The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Aug 17, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else




By Bastian Ward

After entertaining his guest for a few hours, and after having dealt with Ted, Rashid finally retired to his private rooms to find the waiting Tomas; who had spent most of the time in Rashid's stronghold on his own.

Tomas heard the doors open, and he scooted off the bed and waited to see who had entered the rooms. When he saw that it was Rashid he stood with his head bowed and his eyes downcast, he waited for whatever commands he might give.

Rashid looked at Tomas standing there with his head bowed, and let his eyes rove all over his body. "I understand you will not speak unless you have been given permission to speak. Speak."

"Yes, that is correct, Sir," replied Tomas.

"Well, here in my private chambers, unless I say otherwise, I give you permission to speak freely. Is that understood?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Good. Also while we are alone here together you may also look at me. Is that understood?"

"Yes, my Lord," replied Tomas as he lifted his eyes to meet those of Rashid.

"Good. Now I want to see you," with that he clapped his hands twice and hidden musicians started to play, "dance for me. Reveal yourself."

With that Rashid lowered himself onto some cushions as Tomas started to gyrate to the music. The music started slowly, so Tomas started by swaying his hip in time to the music, with his arms outstretched to either side, with his hands undulating in time to the music. Very slowly, and with his hips continuously swaying, he very slowly turned on the spot. When he had done one full, very slow, rotation, he gradually picked up the pace, all the while keeping his hands moving to match the pace of his body. Now as the pace of his gyrations increased, slowly, he drew his arms back into his side.

When his arms were completely by his sides, he took his right hand, and starting at his chest, with his palm held flat against his chest, he very slowly moved his hand down towards his cock. Which, because the material of his pants was so light, was swinging, slightly free of his body thanks to the force of his swaying hips. When his hand had reached his pubic bush, he moved it to one side and slightly down his thigh. When his arm had reached its full length, he reversed the direction of his hand, but this time on its way up his body, when he encountered the bottom of the t-shirt he was wearing, just below his pubic bush. He flicked his thumb so that he could gain entry under the edge of his t-shirt. All of this he did while continuing to gyrate on the spot, and although he had picked up the pace a bit he was still travelling fairly slowly.

He slid his hand under his t-shirt and dragged the bottom of his t-shirt with him as his hand made its slow progress up his body, exposing more flesh. When his hand had reached his upper chest, and while his back was to Rashid, he slipped his t-shirt over his head; and as he turned facing Rashid, he dropped the t-shirt to the ground. Then continuing to gyrate on the spot, he slowly allowed the arm, that had travelled down his body to pass out wide from his body, so that as he continued to turn and gyrate on the spot he now did it with both arms out stretched again.

When he had done a half turn, and facing side on to Rashid, he brought his arms into his body, and then slid both hands down his hips and just under the band of his underpants. By now he was facing Rashid again.

Tomas stopped turning, but continued to slowly swing his hips, so that his cock still swung free of his body, just enough, so that seemed to be moving of its own accord. While still keeping time with the music which, had also continued, too slowly, increase its speed.

After standing still, for no longer than a couple of seconds, with his hand still on his hips, just under the band of his underpants; he slowly started to rotate on the spot again. With his back to Rashid, his hands slowly started to move over his hips, and because he had left his thumbs outside of the band of his underpants, he slowly dragged his underpants down as well. By the time he was facing Rashid again, he had just uncovered his bright golden pubic bush, which shone spectacularly in the lamp light. Tomas continued to gyrate and turn on the spot, so by the time his back was to Rashid, he had just started to drag the band of his underpants over the twin mounds of his bubble butt. As his butt disappeared from Rashid's view the band of his underpants had just slid past the halfway mark of his butt, but now Rashid could see the base of Tomas' cock as it hung from his glowing, golden pubic bush, while it completely covered his frenum, but Rashid was still able to see the ring in his prince albert glinting from the head of Tomas' cock.

Now, as Tomas continued to turn on the spot, in order for him to continue to push is underpants slowly down, his very muscular legs, he had started to bend at the waist. With his back to Rashid he doubled over completely, allowing Rashid to just get a glimpse, of his tight, bright pink, rosebud, of a hole, as he let his underpants fall to the floor, as he stood up and continued to gyrate and turn on the spot. So by the time he was facing Rashid he was completely naked, and he had moved his arms up above his head, so he was now at full stretch as he was facing Rashid. While he was facing Rashid, with his arms at full stretch above his head, he continued to gyrate his hips, and because of the light sheen of sweat he had all over his body; he looked as though his body was rippling in the lamplight.

