The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Aug 2, 2016



Tomas slowly came too. He felt like he was hung over, his head was pounding, his mouth was dry, and he had a need to pee. He opened his eyes but couldn't see anything. He could hear something or someone moving around, so he tried to call for help, but he couldn't as his throat was dry and all he could manage was a croak.

He tried to sit up but discovered that he was tied down, and it was then that he slowly remembered what had happened to him. Being sold as a slave by his former best friend, being strapped into a box, being drugged and loaded onto some kind of a vehicle and shipped off to who knows where. Realising that he couldn't move, even though he wanted to, he lay there and tried to work out where he actually was. As he listened he could here other people moaning and groaning, and he could faintly hear someone yelling and screaming. So he knew he wasn't the only person trapped in a box. He could hear and feel the rumble of a motor, so he assumed he was in a truck or a van of some kind.

He realised that it was pointless trying to call for help because slavery was illegal in this country and these people had been doing this for a very long time, so he was sure they would have some kind of soundproofing so that people outside the vehicle wouldn't be able to hear anyone inside the vehicle. As he laid there he silently apologised to the guy he had sold into slavery, all those months ago, as now he was experiencing the same thing himself, this is what he'd condemned his slave to. Neither he, nor the other guys had given any thought about what would actually happen to their 'slave' once they'd sold him. All they had thought about was the money, and how much they could all make out of the deal. Hell they'd even talked about giving up their day jobs and becoming full-time slavers, it seemed like such easy money.

He vaguely wondered if he would run into the guy wherever he was going. He did feel a bit uneasy when he wondered if he would remember him, and what his reaction could be seeing him again. He hadn't even given a thought as to what the guys they'd 'mastered', and released when they'd finished with them, were doing now. Had they gone back to their old lives, were they still capable of doing that or had they been doomed to a life of trying to find a Master, and how would those formally straight guys cope with that.

Now he had to live with the knowledge that he'd been sold just like a piece of property, something someone didn't have any use for now, a chattel, just like so much livestock. If he hadn't been tied down so tightly, he'd have kicked himself again, for begging Ted to be his next of kin. For insisting that Ted had Enduring Power of Attorney. How he'd let Ted talk him into needing life insurance and naming Ted as the sole beneficiary. How he let Ted talk him into going to see the Dr they took the slave to, and getting him to do a 'complete' physical. Fuck, he had to be the biggest mug on the fuckin' planet. Then to top it all off he had to go and get himself a guiche piercing, because he thought having an ear ring'd make him look poofy. Well look at him now, right now he'd settle for looking poofy.

Fuckin' Ted, he wondered when Ted'd come up with the idea of selling him into slavery. Was it when they sold their slave, actually come to think of it both he and Stieg had disappeared upstairs while he'd been on the loo, and Tomas wondered if they had in fact discussed selling him as a slave then, was it then that Ted had decided to sell him as a slave. Why on earth had he got himself pierced! If only he hadn't found that stupid website, he'd had no business fuckin' around on the dark web, if he hadn't downloaded all that literature. If he hadn't shown the other guys and convinced them about all the money they could make, god he felt sick.

Tomas lost himself in his musings, his self-loathing, his hatred of Ted and the other guys, his hatred of the slavers and the life he'd condemned himself to. So much so that he lost track of time, and must have fallen asleep again, because when he woke up this time, the vehicle he was in wasn't moving, and he couldn't hear the rumble of the motor. Then the fear factor kicked in, what if they've been in an accident. Fuck, what if someone breaks into their boxes and find all these naked males secured inside? What if they were just left in the boxes to die? A part of him knew that they wouldn't do that because of the money they stand to make from the sales? What if HE was the only one left in the box, off in some corner somewhere, in the hope that HE would die? He knew it wouldn't matter to Ted anymore, fuck he was a wealthy man now thanks to Tomas, sure if they sell him, they might be able to make a lot more money. Tomas was beginning to wonder how greedy Ted actually was. How he could take money over their friendship. He'd loved Ted like a brother. Brothers didn't do this to each other. Did they?

His train of thought was broken into when he thought he heard someone opening the back of the vehicle. He tried to strain his ears. Was that the sound of another vehicle? Then he heard the chains on his box rattling, and he was more relieved than he thought he would ever be. He knew that he was going into a life of slavery, but right now he didn't care. All he wanted was to get out of this damn box. He's not claustrophobic normally, but the front panel of the box was only a couple of centimetres from his face, not that he could see it now, and he knew the box wasn't a whole lot wider than him, nor was there much space between the top of the box and his head.

