The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Aug 15, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else




By Bastian Ward

Keane asked Ted if he'd ever flown before, as the plane was taxiing down the runway, and Ted confessed that this was his first time in an airplane, and admitted that he was a bit nervous. Keane laughed at him and told him that everything would be fine. Ted asked him how many 'trips' he'd done for the 'company', and Keane estimated that he'd done about 1000 trips for the 'company'. Ted asked him if they were all as an 'escort', and Keane told him that yes, they were all 'escort' flights. Ted wanted to know how Keane was able to monitor Tomas from up here, so Keane showed him the palm computer he had, and spent a good hour explaining to Ted how he was able to monitor all the onboard computers in Tomas' container, and how he could adjust the flow of the saline and the drugs etc. with it. He explained to Ted how it would warn Keane of any potential problems, hopefully before they arose.

Ted wanted to know how they knew how much saline solution or, for that matter how much of the drugs they needed to keep Tomas in a coma for the entire trip, and Keane very patiently explained to Ted that the medical staff at the 'Farm' were all very qualified and had done this at least a 1000 times that Keane knew of, and they have never had any problems with their livestock on any of the trips. Keane went onto explain to Ted that he wasn't the only 'escort' that the 'company' employed, so he stressed to Ted that he really needed to relax and trust that they were all professionals and that they knew what they were doing.

Ted asked Keane how he came to be working for the 'company', and Keane explained that he was a qualified Division 1 nurse and that he'd been working in the Alfred Hospital in their Emergency Department. He'd worked there for 15yrs and he had kinda got a bit tired of it and was looking for a change, but didn't want to leave nursing. One day one of the Masters came into the ER and Keane was on duty, and they'd got chatting, and the Master must have picked up on a vibe that Keane must have been giving off, because he just asked him outright if he was happy in his job. One thing led to another and 10yrs later here he was working for the 'company', jet setting all over the world, and Keane has never looked back.

Ted wanted to know how he felt about dealing in 'livestock', and Keane did confess that he baulked at the idea originally, and he'd confessed to doing some research and although he couldn't pin point the exact thing that swung it for him, but 10yrs later here he was, and hasn't looked back since.

Ted wanted to know if Keane was ever nervous of getting caught, and Keane just laughed at him, and told him that the 'company' had been doing this for years before he joined them, and they haven't been caught yet. Keane did admit to absolutely 'packing it' on his first trip, which he did with one of the other 'escorts', just like Ted was doing now, but discovered that as long as all the paperwork appeared to be in order, then everything was fine.

Keane took out an ear piece which he plugged into the palm computer and stuck it in his ear, and as he did this, he explained to Ted it was so he could hear if any of the alarms went off. Then it was Keane's turn to ask Ted how he got into the 'business', so Ted explained that it was actually Tomas who had discovered the 'companies' website, and it was Tomas who had convinced them all that they should 'work' for the 'company'.

"You mean that?"

"Yep! That's right, "Ted admitted, "Tomas was the reason that they were here right now."

"But, how come?"

"He's down there and we're up here?"

"Um, yeah."

So Ted proceeded to tell Keane how Tomas had ended up as an orphan, and how he didn't like his relatives, and how they were only interested in his money anyway. Ted told Keane that Tomas had basically moved in with Ted and his family, and became the brother that Ted had never had. Keane, then, just had to ask how they ended up here like this. Ted explained that he was very protective of Tomas, because of his past, and this way he could guarantee that Tomas would be looked after for the rest of his life. Keane wanted to know if Tomas was capable of looking after himself before 'this'. Ted admitted that he was, but this way Ted has guaranteed that Tomas will be cared for, for the rest of his life. That his life was worth so much more now, his new 'family' would have to take great care of him now.

Both men lapsed into silence as they got lost in their own thoughts.

