dishdasha. As the tempo kept increasing, so did the speed with which he spun his hips, and by now his cock and balls had taken on a life of their own, and was now straining against the fabric of his dishdasha.

As he increased his speed, his hands finally made contact with the fabric of his dishdasha, and as he continued to slide his hands up and down his torso, he started to work his dishdasha up his body. Gradually he started to slowly reveal his ankles, and then his calves, before the hem of his dishdasha reached his knees, his hands were pulled away from his body, seemingly by the centrifugal force of his spinning on the spot. He flung his arms out slowly, until he was again at full stretch, but his hands never stopped moving throughout the performance.

Tomas folded in on himself until he was crouched on the floor, then seeming to explode up off the floor, he dragged his dishdasha up his body and off over his head in on fluid movement. So now he was dancing in front of his very appreciative audience, who broke into spontaneous applause, in just his undergarments and Tomas dropped his dishdasha onto one of the other divans. Now everyone present could clearly see that Tomas was a true blonde, and in fact was a golden blonde to boot, consequently Rashid's standing in the region just went through the roof. Not only was he wealthy enough to own a slave, but a golden blonde Caucasian slave, which everyone present correctly assumed that he must have cost a fortune.

Still, Tomas continued his dance, and now that his cock was clearly visible, and appeared to be dancing of its own volition; which had most of his audience mesmerised. As he danced he moved his arms down and grabbing the hem of his t-shirt, he pulled it up his body and over his head. He dropped the t-shirt on one of the other divans. Now everyone could see his golden chest hair as it caught, and sparkled in the lamplight, Tomas was also covered in light sheen of sweat, so that now he positively glowed.

He moved his hands lightly down his chest, until they encountered the hem of his underpants and he dragged them to the ground. Every man present, except for Rashid, held their breath while they waited for Tomas to finally stand before them all in all his naked glory. As he took two steps forward he rose to his full height, now not only could the men marvel at him in all his golden naked glory, but now they got to see for the first time his perfect bubble butt as the swaying of his hips caused his butt cheeks to rub against each other. This made it look as though his butt cheeks were swirling in circles all on their own, which made his dimples really stand out.

When Tomas was facing Rashid, Rashid clapped his hands so that the music, and consequently Tomas, stopped instantly, and Tomas lowered his arms to his side and stood in the middle of the group, waiting to see what Rashid wanted him to do now, with his eyes downcast due to his station in life. Rashid stood up from his divan in one fluid motion and went and stood in front of Tomas, and cast his eye down at Tomas' heaving chest, and right down and over his large cock. Down his thighs until he was looking at directly at Tomas' feet. With a flourish he withdrew his knife from its scabbard and it glinted cruelly in the lamplight.

Starting at Tomas collarbone, Rashid proceeded to shave Tomas' body, angling the knife he shaved all the hair of Tomas' arms, he then indicated for Tomas to lift his arms, and he shaved his pits. He moved over and started to shave his chest beginning at his collarbone and working his way down his pecs, by the time he got to Tomas' paps, most of his guests had come and stood behind him so they could get a better view. By the time he had got to his abs, Rashid's guest had started to lay bets on wether Rashid would nick or cut Tomas in the process. When he'd started on Tomas' treasure trail, Rashid got one of the servants to bring something for Tomas to stand on, so then Tomas' crotch was on eye level for the men, and now the white and yellow gold ring with its diamond stud in Tomas' prince albert could be clearly seen by everyone in the audience.

With Tomas standing on the box, Rashid continued shaving Tomas, he shaved his pubic hair, and all the watchers sucked in a quick breath as Rashid grabbed hold of Tomas cock and huge balls as he continued to shave all the area around the base of his cock. Ensuring that he got the few stray hairs growing on the base of his shaft as well, and still holding his cock, Rashid started to shave Tomas' ball bag, by now the bets were coming thick and fast, and the entire audience were clearly aroused.

Letting go of Tomas' cock Rashid pulled on Tomas' ball bag and shaved every single hair he could find there, and when Rashid moved out into Tomas' groin to start shaving his legs, everyone in the audience were 'adjusting' themselves, as they were growing in their own pants. Rashid continued on down Tomas' legs right down to and including the tops of his feet. When he had finished saving the tops of Tomas' feet he indicated for Tomas to turn on the spot and Rashid shaved the backs of Tomas' legs.