Again his musings were broken into when he felt his box being moved and he almost cried with relief. He felt the box being moved out the back of the vehicle, and then he was stood up, but he was left locked in the box while they got the other slaves out. It took 30mins to get all the boxes out of the vehicle and stood on their ends. Tomas heard them opening the boxes one by one, and the warning that was given to all the slaves, so by the time they got to his box he could almost recite the warning word for word.

They took the front of his box off, and Tomas had to squint into the light that was flooding into his box. He heard the sides of his box being unclipped, and by the time they came to undo his straps, his eyes had grown accustom to the light. He could see one of the guards standing in front of him with a taser in his hand.

"Ok, slave; you know what this is, don't you?" Tomas nodded, remembering what happened back at the silo when he spoke without permission, "Good. This is what's going to happen. We're going to undo your straps; if you try any funny business I'm going to zap you. Now I know you were zapped at the silo, but I promise you that that will feel like a tickle compared to this one. Do you understand?" Tomas nodded. "Good."

With that he stood back while two other guards came and undid Tomas' straps, they left the chain tethering him to the bottom of the box by his guiche, till last. They told him to step out of the box, and although his legs felt a bit rubbery, and wondering if they'd hold his weight, he stepped gingerly out of the box. While he revelled in the space he suddenly had all around him, he was struck by the cold, and he actually started to shiver a little bit.

The guards told the slaves to stand in a line behind each other, and then the chain that was attached to their guiche was attached to the guiche of the slave in front of them and Tomas could feel the chain of the slave behind him being attached to his guiche. He soon realised that if he tried to pull away from the slave in front, then he'd probably rip his guiche out, and the same would happen to him to him if the slave behind him tried to run. Knowing where the guiche was he figured that they'd probably bleed to death before anyone could save them. If anyone wanted to save then that is. Tomas was now beginning to understand why the deposits on the slaves was so high, if any slave died, then they still had the $250,000.00 deposit that had been paid by the seller, which wasn't too bad he supposed not knowing exactly how much they could sell a slave for.

"Right, slaves, you're going to be checked by the Dr. Then you will be graded for the areas you will be trained in," with that he grabbed hold of the lead slaves' chain and told him to follow him. Naturally all the other slaves followed along behind, 'cause none of them wanted to rip out the guiche of the slave in front, and each slave silently hoped that the slave behind him would follow them for the same fears they had about their own guiches. So, they walked bare foot out of the shed they were in, and walked across a large concreted yard, looking past all the naked slaves in front of him, it looked to Tomas as if they were heading to a large squat white building. Sure enough they were taken inside the building, which was obviously an administrative block, as they passed a lot of offices as well as some larger rooms that Tomas had no idea what they could be used for. Eventually they ended up in a long room that was some kind of medical room, as there were all sorts of medical equipment spread out around the room. Including some examination benches, some scales, and other stuff.

They stood were they were left by the guards and waited. Tomas wasn't sure how long they had waited but eventually a door opened at the other end of the room and some men came in wearing white coats, so Tomas assumed that they were the medical staff. They worked their way down the line examining each slave in turn. When it was Tomas' turn they checked his hair, eyes, and teeth, none to gently as far as he was concerned. They ran their hands all over his body, making note of his muscle tone, one of them picked his cock up and rolling back the foreskin and checked his clans for any abnormalities, they even forced his piss slit open and checked down there as well. While it didn't necessarily hurt per se, it was very uncomfortable, and while Tomas had no problem with guys looking at his naked body. In fact he loved watching guys drool over his body; he loved the rush of power he felt, but this. This situation was totally different, here he had no control over his body what soever and what's more his traitorous cock seemed to be liking the attention it was being shown, as he could feel it slowly growing. Before he could do anything about it though, one of the men pulled a taser out of his pocket and zapped his cock near the base, and while it wasn't as big a shot as he had received at the silo. It was enough of a shock to make his cock change its mind almost immediately as it deflated instantly, and Tomas almost screamed from the pain, but with a lot of effort on his part, he held it in.

They bent him over while they checked his piercing site and then started to shove things up his arse as they checked that out as well, it hurt so much that he assumed they had some kind of speculum shoved up there as it felt like his hole was stretched so wide that they could have walked in there and had a look if they'd wanted to. After what felt like an eternity, they were obviously happy with their examination as he felt the speculum pulled out of his arse, again none to gently, and mercifully they moved on down the line of slaves.

