The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Aug 20, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else




By Bastian Ward

Tomas spent another day on his own. Someone brought him his meals and refreshments, but he never saw them. He did wonder if there were hidden cameras set up in the area watching him, and he got a bit self-conscious, because he still didn't have anything to wear. There weren't even any towels in the 'bathroom' that he could girt himself with, but then he reminded himself that he was just a slave anyway, so he supposed if Rashid wanted to keep him naked, then he'd remain naked. So he spent the rest of the day wandering through the gardens, or watching and listening to the birds in their cages. He supposed someone came in and tended to them during the day, as he hadn't done anything for them over the past 3-4 days he'd been here; and while they seem to be thriving, but he thought he'd ask Rashid about them if he remembered the next time he paid a visit.

His thoughts turned to the guys back home, and he wondered if they knew what had happened to him? He wondered if Ted had gone back home yet, and if he had, did he tell the guys what had really happened to him? He wondered what was happening to his house and his things; he wondered if they were looking after them for him?

He wished he could go to the gym as he was feeling a bit lethargic, and wondered what would happen if he lost any of his condition, would Rashid want him anymore? So he decided to start doing some calisthenics, so he worked out a routine of stretching exercises, as well as the usual sit ups, push ups, etc. he also went for a run around the inner courtyards and gardens, until he was a bit puffed out. Now he was very sweaty after doing all that exertion after being sedentary for so long, so he decided to have a bath. But as he was about to go into the bathroom he realised that there had been no towels in there when he'd looked earlier. Deciding he needed to go the toilet, he continued into the bathroom anyway; and surprise, surprise, there were some clean towels, so he could have a bath after all. Then feeling a bit silly, but not knowing quiet what else to do, he thanked the walls for providing him with clean towels.

It was while he was soaking in the bath that he remembered the musicians hiding behind the wall last night, where he was able to hear them but couldn't see them, so he thought it was probably the same deal for him. Maybe there was someone listening for him on the other side of the wall, but they may not be able to see him. He was warming to this idea. In fact he liked this idea so much that he decided that he'd talk to them, he wasn't sure if they were there all the time, but talking to the blank wall was better than nothing. That was what he began to do; he told the walls all the things he had discovered in the gardens and courtyards, how happy he was for being able to live in such opulence. He even shared some secrets with the wall, like how he was coming to kind of like being fucked in the arse, but he made the wall promise him not to tell anyone 'cause then he'd die of embarrassment.

He decided to go for another run around his suite of rooms, courtyards, and gardens, and this time he almost got two full laps in before he almost collapsed in a heap on the floor. As he was laying there he was trying to work out what was so different about him running around this time. After a bit it hit him in the back of the head, he didn't have the chain hanging from his guiche, that's why it was so easy to run and walk around, he didn't have the chain trying to rap itself around his legs trying to trip him up. When he caught his breath, he told the wall that he hoped that he had clean towels in the bathroom, or that at least they had left the other towels there. As he wanted to have a bath and put on some perfume so that he'd smell nice for Rashid's next visit, humph he, thought to himself; that was something he'd never ever thought he'd say to himself, let alone a 'wall'. That he wanted to put on perfume, or that he'd want to be pleasing for another man, he suddenly had the disconcerting thought that he might be falling in love. The idea did stop him short and he did think about it for a bit, and kinda thought that he didn't, really, dislike the idea!

He stopped to ponder if that even made sense, but as he was getting a headache, he decided to try to have another bath instead, and he really wasn't surprised that he had a big pile of clean towels in the bathroom this time. He thanked the walls for the towels, and didn't feel quite so silly this time. He made sure that he'd had a good enema, he was nice and clean, and ready at a moment's notice if Rashid ever wanted to fuck him again. He ran a bath and had a good long soak, going to great lengths to ensure his arse was as clean as he could get it, as well as ensuring all his piercing sites were clean and there was no sign of infection. He did wonder what he would do if he got an infection, but then he supposed now that he was Rashid's property that he would decide if he could get medical attention for it, or not.

In fact that was something he'd never thought about in the past year or so, what happens if he does get sick, he'd always assumed that whoever owned him would take him to the Drs', kinda like he took his pets to the vets if there was something wrong with them. He felt a bit down about the idea that he couldn't decide to do anything anymore, it was all up to Rashid now and he felt keenly just how totally dependent on Rashid he was for everything. He went and sat quietly in his favourite garden; or what was his current favourite garden and contemplated his new life as an owned thing. How he was totally dependent on Rashid now, and he contemplated that thought for the rest of the day.

Rashid needed to go to Muscat, as he had business he had to conduct there in person, also he hadn't seen any of his wives or his children in over a week, he mentioned it to Keane because he wasn't sure if he should take Tomas or not, as he wasn't too sure on how long he would be away. "Are you taking any of the servants from the fort with you?" Keane asked.