While Tomas was not staring at Rashid, nor had he appeared to look at Rashid overly much, he seen enough of Rashid to know that his dancing had pleased him, as Rashid'd had to change his position more than just a little bit.

Tomas began to turn again as he slowly brought his arms back down and once again he held them outstretched, but now as he turned, he no longer turned on the spot. He very slowly was making his way over to where Rashid was sitting on the cushions, until he was standing right in front of Rashid. Now he just kept gyrating his hip in time to the music, while Rashid lay back on his cushions and watched him, drinking in the sight of his new slave. Gyrating his hips, making his cock appear as though it was dancing all on its own, Rashid could plainly see that Tomas was everything he thought he was, and then some.

Rashid made a swirling motion with his hand, and Tomas obediently turned on the spot, until he had his back to Rashid, and he felt Rashid lightly brush the back of his thigh, so Tomas kept gyrating his hips, but now with his back to Rashid.

Tomas felt Rashid apply a little pressure to the small of his back, so while continuing to move his hips, Tomas bent over so that Rashid got a better view of his bright pink, rosebud, of a hole. When the top half of Tomas was at right angles to his legs, Rashid stopped Tomas from dancing. When he felt Rashid prise his buttocks apart, Tomas reached back and pulled both his cheeks apart, so that Rashid had a perfect view of his bright pink, hole.

Tomas could feel Rashid circling the very edge of his hole with his finger, and gradually, almost as slowly as Tomas had started his dance, he circled his finger into the opening of Tomas anus. Tomas tried to relax his sphincter as much as he could, but Rashid could feel that he was virgin tight, as he worked his finger into Tomas' arse. He told Tomas to push against his finger, but not so much as he wanted to shit, and as Rashid was still making circular motions with his finger, it was enough to make Tomas relax his sphincter so that Rashid was able to work more of his finger into Tomas' arse.

After a good 10mins of Rashid fingering Tomas' arse, he withdrew his finger with an audible plopping noise. He told Tomas to turn around and offered him his finger to clean, which Tomas did. When Rashid was satisfied that his finger was clean, he withdrew it from Tomas' warm moist mouth.

He indicated to Tomas to continue dancing, so Tomas started to gyrate his hips again in time with the music, only this time he didn't dance on the spot, instead as he revolved on his centre access he very slowly backed away from Rashid, until he was a couple of metres away from him. Tomas then very slowly lowered himself to the floor as he continued his dance. Then when he was on all fours, he very slowly stalked Rashid, while continuing to move his hips in time with the music, so now he looked like a tiger stalking its prey, swishing its tail from side to side. Because Tomas was rock hard and his cock, as usual, was pointing up his abs, as he was now on his hands and knees, while Rashid was able to see Tomas' cock swaying side to side in time with his hips. What captivated Rashid's attention most was Tomas' prince albert, and his lorum piercing, well to be more specific, the rings in Tomas' piercings caught his attention. Rashid watched his slow approach, mesmerized.

When Tomas eventually crawled back in front of Rashid, like a cat he rubbed himself against Rashid's knee, so good was Tomas at his imitation that Rashid could have sworn he heard him purr. Tomas rubbed more of his head against Rashid's knee until he had almost worked his entire head under Rashid's knee, and without warning Tomas flipped himself over onto his back, and playfully took a few swats at Rashid's hand with his own paw like hands. Tomas manoeuvred himself around so that Rashid could have rubbed his tummy if he had wanted too, because Rashid was so enthralled by the performance that Tomas was giving that he did in fact reach out and rub his tummy. Having achieved his goal, Tomas flipped himself back onto all fours, and walked tight circles in front of Rashid, occasionally rubbing his face on either knee. When Tomas was facing away from Rashid, he gave Rashid a perfect view of his tight, rosebud, of a hole, as well as his white and yellow gold, woven guiche as it hung against his huge balls, and then behind that, his pendulous cock, with its white and yellow gold woven ring in his prince albert.

