The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Jun 11, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

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By Bastian Ward

"Good evening, your Royal Highnesses, Maharajas', Maharanis', my Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, for tonight's auction we believe we have a house slave of exceptional beauty for sale tonight, but more about it a bit later. I am Stieg and, as usual, I will be your auctioneer for this evening.

As per usual, those of you who have decided to be present in person will get a chance, in a few moments, to physically check out all the livestock that we will be auctioning off tonight.

As per usual all the livestock we will be selling here tonight will be sold with all their body hair intact, for those of you who are offended by such base sights; naturally, you will have selected the option to have the hairless view shown on your computer screens. For those of you who are in countries where nudity is a criminal offence, your view is permanently set with the clothing option for all slaves.

All prices of the slaves are mentioned in American dollars, for those of you who are attending by remote access, you, of course, can select to view the price in whatever currency you wish.

All payments must be finalised within 10mins of the collusion of the sale of any given slave. If payment has not been received, then the slave will be resold after that time, and the person who won the bid, but not finalised the payment, will be penalised the usual 50% of their last bid.

All slaves have been issued with a full medical certificate, as well as their required death certificate from the country of origin. All of our livestock carries our brand, that to date, has not been able to be copied, but we do insist that you check all the relevant documentation that comes with the slave, and if you can prove we have misrepresented the slave, then we will refund all monies in full, less the usual accounting fees, of course.

Any and all modifications will be carried out under the most hygienic conditions, by our fully qualified medical staff, and as per usual we will hold the slave for you for a further 3-6 months to ensure that the slave has fully recovered from any modifications you required.

A full list of modifications and their prices are available online or can be perused in the brochures you were handed as you entered the building tonight.

As usual, any and all links are continuously monitored to ensure both yours and our, safety and anonymity. As I am sure you are all aware that the sale of our livestock is prohibited all over the world, but we here at `Livestock International' recognised the niche market that existed and aveis fulfilling that need in the market. Admirably, if I do say so myself, and I do. If you have any further questions, then please feel free to peruse your catalogue, or click on the appropriate computer links, and I am sure that all your questions will be answered. If not, then if you are here present for this evening' auction, please fill free to ask one of our staff in blue. If you are joining us online, then please talk to our online host or hostess, and I am sure they will be able to answer any queries you may have.

Now, that we have performed all the formalities of the evening. We will now bring out all the slaves, so that those of you who are here in person may examine them for yourselves. As usual, all of our slaves have been conditioned to being examined in this way, but if any slave, for whatever reason, appears a bit skittish, then just indicate to one of the guards, and they will subdue `it'. We will allow 45mins for this to occur and we will start the auction immediately afterwards.

Having finished his spiel, all the slaves were brought out from the holding area, and were tethered by their chains, hanging from their guiches, to rings set into the floor, so that they may be freely examined by anyone who wished to, and were unable to shy away from anyone who wanted to examine them.

Gabby, Vince and the other boys that accompanied them remained in their seats. They weren't here to buy a slave, to be honest, they were just waiting until Brendan was sold, but they did watch with a great deal of interest as all the slaves were led out onto the holding area and tethered to the rings set into the floor. Brendan stood out due to his physic, his now, all over milky white skin, which contrasted so well with his raven black hair, and the lighting really brought out his naturally occurring blue highlights. Due to his new station in life, he was completely naked, as were all the other slaves. It seemed to the boys that everyone wanted to get their hands on Brendan, for the full 45mins, Brendan didn't have a minute without at least one hand examining some part of his anatomy, with, it seemed to the boys, a lot of attention being paid his genitalia. They also noticed that a lot of the other people who were present had personal cameras mounted somewhere about their head, obviously for someone who was watching the auction remotely.

Gabby always marvelled about the level of control that had been trained into their slaves, because it didn't seem to matter how many people, were examining Brendan's' cock and balls, he never seemed to get aroused in any way. Almost everyone, who was examining the slaves, had Brendan bend over and had shoved at least one finger up his pretty pink, rosebud of a hole.

