The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Aug 13, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else


My apologies to everyone who has been following this series for the chapters 4 & 5 appearing so close together, but they were warring in my head so I had no other choice but to post them so close together.




The slaves were told that Tomas was no longer allowed to shave any of his body hair, except for his face of course. He had to remain clean shaven throughout this process of his time here at the farm. He knew, from past experience over the past few months, that this meant that his time at the farm was coming to an end. Not that he had any thoughts about either way; he was nothing now, but a slave. If his Masters wanted to kill him, sell him, or give him away, it was of no concern to him. This is what his life was now.

His days continued to be taken up with regular bondage sessions three, sometimes four times a day, working in the kitchen, cleaning the house, and servicing and showering the guards and Masters. As his hair started to grow out, he thought the itch was going to drive him mad, but he knew better than to scratch. Like with all the other things the Masters and guards didn't like them doing, like masturbating, Tomas knew that if he got caught scratching he would have been punished severely. Like all the rest of the slaves, Tomas had been punished enough to remember what would happen, so they avoided it as much as they could.

Finally the day came for him to be sold. Tomas was told to report to the shed along with the other slaves who were going to be sold, like all the other slaves Tomas had no belongings to collect, so he stood in the shed, naked like all the other slaves, except for the chain that hung not only from his, but the other slaves guiches. The guards, with the assistance of some of the slaves, got enough of the boxes out for each of the slaves. The slaves waited their turn, while the guards strapped them into their boxes. When they were all strapped in, they were all injected with medication to put them to sleep, and their boxes were loaded into the back of the truck, and they were driven to Melbourne. The next thing Tomas knew, he was back in the silo waiting to be sold, unlike the last trip he'd made between the silo and the farm when he'd woken on route.

"Good evening, your Royal Highnesses, Maharajas', Maharanis', my Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, for tonight's auction we believe we have a house slave of exceptional beauty for sale tonight, but more about it a bit later. I am Stieg and, as usual, I will be your auctioneer for this evening.

As per usual, those of you who have decided to be present in person will get a chance, in a few moments, to physically check out all the livestock that we will be auctioning off tonight.

As per usual all the livestock we will be selling here tonight will be sold with all their body hair intact, for those of you who are offended by such base sights; naturally you will have selected the option to have the hairless view shown on your computer screens.

All prices of the slaves are mentioned in American dollars, for those of you who are attending by remote access, you of course can select to view the price in whatever currency you wish.

All payments must be finalised within 10mins of the collusion of the sale of any given slave. If payment has not been received, then the slave will be resold after that time, and the person who won the bid, but not finalised the payment, will be penalised the usual 50% of their last bid.

All slaves have been issued with a full medical certificate, as well as their required death certificate from the country of origin. All of our livestock carries our brand, that to date, has not been able to be copied, but we do insist that you check all the relevant documentation that comes with the slave, and if you can prove we have misrepresented the slave, then we will refund the monies in full, less the usual accounting fees, of course.

Any and all modifications will be carried out under the most hygienic conditions, by our fully qualified medical staff, and as per usual we will hold the slave for you for a further 3-6 months to ensure that the slave has fully recovered from any modifications you required.

A full list of modifications and their prices are available on line, or can be perused in the brochures you were handed as you entered the building tonight.

As usual any and all links are continuously monitored to ensure both yours, and our, safety and anonymity. As I am sure you are all aware that the sale of our livestock is prohibited all over the world, but we here at 'Livestock International' recognised the niche market that existed, and have fulfilled that need in the market.

If you have any further questions, then please feel free to peruse your catalogue, or click on the appropriate computer links, and I am sure that all your questions will be answered. If not, then if you are here present for this evening' auction, please fill free to ask one of our staff in blue. If you are joining us on line, then please talk to our on-line host/ess, and I am sure they will be able to answer any queries you may have.

Now, that we have performed all the formalities of the evening. We will now bring out all the slaves, so that those of you who are here in person may examine them for yourselves. As usual all of our slaves have been conditioned to being examined in this way, but if any slave, for whatever reason, appears a bit skittish, then just motion to one of the guards and they will subdue 'it'. We will allow 45mins for this to occur and we will start the auction immediately afterwards.