Finally they were finished examining them all and all the results were entered into a notebook computer that one of them carried, and they left out the door they had come in. As they left, the guards returned and this time they were led out the door they had come in, back down the corridor they had came down when they had entered the building in the first place. The guards opened one of the doors they had walked past and they entered a small room with another door at the other end. This room had no windows so the slaves had no idea what was happening around them, nor why they were in this particular room. One by one they were led out through the door at the other end of the room.

Finally it was Tomas' turn, he bent over at the waist when he was instructed to, and he wondered if he would ever get used to revealing his hole to anyone who wanted him to bend over anytime they wanted to, and waited for the chain from the slave behind him to be unhooked. The guard told him to stand up as he picked up Tomas' chain, ensuring that Tomas would follow him. Tomas did have to marvel at the effectiveness of that particular method of control because Tomas didn't think anyone would want to pull against it for fearing they'd pull it out, and Tomas for one didn't want that to happen to him. So he followed meekly along behind the guard as he was led through the door.

He was led to the centre of a room beside a small box, and there the guard left him and went and stood in the corner of the room. Tomas looked at the other men in the room and wondered what was going to happen to him now. The men surrounded Tomas and they poked and prodded him again, and talked amongst themselves in quiet voices so that Tomas couldn't work out what they were saying to each other. After they had all looked into his eyes, and checked his teeth, and ran their fingers around the inside of his mouth, they ran their hands over every inch of his body and, he hoped, marvelling at his great physic. They had him bend over and they all managed to shove at least one finger up his poor abused hole; that felt like it was so stretched now it wouldn't have surprised him if they could have driven a truck up there. Finally they all poked, prodded, and weighed his cock and balls, and again because of all the attention they were paying his cock, it began to rise to the occasion. No matter how hard Tomas tried to think of something else, he was almost in tears when his cock was ramrod stiff and almost pointing straight up his belly, but still they teased his cock and balls, until Tomas couldn't hold it any longer, and his cock exploded; spraying cum up his chest and over the floor. Tomas was frightened that he was going to be punished for cumming and he was almost right, as one of the men ordered him to clean all the mess up. Tomas just looked at him uncomprehending the instruction. One of the other men told him to clean up all his cum, and as understanding dawned on him he scooped all the cum up off his chest and abbs, and then looked around for somewhere to put it. One of the men sighed heavily, and at that moment he noticed, out of the corner of his eye, the guard starting to move in his direction, pulling his taser out of his belt, as he approached. Not knowing what else to do he sucked all the cum off his fingers and hand, "Finally," one of the men said.

After he finished licking his fingers and hand clean he stood and looked directly in front, "What about all the fuckin' mess on the floor? Who do you thing is going to clean that mess up, you fuckin' stupid slave? Maybe I should get down and clean up your mess for you, hmm?"

Tomas looked at him in growing distress; again he could see the guard leaving his post in the corner. Finally one of the men barked at him to, "Get on your fuckin' knees, slave, and clean up your fuckin' mess!"

With that Thomas fell on the floor, on his hands and knees, and then realised that he had nothing to clean the floor with, so without stopping to think he licked every spot of cum off the floor he could find. He was about to get up when he noticed a couple of spots on one of the men's shoes, and without being told he crawled over and proceeded to lick his shoes clean as well. Leaving him on his hands and knees, one of the men walked over to a table and picked something up. He told Tomas to kneel, and Tomas complied instantly, then he heard and felt the clippers being run over his head, and because of his nudity he felt every hair that fell from his head. The man then proceeded to shave Tomas' entire body until there was not a single hair left on his body, he'd even had to stand and spread his arse cheeks so that his hole could be shaved. He was sure it wasn't going to be for the last time that he'd mentally beg for forgiveness not only from the slave he sold into this hellhole, but from all the men he had helped to turn into a cock lovin' bitch for him, and his so called friends, to use and abuse.

He knew he'd never get out of here a free man ever. When he'd been totally denuded of hair with the clippers, they went over his body again with a razor and shaving cr?me, so by the time they had finally finished shaving him, he was as smooth as the day he was born. He even had goose pimples, he'd never felt so cold in his life. When he looked down at himself, his genitalia looked huge and seemed to be hanging off his body obscenely. So much so that he wanted to cover himself with his hands, but correctly thought that he might have got punished for that.