By the end of the 45mins, after watching everyone examining Brendan so thoroughly, most of the boys were sporting an erection to some degree or other, and they fervently wished they could make use of some of Brendan's services. But thankfully for the boys, their cocks had started to deflate as the auction got underway, and they were able to make themselves more comfortable with a minimal rearranging of their collective crotches.

Everyone had resumed their seats, and the auction got underway. The field slaves were sold first, and Ted was surprised because none of the slaves were sold for under 150,000.00 American dollars. As Ted flicked through the catalogue, he could see that all the field slaves were conditioned to wearing a saddle and were capable of bearing at least 125kg, as well as being conditioned to pull all manner of jigs, carts, and wagons, either singularly or in a team. And were all capable of putting in a full day's work under any conditions.

When all the payments had been finalised for the field slaves, the auction moved onto the house slaves, of which there were six being auctioned off tonight. An expectant hush fell over the crowd as the auction for them got underway. The first two were each sold for more than $250,000.00, while the following three went for more than 500,000.00, but the boys were chaffing at the bit to see what Brendan would bring at auction, and after the payments had been finalised for the previous five house slaves. It was Brendan's turn on the block, and the boys couldn't help themselves, and they started to salivate.

Stieg banged his gravel to get everyone's attention. When silence had descended on the room again, Brendan was brought out onto the platform. "Tonight, your Royal Highnesses, Maharajas', Maharanis', my Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe we have here one of the finest pieces of man flesh we have ever had the privilege to offer you here at Livestock International'. It is very proficient with computers, is very good at accounting, and all aspects of office work. It is also an excellent cook, and a list of its' sexual prowess, and sexual duties it is able to perform, you will find are all listed in the catalogues you were given on your arrival, or you can find listed online in its' statistics. I must confess that our expectations for this slave are very high, who knows maybe tonight is the night that we break our own record for the most substantial sum paid for a single slave.

Now without further ado, we will begin, who wants to open the bidding at say $150,000.00." With that Brendan's auction was off. In a few bids he had already reached the $300,000.00 which was more than the other house slaves went for, and there was no sign of the auction slowing down. At the $500,000.00-mark, the boys thought it would slow down, but no, the bids were still coming in thick and fast. At $750,000.00 the boys couldn't believe it; all they could see was the money that they stood to get from the sale of `it'.

Still, the bids were rolling in. At the $1,000,000.00 mark, the boys gave up trying to predict just how much it' would actually sell for, so far it was certainly more than the other house slaves went for and they all broke out in a cold sweat just thinking about all the money they stood to make on it'.

The bidding didn't show any signs of slowing down until the price had reached $1,500,000.00, and it was only then that the boys were aware of how many bidders had actually dropped off. As far as they could work out, there were only a couple of people left in the room who were still bidding, but he didn't know how many bidders were still left online.

Sure it' was a fine piece of flesh and had turned into a very compliant slave, which would do any task set for it' to perform, be that around the house, the office, or in the bedroom.

Ted was broken out of his musings when he heard Stieg say that the price was $2,100,000.00, and he counted it off for the first time, the second time, and brought his gravel down, and Tomas was actually sold for the princely sum of $2,100,000.00. A hush settled over the room while they waited for the prerequisite 10mins to see if the sum would actually be paid or not.

When the 10mins were up, it was confirmed that someone had actually paid $2,100,000.00 for the second time ever for a slave sold at Livestock International, and the boys realised that they had just made 1,600,000.00 American dollars. And without so much as a backward glance at `it' they left the room with all the other customers, but instead of leaving the building with the other customers, they went down to Stieg's office and waited.

30mins later Stieg entered his office, and they all shook hands. Stieg got them all drinks and offered Ted a seat.