The flight was uneventful. Tomas slept the whole way, and there was no malfunction with any of the equipment, so Keane had nothing to do the entire flight, but he did stay vigilant. While Ted drifted off to sleep a couple of times, Keane remained awake the entire trip. They were in the air for about 12hrs, as they flew from Melbourne to Dubai. When they arrived at Dubai, Keane told Ted that he had to go and check their 'cargo', and he told Ted that he would see him on the next plane and told him to enjoy the sights of Dubai. He even suggested some tourist agents he'd recommend and had personally used while he was on stopovers in Dubai on his returned trips.

So Ted spent 3hrs sightseeing, and then rejoined Keane on the next plane for the flight to Muscat airport in Oman. It was a much shorter trip, lasting a little over an hour, and then they were in Oman.

Ted could barely wait to get to their hotel so that they could start to wake Tomas up from his drug induced coma. The 'container' had been picked up at the airport by some men working for Tomas' new owner, and while the container was in the back of the truck, Keane had broken the seals open and gained access to Tomas, who he checked was still fast asleep. They were all taken to the hotel that they were staying in, and when they got to the room, Tomas was weaned off the drugs, and allowed to sleep off the drugs that were still in his system.

Keane encouraged Ted to go out and sightsee, while he remained in their hotel room with Tomas. Keane assured Ted that everything was going well with Tomas, and that he couldn't foresee any problems. The only thing they could do now was to wait for Tomas to wake up naturally, Keane explained to Ted that everyone responded to the drugs differently, some slept for a long time, could be days, while others slept for a short time, maybe only hours.

So Ted went out to do some sightseeing, leaving Keane alone with Tomas in their hotel room.

When Ted got back at the end of a days' sightseeing, he found that Keane had laid Tomas out on one of the beds, and had left him there, naked with only the catheter still in place, and Ted marvelled to himself how different it made Tomas' cock look with the tube disappearing up inside it. He asked Keane when he would remove it, and Keane explained that it would remain in place until Tomas had fully woken up and had regained full control over his bladder again.

So after dinner, Ted went out and sampled the nightlife of Muscat and returned to the hotel in the small hours of the morning. When he returned to their room, Ted found that both Keane and Tomas were fast asleep, and as the catheter tube was still coming out of Tomas' cock, he assumed that Tomas hadn't woken up yet.

Ted had a shower, and as Tomas hadn't woken up yet, the air conditioning in the room was set at a higher temperature than Ted would have preferred, Keane explained that they didn't want Tomas to catch a cold or get a chill from the air conditioning being turned down too low. So Ted didn't wear anything after his shower and just sat in one of the chairs in the room and watched the rhythmic rise and fall of Tomas' chest. He'd been assured that Tomas would wake up on his own eventually, but until then Ted was not allowed to lower the temperature in the room.

As Ted sat and watched Tomas sleeping, he let his eyes rove over Tomas' body; starting at his head, with its' full head of hair. As Tomas' new owner wanted him to arrive with all his body hair intact, but he was to remain clean shaven. So Ted started with the top of his head, and let his eyes slowly rove down his body; he looked at the peaceful expression on Tomas' face, and marvelled at just how beautiful Tomas really was. Sure he and Tomas had slept in the same room before, fuck; they'd even shared the same bed on occasions when they were younger. That was how Ted had discovered Tomas had slept in the buff from an early age, it had never bothered Ted though, even on the occasions when they had share a bed together; it hadn't bothered Ted to sleep beside a totally naked Tomas.

Tomas hadn't even given Ted any stick about sleeping in PJ's, even when they got older and Ted had ditched the PJ's and slept in his jocks, still Tomas didn't give him any stick about it. Obviously they had both understood that that was how they preferred to sleep, and they'd just got on with it. Then when both boys were experimenting with their sexuality, Ted liked that he could just reach out, in the middle of the night, and find a naked Tomas, ready and willing to go. Yes, he'd liked that very much.

