The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Aug 5, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else




Tomas tried to roll over and go back to sleep, but someone kept persisting in shaking his shoulder. In the end whoever it was gave up, shaking his shoulder, and slapped him hard on the arse instead, which had the desired effect. He shot up and ended up cracking his skull on the top bunk, which served to remind Tomas of where he actually was. He looked up at the naked stud standing by his bed, "'bout fuckin' time. We're late, get the fuck up and help me shave." With that he stalked off into the toilet area, with Tomas, rubbing his head and arse trailing behind him.

The other eight slaves were already there, shaving each other. Tomas' shower mate shoved him under the running water, he left him there for about 30secs then fished him out, he then proceeded to lather him up and shave his entire body. He shaved his face and head, then told him to display, and while Tomas assumed the position he lathered and shaved his chest, abs, pits, and then told him to let his arms down, which he shaved as well. When he had finished the top half of Tomas he pushed him back under the water and rinsed him off. He pulled him back out of the shower, and crouching in front of him, he proceeded to shave his pubic area paying close attention to his cock and balls to ensure that he shaved every piece of skin he could see. He didn't want to leave any stubble for anyone to find, it was more than his life was worth. He told Tomas to bend over and spread his cheeks, which Tomas did, and his shower mate shaved his expose hole. His shower mate then moved down his legs and finished Tomas off by shaving his feet. He pushed Tomas back into the shower to rinse off, then when Tomas jumped out of the shower, his shower mate jumped in and Tomas performed the same service on his shower mate that his shower mate had just performed on him. But when it came to shave around his pubic area, Tomas was reluctant to touch his cock and balls, till the slave slapped him up the side of the head. "Just touch mi bloody cock. It's not gunna bite ya, for fucks sake. We're slaves, for christ sake. Haven't ya learnt that yet? Our bodies aren't our own, anymore. Now fuckin' pick mi cock up and shave the fuckin' thing."

Tomas reluctantly picked up the other slaves cock and shaved around it and his balls.

When they had finished with their toilet, Tomas was sent upstairs to shower one of the guards. He found his guard was in his bathroom already, sitting on the toilet, "You're late slave." He growled, "I don't like being kept waiting," he said as he stood up. He bent over and told Tomas to wipe his arse.

Tomas balked at the idea of wiping someone else's butt, but what choice did he have? He was a slave now. This was his life, wiping someone else's butt. So he wiped the guards arse until he couldn't see anything left. The guard told him to run the shower and set the temperature to almost hot, which Tomas did. While the shower was heating up, the guard told Tomas to help him undress. Tomas checked the temperature of the water and indicated to the guard that he thought it was Ok, the guard complained that it was a bit cool, so Tomas hastened to turn the temperature up a bit more for him.

While the guard was standing under the water he told Tomas to get in the shower with him. Tomas just looked at him, "You fuckin' stupid slave! How the fuck are you supposed to wash me if you're standing out there? Now, get the fuck in here," he shouted.

Tomas walked into the shower stall with the guard, and the guard told him to wash his back. The guard told him he wasn't using enough pressure, so Tomas scrubbed harder. When he'd washed his back, to the guards' satisfaction, he told Tomas to get his razor and give him a shave. Tomas got out of the shower stall and fetched the guards' razer from off the vanity unit, as well as the shaving cr?me. He lathered the guards face and proceeded to shave him very carefully, so as not to nick him.

The guard instructed Tomas on how to wash his face and chest; he lifted his arms so that he had access to his pits and the sides of his abdomen and the undersides of his arms. He told Tomas to wash his genitals next, so Tomas hunkered down in front of the guard and tentatively started to wash his cock and balls. The guard told him to use more pressure, but when Tomas still wasn't pressing hard enough for the guards' liking, he hit Tomas on the side of the face so that Tomas fell out of the shower stall. "Are you fuckin' stupid or what?" the guard roared at Tomas, "get the fuck back in here and wash my cock properly, you fuckin' moronic slave, and don't forget to wash under mi foreskin."