Stieg explained to them all the modifications that had been ordered, as he looked at his tablet computer, "Um, let's see. The new owner wants him microchipped, obviously, as well as some additional piercings, and they are thinking about a few other `improvements' that they will need to request within the next 48hrs.

Then when its' recovered from its' surgeries we will ship it' off overseas to its' new owner."

"Oh, so he was sold internationally, then?"

"Yes, gentlemen, he was sold to someone in the Middle East I believe. I have no need for that kind of information. All I am interested in now is that the required modifications are paid for, and carried out, without any damage to it', so we can then send it' off to the new owner, and we get to keep our money."

"So, it will be alright as it travels overseas?" Gabby asked.

"Yes, we have special cargo boxes for just that purpose, and we have someone travel with the cargo to ensure that no harm comes to the merchandise' during shipment, and to see that it' is delivered in good condition to the buyer. But don't worry boys, we have been doing this for a long time, and we haven't lost a single slave yet."

"Fuck, I'd love to have seen the other slave that sold for even more than this one," one of the boys piped up.

"Oh," said Stieg, "I'd think you boys would be very surprised if you knew."

The boys finished up their drinks and accepted the proffered cheque from Stieg, being their share of the sale of Brendan. Stieg stuck out his hand and shook any and all proffered hands, "I hope we can do business again soon, boys. Have a good night now," and with that Stieg ushered the boys into the lift and saw them off the premises. The boys got into their respective vehicles and drove off into the night.

Brendan, along with the other slaves being returned to the Farm were all loaded into their boxes for transport back to the Farm. Brendan felt the sting of the injection in his arm and, to him, the next thing he knew his box was being unloaded from the back of the truck. When Brendan had gained full use of his legs again, he was taken back into the house and sent back down to the slave quarters under the house, to await what was to come next. The following morning, after he'd assisted his bunkmate to attend to his morning toilet, Brendan discovered that, as he was going to be spending a few months at the farm, he was to be shaved again. So, he submitted to his bunkmate shaving his head and working his way down Brendan's body his bunkmate shaved off all the hair he could find with the clippers. Having got all the hair, he could with the clippers, Brendan's bunkmate then proceeded to lather up Brendan's body and razored all the remaining stubble on Brendan's body. When it was required, Brendan bent over and spread his arse cheeks so that his bunkmate could shave his hole as well. When they had attended to Brendan's shave, he discovered which Master he was assigned to, too shower that day. Then making his way upstairs he went and found his Master was still asleep in bed, so after he got everything ready for the Masters' shower, Brendan crawled under the bed covers. And sucking the Masters' cock in his mouth he proceeded to suck the Masters' cock to life, effectively waking the Master at the same time. Before he could cum, the Master kicked Brendan out of his bed, and leading the way, the Master' walked into the shower and allowed Brendan to shower and shave him. Having attended to the Masters' toilet, Brendan assisted the Master to get dressed, and when Brendan had completed getting the Master dressed, he busied himself cleaning up the bathroom and making the Masters' bed and cleaning his bedroom. Brendan was then informed that he had to attend the shed, so Brendan went downstairs and out the back door and crossing the yard he walked into the shed. One of the guards beckoned him over to one of the transportation boxes that was open leaning against the wall of the shed. Brendan, obligingly, not that he really had a choice, stood against the base of the box so that he could be strapped in. When they had attached the chain, that was hanging from Brendan's guiche to the ring set into the baseboard that Brendan was standing on, and he felt the sting on the inside of his elbow. Which was the drug being administered they used to knock out all their slaves. Unbeknownst to Brendan at this point, the top cover was attached to the box, then the box, with Brendan secured inside was loaded onto the truck. And Brendan made the journey back to Melbourne and The Silo'. When the truck reached `The Silo' his box, with him in it, was unloaded from the back of truck. The top cover was removed and they waited for the drugs to wear off and for Brendan to wake up.