Having finished his spiel, all the slaves were brought out into the holding area, and were tethered by their chains, hanging from their guiches, to rings set into the floor, so that they may be freely examined by anyone who wished to, and were unable to shy away from anyone who wished to examine them.

Ted remained in his seat. He wasn't here to buy a slave, to be honest, until Tomas was sold, but he did watch with a great deal of interest as all the slaves were led out onto the holding area and tethered to the rings set into the floor. Tomas stood out due to his incredible physic, his now, all over milky white skin, and his golden yellow hair; due to his new station in life he was completely naked, as were all the other slaves. It seemed to Ted that everyone wanted to get their hands on Tomas, for the full 45mins, Tomas didn't have a minute without at least one hand examining some part of his anatomy, with, it seemed to Ted, a lot of attention being paid to his genitalia. Ted also noticed that a lot of the other people who were present had personal cameras mounted somewhere about their head, obviously for someone who was watching the auction remotely.

Ted marvelled about the control that had been trained into their slaves, because it didn't seem to matter how many people, were examining Tomas' cock and balls, he never seemed to get aroused in any way. Almost everyone, who was examining the slaves, had Tomas bend over and shoved at least one finger up his pretty pink, rosebud of a hole.

By the end of the 45mins, after watching everyone examining Tomas so thoroughly, Ted was sporting a huge erection, and he fervently wished he could make use of Tomas' service once more. Ted tried to desperately think of something else, anything else other than Tomas' magic mouth and what he is able to do with it. Thankfully for Ted, he was somehow able to manage it and he could feel his cock slowly deflating in his pants.

Everyone had resumed their seats, and the auction got underway. The field slaves were sold first, and Ted was surprised, because none of the slaves were sold for under $100,000.00 American dollars. As Ted flicked through the catalogue he could see that all the field slaves were conditioned to wearing a saddle and were capable of bearing at least 125kg, as well as being conditioned to pull all manner of jigs, carts, and wagons, either singularly or in a team.

When all the payments had been finalised for the field slaves, the auction moved onto the house slaves, of which there were only 3 being auctioned off tonight. An expectant hush fell over the crowd as the auction for them got underway. The first 2 were each sold for more than $250,000.00, but Ted was chaffing at the bit to see what Tomas would bring at auction, and after the payments had been finalised for the previous 2 house slaves. It was Tomas' turn on the block, and Ted started to salivate.

Stieg banged his gravel to get everyone's attention. When silence had descended on the room again, Tomas was brought out onto the platform. "Tonight, your Royal Highnesses, Maharajas', Maharanis', my Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe we have here one of the finest pieces of man flesh we have ever had the privilege to offer you here at 'Livestock International'. It is very proficient with computers, is very good at accounting, and all aspects of office work. It is also an excellent cook, and a list of its' sexual prowess, and sexual duties it is able to perform, you will find are all listed in the catalogues you were given on your arrival, or you can find listed on-line in 'its' statistics.

Now without further ado we will begin, who wants to open the bidding at say $150,000.00." With that Tomas' auction was off. In a few bids he had already reached the $300,000.00 which was more than the other house slaves went for, and there was no sign of the auction slowing down. At the $500,000.00 mark, Ted thought it would slowdown, but no, the bids were still coming in thick and fast. At $750,000.00 Ted almost wet himself; all he could see was the money that he stood to get from the sale of his former friend. In fact he no longer thought of Tomas as his 'former friend', all he now saw was nothing more than a slave that he was selling. Nothing but so much livestock. If you were to have asked Ted, when his thinking had changed about Tomas, he would not have been able to tell you.

Still the bids were rolling in. At the $1,000,000.00 mark Ted gave up trying to predict just how much 'it' would actually sell for, and he had broken out in a cold sweat just thinking about all the money he stood to make on 'it'.

The bidding didn't show any signs of slowing down until the price had reached $1,500,000.00, and it was only then that Ted was aware of how many bidders had actually dropped off. As far as he could work out there were only two people left in the room who were still bidding, but he didn't know how many bidders were still left on-line.

Sure 'it' was a fine piece of flesh and had turned into a very compliant slave, which would do any task set for 'it' to perform, be that around the house, the office, or in the bedroom, and Ted got lost in a daydream of the level of bondage and abuse 'it' was able to stand. How 'it' could get an erection, and loose it equally quick at will, all these images were dancing through Ted's head.