"Ok, slave, now I want you to stand and display. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart, and your hands locked behind your neck. From now on you will never look a real man in the eye again, is that clear?"

Tomas nodded, while he moved to assume the position he was told to stand in. "Good boy," Tomas cringed inwardly, "now while you are being spoken to you will have your eyes down cast at all times. Is that understood?"

Tomas nodded and looked at the floor, "Good boy, we have decided that you will be a houseboy. We think you are too good a piece of slave flesh to be squandered in the paddocks and fields. Do you have any questions boy?" Tomas was about to open his mouth, when all the men around him roared with laughter, and Tomas realised that he had no opinion as far as these, and any man he now met, were concerned. So he wisely kept his mouth shut. While he could feel something deep inside of him die.

The guard came over and told him to stand down, not being very sure what he meant he unclasped his hands from behind his neck and left them by his sides. The guard told him to follow, and without a backwards glance, or taking him by the chain, he walked out through one of the doors set into the back wall of the room, with Tomas following him as best he could with the chain dangling between his legs from his guiche. Tomas was sure it wasn't going to be the last time he cursed himself for getting himself the bloody thing in the first place.

Training his eyes on the heels of the shoes of the guard, Tomas walked across the concreted yard to the large house he had failed to notice on his last trip across the yard. The guard stopped at the door and Tomas stood behind him and waited. Then without any warning the guard spun around and backed handed him across the face, hard enough to knock him to the ground. "What the fuck are you waitin' for, you fuckin' useless maggot," he yelled at Tomas. "get up off the fuckin' ground and open this fuckin' door for me so I can get in." Tomas scrambled to his feet and ducked around the guard and held the door open for him. Without so much as a glance at tomas, the guard walked through the door and Tomas followed him with his eyes down cast. Tomas' perineum hurt, as in his rush to get back on his feet after the guard had knocked him to the ground, he'd accidently stood on the chain and it in turn pulled on his guiche, but he didn't think he could feel blood coming from the site, but he'd certainly seen stars.

He hobbled down the corridor after the guard, making sure he kept his eyes down cast so all he could see were the openings of the rooms he passed, and trying to keep up as best he could, as he didn't want to get hit again. He also became aware of someone, or maybe it was more than one person screaming somewhere in the house, and found himself wondering what had he got himself into again, for the umpteenth time since this whole sorry saga had started.

The guard stopped at one of the doorways, and telling Tomas to wait he entered the room, and after a little bit, totally ignoring Tomas, the guard came out of the room and went back the way they had come. Leaving Tomas standing in the corridor, unsure of what he was supposed to do now, so he just continued to stand there with his eyes down cast, and waited.

Eventually, someone's bare feet came into view, but Tomas had learnt better than to look up, or to speak without having permission to do so first, fuck, he'd certainly learnt a lot in the last two or three days. He still wasn't sure how long he'd spent locked up in the truck.

"So, slave, first day's a bitch ain't it? Speak!"

"Yes it is, Sir," Tomas said with feeling.

"Follow me," the slave said as he led the way into the room. Indicating a chair he told Tomas to sit. "Now, I am going to tell you the list of rules for us slaves, and you are expected to remember each one. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir."

The slave looked horrified, "don't ever call another slave, sir again. Is that understood? If any of our Masters hear you, both you and the slave you address as sir will be flogged. Do you understand?"

"Um, yes, sorry s?" Tomas managed to stop himself just in time.

The slave just rolled his eyes, "Ok, your toilet. You will be assigned another slave, and you both will be responsible for making sure each other is totally shaved, every day. If the slave you have been assigned to is found with so much as stubble anywhere on their body, then both of you will be punished. Is that understood?"


"Good. It's your responsibility to ensure that he has cr?me rubbed on his pubic area, his arm pits, and arse crack to prevent chaffing and any other nasties. Neglect to do this and you will be punished. Is that understood?"


"Good. You will also be assigned one of the guards and he will instruct you on how to shower him corectly, and learn how to attend to his toilet, to his satisfaction. If you don't learn how to do this on the first day, then you will be punished each day until you learn how to do this correctly. Is that understood?"


"Good. When you have learnt how to perform his toilet to his satisfaction, you will then be reassigned to another guard and you will be expected to learn his toilet routine, and so on until you have performed this service for all the guards. Then when you have performed this service for all the guards, you will then be expected to perform this service for the masters. Is that understood?"