After Tomas had completed his third rotation like this, Rashid made to reach for him, but Tomas moved just out of reach. He turned around until he was facing Rashid, and he made to reach out for one of his slippered feet, he looked up at Rashid expectantly. When he saw Rashid nod ever so slightly, Tomas reached out and removed one of Rashid's slippers and placed it beside him. Very slowly, still keeping time with the music, he very gently lowered his head and gently licked Rashid's toes and foot. When he was satisfied with the cleaning of that foot, Tomas moved over to the other foot and very slowly removed the other slipper; again he laid it beside him, as he then lowered his head and again gently licked his toes and foot. This time, when Tomas was satisfied with the service he had provided to Rashid's second foot, Tomas sat back on his haunches and waited and watched Rashid. Who in turn sat and watched Tomas.

At some signal, that Rashid didn't know Tomas was waiting for, Tomas leaned forward, and gently taking hold of Rashid's hand, he drew Rashid into a standing position with him. With Rashid standing, Tomas sunk to the floor and taking hold of the hem of Rashid's dishdasha, Tomas once again stood before Rashid, this time drawing his dishdasha up and over his head. Tomas freed Rashid's arms from the sleeves, and then he gently folded the dishdasha and placed it on the floor out of their way.

When he stood up, and before Tomas had a chance to do anything else, Rashid pulled his face close to his and kissed him passionately and deeply on the lips. Tomas didn't register any surprise, and returned Rashid's kiss with equal passion and intensity. They broke of the kiss, and Tomas, maintaining eye contact with Rashid, reached down and grabbing the hem of his t-shirt pulled it up the other man's torso, and continued up over his head. Freeing Rashid's arms Tomas folded the t-shirt and laid it on top of Rashid's dishdasha, as Tomas stood again, Rashid pulled him into another, equally passionate kiss. When they broke apart, Tomas gently slid his hands down Rashid's sides, and hooking the waist band of Rashid's underpants slowly slipped them to the floor. Tomas sat back on his haunches as he assisted Rashid to step out of his underpants, while Rashid rested a hand on top of Tomas' head to steady himself.

After Tomas had folded Rashid's underpants and put them on top of the rest of his clothes, he lightly ran his hands up the insides of Rashid's legs, until he had almost reached his cock, which was standing out ramrod straight. Tomas then removed his hands and repeated the movement on the outside of his legs, until he was cupping Rashid's arse cheeks, one in each hand. From the sounds that Rashid was making, Tomas knew that he was thoroughly enjoying himself. While he ran his hands lightly over Rashid's arse, he drew himself up, until he was kneeling in front of Rashid, and then he very slowly swallowed his whole cock right down to the root, and Rashid was in heaven. Tomas gave little laps at the join between Rashid's cock and ball bag, while Rashid closed his eyes and tilted his head back in ecstasy. Tomas only pulled back off Rashid's cock when he was almost desperate for air, only to plunge back down onto his cock after he'd had a gulp of air, and Tomas continued to do this until he sensed that Rashid was close, and then Tomas pulled off Rashid's cock completely, and allowed him to recover.

Tomas gently turned Rashid around until he was looking squarely at his arse. He gently bent Rashid over, at the waist until his arse cheeks separated. Pulling Rashid's arse cheeks further apart, until he had clear access to his brown hole, and then Tomas drove his tongue into Rashid's tight virgin hole, drilling for whatever he could find there, until he could feel Rashid vibrating with his low moans of pleasure. Tomas moved down to Rashid's perineum and proceeded to lick and suck it for all he was worth, and continued on down until he was lapping at the underside of Rashid's ball bag. Tomas sucked each nut into his mouth in turn, giving them both a very thorough tongue bath, until Rashid couldn't stand it anymore and he picked Tomas up and threw him bodily onto the cushions, he lined his cock up with Tomas' hole, and reminding Tomas to push against his cock, he buried his cock into Tomas' formally virgin hole.