Ted was broken out of his musings when he heard Stieg say that the price was $2,250,000.00, and he counted it off for the first time, the second time, and brought his gravel down and Tomas was actually sold for the princely sum of $2,250,000.00. A hush settled over the room while they waited for the prerequisite 10mins to see if the sum would actually be paid or not.

When the 10mins were up it was confirmed that someone had actually paid $2,250,000.00 for the first time ever for a slave sold at Livestock International, and Ted realised that he had just made $1,750,000.00 American dollars. He realised now that he was insanely rich, and without so much as a backward glance at 'it' he left the room with all the other customers, but instead of leaving the building with the other customers, he went down to Stieg's office and waited.

30mins later Stieg entered his office, and the two men shook hands. Stieg get them a couple of drinks and offered Ted a seat. "So what happens now," he asked.

"Well, now Tomas will have all the modifications that the buyer has requested?"

"Where there many modifications required?"

"Um, yes there were a few," replied Stieg, as he looked at his tablet computer, "Um, let's see. The new owner wants him castrated and to have prosthetic testicles to be implanted instead. Um, they want him micro chipped, obviously, as well as some piercing and possible penile implants, and they are thinking about a few other 'improvements' that they will need to request within the next 48hrs.

Then when 'its' recovered from 'its' surgeries we will ship 'it' off overseas to 'its' new owner."

"Oh, so he was sold internationally, then?"

"Yes, Ted, he was sold to someone in the Middle East I believe. Some Feudal War Lord, I think. I don't have their details here. I have no need for that kind of information. All I am interested in now is that the required modifications are paid for, and carried out, without any damage to 'it', so we can then send 'it' off to the new owner, and we get to keep our money."

"So do we send the livestock overseas?" Ted asked.

"Yes, we have special cargo boxes for just that purpose, and we have someone travel with the cargo to ensure that no harm comes to them during shipment, and to see that 'it' is delivered in good condition to the buyer. Don't worry Ted, we have been doing this for a long time, and we haven't lost a single slave yet."

"Oh," was all Ted could think to say, "I see?"

"Look, Ted, the Masters want me to show you our entire organisation, so why don't you make an appointment and come back through the day and we can go over all of the transport options. How does that sound?"

"Um, no, um, Ok, that'd be good. I do want to learn as much about the organisation as I can," he said as he stood up.

"Good. Good, um, call the office tomorrow and we will set up a tour. How does that sound?" Stieg asked as he stood up.

"That would be great. I'll do that."

Both men shook hands, and Ted headed home, with dollar signs dancing through his head.

A couple of days later Ted rocked up to the silo during the day, and he was struck by how truly deserted the place looked in daylight. What with all the train tracks on one side, and then nothing but derelict warehouses and buildings on the other sides of the site, added to that it was such an industrial area, there's really no nosey neighbours to wonder at what was really going on at the site. Plus the fact that there are a lot of derelict silos in the surrounding area as well, just added to them being able to slip under the radar.

Ted walked through the door and was met by Stieg in the foyer as usual, "so have you got over the shock of the payout you got on your, former, friend the other night?" Stieg said as he shook Ted's hand.

"I know; it was fuckin' unreal wasn't it? So is 'it' your highest selling slave so far?"

Stieg nodded, "come on let's go."

Stieg led the way into the lift and they went up to the second floor, instead of the third floor that Stieg had his office on, and the whole floor was taken up with all sorts of containers. Stieg showed Ted the boxes that are used to transport the slaves to and from the farm, or if they were only going on a short trip somewhere intrastate or just over one of the borders. He showed Ted the boxes that were used if they were flying the slaves somewhere, be that within Australia or overseas, the boxes looked like the boxes that were used to send frozen goods by planes. Stieg opened the box up and Ted could see that there was another box inside; Stieg explained that the inner box was the real box that the slaves were transported in. They were in the carcase of the freezer boxes so that they could be plugged into the planes electrical system, and they didn't have to worry about trying to explain what it was they were really transporting. The screen on the outside, explained Stieg, was a dummy one and showed a non-existent temperature inside the box, meanwhile there is an on board computer that monitors the slaves vital signs and is actually sent to a monitoring device that their staff member has with them at all times. Who is travelling as a legitimate passenger, with all the other passengers. That way if there is any problem they are able to get down to the box and hopefully fix it.