Tomas scampered back into the stall and started to wash his cock again, ensuring he washed under his foreskin, and Tomas noticed that the guards' cock was starting to grow under his ministrations. Poor Tomas didn't know what to do, he'd barely touch another man's cock in his life, and now for the second time today he's had to wash another man's cock, but this time he was being confronted by a rapidly growing erection. So Tomas gamely continued washing the man's growing cock, as if he had been doing it all his life. "Are you really that fuckin' stupid, slave? I have a NEED, now, what are you going to do about it?" he said as he glared down at Tomas.

Tomas just looked helplessly back up at the guard.

"Oh, for fucks' sake," with that the guard grabbed Tomas by the ears and forced his cock down his throat, "if I feel so much as one tooth scrape mu cock your goin' to be the sorriest fuckin' slave this place has ever seen." With that the guard continued to ram his cock down Tomas' virgin throat, totally ignoring the chocking sounds coming from Tomas as he tried to accommodate the cock down his throat. The Guard just pumped away at him until he shot his load down Tomas' throat, with the warning that he had better not waste so much as one drop of the guards' cum.

Tomas was glad he was kneeling under the running water, so that the guard couldn't see him crying while his mouth was being raped for the first time.

After the guard had finished he had Tomas wash his legs and arse. To ensure Tomas had washed his arse properly, he had Tomas clean his arse again with his tongue making sure that Tomas really drilled deeply into his hole to ensure it was all nice and clean. The only thing left for Tomas to do now was to wash the guards' hair.

Having finished in the shower, the guard instructed Tomas on how to dry him properly and to apply the guards' deodorant to his satisfaction. Using the hair dryer he dried the guards' hair and styled it as per the guards' instructions. He assisted the guard to get dressed, including kissing his cock before tucking it into his underwear. Finally dressed and ready to go, the guard told Tomas to clean his bathroom, make is bed, clean his room, then before he left, the guard told him to find the useless slave he was with, and tell the slave that he needs to be 'dressed'.

Tomas just wanted to sit on the floor and cry. He was beginning to understand why their subs had cried after some of the stuff he and his ex-friends made them do. Then, he thought it was hilarious, but not now. He tried putting his fingers down his throat so he could puke up the guards' semen, but he couldn't make himself sick, no matter how hard he tried. So in the end he just gave up. He towelled himself dry, cleaned up the bathroom, made the guards bed and cleaned his room, and went in search of the slave he met yesterday to tell him he was allowed to get dressed, finally.

He found the slave in the room he'd met him in yesterday, and told him, somewhat smugly, that he was supposed to get dressed and asked him where he'd find some clothes to put on. The slave just looked at him, somewhat incredulously, then shaking his head he told Tomas to follow him. They went back down to the slaves' area and into some kind of storeroom.

"So where are the clothes I'm supposed to wear?" Asked Tomas.

"Are you really that thick, or is this all just an act?" Asked the slave, incredulously, as he turned on him.

Tomas just looked at him. "I don't understand?" he stated to say.

The slave shook his head and, turned back to a set of shelves and looked through some of the boxes that were on one of the shelves. The slave let out a derisive bark of laughter, "here we are." He said as he held a box aloft. "It's the largest one I can find. I hope it won't be too uncomfortable for you," he said with mock sincerity. He knelt down in front of Tomas as he opened the box. Tomas could see the only things in the box were some moulded plastic things. "Um, where are my clothes?" he asked.

"Oh, just shut up!" The slave said as his patience was beginning to wear thin. "What don't you understand about what is going on here?" he asked Tomas as he looked up at him, "you're a slave! End of story. All the guards and Masters can do whatever the fuck they like to us, and there isn't a single thing any of us can do about it. Get it? Oh, by the way my back is feeling better. Thanks for asking!"

Tomas had the good grace to blush, while he stood there in abject silence, meanwhile the slave lubbed up his cock and worked his nuts and cock through a plastic ring he'd got out of the box. The slave grabbed his cock and stuffed it, non to gently, into a tube device he'd pulled out of the box as well. When he'd finally got most of Tomas' cock into the sheath the slave locked it onto the ring that was around the base of his cock and balls. "What the fuck's this?" Exclaimed Tomas.

"This," the slave replied, "is your chastity device. Now before you open your fuckin' stupid mouth again. Just shut the fuck up and listen for a change. It is there so you can't masturbate," he held up his hand to forestall Tomas' protests, "the only people who can 'play' with your cock. The only people, who can let you cum, are our Masters, and the guards. This is here to remind you of that, and to prevent you from wanking whenever you feel like it. I'm lucky our Master didn't notice yesterday or "I'd have got a bigger whipping yesterday?"