Rashid held himself inside Tomas, to give Tomas' arse muscles a chance to get used to Rashid's cock being inside him. When he was ready, Rashid started to very slowly fuck Tomas' hole, but as his passion got the better of him he started to just ram himself in and out of Tomas' very tight virgin hole, until he was raping him. Rashid screamed as he shot his load of hot ropey cum up Tomas' arse, until both men collapsed onto the pillows, and Tomas could feel Rashid's slowly softening cock buried deep inside his arse. Both men laid there, Rashid with his arms around Tomas, holding him until eventually his soft cock fell out of Tomas' formally virgin hole.

At some point both men must have fallen asleep, because Tomas woke up, and for a moment was disorientated as to where he actually was, and he was having a bit if trouble remembering why his arse ached so much. As he took in his surroundings he remembered where he was and why his arse hurt so much, but as he was still laying in Rashid's embrace he laid still, with Rashid's breathe tickling the back of his neck.

Rashid woke up a short time later, and nuzzled Tomas' neck. Rashid stood up, and taking Tomas by the hand he led him over to the bed and lay down. Tomas looked down and marvelled at Rashid's body, whose skin was so much darker than his own, whose paps were like two round pieces of chocolate just waiting for Tomas to gobble them up. Rashid pulled Tomas down into another passionate kiss that both men got lost in. Breaking free, Tomas started to lick and suck Rashid's ear, and when he'd had his fill of one ear he moved over to the other ear. He kissed along Rashid's jaw line, and kissed him passionately on the lips. Tomas kissed his way down Rashid's throat until he found the hollow at the top of Rashid's dagger bone, and following Rashid's collar bone he eventually found an armpit. Tomas licked and sucked all of the sweat he could find there, and when he'd had his fill he moved across to the other armpit. Moving back to Rashid's chest he did lick and nip at each of his paps in turn, and then headed south. Moving over Rashid's abdomen until he ended up on Rashid's shaved pubic region, and starting at the base of Rashid's cock he nibbled the entire length of his cock, as it slowly grew larger again under his ministrations. Nudging his cock aside, Tomas found Rashid's ball bag again, and licked it all over, again he sucked both of his nuts into his mouth in turn and sucked and licked them.

Rashid grabbed Tomas' hair and lifting his head up, he told Tomas that he wanted to fuck him again, so Tomas disentangled Rashid's hand from his hair, and facing Rashid, Tomas very gingerly sat on his thickening cock. "I want to see how much you're enjoying this," said Rashid, so as Tomas got an erection as he bounced up and down, slowly on Rashid's erect member. Tomas Reached behind his head and closing his eyes in ecstasy, as he continued to bounce gently on Rashid's cock, that he could feel pulsating inside him.

Rashid looked up at Tomas and told him to cum for him, so Tomas shot his own load of hot ropey cum all over Rashid's chest, while Rashid shot his own load of cum up into Tomas' waiting hungry arse. Tomas continued to milk Rashid's dick while it was still buried deep inside of him, even when Rashid's cock had gone soft and was in danger of falling out Tomas held it tightly with his anal muscles until he could feel it growing into new life again. It wasn't until Rashid shot his third load of cum into Tomas' aching arse did Tomas allow his softened spent member to fall out of his arse, which it did with an audible sloppy 'plopping' sound.

Then Tomas leaned down and licked and sucked all of his own cum off Rashid's chest. When he had finished, Rashid pulled Tomas down into a warm embrace, and holding each other in their arms they fell asleep again.

In the morning Tomas was woken by the light filtering around the curtains hung at the windows, he was not surprised to find that he was alone in the bed. Unsure of what to he was supposed to do now, he got off the bed and walked into the bathroom, with its sunken bath. He went to the toilet, but mostly only cum trickled out, and as there was only the sunken bath, he filled it up and gave himself a good scrubbing, taking particular care of his poor abused arse hole. When he had finished attending to his toilet, he dried himself, and as he had nothing to wear he wandered through the suite of rooms naked. He found a room with a table laden with fruit, warm toast, juices, and a pot of hot coffee, so Tomas helped himself. When he had eaten and drunk his fill, he wandered through the suite of rooms again to see if he could find anyone else to talk to, but no one was there. He went back to the bedroom only to find that someone had cleaned the room, but they hadn't left him any clothes to wear, which didn't particularly bother Tomas too much now that he had spent so much time at the 'farm' naked. Nor was he particularly self-conscious about it either.

