The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Aug 12, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else




It was Teds' last day at the 'farm', and as usual he was woken by one of the slaves sucking his cock. He lazily rolled onto his back to give the slave better access. He laid there with his eyes closed, thinking to himself, 'that he had to start to get their slaves to wake him up like this when he got home. Damn, it sure was a fuckin' fine way to start the day'. He opened his eyes, and as his eyes grew accustomed to the light, he glanced down at the slave who had just swallowed his cock right down to its root, and was lapping at the base of his cock and ball bag. 'Fuck he,' he thought, 'this has to be heaven.'

Just then the slave had pulled up off his cock, just enough to grab a quick breath, and as he was going down on his cock again; Ted just happened to see a flash of his golden eyebrows. "Fuck," Ted exclaimed, "mate, if I'd have known you were this good a cocksucker, buddy, we'd of started doing this a long time ago. Oh, yeah! Hey mate, I want to see you're enjoying this, so get your fuckin' cock hard. And I mean now, boy. Oh, fuck?"

Whatever else Ted was going to say was lost in the pleasure of the feelings emanating from his cock, as Tomas dove down on his cock again. Ted gave up trying to talk; besides, Tomas was only a slave, now, after all. So he just laid back on his pillow, while Tomas continued to suck his cock, he moved his foot down so that he could play with Tomas' ball bag, while occasionally checking that Tomas' cock did in fact stay hard the entire time.

Before he knew it, Teds' cock exploded and he shot his load of hot ropey cum down Tomas' throat, but still Tomas continued to suck Teds' cock, and Ted could feel him sucking the last of the cum out of his cock. Ted got lost in the sensations that Tomas was creating, while he was sucking Teds' cock. So much so that Ted was caught off guard with the need to pee, and without thinking, he just let it go. To his amazement Tomas swallowed every last drop and at full force too, as Ted had been too surprised to slow the stream down. Ted was blown away, not just by the fact that anyone, let alone his formerly 'straight as a die' friend, would voluntarily drink someone else's urine. But, probably more so by the fact that he was able to drink it all without losing so much as a single drop.

When he'd finished peeing, he continued to lay there while his softening cock remained in Tomas' warm moist mouth, and Ted just stayed there thinking about the service his former friend had performed for him. Ted slowly became aware of his pubic hair being moved by the air passing in and out of his former friend's nostrils. 'Fuck,' he thought, 'I have so missed out with you, haven't I mate. If I'd only know you were this good a fuckin' cocksucker and slave; mate, I would never have sold you. Man that was such a great high.' He was about to reach down and pull Tomas up into a very passionate kiss, but stopped himself, just in time. When he remembered that Tomas had just drunk his piss, and that thought changed his mind, and he started to gag with the thought of it.

So instead he told Tomas to get his shower ready, and Ted got out of bed, and followed Tomas' perfect bubble butt into the bathroom. Wishing his own arse looked half as good as Tomas', he was sure he could bounce a coin off Tomas' firm arse if he wanted to.

With some effort, he pushed those thoughts aside as he went to the loo, and after Tomas had wiped his arse clean for him, he stepped into the shower that Tomas had already started, and stood there while Tomas washed him from head to toe, paying particular attention to his groin, and arse. Ted could feel himself getting aroused, suddenly braking out of his riviere, he looked down at Tomas, and could see that he was still hard. Ted realised that Tomas had probably been hard this whole time, because he'd forgotten to give Tomas permission to get rid of his erection. He told Tomas to get rid of his erection, and watched in fascination, as Tomas' cock slowly deflated before his very eyes.

Tomas had finished washing Ted and was drying him off, Ted bent over so that Tomas could dry his arse, when without being told, Tomas rimmed his arse out, to ensure that he had in fact cleaned every speck of shit from it. Having rimmed him out to Ted's satisfaction he dried his arse and then finished drying the rest of him. Tomas very quickly towelled himself dry, and assisted Ted to get dressed in the clothes that he was going to wear back to Melbourne. Ted went to get breakfast, without so much as a backward glance at Tomas, who stayed behind to finish cleaning Ted's room, and pack his clothes and belongings for his trip home.