He was given some clothes to wear, and the pants were so tight anyone could clearly see his cock and balls outlined in his crotch with his cock snaking down his leg. Brendan knew better than to say anything, he was told to get into the waiting car, and was driven to Prahran to get his Frenum Piercing. As a request from his new owner, they had with them the specifications of the ring that the new owner wanted to be inserted into it, and the Piercer made the opening big enough to accommodate it. The Piercer then pierced Brendan's navel, and having had his cock and navel pierced, Brendan was transported back to The Silo' so that he could be transported back to the farm'. When he reached `the farm', Brendan was given a few weeks for his new piercing to heal, and while he was waiting for it to heal he attended his Turkish classes.

A couple of months after he'd been pierced Brendan was ordered to report to the medical wing, which was housed in the squat building behind the big house were all the `slaves' were processed. Brendan walked across the backyard and presented himself to the medical wing. He had to stand and wait at the counter until one of the Staff deigned to notice him, when he was asked, Brendan told the attendant that he had to attend, but wasn't sure why. The attendant checked his calendar and told Brendan to follow, with that the attendant walked away towards one of the rooms, while Brendan, being the good slave that he now was, dutifully followed along behind him. Brendan was led into a room with an old man sitting at a workbench. The attendant left and the man had Brendan stand on a platform that was no higher than a desk, naturally having no other option, Brenan complied and stood on the platform. The old man picked up a length of gold chain that had been lying on the bench in front of him. The man told Brendan to squat, and Brendan complied, and when he did the man threaded one end of the gold chain through Brendan's guiche piercing, and then told Brendan to stand up. While he was standing there the man looped one end of the gold chain around one of Brendan's ankles, and having done that the man picked up his electric soldering iron. The man very carefully welded the end link which the man passed through another link in the gold chain and then the man soldered the link closed, after first placing a piece of wood between Brendan's skin and the chain. Now, Brendan, nor anyone else for that matter could remove the chain from that ankle without first breaking it. When he'd finished, the man took the other end of the gold chain and fastened that around Brendan's other ankle. When the chain had cooled enough the man removed the pieces of wood and set to filing the soldered link so that it would be very difficult to see the join. When the man was happy with his work he had Brendan lay down on the bench, and sliding his chair over, the man examined the Frenum Piercing site. Even though the man took very careful measurements he wasn't sure that the ring was going to fit, or if it did it would be a very tight fit, but it had to be done. The man removed the silicone implant and then threaded the gold ring through the opening, the man was right, it was a very tight fit, but thankfully the skin would stretch. The man placed a bit of wood between the ring and Brendan's penis, and the man very carefully soldered the ring closed. When the ring had cooled the man filed the weld site so that it appeared as though the ring was seamless, as Brendan's owner intended. When the man declared himself finished, he sent Brendan out of his room so he could clean up.

Brendan was sent back to the big house, and Brendan was surprised with the weight of the ring around the head of his cock, to Brendan it felt like he had a bowling ball hanging off his cock. Brendan knew it couldn't possibly weigh that much, but still. And as for the new chain it kept getting caught up in the chain that was already hanging from his guiche, which pissed Brendan off a treat. When Brendan got back to the big house, he was sent down to the slaves' quarters to rest, just to ensure that there was no problem with the gold ring in Brendan's Frenum. As Brendan walked past a mirror, he stopped and turned to see what he looked like now and was surprised to see that there was a white stone embedded into the ring. Brendan liked the way it caught the light and reflected it back. He thought it complimented the stone already hanging from his navel piercing rather well. Brendan went and laid on his bunk and cursed every time he turned over as it felt as though he had to physically pick up his cock and move it with him. It seemed to weigh a tonne now, and Brendan thought he'd never get used to it. Over the next couple of days as Brendan went about his duties in the house, attended his language lessons, and his regular bondage sessions, as well as attending his assigned `Master's' morning toilet and cleaning up after him, Brendan was learning to get used to the new weight of his ringed cock. Because of the weight of the ring around his cock, it not only hung lower, but it forced his nuts back towards his thighs more so it seemed as though he was slapping the back of his nuts with his thigh with every step he took. When he sat or laid down, it felt as though his cock was trying to keep his nuts apart, which was a totally new sensation for Brendan, and it was one he thought he'd never get used too. It seemed, to Brendan, that the ring on his cock was forcing his genitalia back onto the ever-present chain that hung from his guiche piercing, and Brendan spent a lot of time experimenting with his gait trying to find an acceptable way to walk around without his genitalia getting fouled up with his chain.