So, as Teds' eyes continued to travel down Tomas' naked form, and with Ted's thoughts were running along this vein, without him realising it, he was beginning to get aroused. His eyes travelled down Tomas' neck, where he could see the blood pumping through his carotid artery, as he eyes continued their journey down Tomas' naked form. Ted's eyes lingered on his chest, as he watched the steady rise and fall of his chest, with its light dusting of golden chest hair, surrounding his bright pink paps, both of which were about the size of a 20cent piece.

Again, Teds' memories returned to their teenage years, and the times they had both explored each others' bodies, and Ted could still remember the time when they had both sucked each others' paps. Just to see if they could produce milk, and how disappointed they'd both been that they couldn't, but Ted could still remember the sensations it aroused, not only in his paps, but in his cock as well.

Ted's eyes continued their journey down Tomas' sleeping form, travelling down to his abs. Ted was always jealous of Tomas' rock hard abs, and he knew that Tomas had always liked to workout at the gym, so much more than Ted, so Ted couldn't have been to surprised that Tomas had well defined abs, and he didn't. But that still didn't stop him from being jealous of Tomas' abs, of his physic in general.

As Teds' eyes continued their journey they eventually came to Tomas' golden treasure trail, and Teds' eyes followed the trail, all the way to Tomas' equally golden pubic bush, even in this low light, it seemed to Ted that his golden hair just glowed. Of course, Ted's eyes continued down Tomas' pendulous cock as it lay over, his equally large balls, Ted had always marvelled at the softness of Tomas' ball bag. It wasn't hard and wrinkly like his own ball bag, and in fact, like the ball bags on all their mates, no, Tomas' ball bag was smooth and soft to the touch. Ted had never admitted to Tomas, nor anyone else for that matter, but he loved touching his ball bag, because of the texture of the skin.

Teds' eyes, after he'd pulled then off Tomas' ball bag, travelled down Tomas' shapely legs, which were also covered by a dusting of his golden hair. Ted knew how proud Tomas had been of his legs, fuck, how he'd been proud of the definition he had achieved with his overall definition. Yes Ted was going to miss seeing Tomas in the buff, but he consoled himself with the thought that he'd done all of this for Tomas. He'd sold Tomas into slavery to protect him. He had no family, fuck Teds' family was the only real family that Tomas had ever known, and it was because of that fact, that Ted felt protective of Tomas. That was why he'd sold him into slavery in the first place. Ted reasoned with himself, that anyone who was prepared to pay so much money for his friend would want to protect their investment. It never occurred to Ted through this whole sorry saga that he hadn't needed to make Tomas a slave in order to protect him. Ted didn't admit to himself the atrocious way he'd treated his 'slaves'. No. Ted was certain he was in the right, in this. That this was the best way to protect his best friend.

Without realising what he was doing, Ted had got out of his chair, and was sitting on the side of Tomas' bed, he allowed his hands to make the same journey over Tomas' body, as his eyes had just done. He ran his hands through his silky, downy hair on top of his head, and stroked down the side of his face, and was actually surprised to encounter stubble on his cheeks. He trailed a finger along his strong jaw line, marvelling at the coarseness of his stubble, running his hands over his manly chin, and feeling the dimple there. Ted was so jealous of Tomas' dimple, he thought it made Tomas look so much more manlier, than he did.

Ted gently trailed his fingers down his neck, feeling the blood pulsing through his friends' carotid artery this time, as he couldn't see it with his hand in the way. Teds' hands ran over Tomas' very well defined pecs; as his fingers sought out, and found his large paps. Ted only just managed to resist tweaking and pinching Tomas' paps like they had as children when they had given each other nipple crimples. Ted trailed his hands down Tomas' abs and surprised himself with a quick intake of air when he felt Tomas' silky treasure trail begin. He threw caution to the wind as picked up Tomas' heavy cock and toyed with the jewellery he found there, marvelling at the rings that had been made for Tomas' piercings. How the white and yellow gold looked as though it had been woven into rings for just the purpose of going in Tomas' piercings. He marvelled at the skill of the Jewellers who had made the jewellery in the first place, and of the skill of the Jeweller who had soldered the rings closed, in the low light Ted couldn't find a join in either ring, he couldn't even discern a break in the pattern of the weave.