"Good. Now come with me and I will show you around the lower floor." With that the slave stood up and led the way out the door, with Tomas following close on his heels. "Now, when you are walking through the house you will walk as close to the left hand wall as you possibly can. Is that understood?"

"Yes," said Tomas as he moved against the wall.

"Good. If a master or a guard approaches you from either direction, you will stop and wait for them to pass you by, and of course you know that you have to have your eyes down cast at all times. Is that understood?" Tomas said he understood.

"Good," and so it went on, and Tomas was told a long list of rules as they made their way downstairs to the slaves area. The slave pointed out their sleeping quarters where he was shown his assigned bunk, and it was explained to him that the slave he shared the bunk with, would be the slave he would share grooming duties with. He was shown the dungeons and it was explained to him that there would be regular bondage sessions, something that Tomas was definitely not looking forward too. Particularly when he remembered some of the things both he, and his former friends had done to some of their subs, and they hadn't had half the equipment that was in these well-appointed dungeons.

The slave took Tomas upstairs to the Masters private quarters, and as they were walking down one of the passageways, they heard someone coming. So both slaves stood with their backs to the wall and eyes downcast to wait for whoever it was to pass them by. "Ah, slave; is this one of the new slaves? Speak."

"Yes, Master, this is a new arrival, Master."

"Good. My he is a fine piece of flesh, isn't he!" He said as he started to run his hands over Tomas' body. He cupped and weighed his balls in his hand, and then moved to his cock. Rolled his foreskin back and expected the glands. When he had finished with his cock and balls, he went to open Tomas' mouth to inspect inside it, but Tomas made to pull back, and he got backhanded across the face so hard that he fell to the floor, with his ears ringing.

"How dare you pull away from one of your betters, you worthless piece of shit." He said angrily, "speak."

"I'm sorry, Master..." Tomas started as he got up from off the ground, "but?"

Tomas was knocked to the ground again. "You dare to question me! One of your betters, boy! Do you think I care what you think? Speak."

"No. Master, sorry Master, you just touched my cock and was then going to put your?"

Tomas got knocked to the ground again, before he could finish. This time the Master put his booted foot on top of Tomas' cock and started to grind it with his boot. "Do you still believe I care about what you think slave? Speak"

The pain emanating from his cock was excruciating, and Tomas was trying very hard not to show just how painful it was, "No, Master," he said in a strained voice.

"Good," replied the Master as he continued to grind Tomas' cock with his boot, "you fuckin' worthless piece of shit. If I want you to eat horse shit, then that is what you will eat. Do you understand, slave. Speak"

"Yes, Master, I'm sorry Master." He said with tears rolling down his face from the pain in his cock.

The Master leaned all his weight onto the leg grinding Tomas' cock, causing the pain to increase, "Good. Now stand up I want to finish inspecting you." He stopped grinding Tomas' cock with his boot and Tomas slowly got to his feet, and the Master re-examined his cock and balls, pulling back his foreskin again and checking the glands, then he stood up and opened Tomas' mouth and inspected his teeth and gums. He told Tomas to bend over while he inspected his arse, then without any warning or lube, he shoved his whole finger up his poor sore hole, and while he was wiggling his finger around inside his hole he asked Tomas if he was a virgin, and giving Tomas permission to speak. Tomas confirmed that he was a virgin. As the Master had finished examining his hole, he told Tomas to stand up and this time when he presented his finger to be cleaned Tomas licked and sucked the Masters' finger clean for him.

The Master turned to leave, and as he walked past the slave that Tomas was with, the Master told him to make sure they were both in the first dungeon room in five minutes. Then without a backwards glance he left. When they couldn't hear his footsteps anymore the slave led them back the way the way they had come. "What's happening?"

"I'm to be punished."

"What for?"

"Because you dared to question one of our betters?"

"Yes, but why are you being punished, for?"

"Because, I am the one who is supposed to teach you how to behave," He hissed at Tomas, "so, because you refused to let one of our betters to do whatever he wanted to you. I obviously was lax in my teaching you?"

"But that's not fair?" Tomas replied outraged.

The slave turned on him, "Don't you get it yet! You and me, we're nothing but livestock. A beast for them to sell and make a profit on. Concepts like good and bad, fair or unfair, do not apply to us. We are only here until our better's judge us to be ready to be sold, or whatever they decide to do to us. Now if it we are to be sold, then we will be sold to the highest bidder, whoever that might be. Where ever in the world, they might be. The likes of us do not get a say in what happens to us. If our new Master wants us to be gelded. Then gelded we will be. If our new Master wants your cock cut off. Then they will cut you cock off. If he wants half your head cut off, then that is what they will do to us. Now do you understand? We are nothing but animals. In fact, we are worth less than animals." Turning and walking away from Tomas, he said over his shoulder, "Hurry up or I am going to be late for my punishment session, and that means I will have to have even more punishment."