When he was in school' and learning Turkish, he spent most of his time on his feet, or when he had a test, he spent it in bondage shackled to the wall of the classroom and for any answers he got wrong he was flogged. This way he was forced to really concentrate on his lessons and in particular his pronunciations of the Turkish language. This way The Farm' ensured that Brendan would be fluent in Turkish by the time he had to leave `The Farm'.

By the time he'd had the ring inserted into his frenum piercing for a month Brendan barely registered that the ring was there, the only times he was truly conscious of it was when he was attending to his own toilet.

It took Brendan eight weeks to become proficient in Turkish enough for the Masters to decide that it was time to send him to his new Master. Consequently, it was decided that it was time for him to stop shaving his body hair. The Dr's at `The Farm' were now doing daily tests to ensure that Brendan was in perfect health for his journey to Turkey and his new life.

Brendan had been prepped for his trip, and Keane arrived at the farm on the day of Brendan's flight. Keane checked all of Brendan's vital signs, and then had him lay on the table so Keane could insert his catheter and attached the drainage bags to the catheter, and they were all set. Brendan walked out to the shed carrying his catheter bags and sat in the pod that he would be transported in. Keane made sure that the drip was inserted into Brendan's arm correctly before he gave Brendan the injection to put him to sleep. Keane attached all the electrodes that would give Keane a constant update on Brendan's health, and then Keane attached the outlet from the liquid flowmeter that would control the drugs that would keep Brendan in a drugged coma for the length of the trip, into the drip. So, now barring any unforeseen accidents, Brendan would sleep through the entire trip to Istanbul. Keane closed and sealed Brendan's container, and it was loaded into the dummy container that looked like it was a refrigerated container, which in actual fact contained oxygen cylinders that Keane connected to Brendan's container. Then the whole thing was sealed shut, when Keane was happy with the set-up, and loaded into the back of one of the trucks and taken to Tullamarine Airport to catch its flight for the first part of the journey, from Melbourne to Dubai. Keane took his luggage off the truck and entered the airport terminal to check in, while the driver took Brendan, inside his travelling box, around to the cargo receiving bays. Where it was unloaded and checked in for the same flight as Keane was on, by Staff who worked for the Masters', this was how they avoided any close scrutiny of any of their cargo, they employed staff' at all the major air and shipping ports to ensure their `cargo' got through customs and loaded onto the appropriate conveyance.

The cargo was loaded on-board Keane's flight safely, and Keane checked that his onboard computer was receiving the data from Brendan's cargo box, and when Keane was happy with the information, he was receiving. He settled back into his seat in business class and prepared to monitor Brendan's box for the next 14 hours.