Midmorning Keane found Tomas in one of the many gardens that he was allowed in, he called Tomas to come back inside as he needed to examine him. Keane gave Tomas a full examination, paying close attention to his piercing sites, and when Tomas bent over to allow Keane to examine his arse, Keane noted the quick intake of Tomas' breath when he tried to insert a finger into his anus. He smiled to himself, "So, how do you feel after last night? Speak."

"I feel Ok, thank you, Sir," replied Tomas, as he looked down at the floor.

"Did he fuck you? Speak."

"Yes, he did, Sir."

"Did you shit this morning? Speak."

"Yes, Sir, I did, well some."

"Did you have an enema before having sex last night? Speak."

"Yes, Sir. I did."

Keane was happy with the answers that Tomas had given, so he gathered his things and left Tomas' suite of rooms.

He told the servant who showed him to his room that he would like to talk to Rashid, when he had time. The servant left Keane at his rooms and went to pass his request on to Rashid.

Rashid was woken before sunrise, by a servant, so that he could attend morning prayers, and as he was walking away from the bed he took a backward glance at Tomas who he left sleeping. After the night he'd just had, Rashid decided that it was money well spent, as far as he was concerned.

At the conclusion of morning prayers he had Ted brought up from the dungeons.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Asked Rashid.

"So, did you fuck him?"

"That is no concern of yours."

"So you did, you fuckin' black bastard!"

"I said that that was no concern of yours. I will do whatever I want with my property. But I will say it was money well spent."

"You fuckin' black bastard!" said Ted as made to lunge at Rashid, but the guards were too quick for him, and easily subdued him.

"You are nothing but a bully Ted, and, as such, are not worthy of my time." With that he waved in Ted's direction and the guards converged on him, and took him back to the dungeon, where he'd spent the previous night.

Rashid made his way back to his private rooms, and found Tomas walking in one of his private gardens. Rashid stopped just inside the doorway as he watched Tomas walk naked around the garden. Rashid marvelled at how his hair shone in the sunlight, making Tomas look as though he was walking in a cloud of spun gold. Rashid wondered if he would ever tire of the sight, he walked out into the garden, and when Tomas saw him, he fell to his knees and bowed his head, "my Lord, good morning. When I awoke to find you gone, I have been amusing myself exploring my quarters."


Tomas stood and followed Rashid back inside, when he walked through the door he found Rashid waiting for him, "I have need of you."

Tomas moved over to Rashid and went to kiss him, but Rashid turned his head, "I am in a hurry this morning."

So Tomas dropped to his knees, he lifted up Rashid's dishdasha, and grabbing hold of his underpants he pulled them down enough to free his cock. Thomas took Rashid's cock into his mouth and started to suck it into life, it wasn't long before Tomas could feel Rashid's cock swelling and snaking down his throat. Before he could cum, Rashid pulled his cock out of Tomas' mouth; he pulled Tomas to his feet and bent him over. Rashid plunged the full length of his cock into Tomas' waiting, aching, arse, Rashid fucked Tomas' arse until he shot his load of hot cum deep into Tomas' bowels.

After he recovered, Rashid left to start his day in earnest.

In the afternoon he took Keane out to hunt with his favourite falcons and showed him all the lands that he owned, the fields of poppies and marijuana that he grew; that formed a small part of his income. Both men spent an enjoyable afternoon together, the birds had had a great hunt, and as the sun disappeared behind the mountains they headed back to the warlords stronghold.

After they had eaten Keane asked for permission to examine Tomas once again, and having completed his examination, he declared Tomas to be as fit and well as they could hope. He told Rashid that his piercing sites had healed very well, and apart from his arse being a bit tender, there was nothing that Keane could find wrong with him. He told Rashid that if he was happy with the services that Tomas provided, then he could see no reason to remain, and that he could return home as soon as Rashid could provide transport for himself.

"There is something else we need to discuss?"

"Oh," replied Keane, "yes, I s'pose there is. How is Ted today?"

"When he talked to me this morning he was not complimentary?"

"No, unfortunately, I didn't think he was going to be. Although I did hope?"

"As did I! As did I. So I find myself on the horns of a dilemma, as he is here under the Masters protection, as are you for that matter."