"No, of course not, there isn't any need; we have servants at our home in Muscat."

"Then, Tomas can stay here. He is livestock after all. I mean no disrespect, Sir," Rashid nodded his understanding, "think of 'it' as a horse, or better yet, one of your falcons. Are you taking your falcons with you?"

"No, of course not," laughed Rashid.

"Well then there's no need to take Tomas if you don't want to."

"Oh, right,"

"He is your slave, Rashid, you can do anything you want to 'it' and no one is going to bat an eye. As far as everyone in Australia is concerned Tomas died in an accident. Ok. No one is going to come looking for him, especially after we've fixed up that other problem."

Rashid said that he really did understand, so the two men parted company, Keane to deal with their other problem, and Rashid to get on with business.

Late afternoon Tomas was surprised to find Rashid in one of the gardens, and he greeted him, and asked if he could be of service to him; and looked at him expectantly. Rashid explained that he was going away for a few days but that Tomas would remain here. Rashid went on to tell Tomas that there will be the house staff still here, but that he was not to let another person to touch him, except for Keane, while he was away. Tomas nodded his understanding.

Rashid told Tomas that he still had some work to do, but that he would come and sleep with him again tonight, with that he left the suite of rooms that formed Tomas' prison, and continued to explore the gardens and to sit and listen to and watch the birds. As the sun disappeared over the wall; Tomas went inside to eat and to await Rashid's return.

When Rashid returned after evening prayers, he was carrying some lengths of cord in his hand as he walked through the doors. Tomas looked up and wondered what he was going to do. Rashid beckoned Tomas to follow him into one of the gardens, where he tied Tomas to one of the pillars. When he was sure Tomas couldn't get free, he drew his dagger out of its scabbard; and he delicately traced the outline of all of Tomas' muscles, and even though the dagger was always kept razor sharp and was capable of split a single hair. Rashid's touch was so light that he didn't cut the skin; instead he just left a microscopic thin red line trailing behind his knife.

Having started on top of Tomas' collar bone, he worked his way over his pectoral muscles; taking great pains with his paps so that they were perfectly outlined. Rashid also deftly shaved Tomas' chest at the same time, so that by the time he had worked his way down to his abdomen. Not only did all his muscles standout with their new red outline, but Tomas' chest was no totally denuded of hair as well. Rashid continued his journey of outlining and shaving Tomas as he continued to make his way down Tomas body, by the time Rashid had reached Tomas' treasure trail, his chest was totally denuded of hair and looked like he had some strange disease that had caused red lines to appear all over his skin.

Rashid continued to shave Tomas' treasure trail, and then outlining the muscles he could see under his skin, and so skilled was Rashid with the dagger that he hadn't missed one solitary hair. Slowly there was a growing pile of golden hair collecting at Tomas' feet. Still Rashid continued to shave Tomas and outline the muscles under his skin as he went, Rashid deftly shaved Tomas pubic bush, and traced the lines leading into his groin. By now Tomas was very aroused and his cock was, as usual, pointing almost straight up his abdomen, and Rashid just pushed it out of his way as he continued shaving him. Until Rashid reached the base of Tomas' cock, then he pulled his cock down until it was pointing down towards the ground, and he very delicately traced all the veins and blood vessels that were just under the skin of his penis, until they stood out in stark contrast to the rest of the surrounding skin.

Rashid continued down and shaved his ball sack, and traced the delicate veins that were barely visible under the translucent skin. Eventually Rashid worked his way down to and including Tomas feet, having shaved all the hair, and outlined all the muscles and blood vessels and veins he could reach. He untied Tomas and turned him around he shaved all the hair and outlined all the muscles on Tomas' back, and his arse cheeks; he even got Tomas to hold his cheeks apart so he could shave his hole. Eventually Rashid had shaved Tomas entire body, but the hair on his head.

He was then able to revel in the feel or Tomas' smooth silky skin, as he licked and sucked every bit of Tomas' body. He took him by the hand and led him back inside to the bed they shared, and slowly, sensuously, Rashid fucked Tomas, with long slow strokes until both men orgasmed together. Tomas shooting his load between them, and Rashid shooting his load deep into Tomas' very willing hole, and locked in each other's embrace they slept the night away.

The following morning, Tomas guestimated that Rashid had been gone from the fort for at least 2hrs when he had to go to the toilet, so naturally enough he went inside to go to the toilet, but when he reached the bedroom, that he had to walk through to get to the bathroom. He was confronted by an absolute mountain of a man, "slave. I am Baghel, and while Rashid is not here, I am in charged?"