When Tomas had finished cleaning Teds' room, and backing his belongings, he went back down to the slave's level and got on with the rest of his day.

Ted thanked the Masters for their hospitality, and the Masters said that they hoped that this was only the beginning of their long and happy partnership. Ted jumped into his car and began the long drive back to Melbourne.

As it was coming into the end of summer; the drive through the Grampians was very picturesque, with the leaves just beginning to turn on some of the trees. Because, he'd spent the past fortnight surrounded by, almost nothing but, naked males, who jumped to fulfil his every command, want, need, and, or desire, as he was driving through Halls Gap he couldn't stop fantasising about which of the males, he saw passing him in the street, he'd want to have as a slave and force them to do his bidding. But all he managed to do was to make himself horny again, and even though his former friend had only serviced him a couple of hours ago, he really could have done with him in the car right then.

In the end it got too much for poor Ted and he just had to pullover, and there, on the side of the road, he jacked his cock until he'd cum for the second time that morning, so he could concentrate on the drive home. It also made him marvel, yet again, about the amount of control the Masters had over their slaves if they could teach a slave to have an erection, and to get rid of it at will. He supposed that the threat of punishment could do that to a slave, or anybody else for that matter. Ted didn't realise it but he'd already started to think of the slaves as a whole lot of livestock, animals, if you will, something that wasn't human anymore, and Ted was beginning to feel the burden of owning so much livestock.

Not that he and the boys had a lot of slaves, fuck when he left Melbourne a fortnight ago, there were only two slaves locked up in the garage, but he was beginning to feel the full weight of the responsibility for them. The decisions he now had to make, for instance, is the slave too pleasing to the eye, to be a common field hand? Then he had to think about their monetary value, for example, would they have gotten more money for their slaves if they hadn't broken them in, no matter how much fun, he and the boys had in breaking them in.

The power he felt over the slaves, of life and death, oh he knew that all their slaves would have the required death certificate to finalise their paperwork, but he was talking about the real power he had in his hands. He could literally kill the two slaves he had in the garage, and no one would bat so much as an eye at him, fuck, so this is what it feels like to be a god. Master of all the slaves he owned, they had no choice, but to do what he wanted, when he wanted, and for no other reason than the fact that he wanted them to do it.

So Teds' thoughts flowed in this vain all the way home. In fact he was so caught up in this train of thought that he drove through Ararat, and had even done the ring road around Ballarat, before he even realised where he was. For the rest of the trip back to Melbourne he made some plans of changes he was going to do to the underground garage, when they got rid of these two slaves that is.

Yes, he planned to extend the garage back under the backyard. Make some permanent rooms down there, so they had somewhere to keep their slaves without anyone being the wiser. Then they could get more guys, and turn them into slaves. Yes, he'd model it on the farm, why not start the slaves conditioning while they were waiting for all the paperwork to be finalised. That way, when they sold them they would fit into the routine at the farm so much better; and why shouldn't he get woken up every day by one of the slaves sucking his cock. If he conditioned them right, fuck, he wouldn't even have to get up and pee afterwards, he'd teach his slaves to like drinking piss. Fuck, he was their master; they'd do anything he told them to. Shave them of all their body hair, so they'd know their station in life. Yes, this is the way they were going to go, and if the other guys didn't like it, then fuck 'em, he's the boss, they could 'toe the fuckin' line', or they could fuck off as far as he was concerned.

So by the time he got off the freeway and was driving through Carnegie he was all fired up and burning with the inner light of the rightness of what he was planning to do. The first thing he'd do when he got home would to go down to the garage to check on the slaves and take stock of their conditioning, and just for the hell of it he raped one of them while he was there. He was their god. He held their lives in his hands. They would worship him, no matter what.