"But how can I pee with this on? How can I take it off?"

"Oh, fuck," the slave said, as he grabbed hold of the chastity device and twisted it around, cruelly, so that Tomas could see that there was a slit at the end of the device, and because his cock was so big his foreskin was being forced through the slit at the end. "You don't take it off you moron! Please don't tell me you still don't get it," he asked incredulously, "only the Masters have the keys to the locks. They are the only ones who can remove your chastity device. No one else is allowed to remove it?"

"But what about in the shower. How am I supposed to wash it?"

"Oh, fuck me! YOU don't wash it. YOU will never get to wash your own cock again. Get it? Only another slave is able to wash YOUR cock. YOU ARE A SLAVE. Get used to it!" Saying that the slave let go of Tomas' cock and told him to follow.

Now not only did Tomas have to deal with trying to walk with a chain hanging down between his legs, that kept wrapping itself around one leg or other and pulling on the piercing site cruelly. But now he had to walk around with a chastity device on his cock which seemed to increase the weight of his cock tenfold, as well as rubbing on the skin at the base of his cock and balls with every step he took. Realising he wouldn't get any sympathy from anyone; he manned up and gamely followed the other slave as he led the way out of the storeroom and upstairs. The slave took him to the kitchen and left him standing at the door, after warning him not to move of his spot until the chef gave him permission to enter. Eventually the chef noticed him standing at the door, and told him to work with one of the other slaves, who in turn was told to teach Tomas what to do.

So that was what Tomas' days consisted of for the first week, he was woken by his shower buddy, who used a hair dryer to dry his cock in the cage from now on. Tomas then went and showered his guard, but had to dry his own cock with a hair dryer when he had finished, and he went and reported for work in the kitchen, where he learnt to do dishes, prepare the food, and to serve the food to his Masters at meal-times, and how to clean up afterwards. During the second week Tomas was assigned to another guard he'd finally learned how to attend to his first guard and fulfil all his needs. Now Tomas was having regular, daily bondage sessions, added to all his other duties, so Tomas was gradually getting used to his new station in life and didn't rail quite so much at the unfairness he felt at his new life.

Two and half months after Tomas first arrived at the farm, he was up to his last guard. He was told that when he could shower him correctly he would be moved onto the auxiliary staff at the farm, and then move onto the Masters.

He was on his way to the kitchen, after he'd finished showering his latest guard, when he was waylaid by one of the other slaves' who told him he wasn't going to the kitchen today. He was supposed to help transport one of the Masters around the farm in the jig; the slave led him back down to the slaves' level and in one of the cupboards in the storage was full of crude leather shoes, which were just a little bit more than closed over sandals. Tomas was told to find a pair in his size. When they were both shod, the slave took Tomas outside for the first time since he had entered the house two and a half months ago. By now Tomas was so comfortable in his nudity that he didn't bat an eye going outside naked.

The other slave led him back into the shed that Tomas had first seen when he had been released from his box, and as they were there on their own, Tomas looked around the very large shed. There was a truck parked there with the roller door open, and Tomas could see racks were the boxes could be stored with the slaves for transport. Against the wall he could see about 100 boxes that he assumed were all used to transport slaves, just like he, and the other slaves he arrived with, had been transported in. Against the other wall there were some carts, wagons, and jigs.

Tomas asked the other slave where the horses were kept, and the other slave laughed at him. "You're joking right?" he said, but then he must have thought about it for a minute, "Oh, right. You haven't been outside the house have you?"

"No, why?" Tomas asked.

"There are no horses here?"

"Then how are they supposed to ride in the jig?" he asked.

The slave just stood and looked at him for a bit. "Seriously after all the time you've been here, you still haven't worked out how all this works yet? Seriously?"

Tomas just stood looking at him uncomprehendingly. The slave took Tomas over to the wall where a lot of harnesses were hanging, taking one down he handed it to Tomas, "here. This is for you?" he said as he took another one off the wall for himself.

"You don't mean that we are going to pull the jig, do you?"