The slave led Tomas back down to the slaves' area, in the basement, and entered the first dungeon they came to. The slave pointed to a spot on the floor and told Tomas not to move from the spot, he then walked over and stood facing the other wall. Shortly after they had arrived the Master entered the dungeon. He smacked Tomas to the ground, "Why are we here slave? Speak"

"I was disobedient, Master," replied Tomas as he got to his feet.

"Good boy. Now why is the other slave being punished? Speak."

"Because, I hadn't learnt my lesson properly, Master."

"Good boy. And whose fault is that? Speak."

"Mine, Master."

"Then why am I punishing the other slave?"

"Um?" He started to say, when the Master smacked him to the ground again, with a savage backhand to the face. "Did I give you permission to speak, hmm, boy? Do you think you're my equal, slave?" he spat at Tomas, "Is that it? Do you think I care about what you think? The only reason I am teaching you, is because this worthless slave," he continued pointing to the slave against the far wall, "has not the good sense to teach you how you are to behave in the presence of your betters. That is why we are here. That is why I have had to make the time in my busy schedule, to come down here and teach you how to fuckin' behave in front of your betters. Do you understand now, you fuckin' piece of worthless crap? Speak."

"Yes, Master, but I should?"

"Shut the fuck up," the Master screamed at Tomas. He stalked over to the rack of whips, picked up a riding crop and stalked back to Tomas, and before Tomas had time to register what was going to happen to him, or get to his feet to try to fend off the blows, the Master started to beat him as he lay on the ground.

Tomas had never been struck by a riding crop before in his life let alone by one in anger, without realising it, because he was trying to deal with being hit by the riding crop, he pissed all over the floor. The Master kept hitting him until he stopped pissing, "How dare you piss in my presence without permission, you fuckin' stupid slave. You worthless piece of crap. Now. I am going to beat him," the Master continued pointing at the other slave, "Until you have licked up all this piss you have decided to produce all over the floor. Is that understood? Speak." He said with venom.

"Yes, Master," Tomas said, and without another thought of what he was about to do, he scrambled up on all fours and started to lick and suck up the large pool of his urine that was slowly spreading out all over the floor. Meanwhile the Master walked over to the other slave and started to whip his back and butt with the riding crop he had in his hand.

Every swish that Tomas heard drove him to try and suck up his urine as fast as he could. When he thought he had finished, Tomas cast an eye over the rest of the floor but couldn't see any more urine anywhere. But when Tomas looked over at the Master, trying to work out how he could possibly tell him that he had cleaned every drop of urine from off the floor. To his horror he noticed that he had got piss on the Masters shoes, so he scrambled over to the Master, still on his hands and knees, and proceeded to lick and suck every last drop of urine he could find on his Masters shoes. When he had finally finished he sat back on his haunches, felling very retched as he tried to think of some way to tell his Master that he had finally finished, when he realised that he could feel some urine dripping off his chin. So then he set to and wiped all the urine he could off his face and licked his fingers clean. He did the same for the drops of urine he could find on his chest and abs.

The Master must have been watching Tomas closely, because when he had settled himself back on his haunches, he stopped beating the other slave. He threw the riding crop on the ground and left the dungeon.

When they could no longer hear the sound of the Masters footsteps, the slave slowly sank to the floor. He laid face down on the floor and stayed there for quite some time, and while he was lying there Tomas checked his back to see if the Master had broken his skin. Tomas helped him to his feet, when he was ready, and leaning his weight on Tomas he told him to help him back to their quarters and he would show him where they kept the salve just for these occasions. When Tomas asked if he shouldn't go to hospital, the slave just laughed at him, "You still don't get it. Do you, you dumb fuck! There's no hospital for the likes of us. They can do whatever the fuck they like. We are nothing, but so much livestock. Now fuck off and leave me alone."

So Tomas left him on his bunk and went and sat on his own bunk, feeling very dejecting, and reminding himself that this is the kind of life he had wanted to, and had in actual fact, inflicted onto another person. Tomas buried his face in his pillow and cried.

Next: Chapter 3

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