Sated he went back upstairs and started to draw up his plans for the extensions of the underground garage. He wanted to kick their operation up a gear, he knew that Tomas was something special; you don't find livestock like him just walking around the streets now, did you? Or did you?

All the paperwork finally came through for their two slaves, so the boys loaded them into the back of the van and drove them over to the Silo in Tottenham. While he was there he and Stieg went upstairs for a bit of a chat, and he explained to Stieg his plans to expand their capacity to capture and hold more livestock. Stieg had nothing but praise for Teds' ideas and plans to expand his operation.

Before the guys all piled into their respective vehicles, Ted told them that they needed to have a meeting at his place tomorrow night, and when they had all agreed they headed off on their separate ways.

The following evening they all congregated at Teds' house, it's funny how quickly they thought of Tomas' house as Teds' house, he mused, but thinking that their friend had died could do that to a person he supposed. He was wondering if he should tell the others what had actually happened to Tomas, but wisely, he decided against it, he knew how protective his mates were about Tomas. Fuck, even he was protective of Tomas; that was why he'd made him a slave in the first place, at least this way he'd be protected for the rest of his life. As long as he did what his masters wanted him to do that is, he'd have no problems, and besides Tomas was one fine looking animal. No one would want to hurt him, nor would they, and with that thought dying in Ted's head, he dismissed Tomas from his mind for good.

When everyone had gotten themselves drinks and something to eat, Ted called the meeting to order, and he outlined his plans to extend the garage, and the reasons for wanting to have the work done. The others sat and listened to him intently, and sat in silence while they all mulled it over.

"Now, Ted," began Vince, "I do agree that extending the garage, and having secret rooms, so we can keep the slaves secret, so that no one else can find them, is a good idea. But Ted," he hastened on before Ted or anyone else could interrupt him, "we aren't at the part of the operation where the slaves have been declared legally dead yet. We're the ones taking all the risks, grabbing these guys off the street?" he held up his hands to stop the howls of protests from the other guys. "Just hear me out, Ok. That's all I want. When I've said my piece, then you guys can add to it if you want. Ok!"

As the other guys settled back down he continued, "if we grab the slaves and bring them straight here, and keep them here until we get all the required paperwork done, AND, get their guiches done and healed. We're looking at a period of about 2-3 months, and you can't tell me that no one is going to come looking for these slaves. I think if we do it that way, then we are asking for a whole lotta trouble, and I for one, do not want that kind of trouble coming down on me and my family. And, I don't know about you guys, but I'm still kinda hoping that Tomas is gunna come walking through that door any day now, and tell us he's just back from a trip overseas or something."

There were some nods and yeahs from the other guys. 'Fuck,' thought Ted, 'if they only knew. Tomas was never going to walk back into their lives ever again. Not after he'd been sold. Fuck, he'd probably not even remain in the country after that,' and he mentally laughed at them all.

"Ok! Ok!" Said Ted, "I can understand how you all feel, Ok. Fuck, he was my best friend too, Ok! Fuck he practically lived at my place, we were like brothers. Don't you think I miss him too? Don't you think I wished he'd never been riding his, fuckin' stupid bike, that night? Don't you think there isn't a day goes by that I don't miss the fucker?" Teds' eyes misted up, which he thought was a nice touch, besides, he really did miss the fucker. He gives such great head.

"Look, I'm sorry, Ted," said Vince, "we all know you loved him like the brother you never had, and I'm sorry, I know his being in that accident must have been really hard for you, and I didn't mean to bring it up again. BUT, I don't think you're looking at this thing clearly here. We can't change our operation now, just because you've been to the 'farm' and seen their operation. We don't have the protection that they do with their slaves' death certificates?"

"Yeah, I agree with Vince," Gabby broke in, "sorry to interrupt ya, Vince, but I think we still need to keep our operation low key. This is how too many people have ended up in the shit in the past, because they got too big for their boots and made stupid mistakes?"

There were some muttered agreements from the other guys.