Stieg explained to Ted that the slave is put onto a liquid diet for 7 days before his flight, and for the last two days he is on an intravenous drip, consequently all they have to do during the flight and the travel to and from the airport is to catheterise the slave, as they have a drip that provides them with all the nutrients that they need, Stieg showed Ted the big bags that are used to collect the slaves' urine during the trip. The slave is put into a medical coma, for the length of the trip, which is why they have a staff member aboard every flight, just in case anything goes wrong. They are able to monitor the on board computer, which monitors all their vital signs, as well as monitoring the drivers and pumps that controls the flow of the drip, and the required drivers for the medications, from a hand held computer that they have with them in the cabin.

Ted wanted to know if they had ever lost a slave in transport, and Stieg assured him that in all the time he had been running this part of the operation, they had not lost a single slave transporting them like this. Stieg did concede that the slaves were so conditioned, that they could travel as an ordinary passenger, but then they would need to have false documents, because, well, as far as the rest of the world was concerned. Their slaves were dead, and it would be very awkward if a picture of one of their slaves was to just turn up somewhere.

No, Stieg assured Ted that this was the best way to transport their slaves over long distances. The matting the slaves were laid on was a special pressure care mattress that was made up of small pockets that were filled with air, and the on board computer deflated, and inflated these pockets in a set sequence to prevent pressure sores. So, Stieg assured Ted that they had actually thought of everything, and the slaves don't remember anything of the trip, they go to sleep on the farm, and wake up in their new home.

When they were just transporting them around the country, they could use either a plane, or depending on where they were being transported to, they could use a goods train. "Come on", Stieg said to Ted, "and I'll show you the specially fitted rail trucks we used."

So the two men went back down to the ground level, and Stieg showed the rail trucks they had fitted out especially just to transport their livestock anywhere in the country they wanted to. One end of the rail truck was out fitted with sleeping quarters and small kitchenette and bathroom for their staff member to travel in. While up the other end of the rail truck was outfitted like the cargo containers similar to the ones they used in the planes, so they are able to keep the slaves drugged for the entire trip. Ted wanted to know how they went the other end, how long did it take to wake their slaves up and make sure that everything was Ok with them. Stieg explained that they have an agreement with the buyers that the staff member who accompanies the slaves stays with them for a week, just to ensure that there are no lasting effects to the slave. The buyers sign an agreement; that states that the staff members would not be molested or hurt in any way for that week, and that they will be free to leave, unharmed, when the week is up.

Ted mulled all of this information over for a bit. "Um, Stieg, would I be able to accompany Tomas on his trip?"

"Good god, no!" Stieg exclaimed, "no one has ever accompanied a slave before, other than one of our staff members. Weren't you listening? We already have a staff member to escort them. They're all highly trained medical staff who can deal with almost any emergency. If something happens that they can't deal with, then they are authorised to euthanize the livestock."

"What!" Exclaimed Ted, "I wasn't informed that they had that power?"

"Look! Relax, Ok," said Stieg, "as I've already said we've never had to euthanize a single slave. They have all arrived in perfect health, Ok. So just relax. It's all good. Ok."

"Well if you say so. Um, I think I'm going to skip the rest of the tour. Thanks," said Ted as he held his hand out to Stieg. Both men shook hands and then parted company.

Ted head for home, thinking about Tomas and what was to come.

Ted mulled it over for the next couple of days, and while he was telling himself that he was only concerned for his friends' welfare, what he really wasn't telling himself, or more to the point, what he wasn't admitting to himself was the fact that he wanted to be the one to pop Tomas' arse. The fact that someone else was going to get to tap his buddies arse and not him, was what was really eating at him, but he couldn't admit that, not to himself, and well, not to anyone. As much as he tried to put it out of his mind it sat in the back of his mind mocking him.