Tomas just looked up at the man, with an uncomprehending expression on his face, "Um, Rashid told me that while he was away that I was to let no one touch me?" without any warning Baghel slapped the side of Tomas' face so hard that he was knocked to the ground.

"I said; that while Rashid is not here then I am in charge; and as you are nothing but a slave. You will obey ME!" With that he turned on his heel and left the room.

Tomas lay, dazed on the floor trying to gather his thoughts, it was at that moment that his bladder reminded him of his reason for being there in the first place. So he picked himself up off the floor and went to the toilet, rubbing his very sore cheek and jaw on the way. He finished having his pee and walked out of the toilet, and heard a clicking sound, and suddenly his cock felt very heavy. Puzzled he looked down and saw a chain was clipped to the ring in his prince albert, his brain was quick enough to realise that he was now tethered by his prince albert. As the chain was getting tighter he had the good sense to follow the person holding the other end of the chain, who just happened to be the man mountain, Baghel.

Tomas was starting to worry, as Baghel was leading him towards the main doorway to the suite of rooms he has lived in since coming to the fort. It also dawned on him that he was naked, not that that was a problem for Tomas, he had been kept naked since the first day at the 'farm', but he'd never walked through the fort naked. As Baghel was holding the chain that was attached to his prince albert, he had no other choice, so he walked behind his new master as he led him through the fort.

"Do not make eye contact with anyone, slave," Baghel growled over his shoulder, as he gave the chain a vicious yank. Tomas stifled a yelp and dropped his gaze to the floor, as he did a couple of quick steps to compensate for the loss of slack in the chain.

Baghel led Tomas outside, but this wasn't the same entrance that Tomas had seen when he first arrived, and he was now walking across ground with small sharp stones littered all over the area, and Tomas didn't have anything on his feet. So it was becoming increasingly difficult for Tomas to keep up, and Baghel felt the need to give him a hurry up by yanking on the chain he had in his hand a couple of times, which meant that he was yanking, rather savagely on poor Tomas' prince albert, and consequently on his cock.

Tomas could see that they were heading towards a building, and he fervently prayed that the floor was paved, or at least hard packed earth. The building turned out to be a stable, and Baghel had one of the stable men bring him a horse and a donkey. The man rushed off and reappeared with a horse and a donkey moments later, the horse with a saddle and the donkey without.

Tomas had never ridden a horse before, so he was hoping that they didn't have to go far, but Baghel mounted the horse, and told Tomas to get onto the donkey. Tomas realised that it was pointless telling Baghel that he had never ridden any kind of animal before, but again he wisely decided not to say anything and tried his best to get onto the donkey. In the end Baghel picked Tomas up and put him bodily on to the donkey, grabbing the reins of the donkey and the chain that still tethered Tomas. Baghel took them up higher in the mountains that surrounded the fort; they travelled for about 3hrs before they came to a large cave; that was large enough for Baghel to ride the horse in to.

Baghel jumped down off his horse and Tomas remained on the donkey, waiting for Baghel to tell him what to do. Baghel walked further into the cave and returned with some lanterns that he had lit. He hung the lanterns on hooks that had been set into the walls, and as they were spaced out around the cave. The only things that Tomas could see in the cave were some posts that had been set into the floor of the cave. While Tomas was trying to work out what their purpose could possibly be, Baghel came up behind him and pushed him off the donkey and he fell to the ground.

Before he had a chance to recover, Baghel had picked up the chain and gave it a savage yank, and before he could stop himself, Tomas screamed from the pain in his cock. Baghel just stood there and laughed as he prepared to give the chain another savage yank, thankfully Tomas had assumed that this is what he was going to do and had got to his feet just in time. Baghel led Tomas over to the posts, and as he got closer Tomas noticed that there were metal rings attached to each post, and for the first time a feeling of real dread began to grow in the pit of Tomas' stomach. Baghel attached his end of the chain to one of the rings on the centre post, and picking up a coil of rope from the ground he tied one of Tomas' arms, by his wrist to one of the other posts; and then tied his other arm to another post. This time he made sure that the rope was tight enough, so that both of Tomas' arms were both stretched out to the side of him and Tomas was unable to move.

Tomas heard Baghel opening a bag, and he heard the crack, about 5secs before his brain registered the bite of the whip on his back. Although Tomas'd had regular bondage sessions at the 'farm', and the Masters weren't gentle, they had gone to great lengths to ensure that they didn't break the skin. Baghel had no such compunction, after the 4th or 5th strike, Tomas thought he could feel blood running down his back. Tomas lost count of how many times Baghel had hit him with the whip, he didn't know that Baghel had stopped whipping him, all he knew was he could hear someone screaming, and it wasn't until Baghel was standing in front of him and had backhanded him savagely across the face, that he realised that he was the one who in actual fact was screaming.