"Ok! Ok! Ok! Look, I understand where you guys are coming from; it's partly being scared of the unknown. I mean, who jumped at the chance to sell the guys when we'd finished with 'em? I'll tell you who," Ted ploughed on before the guys could say anything, "Tomas! That was who thought we could really do this. Tomas was the one who did the research" he said holding his hand up to stop the other guys, "but it's all worked out in our favour hasn't it? We've now sold three slaves, and we should be seeing our share of the profit from the first sale soon. The money from the sale of our first slave should be coming in any day now, and when you add that to the money we stand to make off the two we sold tonight. We are all going to be fuckin' rich men. So, come on guys. Don't wimp out on me now. If you don't want to do it for yourselves, then let's do it in memory of Tomas!"

The guys eventually agreed with Ted, and after they had all gone over the plans that Ted had for the extensions to the garage, and made suggestions of improvements to it here and there, they all packed up and went home. Leaving Ted to burn with his inner passion of building a bigger and better operation than the Masters had, he might, if they were lucky, continue to send them the odd slave, but what Ted really wanted to do was to cut out the middle men. To sell his own slaves on the open market. To go into completion against the Masters. He'll show them; soon they will come begging him to join his organisation. Then he'll show them why they should have let him pop Tomas' cherry. Yes. He was god and they would be cowering at his feet, and with that idea burning brightly in his mind he went to bed, and dreamed of fucking, not only Tomas, but the Masters as well.

It took four months to get the extensions done to the garage, and having it all fitted out so that they could comfortably house their slaves there without anyone noticing. Of course they couldn't get the builders to outfit the rooms with the built in bunks they'd need for the slaves, nor could the builders outfit the dungeon they had planned for the slaves either. No, the builders just built the bare rooms for 'storage', Ted and the boys had to employ other contractors to line the bare rooms with wood, and build the bunks. They then had to employ a specialist builder to outfit the dungeon for them, but finally all the work was done, even the backyard had been landscaped, so that no one knew that the rooms were even there.

By now the boys were chaffing at the bit to go out and find themselves a new 'slave', the boys were a bit torn as a group, because some of them just wanted to go out and have some fun with any guy they could find. While the rest of them wanted to bring him back to the garage and enslave them straight away. Wisely Ted sided with the guys who wanted to just go out and have fun, so reluctantly the other guys fell into line and off they went.

So they headed off to Frankston to find a building site, which was their usual hunting ground, as most of them were in the building industry, they knew were a lot of the building sites were. So they set themselves up and waited to see if anyone would 'stumble' into their little 'party', but as no one passed them by all night, grumbling they decided to call it quits for the night. Ted called them all together first and reminded them that they weren't successful every night, and while there was some grumbling amongst the guys they all reluctantly agreed that he was right. So they all headed home, after having promised each other that they would try again in a few days.

Ted was feeling very unfulfilled, what, with having to wait for the garage to be finished, and then having to cat around for a new hunting ground, and, if he was really honest with himself, he desperately wanted to pop Tomas' cherry. Fuck, he just couldn't get that idea out of his head. In the end it got too much for Ted on the drive home, so he decided to pick up a male prostitute and have some fun with him. When he got home he did a quick internet search and called up a male escort service, and while he wasn't Tomas, in Teds' fantasy he was. Ted took the guy down to the dungeon and christened the new room with the prostitute.

He tied him to the wall and proceeded to whip him with a riding crop, starting with his buttocks and moving up his back, until the prostitute had a nice sheen of sweat, and red marks all up and down his back. Ted changed the whip for a paddle and proceeded to spank the prostitute, and Ted got so caught up in what he was doing, that he started to call the prostitute 'Tomas'.

Shortly after starting to call the prostitute Tomas, both Ted and the prostitute shot their load, Ted shot his thick ropey cum all over the prostitutes back and legs, while the prostitute shot his load all over the wall. But still Ted was left with feeling very unfulfilled. It didn't push him over the edge, sure he'd cum, but he wanted more, he wanted some kind of a contact with the prostitute, but not realising exactly what he wanted or needed for that matter. He let the prostitute loose, paid him and showed him out after he'd got dressed.