"Give the slave a gold fuckin' star! Of course we are going to pull the jig. Why use horses, or tractors, or any kind of vehicle for that matter, when you have all the slaves you could possibly want to use instead!" With that the slave showed Tomas how to but on his harness, he selected a bridle for Tomas as well and helped Tomas to put it in, making sure that the tongue depressor went on top of his tongue. The slave also connected the reins to his bridle as well. When the slave deemed them both to be ready he took Tomas over to the jig and showed him how to connect everything to the shafts of the jig. There was even a hook for the chain that hung from his guiche to be clipped to, as they didn't want him to be tripped up by it and have an accident. When the slave was happy that everything was connected properly, he got Tomas to walk around the shed for a bit while he got used to pulling the jig. Tomas soon got used to it and was walking in step with the other slave, the slave told Tomas that he thought he was ready so, he put on his own bridle, and together they pulled the jig out of the shed into the yard and waited for their Master or guard to arrive.

They waited for about 30mins before they heard someone come out of the house and get into the jig, and pick up to the reins. While Tomas was getting ready to walk off with the other slave and take the Master wherever he wanted to go, his concentration was broken when he felt someone put their hand on his right buttock and say, "G'day, buddy. Don't you look fantastic!"

Tomas' head almost snapped around at the sound of Teds' voice, as he'd dreamed of the day they'd meet, if they ever met, and what he'd planned to say and do to the man he hated most in the whole world, but now his training prevented him from having the reaction he'd always dreamed and hoped for. Instead he continued to look straight ahead, as though Ted had never spoken at all.

Ted looked up at the Master who was waiting in the jig for him, "Man, you really do train your slaves well here, don't you?" Tomas inwardly cringed at the sound of that word coming out of Ted's mouth. Ted stood back and drank in the sight of his former friend standing harnessed in the jig. Totally hairless, except for his eyebrows, and with a chastity device attached to his cock so he couldn't masturbate. "I had no idea you'd look so fuckin' hot. Christ, if I had known you'd look this fuckin' hot. I would have shaved you myself years ago, and say, I do love the chastity device." Ted asked the Master how long he'd been wearing the chastity device for, and the Master told him that he'd worn it from the first day. Ted uttered a low 'fuck me', as he ran his hands over Tomas' body appreciatively, feeling all the muscles under his velvety skin, and reached down and cupped and fondled his big nuts. Then slapping him hard on the butt, Ted walked back and got up into the jig.

With a flick of the whip, to get the slaves moving, they were off, because the slaves were houseboys they didn't travel all over the thousand acre farm. Instead they went along a track that had been cut into the mountain and bush that offered a view of the most of the farm. Stopping the slaves from time to time the Master showed Ted the general layout of the farm, and the Master explained that they had approximately a thousand head of slaves on the farm at the moment, and that no slave was kept at the farm for longer than 10-11 months. He told Ted that if he and his associates could guarantee a steady supply of new slaves, then they would have to think about acquiring more land and then they'd be able to increase the output of their other produce. Pointing up the sides of the mountains and showed Ted the wind turbines that they'd installed, in part to generate electricity for the farm, and any extra electricity they produced, they sold back into the grid, and helped power one of the local towns.

Ted was looking out at the fields and paddocks and asked the Master what kinds of mounts the guards were riding on. The Master smiled, and giving Ted a set of binoculars, told him to look closer. Ted gave a low whistle, "Are they slaves?"

"Of course they are. All our field slaves are conditioned to the saddle and can carry their masters all day, if they are treated properly. Our slaves take the place of any other livestock used for such purposes on other farms."

Ted gave a low whistle, as the Master turned the jig around and they headed back to the big house, and the Master continued to inform Ted that they condition all their slaves not to speak unless they have been given permission to do so. Ted was trying to pay attention, but he was mesmerized by the sight of the naked form of Tomas, as he ran in front of him pulling the jig, and he loved watching Tomas' arse bouncing around. "Do you condition your slaves to have sex with men," Ted asked, somewhat thickly.

"Of course we do," laughed the Master, "what's the point of having all this livestock walking around if we don't make use of it. Fuck man, we're not monks here," he laughed, "all our slaves are taught how to pleasure a man, or woman for that matter. Yes, it would have to be a mighty fine slave that we don't break in. Now you take that slave you sold us, for example, he came to us a virgin, and he is such a nice piece of flesh that we've decided that we are going to keep his virginity. We all stand to make a fortune out of him."