Tomas' back felt like his back was on fire, and his wrists were really painful as well. Tomas had stopped screaming, after Baghel hit him, and now he just stood there with his chest heaving trying to catch his breath, and deal with the pain emanating from his back and wrists. Baghel stood in front of him and took a long drink from a water skin, he offered the skin to Tomas, and when he tried to stretch forward to get a drink. Baghel spat a mouthful of water in his face and laughed at him viciously; he stoppered the water skin and put it down at the base of the post that Tomas' cock was tethered to. "You fuckin' useless slave," he growled at Tomas, "as if I would waste water on scum like you," then he threw his head back and laughed.

Tomas tried to remember how long Rashid said he was going to be away for, and his heart sank as he thought he remembered Rashid had said a week, but Tomas didn't know if he would actually survive a week of this kind of torture at the hands of this man. Baghel undid the chain that was tethering Tomas' cock to the post. He undid the ropes tying Tomas to the posts, and it was all Tomas could do to stop from falling over. Baghel turned him around and refastened his arms to the two posts; so that once again he was tied at full stretch between the two posts. This time Tomas could see the whip that Baghel held in his hand. Dispassionately Tomas watched him as he drew his arm back for the first strike, but even though he thought he could see the whip as it snaked out towards his naked, unprotected chest. He still couldn't prepare himself for the pain as the whip cut savagely into his flesh, and Tomas started to scream again.

At some point Tomas knew Baghel had stopped whipping him, but he couldn't get himself to stop screaming. Not even when he saw Baghel walking towards him, with a big shit eating grin plastered all over his face, could make Tomas stop himself screaming, and it wasn't until Baghel backhanded him across the face again that he stopped screaming.

Baghel walked past Tomas and picked up the water skin and standing in front of Tomas he said, "Fuck! This is thirsty work. Isn't it boy?" as he took a big swallow of water. Again he held it out to Tomas, and again Tomas tried to get another drink for his parched raw throat. That Baghel restoppered the water skin and dropped it at Tomas' feet.

Baghel tied a rope from the tops of Tomas' thighs to a separate ring on the two posts that were beside Tomas; he untied and retied Tomas arms so that now he was bent over at the waist. Baghel went back over to the saddle bags on the horse and got something out, while he was busy Tomas looked at the ground and could see all the wet patches that he assumed were caused by his blood dripping from his back and chest, and possibly with a bit of sweat mixed in too.

Tomas could see Baghel's feet as he came back and stood in front of him, and as Tomas watched Baghel's feet he could see he held a ball gag in one hand and in some dim spot in his brain, Tomas knew what was going to happen next. Understanding that it was pointless to resist, he opened his mouth so that Baghel could put the ball of the gag in his mouth, and he could feel Baghel secure the straps tightly behind his head.

Baghel ran his hand lightly, appreciatively, over Tomas' very round bubble butt, marvelling at the light dusting of blond hair he could see, and feel covering his butt. Baghel shoved one big finger into Tomas' exposed hole, without any lube, or any warning, nor was he very gently either. For the first time since he had been sold into slavery, Tomas wished he could just give up and die. He knew he probably had another 6 days of this to get through, if he could just survive today.

Baghel lifted his dishdasha, dropped his underpants and without any kind of warning or lube, and certainly without sparing even a though for Tomas, he plunged the full length of his cock up Tomas' arse. He banged away at Tomas' arse until he shot his load into Tomas' bruised and battered arse; he slumped forwards and rested on Tomas' back until he caught his breath. He pulled his soft cock out of Tomas' battered arse, "fuck, I'll have to tell Ted what a great fuck you are. If you're lucky I might even bring him out here to fuck your arse. He sure is desperate to tap you buddy, and after today I can understand why," he said as he went back to the saddle bags. When he returned Tomas could see a collar hanging from one of his hands, what he couldn't see, but he found out when Baghel put the collar on him, was the fact that there were studs lining the inside of the collar. Baghel laughed as he snitched the collar tight around his neck, Tomas was still able to breathe, but every time he swallowed his neck swelled noticeably which caused the studs to cut cruelly into his skin.

Laughing, Baghel walked over to the horse and donkey, grabbing the reins of the donkey he mounted the horse and rode out of the cave, leaving Tomas tied, doubled over, to the two posts with ball gag and collar in situ. It didn't take long for Tomas raw throat to dry out, as Tomas couldn't even swallow enough saliva to try to ease the dryness he felt. Bound up like that Tomas, surprisingly, feel asleep. He knows this because he felt some very small puffs of air on one of his ankles, followed by something wet and very rough being dragged up his skin.