They'd been in the air for about 2.5hrs when Keane noticed that Brendan appears to have developed a heart murmur. Keane, surreptitiously checked the other passengers around him to ensure that no one was paying him or his handheld computer any close attention, and as no one seemed to be concerned with what he was doing. He ran a full set of diagnostics, paying close attention to all of the data he was receiving from Brendan's box. As all the systems appeared to working normally, Keane decided that he needed to have a look inside Brendan's box. So, he switched on the light and camera in Brendan's box and studied the image very closely, and it looked as though one of the stickers that the electrodes were connected to had come loose from Brendan's skin. Keane now had to decide if he could live with the fact that he may be getting a false reading from that electrode, or did he want to go down into the hold and rectify the situation. Everything looked normal on his visual of Brendan, but he knew that there would be no physical sign that he could see if Brendan had developed a heart murmur. Keane decided to err on the side of caution, and he quietly caught the eye of one of the Flight Attendants and explained that he needed to check something in the cargo hold. They argued back and forth for a bit, but eventually, Keane was allowed to access the cargo hold, and even though one of the Flight Attendant insisted on going with him they stayed far enough away that they couldn't see what he was doing to his container. Keane entered the unlocking code and finished with his thumbprint that the container monitored for a heartbeat before it would open. For just this emergency there was some dry ice kept in a container so that when the container was opened, there was some seemingly condensation released from the refrigerated container. Keane quickly opened the Brenden's container and reattached the loose sticker. He watched on his hand-held computer and saw that he now had a regular steady heartbeat. Keane checked all of Brendan's vitals manually, slid his hand between Brendan's back and the Roe Hoe mattress to ensure it was working correctly. Keane also slid his hand under Brendan's naked butt to check the Roe Hoe mattress there as well. And only when Keane was satisfied that everything was now working correctly, he then resealed the containers, ensuring the locking mechanism had locked properly. He thanked the Flight Attendant and made his way back to his seat, and settled in to monitor Brendan remotely, but there were no more incidents during the flight.

Keane breathed a sigh of relief when they eventually touched down in Dubai; thankfully they would only be on the ground for 90 minutes before they made their connecting flight. Technically there should be no problems with their cargo' as everything should be just loaded off one plane and onto the next plane. And while the Maters' had people on the ground in all the international airports they may have to travel through; the United Arab Emirates were a Muslim nation. And while it's true that slavery is outlawed around the world, there are still places in the world where it is looked on as an archaic, but acceptable practice, it is still illegal though, even in those countries. Brendan is 2.1 million dollars of merchandise that Keane was responsible for. Consequently, Keane found his way down to the tarmac and personally supervised the unloading and reloading of his cargo. While the container was on the tarmac, it was moved to an out of the way loading bay, so that Keane could physically check on all the equipment to ensure that Brendan would arrive alive in Istanbul almost 5hrs later. When Keane had seen the container safely on the right plane, he made his way back up to the check-in area and checked in for the final leg of their flight.

When they arrived in Istanbul, no one paid the cargo too much mind. Consequently, Keane's cargo was loaded onto the back of their truck and transported to the hotel that Keane was going to be staying in. While the container was in the back of the truck, Keane opened both containers, and with the assistance from the truck driver and his offsider, they manhandled Brendan into a wheelchair. After Keane had checked in, they took the unconscious Brendan up to Keane's room in the goods elevator. Once in Keane's room, the men laid Brendan out on his bed, and after the other men had left, Keane set to checking that Brendan didn't have any marks or sores from his flight. Having ascertained that he was in perfect condition, Keane set about lowering the doses of the drugs that were keeping Brendan in his induced coma, and effectively began waking him up. Keane and Brendan spent a total of ten days in the hotel room because once Brendan was awake, Keane had to ensure that Brendan suffered from no lasting effects. Keane had to get Brendan up and moving around to ensure that Brendan had no lasting physical effects from his trip and being smuggled from one country to another. Keane ensured that Brendan's piercing sites were all intact as well as the two ends of the gold chain that were welded closed around Brendan's ankles running through his guiche piercing. As well as the gold ring that went through Brendan's Frenum piercing, which was also welded closed. This way anyone who saw him in the Mammon knew instantly that he was a slave and what his purpose for being there was.