"What!" exclaimed Ted. "But I wanted to fuck him. That was one of the main reasons I sold him into slavery in the first place?"

"Oh, no Ted," the Master said indulgently, "this is one of the things you have to learn about the slave trade. Virgins and I mean true virgins, like that slave there," he said as he indicated Tomas with his whip, "bring a huge premium on the open market. The buyers in the Middle East, for example go absolutely ape when they can get their hands on a virgin white slave. They like the pleasure of breaking them in themselves. No one here is going to touch that slave. But we are teaching him how to pleasure his betters; all our slaves are taught how to pleasure their betters."

Ted sulked a bit until the Master asked him how he got the money to buy into their operation. So for the rest if the trip back to the big house Ted explained how he'd got the idea to sell Tomas into slavery from talking to Stieg on the night they had sold their very first slave. In fact, Ted confided to the Master, how it was really all Tomas' doing, he was the one who found the site on the dark web in the first place. He was the one who convinced all the guys that they should sell their conquests when they'd finished with them. He was the one who put up the deposit so they could sell their first slave, and while Ted really wasn't sold on the idea of selling Tomas into slavery, Ted explained it was the fact that Tomas had got himself pierced with a guiche, well that seemed to prove that he must have wanted to be sold into slavery, didn't it. All he had to do was agree to be Tomas next of kin. Tomas was the one who insisted that Ted have Enduring power of Attorney. The hard part of the plan was going to get Tomas to get the required physical in order to get the death cert so he could be sold. It was a sheer fluke that Tomas told him he didn't have any life insurance, so then it didn't take too much effort to get him to have the physical done. So with everything gifted to Ted, there was nothing to stop him from selling Tomas, so that's what he did.

Ted cracked up laughing when he explained to the Master, the look on Tomas' face when he realised that he'd been sold into slavery. For the rest of the trip he explained to the Master how he'd divorced his partner, before she realised that he was now worth a couple of million, yes he's keeping all the money in Tomas' bank account so her lawyers can't find it. They have modified Tomas' old house, now that Ted owns it, so they can keep slaves in the underground garage until they are ready to sell them.

As they pulled into the yard, Ted exclaimed that this was all made possible because of Tomas insisting that they sell their conquests as slaves. The two men laughed together as they went into the house, while the slaves put the jig back in the shed, and put everything back where they had got it from. Neither slave said anything to each other. What was there to say? There was a part of Tomas deep down inside that wanted to rail at the unfairness of it all, but he could also see how big a part he'd played in his decent into slave hood. His conditioning wouldn't let him say or do anything about it, now, without permission.

Later that day Tomas went to one of the dungeon rooms for one of his daily bondage sessions and stood, on display, in the middle of the room. He heard some people enter the room and walk towards him. He felt someone run their hand down his back and over his arse. "Today, Ted is the first day that this slave will have his chastity device removed. It's been almost two and a half months since it arrived and it has been caged that entire time. Normally we would wait for another month or so, but seeing as you were the one who sold it to us, and as you are here for the week. I thought we'd see just how well it's taken to its' training." With that the Master produced a key from his pocket and unlocked the chastity device from Tomas' cock, and for the first time in two and a half months his cock was able to hang down to its' full length. Tomas, due to his training didn't utter a sound, or show relief, or pleasure at having his cock released in anyway.

"Now," the Master continued to talk to Ted who was standing behind Tomas, "all slave are subjected to, at least daily bondage sessions, particularly at the start of their training. Towards the end of their time with us, before we sell them, they can be subjected to 3-4 bondage sessions daily. We do this so we know that all our slaves will be able to perform all the duties that their new owners will expect of them, and of course, live up to our high standards.

Now, as it is the first time this particular slave has had his chastity device removed, let's see how it performs, shall we."

"Slave get hard," the Master said, but Tomas wasn't quite sure what he meant, until the Master flicked his cock with the riding crop he had in his hand, while he repeated the order, "I told you, slave, to get hard. Now let me see you obey, boy!"