Tomas shit himself, and started to yell and scream as much as he could around the ball gag, while he stamped his feet as much as the tight ropes would allow, and it was at this point that Tomas just wished he could die and get it all over and done with. Tomas' efforts rewarded him with a yelp and he heard whatever animal it was skitter away from him, but he knew it hadn't left the cave but was probably just off to the side somewhere watching him. Tomas started to cry, great heaving sobs; and wished he was back on the 'farm'; sure they were mean and punished him for things he was sure he hadn't done, but this was just plain sadistic.

He thought he could hear the animal shuffling closer, so again he stamped his feet as much as he could and yelled as loud as he could. He tried to look up to see if he could see what animal it actually was, but he couldn't lift his head at all, so all he could do was to stare at the ground, and try to hear if the animal came too close.

Surprisingly, Tomas must have fallen asleep again, because the next thing he knew was he felt something rammed into his aching hole again, and as he screamed around the ball gag, he figured Baghel must have returned. When he'd finished rapping Tomas' arse for the second time, Tomas tried to beg him to take him back to the fort. He tried to promise him anything he wanted, if he'd just take him back to the fort so he wouldn't get attacked by any wild animals. "What are you trying to tell me, slave? That you like me fuckin' you? Is that it, hmm? 'Cause you don't have to worry 'bout that, 'cause I'm gunna come and fuck you every day that Rashid is away. I might even bring Ted up here with me next time, just so he can watch how much fun it is raping you. You'd like that now wouldn't you!" With that, Baghel left the cave laughing again, taking the only lit lamp with him leaving Tomas in darkness again.

Tomas cried again, as he tried to shift his position slightly so that he could relieve his sore aching muscles, but he froze the minute he thought he heard a wild animal entering the cave again. Again he was woken up, but this time it was because Baghel had returned and was beating his abused back, laughing at the screams he was soliciting from Tomas. Tomas just wished this nightmare would end, he couldn't remember, now, how long he had been tied up for in the cave. He couldn't ask, because of the ball gag still in his mouth, so he just waited till Baghel'd had his fun, fucked him, and left.

When silence descended on the cave with the darkness, Tomas cried to himself again, he tried to rock, as much as his bonds would let him, in order to try and comfort himself. This time when he thought he heard the scurry of the animal returning to his cave, he didn't care, he just wanted this all to end.

When he was next woken by a light coming into the cave, it all became too much for Tomas, and he started to cry before Baghel even entered the cave, but this time he was surprised when he heard a different voice other than Baghel's. Tomas was sure he knew the voice, but couldn't place it. He felt hands running lightly over his battered body, and just hoped they hurried up and fucked him and get it over and done with, but they didn't. Instead he felt someone undo the ball gag and collar, and when he tried to say 'thank you', all that came out was a croak. He felt someone trickle liquid into his mouth and he tried to force it down his parched throat, but couldn't. He felt his bonds being cut and he mercifully fell into oblivion.

Tomas came to and looked up into the face of Keane as he was leaning over him, he started to apologise and made to get up, but Keane put a restraining hand on his shoulder, and told him to lay still. Which considering the pain that had just erupted in his chest and his back, Tomas had already decided to not to try and move again, it hurt way too much. Keane explained to him, not that he had to, he reminded Tomas, but Rashid left instructions that he was to be told. So Keane told him that one of the servants went behind Baghel's back and called Rashid and told him what Baghel had done, and what he had told the other servants he planned to do to you. It just so happened that Keane was just about to board his flight back to Australia when he received a call from Rashid asking him to delay his flight, and while it was highly unusual. After Rashid explained what had happened, Keane had agreed to stay; he hurriedly organised for his cargo box to be removed from the plane, and waited at the airport for some of Rashid's men to pick him up.

Meanwhile, Rashid had flown back to the fort in a helicopter and organised the men to go out and search for you. When you were found, you were almost dead, and Keane said that not even he could justify the treatment that Tomas had suffered at the hands of Baghel. Keane told Tomas how he had been flown to Muscat and treated by a Dr that the 'farm' had used in the past, and he knew not to make a report to the authorities. He cleaned and stitched up the wounds on your back and chest, and while you will not be quite as beautiful as you once were, you will still heal up nicely, with minimal scarring.

Keane told Tomas that both Ted, who had masterminded the whole kidnapping, and Baghel, who actually kidnapped you, were being punished most severely. Keane went on to tell Tomas that now that he had woken up, that there was no reason, now for Keane to stay there anymore, and he was going to head back to the 'farm'. Tomas really wished he was going with him, not that he could say that.

Both men turned when they heard the door open, and Tomas was surprised to see a woman walk through the door. Keane stood up and went and spoke to her on his way out the door, without so much as a backwards glance or a goodbye, and the door closed behind him.

The woman came over and sat on the side of the bed and asked Tomas how he was, and Tomas told her that he was very stiff and sore, but otherwise alright; he thought. As he looked warily up at her, she explained that she was Rashid's first wife, and that her name is Inaya, and that she has been helping Keane to look after him.