Keane squirmed just a little bit in his seat, "Yes, my Lord, we both are, but, my Lord, if I could add that it was no one's wish that Ted accompany us, but Ted's"

"Yes. Yes, I understand that! But it does not help me now, does it? Have you informed the Masters of what has taken place?"

"Yes, my Lord, I emailed them last night?"

"And have you had a reply?"

"Yes, my Lord, and they find that we are in a very regrettable situation, but can't offer a solution to this problem, and they were wondering, my Lord, if maybe you haven't got some suggestions. As they are so far away, they are happy for you to deal with this situation; any way as you see fit."

"Hmm," said Rashid, "I have a few ideas that I would like to see become a reality for Ted. He has languished in the dungeons all night and all day, but I don't think he has changed his mind on 'certain subjects', shall we say."

Keane chuckled at the joke, "It is regrettable, but I am forced to agree with you, my Lord. All though I deal with the livestock that I do, I cannot understand a man, any man who would willingly sell someone he considers to be a friend; although in this case I am sure he thinks of Tomas as a brother almost?"

Rashid nodded in agreement.

"I don't know who in their right mind could do such a thing. BUT, my Lord, for him to try to turn around and tell you what you can or cannot do with your own property, I know, the Masters would find that most distasteful. Please, my Lord, rest assured that the Masters have no such qualms. You paid more than a fair price for 'it', so as the far as the Masters are concerned 'it' is now your property; to do with as you wish."

"But that does not provide me with a solution to our problem?" and so the two men discussed the issue further, until they came up with a solution they could both agree with.

They ate together and enjoyed the entertainment, and then both men bade each other a good night and parted company.

When Rashid returned to his private rooms that evening, he found Tomas asleep sprawled, naked, on the bed; snoring gently. Rashid stood and just drank the sight of this very blond Khanith, with his milky white skin, and he felt his cock start to stir. Rashid did have to admit to himself that he was extremely glad he had purchased him. Tomas was just so achingly beautiful. Rashid could not understand anyone wanting to sell him into slavery; mind you Rashid was extremely grateful that he had, and felt himself blessed.

At that moment Tomas woke up, breaking into his ruminations, "My, Lord," he said as he groggily got himself up and scooted to the edge of the bed, he knelt in front of Rashid, "how may I serve you?"

"Come," said Rashid as he turned and walked over to the pile of cushions, and sitting, making himself comfortable; he motioned for Tomas to stand in front of him. Tomas walked over and stood, in front of Rashid, with his legs firmly planted on the ground and just slightly apart.

Rashid reached out and felt the muscles of his legs, as he slowly ran his hands up Tomas' legs. He pushed Tomas so that he turned on the spot, and Rashid separated the cheeks of his very full bubble butt, when Tomas realised what he wanted he held his own butt cheeks apart and let Rashid explore his hole that Rashid has now ravaged several times, in the past 24hrs. Rashid worked a finger into Tomas' aching anus, and after he got his whole finger into his hole, he started to work a second finger in as well, while Tomas tried valiantly to relax his sphincter to allow Rashid all the access that he required. Although he tried very hard, Rashid could not work a third finger into Tomas' arse. Removing his fingers, he turned Tomas until he was facing him again, and he held up his two fingers for Tomas to lick and suck clean for him. After Tomas had finished cleaning Rashid's fingers, Rashid examined Tomas' piercings, partly to ensure for himself, that the piercing sites were in fact healing properly as Keane said, and partly to ensure that they had in fact used the rings that Rashid had sent.

Rashid pulled out a loupe to read the inscription on the three rings that he'd sent to have inserted in Tomas' piercings, and as he looked he was, in fact, able to read the inscription on all three rings, and as he read the inscription he thought of Ted, and decided that the inscription was very prophetic. 'He who cannot reach the grapes calls then sour.' Having satisfied himself that they were in fact his rings, he had Tomas kneel in front of him, and ran his hands over his abdomen and chest, marvelling at the hardness of the muscles under the skin.

After looking at Tomas for a bit he asked, "Do you think you will be happy here with me?"

Tomas looked worried, "Are you displeased with me, Master? Have I done something wrong, Master? I can change. I can learn new stuff. Please don't send me away." Tomas said as tears started to well up in his eyes.