Still there was no response from Tomas. The Master seemed to be expecting this, as he walked calmly over to the back wall and got a smaller whip. He stood off to the side of Tomas, but still facing him, he started to whip his cock and balls with the tiny whip. "I am going to keep whipping your cock and balls, boy until you get hard. NOW, get hard," the Master roared at Tomas as he continued to whip his cock and balls. Not really sure why it was happening, but Tomas did find that he was glad about it, his cock started to get hard under the ministrations of the Master and his whip, until it was stand erect, pointing almost straight up his abdomen.

"Fuck me," exclaimed Ted under his breath, as he came around Tomas to see if he actually obeyed the command.

"By the time it leaves here it will be able to get an erection on command, or lose it just as quickly on command. We expect full obedience from our slaves in everything."

Ted gave a low, appreciative, whistle.

"Now," continued the Master to Tomas, "I expect you to maintain your erection throughout this session. Is that understood? Speak."

"Yes, Master."

"Now," he continued, addressing Ted, "when we do a session with a slave, it is most important to have control over ourselves as well. We do not want to maim or mark our slaves in any way, as that, then, drops the sale value of our livestock. Do you understand?"

Ted could only nod; he hadn't been able to look away from Tomas erect cock. The Master noticed Ted's reaction, and a smirk spread over his face, as he shook his head slightly.

'Now, slave let's begin," with that the Master grabbed a leather strap, and proceeded to beat Tomas' back and torso, while Tomas remained rooted to the spot, nor did he flinch from his Masters beating. A light sheen of sweat began to appear all over Tomas' body. The Master spared a glance at Ted's crotch and he could see that Ted was rock hard and leaking precum in his pants. Meanwhile, Tomas still maintained his erection, as per his Masters instructions. When the Master grew tired of beating Tomas with the strap, he tied him, with his back to a cross attached to the wall, and gave him permission to lose his erection, which took some doing on Tomas' part, but he did manage it, eventually. He then outlined his pectoral muscles with pegs, and continued down in a line on each side of his abdomen, and then across the bottom of his abdomen. So now his six pack was now nicely outlined by pegs. He put three pegs on each pap, and did a line of pegs down the top of his penis. He used three pegs to hold his foreskin closed, and finished up running a line of pegs down the sides of his scrotum until his scrotum was ringed with pegs. Having finished applying all the pegs he retrieved the riding crop and proceeded to flick the pegs at odd intervals.

Tiring of that, the Master ditched the riding crop and started to flick the pegs with his fingers, alternating with rubbing whole sections, of pegs, with his hands. By now Tomas was drenched in sweat, and Ted was leaking so much precum, that he had a very noticeable wet patch on his pants. Tiring of the game, the Master started to pull the pegs of singly, or in groups of twos or threes, until there were no pegs left on Tomas' body except for his pecs and foreskin. The Master got a leather strap and started to beat Tomas around the chest, abdomen, and legs, until his body glowed, not only with sweat, but with a nice red colour.

The Master untied Tomas and turned him around and retied him spreadeagled to the wall and proceeded to beat Tomas on his back, arse, and legs.

The Master returned the strap to its position on the wall. He tied Tomas up, starting with his ankles and working the ropes up his body until he had secured his entire body right up to his neck. He put a ball gag and blindfold on Tomas. Laid him on the floor, and turning off the light, left Tomas on his own.

When they were outside the dungeon room, the Master suggested to Ted that he might like to get changed before he meets up with everyone for lunch. "What I really would like to do is fuck Tomas right now," replied Ted.

The Master sighed, "My dear boy," he said laying his hand lightly on Teds' arm, "as I told you, here at the farm, it is all about teaching our slaves their place and station in life. In turn we sell them when we think they are ready on the 'open market', to the highest bidder. The slave in there," he continued, indicating Tomas, "is worth more as a 'virgin' than as a common house slave. We estimate that we could get $125,000.00 just for his virginity alone. So if you want to pay for his virginity, you are more than welcome. But, rest assured that $125,000.00 is the absolute minimum we would accept for his virginity, and if you want it that badly, then you would have to bid against the rest of the Masters. We do expect a good market price, and you bidding on your own would not produce a good market value, now would it?"