"Rashid had come to the city to tell me and his other wives that he had taken a khanith to keep his bed warm while he was here at the fort, as it really isn't the place for one of his wives. Bit when Rashid told me what had happened I had insisted that he let me come and help look after you..."

"You're not angry that I'm here," he asked nervously.

"No, no here is not a good place for a woman to be, not even one of Rashid's wives, so it is good that you are here, and I can see why he bought you, you are very handsome."

Tomas realised that he was still naked and went to cover himself with his hands, much to the amusement of Inaya. She laughed and pushed his hands down by his side, "who do you think has been cleaning you up after you'd soiled yourself? Keane?" She laughed again. She asked him if he needed anything and Tomas thanked her but he didn't need anything, so she stood up and left through the door.

When the doors opened next, Rashid walked through them and came over to the bed, and again Tomas tried to get up, and again he was pushed back onto the bed. "I am so sorry that has happened to you. If I had known that Ted was speaking to Rashid about this plan, then I would have cut his tongue out. I didn't realise how strong Ted's lust for you really was, or I would have taken greater steps to safe guard you, but don't worry both men have been punished." With that he clapped twice and the doors opened again, this time it was Ted and Baghel who came through the doors, accompanied by two sets of guards.

Tomas almost recoiled in horror, if Rashid hadn't put a steadying hand on his shoulder, as Tomas looked at the two men he knew there was something wrong with them, but couldn't work out what it was. Then he realised that both men had had their genitalia removed, and he stared at them in horrified fascination, the more he stared the more he realised that both men didn't even have a vagina fashioned between their legs, no, instead of the cock and balls they used to have, they just had a small hole between their legs they could pee out of only. In fact you couldn't see the tiny hole as it was situated just behind where their balls used to hang, consequently, now both men had to squat to urinate.

"Tomas, I promised that both men would be punished for what they did to you, and here you can plainly see for yourself what form that punishment has taken. But there is more, and I have waited until now to tell both of them what other form of punishment awaits them. Ted will remain here at the fort and he will be khanith for the rest of the men here in the fort?"

Ted started to speak, until he got hit on the side of the head by one of his guards.

"Baghel will be accompanying Keane back to the 'farm' for the Masters to do with as they wish. I was very lucky that Keane was still in Muscat when I heard about what had happened, and he agreed to help me find you, and to also help me punish these two." With that he waved both men away and the guards took them away, Tomas could hear Ted cursing and crying as he was led away and telling everyone that they couldn't do this to him because he is a Master, and Rashid told Tomas to rest when he got up and left.

A few days later Inaya removed the bandages from Tomas' torso for the last time, Keane had removed the stitches and checked his wounds before he left again to go home, and Inaya told Tomas to be very careful that he didn't open his wounds again, and Tomas promised he would be careful.

Five weeks after Tomas had been kidnapped by Baghel; he felt a lot better and was now able to get out of bed and to move around his suite of rooms, courtyards, and gardens. Inaya had come in that morning to tell him that she was going to go home, as she had her house to run in Muscat, and then she left him on his own. As Tomas wandered through his suite of rooms he found that one of the rooms had been outfitted with gym equipment, and without thinking he thanked the walls for his great gift. While he was desperate to do a full workout, his back and chest reminded him that he was not going to be able to train as much as he was used too, but at least he could make a start and so he started off slowly and work his way up to the level he was used to training at before he'd become a slave.

When Ted and Baghel were escorted out of Tomas' suite of rooms they were both taken down to the dungeons, with Ted yelling, screaming, and kicking all the way. The guards were looking forward to breaking him in, but they had other duties to attend to first, so they put Ted in a cell and left him there, while they took Baghel over to the cargo boxes that Tomas had first arrived in. The guards held Baghel in place while he was strapped into the box and Keane administered the drugs that would induce a medical coma for his trip to the 'farm'. The box was sealed, and inserted into the 'dummy' freezer cargo container, and when that was sealed and checked; it was loaded onto the back of a truck that took it and Keane to Muscat to catch their flight back to Australia.

When the guards had finished assisting with Baghel, they went to get Ted out of his cell; when they opened the door Ted had backed himself in the corner, and told the guards that they couldn't do this. That he was a Master. He had money. He could pay them not to do this. He would kill them if they came any closer. But the guards just laughed at him as the approached him, when they were almost close enough to grab him Ted started to try and kick them. The guards were prepared for this, and while one of them grabbed his leg, the other guard grabbed him by the arms and they dragged him yelling and cursing from the cell.