Ted laid Tomas' cock back onto his abdomen, and marvelled, as he had always done since childhood, that Tomas' cock was long enough, and big enough that it could be laid on his abdomen without having to be held there. Unlike Teds' much smaller cock, the best that Ted could do was to lay his cock pointing towards his hip, but even then it wouldn't stay there on its own. It always rolled back down his leg and lay beside his small balls.

Ted picked up Tomas' ball bag next and again marvelled at the silky texture of the skin, and again he was jealous of his friend, as he loved the texture of his ball bag so much better than the texture of his own wrinkly, pitted ball bag.

Ted lifted Tomas' balls and ball bag up and laid it over the top of Tomas' cock, then gently moving one of Tomas' legs to the side, just enough so that he could see Tomas' guiche as it now hung down towards the opening of his arse cheeks. Both boys had been curious about the seam that they both had running down the undersides of their cocks, over the middle of their ball bags, and continued down their perineum's and disappeared between their arse cheeks and seemed to continue right into their anuses. Neither boy had been able to feel the seam running into the others anus, no matter how hard they tried to work their fingers inside. So they had just had to assume that it ended in there somewhere.

But tonight, Ted wasn't content with just looking at the parts of Tomas' body he could see, so he gently rolled his sleeping friend towards him, until he was laying totally on his side, and Tomas' hip was resting against Teds' side. Ted looked over at Keane to make sure that he was still asleep, which he was, and facing the wall, so Ted separated Tomas' cheeks, and while holding them apart with one hand he looked and marvelled at his bright pink rose bud of a hole, as he put the pointer finger of his other hand in his mouth. When he was sure it was wet and slippery, he very slowly forced his finger into his friends' anus, and he could slowly feel him overcoming the sphincter muscle and gain entry into his moist, warm, anus. Ted silently promised his friend that very soon he would be shoving his cock where his finger now was.

After about five minutes of his wiggling his finger around inside his friends' anus, Ted removed his finger, just as gently as he had inserted his finger, and then rolled Tomas back onto his back and then arranged his friend as he had found him before he had started to interfere with him. Ted went back and sat in his chair and he held his finger up to his nose, and as he passed it backwards and forwards under his nose, he gave it a sniff with every pass, and knowing that his friend really hadn't had a proper shit in almost a week. Ted was surprised at the smell, and thought he could come to like the smell of his friends' arse, and before he realised he was going to do it, he popped his finger in his mouth and licked it clean.

Surprised at what he'd done, Ted felt guilty, and was glad that the other two men in the room were fast asleep and hadn't witnessed him sucking his finger that had just been up his friends arse, but again he thought he could come to like the taste of his friends arse as well.

When he had licked his finger clean, he got into bed and went to sleep. He slept till mid-afternoon, and wasn't surprised to find that Tomas was still asleep, and Keane was sitting up in one of the chairs in the room, keeping a watchful eye on Tomas' sleeping form. Both men greeted each other, Ted asked Keane if Tomas had stirred at all, and Keane told him that he hadn't stirred, but he told Ted he wasn't worried.

Ted showered and went downstairs to eat at one of the many restaurants in the hotel. Then decided to go for a walk around the city and returned to the hotel around dusk. He went up to the room and discovered that Tomas had finally woken up, but even though he'd 'slept' for almost 3 days straight. Tomas was feeling very tired, but Ted wanted to take Tomas out to show him around the city, and Keane had to remind him that they were not here for a holiday, that they were in fact here to deliver Tomas to his new owner.

So Tomas was allowed to eat something and then he went back to bed, and naturally he was totally naked the whole time. Ted had noticed that the catheter had been removed, and that Tomas' cock looked a more normal colour than it had overnight when he'd looked at it last.