Ted was left to wander through the house, not like some caged animal that can only pace backwards and forwards in its cage. No, Ted was more like a displaced soul just drifting from place to place unable to find something to anchor itself to, and not knowing where it could go now, or what it could do. Ted felt empty inside and couldn't work out why.

In the end he went bed. It wasn't a conscience thought on his behalf, he just found himself in his bedroom, which was formally Tomas' bedroom, and Ted went to bed, in the bed that was formally Tomas'. He was finding it very hard to sleep, so he just laid there tossing and turning for most of the night. Sometime in the wee small hours of the morning he did eventually drift off into a troubled sleep. With dreams of him mastering Tomas' arse, making him beg Ted to fuck him, or Ted was dreaming of forcing his cock down Tomas' throat and just leaving it buried there until Tomas' almost passed out, through lack of oxygen. He also dreamed of beating Tomas' until he was nothing but a bloody mess laying on the floor begging for mercy. The longer he slept the more violent his dreams became. He finished up dreaming of nailing Tomas' cock to the table, and then beating him until Tomas pulled his cock off the nail that was tethering him to the table.

Naturally this had an effect on Ted and his own cock, and Ted was woken by his own cock erupting with such force that Ted felt it'd never stop. When he eventually came down from his incredible high, he couldn't touch his own cock, it was too tender. He had taken to sleeping naked, ever since he'd left his missus, and while his cock was nowhere as big as Tomas', still this morning, the weight of his cock just hanging between his legs, felt heavier than he could bear. So he grabbed a pair of his tighty whitey boxers and put them on so he could cradle his cock against his abdomen, at least it didn't hurt quite so much then.

He stripped his bed, because it just smelt so rank, well it did to him anyway, so he gathered up his bedding and dumped it in the washing machine, and turned it on. He was aware of how rank he smelt as well, but he desperately want a coffee, and thought he could put with his rank musky smell, while he made the coffee he wanted so desperately wanted. He sat the kitchen table, drinking his coffee. Then fortified by the caffeine, he had a shower and cleaned himself up a bit.

He wasn't ready for the pain in his cock when the jet of water hit it, and he almost jumped through the roof. He quickly turned the water pressure down a bit; to try and protect his poor abused cock, but found that he couldn't even stand a light misty pressure on his cock. So in the end he stood outside of the flow of the water while he lathered himself up, taking a lot of care with his poor sore cock. Then when he'd lathered himself with body wash, he gritted his teeth and jumped under the flow of water and washed the body wash off himself. Screaming, blue bloody murder, when the water hit and bounced off his cock. When he stepped out of the shower, he thought that was the worst of it, until he grabbed his cock with the towel. He must have passed out, because the next think he knew he came too laying on the floor, with a throbbing headache, and aching cock. He thought he must have hit his head when he collapsed. So while he was sitting on the floor he dried as much of himself as he could, padding his cock dry as gently as he could. He grabbed his tighty whities off the floor, and not caring that they were dirty, and a bit blood stained, he worked his legs into them. Then, gritting his teeth in preparation of the pain he knew was coming, he grabbed the side of the vanity unit and hauled himself to his feet. Screaming his head off again when his cock knocked against his leg, and then swung free on its own when he was almost on his feet. In one fell swoop he grabbed his undies and pulling them up one handed, and with his free hand he very gently grabbed his poor abused cock and holding it against his abdomen. So as he pulled up his undies the rest of the way one handed, and still holding his cock in place, he very gingerly pulled his undies up over his cock. Making some very quick, minor adjustments that he needed to so that his cock didn't get caught up in anything, or held in the wrong position, and breathed a sigh of relief when he'd finished adjusting himself. Without thinking about it he went to sit on the side of his bed to pull his pants up, and came too sometime later, realising that he must have passed out again.