There was a large heavy wooden table in the area outside the front of the cells and the guards tied his legs to the legs of the table so he was standing in front of the table with his legs spread as wide as they could get them. They forced his chest down onto the top of the table and tied his arms to the legs on the other side, so now Ted was tied immobile to the table, but still he continued to curse and scream at the guards who just laughed at him. One of the guards picked up a rag from off the floor and stuffed it into Ted's mouth, effectively gagging him. Meanwhile the other guard lifted up his dishdasha and dropped his underpants. He lined his cock up with Ted's anus and shoved his cock into Ted's anus right down to the root. Both the guards laughed at Ted's screams of pain, when the guard was ready he started to fuck Ted's virgin arse for all he was worth. When he'd finished and shot his load of cum in Ted's formerly virgin arse, he pulled his cock out, and while he was adjusting his clothing, the other guard took his turn at Ted's virgin arse.

When both guards had had their fill of fucking Ted's arse, they went and found the guards who were off duty and sent them down to the dungeon to try out Ted's arse, and as they moved around the fort, the two guards found all the servants who were off duty and sent them down to the dungeon. When all the staff changed shifts, those guards and servants who came off shift were all directed down to the dungeon and Ted's waiting arse.

By the time he had serviced all the men in the fort, except for Rashid and Tomas of course, he was untied and thrown back into his cell, where he laid on the floor and cried, because he now knew that he would have to service anyone and everyone who came into his cell. Consequently he burned with an inner rage at Tomas, because Ted blamed him for getting him into this mess, and from then on; it didn't matter who Ted had to service, he always cursed Tomas.

That night after evening prayers, Rashid went to the suite of rooms that Tomas thought of has his, but in truth they were really Rashid's rooms, but that didn't matter. Tomas greeted Rashid at the door and taking him by the hand he led him over to the pile of cushions that were piled on the floor in the corner, and he pushed Rashid down on to them. Then he clapped his hands twice; and the musicians on the other side of the wall started to play; and like his very first night in the fort Tomas danced for Rashid. Keeping time with the music Tomas started off very slowly, and he started to gyrate his hips in time to the music, and staying on the spot he slowly started to turn around with his arms outstretched as he moved his hands in time with the music. As he began his dance, Rashid could plainly see the light scars that covered Tomas' chest and back, and a part of him couldn't help but think of him now as flawed. He was no longer the beautifully perfect slave he had bought all those months ago. As much as he didn't want to dwell on Tomas' scares, particularly considering the way he had obtained them, and he wondered if he could sell him, and if he did could he find another slave who could match Tomas in beauty.

Tomas continued his dance, to gyrate slowly on the spot as he spun on his centre axis; slowly bringing his arms into his sides and sending them skyward over his head, so that his entire body was in full stretch. Continuing, as he did, to gyrate his hips as he danced on the spot, Tomas ensured that his entire body was moving, and with the slight layer of sweat he was building up, again his body looked as though it was rippling in the lamp light. As he brought his arms back down he ran one hand down his chest with his whole hand flat but just not quite brushing the skin of his chest, so that even though his hand had passed over a piece of his skin, he didn't disturb the layer of sweat that he'd already built up. So the overall effect was; that it appeared as though his hand was rippling over his body, and at times appeared to merge with the lines caused by the muscles under his skin, so his hand appeared to come in and out of focus. His other arm he brought down as well and, keeping his hand at shoulder height, he passed his hand out to the side, and then brought it back into his body.

When his hand eventually reached his pubic bush, he brushed his pubic hair very slightly, so that the hair looked as though it was moving of its own accord.

Leaving his cock unattended so that it could continue its own dance with his balls between his legs, and with his back turned towards Rashid, he slowly sunk to his knees, and when he was on all fours, Rashid had an uninterrupted view of his tight, light pink, rosebud of a hole. Although Rashid did note to himself that it was now more like a little slit than the rosebud it was when he first fucked Tomas.

Tomas turned on himself, and facing Rashid, he started to stalk towards him, but this time, instead of rubbing his face and head against Rashid's knee like he did the very first time he danced for him. This time he lowered his head into Rashid's lap, and started to gum Rashid's cock through the layers of his dishdasha and underpants. All of which had an effect on Rashid's cock, as it started to stiffen and grow within the confines of his clothing, so much so that Rashid started to squirm in his seat.

As Tomas became aware of Rashid's squirming, and while he continued to gum his growing cock, he pushed against his lower abdomen until Rashid toppled backwards onto the mound of cushions behind him, all the time Tomas had not stopped gumming his cock, and by now Rashid's cock had started to leak little spots of pre-cum.