Ted went out again, and this time, when he'd returned to their room, he was met by the sight of Tomas' bare arse mooning him. Keane told him that Tomas had eaten a full meal. Now all they were waiting for was for Tomas to open his bowels twice, and then they were ready to deliver him to his new owner, whom Keane had been giving daily updates to.

Ted decided that he was going to turn in and have an early night, and for the first time in a long time, Ted didn't dream about having sex with Tomas. In the morning Tomas woke Ted by sucking his cock, and Ted rolled onto his back to give Tomas better access.

"Oi, slave. Stop that right now!" said Keane.

Tomas' head snapped up instantly, and Keane told him to have a shower.

"What the fuck, are you doing?" Ted asked.

"It's my responsibility to ensure that 'it' arrives in pristine condition."

"But, I was enjoying that."

"To bad, I don't care. We're not at 'the farm' now, and 'it' is my responsibility. So what I say goes. Get it?"

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry it won't happen again," Ted said.

Ted had a shower after Tomas, and went downstairs for breakfast and went out for the day.

The third morning after Tomas had woken; he had opened his bowels on command, so Keane declared him Ok to travel. So he made a phone call, and then ordered Tomas to have a shower. When he came out of the bathroom, Keane had laid out some clothes for him to wear, which consisted of undergarments; long pants, and a t-shirt over which he wore a dishdasha. Unlike the dishdasha that both Keane and Ted wore, Tomas' was more form fitting and had a definite waist to it, and it was almost tight enough to show the outline of his pecs and abs. To top it off the tree men all wore a massar on their heads.

When Keane was happy with the way they were dressed and he'd packed everything away, with Tomas assistance of course, they all went down to the lobby of the hotel and met up with their guide who was going to take them to the stronghold of the warlord who was now Tomas' new owner. It was a 10hr drive up into the mountains to reach the deserted fort that was now the stronghold of the warlord.

They were met at the front door by a servant who showed them to their respective rooms to allow them to freshen up after their trip. Knowing they were going to be there for a week, Ted unpacked his bags. He had a shower and put on a clean dishdasha, which he found laid out for him after he'd had his shower, and when he opened his door he found a servant waiting for him. Asking Ted to follow him, he led the way into the main audience room, and made himself comfortable on the cushions he found there and the servant got him a drink of tea while he waited.

Keane arrived a short time later and sat down on another cushion while a servant got him a drink of tea as well. Keane looked at Ted. "Ted, please don't do anything stupid while we're here, please."

"Don't worry," replied Ted, "we're here under the 'company's' protection. So relax. Keane you worry too much."

Keane shook his head at Ted, "I'm not going to warn you again. Protection or not. We are here as Rashids' guests, please, I'm begging you, don't say anything to upset him. Ok!"

"Relax, I am a Master now. Ransid, or whatever his name is?"

"It's Rashid," Keane snapped, "and you will do well not to forget that."

"Whatever," Ted said airily.

Rashid entered the room, and both men stood and salaamed to him, and he returned the greeting. He invited both men to resume their seats, and he accepted a cup of tea from the servant.

Rashid, addressed Keane and thanked him for delivering his slave in such good condition, and Keane told him to think nothing of it, as it was all a part of the service that they offered at the 'farm'. Keane went on to remind Rashid that he would remain for the full week, just in case there were any problems that arose with the slave, and he would try to rectify them if he could. Rashid thanked him for his service.

Rashid then turned his attention to Ted, and asked him if he'd had a good trip, and if he was enjoying Rashids' beautiful country.

Ted thanked Rashid for the greeting and told him that he had indeed enjoyed what he had seen of his country very much.

Rashid offered to show him around the mountains of his little retreat, and said that he might even take both men hunting with his falcons, if they would like. Both men thanked Rashid for the offer and sad that they would love to, if Rashid could find the time. Rashid summoned Baghel and told him to look after his honoured guests and to give them anything that would make their stay, with them, more enjoyable. With that Rashid withdrew, claiming that he had a lot of work to do, as he salaamed to the two gentlemen.