When his legs were as denuded of hair as the rest of him, Rashid started on the twin mounds of Tomas' large bubble butt, and when they were as smooth as the rest of him, Tomas bent over and separated his arse cheeks and revealing his bright pink anus for all to see. Instantly all the bets stopped as all the men were mesmerised by the sight of the bright pink anus being displayed before them. Rashid finished shaving Tomas' cleft, and continued down and shaved his perineum, which drew all the eyes to the white and yellow gold ring with its diamond stud in his guiche piercing. Having shaved every square inch of Tomas, Rashid turned with a flourish on the spot and bowed to the riotous applause of his guests. After all the bets had been settled, and Rashid had received his cut of the takings, Tomas remained standing on the box, and now he was totally denuded of hair his skin shone like alabaster in the lamp light, it was so milky white. Rashid motioned for Tomas to come down from the box, and after all the guests had resumed their divans, and applauded Rashid for the show he had performed for them.

Rashid clapped his hands twice again, and a servant came and removed the box while the musicians started up again. This time, though, Rashid stood in front of Tomas, who by now was sweating profusely and the sweat was running down in rivulets all down his body. Tomas again began to sway his hips in time with the music, and all eyes were glued to his pendulous cock as it started its own slow dance, seemingly totally independent of Tomas' body, it danced with his ball bag totally oblivious to the staring crowd. Slowly Tomas brought one arm up, moving his hands in time to the music; he reached up and gently stroked the side of Rashid's face with one fingernail, dragging it lightly from his temple down over his cheek, and continuing down over his jaw, sliding down his throat, and continuing down his throat until he reached the top of his dishdasha.

While Tomas continued to swing his hips, he reached both hands up and cupping the back of Rashid's head, he angled it so that he was able to kiss him full on the lips. As he drew Rashid into the kiss, he stepped closer so that their two bodies were pressed against each other, and Tomas started to grind his hips into Rashid's still keeping time with the music. Tomas broke off the kiss as he reached up for Rashid's ruby studded golden massar, and seemingly not breaking bodily contact with Rashid, he laid it on Rashid's own divan.

By now all the men in the room were breathing raggedly as they sensed what kind of a show was being put on for their obvious enjoyment now.

Taking a very small step back from Rashid, Tomas slowly crumpled to the floor, and not taking his eyes off Rashid's, he grabbed the hem of Rashid's dishdasha, and drew it up his body. As Tomas seemed to grow out of the floor, he pulled the dishdasha up over Rashid's head, as their audience gave up any pretence of making themselves 'comfortable' and they were all fondling themselves openly through the fabric of their own dishdashas. Having deposited Rashid's dishdasha on his divan, once again he drew Rashid into a very deep passionate kiss, making sure he sucked his tongue fully into his mouth, while he clung tightly to him.

Tomas broke off the kiss and spun away from Rashid, with such speed and grace that his cock no longer pointed at the floor but seemed to now point at every man in the room individually, and, with the light glinting off the ring in his prince albert piercing, it drew all eyes to it, and now the crowd of men could now plainly see the white and yellow gold ring in his lorum piercing as well. Moving two to three metres away from Rashid, Tomas slunk to his knees, and making his own cock hard, he fell on to his hands and knees and swinging his arse in the air he began to stalk Rashid from across the room.

By now the guests had divested themselves of their own dishdasha's, and were slowly stroking themselves through the fabric of their underwear.

As Tomas got closer to Rashid he could be heard growling softly at him, as he slowly deliberately placed every hand, and moved every knee, so that covered in sweat, as he now was, and with the flickering lamp light, it appeared as Tomas flowed over the floor, as he continued to stalk Rashid. When he was close enough, Tomas circled Rashid twice, rubbing himself against his legs just like a big cat. After circling Rashid twice, he forced himself through Rashid's legs from back to front, and as he emerged from between his legs he flowed up into a standing position with his back to him.

Now all the guests could plainly see Tomas mammoth cock in all its glory, and the gather men would latter have to admit just how much the piercings added to the look of his cock.

Tomas slowly spun on the spot so that now he was facing Rashid again. Instead of kissing him fully on the lips this time, he kept darting forward, in time with the music, taking little nips at Rashid's parted lips. While he was doing this he'd reached down and drew the hem of Rashid's t-shirt up and over his head, and deposited it on the divan with the rest of his clothing. Tomas kissed Rashid's closed eyes, gently, lovingly. He kissed his cheeks, and made his slow way over his jaw, and continued kissing down his throat, tilting his head up and back. As he started to lick and kiss his chest, Tomas lifted Rashid's arms and hands until he could put them on Rashid's head. Holding them there for a second until he was sure Rashid understood he was to leave them there, Tomas continued to kiss and lick Rashid's chest until he encountered Rashid's paps which were now rock hard and standing out from his pecs. Tomas nibbled them both in turn, until he changed his focus to Rashid's armpits, and he licked and sucked all the sweat from them he could.