The day after the auction, all the slaves were transported back to the farm, so that the ones, who weren't being modified, were readied for transportation, and the rest that were having their modifications performed. There were two field slaves that were being modified as their owners wanted them sterilised and to have bigger penises. So when the slaves returned to the farm, those slaves that were being transported switched to their new diets, while those slaves who were being modified, including Tomas, were taken to the medical wing. All the slaves were prepped for surgery, which included a full body shaving, and they all had their testicles removed and had testicular implants implanted into their scrotums. All of them, except for Tomas, had bigger prosthetics implanted than the original size if their testicles, while Tomas' were specially measured to ensure that his did not change the original look of his testicles. While he was on the table he is cock was pierced with a Prince Albert, a frenum, and a lorum and he had the appropriate jewellery fitted for each piercing. The three slaves were now housed in the hospital wing to ensure that they recovered from their modifications; and that the two field slaves used their penis pumps daily and did their required exercises. They were constantly measured to ensure that their cocks were getting longer, as well as doing exercises so that they got used to the new sizes of their nuts and cocks.

When their scrotums had stretched, so that they hung more naturally, and their penises had reached the required length, and everything had healed satisfactorily. Both slaves were tested to ensure that they still had full sexual function, so with all the checks and measures were done to their new owners specifications. They were both prepped and shipped off to their new owners.

Thomas, naturally remained at the farm, as he healing time was going to be a lot longer than the other two slaves. He was in the hospital wing for three weeks, and then he was sent back to the big house to resume his daily activities, as they were very careful for him not to lose conditioning.

After four months it was decided that his piercings had healed enough for him to have the jewellery removed and replaced with the jewellery supplied by his new owner. All three sets of jewellery were made from a mixture of white and yellow gold, his Prince Albert was set with a brilliant cut white diamond, while the frenum was to have a ring that encircled Tomas' penis; that was also made of white and yellow gold and set with another brilliant cut diamond. The ring that his new owner provided for his guiche piercing was also made out of white and yellow gold and it also had a brilliant cut diamond set into it as well, but this diamond was smaller than the other two. His new owner had also provided another white and yellow gold ring, complete with its own brilliant cut diamond. All up they estimated the jewellery to be worth a few thousand dollars each, but it was a testament to the wealth of his new owner, that he could spend the better part of 2.3 million dollars on his slave, seemingly without having to worry about the money.

So they employed a jeweller that they used from time to time come out to the farm and he very carefully attached the rings to his frenum, lorum, and guiche piercings, all of which had to be welded shut very carefully. So Tomas' was sat in a bath of very cold water with a solid block of red gum placed under his penis, so that the two ends of the rings were just breaking the surface of the water. Very carefully, the Jeweller soldered the two ends of the rings closed, carefully checking that the joins were filled smoothed, so that by the time he was finished you could barely see the join, and so that all the rings could pass through the piercings, without catching or tearing the skin. So in the end the only thing that stopped the three rings from passing through the piercing sites was the diamonds set into all three rings.

The frenum ring was passed over the head of Tomas' cock so that it was a snug fit when his cock was erect, and so it leant against the head of his flaccid cock without falling over the top of the head of his cock. His foreskin was held back by the ring, but it was possible to have the foreskin cover the ring and most of the head of his cock, with some effort, but it would naturally remain held back off the head of his cock by the two rings. With all the new jewellery attached to his cock, it looked as though it hung lower than it used to, due to the added weight of the two rings.

Tomas was kept at the farm for another month, just to ensure that everything was Ok with all of his piercings, and that his cock still was able to perform as it had before all the new jewellery. So added to his usual duties, he also spent time getting his cock erect and having to maintain the erection for as long as his Masters' demanded, and was still able to lose his erection just as quickly.

As everything was in order with his piercings and the new jewellery, and the fact that his body hadn't rejected his prosthetic testicles, Tomas entered the last week of his time at the farm, and he was prepped for his flight to Oman.

While everyone thought that Ted had finally given up on the idea of accompanying Ted to Oman, in actual fact he hadn't. Only this time he appealed to the Masters direct, which was arguably his biggest mistakes, in this whole affair. He chose to take this moment to remind the Masters that they would never have come across Tomas if he hadn't decided to sell him into slavery in the first place, and made them all very rich men, well; made him a very rich man at any rate. Ted was so full of his own importance, that he thought that by reminding the Masters of who Tomas belonged to in the first place, that the Masters would fall over themselves to acquiesce to his demands.