Baghel asked the two men if he could get anything for them. Keane said that he would like to retire to his room to rest as he hadn't had a lot of sleep in the past few days, so Baghel summoned another servant and told him to show Keane to his room. Promising that someone would call him for the evening meal.

When they were alone Ted asked Baghel if he could take him to see Tomas, but Baghel refused; explaining to Ted that Tomas was now in his masters private chambers and that no outsider would ever be able to see him again.

"But you don't understand," countered Ted, "he is my best friend?"

"I don't understand," said Baghel, with a puzzled expression on his face, "how can a slave be your friend?"

"No you don't understand," said Ted, "we grew up together; he is like a brother to me?"

"And that is why you sold him into slavery?"

"Well. Yes. Although it's not like you seem to think?" So Ted explained their shared history together, and his reasons for selling Tomas into slavery in the first place.

Baghel, listened to Ted's story horrified, and he told Ted that we must have some very strange customs in our country, if we can sell our best friends into slavery.

Ted countered that Baghel still didn't understand, that he had done it to protect Tomas, and so that he knew Tomas would be looked after for the rest of his life, and that was why he sold him. He told Baghel that he figured that because Rashid had paid such a huge sum of money for his friend that he would want to protect him for the rest of his life. This being a Muslim country, continued Ted; that no harm would come to Tomas because no one would want to have sex or anything with him here, as it is against their religion. Ted asked Baghel if he could take him to Tomas as he wanted to see him.

Baghel told Ted that, yes they were indeed a Muslim country, but now Tomas is 'khanith' and he was Rashids' 'khanith', so it would be impossible for Ted to ever see him again. Baghel begged Ted not to mention this to anyone else while he was here, and told Ted that it would be better if he thought of Tomas as being dead now. As there was no way another man would ever be able to see Rashids' khanith.

Ted threw his hands up in the air, and promised that he would not mention it again. He asked Baghel if he could show him to his rooms as he wanted to rest as well, with that Baghel led the way to Teds' rooms and left him there. Ted walked around the gardens outside his windows for the rest of the afternoon, trying to come up with some way that he would be able to see his friend, as he now had a desperate need to fuck him.

Meanwhile, the servants had shown Tomas into Rashids' private chambers and helped him to undress and then they bathed, perfumed, and dressed him in sheer, almost see-through, underwear. Having finished his bathing they bade him to sit on some cushions and offered him something to eat and drink; which Tomas accepted gratefully, and then they left him in peace; after first explaining to him that he was not allowed to leave these chambers. They told Tomas that there was an inner courtyard and gardens that he could explore if he so desired.

When he had eaten and drunk his fill, Tomas did go exploring the inner courtyard and gardens. He marvelled at all the birds in their cages that he found hanging all over the courtyard, as well as the variety of plants that were in the gardens, and so he spent an enjoyable afternoon by himself. When he returned to his rooms he found, what he assumed was a bed and lay down and had a rest for the rest of the afternoon, as he was still suffering from the effects of the drugs that had kept him asleep for the trip out here.

Tomas didn't mind spending the time alone; in fact it was the first time in the past 9mths that he'd had any real time to himself. All the time he'd spent on the 'farm', there was always someone else there, be they the other slaves, the Masters, or the guards, telling him what to do and when, so it was no wonder that Tomas was enjoying the time to himself. He was under no delusion that he wasn't a slave, he'd grown used to that idea, during the time he'd spent at the 'farm' but being on his own with nothing to do was a bit strange to him as at the 'farm' he was forever being told what to do.

At dusk, Rashid came into his chambers and found Tomas asleep on the bed, the servants had lit the candles, and with the fabric of Tomas underwear being almost see-through, he was able to see the light glinting off the rings in Tomas' cock. Rashid could make out enough of his body to see that he had made a very good purchase indeed, and he could hardly wait to come and see what his sexual prowess was like. He did hold high hopes that Tomas would be able to perform well, and with that thought uppermost in his mind he withdrew.