At least this time he had been sitting on his bed, and he had ended up on his back. Very gingerly he checked his cock again, vainly hoping it was not quite so sore this time, but when he pulled his hand away it had blood on it. So he wisely decided to wait for a bit longer before he tried to stand up. He must have had a sleep, because the next time he looked at his bedside clock, a good hour and a half had gone by. He thought he'd be Ok to get up now, but he wisely decided to feel his cock first and see how it was going, and unbelievably, it still hurt like holy hell. Thankfully he'd got his undies on so he just reached down his legs as far as he could, and just managed to grab the top of his pants, and worked them as far up his legs as he possibly could. Having done as much as he could as he laid down, he scooted to the edge of the bed as best he could, then kind of rolled himself into a standing position. His cock was still really sore, but at least now he was in a standing position and he had his undies and pants on.

He checked his cock, before he pulled his pants right up, and could see that he had broken the skin on it in a few places, so whatever he had dreamed he was doing to Tomas. He must have been doing something really rough to himself, 'fuck' he thought to himself, 'even when the bastards not around he's causing me grief.'

He stayed in and had a very quiet day; standing up all day though wasn't fun, so when his back and legs wanted a break he lay over the kitchen bench, or over the dining room table. By late in the afternoon, he though his cock felt good enough to rub some lotion on it, and while his cock still hurt like hell. He did have to admit that it did feel a little soothed after he had finished applying the lotion. He cooked himself something simple to eat for dinner, and very wisely decided to have an early night. He very gingerly dropped his pants and stepped out of them. He decided not to remove his undies as, first he thought he might hurt his poor cock too much, and secondly he thought that at least by wearing his undies to bed it might provide a barrier so he couldn't get his hands on his cock again during the night, to easily.

Thankfully he had a better night, he didn't think he dreamed at all, so he was happy about that, and when he did a gentle exploration of his cock, he didn't think it hurt quite as much. While his cock did hurt when he threw his legs over the side of the bed, it wasn't the excruciating pain like yesterday. So deciding he needed another quiet day, he went to the kitchen and made himself some breakfast and a strong coffee. Had a shower and but some more lotion on his cock. When he looked at his cock, while he was putting some more lotion on, he thought that most of the splits in the skin had scabbed over, but because it still hurt to just let it swinging free, he grabbed another pair of tighty whitie undies. And as he was putting them on he wondered when he'd got himself so many pairs of tighty whities. He was sure they really weren't his style, not that he was complaining today, and he certainly didn't complain about them yesterday. Then it dawned on him where he'd got them, well, the truth of the matter was he hadn't bought them at all, because in fact they were Tomas' undies. But right now he was very grateful that he hadn't just thrown them out like he'd planned to do when he first moved in.

As he looked around he noticed that there was still a lot of Tomas' clothing and things left in the place. Mind you, before now, Tomas could afford better clothes than Ted could, thanks to the payout he got from the accident, but now, thanks to Tomas, funnily enough. Ted had enough money of his own, well in truth it had been Tomas', but thanks to Tomas giving him the Enduring Power of Attorney, it was all Teds' now, and Ted was thinking it was about time he got himself a whole new wardrobe. He didn't want to splash too much money around as he didn't want his ex-wife to get wind of exactly how much money Ted really had, otherwise she would demand a bigger settlement in the divorce. Ted didn't want to have to pay that bitch one cent more than he could get away with.

Forgetting about his poor cock, Ted decided to give himself a huge 'high five', but regretted it the minute his feet left the floor, as his cock certainly let him know that 'high fiving' himself certainly wasn't a good idea. At least Ted could console himself that he hadn't screamed the house down this time.

He got himself dressed in some loose fitting clothing and spent another quiet day at home. He went through his, well formally Tomas', DVD's, and made a few selections to keep him entertained all day. While he watched the movies, he didn't spare another thought for Tomas, who himself, was having a slow day.

Tomas was being readied for his sale, as his sale date drew closer.

Next: Chapter 5

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