Rashid made 'shushing' noises and placed his hands gently on Tomas' lips to stop him from talking, "No. No, of course not?"

"Then it doesn't matter if I am happy of not. You bought me; I am now your property, for you to do with as you wish. Master. As long as it pleases you, you may do anything with me that you want to."

Rashid held out his hand to Tomas, and Tomas took it, and kissed it, lightly, gently, then turning his hand over, Tomas kissed his palm as well; equally lightly, and equally gently. Still holding Rashid's hand to his lips, he drew Rashid into a standing position. Kissed him lightly on the forehead, both of his eyes, his nose, his lips, his chin, and bending down slightly he kissed the hollow of Rashid's neck. Falling to his knees he grabbed the edge of Rashid's dishdasha, then looked back up at Rashid who gave the slightest inclination of his head, he slowly lifted his dishdasha up, but before he freed his head completely; Tomas kissed Rashid gently on the lips again. He freed Rashid's head and arms from the dishdasha, folded it and placed it on the floor. He stood and taking the edge of his t-shirt, lifted it up over Rashid's head, and then folded it and placed it on top of the dishdasha, as he stood he nibbled Rashid's paps, until they became rock hard. Slowly falling into a kneeling position, Tomas nuzzled Rashid's cock through the material of his underpants, and Rashid threw his head back in ecstasy. When Rashid was ramrod stiff, Tomas hooked his fingers into the waist band of his underpants and very slowly he dragged them down to the floor, freeing Rashid's cock in the process, and again assisted Rashid to step out of them, and placed them neatly on top of his other clothes.

Tomas stood up and led Rashid over to the bed, and had him lay down. Tomas was on top of Rashid on all fours and he leaned down and kissed Rashid more passionately this time. Breaking off the kiss, he proceeded to lick and suck his way down Rashid's body, until he came to his pubic region, and by this time he was kneeling between Rashid's legs, having forced them apart on his way down. Tomas started to lap at Rashid's ball bag and balls, soliciting tiny gasps of pleasure from Rashid, then trailing his tongue along the seam he traced his way up to the head of Rashid's cock. He drilled his tongue into his piss slit, until Rashid grabbed him by the hair and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

Disentangling himself, he pulled Rashid's legs up to his chest and began to lap at his hole, as he realised that he was getting used to the musty musky smell of him. He drilled his tongue into Rashid's arse, feeling the man's moans as they vibrated through his body. Again Rashid grabbed his hair, and lifting his head up just enough to be able to look him in the eye, he growled at Tomas that he wanted to fuck his arse right now. So Tomas straddled his groin and slowly fed Rashid's cock into his arse, and when he had stuffed his arse full of Rashid's cock he slowly started to gently milk his cock. Driving Rashid mad with desire in the process, but no matter what Rashid said to Tomas, he just kept to the same slow pace that he had set. Until an almost full 12mins later Rashid had, what he thought was the most explosive orgasm in his entire life. With Rashid's cock still buried up his arse, Tomas slowly turned around and lay back on top of Rashid, when he was covering Rashid's body, he rolled them both onto their side, all without freeing Rashid's cock from his arse. Spooning like that both men soon fell asleep. This time though, Tomas was not woken in the middle of the night to perform anymore 'services' for Rashid, so again Tomas woke to find he was all alone in the bed in the morning, and prepared to spend yet another day on his own, wandering through the suite of rooms, courtyards, and gardens that he assumed were to be his new home.

Keane had also been busy overnight, but for an entirely different reason, and both he and Rashid met midmorning to discuss Rashid's 'solution' to their joint problem. "I emailed the Masters last night, as we'd discussed," said Keane, "and under the circumstances the Masters thank you for your solution to this, rather delicate problem. The Masters hope this won't, in any way reflect negatively on your partnership with the Masters."

Rashid hurried to allay Keane's fears, as he understands that the Ted matter was not of their doing, and he is only too happy to work out this solution with the Masters and the 'farm'. Rashid also wanted to assure both Keane, personally, and the Masters that he holds no ill will towards them in any way.

So the only thing left for the two men to do was to haggle on the price, but both men knew that it wouldn't matter what the price was, as Rashid was going to pay it, and Keane knew that he was going to accept it just to save face for the Masters.

Next: Chapter 8

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