After ten days, Keane dressed Brendan in the clothes that were provided for him by his new owner, but first, he had to shave him to his new owner's specifications. While the United Emirates is a Muslim nation, and Brendan was circumcised because of that, his owner did not want all of Brendan's pubic hair removed. As a non-believer, that rule technically did not apply to Brendan, but as he was to be servicing Muslim patrons, Brendan's pubic bush had to be trimmed very close to the skin. So, it would appear as though only a shadow of it could be seen; it was hopped by his new owner to remind his patrons that Brendan was an infidel' and a slave to boot, and as such could have pubic hair. But not enough as to offend his patrons altogether, as his new owner expected to make a lot of money from hiring out Brendan's services'. The clothes consisted of a pair of pantaloons that only went halfway down his calves, and even though there was a lot of material in the pantaloons to make them formless. It was a very light material, and in the right light it was possible to see Brendan's genitalia in all their glory, and as he now only had a shadow of his pubic bush, it only served to encourage men to want to see more. As the material was so light, it naturally fell into the cleft of Brendan's arse cheeks, so that no one was left in any doubt as to whether Brendan was wearing any underwear underneath, nor to the approximate size of his bubble butt. Brendan's hair, at his new owner's request, had been let to grow for the past couple of months, so that by the time he reached Istanbul his hair flowed in a black mane down his back, just past his shoulders. So, as he walked to the Mammon, the growing crowd of men could see the blue highlights as the sun played across Brendan's raven back hair. Brendan also wore a flowing silken top that clung to outline Brendan's muscles in his chest and abdomen. So much so, that by the time they had arrived at the Mammon, there was quite a crowd of men following behind the pair, surreptitiously of course. But you can bet that most of them made a mental note as to where the pair were going and only dispersed when they entered the front door of the Mammon. All of which had been observed by Brendan's new owner, from one of the upper windows, as Keane and Brendan walked up the street to his establishment.

When Keane introduced himself to the Receptionist, they were shown to a staircase that led up into the building from off the reception area. They were met at the top of the stairs by a man in the long flowing pantaloons that Brendan was to see on all the administration employees; the man ushered them into a suite of rooms. The first being almost an antechamber to a very large room with scattered cushions all over the floor with a cleared area in the middle as well as large hookahs spaced around the room, where the man left them. They didn't have to wait very long before another portly gentleman entered the room from the other side. He walked up to Keane and shook his hand and greeted him. After Keane returned the greeting, the man indicated a cushion for Keane to sit on. He turned to Brendan and told him to strip, which he did, and after Brendan had divested himself of his clothing, his new owner stepped up and inspected Brendan. He ran his hands over Brendan's skin feeling the muscles under Brendan's skin, while he was being examined Brendan stood passively. Having run his hands over Brendan's chest and abdomen, he bade Brendan to turn around, which Brendan did, and his new owner ran his hands over Brendan's back. He ran his hands over Brendan's buttocks, and pushing Brendan in the small of his back, without any preamble he shoved one finger up Brendan's very tight hole. Having determined Brendan's virginity status, he pulled his finger out, and clapping his hands together, waited for a boy to bring him a bowl and towel so he could wash his hands. Having attended to his hands, Brendan's owner continued to inspect the rest of Brendan starting with his guiche piercing, and the ring inserted into it. He felt the weight of the chain that was running through Brendan's ring in his guiche, then continued down Brendan's legs. He had Brendan turn around so his new owner could inspect the gold ring encircling Brendan's cock, just under the mushroom head. He hefted Brendan's balls and rolled them in his hand before he let them go. Seemingly happy with his inspection, and with Brendan, Brendan's new owner left him standing there and went over and joined Keane on the cushions. The man clapped his hands again, and a boy brought in a tray with an assortment of sweetmeats, and after placing the tray within easy reach of the two men. He lit the hookah closest to them, and Brendan's new owner offered one of the mouthpieces to Keane who accepted, and both men sat and smoked while they ate and talked about the trip and settled any other business they had. Brendan's new owner introduced himself to Keane as Vihn, and the two men continued chatting, completely ignoring Brendan as he stood naked in front of them.