Ted conceded the point, and went and got changed for lunch. The Master watched him go, feeling nothing but contempt for the man, who had no problem with selling his friend into slavery. The Master had to admit that Tomas was the best piece of man flesh they'd had the pleasure of breaking and training in a long time, and he should truly fetch a fine price on the blocks. No, it was the fact that Ted had no self-control; he lusted too much after his former friend to be able to make good business decisions where he was concerned. Ted still didn't understand that they were giving their slaves a better life, what could be better for a slave than to serve those who are better than them?

Tomas' training continued, learning how to have an erection on command and maintaining it until he was commanded to let it go. He was having bondage sessions three times a day now, it became as no surprise to Ted, if he 'happened' to be in one of the dungeons, to find Tomas suspended from the ceiling, or tied to the wall. Lying on the floor bound from head to foot and covered in wax, or tied up somewhere with weights tied to his nuts, cock or tits, or even to see him walking around the house with weights tied to his nuts. He did notice that Tomas had adopted the slightly wider stance, particularly when he was walking to accommodate the chain that permanently hung from his guiche.

Ted did try to be present for Tomas' bondage sessions, for a number of reasons, he loved seeing Tomas being used and abused, and he couldn't help but get turned on by seeing his former friend being beaten, tied up, covered in wax, or restrained in other ways. Ted decided that seeing Tomas mummified, with only his face visible, with his blindfold on, and his genitals free, was a huge turn on. When he discovered Tomas lying on the bench mummified for the first time, he couldn't help himself, he just has to go in, to 'admire' the Masters handiwork of course, but secretly he also wanted to play with Tomas' cock and balls. To feel the silky smoothness of his hairless ball bag, as he rolled his nuts in his hand, and applied more and more pressure on his nuts. He wondered how much pressure he would have to apply to make Tomas break his training and cry out in pain, but he couldn't make him cry out in pain. No matter how much pressure he applied to his nuts. He stopped when he thought he was going to break his nuts, and he thought of the money this stud was going to bring him, the money this stud had already brought him.

Letting go of Tomas' nuts he stated to fondle his cock instead. Rolling back his foreskin to expose the glands of his cock, and watched it glistening wetly in the dim light. Letting go of his foreskin so it could roll back and cover Tomas' cock head again, Ted decided to try and push as much of his cock as he could back into Tomas' abdomen. When he'd made Tomas' cock as small as he could, with his free hand he pulled Tomas' ball bag over the top of his cock, so it looked like Tomas only had a mound instead of the huge cock and balls Ted was use to seeing on him. Ted wondered if the Masters would ever allow him to sew his cock into his ball sack as a permanent arrangement, but rightly decided that it would diminish his resale value. Not wanting to be caught playing with Tomas genitals he reluctantly left Tomas alone, and went off to find the Master who was teaching him all the bookwork that was required in purchasing, maintaining, and ultimately selling a slave.

All up, it actually took Ted two weeks to learn all the paperwork that was required, instead of the week he thought it would originally, he also had a computer program to download to his computer, but Ted always found time daily to slip away and find Tomas being restrained in one of the dungeons somewhere. The day he found Tomas bound outside, Ted almost shot his load on the spot. He was bound by his hands to a post with some kind of a contraption strapped to his leg with the other leg tied up to the post as well, so Tomas was effectively standing only on one leg. He was blindfolded and had a ball gag in his mouth. Ted found a remote control hanging around Tomas' neck with a note attached to it, which read 'Please use me', and when ted pushed one of the buttons he could hear the electric shock that the device attached to Tomas' leg was delivering to Tomas. Ted thought that the bondage sessions they did to Tomas in the dungeons was the hottest thing he had ever seen, but this, this, having Tomas bound to the post like this, out in the open for just anyone who wanted to, be they Masters, Guards, or auxiliary staff, to use Tomas as they went past. Has to be the hottest thing Ted has experienced yet.

What Ted didn't know, was that there were close-circuit cameras set up all through the house, and the grounds as well, so the Masters knew exactly what Ted has been doing to Tomas, and what he has fantasised about doing to Tomas. Not that the Masters cared one iota about what Ted did to Tomas, if he wanted to make the weights that were tied to Tomas' cock and balls swing, when he thought no one was watching, what did they care. But they wanted to make sure that Ted didn't give in to his desire to fuck Tomas that the Masters could not allow to happen, Tomas was to valuable a slave to let anything like that happen to him.

Next: Chapter 4

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