Surprisingly, this what the Masters in actual fact did, they apologised profusely to Ted and said that if he paid his way, that he could in actual fact accompany Tomas on his journey to Oman. Of course Ted jumped at the chance, but he had two months to get everything ready. He didn't even have a passport. So he rushed out and organised to get his passport. He organised the visas he needed for his trip, but he was concerned about any shots he might need. So he paid a visit to the 'companies Dr' to see if he needed any shots, and the Dr suggested that he has a full physical to ensure that he doesn't have any problems while he was overseas. The Dr performed all the 'usual' tests on Ted that he had performed on Tomas, and when Ted queried him about it the Dr apologised and said he was just so used to performing all the tests on anyone that Ted or the Masters brought to see him, that it was just an automatic response. The Dr went on to tell Ted that it couldn't hurt to make sure that everything was working correctly anyway, and this was the surest way of ensuring this.

"Hey what's this?" The Dr asked Ted.

Ted went bright red, he swore the Dr to secrecy, and got him to promise faithfully that he wouldn't tell anyone about it, but he'd had a guiche piercing done on himself. He went on to explain how Tomas had been playing on his mind so much so that he was desperate to try and get him out of his head. One day the idea occurred to him, that if he got himself pierced just like Tomas had, then there would be a stronger connection between them, and one that he didn't have with the other guys. The GP asked him if it'd worked, and Ted had to admit, that in a funny sort of a way it had. He hadn't obsessed over Tomas so much since he'd had the guiche done. The GP told Ted to come back in a week and he'd have the results of the tests back, and he could talk about the results with Ted.

So the following week Ted went back to see the GP and was given the all clear, he had a clean bill of health. The GP gave him some shots as a precaution, and told him that he was all set to accompany Tomas on his trip now. Ted thanked the Dr and as he was heading out the door the Dr asked Ted who was his Next of Kin was, now that his divorce had been finalised, which stopped Ted dead in his tracks because he hadn't given it a thought. So he left the Dr's office trying to rack his brains about who he was going to give his Power of Attorney to.

He didn't trust any of the guys he worked with, so tried to cast his mind a bit wider to try and find someone he could get. All his old friends had left him, especially when they found out that he had divorced his wife, for seemingly no reason.

So thinking about it, he'd almost decided to not have someone appointed as his Next of Kin, but he was talking to Stieg in his office, about the trip and the problem that was facing him. When Stieg offered to fill the position of his Next of Kin, just for this trip of course, as it really wasn't wise for an employee to be his employers Next of Kin. Ted thought it was a brilliant idea, and asked Stieg if he would mind, just for this trip of course. Stieg thought about it for a while and then very, very reluctantly agreed to be Teds' Next of Kin, but, Stieg insisted that it would be just for this trip. He told Ted that he would have to get someone to fill the roll permanently when he got back from the trip.

Ted thanked him profusely and set off to get the forms filled out so that Stieg would have Power of Attorney while he was away. Ted was happier with this arrangement, than letting any of his mates have Power of Attorney, as he reasoned, and probably rightly, that Stieg was just an employee, after all, and could probably be trusted better to look after his wishes/orders. Besides, Ted reasoned, HE was the one who had made them all filthy rich. Yes, this was all working out as Ted had planned.

The day before his flight, he explained to the other guys that he was going away for a bit of a holiday, as he still hadn't told them about Tomas, and his new station in life, he had no plans on telling them now. He gave them Stieg's' contact details, and told the boys that they should contact him if there were any problems.

Everyone wished him a safe trip, and as they didn't have any new slaves at the moment, Ted'd decided to just lock the place up while he was away. Ted went to bed, that night, a very happy chappie, with dreams being the one to pop Tomas' cherry.

In the morning, Ted made sure he'd left everything neat and tidy for his return. He called a Taxi, and made his way out to Tullamarine Airport. He waited in Business class until he could board the plane, he had thought he was going to meet up with Keane first, but Ted'd been informed that he wouldn't get to meet Keane until after he'd boarded the plane, as Keane had to ensure that everything was Ok with Tomas first.

So Ted was already in his seat, when he looked up and saw a man, whom he could only assume was Keane striding towards him. The two men introduced themselves and settled into their seats. They made small talk until the plane left the tarmac at Tullamarine Airport and with that, hurled Tomas into his new life

Next: Chapter 6

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