When Vinh and Keane had concluded their business, Vinh clapped his hands, again and again, a boy came out, but this time he was bearing what looked to Brendan to be nothing but a strip of filmy cloth. The boy handed it to Brendan, and Vinh told him to put it on. When the boy gave it to Brendan, Brendan could then see that it consisted of a waistband with two long strips of filmy cloth hanging from it. When he had opened it up, Brendan could see the thin cord that Brendan could use to tie it up with. So, Brendan stepped into the waistband with the narrow strip at the back and the wider strip at the front and pulled it up and tied it closed. Now, all Keane could clearly see through the material was the `V' of Brendan's pubic hair and a faint outline of his genitalia, but Vinh seemed very pleased with Brendan's new outfit. As the two strips were hemmed with a pattern that ran down the sides and across the bottom of both strips of cloth, in cottons of blue, green, and yellow. Keene had to admit that the loincloth looked quite regal hanging down the front and back of Brendan. Vinh had Brendan turn on the spot so that both men could appreciate the full effect of Brendan's new outfit.

Vihn asked Keane if Brendan had been taught to dance, and Keene confirmed that he had, so Vinh clapped his hands again, and some musicians came into the room and started to play. Brendan began to move with the music, standing on the spot and moving his hips seductively before his upper body joined in, and after Brendan had been dancing for a little while. Vihn had the musicians stop. "But this is no good, Keane, how are my guest supposed to think that he wants them if it hangs in front of him like a piece of limp wet cord?"

"Oh," replied Keane, "it is very simple Sir, just tell him to get hard." With that Keane told Brendan to get hard while he dances.

Vihn clapped his hands again, and the musicians started to play again. This time while Brendan danced his cock slowly became hard, but because of the weight of the gold ring encircling the head of his cock, it did not rise very high. Vinh explained to Keane that that was because no self-respecting male wants to see another males' erect member, but they do want to see their slave to be aroused with desire. And the two men laughed companionably together, while Keane watched the cushion-cut diamond, set into the ring that encircled Brendan's cock, pick up and reflect the light from all the lamps around the room. As well as the tear-shaped diamond that now hung from Brendan's navel piercing, it also reflected the light from the lamps in the room and appeared to sparkle that much more. Vihn clapped his hands again and this time he told the boy, in Turkish, to take Brendan to his rooms, and after Brendan had been led away. Keane pulled a sheaf of paper out of his bag, and had Vihn sign a couple of them, which Keane returned to his bag, and the sale of Brendan was official. Well, as official as it can be to sell one person to another as their personal slave. Keane was show back downstairs and he went back to his hotel, packed his belongings and leaving the hotel, went and caught his flight home. This time he was able to relax all the way as he had no livestock to keep an eye on.

Brendan's suite of rooms, used to be storage area for the wood required to fuel the fire that heated the pools and buildings of the bathhouse, now that it was all fired by natural gas they had no use for the storages rooms, until now that is. One room was set up as Brendan's bedroom, while another room was set up as a mini gym, and the last room was set up as Brendan's bathroom. Naturally none of the rooms had any doors or any kind of coverings over the openings. The suite of rooms had an old iron grate door to keep people from stealing the wood, originally, but now it served to lock Brendan in his suite of rooms when his services were not required upstairs. But Brendan didn't have to worry about that too much as he was going to be in great demand upstairs, particularly after Vihn had advertised Brendan's presence in his establishment. Yes, Brendan was going to make Vihn a lot of money.

Vihn lost no time in advertising the fact that Brendan's virginity was to be sold to the highest bidder. Consequently, a bidding war erupted, particularly after Brendan was allowed to wander the building to his heart's content, but, as a slave, he was never going to be allowed to leave. Brendan's creamy coloured skin set him apart from the employees of the Mammon, in fact, it set him apart from being Turkish, and more than one customer lusted after Brendan as he walked around the building. Until his virginity was sold, Vihn would not allow Brendan to be alone with any of his patrons, so he employed two black Africans to guard Brendan wherever he went inside the bathhouse. Including to the toilet.

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