Rashid went and ate with his guests, it was a pleasant meal and Rashid enjoyed showing off his wealth to his guests, as he had guests so infrequently, with most of the food served at the meal having been imported from the four corners of the earth. The cutlery, plates, and bowls were made from solid gold, while all the glasses were cut crystal, no expense had been spared on the meal. The men spent the meal talking about their trip and how they came to be working for the 'farm'. Rashid was most interested in how Ted and the boys had found out about the 'farm' in the first place.

So Ted explained that it was, in fact, Tomas who had found the website for 'the farm' on the dark web, and it was Tomas who, had talked them all into selling their conquests as slaves to 'the farm' and so make a bit if money on the side.

Rashid asked Ted how it was, then, that he came to sell Tomas into slavery; seeing as he was the one who came up with the idea in the first place. So Ted told Rashid about Tomas' history, and how they were like brothers, and how he felt protective of Tomas. He went on to explain that it was because he felt so protective of Tomas that he'd reasoned that if he sold him into slavery then Tomas' new owner would look after him very well, especially considering the price that Rashid paid for Tomas. Ted could not see Rashid abusing Tomas, in anyway.

Ted then asked Rashid if he could be the one to take Tomas' cherry.

Rashids' demeanour changed immediately, he stared at Ted, "and why do you think, considering all the money I have paid, that I would let you, his former friend who sold him in to slavery, have sex with him?"

Keane looked at Tomas aghast, "I must apologise," he started to say to Rashid, when Ted cut him off.

"Well you are a Muslim, are you not?"

"Yes, I am a practicing Muslim," agreed Rashid.

"Well," continued Ted, "men having sex with other men is against your religion..."

"I am very sorry," Keane broke in, "I have already told Ted that he was not to mention this while he was here. We spoke at length, both on the plane and in our hotel room, that this was not a subject for discussion. Please," Keane bowed, as much as he was able to sitting down, to Rashid, "accept our apologies. Ted must be tired from the trip?"

"Don't presume to talk for me, Keane, I am your employer now, and I will talk to Rancid, or whatever the hell his name is, about anything I choose." Ted turned back to Ranshid, "now all I am asking is that you allow me to fuck Tomas and I will be happy."

"How dare you come into my palace as an honoured guest, no less, and ask me for permission to steal from me?"

"But all I want to do?"

"I know what you, 'want to do' in my own palace; and with my own slave no less?"

"But I don't see?"

"That is right Ted you don't see," said Rashid, "please, explain to me why I should not have you flogged and expelled from my palace?"

"Because, Ransid, or whatever the hell your name is, I am here under both my own, and the other Masters protection. I cannot be harmed in any way for the period of one week. Is that not right Keane?"

"Well actually?" Keane started to say, when Rashid cut him off.

"I will not be so dishonoured in my own palace. Especially by the likes of one as you who would stoop so low as to sell his friend, and someone who he professes to love as a brother, a man he considers to be his best friend, no less, into slavery."

With that Rashid summoned the guards, and had them take Ted downstairs to the dungeons, and told them that he would deal with him latter. Ted continued to protest, and state that he was here under the protection of 'the farm' and as per the agreement Rashid had with the Masters, he could not harm him in any way. Never the less, the guards took him downstairs to the dungeons anyway, and locked him in one of the cells.

Keane apologised to Rashid again for Teds' outburst, and Rashid assured Keane that he had nothing to fear, that he was here in fact under the Masters protection, that he was still expected to stay the rest of the week, to ensure Tomas was in good condition to finalise the deal. Keane thanked Rashid for his understanding, and wisely decided not to enquire as to what Teds' fate might be.

They finished their meal, and enjoyed the entertainment, then both men retired to their respective rooms.

Next: Chapter 7

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