By now their audience had totally divested themselves of all their clothes and were all slow stroking their own cocks while they watched the incredibly intimate show; that was being performed for their obvious enjoyment.

As Tomas continued to make his way down Rashid's body, he started on Rashid's abs, as he hooked his thumbs into the waist band of Rashid's underwear and dragged them down with him as he made his way past Rashid's navel. By the time he'd reached Rashid's pubic region, Tomas had lowered his underpants to the ground and was assisting Rashid to step out of them. Now Rashid was as naked as everyone else in the room, and the surrounding crowd marvelled at his corded body, the way the light danced off the sweat covering his body, making the skin look as though it was flowing over his body like lava from a volcano.

Tomas continued to make his slow way down over Rashid's pubic area, and just when he'd reached the root of his cock, and there was a sharp intake of breath from the very appreciative audience, who were now all sitting on the ends of their divans, stroking their own rock hard cocks.

Tomas veered off to the side of Rashid's cock, to the howls of protests from the watching crowd, and continued down until he encountered his hanging balls, and sucked each in turn into his mouth as he licked and sucked them both. When he was satisfied, he moved down Rashid's left inner thigh to his knee, and back up his right inner thigh until he was back at the root of his cock, which was now standing ramrod straight out from Rashid's groin, but again Tomas did nothing with it. Instead he turned Rashid around and had him bend over and he fell hungrily onto his exposed hole, and very noisily he licked and sucked his hole clean, as he rimmed him out.

Sensing that his audience was being driven made with desire to be in the position that Rashid was, he broke of rimming his hole, spun him around again and fell on to his erect cock and swallowed it to the very root. It became too much for Rashid as he grabbed the back of Tomas' head and began to pile drive his cock in and out of Tomas' mouth, but as he got close to cumming, he grabbed Tomas by the hair. He pulled him off his throbbing cock, and still holding him by the hair, he dragged Tomas over to his divan, and manhandled him up onto it so that Tomas was on his hands and knees facing across the divan. Rashid lined up his cock, and to the hoots and whistles of the appreciative crowd, he plunged the full length of his cock into Tomas' waiting hole.

Rashid banged away at Tomas' hole, until his cock erupted, and bucking, it shot its load of hot cum up Tomas', willing chute, and Rashid collapsed onto Tomas back. When Rashid was able to recover himself, he pulled his cock out of Tomas hole with a plop that the gathered crowd could all hear. He walked around to the other side of the divan and presented Tomas with his limp, dripping, cock, and without any hesitation Tomas sucked Rashid's cock into his mouth and proceeded to suck the remaining cum out of it as well as cleaning all his arse juices off it at the same time.

While Tomas was cleaning his cock for him, Rashid motioned for his guest to help themselves. So Tomas found himself surrounded by Rashid's sixteen guests as they each took turns fuckin' his arse, and then moving around so that the next person could have a go at his arse, while the previous person had his dick cleaned by Tomas' magic mouth. When all his guests were sated and they were sitting on their respective divans, including Rashid who'd had another divan brought in for himself; they all lay there as they watched the com dribbling out of Tomas arse and running in small rivulets down his thighs and forming shallow pools at Tomas' knees. Rashid dismissed Tomas and sent him back to his suite of rooms, while he stayed and ate and drank with his guests.

Tomas had a long hot soak in the bath. He eventually got out when the water had become tepid. He dried himself and after applying perfume he went to bed.

Sometime in the night he was woken again by something being forced between his lips, and reflectively Tomas started to suck it into life. Then without any warning Rashid let his stream of piss go, and Tomas swallowed every drop. When he had finished, Rashid started to fuck his face again, until his cock was ramrod stiff again. He rolled Tomas over and rammed his cock deep into Tomas bowels again, and fucked him until, for the second time that night, in almost as many hours, he filled Tomas' arse again with his hot sticky cum. Without removing his cock both men fell asleep, and sometime during the night Rashid's cock fell out of Tomas' arse, and as usual, Tomas woke in his bed alone.

Next: Chapter 10

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