When Rashid was laying almost flat, and while still continuing to gum his cock, Tomas had reached down and grabbed the hem of his dishdasha, and was slowly drawing up his body, until he reached his groin. Then very quickly, Tomas lifted his head slightly, just enough to get the wad of material over Rashid's cock, and just as quickly Tomas went back to gumming his cock. Only this time it was only through the thin material of his underwear. Without his lips ever leaving Rashid's cock, Tomas rocked Rashid gently from side to side as he worked the wad of material from under Rashid's arse, and then continued to push his dishdasha up his chest, and when it was caught under Rashid's armpits. Rashid lifted his arms above his head to enable Tomas to remove his dishdasha altogether, all while Tomas lips never left Rashid's cock.

Tomas reached for the waistband of Rashid's underpants and very slowly dragged them down his body, again Tomas' lips only left Rashid's cock long enough to pull the wadded cloth over his cock. But instead of going back to gumming Rashid's cock, Tomas deftly flipped Rashid until he was lying on his stomach, and he then parted Rashid's cheeks and drove his tongue right into Rashid's anus.

Rashid was so caught up in the sensations that Tomas was drawing from his body that the minute his tongue first entered Rashid's anus, he almost shot his load right then. It was only thorough sheer will power that Rashid was able to prevent that from happening, because Tomas was not letting up on his arse, and he was drilling it for all he was worth. Eventually Rashid couldn't hold it back anymore, with Tomas relentlessly drilling his arse, his cock exploded shooting his cum all over the cushion he was lying on, and Rashid bellowed at the top of his lungs. Just with the intensity of his ejaculation, but still Tomas continued drilling Rashid's arse, like a man possessed, and without removing his tongue, or mouth for Rashid's butt crack, he managed to drag his underpants down his legs, and with his slippers removed them altogether. Then when he was able to, Tomas slowly made his way down Rashid's perineum, forcing his legs apart in the process, until he was able to lap at the back of Rashid's ball bag.

Refusing to let Rashid turn over, just yet, Tomas continued to give Rashid's perineum and ball bag a thorough tongue bath, until Rashid couldn't stand it anymore and he tried to reach for Tomas' head so that he could pull him up to kiss him. That was the moment Tomas was waiting for, and working his head under one leg, and without his mouth or tongue ever breaking contact with Rashid's skin, he deftly rolled Rashid onto his back, and continued licking and sucking his ball bag until he reached the base of Rashid's very erect member. Tomas went back to gumming his cock again, while he hooked his hands under the edge of his t-shirt, and as he gummed his way up Rashid's cock, he pushed his t-shirt up his torso. Again, when the material was bunched up in his armpits, Rashid lifted his arms over his head, to allow Tomas to remove it as well.

Now both men were totally naked, lying on top of the cushions, so Tomas gummed his way up the entire length of Rashid's cock, and when he got to the head of his cock and his tongue found his piss slit; Tomas worked as much of the tip of his tongue into his cock as he could manage. Rashid was drowning in the sensations that Tomas was evoking from his body, so much so that he had forgotten that Tomas was damaged goods, and he knew that he could never dispose of Tomas now. He was such an attentive lover, that Rashid couldn't bare the idea of getting rid of Tomas, Rashid was trying to think of a way to get Tomas to teach his wives a few tricks, but was finding it very difficult to concentrate, so he just gave up and gave in to the pleasures he was experiencing.

He hadn't even noticed that Tomas had finally finished drilling his piss slit, and was now gumming the topside of his cock as Tomas made his slow way to Rashid's shaved pubic area. Tomas continued to lick and suck his way up Rashid's torso, until he found his paps and Tomas licked and nipped them until they were painfully erect and standing out from the surrounding flesh, that made up his pecs. It was at this juncture that Tomas detoured to visit Rashid's armpits, and he licked and sucked both armpits clean.

Rashid was, by now, driven so mad with desire for Tomas that he savagely grabbed him by his golden hair and dragged his face up until he was able to kiss him full on the lips, but even now Tomas was still in control as he sucked Rashid's tongue deep into his own mouth. With such passion and force, that for the second time; in an incredibly short amount of time, Rashid's cock exploded all by itself. When Rashid broke their kiss off to suck in a lungful of air, Tomas used that moment to dive on to Rashid's exploding cock, and clamping his lips around the head, he then proceeded to suck the rest of Rashid's cum out of his cock feeling it run down his throat. Hot and fresh, just the way Tomas loved it.

When Rashid had finished shooting his load down Tomas' willing throat, he just had enough energy to pull Tomas up beside him, and both men fell asleep in each other's arms, and while both men were falling asleep, Ted was being released from the table yet again, and with his arse so full of cum that it was flowing freely down his legs, he was tossed, unceremoniously back into his cell, where he could contemplate how he had got to this point, as he too fell asleep. But while his was the sleep of exhaustion, from being butt fucked, and force fed every guards and servants cock so much, Tomas and Rashid's, by comparison, was the exhausted sleep of passion.

Next: Chapter 9

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